The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 05, 1900, Image 8

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    ■mmwwwa ■ _ .. a i. ttt
Lioaal I7iws.
Hmpfj Sow Tnr.
The aoow t* dtaapp eon tig
Aod mow It t* Judge Angler
I>r. Romine. tbe»lenti>t
Baeckner. the fttH tit it t» lor
M*u W. H William* a reported
tho nice l ot
S <#. Fair of Rex aside w»s a county
aeat t Alter Hoc da y
Kmarono Smith of Litchfield waa in
the city
Howry Miller waa the recipient of ail
the joya of Woodcraft Tuesday n‘gbt
Torre are tamil Mates tuea out of a
}oh la Sherman ooonty nine# yeatrrday
C Mono of the city of Hazard, waa
prana tag tho dlgita of old triooda io the
rtty yeaterday.
▲ Bocoo. opt it Ian will be in I »e city
January tok nth bead juarter* at W
T. Chaoca drag more.
Tho Soahodnm of Sherman county,
are look lag oeor the doinga of tbecoun
ty oAciaia the week
Aa inferential letter (rein Mr i'ed
dxcorJ of tho 3Sod Vol. now in Luton
will appear next week.
W G McNoity haa quit dray lag aad
t « worth d cent* a ton*
cool jom aa it oaed to he
Aified Wiiooa aad Will Melick. were
ahowa the myetere* of the Workmen
Lodge laat Thuraday night.
Mr Swaa»oo of Hazard waa a pieaa
aot Wcdneaday. He left a large
dim dollar for the artkuidi. see! |
Bee. MrCahan waa the 'avored gue-t J
of »oo» of hi* loop dpr, and Rockville
fnooda oa Chnauaaa and New Years
Willie Bolt* fail wo tba ice while
abating Wednesday, and dislocated hi*
ahoolded Dr. Mala mm* caiind aod at |
landed the yoong man.
Mr Georga Righlenor aad Jf Ua Kffie
Guthrie of Maaoo City, were joined io
Marriage at Broken Bow. N'ebr on Sat
urday evening Dor ,30. l*Vt*
Mr. E Brewer of M uncle lad. and
aaa at mm lata citizen*, drop* us •
frteodiy latter containing mu other j ears
subscription Thank a
* Jr a wonts ever gets so "homely
aha teat worth looking at she'd better
take Rasy Mouatsln Tea. Bung* back
the bloom of yoath ceuts.— Ask
row druggists.
11a hotter than ready money because
It runs rheumatism, const! patios, sick
heater be. indigestion Rocky Moun
tain Tea -Ash your
The Prasby tartan Revised Society
gave a basket social, at the borne of Mr.
nod Mrs. T. M Reed. Wednesday eve
a lag whtch proved very interesting and
We aaet A. R. Brewaei. and wife, for
mer residents of leap City, on the train
last Thursday at Aurora, where they
have recently moved Mr. Browaell hav
ing been elected county Judge of Ham
Ufou county.
The German American Staff of 1’by
aidant aad Surgeon*. of Kansas City,
Mo., represented by Dr. G F. A«bbv.
wflf be here la a short time to advertise
their med.cioes They hs%*e a full corps
of actor* with them
We have far sale a full supply of
blank mortgage* deed*, lead lease*,
note* aad mortgage note* no hand All
printed on bait .uaiitv paper and are of
the heat form* aad print Warranty
dands ta coo form with county dee i
G R. Appleton Justice of Peace,
'larfcebuig 3f J.aav* DeWItt* Lit
tle Early Riser* are the beet pill* made
tar mautipatimn We use no other*'*
It digest* «hat yen eat aad can not bep
hut cure dyspepsia and stomach troo
Jehn Oilmanc will ho.d a public auc
tion on hi* form three mile* south of
Ashton. on January 15. uegiaaiog at 10
am. Ha will anil % head of horse*. V
hand nf cattla II head of thoat* aad a
1st nf farm machinery
WM Carruthef Roc. vMe was pretty
aurtnu*:y hurt Chriatma* evening while
ratumia g from a social at the home of
Everett Kuril. By oat mass* not
learned by ua the wages boa was thrown
tram the wagon, and tarnod over with
its human freight Luckily no ooe
r B. Tbirktoid, Uetitk Inspector of
i*r* ‘Isodol I>y*depoio Cur*
cored an* ef aevere dyspepsia " It di
emu a bat ram amt aad cures iadtgea
Boo. boortbura tad ail ferau of
dyspepsia Odm'abi Broa.
J I. Beery. Logaotoo. Pa. write*.
**i Mi etIHag U» take aiy oatli that 1
was cured of do oat ire) r by tba
ire after doc
cared ay cbildreo
cobi* croup, grippe
laog troubles. Cbildreo
tb«r» endorse Odao
I want i© let tte people a bo suffer
from rte©Mi»a u<l eclat tea kao«
IfeaS Cb*ai ter tala • Fala Bala relayed
mm after© ©vater of otter medicare
bad fating. If la tte beat liniment 1
bare »m k*o»« ©f.-J. a l»«dg©r,
Alpbmta. Gn. Tbo«uaadi bave beea
a©red ©f rbaotcattau, by (bU remedy.
0©e application relieve# tbe pain. For
tali by Odaadah! Bro
Wbftt came pretty ©ear being a aerioue
affair ©reared at tte lev „f Mr. Fred
Foster. m ibla eity la»t Saturday mor
•laf Mr* Feeler »«-©t to tte reliar
©i(ba lighted ia»p C© ill » gasolene
lamp aod place t tte ligate t lamp o©
Ite etap above ter W ten ete epeoed
tte «©n tbe ga* recap!Mg rmv<l tte
game of tte lamp n*d lgnit*d. and fol
lowed dean to tte to< Her no cage
I© ter ©erietamre a©d tbre* *te • «a ©at
•f d©©*t tte© averting a ir • M •. Fw
per ©a* ©©If eery »ligbtty taried
T M Heed will sell you a sewing
machine from tl5 up
Take vour old iron .and cop
ier to T. M. Reed.
W || Boeckner has moved iato the
building where toe post office vai.
H M. Mathew has rented the Farmers
!*tate Btnk building for a law effice.
Tbe poet effice was moved across the
street Sunday and s'opped where it
now ie.
James Grav of Clear Creek, was ex
changing ideas with the natives of the
Loup Valley yesterday.
Oer youag people have been improv
ing the Mtttdty afforded them
this week for sleigh riding.
1> W Titus of Litchfield wa* doit:f
business at tbe hub. Wednesday. lie
report* all quiet on the Muddy.
If you want your watch put in good
repair bv the only first class workman
in tbe county call on G. II. Morgan, the
Mr. lid. Dickey’s horse ran away
with hi* buggy Monday, while in town.
N'o damage was reported.
Frank Mercer and family of Eldorado,
See., were visiting Mrs. Mercer's par
ents, Mr and Mrs. J A. Angier. this
The law firm of Ceng A Mathew has
deaelved • srtnershtp had hereafter
there will be two blades where but one
had been before.
G I*. Brown and son llarvey, of Bur
well, attended tbe funeral of their Uncle
Win. Reoscboter. Friday. They return
ed home Tuesday.
John Wail. Pari Round. J. W. Lan
ders. and P. D. Duryea.of Arcadia, was
in attendance at tbe funeral of Wm.
Benscboter last Friday.
Tbe modern and most effective cure
for couttipation and all liver troubles—
tin famous littla pills known as De
Witts Untie larly Riser*.
We met our old friend Geo. Thomp
son while In Arcadia Tuesday, Geo.
is the same little butcher, but (till thinks
he would like to live In Loup City.
For a clear skin, clear all the way
through, transparent enough to let sun
shine, rosy cheeks show through—take
Rocky Monutain Tea — Ask yonr drug
A surprise party was sprung on Mr.
W R. Mellor New Years night by the
members of the M. E. choir, of which
Mr. Mellor is leader A pleasant time
is reported.
Ilertnaa Jang is on the sick list this
week, flertutn has been pretty elosely
ct.flnkJ to bis work as clerk in Cbas.
Gasteyer's store for many months past
snd is now compelled to ukea rest.
Mr* Martin Beuschoter, of Grand
Island was in attendance at the fueeral
of W m Benscbeter last Friday. She
remained over and viiited with friends
and relatives until Wednesday of this
size doesent Indicate quality. Beware
of counterfeits and worthless salve of
fered for IwWitt’s Witch Ilazel Salve.
!• Witt's is the only original and infalli
ble cure for plies and all skin diseases.
Odendab! Bros.
Mr* L E. Walworth will offer at pub
lic sale her entire lot of household fur
niture carpets, stoves and cooking nten
-il*. at her home in this city, on Satur
day January 13tb Sale will commence
at 10 00 o'clock a. ui.
G. H.Gibeon snd wife weut to Arca
dia Tuesday night where ye scribe waa
billed to losta 1 the officers of the I. O.
O K lodge for the ensuing term. Mrs.
i.lhmn wa» the gues. of Mrs. John Wall,
and Mr* Ed. Fuller, while we looked
after the goat.
HARPER Whiskey i* rapidly becom
ing the national beverage. It's the one
thing all parties agree upon Republi
can* l>crroer*t*. Populists. Even the
'‘knownotbing" party knows one thing;
•lie merits of HARPER Whiskey —Sold
by T. H. Elsxer, Loup City, Neb.
L. T. Travis, Agent Southern R. R.
Swlina, Ga. writes, I can not say too
much in praise of One Minute Cough
Cure. In my case it worked like a
charm.** The only harmless remedy
that gives lumediate results Cures
coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, and all
throat and lung troubles.—Odendahl
Hr. and Mrs. E.S. Hay burst and dau
ghter Hattie, Mr and Mrs, A.T,Conger,
Mr and Mrs. W T. Gibson, Mr, and
Mrs S E. Gallawav. Mother Gibson and
Bertha and Calvin Rightenoar, helped
the junior editor of this paper, and
family to commute their New Years tur
key Monday.
A meeting of citizens will be held
-aturdav afternoon at 2:00 p. in. in Loup
City, for tbe purpose of setting a time
for a circle wolf bunt and tbe locating
of tbe territory to be cove-ed, starting
point and arranging all preleminaries.
Meeting will t* held at the Porter
building. Everybody is cordially invit
“1 am indebted to One Minute Cough
Cure f< r ray health and life. It cured
me cf <ung trouble following grippe.'
Thousand* owe their live* to the prompt
action of this never failing remedy. It
cure# coughs, cold*, croup, bronchitis
pneumonia, gripj*e and throat and lung
trouble#, It#early use prevents con
sumption. ft I* the only harmless reme
dy that give* imui« diate results.—Oden
dahl Bros.
“A voung man came into our store
yerterday suffering from a severe at ack
of cramp colic,*' writes B. P. Hess, mil
ler sod general merchant, Dickey's
Mountain. Pa “He had tried various
home remedies without relief. As 1 bad
u#ed Chamberlain's Colic, ('holers and
Diarrhoea Remedy I gave him a dose
and it soon brought him nut ail alright.
1 never saw a fellow to rejoiced." Sold
by Odeadah) Bros.
On Sunday. January 7th, 1900 services will be
held as follows:
Peaching at 10:30. Subject “New Y'ears
Wishes.’’ Sunday School at 11:30: Junior
League at 3. Epworth League at 8:30. Preach
ing 7:36, Subject. ‘'New Years Resolution,’’
Daddow appointment at 3. Subject: “New
Y’ears Resolutions.’’
New Y’ears service will be conducted next
Sabbath by Rev. McCahan in the Presbyterian
hall. Loup City Neb. at 10:00a m. followed by
Sunday school at 11:30 and Sunny School at
Rockville at 3:00 p. in., followed by New Y ear
service at 3. All are cordially invited.
The annual session of the four county ea -
deavor union will be held at Elba commenc
ing Friday night, January 13th aud closing
Sunday night. January U,
▲ great program has been arranged for this
ses <on upon which some of the best pastors
of t^.. Union are expected to appear.
It is hoped there will be a large attend
ance. and that the gathering shall result In
much good to the churches represented, in
the name of the dear Master.
Next Sunday. Jan. 7th. will be held German
Evangelical Services (valedictory sermon) in
Ashton, at 3, p m. and Sunday. January 14th
in this city.
Aug. Jennrich, Pastor
We desire te express our heartfelt thanks
to the many kind frieads who assisted us in
the hour of eur sorrow and bereavement.
Our fall City friends have been truly kind
in every way and the friends here will ever
be remebered as having extended all aid and
sympathy possible.
Mrs. Wm. Benschoter and Sons.
The funeral services ef Wm M.
Benschoter was first held at the family
residence neat Falls City, Nebraska,
on Wednesday, December 27, 1899 after
which his remains were brought to Loup
City for further services and interment.
His remains were accompanied by hia
wife and son George and arrived on the
4:'5 afternoon H and M train. A
number of friends were in waiting at
the depot, The funeral services were
held in tha M E Church, in this city
on Friday,Dec. 2G, 1899, Rev. Matthews
asalsted by Rev McCahan officiating.
He was laid to rest in Evergreen
cemetery beside bis only daughter who
died in 1874 at the age of sixteen
Made Young Again
•One of Dr. King's New Life Pills
each night for t»;o weeks has put me In
my 'teens' again” writes D. H. Turner
of Dempsey town. Pa. They're the beat
in the world for Liver, Stomach and
Bowels. Purely vegetable. Nevergripe.
Odiy 25c at Odendahl Bros.
Hucklen’s Arnica Salve.
Has world-wide fame for marvelous
cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo
tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Cerns,
Burns. Ifoiles, Sores, Felons, Ulcers,
Tetter,Balt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chap
ped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible
for Piles, Cure guar anteed. Only 25c
at Odendahl Bros.
It bas been demonstrated repeatedly
in every state ia tbe Union and in many
foreign countries that Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is a certain preventative
and cure for croup. It has become the
universal remedy for that disease. M,
V. Fisher of Liberty, W. Va„ only re
peats what bas been said around the
globe when he wrote: “I have used
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my
family for several years and always
with perfect eucces. We believe that it
is not only the best cough remedy, but
thet it is a sure cure for croup. It has
saved the lives of our children a num
ber of times ” This remedy is for sale
by Odendahl Bros.
The best salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises Sores Ulcers Salt Rheum Fever
Sores Tetter Chapped Hands Chilblains
Corns and all Skin Eruptions and pos
itively cures Piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Odendahl Bros.
Db. Cady's Condition Powders, are
just what a horse needs when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They are not food but med
icine and tbe best in use to put a horse
in prime condition. Price25 cents per
package. For sale by Odendahl Bro’s.
* DeWitt's Little Early Risers did me
more good than all blood medicines and
other pills,” writes Geo. H. Jacobs,
of Thompson. Conn. prompt, pleasant,
never gripe,—they cure constipation,
arause the torpid liver to action and
give you clean blood, steady nerves, a
clear brain and a healthy appetite.
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers is sure to know of the wonderful
cures made by Dr.
Kilmer’s Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver
and bladder remedy.
It is the great medi
cal triumph of the nine
teenth century; dis
covered after years of
scientific research by
Dr. Kilmer, the emi
nent kidney and blad
der specialist, and is
wonderfully successful in promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have kid
ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found
Just the remedy you need. It has been tested
in so many ways, in hospital work, in private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful in
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried it, may have a
sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
When writing mention reading this generous
offer in this paper and
■end your address to
Dr. Kilmer &. Co..Bing
hamton, N. Y. Ths
regular Illiy cent and Boom of Swamp-Boot,
dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists.
1 never saw mj mother’s face;
God drew a Ehadow o’er my baby eyes,
And there it lies,
Unchanged d>y time or place;
But I have felt her loving breast
Breathe heart sore sighing for the joys 1 miss
And felt her kiss
Upon my eyelids pressed.
I never saw God’s lovely world.
But I have listened to the whispering trees
And felt the breeze
That spring's sweet leaves uncurled.
1,never gazed upon a rose.
But 1 have laid the flew against my eheek
And heard God speak
And mysteries disclose.
And he has made me understand;
Though dark the shadow that now holds me
God is behind.
Unseen I feel bis hand
And know that from my darkened eyes
The lifelong shadow will be rolled away
One solemn day.
Oh, rapturous surprise 1
My happy lips e’en now must sing.
These eyes, unclosing in the streets of gold.
Will first behold
The face of Christ, my King.
—Feodora Bell in Good Words
A Strange Coincidence In the Life of
a Fireman.
“Soon after I entered the fire depart
ment.” remarked a hostler of the city
fire department, “it was my hard lnck
in responding to an alarm to rnn over
and terribly injure a small boy. who
was playing is the street. It was an
unavoidable accident, but Just the sane
it had its effect npon me, and for a
time it preyed heavily on my mind and
probably would have done ao until to
day had it not been for the sequel,
which righted np matters somewhat.
“I kept myself pretty well informed
as to the condition of the boy, and was
extremely happy when I saw him on
the streets again and to all appearances
fnlly recovered from the injury which I
had inflicted npon him. Well, time
passed along, and, the boy’s family hav
ing moved from the house where he re
sided and where we took him after the
injury, for awhile I did not see him,
though I occasionally heard from him.
“One rather rough night abont a
year afterward our company responded
to an alarm in the northwestern part of
the city. On arriving at the fire I was
sent to one of the upper rooms of the
burning building to rescue some chil
dren who were in the room and who
were terribly frightened, as they had
good reasons to be, for they were in
considerable danger. There was a light
burning in the room, and the moment
I entered it I recognized the little fel
low that I had driven over and injured.
If there ever was a little fellow who
was carefully wrapped np in bedclothes
aDd with his little sister taken down
stairs and to a place of safety, you can
bet it was that boy and girl. The same
look of fright was npon his face, which
I bad not forgotten, but I don’t think
my face looked as bad as when I had
picked him np in my arms before. I
was supremely happy in being able to
return some good for the ill I had done
him.”—Washington Star.
A Poet's Impressions of Kilsson’s
New York, Sept 20, 1870.
I went at 1 o’clock today to hear
Nilsson. She sang in concert at Stein
way hall; t’other artists were Vieux
teinps, the violinist; Wehli, pianist;
Brignoli. tenor, and Verger, baritone.
Mile. Nilsson singeth as thon and I
love. She openeth her sweet mouth and
turneth her head o’ one side like a
mocking bird in the moonlight and
straightway cometh forth the purest sil
ver tones that ever mortal voice made.
Her pianissimo was like a dawn, which
crescendo’d presently into a glorious
noon of tone, which then did die away
into a quiet gray twilight of clear, me
lodious whisper. She sang nothing mean
or light or merely taking. Handel’s
"Angels Ever Bright and Fair," solo; a
duet with Brignoli, by Blangini, and a
noble solo, a seen a from Ambroise
Thomas’ "Hamlet" (the insane song of
Ophelia), with "Heme, Sweet Home,"
for encore—these were all—"A Poet’s
Musical Impressions," by Sidney La
pier. in Scribner’s.
He Walked.
Time, 11 p. m. "They tell me your
gait was esteemed one of the finest in
the regiment"
"You flatter me.”
"No; Lieutenant WagstafC said you
marched magnificently."
"The lieutenant may not be a good
judge. ”
"1 fancy he is. To my mind there is
nothing that makes a man more pre
sentable and really attractive than a
graceful walk. My curiosity is greatly
aroused. May I ask a favor of you ?"
"Then I would like to see you walk.”
And she banded him his hat—Cleve
land Plain Dealer.*
Speech and Hands.
A professor who has made a study of
children says he has discovered why
the majority of the people are right
banded. Infants use both hands until
they begin to speak. The motor speech
function controls the right side of the
body, and the first right handed mo*
tions are expressive motions, tending
to help out speech. As speech grows so
does right handedness.
Uses of the Month.
A baby tries to put everything he
finds in his mouth, tut even at that he
uses his mouth to better advantage
than most men.—Detroit Journal
The Japanese have three forms of
salutation—one for saluting an inferior,
one for saluting an equal and another
for saluting a superior.
There are 48 different materials used
in constructing a piano, from no fewer
than 16 different countries, employing
46 different handa
Totter, Salt-Rheum and JBceema.
The intense itching and smarting inci
dent to these diseases, is instantly allay
ed by applying Chamberlain’s Eye aud
Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases
have been permanently cured by it- It
is equally efficient fur itching piles and
a favorite remedy for sore nipples
chapped hands, chilblains, frost bitea
and chronic sore eyes. 25cts. per box.
For sale by Odendahl Bro s
Irritating stings, bites, scratches
wounds and cuts soothed and healed by
DeWItt’s Witch Haiel Salve,—a sure
and safe application for tortured flesh.
Beware of counterfeits.
The Low Olosina; Out Prices
is making on all his goods as he is positively going
out of business. All his goods must be sold the next
You can buy a Christmas Present cheap at Pilgers
Goods are sold for less than what they are worth in
New York. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for
eoods, I am closing out mv stock of
W O «r
Dry Goods, Boots. Shoes, Hats Caps
Queensware Etc. Etc.
at about one-half priee. You will save money by buying
your good* of Pilger. Below you will find a few prices:
Battle Ax Tobacco.$ .33
Standard Navy Tobacco.33
Climax Tobacco.38
Arbuekle Coffee.ll
X X X X Coffee.10
10c Champion Lye for. $ .6
Grandpa’s Tar Wonder Soap.. .4
10c Bird Seed for.7
10c Bottle Bluing for.5
1 gal can sorghum.40
1 gal. Sweet Clover Syrup.. ..$ .35
1 lb. Best Seedless Rasing.11
1 lb. Best Currents. 11
Corn Starch. 5
Gloss Starch. 5
Best prints 4 aad 5 cts. per yard.
Gents cuffs 10 and 15 wents per xard
worth 25 cents.
Canton Flannel, 8 cts. per yard
worth 13 cents.
Cloaking Flannel 56 in. width at 50
cts per yd. worth 85 ct9.
Glass w ash b( ards for 35 cts. I
worth 50 cents.
Cloths pins 1 cast per doaea.
Rubbers for frait jars, 3 sea* par
BfSt Standard Toaatofe, par cap tc
I very soap, per cake, 4 caatr
3 lb can 9yrup for 10 ceata
8 bars best soap made for 25 casts.
Cow brand or Arm & Hammer Sads
for 5 cents.
Home made smeking tohaaea, 35
cents a pound.
One barrel of Ginger Snaps for 20 cents. Watch out for »ext w«ek.
T. L. PILGGI^ LoQp ©ity f'leb.
You should call at T- M. Reeds when
you want anything in the furniture line.
He has a fine stock to seleei from.
For Sewing machines call on
T. M. Reed.
Brave Men Fall
Victims to stomach, liver aad kidney
trouble as well as women, and all fee
the results in loss of appe'ite, poisons
in the blood, backache, nervousness,
headache and tired, listltss, run-down
feeling. But there's no need to feel
like that. J. W. Gardner, of Idaville,
Ind., says: “Electric Bitters are just
the thing for a man when be don't care
whether he lives or dies. It gave me
new strength and good appetite. I can
now eat anything aad have a new lease
on life.” Oalj 50 ceats, at Odeadahl
Bro's. Drag Store. Every bottle guar
Paid Dear For HI* Leg.
B, D Bionton of Thaekerville, Tex.,
in two years paid over $300 00. to doc
tors to cure a Running Sore on bis leg.
Then they wanted to cut it off, but be
cured it with one box of Bucklen's Ar
nica Salve. Guaranteed cure for Piles.
25 els a box. Sold by Odendabl Bro's.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspep
sia because its ingredients are such that
it can't help doing so. ‘'The public
can rely upon it as a master remedy for
all disorders arising from imperfect di
gestion.”-James M, Thomas, M. D., in
American Journal of Health, N. Y.
My son has been troubled for years
wite chronic diarrhoea. Sometime ago
I persuaded him to take some of Cham
berlain’s Colie Cboiera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. After using two bottles of
the 25-cent size he was cured I give
this testimonial, hoping some one simi
larly afflicted may read it and be bene
fited.—Thomas C. Bower, Glencow,
O. For sale by Odendahl Bros.
A Keen Clear Brain.
Your best feelings, yeur social posi
tion or business success depend largely
ontbe perfect action of your stomach
and Liver, Dr. King's New Life Pills
give increased strength, a been, clear
brain, high ambition. A 25 cent box
will make you feel like a new being.
Sold by Odendabl Bros. Druggists.
Odendabl Bros., guarantees every bot
tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
will refund the money to any one who
is not satisfied after using two-thirds of
the contents- This is the best remedy in
the world for lagrippe, coughs, cold?,
croup and whooping coughs and is
pleasant and safe to take It prevents
any iendenev of a cold to result in pneu
monia. Odendabl Bros. 3-1-19
Main Office 11th* O Ito
12 years la Omaha and
In Nervous, Chrente and
Private DISEASES af
All Private Diseases and
Electricity medicine
enables ns to rn a ran tee to
cure all curable cases of
the Nose, Throat, Chest
Stomach, Liver, Blood,
Skin and Kidney Diseases
/ r - rx>si mannooa, meat
Emissions, Hydrocele, V&r
icocele. Gonorrhea. Gleet. Piles, Fistnle and
Rectal Ulcers. Diabetes and Briffht’s Disease.
es^$100.00 for a case of CATARRH.
BLOOD POISON we cannot core if curable
■ Stricture and Gleet Cured at Home.
Examination and Consultation FREE. Home
treatment by mail in all diseases a specialty.
All medicine furnished. Cell or address
with stamp for circular, free book, end receipts
—write them today P, Q. Box 224, OfHce
In Richards Blk., 11th A o> Lincoln, Nsbr.
If strong the frmmeof the Mother, the
son will giye lews to the lend. All
mothers should take Rocky Mountain
Tea. Giyas Ufa and strength. 35 cants.
Ask your Druggist.
When you want your
watch put in GOOD REPAIR,
take it to G. H. Morgan, the
He does nothing but first class
Loup City’s up to date Jeweler.
Can be found at Henry Doll
ings Shoe Store.
Just Saved His Life
It was a thrilling escape that Charles
Davis of Bowerton, O., lately had from
a frightful death. For two years a se
vere lung trouble constantly grew' worse
until it seemed tie must die of Consump
tion. Then he began to use Dr. King's
New Discovery and lately wrote: ‘Tt
gave instant relief and effected a per
manent cure.'1 huch wonderful cures
have for 25 years, proven it's power to
cure all Throat, Chest and Lung troub
les. Price 50c and $1.00. Every bottla
guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Oden
dahl Bro's drug store.
Twenty-five Years’ Constant Use wltbont
a Failure.
The first indication of croup is horse
ness, and in a child subject to that di
sease it may be taken as a sura sign of
the apppoach of an attack. Following
this horseness is a peculiar rough cough.
If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is giv
en as soon as the child becomes horse,
or even after the croup appears, it will
prevent the attack. It is used in many
thousands of homes in this broad land
and never diaapoints the anxious moth
ers. Wehaveyetto learn of a single
instance in which it has not proved ef
fectual. No other preperation can
show such a record—twenty-five years’
constant use without a failure. For sale
by Odendahi Bros, druggist.
BBH cures
iFlaTlMI Dyspepsia,
and Liver
100 PILLS Sold by all druyylsts
or sent by mall.
_£2L_5iJLHJL-.INervlta Medical Cc., Chicap
Don’t Be Fooledi
The market is being flooded
with worthless imitations of
• • •TEA...
To protect the public we call
ear cial attention to our trade
t»ark,printed on every pack
age. Demand the genuine.
For Sale by all Draggld*
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Pateuts taken through Munn A Co. receive
tpecial notice, without charge, In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir
culation of any scientific journal. Terms, 93 a
year: four months, 9L Sold by all newsdealers.
Liucolu, Denver.
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
St. Joseph. Salt Lake City.
Kansas City, Portland,
St. Louis, Sau Francisco,
anfl all points and all points
East and South. West.
No. 58 Passenger. .7:56 a. m
No. 60 Freight.8.00 n. in
No. 51 Passenger.4.15 p. m.
No. 58 Freight.11:50 a. in
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets
•old and baggage checked to any point in
the United States or Canada.
For information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to A. F. Werts
Agent. OrJ.FRANOls, Uen'l. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska,
No. 86 leaves daily except Sunday ( pass
enger). 7:30 a. m.
No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 18:80 p. m.
No. #0 leaves Tuesday, Thursday an#
Saturday, (mixed) 6:55 d. m.
No 87 arrives daily except Sunday (mixed
12:06 p. m.
No. sg arrives daily exoept Sunday (pass
enger) 7.35 p. m.
First class service and close connections
east, west and south
Dr. J. W. Janes wishes to announce
that he is always prepared to attend all
calls, either day or night, or in country
or town. 3w d22
Sewing machines cleaned and repaired
on short notice. Ail work guaranteed.
Leave orders with J. A Angier
12 22 Ed. Akgi&r.
■\I,rANTED—Honest man or woman to tra
'' vel for large house; salary #65 monthly
and expenses, with increase ; position per
manent; inclose self-address stamped en
velope. MANAGER. 530 C&xton bldg , Chi
cago 111. 7 1-19
honest persons to represent us as Man.
agers in this and close by counties. Salary
1900 a year and expenses. Straight, bona
fide, no more, no less salary. Position per
manent. Oar references, any bank in any
town. It is mainly office work conducted
at home. Reference. Enclose self-add rest
ed stamped envelope. Thb Dominion Com
pant. Dept. 3, Chicago. to 3 95 1900.
An editor priata hia paper to give his
patrons the news of the day and for the
money there is in it. He is presumed
to know of what he writes and lie gea
a rally does. Whea be writes aa he does
in the Leader Coarier, Oseeola Mills.
P.v, without fear or hope of reward,
that “Chamoerlain’s Cough Remedy
acts magically, and we have foand none
better is our household. If jou have a
cough fy it," it may be accepted as an
honest expression , worthy of credence.
For sale by Odendahl Bros.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
Itartificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently curss
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea.
Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps, ana
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Prepared by E C DeWltt a Co.. Chicago.
pr t rt? rr tttt? y t f > t * t ?■? yj
DATEIITQ tradde-marks 1
rfll tnlOANDoc8°sGDHTsj
► Notice in “ inventive Age ” pi M pi pi 4
► Book “How to obtain Patents” | ■■■iIb i
To PATENT Good Mut
may be secured by
our aid. Address,
_ Baltimore. Md.
Subscriptions to Tbe Pstect Record *1.00 per annum,