The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 28, 1899, Image 8

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    ary. mi j'.i'-fwg
Lioaal Dews.
wm .. ■■■. ■■■■r1
I)r. Rotnine, the dentist.
Col. Young It able to be out agsla
C M WeoJ* h Cl *■* it hard to
Arthur inks rfturnfd heme last
Harry Taylor was at home on a visit
John Oltman "111 sboCy go to Oregon
to try liln lurk
Moody. The Oreat R •viy»!ldt died *t
hit borne la»t Friday.
Cblstmas (ii od off a* usual mostly
by rating turkey.
Mlii Gladys O’Uryar. is spending her
Christmas vacation at home
A Christmas dinner r.t, the home of
Mr and Mrs K 8 llayhiirst was enjoyed
by a number of their friends.
The Masonic fraternity served supper
at their hall Wednesday evening.
Mr. Msntilg C| ansaen of Washington
twp was a pleasant caller Tuesday
Tb# funeral of father Benschnter will
he held at 1HO p m tomorrow, Friday.
II. E. Brewer left Tuesday morning
for near Fullerton, to work on an He
Ernest I’llgercame op from Lincoln.
Saturday and spent Christmas with his
Next Monday will be the llrst day of
1900 who ean tell when the voth eentary
Calvin Ilighisnour has returned to
Loup City and will make his home hi re
In the future.
Mr and Mrs Wesley Pedler are spend
ing their Holidays at Mr Fcdlcrs old
home in Canada.
Itichmond Cuttle and wife spent
Christmas with Mr Cattle* parent*, Mr.
and Un. II J. Nightingale.
Ike McDonald ate too much Christ
inns dinner Monday und had to call in
Dr. Main to help him digest it.
Oa account of the death of father
Eenscbotrr thl« paper come* out one
day ahead *f time (hi* w»ek.
District court adjourned Tuesday
night at midnight, postponing a number
of case* that should have been tried
The beautiful mow Is covering the
ground to an extent equal to create
happiness in the heart* of the young
Walt for Dr. Itom'ne, the dentist of
Sf. 1’itul who will make regular visit*
to this city First clu-s work, price*
reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed
L. C Vry land has quit work on the
1’. I*, section for the winter and will
accept a position with J. W. Zink, until
An elegant line at
Jeffords, St. I’au
J. F
PH , I. i Send to him for pr es on
uiAuiia j all kinds of Jewelry
airy clocks
watches and diamonds.
W.O. McNulty a ad W. D, French,
moved ttie water closets to thiir new
location near the new ictaool builoing,
Jim Iturnett purchased a new set of
haitie** Monday and Jim said he was
going home aud have u merry Christmas
all around.
J. B. Clark, Peoria, 111., say*, “Sur
geons wanted to operate on me for piles
but 1 cured them with Do Witt’* Witch
flitael Salve.” It is Infallible for pile*
and -kin diseases. Beware of counter
feit*. Odendahl Bros.
The Christ uis« trees at the different
churches in the city last Saturday night
were a success all around, Old Santa
Claus attending to bla part of the pro
gram to the delight of the little folks.
Mrs. It Churchill, Berlin, Vr,. Says
"Our baby r as covered with runniag
sores, I»eWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cur
ed her." A specific for piles and skia
dnaaeaaa. Beware of worthless counter
feits.—OJendabl Bros.,druggists.
.lames Depew has secured a new piece
of machinery for the purpose of cutting
down spiudles on a ll*ht wagon alter
ti'biglng h*a b nit t worn. It is ""it
II tie gem that will save money to the
p >6111'.
We have for sale a full supply of
(dank mortgage-, deeds, land leases,
notes and mortgage notes on hand ,\ll
printed on but quality paper ai d are o|
the beat form and print Warranty
dead* to conform wi'h county deed
Miss Annie K Cunning Tyre, Mbit
•art, "I suffer* I a long tune from d»»
pepati lost il-sh ami h i'Miis vtry wtak
K«hIo| Dr apepala < sra aoniplotrly cured
run M It dig* its wbat you e*| and «>«■*.
•Il fora*, of «t. ii *ch if t .Me •! raver
f*Ha |u give lruw*e.| its relief m th>
• oral curt -ills Ithl tiros
Mr J !*|»»r, w.lsits, Mn , ese-d b,.
child s III • by *»r Minute • o«gh Cute.
l*v»Cl< r» b» I i *en h«*r Wl> t« 4 s *|l|»
croup Ifa an Inf.ftih** ruts fur corgi s
•*d*’s grl| • prt>ni n a I r •asrtii’|.
•ad Ihl* *1 art I .> l It .
at core O h td.L lit - •
It take* hut a minute »« over feme
tl k li g In l|# IkfM' »r l ti. sS-tj. * •'* >(al,
b< tbs ass »| Oa« M t «„• « ur*
Tkiirsiualf rjut* ij .'*»r** « I f, rot of
II Ml aod |i* g It Ut •• Ill' ll »«• , *4
f *44111 to It t *»iita»oil.,,ut|<
It Id A Ii« mh »i H • t r |ti|i|ie and
Ittiflst •Itsti i •*• > «
Take vour old iron and cop
per to T. M. Reed.
lit Hhoer luj£ broke t *l»f»njj sf h i
buggy Monday.
•John Ulirr-su ail) off*/ at Tublic ** •
jnabis farm near Ashton * lot of farm
* machinery and stock consisting of
hoses cattle and hog8 sal** "III he en
; Monday Jan 1'j 1900.
While Billy Mtrankman's team was
! hitched on tin* sautlt ililu of the First
Bank last .Monday, rli»*% beostne frigh
tened ai d pulled back, one of I hem f . -
Ing on the tongue of the bug1/'', hit -l -
Inf it < fl.
If yen want your watch |>ut In eoiul
repair bt the only lir-t class workn »ii
! in the county call on H II MoxoaN.lhe
I Jeweler,
The double tier bolt of the l ug*r f
Fritz Johansen, broke while at tin- fun
eral Monday, letting the nor-es forward
and the tongue OHtne down, but Mr Jo
hansen being on bis guard tto accident
Quickly cure constipation and
•■build and invigorate the entire ayatetn
ever gripe or nanieate -l)u IV ill's Lit
tle Early Kiser*
At a meeting of the stockhnhlcra of
thu Alliance store, Saturday, it was de
cided to run until Christmas night, th*n
to invoice and sell the stock if possible,
and if not, to diyiJe It among the stock
bidders.— Lite.hlleld Moi.iior.
DeW I It's Lit tlu Early Risers purify ttie
blood, clean the liyrr, Invigorate the
ay stem Famous little pills for constipa
tion and liver trouble.—Odendahl Bros,
The Modern Woodmen and the Royal
Neighbors, will have a public installa
tion and supper at their hall, on Tucs
day evening January 1(1, 1900, ufter
which a short season of dancing will be
enjoyed by those so dualring.
Grace—Better doctor your health be
fore applying bcHiitliylng remedies. Rnl
yourself of constipation, indigestion
with Kooky Mountain Tea, and you'd
have a beautiful face.
.Janes Rentfrow li ti o i exhibition a
model of the equalizing windmill in
vention which i« a wonder in the tv ly
of neutralizing the powers of lift by the
wheel It stems to b« a perfect succt ss
True beauty comes from within, in
stead of without, A beautiful face is
the outward sign. That’s why Kooky
Mountain l'ea m ikes women beautiful.
Ask your Druggist.
I .‘Wild to ,J. F, J
y»t. Paul, Xeb,
£1 rd’s,
If you
n e<J any thing in the
.Jewelry line. Big stock.
\ letter from 3 G. Wookey an<l son
Walter, ene.lo.-jes a poster w hich announ
ces the laet. that they are now running
a general repair shop for guns, sowing
machines and bit.voles in I, adville,
Colo., and are doing a prosperous bu-l
Edgar Hawk, sot. of Mis .J. L. Hawk,
ha 1 the misfortune to break tils arm be
tween the elb i\v am] wrist on Christ
mas day. The young man went to a
tieighb >rs for a hay rack, ami in chang
ing the wagon box for the rack, ttie
horses started with the above results
Dr. .J. \V. Jones was called and reduced
the fracture.
If in needof rug or carpet call on
O. V. Peters n a* he Ins a nice line of
rugs to select from. His carpets con
sists of very fine and up-to-date sam
ples. Call rally and get first choice.
W, II. Thompson, the ‘ Little Giant
of the.Big Sixth,” cauin up from Grand
Island, Tuesday. toattend district court.
He was accompanied by his father-in
law Mr. Hutchinson, of Arlington, I t
Mr. Thompson received the above noin
do plume from his democratic admirers
when he made the race for congress in
'•One Mlrimes rough Cure is the best
remedy I used for coughs anil colds.
It is unequaled for whooping cough.
Children all like It.” writes II. \\ Will
iams, Gentryville, l td. Never falls It
is the only harmless remedy that gives
immediate results Cures coughs, colds
hoarseness, croup, pneumonia, bronchi
tis and all throat and lung troubles Its
early use prevent- t naumption. -Oden
• IntiI Bros.
A messenger come to town Tuesday
mornir.g .nr • jr fur the •lieriff to go
to the home Of C H King to bring
to the county sear his eon Kred,
who had sg tit t>*c ime iioranged and
had to he i lk. n in eh irge It i- ul th it
Itie voting nisi s «•■ trioib'etl »-penal i
it Sad at Ih time »• he Was itiarrli d
to a young wife oi.l, .10 hour* previou
K'olol |>y <pep.M Cure th rough'y
| digest* fooil *i*ti >ot aid Ini ii the' »l...
ilisi'ii, in I »l < »- sai l*- time heals and
restore# tin il<*rn> , i.ige.ilvr organs
It is the only fiiu* f that do. ■ butts if
there thing* and C * >•' tried Up n |o
jermi rni'i ,rv l| prpsta
The ie«y \Vt.<
; uii I r aliens
fiom * book»»i
ei|it* tis believe
mis'sis * ssleot
levy la th* wt-i
li a Mi h
u|> ill '4 . • t ■ -i
«*h»* II* e>>v 1 «H to
i »|d*i*r •# i»t»ii*
!*• . . pis • f | ' |l it ' i
ft*» -* « l«**.f i t t»i
as il I net So
house i>< f »rr lb
i w #» , v ea a re.
U hi'* «*> *t i ( t»c
(•> Ii" a us ul
1 the »end>«lg « f l*ie
*»l ai|i hs e '.In •
t.j* I . ei. i t* J I
. . lit. sr».la hit
• » eh if etihco
•' ii •’.«! a
' ItssMHMhftv *«i|
» bet > (to > e isr
1*1 Kit
N il | un Ht'n«e!ini< i died .it hi* home
ncav K tIU <' r*. ' i-t Tue*d te iiio-iiii<s
at 10:00 • tr, Sir H jiM'lctf r *, ihe
lather • f !M *» ;i*.i euntii *f till* p ip* r,
Mr. Geo l£. il*. **•! etsr, aim t>i Oriut do
*nd *l#e«b Beti«chofer of ibutcli*. lie
war ii'iitt iii Ounce.! (Minify ( lilt*, ‘.n
1813, ami was at I|j«* time of hi* death
78 y i at * 3 m<mt l|ii noil .5 d-n « oil Ho
came in Ni LiimoU i fioui lows iii 1873*
anil w a* one of < he loumirr* cl I, up Cm ,
Mr II-iiM'lmti r v if kn i't o iinong u< *t
Uncle IJHIi. iml h r In I. i vi n ■!
gentle lt;»|ll|.|! lull II|1 If tin •* «'i . I
man}' fi*-l frie d» tin i i in urn tmn
*■* in »i n il ii s.i t ti *ii Non- is c *
iii in jir <• love A kind tor I *»*
woy ► nt hi* comm mil and -i in • mg me
little folk* ih« men l< ii of hi* n»uI• It
to il< light i hi in Hi mm A f 11 * in iii,.
place | i Knlla ( It* Nehr, some * n v n
year# h o, but a I w a , ~ cli* i i-hed i!e
hope of #oine lav »g 'In niakln;* id#
home among u« and speed hi- la-i il o
in Ilia eft) which be Intituled He leave*
h wife ami live #oni to mourn biw taking
a*ay II** will b* Intend in Kve'grc ii
cemetery, In till*. city, **her« bin ln»t
sleep will be among the scene* •bit’ll lie
help* 4 to shape from s viigtn pralrlo
f>n account of a lack of knowledge on
th*i part of the jr, editor of (till paper, of
the history of ttu* UecMted a intro ex
tended obituary will appear in tbc
next i*»ue.
MAKUIKD—Mr.-Und King and Miss
Anna M. Uohsn were joined in marriage
laat Saturday er* ning by judge Kay nt
the n -ldcuce of John TravU in this city
Both parties have lived in this vicinity
a number of year#, and the young couple
have the best wishes of the emir**
Preaching next Sabbath by Iicv. J. M. Me
cahati in the Presbyterian hull. Loop City, at
10:80 a m. In Austin. at p. m and Itockvilla
at 7:30. AH are cordially invited.
Du. Oady'8 Coxuition row UK ns, nrc
Ju*f what a horse need* v\ti> n In bn!
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They nr** not food but med
icine and the best in use t > put r. horse
in prime condition. Price25 cent* per
package. For sale bT Odoi.dulil fit/..
ing ihe national beverage. It's the one '
thing all parti'a agree upon Its; ubli- 1
cans, Demon its, Populist* Evan the!
"kno'.vnoihine" party knows one ihing;
the merits of IIARPKU Whiskey —Sold
by—T. II Ei.snkii I.oup City, Neb.
The be*r salve in the world for Cota
Brills*1:- Mores Tleeis al Hhentu Fever
Sores Teft. r «’h tpped Hands Chilblain*
Corns and all skin Eruptions and pos
itively cure* Piles, or no p.«y required.
It is guaranteed t(> cive peifeofc satisfac
tion or money refunded. Price 'Jo cent*
per box. For sale by Odetidahl liro*.
Dr. J. W, .lanes wUh*i to annnunc*
that he is stlvay * j repared to attend all
ealls. eith r day or night, or in country
or town II v <122
Sf.wino inmhittescleaned and repai red
on short notice. All work guaranteed.
Ee ye orders w ith J. A Angier
12 23 El>. ARi-IER.
\\rANTKD-Honest man or w.ennn loir »
” vet lor large. Iiouse; salary #■;:» month y
and expenses, with increase ; position per
manent; inclose sidf-uddre - stumped en
velope MASAliKIt, aflCaxtou blog., Cbl
eogo III. 7 1-10
3 :
jfi'-i iJ ’.j J, m> y,
THE UP-TC r. .! 2
*i;’|acrio cru Liver
Sold by rd drtmdsta
or sent by or it.
Ntnlta M io.. CtUsp
rou sAt.r: itv
| 100 PILLS
I 25 CTS.
M a I u Offli m f l(b M O SU
II rear* i» 'tniah* and
t.lix'ula, «IM HI.IsTH
In Narnia*. C hraale 4ail
1‘rltai* DUK.ltU a#
All Prlvalr f» *(*» 1 *r,il
l .W)RD;.R» a? MLN
Elichwtr* «*»?,.
u« to fiurttlHU
r.i n nil rs( ,-i», si
tHa »*, 1 iw<
‘ «•.!**?.*, !.,«*». ft
- ti« (>4 (El jaj «.#•
M \ V * 1 '«m' Si I
• I >* » i *f | m «f
!.»f l'i >• '»• *J Hi jil t iiiu«.*
' O il- * «'-• »»CAT^f;RH, I
1. CY&*£F~ A, at
,= » I »• ••♦«.. . if ci «' •
i**» C>a^M^ina,
i «••
t|*a 1
*# Hu 4
I .w %'<•«,
**4 *•» #»it# |
4* •* •«
"I m» n •>(jr >1 « l »«!ti ; .t>,
IH 4 «l I Ml M ‘ *1 »4.I* l'i, i
AB*I I i *»*| U >!ti| 4*| • ;
• I Mi 11 1/.*..
**!»*' »• l**i* llii «. I lig> *lli |*t ihM :
• *i it >, It h»n.4ii»i *i.*l i ! .m.. . |
If i|: i mi |i.a
It. O' ‘f3
<sjs J til 4m
,n ty.r.-r* t Si
g g^ t\ife
Liu£Aj! ' '■VUfc 't.H *4. Ju*Sl> tv*
i? making on all his goods as hr is positively going
out of business. All his goods must he sold the nex*
You can buy a Christmas Present cheap at Fillers
Goods are sold for less than what they are worth in
iYow York Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for
goods, I am closing out my stock of
Dry Goods, Boots. Shoes, Hats Caps
Queensware Etc. Etc.
at about one-half price You will save money by buying
■your goods of Pilger. Below you will find a few prices:
Battle Ax Tobacco.$ .33
Standard Navy Tobacco.33
Climax Tobacco.38
Arbuckle Colleo.ll
X X X X Coff c.10
lOe Champion Lye for . $
Grandpa’s Tar Wonder Soap.. .4
10c Bird Seed for.7
10e Bottle Bluing for.5
1 gal can sorghum.40
1 gal. Sweet Clover Syrup.... $ .35
1 Ih. Best Seedless Itiains.ll
! lb. Best Currents.11
Corn Starch.
Gloss Starch.
Best print* 4 and j cts per yard,
j Gents cuffs lo and 15 cents per yard
worth 25 cents
Csnton Flannel, 8 eta. per t srd,
wor'h 13 cents
Cloaking Flannel 50 in. width at *»0
cts per yd. worth 8o cts.
Glass wash beards for do cts.
worth 50 cents.
C* C»
Cloths pin.. I !•(•«? per lioui.
Rubbers f >1 f« hit jars, 3 oente p*'
doz -n
Best Standard I’omatoes, per eaa 9
I very b< ap, per cuke, 4 cent*
3 lb cun syrup fir 10 ceat*
8 bars best soap for 25 eeeti
Cow biand or Arm & Hammer Sod*
for 5 cents.
[loan* made m.i kiii|» tobarco, Hi
cent* a pound.
Watch out for next week.
One barrel of Ginger Snaps for 20 cents.
T. L. PILQ€I^ LoOp Qity JNeb.
You should call at 'I M. Kerris whan
Ton want anythl it. th furniture line,
lie tins a t‘. e slot Sc to m-Iv from.
One/ire for the round trip to points
200 tulle.', l’icket on - d • l).;e i;, 24
25, 00 and 31 and dau. 1 t Final return
limit Ja . 4, l'JOO.
K L. Aurtirtt, Agent.
For Sowing machines call on
T. M. Heed.
ISrava .linn f .ui
Victims to stonineh, Hyc. a*d kidney
trouble a- will as wonwn, and nil /■■«
the results m Ib»a of spps'it*, poison*
In die blood, b elc»< lie, nervousness, I
hoadseh* and tired, iutle- , rtdl*.!<> *ii
feeling. But's no need to feed
like that. .1 \V. Gardner, of Iduviile,
Ind., ray>: “Klevtrii Bitters are jn-t 1
the thing f r am n when he don't rare,
whether he lives or dies it gave ine
new strength and good a; p Aite. I can
now eat anything sad have a in w lease
on liie.” Only 3') cents, at Odendhl
Ira's, Drug Siora. Kveiy buttle jiuur
Dear For II 1*4 Leg
B. I) Ulonton ■ t Ih..el,.i\! Ip, Tex.,
in two y cats paid over ) to doc*
tors to cure a Burring > .ie in his leg
Th it they wanted t.> cm ■ • 41'. but he
cured it with one box of B 'Men’s Ar- ;
idea S live. (riiarant ed' .n r-r I’i!i «. '
25 els a box. Soi l by O h odabl Bro’s.
K(»»!<»] Dyspepsia Cure I'liri1? <l)‘pep
•la because it* iiigredieit's ire ui h that
it can’t help doing so. • The public
can rely upon it a* » inusfi r reined) for
all disorder-s arising from imp i feet di
gMtlon.''-.Iaiiiea M, | botu '.'1 !>., ini
American Journal of Halt It, N V
My son but been tmubrd fwr yr*rs
wlte di tonic diarrhoea, >tu>ilmc ago
1 persuaded him to take nn.i if t'batn
berlain’s (.'olio Cholera m l Diarrhoea
Kenredy. After u*lu* two bottle* of
Ihr 25 tint »l*e he *«« cured I give
rhi* teatiinnnln . Iioplr/ >nm< one simi
larly hiliicted may re td if md be bi ne
titled.- ‘I tloMAt < I'nwi |. Glc i cm*,
O f r -ale by O l Idd llro-.
a Keen I ear llraiu.
Your beat t111.i II or metal po»l
lion or b'lMlieia atltii.'1 a* depend largely
noth' prrfte’ artuin of you' -toiiiu'li
and I.Iter. It K’eg'a Vr t |,if> I’HU
gl*e lecte i ed sirrt gth, u gi M* ideal
brain, high ambition ,\ ?"> vrai bo*
w ilt make y-u fee.J itia a in % b in*'.
Aofd by <(I- o l ltd |b* Iir»i.
. i" in g ■ -
OA I'd III1 Hro* r 1 iioi'i 1 very b-‘t
lie (riitiubrritlti'iP ugh Hi me>dy ami.
nil t«f* d t|»e ui an i m in t mie a In
!• li»*t fa'.-tt’li after • eg t*n tl»|rd» of I
•be I not into. |hp i* | ,> (.■»' iniipilv to
• be Wir'd r Nw >| i”. r IIib», i f«,
•lewp e I wh • I ! I **« I I if
file ■ jot mi- ■ >•» Ilk* it prtvtal*
ani ii.iluii ul a -til tii tr- ii i
moll I* e*Lih It .. at III
Don7 |)»: Fo >t^os
**"1 »»•«**» , W. M»WI J
... T ■' \ ...
T* - t i m »• «*i
•«r »< * ^
I -I Ml ►» «t| (i«*||4||
On last Saturday morning
the fog hung heavy over the
earth, so that none could see
far'from them. Just like some
watch repairers who can’t see
very far into the facts of repair
ing a watch, but just tinker it
up so ns to get their patrooi
money, and say that he will
guarantee it for one year to run,
but has to tinker at it for six
months out of the year to in-1
duce it to do so. We do no;
‘•Cheap John” work. Our work
is first class and we expect it to
run more than a year in our
customers pocket, and keep
good time as well. Our prices
are very reasonable, call and
see U3. If our work fails to
please you wo will refund
your money.—Youys for busi
Loup City’s up to date Jeweler.
Can be found at Henry Doll
ings Shoe Store.
■Jim Savnl 111* Lift
It *«< a thrilling ricipt that Charles ,
Davis nf Bowrrtou, O., late j bait from
a frightful de-r!b Tor lwo year* ■ se
vere lung trouble constantly grew vor>i
until It seemed be must die of i 'oimimp-1
lion. Then he began to use Dr King's.
New Discovery and lately wrote: ‘It
gave in-tm.t relief and effected a per
manent cure.'' burh wi uder fuI curea
bate fur 23 vear*, proven it’a pn-aer to
cure all Throat, Chest and Lung troub
le*. Price .30 an-l fl 00. Kverj bottle
gutraateed. Trial bottle* free at Odea
dabl liro’a druo More.
a ante ct na; » hr i not r
I ••n,| Tear*’ Coasiaal I t* vltUnni
• I allura
Hi- tl at ndleatlua of croup l« bur*#,
i" »•, .ml in a i blld»iib|-el to that ill
*• »*e It mat be talmi »a a »ur *ign of
lb# N|i|ipaavh of an aft o k ffoio.elng
Hu* hur«*«#»« u a | ecultar r’i«ghe«uah.
II (‘haiNberlato'a 1'nugh Itni.-ii t« ^le
a* mimiuo |i « fbini hi i-oqn .
or eye. afti t the croup appear*
prefect it#* t u,.j| |t ,, ,m,| ,
'houean-t* o| tout aln tht* tirna
*n4 pr t< f ft,i
ei» tt r hue itf (i
raiNkii* )h w hte'li it
!• ii*»l Su oitor
•ho« - neb a n>«*».»4
e> i *»* ii no* al -1,.
Hi O ll jihl It.,., ,
• • to *ag i
» leain of a *ii
h ai l ,*r-.#i.l
pr |iri i<n
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Ml *.*••«••
< 11Mao (tag tart
IhatMlIt * l*y*
*Wa’« lit* ant
a 11 t».,,| e n *
• ondhi it- It
'• May file, aid
an-l t*h«
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’■ * ,,, ebl tidal it It- *#
-i t-i* »*e* gt,.t* fra r
**» (M tol.a, Biv •
AUKNT* VV ANTKD.—For "The Lift Ant
A.-Iiu vm .1111% of Admiral in <**•■,’' tit
wiirM’s (ir« xtc!*t naval lu*m. Ily M .m
IliUMClB, lii tl|a>l')ltg frlndltsfl miinr'r
i>l tin* null" i'a Idol, ljiu^r-si umi boo1:,
over r.Hi J Pll,.i i. \! () iiicIhi, ; nciu l. luo [ m;;u
Imil-lonn nlii-i nr imiH, Onlv
luou* il.-in, 1 ill* I'um.illn-miii*. O'.til!
tree, I ol a litunina, WnU' it.
I III I I 111 I Itlllll I Hil.jMU ) , ,jnl y luor (Min.*
lluiHliii^! ,Chicago.
\l ’ AN 1' 1.1> -LVI ,Al. Hit IliKT V.S/
hum 1 l-l' ll- o rc|ili font US BN Mat
iilri is in ilit- mid I'l.'-f l»y 1-oiinileu salury
"u.i yiu i i h1 < ■-» i -i a -Hi in nil t, ini*
1»'|(-, no in n , no ]i,• . -alary. Li itio i |.rr
inunnnt. Uui* roihioiHii't, uny i.aok m ai y
'ow a. It in initial)- oiiiiH work hoiiiImcH U
al holm-, lie'I'roiiHH. l.nfSo*«
ml Hlitin|ieil i nvi lo| i. Tim Dominion Cub
I'AN v, l>eui • 3, cbimiAO. to .1 -j6 I Soil
All t dito 11riit11» lu» ji ,j„ r in gi*•• It1»
pHironn ibo n «k of Hu \ niiti lur ■»
mom y tlHirr Is lu il. Il -'u pmumt
lo know « f w 1ml lit wrin ' umi ho #. »
•rbliy do. W'lioi linnn'i'j h hrd iM
i'i ihi? I,f* !»r I'otrui. Ouo :»- Kiln
f’ *.i Willi ut 111," ol ii<11-« i f rfwiiol.
Ilmt "i b.i .mi- UIm'i • u^ii ItMiiarty
m l!- hi;;. i«f. 11 v. <*ii(l r»r Imvn f. end ho. *
i)(in> r in our liotiKi hold. If you h*v» »
cough f) it.” it imy b aeiVjitinJ m ■ •
hmicct < X|'n kSion . won liv of cn'dciK-*.
For mli* t ) O i< ii I <lil 15; ok.
NUI 1< t. TO fl{I.N TBItS
I, John M i nshul County Ink of Shrr
luitn uuunty, NeUiuuhi;. «»l 1 ..a u i;a ■, *
lollowlug books, bluukr, ..tid stuilnny
will ijo inquired tor the 'is ; or the com. 7
officers lor the coming year:
Lor umk.—Three gross : i pencils, < >11
grade; one gross pen holders; no >
quai ls Arnolds willing fluid ;i'n‘ ve /1 i»
steel pcua; live hundred In.iris; ;wir.:j
fovt|NW«f assorted rubber build* 1 i»o
dozen Jqsinge lop tuuallsge; two. ! • I
Cranes Japanese linen legal cap; 'our r- ft 1 »
ColmilOla i' gal rap; out: glo-s nidi . r
election pencils; 1 liree u. r.- n rli 1 i,,a
ink cuiu -i ttlght H quire luillld Ishif.s
Hour plain and tour |n luted forint) pal'nt
lieX1 In. Pc' k.lht! npuulug, best linen pa;r
r no 11 a.e lux receipts 1,1 .Usd. at*
lax leceipt In 111 pin uin, bouud and pel -
totaled, aou 111 liook lorcoimiy iickisirr,
iOotax receipts in duplltaie, bound and
perfe laled. 10 in book lor itiwusiup tr<
tilers; tides hooks, tax smu certifies ' ».
public; lli'ic hooka lux Sale torillles It
piirsfe, turee iHmks rsdeiupllnu ceti'Q
urtes, *si fo 1 seh book, mis county ttsas
urera ensh book; tbinesa rsis of )sjil
Isiokn and anvclcbss, six shsUel nisrtt|s
111 s, goo III the (J le; on* gi o*s oin lark f
mu 1 neb uiube Congress lie Kumar*'
Un 1 0 p ankt: »•> 11
sb' et blanks; j.,i u sheet blanks; IMTi lb 1
ah net blank'; ail blanks 10 1 » good :t»vf
papei , :i m note 111,11,; ium lolier head."
not* and letter hea ls lo bu ol good bsavr
impel; 10«i I t iiii'Ii \ \ K envelopes, lli
lb irub, XX X envelopea.
I.or Turn k-Court Uoekets, onecasstf
peg*. indexed with rubs <>( court. lUt
id j 111 ut*, , nut o.Tlier* and resident n
101 lie) s, uu ,at cap paper mlulsol leityi
t.e(Jo election liailols.
Sealed blits for • «eh or aey of the abuf*
three lots to sapi nm must be Died ellh
• he county eleik at his olHce la bou;i
City, Sebiaika on or before the irst os
uf January, two.
Healed bids will also tie received *ed n • ••
be Hied In the oounlv clerk's efllce •"* ••
b**11ue January 1st, 1*0 lor the mi ll* >»*
t'nbitsliiiik delinquent taa il.l, publi*'‘> (
only llss.Uier's financial Slaleinan1 •
|uibi|sitiug lus'i tu 1 bridge nolle** *'•' by tho remits
I be cii'ist) b sril reserve lUs> l l|»l '*
iej«el auy or all bid*
I tried at loop i»»), this -fib Id *'
k 1»% •'uit,t 1, n». Jt iia MibsUi i> •
t lUHlf t ltd
Dyspepsia Cnro
Diifrsls what you fat
it rue t' ■
lUilk fb ,!ys if iM,(
N#s»«i| bs I C 6e*>
• •