/ Use It “I have used Ayer’s Hair Vig or for a great many years I and it has been very satisfactory to me in every way. I have recommended it to a great many of my friends and they have all been perfectly satisfied with it." — Mrs. A. Edwards, San Fran cisco, Cal., Feb. 9, 1899. mu ■ — i in . ttp Talk About It That’s always the way with our Hair Vigor. When per sons use it they are always so highly pleased with it that they tell their friends about it. If your hair is short, too thin, splits at the ends, is rough, or is falling out, our Hair Vigor will perfectly satisfy you. If your hair is just a little gray, or perfectly white, Ayer’s Hair Vigor will bring back to it all the dark, rich color it had years and years ago. Write the Doctor If you do not obtain all the tienefltg you desire from the use of the Vigor, write the Doctor about it. He will teu you just the right thing to do,and will send you his book on the Hair and Scalp if you request it. Address, I>r. J. C. Ayeb, Lowell, Mass. PIANOS! Special Offer until Jan. 1st. DO YOU WANT ONE? 152 BALDWIN The Beet Piano In the market. We wish to Immediately place one in every town in the state, knowing by experience that wherever we sell ono other sales are sure to follow. To in troduce these pianos we will, from now until January 1st, make a Factory wholesale price on the first piano to go to any locality where we have not already sold one. This means a great saving to the buyer. We Do Not Mention the Actual Price Because we will only sell one pinno in each locality at this extremely low price, hoping through the advertise ment to sell others at a profit to which every dealer and manufacturer is just ly entitled. Terms cash or easy pay ments. Pianos sent on approval. Write for catalogue and full partic ulars. We also sell the Ellington. Hamilton and Valley Gem pianos and Hamilton and Monarch organs. DICKINSON & HUSTON. 1514 Douglas SC Omaba. '■ , I -- —■■■ ^tJ< Requihes mo •Ml calms Moult ONI K.Hcot >•! ;-J*Cn stm m«ci »> vhcn jMucc*trAnt:«P9uw riAcr Muem NEW ;w any3k*r. rcn LAUNDRY PURPOSE: ONLY • manufacture only by SAMTA CLARA MANUFACTURING CO. _omahTneb MAPNETIP Tha WONDER mHuNtllU of the AGfc. STARCH as iioZ* It Stiffens the Goods It Whitens the Goods It Polishes the Goods It make* all KarmetitH freah tdttl crlap aa when nrat Im unfit new. TRY A HAMPll PACKAQI. You It like It If you try It, You it buy it If you try It, You I! uav It If you try It. Try It. Ib.bl by all tlrin'er*. DR. ARNOLD'S COUGH ■"MSJKSSSL KILLER lll*b« I r*«Y fete* PiM tw Poultry, Game. Butter. Eggs. M«4 i iiioMiium, B.ktrl Peril*. *«i*l.lok.4 Min, o b.ka i A ' CIA PAR Cl Oumuneab *»••*• *• a. R>» ft* WWW #• **4*..| ’ P f,.# I *. **„ ... M am t itu*i». n»k- woki-rbi fckir*.*.Pa V FORGOT HER TONGUE. MARIA LIVED ALONE FOR TWENTY YEARS. Hut Civilization Killed Her—Ulrd In l.m Than Three Mouth*. After Bein'; Taken to Manila Barbara—Her Itrmark able Ureas of Feather*. About seventy miles off the coast of Southern California lies the island of San Nicolas—a veritable desert, wind-swept to ouch a degree that one might well imagine that the furies are guarding the Island, says the Scien tific American. San Nicolas, which is twelve miles long and four or five wide, has no harbors, the anchorage being merely a lee under the low hills, the fact that the wind blows directly off-shore making It poci.lble for vessels to anchor here at certain seasons. On this Island, which has been the cen tral point of a romance and tragedy of much interest, deserted and alone, Maria Better-Than-Nothing, the wild womaii of San Nicolas, lived twenty years—long enough to forget her peo ple and even her language. The story told by Prof. C. F. Holder is no fol lows: “'For centuries the island was inhabited by a race of hardy mariners who have left their monuments in large shell heaps and mounds that cover many acres. I^css than 100 years ago the Franciscan fathers determined to take the natives away from the in hospitable island and provide them with homes around the various mis sions, where they could also he com fortably converted. With this object In view a vessel was sent to the island, and after much difficulty the Indians, now reduced to about 100, were col lected, and taken aboard, deserting thousands of implements which their ancestors had used for centuries. When the vessel was about to sail one of the women discovered that her child had been left behind. But it was blowing a gale and the vessel could not hold, so the captain sailed away, whereupon the frantic mother dashed into the sea and swam back to shore, making her way successfully through the surf. The captain of the vessel premised to return for the woman, but soon after his vessel wad wrecked and no attempt was made to rescue the poor Indian woman until twenty years after, when a priest determined to make an effort to learn whether she was alive. He enlisted the services of an otter hunter and several Indians, who, In a small schooner known as the Better-Than-N'othing, set sail for San Nicolas. They landed on the island and very soon found evidence that some one was living there, but avoid ing them. To make the search perfect the men formed a line across the inland at certain distances apart, which resulted in the discovery of the wild woman. She was sitting by a brush hut in a canyon, about which was a windbreak of whalebones and various material. She smiled and spoke to the Indians In a language they did not understand, but they fell on their faces before her aa though to worship her. She offered them food and readily consented to go with them and was taken aboard the schooner with a tame otter. She was dressed In the skins of birds, over which was a garment of sealskin. She was named Better-Than-Nothlng, after the vessel, and by signs succeeded in telling some Indians on the mainland something of her history. At first she had mourned the loss of her friends, then the dogs killed her baby and she wished to die and was sick for a long time. She was taken to Santa Barbara, where In dians from all about were brought to her to see if they could understand her language, but without avail. She lived with different families at Santa Bar bara, but civilization proved disas trous to her and In leas than three months she died. Her remarkable dress of feathers was sent to Rome as a curiosity, and the remains of the un fortunate woman found a resting place in the sanctified ground of the mission. San Nicolas has proved a veritable treasure house for the archaeologist, and tons of stone im plements have been taken from va rious mounds on the island. One of the most remarkable shell mounds in the world Is found here, being. It la said, nearly a mile long and ten feet in average height.” Irish Wit. Seumas MaeManus In the Saturday Evening Post: Two navvies, ill-clad, dirt-covered, rain-soaked, got pos session of a heavenly nook between two high stoue wails while an extra heavy sleet shower prevailed. They had "hunkered" low, and were watch ing the smoke-wreaths mount from their pipes. "I'm toul," said one of them, breaking a reverie, "I'm toul. Jamie, that the king of Jarralny nlver » makes." Both regarded the wreaths again for a minute In silence. "Poor man! 1 wouldn't like to be him, Larry- would you?" Hetty llaran of Thrummoti was a very pious old Methodist. Father Han often dropped Into Hetty's for a gossip "Hetty," ■aid Father Dan. "I always And you stuck in your Hlble. Now. tell me truly, do you understand It all?" "Of counts I do." Indignantly. "Well, well. I've been atitdylng It all my life, and I don't understand It all yet." "An' If yer reverence is n blockhead, do ye think every wan elae like yereelf?" WuwM Severe Three The disproportion of th* sears is still very great In West Australis There ere only M.ono women In a population of IWSPO Kverywody sympathises with the man who a«4s with n ken-pecked pros* C. Oliver Iselin is credited with de claring that he will no longer under take to build or manage a yacnt to defend the America's cup and his re tirement will probably be followed by that of Nat Herreshoff, designer ot three of the defenders. (StOO Reward »lor». The read"rs ot this paper will be pleased to learn thu', there Is at least one dreaded disease that sr'.ence has been able to cure in ail its stages, and that, is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to t he medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease. requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall s Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, noting directly upon the blood and inueous sur faces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up tlie constitution and assisting nature in doing Its work. The pro prietors have so much faith In Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O. Sold by druggists 75c. Hall’s Family Fills are the bosk For use in exercising tile finger muscles and Increasing the str«ngtn of the grip a new device is composed of a bar adapted to be held by the fingers, with a second bar held by ,uns passing through the ends of the fiist, the tension being produced by rubber cords or springs. A lady writer says: “No mart led man can he a dude.” Of course net; no man, married or single, can be a dude any more than a dude can be a man. Mfslca On Tuesday, Jan. 23, a special vcstl buled train ot Pullman palace cars, compartment, drawing-room, library, observation and dining cars will start from Chicago, going to the City of Mexico and to other prominent cities of the republic and back to Chicago again, making the tour of all Mexico complete. The party will be strictly limited and absolutely first class. Tickets include all expenses everywhere. The tour Is under the personal escort and direction of Mr. Reau Campbell, general manager of The American Tourist Association. For maps, books of the tour, tickets, etc., tail on agents of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. The deposit of vapor and hoar frost on window panen’is prevented by coat ing the window with a composition re cently patented by a Belgian, consist ing of water, glycerine, sugar and eo marin, the resulting compound being transparent and rendering the window clear at all times. A Prince of Commerce, John M. Smyth, head of the great house The John M. Smyth Co., has built up, by years of hard work, the greatest institution of its kind in the world. His name is a household word in Chicago. Their "ad.” in another part of this paper should be of interest to every one. Get their catalogue of everything to eat, wear or use. Many a man who knows nothing about the tariff would go on a tarilf he* could stand the bartender off. FITS Permanently carwl. 5oflt« orn*rrmi*r.***after flrut day * u.-e «ra I wlU luf'-rm i«-d by over /. \> 1,000,000 ren* fa The geit nine hive W. I. K l>ouglaa* i.ame and i»rf Wa»hlO|lon and Or<|on. »!*<> prairie and tunli r lamia near lailrnud uml water r.iiiiiuunit-ut tin that can i> t>uiarht tot $3 00 per atrt; and there ara no ryi lohe*. btT/rard* lotw winter* nr real hot summer* mi fattuie ••( mips. I>ul aiways pood market* If t'uu wish to rata* amln j rmetpdi? or fruit, or the finest stork on mirth you t an liad loeatlnns tn these two slatoa where you aan do Ihl* to |ari feel lot) If you are look IB* for employinetit *ml wish to w t are steady Work al atsal waxes I ran help you lotht ttva I hare no Und for sale nut it you want in format ‘tin alstui this write me al 199 t 1 luti hi., hi 1*4*1 m aa t C Wl HHMA*. “wanted. W# VAAl *tM flAMB. *ft« m»«l* ?*“♦»< MNMIkli | .( 'HI («M4*ie4 U4l •W9»«4 |4«4; la «*9« I IMA If. t‘4 IM Vt*M sl«hl •*» AMI •• kilt H**th»*l Ml* ft •m«tl Wh'k hi HNiflOf »lvM| Ml"« ••»!» A“* I A* •<•»»« *r« «tk4* W# hit MMlkl«f9N •• t tlM |lti lull IM K*kv«S bMN t«M NMM IM n«ki kl«4 w| • M4S *Ak IMM A kl| a* AA? A44WH* WOSE BPOS i CO.. CIKAGO. ILL. HOOSIER FIRE KINDLER! IOO FIRES FOR 3c. W*M%BI44 |tif mm«• |fS?9 IMfU IN RlIlM •* At# p#t«Rla Mhl * ' * IM ft I ttftlU C*.'Ca«a«av »• J0HNM5MYTH CO. (6?mailorderJ) HOUSC y $14.25 $1425 The Best Sewing Machine on Earth At the Price, $I4.2S (or Our “MELBA" Sewing Machine. A hlgh-arm. high-grade machine equal to what others aro asking jC5.U0 to £15.00 for. tiuaranteed by us for so years from date of purchnse. against any imperfec tion in material or workmanship. The rtand is made o. the best Iron and is nicely pro|>ortinneHiir«r| Ish'Kam iNhiri mIiimm lh»*r ^riMi •*! I* .1 i.»r iHum, Imi n«r • uMimI • Uk lit* aik)ll|fk«liN(l MM|«il llikM !• fttuul m nife Omm, «ci t« r«t «il U>n «t a ii 1» n *i» *4 # 1 H |.4 i* im n. vou «•* liTIa | r«*« i of allMr ««• kf Ik«« MiitM. th* | !«(«*«# Hit* l»«l A !«ikl I Im of tk*t» VMVAM4. M%i(l K Km vm * l H*f m £• IW ImmI kf W4 tgk> * lUikit < 4 4> Mlkl At |»4f 4a»' 4 A Urfi «Km»« u\wt >«r« 1+ml ikM ft MMil mm M ImM lmC*r?Wu«M • nu clcm mm I •* fvtfM FREE iw »r*fwi ruiiim l-Nw LFSH ';z:zrx 1:tl£E C 1^4 j. »4 > «» .>hm 4L l*tf * ***4' M i^-U •.•4-rMi^ M tt«t MilMt, iih Mp**4 kImmms IhUli*. lb« l N r«« •Uiw» )«!«• WH»4«»ilw4tl>MM>4 -«