Uoaal Dsws. Mr. Knapp of Davis Creek whs In the city election day. Dr. Jones Is making a new barn out of his old one. L. G Fisher of Custer county was in the city Wednesday. Ernest Pilger came up from Lincoln to attend the election. J. D. Ford bought a nice bunch of calves last Wednesday, Mrs. J. 8. Pedler is reported to be puite sick at present. T. S. Nightingale made a professional trip to Ord, Wednesday. M. P. Ford has moved into the hou»e vacated by John Horn. Rev. Jeenrlchs and daughter went to Grand Island yesterday. W J. Fisher went to Davis Creek yesterday oe business. Election day was the fairest among the foul political filth. David Doner of Washington twp. was in the oity Wedneaday S. F. Reynolds 1* again able to be out after his severe Illness. Mr. A. Sutton moved hia family to his ranch near Ord, yesterday, A Boose was is in the city election day making the blind see. E. A, Draper reports thesehool house ali plastered except the halls D. D, Grow of Webster township, was a pleasant caller Wednesday. Oeo. Deiuinger of the east aide smiled in on hs Wednesday while in the city. Mr. B. A. McDowell of Washington twp. was a pleasant caller this morning. Will Engle of near Clear Creek, left Thursday for the east part of the state. I. 8. Sheppard has a fine line of mu sical instruments on baud which you can buy at half the usual pr ice. Judge Wall left Wednesday mor ning for Broken Bow to attend district court. Three flour and feed stores In lown and'dtimplin duat is booming. Miss Minnie Gilbert who is teaching near Ravenna, spent Sunday at home. J. T. Hale purchased a new windmill and tank from James Rentfrow Satur day. B. T. Snyder has moved into the Walworth residence in the west part of town. Rollan Shuttler left yesterdav for Riverton, Neb , where he has accepted a position in a mill. Miss Fannie Ford will, in a few days go to Cheyenne Wy., to spend the win ter with relative*. John Oblson took it gang of men to Comstock Monday to begin work on the uew brick store at that place. Carsten Truelaen and A P. Culley returned Tuesday from a trip to Mis souri in 'he Interest of their stock busi ness. Geo. E Hotohkins has his tlour and feed store In condition to accommodate the public. Read his new ad in'this issue. John Clark will start his feed mill next week. He will grind feed by the bushel or for tole, and will keep flour and feed for sale. You should call at T. M. Reeds when you want anything in the furniture line. He has a fine stock to select from. Don't be led astray and made to be lieve Stout there's something just as good as Rocky Mountain Tea There's nothing half as good. Quickly cure constipation and ebulld and invigorate the entire system ever gripe or nauseate— DeWitt's Lit tle Early Risers. W. 9. Waite and wife went to the! home of Mrs. Waite's parents near Ord. yesterday to pay a visit to friends in that vicinity before they start south for the winter. We have for sale a full supply of blank mortgages, deeds, land leases, notes ami mortgage notes on hand. All printed on best quality paper and are of the best forms and print Warranty deeds to conform with county deed records. Will Built* will offer at public vendue | a lot of cattle, couaUtlng of milk co*.* 1 better* anti bull*, work horaea, huff*, j farm machinery ami bouteholil good* Male will commence ai 10:00 a. Ill, at bl* farm two mile* nortbwe*t of A«b ton. on Thuraday Nov. f.1. iHiw. Ilun N W. rrlnce,uf<>rai.it leland. •ml who waa billed to make a Itepubli can *peecb at North l oop, came to Loup City Monday evening by mletak*. The mUtake waa made bjr the repute Hern Male Central bip gentleman informa we that a whir! a tad cam* from it* »**t *P| areally aUrtlwg from the old farm •I tn t ook and eweepiag weal and mag i If teg the polling place la aa an ;?v> eieble and ta »>m» vaunt d leg race fwl manner It U aa.d hr eon man nhnm no eeeeapoetnd *mh iinhM Lem. John Jan* of Oak Creek, will shortly bulk] a brick hou«e 18x26 ft. Wahl hr ton township elected a full sot of republican township officers. The carpenters are at work ceiling overhead In the a.ore building occupied by A. E. Chase. W. T.Chase was having the broken place* in the plastering In hi* store mended this week. James Reiitfrow will pay $3 50 per ton for old Iron, castings, etc and 5 cents per pound for copper and hrasa. Healthy, happy babies. Mothers say Rocky Mountain Tea Is the greatest baby medicine In the world. 35 cents. If you want your watch put. in good repair bv the only first class workman in the county call on G. H MoKUAN.lhe Jeweler, The report coming from Litchfield last week that Mias Klfie Zimmerman had dyphtherla, was false, sober father informs us. Grace—Better doctor your health be fore applying beautflylng remedies. Rid yourself of constipation, indigestion with Rocky Mountain Tea, anil you’ll have a beautiful face. Geo. Ware sr. i* nursing a very had band, be having got a sand burr In it. Mrs. Stellmaoher will open up a dress making establishment in a few days. Stewart McFadden ii in the dehorn ing business again, lie dehorned a large bunch of cattle this week for Frar.k Otlewskl, also for Beoscbotei Bros, One Minute trough Cure vuickly cures obstinate summer cough* and colds. ‘ I consider it a most wonderful medicine. - quick and safe.',-\V. W. Merton, May hew, WIs. O. LI. Scott and wife returned last Tuesday from n three week* visit with their children in Council Bluffs and the eaatern part of tbs atate. They report a pleasant trip. Irritating stings, bites, scratches, wounds and cuts soothed and healed by DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve,—a sure and safe application for toitured flesh. Beware of counterfeits. Hamilton Clark, of Cbauncy.Ga., savs he suffered with itching piles twenty years before trying DeWitt’s Witch Ha zel Salve, two boxes of which complete ly cured him. Beware of worthless coun terfeits. We have been asked tlie question iu the past few days if there is a penalty attached to cvesdropping. We know of none except to pulverize the parasite. Its the only way to get rid of them. For windmills and pumps call on James Rentfrow. He handles-the beat 1 makes and at the lowest prices. Tanks all kinds and sizes made to order at the lowest prices. Pump and windmill repairs always on hand. The entertainment and daces given ! by the A. O. U. W, lodge last night was well attended and very much appreciat ed by all. The opaning farce was well raceived, and the floor was then cleared for dancing which the young folks en joyed until about midnight. Dk, Cady's Condition Powdbrs, are just what a horse needs when In bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge They are not food but med icine aud tbe best In use to put a horse in prime condition. Price25 cents per package For sale by Odendabl Bro's. . DIED. Mr. JantasE. MoGray, died at bis re ildenea in this city, ou Friday evening November 3rd 1899, at 5.30 p in., of a ■•triplication of diseases, bis lungs and heart being effected aud dropsy setting In. He leaves a wife and two small children to mourn bis taking away. Mr McCray was born at Jacksonville, Midi, on the 30th day of Marck 18.16, and was at bis death 43 years 7 months and 3 days old. He Was educated at Oberlin College, Ohio. He came to Custer coun ty, Neb , In the spring of 1887 and , located at Sargent, where be llyed un- 1 til the spring of 1808, when be came to ; I.oup City aud leased the creamery, and has since been operating it. Mr. Mc Cray was a gentleman of sterling worth to a community, of <|uiet, uuostenta- i tious disposition, and a man whom to] know was to esteem aud to trust We i have lost tu Mr, McCray one of our best citizens. He was a member of the Roy al Highlanders from which society bis family will receive one third of a gcrtl. ftcate of two thousand dollars, he hav ing belonged to the society less than one year which according to their law* entities theta to hut one third «>f the amount The remains weie taken to ksigsiit on Saturday aud were Intend at that place mi Sunday. Nat He Wises! Way, It Is not always best to wait until It is needed Is fore buying a bottle of I hail) iMSflaiu s t idle, i toiler* and Diarrhoea Remedy tgut'e Ire^uent y the reined) la required in the aery busiest •« *,,,i, ,.r jiatke night an.I nut'll Iwcoe ) em«rn«* aud sutferteg must he borne liefore i| can be obtained It costs but a tr ite >,» 1 cuwtMired with Its y«al worth and every latudy can well afford tu beep it m the. r bouse it D every w here aebtuiw le.lged to be Ut* most successful mr.iun,s In 1 the world lor bowel coinpiatm* |*or sale by li.leadakl Hrua KOTIul I'rrtmt bay tag tbss repatrlwg .lose m **t par lot lor same. 11 | am s«t m •lora when gosela «re la en pay to •, II Morgan a ho Is autli>-rtae«t |o f«i|y«t same Ml naw >bo«a mwat also ba so I for y««b Yours for boainess llaaat Uaiitu A N NOUN CKM KN T CAIilts. AT THIS M. K. CIIFRCB. Quarterly conference of Lonp City M. E. circuit, will be held at school house No 36 (Datidow appointment) on Saturday, Novem ber 10th at 7 30 when the Presiding Elder of the Kearney district, R. C. A. Mustin will preach, after which a business session will be held. On Sunday morning, Nov II. at the same place, ltev. C. A. Mastln will preach at 10 after which the sacrament of the Lords Supper will be administered. Sunday evening, Nov. li.nt M, K. Church Loup City at 7.80 preaching service by the Pastor Rev VV. K. Mathews. A cordial Invitation !» extended to all. Rev Mastln. the new Presiding Elder of this district is reputed by many to be the best preacher In the conference. He has all the honors that were In the gift of the an nunl conference and might have had more had he so desired. He sure arid bear hint at district 3fl I,ROMAN EVANGELICAL SBlIVtl KS. Next Sunday, Novembor 12tb, will be derm man Evangelical services la this city at the Haptlst church at 2 o'clock p. u. Auo. Jhknkich, Pastor. AT PftKHM VTBU t AN It ALL. Preaching in the Presbyterian Hall next Sabbath by Rev, J. M. McCahan, at 10:30 a. rn. In Austin at 3 p. m. and In RorUvllle at 7:30 All are cordially Invited. NOTICE To TEACHERS. The Touchers' Reading Circle of Loup City division will meet in Loup City on the tlrst Saturday of each month at 2 o'clock. Lesson for Nov. 4lh: Pages I to 42 of the -School master in Comedy and Satire.' All teachers and others interested in ibe work are urgec to be present. a. S. Lkiningkh. Pres. new A**IITOM LOCALS. It has been announced that the Catholic church effected this summer will be dedicated with imposing cer emoies on Tuesday November 14th, l80b, at 9:80 a. m. sharp by the Rt. Rey. Richard Scanml, Bishop of Omaha. It is expected that an immense concourse of peo ple w ill l>e present, and the oceunion will be u Red Letter day in the his. lory of Ashton, and a day that will be long remembered here. Born —A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 8. Fairbairn on Friday, Nov., 3rd 1899 We extend congratulations to the parents, and best wishes of a long and happy life to the young lady. Frank Badura was here Saturday from Loup City, looking after his interests. August SoDStrom and Lawrence I Jepaon drove over from Rockville j Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Arthur and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Couhjacr . f Loup City were Ashton visitors Sun day. Miss Alice Roiee left here Mon ! day morning ior her home at Hell wood, Neh., after quite a visit in this vicinity. A!)ram Miller of Pensacola, Fit., was a caller Tuesday. W. M. Smelser informs us that he has purchased an elegant 8x10 ca mera, aad that he is now eqwiped to do any kind of photographic work, but that he will make a specialty of out-of-door views of every kind. Tuesday was election day. and ev erything passed off smoothly. There was 117 votes cast at this place. The towr ship went populist by quit* a majority. The Socialist Labor par ty showed quite a marked increase. Mrs. S. D. Laurpbere left Wednes day morning bound for Lincoln. John Sekulera boarded the train here Wednesday morning for St. Paul. Peter Jepsen of KockvJI. was seen on our streets Wednes lav miming I. C. U. diyidk dittik* Mr*. l> -ruplljt Wim the guest of b>>r • ii*ter Mr*. John Htioening, last e.cck. l lio big road-scraper. under Hi** <||. reation «*f Sydney Hollister. la doing (Ai'lrnt »rrvli’i1 n* 11*1! ami l»ry meet till* week. Mr. Hein of l.oup City, gave a talk on county affair* a! llivld.* school house l**t Kndiy cernlng, and sheriff I'utlmi dlscu<*ed *t*le not national *tl air*. Kn * Hiebel is engaged in building l»u hundred forty rod** f f**». e around III* ftflil * tilt h *dJolB* |t|e .,.ho.d grounds Mr Hkhel in |,oum| to have tin to*-1 fenced firm m th<* county. All the good ci|ia*n» of iHvtde hl.-d theinsetvra to the p«>|!a at the Wigg t t raek achoot house 11 ,y to •tteii«l th i rl*i lion Miss Mia lloj.ister i*• > tt'*• • • ■ g fttun a 1 sine .h uld' f. the r< uli of a fr>W•* with her |M*t l. 'tipt |l) ha* a |u « t li.g 11 in who Might held I. |!t*r tmc to lh.it |ut«n **4 * |*tt i o am*! ■ * •. \ ouog i s* It 1 • ■ ■ ’ . • ; , t ll«l,» stso.tl I wl a* • x»ipl* to ih « >ii *l,4 |hi*UIIimi lost** I »f failing b In* pat theiMwisr* It t* i«j .»i*d that ihi* I* i**» • as t stats rbi'1 I |r to a I. f 1 tans wltt htw thrte li nt * In one *>**, ,g f arioera I **. htng« tf ois for «b* «i i One «! •.,» *,, uf «hap|, ,id» J'HIb M U lIkltH * hroulc Itiarrh»e» Cured ibi- is to certify that I have had chronic diarrhoea ever since the war. ] Sfof -o weak 1 could hard’v walk nr do anything, One bottle of chamberlain's Colic, < le lira urn! Diarrhoea Remedy cured me Sound and well •I. R. Giiibs, Fincastle, Va I had chronic diarrhoea for twelve years. Three bottles of Chamberlain's Colic. ('bob ia arid Diarrhoea Remedy cured me S I,. Aiiavek, Fincaatle, Va. Both Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Shaver are prominent farmers end reside near Fin castle, Va They procured tbe remedy from Mr. \V. K. Casper, a druggist of that place, who is well acquainted with them and will vouch for t.be truth of their statement For Sale by Oden* dahl Bro's Our baby was sick fora month with severe cough and catarrhal fever. Al though we tried many remedies she kept getting worse until we used One Min ute Cough Ciire,-lt reieived at once and cured her in a few days” B L. Nance, I’rin. High ixchool, BlufTdaln, Texas The pain of a burn or scald is almost instantly relieved by applying Cham berlain's Pain Balm. It also heals the il jure I part* more quickly than any other treatment, and without the burn is very severe does not. leave a scar. For sale by O lendah] Bros. Kodid Dyspepsia t'ure cures dyspep, sia because Its ingredients are such that it can't help doing m>. ‘'The public can relv upon it a- a master remedy for all disorders arising from imperfect di gestion.’*--James M, Thomas. M I)., in American Journal of Health, X. Y. ly.VNThD-SEVKlUL HIIIGHT AND Hun'EnT, persons to represent us as Managers in this mid close liy counties, Sulury #•.11-1 a year met expenses, Straight bona-t:df, no more, no less salary. Position pei’Rinneiir. our references, any bank in ii'iv town, i: is mainly office work conduct. «d at home. severance. Enclose selr-ad. cl re-aed stamped envelope.—Tun Domin. ion Comi’aiiv. Dept 8, Chicago » ^5 to 3 luo flood Enough lo Take. 1 he ||neat quality of loaf sugar la ti-tni in the manufacture of Chamber lain s t on.’li Heine y hiiiJ the roots used in its 111« pe itlon give it a flavor similar Initial .. in •|ile .- v 111; linking it very I’V - mi to t ike. A i ni' ilieine for the cuf ot 1 uLigs, eolijs, la grippe, croup an. ■ hooping cough ii 1 mu qualed by any .tier li alwavs cures, anil cures (imci.lv For sale by Odpndthl Bios, Ai.ns i s iVA.NTBD.-Knr "Thu l.ifo And A. III. veinenta or Admiral Dewey," llie W Md's greatest naval hero. Ily Murat H i t •• Iih* frii?nd* awl admirer ot the nation's idol. Hlggesi and book; nv. m o m!h mclin; nearly 100 pages hull-ton.' Ulnstral Ions. Only gi,,yi. Knur in is derrcind. ii.g Commission*. Outfit Iree. « liain-M of u lifetime. Write quick. The Dominion Company, 3rd floor • Mi‘I !>»••<» eilirl leitH frt* iU • tRiC VLOICAL CO.. BUFFAUO.N. Y. A Free Trip to Paris! . * tr * Hi* 1‘ttrU * « :iL k «4 I ■ > • iwih''l •(, i.rln n*v l> \ I I \ r HI • OKU. Hnlttmorr, *•!. liver; % TM* U»**T. LITTLE Ll\ R PiLL CUHVfe Olliou noJ4, Dy«p j»nia# Sick • Hoo U • 4Cho t.vj Liver Complaint. »u**« ( >« r*o lul l l| til ■ t » Ilf > ,«tt »*m \l»AUL IlKOH. ( 14 j» I'll* , St I’f READ! READ! READ! Ladies and Gentlemen— When you waut your watch put in (irat class repair b> the only tirst class workman in the county, call ou Morgan, the jeweler. He understands the manufacture of watches, l also have a watch that I made with my own hands, that wdl keep as good time as any watch Call and see me. It my work fails to please you l will re fund your money, l am here to do business in a business way. G. H. Morgan, Can be found at Henry Dolling’s Shoe Store, Loup City, Neb. CAPT WILLIAM AHTOK CHANLEB. Congressman from Now York, Is the president of Thk Nkw Yohk Star, which Is giving away FORTY UOLLAB BICYCLE dally as offer ed by their advertisement In another column Hon Amos J. Cummings. M. C . Col Asa Bird Gardner, District Attorney of New York, ex Governor Hogg, of Texas, and Col. Fred Felgel of New York, are among the well known names in their Board ol Directors. The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist. The Discoverer of Swamp-Root at Work la ! HI* Laboratory. There is a disease prevailing in thi* country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by It—heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure • or apoplexy are often the result of kidney f disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to ad- ' vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack ' the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. I Then the richness of the blood—the albumen —leaks out and the sufferer has Bright's Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. 1 Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new dis covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder i and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cesa 1 and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free j by mail, also a book telling about Swamp- ‘ Root and Its wonderful cures. Address j Dr. Kilmer 8c Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and mention this paper. ' 0 ALESME U 0 WAITED, ll toeanvass for tbe «l« of Numery Stock steady employment guaranteed, UOOD 0 I’AV for sueeeaaful men. Apply at once stating age. Mention this paper. E. L. WATROUS, I)e« Moines, Iowa WANTKD SBVKBaL HBIGIIT AM' iloaksT peraoDB to repreaent ua aa Man agera in thin and close by counties. Salary fmio a year and expenses. Stralghti bona fide, no more, no less salary. Position per manent. Our references, any bank in any \ town. It is mainly offlee work conducted at borne. Reference. Enclose self-address ed stamped envelope. Til* DOMIHHMI Com pany, Dept, 8, Chicago. to .1M iboo, TrinVPV Women as well JVXL/XyJEj X as men are made TUATTUT 1? miserable by kid X XVV/ U «/ lACi ney and bladder trouble. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root tbe great kidney remedy promptly cures At druggists in fifty cent and dollar slz.es. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pliainpblet telling all about It.—address Dr. Kilmer A Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure 7 Digests what you eat. Itartlficially digests tbe food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered-digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gastralgla,Cramps,and all other results of imperfect digestion. Prepared by E. C DeWItt A Co.. Chicago. Don't Be Fooledi The market Is being flooded with worthless Imitations of ROCKY MOUNTAIN • ••TEAi,, To protect the public we call capccial attention to our trade mark, printed on every pack age, Demand the genuine. For Sale by all Druggiatfc wervv DESIGNS TRAOE-MARKS AND COPYRIGHTS OBTAINED ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY Notice in “ Inventive Age ” 1 Book “Howtoobtain Patents" PATENTS 1 , Charges moderate. No fee till patent is secured. Letters strictly confidential. Address, E. G. SIGGERS, Patent Lawyer, Washington W - -- -- -- -- - - - — - - - - - FREE lecured. . rees 1 on, 1L£J To PATENT Good Ideas may be secured by our aid. Addreaa, THE PATENT RECORD, Subscriptions to Tbe Patent Record 11.00 per annum' f CALL AT THE INKS BUILDING TWO DOORS NORTH OF FIRST BANK. Best patent flour 50 pounds.95 Second patent, 50 pounds.85 Straight, 50 pounds.80 Rje flour 25 pounds.50 Kye Graham 50 pounds.76 Wheat Graham 50 pounds.30 Fine meal 12 pounds.15 Shorts per ewt.tio Braa per ewt..50 Every sack of flour warranted and deliv ered free. GEO. E. HOTCHKIN, Loup City, Neb. WATCH TALKS « A WATCH TALK? Whv no, for my maker forgot to put a mouth in *3 f*"‘- wl>** »•« uia.lt! me. Although he put life in me, be .lit] not make mt li.u.U aiiifU'ienlly atroog tti atriae you wheu you ahuae m«, Coaae<|ueally, you can emeah u»y face or take my life at any time. Tbvii vou may puniak me atilt more bv taking me to eotue UNSKILLED WATCHMAKER: M t«» in. r»>l*el aoitie felloe who pr.imiaea to put aapriag of life in me for flflt eats, give me a pkyaH) an.I thoroughly parge iur fur fifty Mill more, but oho tl.iea not t.ie take me apart I LL TALK RIGHT IF YOU TAKE ME TO I. S. SHEPPARD, The Leading Jeweler and Up lUiaa of Logp l*t|y