The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 10, 1899, Image 7

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    T.oftun a la ‘•I-rnnon.”
Miss Cissy Loftus is getting up a lot
of new imitations and proposes to
try in New York the plan many of
the vaudeville stars of London adopt
of appearing at several theaters in the
same evning. She will "make up" at
her hotel and drive to the first the
ater at which she is to appear and
as soon as she has finished there she
will Jump -nto a cab and hurry to the
next pluce, and so on.
Japan will not restore captured ships
to China, but will sell her new ally
240y#OO Mauser rifles and 24,000,000
rounds of ammunition at a low orice.
Bf, ScnfciM ed to a Minute til .lull
William Smith, who was released j
yesterday from the penitentiary, where |
he had served a two-year term for ob- |
tainlng money under false pretenses,
found a rather interesting reception
awaiting him outside of the prison
gates, where he was immediately ar
rested on a charge of lureeny. This
offense was committed before he had
served his two-year term. On account
of the poor health of the prisoner
Judge Palmer exercised great leniency
In sentencing him. The deputy sheriff
marched him to the county jail, where
he was sentenced to languish for a
term of one minute.
Overlx-arlug Straw Ix-rrirH.
The special expert sept abroad by
the agricultural department in search
of new seeds and edible plants has
brought back an ' everbearing straw
berry," which he recommends highly.
It comes from h ranee, where it has
been recently bred. It is said to pro
duce fruit for months ofl the same
plants, and a small patch will supply
a family table a whole season,
, Ante for the Bf**t lt«ii<ltiic.
Liberal religious literature sent free
on application to Mrs. H. 1). Reed,
132 N. 38th ave., Omaha, Nebr.
The common opportunity comes, as
the divlnest opportunity in the whole
history of th,r world ramp, cradled in
youreyes? Bad taste in your mouth?
It’s your liver! Ayer’s Pills are
liver pills. They cure constipation,
headache, dyspepsia, and all liver
complaints. 25c._All druggists._,
Want your moustache or be*nl a beautiful
orown or rich black ? Then use
6? <•▼»■ or Qm-GOUTS, on R. P hail ^ CO. t Naswja, K H.
There are still thousands of acres of (?ot
erninenl lauds In the states of Washington
and Oregon, also prairie and timber lands
near laTroud and water cuminuniratlon that
can be bought for S3.00 peracre; and there
are no cyclones. blTraards. lour winters or
real hot summers, no fnlluio of crops, hut
always good markets.
If you wish to raise Brain, principally, or
fruit, or the finest stock ou earth, you can
find locations in these two states where you
can do this to perfection. If you are looking
for employment and wish to secure steady
work at good wages. I cun help you todo this.
1 have no land for sale but If you want in
formation about this write me at 199 E.
Third St.. St. Paul. M nn.
S3 & 3.50 SHOES jj|MSg
Worth $4 to $6 compart
with other makes.
IudorhHl by over
1,000,004) m t arei H.
The genuine have W. I.
I noughts' name and prue
i stamped on bottom. 'l ake
lm> substitute • Mimed to
[as good. Your deale
should keep them if
^not. we wilt .sen t a paif
m receipt c*f price. State
TV^^Jkind of i eather. *-i/«, and width, plain or
cap toe. Catalogue A free.
* i . f. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO.. Brockton. Mata.
the test ink made
►* but no dearer than the poorest
cukes cnucss and coins. |/|| I PQ
All llriiKKlsts. Alto.
FHeS&fiter ANOAaoTMtu o»!*ASCS m
|YL?»WG F*OM vmc AflO »* TWt BLOOD
rni. kwh VJL^myMB CO-.
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’•imMUh aimI I hll W««r*. Sol*
py illrrv H4iit<r« \VWtt»i*» l hil!r»»*,
F»lt»rr» .»!• > M -'l“ - .V>f*« uhlt-•» + <uv **•
fit). V. M *•»•*»*% «U. . It* *.
Mitta Ufr OfMM M. 4«mI,
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;.V^, Thom^iM’l Eft W*Ur.
U N I. OMANI. 4* »•»•**#
v'lXmxd i
Urrmany Owns the Mott Frecocloo*
Ileru on Record—A Kaonliin Itoy Who
Tackled A Hungry Wolf to Save a
Sleeping Itnix.
Probably the most precocious hero
on record Is a tiny boy called Leonard
Webber, aged 5 years, who several
days ago received a certificate of honor
from the Royal Humane Society of
Germany for raving from drowning the
life of his little brother, aged 3. The
children were playing with some other
hoys on the edge of a pond, when the
youngest Webber fell into the water.
The others, frightened by the incident,
took to their heels, but Leonurd, with
out the slightest hesitation, plunged In
and rescued his brother from a watery
death. The youthful hero, who Is a
bright, intelligent youngster, seemed
to think nothing of his brave feat.
Quite as remarkable was the case
which comes from a remote corner of
Russia, where a boy of 9 years actual
ly possessed the temerity to tackle a
great, gaunt wolf that had assailed a
tiny playmate as the latter lay asleep.
The rescuer seized an ax that chanced
to he lying on the ground, w'here it
had been left by a woodman, and gave
Ibattle to the wolf, who. finding him
self thus attacked, promptly aban
doned his murderous intentions and
trotted off into the wood. So silently
was the splendid deed performed that
the sleeper slept on through its per
formance, and it was only when he
awoke soon afterwards that he heard
how narrow an escape he had had
from a terrible death.
Russia has, indeed, been the scene
of much youthful heroism. Some
years ago, when a peasant woman was
sitting with iter little daughter, aged
about 8 years, at supper, the curtains
w’hic'i divided the living room in
which they sat from the adjoining bed
room, caught fire, through the explo
sion of an oil lamp. The mother sat
dumbfounded, not knowing what to do,
but her daughter, child as she was,
possessed more presence of mind, for,
seizing a knife, she climbed upon a
chair, cut down the blazing curtains
and then smothered the flames with
the hearth rug. In two minutes' time
tlie fire, which might have developed
into a veritable conflagration, was ex
tinguished. and the whole business was
carried out by the unaided pluck of a
mite of 8. Fortunately she escaped
with nothing worse than several trivi
al burns, and her brave conduct was
the talk of the village for a long time
Even burglars have found them
selves worsted by children little more
than babies, and in Nottingham not so
very long ago a burly disciple of Bill
Sykes was subdued and captured by
the action of a schoolboy of 12. The
boy slept in a tiny room adjoining his
father’s apartment, and was awakened
one December night by sounds of a
struggle from the latter chamber.
Without an instant's hesitation the
child seized a poker and gliding on
tiptoe into the room found his rela
tive In the grip of e. massive burglar,
who was gradually choking him.
Quick as thought the boy hit the ruf
fian, once, twice and thrive upon the
head, with the result that h** loosened
his grasp on the father's throat and
fell to the floor stunned and helpless.
Ten minutes later he was on his way
to the police station under the guar
dianship of two stalwart constables
and it afterwards transpired that he
was a malefactor long wanted by the
police for a series of daring burglaries.
Sort of Up-tn-Uute Mazcppa.
A boy named Veasy, having escaped
from the workhouse at Hinckley,
Iajicestershire, England, the porter was
ordered to proceed to Stanton, a neigh
boring villuge, and bring him back.
The porter went to Stanford on a bi
cycle, and, finding the lad, tied both
his arms with a rope, and, attaching
the end of it to his bicycle, dragged
him back to Hinckley, the man riding
at good speed. The affair has created
a great sensation in the district, and at
the recent meeting of the Hinckley
guardians the board expressed their
strong condemnation cf the porter's
conduct. One member of the bourd
said the boy was exhausted by the
treatment meted out to him. At the
meeting the porter’s resignation was
tendered and accepted, the mun's ex
planation for resigning being that he
did not care for the treatment lie re
ceived from the vagrants.
Vlrtroliigirwl Hvfurn.
In hi* prnidefiltil address before th«
Society for the Promotion of Kugiueer
lnK K*lu<alion, Hr. Mendenhull ndvo
iail'd tin' adoption of the metric •>*
ti*iii of weights and measure* Hr said
that there i> a certain data of object
ora who »«•*< something sacred In the
yard and the pound tu-rause they aie
relic* of antiquity, and sowciltlng in
herently wricked In thp meter and the
kilogram became they originated with
the Ptrin h doting the revolution at
! the clone of the ls»t centMry, lie quot
rd the words of t'barlee Sumner In the
senate, uttered more thaa Ihtrty rear*
ago "A system of weights and me is
ores horn of philosophy rather thaa
chance U what we no* seek To thle
end old system* must he abandon,.,j
iim i»*t* mo i ,.H<.i
Mi* Tladlet Why Johnny shal is
the matter wtih yon’ You ve b*ea
Aghllag' And | ' id you to touni i, u
when you were angry Johnny I dot
hut Tommy l inker played roots <>n me
lie didst ewuai hi* ten until after bs d
plunked me In th* eye Itmius Tran
MotliH and Mo*qtilto«ui Sought an Klntrlc
Light and lie Saw IIU t'liHQce.
Insects reason at least some in
sects do. This Is no dogma. It is a
fact that can be demonstrated, or
rather that has been demonstrated.
The demonstration lies in the appli
cation of electricity to spider utili
ties. In a trolley car on a suburban
line the other evening I noticed that
around the central cluster of lights
pendant from the roof was a spider’s
web. It was evening, and by and by
the current was turned into the lights.
From a crevice somewhere In the roof
of the car emerged a great fat, well
favored spider. Hlltbely he lowered
himself by homespun ladders until
he was on a level with one of the
glowing bulbs of light. Patiently he
waited, and he had not long to wait.
Even as the first tide of electricity
surged through the dainty filament of
the lamp, heating it to illumination,
a silly moth turned from Its haphaz
ard course to hover about the light.
A score of other moths, a swarm of
pestiferous mosquitoes, a collection of
gnats, some belated Hies and other
denizens of the insect world plunged
madly into the circle of ’’all hands
around" the electric lights. It was the
spider's opportunity. Here he seized a
moth, there a mosquito. Skillfully he
threw his silken ropes about them,
binding them fast. One victim secur
ed, he hastened to secure another,
storing up choice viands of all sorts
for a midnight feast. Now, why did
the spider fix his lair near the electric
light? Was It instinct? Instinct is a
development of generations, and elec
tric light Is of recent invention. Say.
rather it was reason. This observing
spider by chance bud wandered into
an electric car. Wideawake for op
portunities, he noticed this new In
vention of man—electric light. He
had seen how the foolish moths and
mosquitoes swarmed about the blaze.
“If these foolish creatures gather here
to-night,” this cunning spider reas
oned—what other name shall we call
it?—they will gather here to-mor
row night, and on the nights to come.
Ergo, there will I pitch my tent and
set my snares."
Howr else can the spider's presence
there be explained? New York Her
New Manser
“The new Mauser pistol, with which
our cavalry is about to be armed, is
a horrible-looking piece of machinery,"
said an aesthetic New Orleans sports
man. “it doesn’t resemble a firearm at
all, but looks like some strange scien
tific instrument, such as one might see
in a laboratory. Imagine a cigar box,
Japanned black, with a handle at one
end and a short tube at the other, and
there you have it. The box contains
the mechanism and the tube spouts
bullets. The cavalryman of the past
was a dashing figure. He wore a steel
cuirass and a helmet with nodding
plumes, and while he carried a brace
of pistols In his holster, his real weap
on was his trusty saber. Do you re
member the splendid fellows who are
galloping past Napoleon In Metsson
nier's ‘1807’? Since then science has
gradually sucked all the poetry out of
war, and the Mauser pistol is the last
work of brutal utilitarianism. The
cavalryman of the future will carry
nothing but a small black walnut box,
and will closely resemble a surgeon go
ing out to operate for appendicitis.
When he gets to the right spot, desig
nated by the engineer corps, he will
dismount, open the box, take out his
hideous Mauser machine, hook the
case to one end, so as to form a shoul
der rest, spray a few quarts of projec
tiles in a given direction, and go
home again to rest after the fatigue
of the fray. If the calculations of the
range finder are right, his bullets will
perforate somebody a mile away. That
will be war a la mode. In some re
spects it is a great improvement on the
old style, but it will inspire no poets.
Imagine Tennyson writing the ‘Charge
of the Light Hrigade’ about a cavalry
regiment armed with Mauser automat
ics!"— New Orleans Times-Demoerat.
I ln« n I<oclc«*rrt AImihimI Ship.
There are no laundries on board
ship; they take up too much room. So
the chief steward lays in thousands of
pillow slips, sheets and towels. These
come on board tied up In bales of a
dozen each, and are stored In the linen
locker, a cubby-hole of n place on the
main deck; the ventilator pipes from
| the engine-room run through It and
keep It hot. There U no danger of
linen gettlug mildewed there. The
! linen which has been used Is thrown
| Into auother room provided with the
; same atmosphere, and la kept thor
oughly dry. Where there are clean
^ napkins every day. frequent cluugtn
of staterouut linen and an everlasting
replenishing of towel racks, the de
mands upon the linen locker arc very
Hu* Ilia lllr.l. Is tfff I hew.
Mias .Marie Italroyde, the London
actress, who recently Inherited a large |
fortune, created a sensation on a j
thoroughfare of that city recently
While passing a stall where a bird
1 dealer had a targe stink of wild bird*
1 In cage* she purchased a doa*n Jin
a<>ts, opened the doors of their cages
and let them By away, t'lndiag ah*
had not money enough la her purse
to procure freedom for all the warblers
•he returned home for more, and rerts
Ulna the man purchased and liberated
every wild bird lb bis stork An Ini
ni>use crowd of people gathered and
many of them warmly commended her
kindly a*t New York Mail sad i:i
If we could see ourselves aa others
see us we might have a better opinion
i «f our*#.ics man we have now
The editor of the North American
Review gives, in his November num
ber, renewed evidence of his purpose to
make that periodical the vehicle for
conveying to the public the best po
etrj.’ which poets of the English speech
are producing today. The appearance
of Me. Swinburne's "Chanml Passage '
in the July number created a sensa
tion, and the publication now of Mr.
W. E. Henley's latest songs and mad
rigals, under the title of "Hawthorn
and Lavender,” Is an event of no less
importance. This feature of the No
vember number comprises no fewer
than twenty-five exquisite poems.
Hundred of Thousands
Are Involved.
Trouble In an Important Part of the Orttnizs
tion Affects All the Rest A Perfectly
Harmonious System Easily
Thrown Out of Cear.
Organized labor has reached such n
stage that anything affecting a particular
branch of It draws ull the rest into the
It ts exactly the same way with differ
ent organa of the human body. Work too
hard, eat too much, drink too much, ex
ercise hut little, be a little Irregular In
any way, and the liver nulls work.
Then the bowels become constipated and
the stomach goes on strike. The heart is
affected, the brain follows suit, and every
part In the body Is drugged Into the
The only way out of It Is to go at the
source of nil this lhe liver Square your
self with the liver and all will gel buck to
regular natural work.
t'usearets Candy Cathartic make things
right with the liver. They perfume the
breath, prevent food from souring on the
stomach, give tone to the bowels,strength
en the Intestinal muscles, while they are
cleaning and stirring up the liver to re
newed activity.
No matter how long a case has been In
curable, t'asearelH are guaranteed to put
things right as they should be, and set
the whole machinery a-going. And you
can get them at any drug store or by mall
for price 10c, 25c. or 60c. Address Sterling
Remedy Co., Chicago or New York.
This Is the t'ASt'AHET tab
let. Every tablet of the only
genuine < 'ascarcts bears the
magic letters "C C C." Look
X A at the tablet before you buy,
v 'v and beware of frauds, ltnltu
tlons and substitutes.
When you hear most noise about
religion you may remember that the
propeller Is not heard save when It
churns out of water.
Orwitf’M Patent Oftlci* Il«*|iort.
Applications for patents preparo'l
and prosecuted by us have been al
lowed as follows:
To O. Sullivan, of Fredericksburg,
la., for a railroad joint comprising a
chair re-enforced at its ends by inte
gral downward angular projections to
overlay the side faces of cross ties and
provided with an integral splice bar
at one edge adapted to overlay the
flanges and webs of the abutting endi
of rails and a notch in the other edge
adapted to receive a projection at the
edge of a mating splice bar.
To A. Mendenhall, of Oskaloosa, for
a simple, strong, durable and < fliclent
device adapted to be detachably fas
tened to the top edge of the dasher of
a buggy or carriage in such a manner
that a person seated in the vehicle can
readily detachably fasten driving
reins thereto.
Printed information about securing,
valuing and selling patents sent free
to applicants.
Registered Patent Attorneys.
Des Moines, la.. Oct. 28. 1899.
The devil has to pry the busy man s
door open, but that of the idler is u
standing invitation to him.
Writes us, May 31, 1S99: "I feel it my
duty to write and let you know what
your medicine. ‘5 Drops,’ has done for
me. I have had rheumatism about
eighteen years, but was able to be up
most of the time until a year ago last
May, when I was taken down and not
able to move about. About six weeks
ago 1 saw your advertisement and
wrote for a sample bottle. After tak
ing a few doses it did me so much
good that I ordered some more for
myself and friends, and in every case
it has done wonders and given perfect
“Dr. Wocdliff. niy family physician,
who has had rheumatism for fifteen
years, is taking the ’5 Drops.’ and says
it is the most efficient rheumatic med
icine he has ever used.’’
"5 Drops” is the most powerful spe
cific known. Free from opiates and
perfectly harmless. It is a perfect euro
for Rheumatism. Sciatica, Neuralgia,
Dyspepsia, llackache. Asthma. Catarrh,
i.a Grippe, Neuralgic Headache, etc.
If you or any of your friends are suf
fering, do not delay, hut send for a
bottle of "5 Drops.” Large-sized bot
tles (300 doses), $1. For the next
thirty days we will mail a 25-cent
sample bottle for 10 rents. SWANSON
Lake Street, Chicago. III.
In the mathematics of souls you ran
never he sure how many two and two
may make.
Melting I'aUnli.
The pant wr-»-U tn«*ri« w«*r** 4 It |mtrn'«
iMMiird to Invt'iitor* of th« l?alt«d
niau'i, rtiiu 01 min
numlwr Jt> !»>r rent of
lh«« Inventor* wer**
( uh!e to aril *»lth**r th«
' whole or m |mrt of their
Invention* before th<
Biine Were Inane.I
Amnugat the firoini
neiit niMitufat turltut
e>*in> u>.i «ini (jut• ii iM'il iwti tit* n**r«>
(In- following:
Mrrgmthalor l.ttiutyoo Co. of Now
Mrtor rtjfo ami I'd . < 'I in in na
il. ohm
Klartrtr Whli )«• t’o Now Vnrh ilijr
Itraiwr l’», llo|M‘«t*to. Mam., mu I
1'ortlaml, M»
King«r \l.ihufai luriM4 C'u. NVw J»r*
Horton H«kot M.oltlnv t'o, No*
York rlty.
Amort* 4« t’nivorial Hill IV, Now
York, N Y
Kliaon IIHnwirkw lioatiag amt In
uwlwtm Idghiiag t'o.. I‘hii«4|*>i|>hu.
I‘» , and rharlwton W Va
Ohio M*kr t'o, Itniua ft
•’art low •Wiring Inforuuttma u lo
•ailing or obtaining patent* may ah
tala the mw > by a>Mroa*tng #<*•• *
t’o, t*aioat la«t«it and tulluiur
lb« building naan ha, N*h
Ho who 'tkm lha pain* will taka
the pritoa
At I.»w Over a WoimImi
Henry Henner complained to the po
lice to-Uay that an artificial leg. worth
$107, given him by the Pennsylvania
Railroad company, hail been unlawful
ly seized and held by B, F. Sutton,
another one-legged man. An Investi
gation showed that Sutton had gotten
the leg by representing to Mrs. Benner
that he was going to enlarge the socket
so as to fit her husband's stump better.
After getting the leg Sutton secured
an attachment, claiming ihe owner of j
the leg owed him for repairs made
upon it. Sutton advertises the leg lor
sale to satisfy the judgment.
Fruit <«rnulriK t ntli r
It is estimated that the area of
ground in the l nited Kingdom which
Is covered by glass houses devoted to
fruit culture has increased more than
tenfold during the last thirty years.
The latest statistics show that tnere
are a present over 1,000 acres of land
covered in this way. The superin
tendent of the Covert Garden market,
London, estimates that these houses
produce anout 1,000 tons of grapes,
0,000 tons of tomatoes, 500,000 dozens
of cucumbers of every year, besides
which there are, of course, lesser
quantities of such fruits as strawber
ries, peaches, nectarines and tigs.
Yitluitlilt* Invention.
A Now Zealand man named Gibson
has patented an Invention for brand
ing stock without Injuring the hide.
The new process uses a chemical dep
ilatory, which permanently destroys
ihe hair. The destruction of part of
the hide was one of the bad features
of the old method, the brand appear
ing on the best part of the skin. Gib
son's patent, it is claimed, will add a
value of d or 7 cents at leant to every
hide to which it Is applied. The right
for Australia ulone has just been dis
posed of for $050,000.
Try Graln-ot Try Graln-ot
Ask your grocer today to show you a
package of GilAlN-O, the new food
drink that takes the place of onffoe.
The children may drink it without in
jury as well as the adult. All who try
it. like It. GRAIN-O has that rich seal
brown of Mocha or java, but it is made
from pure grains, and the most delicate
stomach receives it without distress.
One-fourth the price of coffee. 15c.
and 25c. per package. Sold by an
So many Chinese officials nrc re
singing that the empress dowager has
ordered the punishment of those who
apply for leave without pressing ne
State of Ohio, cttt of Toledo, i
LucasCouhty, (
Frank .1. Cheney makes oath that he Is the
senior partner of the ttrm of P. J.Cheney A Co.,
doing business In th- City of Toledo, County
and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
the sum of ONK HUNUBKI) DOLLARS for
earli and every ease of Catarrh that cannot he
cured by the use of Hall e < 'atarrh Cure.
Sworn to before tne and subscribed In my
presence, this8th day of December, A l>. 1SHA
[SEAL. J Notary Public.
Hall s Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Send for testimonials, free.
P. J. CHBNKY A CO., Toledo, a
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hull s Family l’ills uro tbo best
Their Strong Point.
"What are the race peculiarities or
Filipinos?” asked the teacher who be
lieves that current history Is not to be
“They kin race like thunder," was
the prompt reply of the new bey In
the utstrici.
Laxative Bromo (juinlno Tablets removes
the cause that produces La Grippe. K. W
Grove's signature is on each hex. 28c.
Queen Victoria has seventy-five di
rect descendants. The queen has seven
sons and daughters living, thirty-three
grand children and thirty-one great
There are now twenty-three stations
in all parts of the world for register
ing earthquakees.
If no one shrinks, the sermon lacks
Cecil Rhodes, the man who has done
more than any other (Englishman to
give the English-speaking race a foot
hold In South Africa, and hence is in
directly, if not directly, responsible
for the differences between the British
government and President Kruger that
have culminated in war, is the subject
of an elaborate character sketch by
Mr. W. T. Stead in the American
Monthly Review of Reviews for No
vember. Mr. Stead was the original
'dtscoverer" of Mr. Rhodes and has for
many years been on terms of intimacy
with the millionaire-statesman. His
sketch is the only authentic biography
of Rhodes ever published.
How Mrs. Pinkham
“I am very grateful to you for your
kindness and the interest you have
taken In me, and truly believe your
medicines and advice are worth more
to a woman than all the doctors in the
world. For years I had female troubles
and did nothing for them. Of courso
I became no better and finally broke
down entirely. My troubles liogan
with inflammation and hemorrhages
from the kidneys, then inflammation,
congestion and falling of the womb
and inflammation of ovaries.
“ I underwent local treatment every
day for some time; then after nearly
two moni Its the doctor gave rne permis
sion to go back to work. I went back,
but In less than a week was com
pelled to give tip and go to bed. On
breaking down the Second time, I de
cided to let doctors and their medicine
alone and try your remedies. Before
the first bottle was gone I felt the ef
fects of it. Three bottles of Lydia E.
I’inkhnm'.s Vegetable Compound and a
package of her Sanative Wash did me
more good than nil the doctors’ treat
ments und medicine.
“The first remark that greets mo
now is ‘How much better you look!- and
you may be sure I never hesitate to tell
"tins cause of my health.”1—Mna. E. J.
Gooden, Ackley, 1a.
The Klglit Word.
Mrs. Wiekwlre—"Our washerwoman
always talks about ’wrenching’ the
clothes Instead of rinsing them.”
Mr. Wlckwlre—“Maybe she says what
she inoanH. r-he has wrenched all the
button-holes out of half my shirts.”
The Baltimore anti Ohio South
Western Hall Hoad placed In service
several months ago five large ten
wheel compound passenger engines for
use on fast trains between Cincinnati
j and St. Louis. The performance of
these engines has been eminently sat
isfactory and up to the highest expec
tation. The same line has also in ser
vice 50 consolidation compound freight
i engines which provide ample power
for the entire line In addition to what
! was already in use. The compound
engines were un experiment but hard
| service has proved that they are en
tirely successful und show a saving of
15 per cent in fuel as compared with
simple engines of the same type. Ex
haustive tests were made with both
the simple and compound locomotives
before the order for the entire lot was
placed with the result vastly In favor
of the compound locomotives.
Krpld flrowtli In llnnnll.
Hawaii's population has increased
25.000 during .-ie last two years, show
ing that annexaion has had a favorable
effect on its census returns, as it has
on Its general prosperity and sociul
It Win “8o Nu<I<l*n.*v
"Miss Gwendolen,” said he as they
sat on the beach in the moonlight,
“will you mary me?”
"Tills is so sudden.” she cried.
“My love?” he askcit.
"No,” she replied—"your nerve.”
A DOLLAR STRETCHER One lady writes that the greatest “Dollar Stretch
er” she has ever found is the new and original
method by which J. C. Hubinfjer is introducing his latest invention, “Ked Cross”
and “ Ilubinger's Host” starch. She says: With your landless Chain Starch
Hook, I received from my grocer one large package of “ Ked Cross” starch,
one large package of “Hublnger’a Best” starcii, and two beautiful Shakespeare
panels, all for Sc. How far my dollar will no, I am unable to figure out. Ask
your grocer for this starch and obtain the beautiful Christmas presents free.
rtnr nn saved to the purchaser of this *01 nr
S25.00 High firade Top Buggy S34.95
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