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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1899)
THE NORTHWESTERN. HENSt'IIOTKH C lllllSON, K<l» nml Tubs. LOUP CITV. • - NEB. CRIff miGRAMS. Good rains have visited all sections of Oklahoma. The strike of coal miners in West Virginia has been declared off. A coal famine Is threatened in cer tain portions of South Dakota, The marine hospital service has raised the quarantine against New Or leans. 1'p to October there wero lfiO cases of plague in Oporto, Spain, with flfty five deaths. Captain Dyer han been relieved from his assignment as commandant of the Havanu naval station, owing to 111 health. Preparations are being made at Windsor caBtle for the visit of Em peror William of Germany, who is due to arrive there November 20. General Davis, at San Juan, has re ported the death on the 23th of tri vate John Persson of the Fifth cav alry, at Arrecioo, of dysentery. George Hartle, the oldest clerk of the state department, and a close friend of Daniel Webster, has died at his Wash ington residence. He was appointed by Secretary Buchanan in 1845. Commercial travelers have organized into a national society of Christian workers, to be known as "the Gideons,” at Janesville, Wl». Officers were elect id. The president Is S. B. Hill, Beloit, Vis. Smallpox has appeared in violent form at Hen ton Harbor, Mich., and also at a number of other points in that state. Gov. Plngree has set the state machinery at work to crush out the disease. It is scmi-offlclally asserted that the increase in the German naval expen diture will be defrayed by the increase in grain duties in 190$, which is ex pected to produce a surplus of 30,000, ooo marks. The business portion of YVakarusa, nine miles west of Goshen, ind., was burned, causing a loss of $00,000. Par tially Insured. Nineteen business firms suffered. The adjutant general of the state of New York, Avery Andres, enjoys the distinction of being the firs' president of any organisation of automobolisis in this country. Receivers have been appointed for the Heaton Peninsula Manufacturing company of South Uoston, makers of shoe machinery. No statement of lia bilities has been made. The Hutchinson & Southern railroad, 148 miles long, hus passed into the bunds of the Sunta Fe. it extends from Hutchinson to Ponca, O. T. The price paid is not stated. Fire at Horatio, Ark., on the line of the Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf road, destroyed the business part of the town, entailing a loss of $50,0u0 with but little insurance. At Nevada. Mo., ex-County Treasurer Frank F. Parker was found guilty of embezzling $26,000 of county funds and sentenced to three years and six months in the penltentiury. At Phlludelphiu the triangular block bounded by t'unul and Second streets on Germantown avenue was almost totally destroyed by tire entailing a loss of $150,000, partially insured. The muh» is becoming a shining fac tor in modern war. The Mutanzas mule has been immortalized by para graphed. Several of them shied at Ladysmith und ran into the Boer camp with a British battery. General Greeley has received a ca blegram from Havana saying the hur ricane did considerable damage. Lines of communication between Havana and Santiago bad all been cut. No mention Is made of any loss of life. A special from i ayette, Mo., says: Tom Hayden, a negro, aged ill years, was tuken from the officers who held him under arrest for the murder of An drew Woods, a young white man. and hanged him to a tree eight tulles west of hero. ~ Lord Pauncefote. the British ambas sador to the I'ntted States, will be uc eompanted on board the White Star steamer Oceanic, which sails from Liverpool for New York, by (! Low ther. secretary of the British embassy at Washington. Joe Woolrldge, the ll>-year-old neph ew of Hanker A P. Woolrldge, aecl- j dentally killed hltnself while hunting 1 four miles south of Austin. Tex He was pulling a loaded shotgun out of a buggy when the weapon was accident* . ally discharged. Commissioner Wilson of the internal revenue bureau has held that an ex press company which buys or sells foreign tuuuey or exchange l» subject to the special tax of fed a year, as a broker of ea< h office at which It trans acts such bust news A < umpany hnc been formed at To rt uto to take over the rights and bus iness of four large bicycle concerns titling buainesa in Canada It will es tablish a factory there capabes of turn ing out So otto wheels a year k'red S, Kutia will be general manager. Colonel Max, In charge of the Tutted Plate* po*t at Kagte Alaska ha« sent a party over the Valdes trail Ha meet another party comma (rout the coast, lie expects to receive mail oxer Hot routs this »in*«r autl prove II att Amertcau route suitable f -r a railroad. Prices on tlesks it’t advanced 14 par tent at a Chicago meeting of desk makers The Illinois (Mata liar «t*kUti"i kas asked tor more dignity in stats tribunals, and also has suggested that tap many ate being admitted to ptac • lice In* Because of the prevalence of small ptia la the central district of the In dian Ysrtiisrt and at the rsetusst of Iks e*..gens of Antlers and vicinity by order of Judge * 1st tun the hiovsmhsf term ol Ihs Tutted bcatSS ream si that point trill stat'd adjourned until <h« April, Ihb tern and (here ill tv uo % out i at Aal*»» nattl that dais, Artillery Duel at Ladysmith Shows a Variety of Guns. REPORT RECEIVED FROM BIJLLER. nnmbiirtltuent From I.mlyumlth ton tlnu<-» With Shelly Foiling In Town— Wounded nt Kimberly Doing Well Over Flglit Hundred Mlatlng In iilou ce*ter*lilre mid Kunlleer Itrglmrnta. LONDON, Nov. 6.—(New York World Cablegram.)—Stevens cables the Dally Mall of the Ladysmith bom bardment November 3: "The urrlval of the naval brigade on Monday was moat opportune. It would do you good to see the great-chested, bearded, steadfast men amid our army of boys. They did tine service yeser day, when they mounted their guns in record time and silenced a "Long Tom" at f> o'clock, "l/ong Tom" was tried again, but the bluejackets ugaiu silenced him In the second round We lost three wounded, Including, un fortunately, an officer. “The feature of yesterday's fighting was the great variety of Boer guns dis- , closed. The effect of the eight, hours artillery tight was terrible, though less deadly than the Infantry combat. An Incessant boom of guns and hiss and rattle of shells gave a particularly re morseless impression and emphasized the helplessness of man before the deudly machines which he creates. Tills was heightened by the cloudless sunshine. "The escape of one man from de struction by a bursting shell was very singular. The shell burst near him, turning one side of his bayonet into u complete corkscrew, a fragment of the shell piercing his water bottle on th3 other side, the man escaping unhurt. Some ure disposed to criticise our ar tillery practice, but it must be remem bered that the Boers’ guns outrange ours.” LONDON, Nov. 7.—The war office Is sued the following ut 11:40 p. m. yes terday: Bulier to the secretary of state for war: CAPETOWN, Nov. B.—The com mandant at Durban sends the follow ing received from Ladysmith by pigeon post, dated November 3: "Yesterday General French went out with cavalry nnd field artillery and effectively shell ed the Boer laager, without loss on our side. "Lieutenant Edgertou of the Power ful is dead. General Joubert sent in Major C. S. Kincaid of he Royal Irish Fusileers and nine wounded prisoners. Eight Boers were sent out in ex change; no others being fit to travel. "Colonel Brecklehurst, with cavalry field artillery, the Imperial Light Horse and the Natal mounted volun teers, was engaged today with the ene my to the southwest of Ladysmith. The fighting lasted several hours. Our loss was very small. "The bombardment of l^dysmith continued yesterday and today, many Boer shells being pitched into the town. "Our troops are in good health and spirits and the wounded are doing well.” "I think that General French's name is given by mistake for Breckk hurst's." Sir Redvers Bulier has wired th1* war office from Capetown, under date of Sunday, that Colonel Kekewich. in command at Kimberley, reports under date of October 31 that all the wound ed were doing well. LISBON. Nov. 6.-—Persistent reports are in circulation here that General Sir George Stewart White, British commander in Natal, hus capitulated. WILLIAM AND NICHOLAS. Two Killers Will l’rolmbljr lllanio War In Hon I li A(rli'». PARIS, No\. li. -The Buutoln. refer ring m the proposed Interview between Emperor Nicholas and Emperor Wil liam, says: “Its immediate object is to diminish the effect of Emperor William's visit to Knglund and to consolidate the good relations between Germany and Russia, it will also give an opportu nity to examine into certain possible eventualities likely to arise owing to the war in South Africa.” "All this umply suffices to allow the interview to be considered as likely to exercise a happy Influence upon In ternational affairs." \Vtt«t«lniclon .% ti it I «*r* ir y WASHINGTON, n <\. Nov (. The George Washington Memorial ussoeiu tton is endeavoring to procure a gen eral observance of December U. the one hundredth unuiversary of Wash ingtons death. Exercises will be held in many states under the supervision of the state chairmen of the associa tion. but It t* deemed eminently fit ting that a < online moral Ion of e*|*e riat solemnity and ln> port nee should take plaee at the natlonl >apttal and the chief officers of the association are now actively at work by means of correspondence and personal inter view* with many public men In shap ing arrangements to that end I «a. Hum.I l>(r. CMli'.MKi, Ill * «’ol..n#i Wtl I Urn K Imrai t furatrrly a pmnrarttl railroad >nn(t*> lor and kMMn. «ll*d tonight II* mi wall kaiiaii tn rail r*>ad rtrrh* throughout ih* country havtas lt**a in i harir of th«- tnn»iru< lloa of I ha grratrr |wrt ml (ha Chicago. Hi» h Ulatad a 4*»> * K. and (ha la I. HI l*a« l(r railroads. H# «u T< year# u|>| |M I a«ll«M * Vllul. M U»KII> S- i * \ t in. h from Ultima mv* (hat a miuiUr «.f mKu raltai 'Kpantard* »h>* matm attradiag a b#nu*t*( thn >»*<*rday kraong Ik* rapMCt that ».*.!»»mHU had f*|t#a mui a rahl* l<» Ik* linttak m rrurt »I Mali tor Ik* ruiuain Jo*«-|di ('ham brrtalb aavittg ia ikr u»**»i<>a of ih* lit it ».if ’ a*a* Ikr *l*ad nattona aatwt* you the allttau a brlaa In ih* •(»**% a i f lb* ManyuM at MaUalmrv tfartag Ik* *i<at» tab Vim Mt aa ivaKiil la a huh h« r* Nurd Is dying a-ilU a* HARRISON MilMt FROM PARIS. Fornifr l'r«*nhl«*nt IUh Talk Willi IvjiImt ami l)p»rrllM'» IIIm Trip Abroad. NEW YORK. Nov. Ex-President Harrison, who went to Paris in May as counsel for Venezuela before the Anglo-Venezuelan arbitration commis sion, w’as a passenger on the American line steamship St. Paul, which arrived here today. With him were Mrs. Hat rison and the baby. The passage across the Atlantic was a rather stormy one and Mrs. Harrison was sick much of the time. Mr. Harrison, who says he is not in the best of health, declared, however, that he had not missed a meal through sickness. "i have enjoyed the trip," he de clared. "After leaving Paris I spent some little time in Germany and while there I saw the kaiser. I talked wit1* him for a short time and found him a very agreeable man. When you asic me whut he said. I shall have to answer as I did in Germany when one of the reporters there asked me that question ‘You will have to ask the kaiser.’ I stopped for a short time in London be fore sailing to tills country. The weath er w"s thick when 1 was there and I caught a bad cold in the fog. I at tended a dinner at the London Cham ber of Commerce Just before suiling. It was private. No reporters were pres ent and i made a little speech." Mr. Harrison's atentlon was called to the fact that It had been reported here that he had a falling out with Mr. Choate. "We are as friendly as ever. 1 think he is a good man for the place and he is doing good work there for the government." BIG ELLLT LEAVES MANILA Mont Important Military KipnlltIon of the Autumn Campaign. MANILA, Nov. 6.—This evening a flet of transports ami gunboats left Ma nila for the most important expedition of the autumn campaign. Its destina tion Is supposed to be Dagupnn or some other northern port. General Wheaton commands with a brigade consisting of the Thlrteentn infantry, the Thirty-first infantry, two guns of the Sixth artillery and two Gatlings. The transports Sheridan, Francisco de Reyee and Aztec carry the troops, with the gunboat Helena as escort. A dispatch boat was sent ahead to arrange a rendezvous with the Unite i States cruiser Charleston and the other warships that are patrolling the north < oast of Luzon. Thp landing will be made under cov er of the guns of the fleet. It is as- ] sumed here that the purpose of the j expedition is to move down the Dag- j upan-Manila railroad toward Tarlac or ! to prevent Aguinuldo’s forces making ! another base further north. Dagupan and Apparri are the strong- I holds of the insurgents in the north and it is supposed are the points where most of the filibustering parties land. HOBART ABOIT FHF SAMF There is Ko Improvement In Condition of \ lev President. PATERSON, N. J.. Nov. 6 —There was no improvement in the condition of Vice President Hobart today. Mes sages of sympathy were received from President McKinley, Secretary of State ! Hay and Mrs. Hay and General Wes- j ley Merritt. Among the callers at the j Hobart residence was Attorney General Griggs Dr. Newton, who has been rather silent about the condition of his pa tient. consented to talk yesterday. "He is resting comfortably," said Dr. Newton. "Do you think Mr. Hobart has a chance to recover?” he was asked. "1 can only compare his case with others of this kind." "Did the others you refer to ever get better?" "I am sorry to say they did not," said the physician. Dr. Newton said he would not give an opinion as to how long the patient might live. He might drop off at any moment and he might go for three or four days, so remarkable has been his \itality all through his serious illness. OHIO BRINGS TROOPS HOMf Ti .1 iiH|»ort \rrl»<Hiil s»n Kntiicisru With llUeliuruetl Soldiers. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 6- The I nited States tranunort Ohio arrived here today •’rom Manila. umlng by «uy of (iuam and Honolulu. It brings three officers and forty-nine men of the Nevada cavalry and 215 discharged sol diers. Two deaths occurred on the voyage, John Muuk of the First Colo rado and Private K. Cullem of th > Pnurtet nth Infantry. Both died of diarrhoea. Iv Bass, correspondent •if Leslie s Weekly, who was a passeu ken on the Ohio, raid that he did not understand the ntta.ks on General Otis and th 'i he had never suffered from Otis reported changing of matter sub mitted to the censor of tltr TruMKHl. W ASH I NOTON, l> c.. Nov. fi — M ijnr \V A .'4imin.nn thief uf the mili tary information I* tif the star de purtntrni ha* computed a large mt|', »honitig the theater of military opera tion* heiut—n the llrituh and iu>.r* in =**»»»*h Afr1«a The map i* from the ! lateat and moat authentic data and be *ldr# Imim i«hnually eaati It give* at a glam-e the entire .»«!. uf country in a hit h the fighting i» going tin Th « map I* primarily for the w* of the «ar deo nnotii, I Hit m t|*« of the aide *pr publlt interval In th.. Hottlh \ftlian atrutgie g limited numUr are 1 I* '**< lurtplted to libtartea and tun* I a par* for r««»d> referetoe during thi prt.gre** of h.*tllttlc* «»»• rn%hl*«i la Ia(l WIIKKUM) \\ Va V.» g_A • i«et 141 from itm ah«niu>n W Va ' " ' V o* It U ,il tint ... !, *. ,. ■ I,, t ,.f, .. . ...rn v . n , ,1|B paar »uh other t'od*nu la.i nigh horned thr pi (id. at m t«gi hem nary *p*cial polite hastened t«« m t atene when the boy a rah aid to atop IhfMi V. rral *hol» *«re gr,.| \Vtl Itawa fell and n»u*t hare um ua.oa i.oi* for ah hour or »>rv It* ma t i hi* *n» to hu room Inter and fell ua It ohm too* lt» the htatr It «o found that a bullet had entered hu head he 1 loo the left rye plert tag the broth Conditions in South Africa Cause Deepest Alarm in England. THE CAPE COLONY DITCH RISING They Mnko Common Clitic With Their 11 it r« I y Brethren In the TrnnSYHnl — Clen* 'Whlte'i Fore© l« still Shut I p Tightly at Ladysmith—Town la Com pletely Invested. LONDON, Nov. 3.—(New York World Cablegram.'—The South African situation is again causing the deepest alarm. The silence of the war office, which received today several dis patches from Capetown and Durban, the holding back of the list of casual ties at Ladysmith and finally the an nouncement of the mobilization of the second army corps, the tenth of this month, ull combine to show that the position of Ilrltish power in South Africa is one of the greatest peril. The reported mobiliztition of the army corps is not officially confirmed, but la corroborated from Aldershot, where arrangements are actually in progress for the operation. Your correspondent learns that the Dutch sire rising in northern Cape town. and the revolt has assumed menacing proportions, owing to Doer successes, while native unrest all along the Transvaal and Orange Free State borders bus become most menacing. The natives cannot be relied on by either side, but will probably light for their own hand with sedition spread ing among the Cape and Natal Dutch. The natives are only waiting to jump in on their own account. White's force is still beleagured at Ladysmith. This war has suddenly become the most mo mentous in which Fngland has eu guged in since the American revolu tion. General Joubert's movement to cut off White from Colenso Is being carried out and it is regarded as quite probable that Maritzburg. the capital of Natal, will fall into his hands before Duller and his reinforcements arrive. Mr. Chamberlain, who had proposed to take his ease ut his country seat near Birmingham while the Transvaal was being conquered, has found it necessary to come to town and is in constant communication with Milner. 1/Ord Lonsdale proposes to take out to South Africa 208 men of tnc West moreland and Cumberland yeomanry, of which he is colonel, also three Max ims and two fully equippeu ambulance corps. He will place himself in the hands of the war office authorities, to whom he will make his offer almost immediately. The Daily Mail correspondent at Pietermaritzburg. October 31, says: “It is reported that the Boer force front Koomatiport with guns is making its way through Zululand. It intends to visit each magisterial district and hoist the Transvaal flag in it. The force is expected to reach Mavuna on Saturday. The authorities are entirely on the alert.” NFTfEN HINDRID DtWEYS All Meiubem of Ibwey Family Will Hold Kriinion. TACOMA. Wash., Nov. 3.—A. M. Dewev, special agent of the govern ment department of labor, announced htre today that all members of the Dewey family related to Admiral Dewey would hold a reunion at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel in New York in January or February. Dewey, who is a cousin of the ad miral. has been one of the prime movers in the plan for a reunion. He says acceptances have been received from all parts of the country, indi cating that 1,500 Deweys will gather in New York to meet the admiral and his bride. Over 100 Deweys from the Pacific coast will be present, includ ing Dr. Dewey of this city. Admiral Dewey has been requested to fix the date of this reunion. »|ro Exhibit »t I’wrii. WASHINGTON. D. C., Nov. 3.—Mr. Ferdinand W. Peck, the commissioner general of the I'nited States to tho Paris exposition, has had untier con sideration for some time the uuestion of a negro educational exhibit at the exposition. After consultation with the president today. Mr. Peck announc ed that he hail decided to nrovlde for the exhibit, and had appointed Thom as J. Calloway, a well known color ed educationalist, to have direction of it. The Hampton and Tuskegee insti tutes and the Fisk and Vanderbilt uni versities will be represented in the ex hibit. us well as prominent colored j schools generally. Ills 4 iirnvr In IVr«»i»ui Corn. CHICAGO, Nov. 3 The corner in broom corn, which has recently more than doubled the price of that com modity. wa*. It was learned today, engineered by W. I.. Ko»cnboi>in and i | A J Klein, deaiera in this city. They ; control J.wki out of a possible 3 Its' tons, worth about |1 i§t)0 issi mid ex 1 pent to realise |1 imhmksi profit ou the ! coup. truiM It. Ih>atli 1m W*mU»u Perk. COI.UKAIN) MI'KIMM, Colo . Nov. 3 J, (1 Fusnell, an old time resident of Mantua! park was • aught in a blUaar I in the park and froae to d* ith II* was hauling srutitloM with a tram I • i a ranch when oi.rtaken n> the storm He was <13 years old and oroniineat lu Grand Army of lh« Hepubli. ciri'es M * % Is I fctu<« limit w \niiisuION l> C Not 3 Pr some time negotiation* have in progre** in Wa.hington toward es tablishing lieaty relations between China and W* ih o the negottitionv i have been carried on ht Ink rsador ' Asplrox of In u and Minister h i Ting Fang of China ami are now so far ai»ts ihai its visaing of the in | strumenl is riimiiNl to cs« nr v*rty next week .trill* from its imnort ~n*-r | in being the fit*! Ir«at> ever ! oted between ihv two neixirle. Ill 1 terma are am h »• is yield large b*as 1 fit* to ca« h of th- ** nir**tiXn r-rlivx I JFFfRIf S WI\S THE IIGHT. champion Jeffrie* and Sailor Mmrltey Meet In Blnic In I'lnk of Condition. NEW YORK, Nov. 4— [Special to the World-Herald.] There was a breathless interval then a big brass gong clanged out the signal for the opening of hostilities. The champions looked the picture of physical condi tion. and subsequent events substan tiated it. But what is the use of goir| over the battle by rounds. So far as the boxing contest is concerned, it was a burlesque on modern gladitorial work, a rough and tumble, typical bar room fight, in which only biting and kicking was barred. An edifying spec tacle for modern civilisation. There was no boxing from gong to end. They came together like a couple of mad bulls, and there was nothing but pulling and hauling and mauling until the finish. The only wonderful teature about the affair was the mar velous endurance of the two big brutes. Sharkey is a demon, and hail he the bulk of the boilermaker the rowdy proceedings would have speedily ter minated. Sharkey is one of the pluckiest and most resolute and aggressive. He was after Jeffries every minute of the bloouy time. There was no let up. It was rush and grunt and dash, a bruis ing of flesh nnd a crunching of bones, nothing else. Sharkey's left ear was hanging to the side of his head, while Jeffries' expansive nose was flattened like an Ethiopian. Moth took enough punishment to kill a dozen men. and In the twenty second and twenty-third Jeffries sim ply hammered the sailor’s face into a pulp ami his right uppercuts were somthing terrific, and the human frame must needs be of cast iron to have withstood them. He staggered about the ring like a drunken man. the gong alone saving him. The last was a repe tition. This time Sharkey's salvation camt in the shape of a lost glove, Jeffries’ left flying across the ring after a vi cious straight punch on the sailor's Jaw. Sharkey staggered blindly at Jef fries, while Siler was endeavoring to adjust the mitt. Realizing what this meant JefTries broke away from Siler and swung his right good and hard on Sharkey's blooming ear and Siler rushed between the struggling giants, separating them finally and with an emphatic gesture gave the battle to Jeffries, Thus another great fighter, after a fashion, had tasted the bitterness of defeat, and this time it was the bull dog Sharkey, who merited all he got. He was battered to a standstill, and Jim Jeffries can rightfully claim the mastery of all fighters, big and little, great and small, scientific and rough and tumble. ESTIMATE OE BOER TOSSES. Mott of Them Said to lie Hue to Artil lery Fire. LONDON, Nov. 4.—Related dispatch es from the British camp at Ladysmith, Natal, add little information regarding Monday's fight, except the estimates of the Boer losses which are now said to be ninety-five killed and 200 wounded, mostly victims of artillery shells, which have done such great havoc that it is said General Joubert, the Boer commander in chief has written a let ter to General White, the British com mander, protesting against the use of lyddite. According to all accounts the presence at Ladysmith of the long range naval guns and the splendid shooting of the bluejackets have ma terially improved the position of the British. A temporary armistice was declared Monday evening to allow of the collection of the dead and wound ed. A dispatch from Kimberley, dated October 29, said all the wounded were doing well. Small bodies of Boers, about 400 stioug. were then frequently seen. They apparently came from Mafeking. for the purpose either of as sisting in the attack of Kimberlev or to resist the advance of reinforcements. The absence of water outside the pla'-e causes the Boers to continually move their camps. \>w for Ioma. NEVADA. Neb., Nov. 4.—Parties in terested in the proposed Duluth tk New Orleans railway are sanguine 0f the suet ess of the management in securing funds for the road's eonstruetion. E. \V. Clifford, who is one of ttie promi nent promoters of the project, has re ceived word from the company's repre sentative in New York that a Wall street Arm has consented to purchase the t>onds of the road and asks that *. representative be sent to close up tho deal. Itiitl tray. YANKTON. S D . Nov. 4.—A stab bing affray took place in one of the Second street resorts last evening in which Henry Kggert received two seri ous wounds, one in the breast and one In the back Kggert testifies that he was robbed and then stabbed because he tried to resist. Physicians think his wounds will not prove fatal. The residents of the house have been ar rested and will be tried a: 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. t|tr«li«l Itviurna. SKW YORK. Nov I Itonor Ignat id M Marnxal srrrrtary of foreign af fairs uf Mi-slio. tugrlhrr with thr »•*« • rrtar uf flnamr anil a ivtrty uf Drum I urnt tlll»ri»» of thr MrxUan rrottbM . who havt> hrott «p*-n«ltng atm* tlaya in thr rlty aftrr having b##n '•tlrrialu •■ti by thr fr Oral romntittrr at t’hlrngo ■lurttig thr iirrabtrntlal frattvtttca. will Iratr Nrsr York un thr f*rnn»ylv*at t ; rsllruail at I oVIork Thr travr'orl will arrlva In i*t Untls tm Kntulav. lUoriu li»M %Wl|UM*Hl« W AMIINUTON. Nov t la a rv|M<r| I to «h* stair •t.-uar (unit tuttsul \t - ftaik at lH*aw motor tlalr uf M»i> t nilirr it la»t sat* that th. • wonts fur tht araaun aggrrgalrtl T* • [tli ftft ITtras **f living hat# Ur <u aiuvly *1 *■. lining Ttpkuwl «u ilrvfraa in* an I thr >1* »ih rat# hail also U >• i rra*«‘t Thr rusk to fan* N >ntr run. ttnu«a frunt wining «awna all along ik*> Yukon At tTrt'i# ftty only numi|. At# |ir<-i>lr Irma a tmt of t «•• f. »« . ftty has tuat V*i uf |to population uf i I V»* sail Its nr up • t*m I »- unit }tM [of its f»»n**r ftopolati a of i r • warning Tlie Atlnntlr Monthly. TM<p Boston Beacon thus speaks c. this excellent magazine: “The Atlan tic is one of the reviews that the edu cated American cannot afford to ne glect. It keeps In close touch with the tendencies of the times, and it t as the good fortune to number among its contributors men and women of marked liberality of thought and acuteness of insight. In fact, it is not too much to say that very much that is best in the intellectual activ ity of the country gets its most felic itous expression in the pages of tWs magazine.” " You Can’t Catch the Wind in a Net Neither can you cure catarrh by local applications. It is a constitutional disease, and is cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla be cause it is a constitutional remedy. It expels from the blood the impurity <which causes the disease, and rebuilds and repairs the inflamed membranes. Hull Enough. "Did you shout and eneer for ex pansion at the banquet?" “Yes, I goes I whooped 'er up as lively as any one there. But 1 had a great object lesson in my head next morning. No more expansion for me, please.” _ 111* Simple System. “How were you able," said the poor man. “to acquire such an Immense for tune?” “By a very simple method,” replied the wealthy citizen. When I was poor 1 made out I was rich, and when I was rich I made out 1 was poor." RINEHART'S INDIAN PICTURES. In the summer of 1898 the Govern ment Indian Bureau invited all tribes of Indians in this country to send dele gates to an Indian Congress, and they gathered from far and near with their ponies and tepees and gaudiest trap pings in the Exposition Grounds at Omaha. Never before had there been and never again will there be such a gathering. There were about five hun dred of them, some partly civilized, but the greater portion picturesque in original savagery. Strange as it may seem at this late day many of the In dians declared that before coming to Omaha they had no idea what multi tudes of white men there were or how hopeless it was to try to stand against them. This was probably the last time that so complete and spectacular a view of the North American Indian will be possible and those who had the privilege of witnessing it are to be counted fortunate. At the time of the Indian Congress a prominent pho tographer obtained permission to take the photographs of the most noted chiefs present and succeeded in obtain ing a collection which never will be pqualed. Mr. Rinehart, the photograph er, copyrighted all these pictures and placed in a few art stores some hand colored proofs which, notwithstanding their high price, sold at once, and these Indian pictures have become the fad of the year. The Chicago Great Western Railway has succeeded at large expense in obtaining from Mr. Rinehart the privilege of reproducing the best four of these pictures. Chiefs “Wolf Robe,” "I^ouison," “Hollow Horn Bear,” and “Hattie Tom," and have incorporated them in an art calendar for 1900, which is pronounced the most artistic produc tion yet attempted. The heads are 6x8 inches, one on sheet, wonderfully reproduced in all their original colors, and when framed make most striking and effective pictures, particularly suited for holiday gifts. Owing to the expense but a very small edition has been issued. They will be sent, how ever, while the supply lasts to any per son sending 2a cents in stamps or silver to cover the royalty charges and the | expense of packing and mailing to F. H. Ivord. General Passenger & Ticket Agent. 113 Adams street, Chicago. For Lang and chest diseases, Piso's Cure is the best medicine we have used—Mrs. ! J. L Nortbcott, Windsor. Out.. C'uuada. Polemics may be good for logic, but ! not living. Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cuanses the System EFFECTUALLY w.iRCOMIS 6x1 »Y* »K| %|Nyi«M - MtN f 1 in Oi'i i.'MvIkAmi’t' yj I*. .•%*?•% •*•*+**»..