The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 10, 1899, Image 1

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    NUMBER 1
The Northwestern
HKO. K. HKNWHOTER, ( Editor* unit
OBO. II. OlltSON. I Piibll»h«r»
Entered at the Loup City PotttolBce for trim*
mission through the malls as second
class matter.
Official Taper Sherman County
The Boer* have got us with out
a drop of blood being spilled.
Lewie is a terror. The pops give
It up when lie makes his bow.
The Dutch dent seem to have unj
new schemes on Holland, Vint they
are scooping in the British in great
shape lately._
The Junior editor of this paper
extends greetings to the editor of
the Times We could nt help it Kd
dy the boys are to blame.
Why is it that if you sent! a pop
ulist to war, ninety-nine times out
of a hundred he returns a republican.
The only s duti m heard of is that it
makes n patriot out of him and he
then drops in where lie belongs
Sherman county has again gone
populist to about the same extent
that it has for the past decade. The\
have el< eted • very thing in the coun
tv as far as heard Irum except the
Loup City township ticket, which
they kino), allowed us to have en
tire tii is \ i ar
Three of (he Spanish war vessels
which Admiral Dewey sent to the
bottom of Manila harbor that memor
ai>lo Muv morning, hav< been recon
structed tiy liieuteuunt Hobson, and
one, the Isla de Luzon, lias already
had her trod tri[* and proved a suc
cess. She will now l.ike her place
with our fleet in (lie Philippines and
guard the interests of Uncle Sam
without the aid or concent of W. .J.
Bryan or any other man.
Holland lias again caught a Tar
tar and her war crv ‘-Remember Ma
juba Hill,” ban again been a reality
with her and she will have as much
reason to remember Ladysmith,
hereafter as she had Majuba in the
past. The tlower of her army has
been cut down or captured and the
balance of it in the Transvaal is sur
rounded and closely beleaugered.
England means to win and will in
the end, there is no doubt. Rein
forcements and munitions of war
are hurrying to the relict of her
troops and though many of them
may fall or be captured before as
sistance readies them the “Hand
writing is ou the wall,” the Boer
will be crushed and Eugland will
rule South Africa before the Yankee
celebrates his next 4th of July. It
matters not where our sympathies
are the inevitable is close.
In estimating the crowd at the
Bryan meeting last week we tried to
make a fair and impartial count, aud
the best we could do placed it at
tiOO. Mr. Badura, county treasurer,
said he placed it at ti.'iU while Mr.
I'attou, our populist sheriff, thought
there was HOU, so w« took the high
est figure and one made bv a popu
list, so that uo one could charge us
with uudercstiiuuting ou political
grouudii. Now what we are tryiug
to learn is who made the eatiiuulc
for our esteemed eoutemporary. \Y*
do not like to think that Mr. Brown
would »«-ek to mislead as tie i* very
closely identified with the M K
church, and we are not going to
charge him with it, but some fellow
stretch, d Ins on hi igiuaki,hi wonder
fully when he said there was two people lu atteudctice
Tuo tl«j*«lit•* »!» nil* ni Hits |iUi «<
ImI FruUi uighl «n (In* utmtiilfii
iau< (’••• uf mi li«*I*I io l,mi|i I'ity
fur •>•!&» utiii flw t«iih*r |»ri»v
Mhi ihiM to titiUl »b« un-viiug hi «
(«•! mil lho urii bfil thing, lb*
ranting of lb« Urg««t Unit n luau
«m rnaorwU lo. TW Unit *MOuut
jfc Ui«t» nut Uiug auhil
ing room even on tlie platform of
the steps out side, and many were
turned away. The estimate of the
crown up-stairs, made by Mr. IVd
ler was 400. Mr. Webster disapnint
ed no ono. lie made a speacli ttiat
has not bl>en « i|Uiil< »i for good judge
ment and loyalty in Sherman f< r
many years, lie abused no one, and
as there is no excuse or explanatior
necessary from Republican orators.
He went to business at once and
told the people just what the party
had done and would do, and all set til
ed well pleased except a very few
who has fell out with the wnild and
soured with all man kind.
From the latest sdviees on the
election Nebraska bus again gone
fusion atiout 1,1,000. She has given
a majority almost rqual to the best
in the early days of that combination
Mr. Bryan ears it is a “rebuke to
the administration,” which may
ho a fact when the false doctrines
of him and bis coinrsd' s .re taken
into account, but the news from
other states, even tlio • bordering
us would indicate otherwise. All
northern states exci pt Nebraska
and Utah seem to li\• given an
increased republican major v, even
South Dakota and Kan: , while
Kentuckey goes Republican by
about 8,000. This would indicate,
tliut only fusion ridden Nebraska
had a “rebuke for the t-uinistra
lion." Listen, results of election
show that tlie Rej-tit i< m patty ill
ti e United States ha- • in ulli
cient to entitle them to ' !i \ u more
electorial voles than they received
in 1890. Uur state, by r action
in electing a eonfe- <■ I 'rubber
and tiallot fraud to the supreme
court has only plurrd in i ( If deep
er into the mire of *ii- ft hi that has
hung over ns like a pall for tin post
eight year*, and whi'-h a I t • U• • a
long time to redeem o ■< !. » from.
Iowa give® tier llcpulvi :■»:» gover
nor a majority of .'>3,000, Peunsyl
vanin 69,000, Ohio, 3o,0U0, New
Jeisey 10,000, M issui'liu.-si ooo
Kentucky 8,000, and New York 3.3,
000. The above results show that
the administration has been endors
ed all along the line with increased
The election returns of Sherman
county are all in but at this*
writing not canvassed and we are
unable to give au <>tli • ial statement,
but nncttlcial reports give lives * 390,
Holcomb 717, Kiuaaid 133, Neville
6.'3, Ilaraer, 421 >, Sullivan 703:
Brown, tor county Judge 460, An
gier 720; Pearson for Sheri If, 4 in,
Snyder 68,S; Dressier, for trersurei
871, Badure 8.31; Stevens, fur Clerk,
388, Minshull 804; or in ether words
the majorities in favor of the whole
populist ticket are: Holcomb 321,
Neville 320, Sullivan 329, Angi< r
2(59, Snyder 239, Baduru 4 60, and
Mioshuil 41 (>.
The populists carried every town
ship iu the aouaty except Washing
ton and Loup City.
We will give the olll< ial tabulate*!
statementof the vote next w ek.
According to latest dispatclua
(leu. White, the British Central who
has tieeu bottled up at Ladysmith,
by the Boers for some time, has re
trieved his fortunes hv making sor
ties and crushing Ilia « uvin> at ev
ery point of nituck around Lady
I. M I'oi^KI * t
ltd. »l h«ttle. IU* r <n f
or ol I’m tow .
the Hepuhlu a * > .Mi
H«vbtb«UI, with he tb«rt
Imwt |» *
The American troops in th«* I'lnl
i ippines are fast dosingever\ avenue
| of escape for Aguinttldo. Tin* fool
! lie should come to .V liraskn.
Kodul Dyspepsia <,'ure thoroughly
digests food without aid from the sto
| much, mid at the same time heals and
i restores th« diseased digestive organs
It is the only remedy that does both i f
these thiug* and can be re n d upon to
permai ently cure dyspepsia
‘ Dert'itt’s Little Early Kisers did me
’ more g <>d than all blrod medicines and
other pills,’' writes Geo. 11 Jtcobl)
i of Ttiomps in. IJ mu. prompt, plea-ant,
; never giipc, they cure constipation,
.irau-e tins torpid liver to action and
give you dean blood, steady nerves, a
clear brain and a healthy appetite.
Tetter, 8all-Khoiiui ami Kcseioa
j Tlie Intense iteblng and smarting inci
dent to these diseases, Is instantly allay
ed by applying Chamberlain’s Eye and
Skin Ointment, Many very had tt -<-<
have been permanently onri d by if- If.
is equally efficient f«»r itching piles and
a favorite remedy for sore nipples
chapped hands, chilblain . frost !dt< s
and chronic tore eyes, 25cti. per bos.
For sale by Odendahi Uro
iitcKii.w akmca s .
The best galve in tin* world lor ('uim
Hr i ii'-frt Sores L’I coils Halt Jibenm Kcv r
Hoick Tetter (Jiiuppeil 11 u in Is ('in I bluing
Corns and all Skin Eruptions and pos
itively cures Piles, or no pay required,'
11 is- jjimranteed to u ive pej feet sati'-fn- -
lion or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Odrndab! Bros
Stale of Nhbrusku (
,-s h The State of Nel ..
sbortasn County t
To Win. Cook, non-resident owner of the ,
following described real estate situated in j
Koa.l Dist. No. 3 of .Sherman Co., Nebraska. (
to-wii: Houtll east quarter Section S, Town- .
ship IK, Hatilte 11 We ,t.
You are hereby noliited that complaint b. -
been made to mo Its Hoad Overseer i..r sa-dj
n a I district that there is an open well upon
Hie above de.serlbed real estate and it ti e
same is not tilled up immediately. I shall pr
teed to till the same m the manner provided
I by law. as the same is dangerous for slock,
I (liven under my hand this Kith day of Oct
i (djer I -da.
S. N. I'ori.siiN Over»e< r
Hoad Hist. No. .'i Sherman county. Neb.
Hlute of Nebraska (
-ss The State of Neb
County of Shermau I
To unknown owner and Nebraska Loan and
Trust Company owners of the following d«-s
eribed real estate situated In Koatl district
No.;), of Sherman county. Nebraska, to-wp :
.south east ipurter Section in, Township iti,
Ha nee H west. You are hereby notified that
complaint has been mad-- to me as li >ad Over
seer of sui-t roail district that there Is an
open well upon the above described real estate
and It the same is not till.-d up immediately
I shall proceed to t.ll the same, in the man
ner provided by law, as the same is danger
ous to stock.
(liven under my hand this Mlti day of Oct
ober, lslni,
S. N. Pori,Hits, Overseer
Hoad Dist No. 3, Sherman County, Neb.
The publishers of The New York Star, the
handsomely 11 lust rated Sunday newspaper,
are giving a high Grade Blcvolk each day
for the largest list of words made by using the
letters contained in * r li-K >-K-\V
V-O'K-K a*T-A-ttM no more limes in any
one word than it is found in The New York
Star. Webster's Dictionary to be considered
as authority. Two Good vs'a h hks (first cla>s
time keepers) will bo given daily for second
and third best lists, and many other valuable
rewards. Ineluding Dinner Sets, Tea Sets. China
Sterling b liver ware, etcMetoM in order of mer
it. This educational contest is being given to
advertise and introduce this successful weekly
into new homes, and all prizes w ill be awarded
promptly without partiality. Twelve -'-cent
stamps must be inclosed for thirteen wrecks
trial subscription with full particulars and list
of over fiou valuable rewards. Contest opens
and awards commence Monday, June gtith, and
r.ose Monday, August Cist, lnyy. Your list can
reach us any day between these dates, and will
receive the award to which it may be entitled
l *r that day. and your name will ne printed in
the following issue of The Nttw York star
Only aue list can be entered by the same per -
son. Brizes ure on exhibition at The star’s
business oltlees. Persons securing bicycles
may have choice ot Ladle’s, Gentlemen s <u*
Juvenile’s 1H»'J model, color or size de«*ire
t all or address Dept. L The New York
otaR. J3ri W. Jyih title* t. New York City.
' ^ ^ 1
‘ J w ■
* 4
!, something mwt be j
...hiUfood, If ihc ^
r.. milk doesn’t nour-4
: , ■»£ needs SCOTT’S <
i V ION. It $ jpplles the'
* e.r n!s of fat required br <
.Hr U by. If baby « r t •
a . J by its artificial
»• . »!wn H requires
K sjwnM three 1
* ■ . *
he tie red «
ww t*> have a 1
"* h.'bits J
*% t'.v truth ]
> ti«J
I * , m i -rfi
To all whom it may i-oncerti: The cnm
miwiOHer appointed to , w urn! report upon
the vn- alien of u run! i iimim tiduif ttt that
l>urt of in-id N'ii. io. Lit L'innin,' it a point
•vhfre the sunt' intt the hull section
line r mi n • north and south of .section lit,
Township 15 north of Kaneo 15 west of the
f'ah p or, In >hi rinith county, utol running
Hence in a south easterly dlreetloti, across
the south easi quarter Of Section 10, the north
eust quarter of Section 15, the north West
guarUrof Section If. south west uuarter of
See, II south chat quarter of Sec 14, all In
Township 15, north of iian-c 15 west, and
tormlmitiiii! m road number one hundred and
twnntj-two (If li he vacnit.l has reiiorleel in
favor of the vai all-m thereof, and all ob
jection , thereto, or claims for damages must
be hied in the county clerk s o/tlee on or before
noon of the iMlli day of lleeetnbnr, A, U,
HPB, or such road will bo vaeuted without
reference thereto.
Dated this jj day of October, |s(H».
[seal) Joiim .MtN ittn.i. County Clerk.
l.iv ; Al, NOTICE
Slate ot Nebraska \
<sh The State of Netor.
County of Sherman i
To M. Thompson, non resident owner of
the followin'do - rif rd real estate situated in D l. No. lo i f Shi , si-in county, Neb
raska, to-all. ,Southwest fourth of Section 10,
township 15, i.Hike 15 w.- t. You urn hereby
untitled t int complaint has been made tome
as Itoa-I Overseer of said road district that
there is an open well upon the ubnve described
real cat, a i and If the same in not tilled up
Immediately 1 shall proceed to till the same In
the manner provided by law as the same Is
tlaniterou i fur stock
(iivrn under my Land this into dav of October,
isi/!> W. It, Kkynoi.ds, Overseer
Hoad Dist No. 10, Sherman County, Nebraska.
I, I'll; A I, NOTICK.
State or Nebraska)
• s. s. TUc State of Nebr.
( ounty of Sin iniiin J
To unknown non-resident owner of the
following ili i rib i ri al i stub1 situated In
K ind dl trl i No it Shern un county, Nebras
ka. to-wit: Non it rust quarter of Suction 10,
Township Id. Kang,- ll west: You are here*
by noti' I ibat. complaint b.i- l,i on made to
mo u« Ibnid Overseer of said road district
that thcru are two open v. 11 upun tlie above
ilcsUflbed real ci.tiitc and If the same Is tiol
IIllod tip linmedsaiely, 1 -hall proceed to
111! the ami- in the maun r provided by low,
I. - ti; nme i t considered daneerous for
<liven ' uder iny band this dfith day of Oet
obur, IHV.
S. N. I'AlibNF.II, Overseer
Hoad Wist. No. 5, f Herinini county, Nebr,
so pice lull 1'til Lid at ion,
Department of the Interior.
Land Oilloi at Lincoln, Neb. I
September, lr99 f
Notice is hereby Riven that the follow
mimed settlers lias filed notlceof hits Inten
tion tb make final proof In support of his
claim, and Ihat a i d proof will bo made be
fore I ho County Judge of Sherman county,
at Loup, Nebraska, on October iiH, 1m'j9
viz: Peter 1. llauson, Homestead Entry
No. tor the Northwest fourth of sec
tion .1, Township Pi, Unugu 15, wist litli
p. m.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
Frederick Thode of Loup, Nebraska.
Alike Komtnskl of “ “
Peter Grndzenaki of “ “
Peter Thode of *• “
J. W. Johnson, Iteglster,
Notice 1* hereby given that by virtue of
aUiattel mortgage dated on the 10th day
ol \ptill lhW, and duly (lied In (be office of
I lie count y clerk of Mlterman county. Neb
raska on the 16th day of April, IS'.1'.* and ex
ecu tod by J. T. Tooley to T. M. Itecd and
by In n assigned to D. M. Oatmrue ,t Co.
nt Auburn, N V, to secure the payment
of the sum of no and upon whieh
there is now due Hie sum of Utij.OO and
iiili i e t at the rate of 10 per cent per annum
from date. Default having been madetn
tie- payment of said sum and no suitor
other proceedings at law having been insl t
tuted to recover said debt or any part
thereof therefore 1 will sell the property
therein described, viz: One red n'l while
spotted cow with V shaped spn' in fore
II • - I. also. One nark red cow, at pt. bile a lie
thin in front of the Racket Moro, Loup
t'ny, Sherinan Couutv, Nehntska on ."sal
urdiy, November 4th, l-t>‘.
Dated this pith day ot October, IsH:*
»», M. At'SBORMU & Co.
Ry T. M. ItKlli. Agent.
Attorney at Law :;nd .otary Public.
VVill Defend in Forecloauro Caawt
a i so DO A
General Roul Estate Business.
office In North wkxtrhn Dnildlng,
LOUP OIJT, I i tin
physician tV sciujiion
i.o it m y
• (hiR (Iimh ru! tif ('ttk***1!
lUtUr#* VttAUTl
illlfKJtv DC
aff dhJ’asi
I tliu*#, or « >. r * un4 li'-tld*
IcreUtM, A imo limit1 ami
■ UIimhI Imiltlor. Hi «r» lh«*
fttittk t»! »w to |- ito chc 'k# and
rr«t«r»•# th»* Art* of vuwth
kiir m i 1 Hit*' rir In II i#» •=.*■*
I'JJMp; \vi ii it tv i t i >r,u»
to rur»* «* <1 lit is»H**jr.
tk iul for Circu s At irt' ,
CStmen A J*t h » St CH'CI IU.
roN *.vtt; ttv
l.f »4* Clljf, S«br
Fall and Winter
It is the finest and most complete stock
of fresh goods ever brought to the Loup
Country. I always stand
‘On Guard’
for the best interest of my customer's and
strive to supply tliem with the very best
goods in tho market and at the lowest rates
for good goods. Lt give us control of the
best class of customers and increases our
business. For all around fair treatment,
“your moneys worth or your money hack,”
and for a large stock to select from we take
the lead this fall and winter.
Buy your Groceries of pie.
and get the freshest and best in town.
President. QmUw
General Banking Business Transacted.
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000
Correspondsnts: Seaboard National (tank, New York City, N. Y., Omaha
National, Omaha, Nebraska.
A trial solicited, Kit guaranteed,
Clothes cleaned and pressed on
short notice.
Rwiriic Neatly Done.
. <4*19
.m owi*
u&u. i.'u *«Kimi.
i itiMi! ,«itU S;«H.
rit l «»r CniiviiUri
Omma, N>i,