Liacsai Dsws. A Sutton is moving to his ranch near Ord. W. R Mellor moved to town last Sat urday. Mrs A. Boone of Greeley is visiting ie the city. A. Dickrreon of the West side was in the city Tuesday. Peter Hansen proved up on his home stead last Saturday. J. M. Russel of Washington twp was In the city Saturday evening The special police Thursday night kept the boys within bounds. 8. F Reynolds who has been on the alek list Is reported slightly better. Walter MoNulty took a load of house hold goods to the ranch for A. Hutton Monday. Mr. Turner of Grand Island, Is assist ing E A. Draper at plastering the new •cbool building. A. Boone of the Chicago Optical Co. well be at Chases Drug Htore next Tues day, Nov. 7. You should call at T M.'Reeds when you want anything in the furniture line. He has a flue stock to select from. W. R. Mellor Is having Society Hall calcimtued and the wood work oiled, which adds greatly to It® looks. Don’t be led astray and made to be lieve Shat there’s something Juft as good as Rocky Mountain Tea. There’s nothing half as good. Quickly cure constipation and ebuild and invigorate the entire system ever gripe or nauseate—DeWitt’s Lit tle Early Risers Tbe A. O. U. VV, lodge will give an entertainment and social for tbe bene fit of Its members, Thursday night Nov. 9th, 1899. All members are requested to be present. Johu Horn and family left Tuesday morning for their old home in Ohio where they intend making their future home. Mr. Horn was a good citizen and one all regret to loose. Geo. Truelsen has been placed on the ticket by the Republicans for Supervis or of Washington and I. Ford and south of tbe Nortu western office. He will keep or. hand a full supply of *n grades of tlour and a goodly variety of feed Give him a call. C. J. Tracy had a horse blanket j stolen from his horse on the east side of the Bryau tent last Wednesday even ing The horse was a spotted one and was hitched to a buggy. The blanket was a home made one, black and blue striped on oa one side. Mr. Tracy would be thankful lor any information as to same. Wednesday was Bryan day in hoop City and a big time wascxpec ted and partially realized. I’eopie from all sections of the county re gardless of party turned out and there was probably 800 people in attendance. The pupa ackuowlcge that they are thoroughly scared ua to their ehances of winning this full, hence the massing of their anlire force in Sherman county for one last hard pul.. The following are the popocratic talent turned loom for the effort. W. J Brian, Ex-Gov. Ilolcamb, Governor Poyn'er. Wui Neville, Judge Sullivan and Editor \ lucent of the Non Conformist Each took hi* turn aud abuse everything Republican was the man* feature of the «hew. Bryau was ih< prise pal attraction and he succeed ad iu disgusting most of the people before he got through. His alorli-s kept lb# crowd go *! naturwd but the genersl verdict is that a more nn leadiag »(«#»< h never was delivered in our city. He led the |veople up to facts sad then stnp|*d at aor»r aoaveateat potat where he could leave the impression of a base wre< \j l*eli)g committed. The wind* oli Ject msmihnI to lie to lutpre*a the |>eoplr with the hies that the Itepub lican waa a va del and a thief hut the avvrage waa ha* heard that old .-alamity wail to of eu to take it n, after e ten ware Inal of populism Their great rush at the last moment If A*H llheiy to henelt I barn aar James Rentfrow w ill pay #3 50 per ton for old Iren, eastings, etc and 5 cents per pound foi copper and brass. Healthy, happy babies. Mothers »av Rocky Mountain Tea is ibe greatest baby medicine In the world. 35 cents The B. & M. turntable has been moved from Arcadia to Sargent, and the trains run through, hereafter If you want your watch put in good repair bv the only llret class workman in the county call on («. II, Morgan, the Jewler. A girl baby was born to Mr, and Mrs. Fred Jens, of Q,*k Creek, last Friday morning. Mother and babe are doing well and Fred is expected to pull through. Mis* Newbecker. the physician in'he womens ward of the asylum at Lincoln, and sister of Mrs W. II. Williams of this city, spent one day visiting here this week. Grace—Better doctor your health be fore applying beauftlying remedies. Rid yourself of constipation, indigestion witli Rocky Mountain Tea, ami you’ll haye a beautiful face. One Minute Cough Cure vuicklv cures obstinate summer coughs and colds. ‘-I consider It a mos' wonderful medicine, • quick and safe.’,*-W W. Merton, May hew, Wla, Mi^s Effie Zimmerman daughter of George Zimmerman of Webster twp, and who Is engaged in teaching school at Litchfield, is reported to have taken sick with diphtheria Irritating stings, bites, scratches, wounds and cuts soothed and healed by DeWItt’s Witch Hazel .Salve,—a sure and safe application for tortured flesh. Beware of counterfeits. , Hamilton Clark, of Cliaum-y.Ga., says he suffered with itching plies twenty years before trying DoWItt’s Witch Ha zel Halve, two boxes of which complete ly cured him. Beware of worthless coun terteits. For windmills and pumps call on James Rentfrow. He handles>the best makes and at the lowest prices. Tanks all kinds and sizes made to order at the lowest prices. Pump and windmill repairs always on band. Joseph Van, of Harrison township who died last week, was buried last Sunday at the Litchfield cemetery. Mr* Van has been sick for several weeks, lie leaves a w ife and two children. He w as a member of the Modern Woodmen. Hr. Cady's Condition Powdkics, are just, what a horse needs when In bud condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but med icine and the best in use to put u horse in prime condition. Price 25 cents per package. For sale by Odenduhl Bro's. While coming to town lust 'J'uesday morning the king holt in Judge Kay's buggy broke, the front wheels pulled from under the buggy and let it drop, throwing Mr. Kay and bis daughter out over the dash board. Both were some what injured but not serious. C hronic Diarrhoea Curml This I* to certify thut I have hail ■hronic diarrhoea ever since the war. I jot so weak i could hardly walk or do inything. One bottle of Chamberlain's Uolie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reined} hired me sound and well. J. R. Gibbs. Fincastle, Va I had chronic diarrhoea for twelve rears. Three battles of Chamberlain's ’olic, Cholera arid Diarrhoea Remedy mred me. S. I,. fliiAVKK, Fincastle, Va. Both Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Shaver are prominent farmers and reside near Fin •astle, Va They procured the remedy from Mr. VV. K. Casper, a druggist of that place, who is well acquainted with them and will vouch for the truth of their statement. For Sale by Oden lahl Bio's TO TIIE PUBLIC —1 will open a flour ami feel store in the building west of Sheppards Jewelry store. On Mon day next. Come and see me when needing goods in my line \ full stock on hand All goods delivered to any part of the city dome O'Bkyan. < t«ti rm/KH rim i-iioiik.k ti ns For the mx beat photograph* of farm M-ene* along it* him In Nebraska anil Kan*a», tlm Burlington Route offer**ix ea*li prize*.... f >o 00. one of 010 00 amt four of f5 no each Photograph* of growing crop*. I hoveling opera tion*. feed-lot*, poultry, cattle, barne* awd ereamerle* are particularly desired No limitation* a* to *iz<* or rtnUli are made The con teat clo*e* November JO, I s'.OI •I FKtxi t*. Oen. Pa* ,\n< Burlington Itoute. Omaha. Neb tttm to a» paatM at riu<*titMii« h*ll. I'resi-hiaiz t* IH<- hrettidertan 11*11 »en | i|Ui l»v K> , J M. Mi l nhiiti nt |M 111 4 IB «* 1 ipr^tMlwi hliiifv * ji« i* m. I t |h 11« lift' (if liiiftc All ifv r*»ftHdUv iu%)trtl IfAKuKUi 41 «1HV|| ft' N» %l s j f*«lt«*l dili Iht ftrUt tn Uu* t ti, ml IM »*» 4 M. m (he W*i ft u. **ia IliH iittj u* A^ttiitfi 41 t • » |» »> K v M 4 k « » I ». ft 1 Mill m Hun* 4*4 9|» aft It Ikr » 1 A- litm hiibt | t trill* . % fe*St«c! Al «* Jftft ftHlt M lofll | to t ft4 ftlfta. Th*1 Tvm Hpi* Ho Mil 1 tuf (mi« *»# 14*449 I tiv liUMiluft ftHl ftMWl l| |,«m|l (H| mb (|f%t »»# Ut’ l MHtMlkl #1 4 t i« for ft lift lft»- * I i.i 1 t ♦* - *4.• 1 Hoitiff iH I 1‘kiolt 4(1'I N4I If All IfibAafa 4** I <4lMM» Ul(ttV9l4il )| ift* ID(| |f« 0rft ) in ft |irvw|| fi ft t ttnift t* |t», llw Ait fttith • II ltd 11 41 1 fct ft* «*• 4*1 H»% ***«• I. Ik Math tli f ftit«*.«dft ft % * ft fke I tiHtM*. **f«« %,,J* gn»r mm-rifr-m ft»#ft* (ft* 1«. 1*9 1* 4« * * lit i.tiHi.M • :»♦**• i <«i> 4 . l»«l* (k * I kb* |nm<44»i Mf Miff .** it* iMii* ^t»> lot (ftft ftMHtyii ftt>« ftlftg ftftlu lot «MMI* * oft* W| tifik* i| ( SULLIVAN KNOCKED OUT. sli.. I., ••illln luma ||| |tin ||4| HI *f,|, •mltbW m h i.. » in * 4*. t • i«,| ii.uiii u* • mi * Wfc !*•! "tlU.iU* ftftilHrf • • • H»M *AI M»M I ItUiK Bi»t * Itu >| iii .if umk^ • i^uii .ii.lkin*.. will •»i« Um a|ii«i« Wilt Ir •<*«• |ur !»•>*» »*<‘t mm I h*>y »m i gmul ||,w m „„ mi I «r* |*4 ,I* >i , yn.ik I‘•il (iMkii Mi I».>• mi I mi|i 1 tii Si Hi IMA FATAL DAZK. The following is Hie account of the death of the father <>f Judge Wall "f ihis pitta-, a* imken from llie Kvi Press, < f (limd Uupids, Mk biga d. Edward Wall, an tdd resident of the vicinity of ShelbyTitle, instantly k i I led this inoriiii • Oct l ft ISilO tit the railway cr »*s just south of sheltiy* ville, by iheG It « I passenger train, Which was due here at ft:iU. The old gentleman, win* was known for years at Sh*)byville by the usttne of "Teddy” Wall, was nearly 88 years of age, and the fatu ity was pmbsbh due to hlsma lure years and consequent feebleness The O K, A I. train this morning con" (listed of on y two coaches, a passenger coaeli and a enmbllialion sun ker and baggage oar, and was in charge of < on ductor Stewart and Euginci r Uothrell. The victim of the accident wa# evident ly attempting to cross the track as the train approached, and Icaial the whistle just as be was in the middle of the tracks, He appeared dazed, and stood still, The i ngineer made an effort to stop the train, hut the effort "as vhIii and before the old man loot recovered his presence of mind le* "a* atruck and killed. 1 here were but four passcngcrson the train, Ou t of these, a traveling repre sentative of a tobacco house, spoke to I he Press liii- afternoon in reference to the aft'.ill us follows; “I heard ib-» whistle blow and then tlie train began to shi v up suddenly. VVe knew there wh- something wrong, and Die four of u- who wen- In the car burred mit. 'Ve «,i« a li ceding body hang'ng from the machim ry at one side | of the engine. I went up to it. and found the face was covered in the clolhes.w liieh bad he-'ii torn from the boby The man's right sid** h id be* u taken may. and IP* lefr foot, liad been cot completely off I loosen-d Die body and It fell to the ground. The clothes fh«*iby ville. Mi* body, upon blentitieatioi, was removed to an undertaking estab lishment at Martin, three miles from the scene of the aeeiditit. lb* grand son sta'ed thi- afternoon that the fun eral would be heid Sunday Our ha by was Sick for a month with seven-cough and catarrhal fever. Al though we riled many remedies she kept getting wor-e until we used Om- Min ute Cough Cure,--if rel-dvedat once and cured her in a few days ” B f,. Nance, Prill. Mich School, Buft'dile. '!'< xa* I'he pain of a burn or scald is almost I ns' an fty relieved by upp'ying (him berlhln’s Pain Balm. C also beHi* Un injured parts more quickly than any other treatment, m d without the burn is very severe does not leave a scar. For sale by Odendah! Bros. Kodol Dyspepsia Ours cures dyspep. sia because its ingredient s. ate such that It can’t help doing so, • The public .•an rely upon it a a master remedy for all disorders arising from impel feet di gestion.”-..Janies M, Thomas. M D.. in Ameilcan Journal of Health. N. V. ♦ • \yANTKD—wICVKltAL lilUUHT AND ” HONEsT, persons to represent us as Managers m this ami close by counties. Salary $noo a year anil expenses. Straight bona-tide, no more, no less salury. l-ositlou permanent, our references, any bank in | any town, it is mainly olllcc work conduct ed at homo. Kefercnce. (enclose sell-ml. dressed stamped envelope—Tint DowiN ION Company, Uept S. Chlcugo U “5 to 3 Its) Good Enough in lake. I'he finest quilily of loaf sugar is used in the maliul.ietiiie ut tlmmbci lain's Cough K-mieny mi l Die root* used in it* proper.ition give a :t flavor similar to that iii m ipie sy i .i, , milking it very pleasant to take. A« a medicine for the cure of eouhgs, void*. li grippe, croup and yy hooping cough it is um ipialed t.v any other it always cures, and cures j (|uickly Fur sale by OdnmbiUI Bios. Tiic following letter whn reet tved by otic of our business ttu-n y eater tiny . Dkau Silt:—If yon have the Liquor interests of the itateut heart, do not vote for Reese for Supreme Judge. Remem ber the Prohibition tight of 1MK).—Nebraska Retail Liq uor Dealers’ Protective Asso. mmtimm It ;•!> * j.t r*. na **f » u«« • Itanl ai • f Ifttantive m . I 4 'irit ttilfMi | i«rla I \*UU •a . } ami« »i ♦»«. * p * I, ill «rM« YU# t*A I I..A r Kii OHO, lt.*nm»,»rr, Mil. uver-. j the yj*.T, ■ LITTLE LIL. > ** T-'V*' •* ' • . 1 • ml iBljiCeut. ,v *i jn. r Vy Dv»rc. luUUUn9 • cu- e3 o o i • r! i^r®1'0 i Uva; &9jEgg|n Complaint. f too pilL3 j. rt:*si^ l.*«cr?uJ^». Mill u|t 1'iij, HEAD! READ! READ! Lawks and Gentlemen— I see it becomes necessary for a jeweler to give an account of his life, and as it is, 1 certainly can. 1 have had 13 vears of %/ experience at watch repairing and I do not tell nothing but the truth when I say I have had 13 years experience at my trade. I have served an ap prenticeship under the Union Pacific Raihvav watch exami v ner of North Platte, Nebr., and under other good workmen until 1890, when I commenced to do business for myself and in 1897 I went to Omaha and attended the Omaha Watch makers school, and Mr. Tar box, the Professor', is as good a workman as there is in the United States. He has been the mechanical expert for the Waltham Watch Co., and under this skillfull man was where I learned to manufact ure watches. 1 do nothing but first class work. When my work fail to please I will cheerfully refund your money. For reference as to my workman N It ip I give you the First National Hank of Nortli Flatte. Nebr and tbe Omaha National Hank and also the First National Bunk of Lexington, Neb I do business in a business way G. II. Morgan, (Jan be found at Henry Dolling’s Shoe Store, Loup City, Neb. AGENTS WANTBI).-Kor “The Life And Achievement* of Admiral l)ewey,” the world's greatest naval hero. By Murat Halstead, the life long friends and admirer of the nation's idol. Biggest and hook; over 500 pages, sxin Inches; nearly 100 pages half-tom illustrations, only *1.00 Knur muua demand. Big commissions. Dill lit tree, chance or a lifetime. Write quick. The Dominion company, 3rd Floor cuxton Building .Chicago. < 'AI*T WILLIAM ASTOR CHANLER. Congressman from New York, is the president of The Skw YoKK St ah which is giving away FORTY DOLLAR BICYCLE daily, as offer ed by their advertisement In another column lion. Amos J. Cummings. M. C . Col Asa Bird Oardner. District Attorney of New York, ex Oovernor Hogg, of Texas, and Col. Fred Felgel of New York, are among the well known name# in their Hoard ol Directors. The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist. The Discoverer of Swamp-Koot at Work la His Laboratory. iiicjc is a uiscase prevailing in mis country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it—heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to ad vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Then the richness of the blood—the album* —leaks out and the sufferer has Bright’s Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root the new dis covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free 1 by mail, also a book telling about Swamp- 1 Root and its wonderful cures. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. and mention this paper. 0 ALESIIE ]U 0 WANTED. 11 tocanvusa for tin* sale of Nuisery stock Steady employment guaranteed, GOOD PAY for successful men. Apply at once Stating age. Mention this |iap«r. E. L. WATROUS, Des Moines, Iowa WANTED SEVERAL UB1GIU AND vv hokk.sT persons to represent us as Man ugera in this and close by counties. Salary ftniOa year and expenses. Straight, bona fide, no mors, no less salary. Position per manent. Our references, any hank in any town. It la mainly office work conducted at home. Reference. Enclose self-address ed stumped envelope. Tim Dominion Com pany, Dept • .'i. Chicago. to :t t!5 toon, K I HIM KV Women as well IvlLrit Jj X ua men are made TUATTIil I? miserable by kid llVV/U IllJlJ ney and bladder trouble. Or Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot tbe great kidney remedy promptly cures. At druggists in fifty cent ant) dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also phamphlet felling all about It,—address Or. Kilmer A Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. HAHI’KH whiskey on your sideboard proves your taste is correct. It proves also that you arc doing your duty to you- guest,anti to yourself, keeping the finest whiskev obtainable. .801,0 BY T H Ei.snkk. ^ Loup City, Nebr. ■Idol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artlflcially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It ib the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in elhclency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headachc.Gastralgia,Cramps,and ah other results of lmperfectdigestion. Prepared by E C DeWItt a Co.. Cblcaao. Dont Be Fooled! The market Is being flooded with worthiest imitations ol ROCKY MOUNTAIN ... TEA ■ • • To protect the public we call especial attention to our trad* mark, printed on every pack age. Demand the genuine. For Sale by all Druggists ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY F||Pf! ' Notice in " Inventive Age ” pi BK MB Mi < Book "How to obtain Pateuta” | Charge• moderate. No fee till patent is secured. Letters strictly confidential. Address, 1 . E. G. SIGGERS, Patent Lawyer. WaihingtonTo.C.J ■ * AAAAAAAAAA A Auk A. A AA^A.4>sisd FOR MEN ONLY! BFor LOST or FAILING MANHOOD, I General and NEKVOUS DEBILITY, Weakness of Body and Mind, Effects of Errors or Esoeaees in Old or Youna. Sobl* t AMIIHfO fall. lb,l.r,l. II o. la Ifalaraa aad a,r—S*k-aWt*ll,l'SDKVKL4lrKD IIRI.ASB A FARTS «r ROOT Akaolnl-lf u„r«lli„, IIIISK 1 Ilk ATM BAT—H.n.Sta la a 4a,, ■ra la.llf, frum to Slam aad r-r-laa l-aalrlaa. Writ. Ik a*. Daaarlptl.a Boat, aiplaaatlaa aad eraafa Ballad (aaalad)fraa. MAraed ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO.N. Y. To PATENT Good Idui may be secured by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore Md Subscriptions to Tbe Patent Record 11.00 per annum*. 'JkkkMid* BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE y| .; I V ^ J J * L J J ” l.l I j ■ 1 I 4 k I n l '^bH '“^jL Traoe Marks ^VBBBIv Designs f Copyrights Ac. Anvnne sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention le probably patentable, Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn £ Co. receive •penal notice, without charge, In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. largest Clr. ■ illation of any scientific Journal. Terms. It a year: four months, 11. Bold by all newsdealer*. MUNN & Co. sdBroidni, ||gny Yorlt Uraucb Offlce. ■» F Ht„ Washington. D. C. ^ WATCH TALKS ^ A W ATl’H l'AI taking in » to aome UNSKILLED WATCHMAKER. • i r*. *He*l •< me feli