The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 27, 1899, Image 8

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    Liocsal Daws.
T. II. Eisner went to Omaha yester
K J. Nightingale built an adillil^n to
his barn.
Mr. J. E. McCray is still reported as
very low.
The addition la the M. E. parsonage
is rapidly gring up.
Mr. Hickman Is moving Int > the Mrs.
8. O. Taylor property.
T. M. Reed Is treating hla store to s
new coat of pain*.
Lew McGrath moved his family back to
Loup City, last Saturday.
Win. Criss passed through town with
bis sleam thresher Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Win Duek of Litchfield,
were In the city a part of this week.
Mrs. A. E. Chase and children visited
Chapman and Central City, the first part
of the week.
Ira Foster came down from Com
stock, on a railroad bicycle last Sunday
to visit his family.
The Royal Neighbors of America, bad
a social time for an hour last Tuesday
night after their lodge meeting.
You should call at T. M. Reeds when
you want anything In the furniture line.
He has a flue stock to select from.
J. K. Pearson, democratic candidate
for sheriff, wss looking up his Interests
In these psrts the first end of the week.
W. II. Conger has constructed a two
hundred barrel cistern on bis farm 8
miles south of town for stock purposes.
Jay Plant and wife arrived at the
bome of Mis. Plants parents, Mr, and
Mrs. John Needham, last Saturday, for
a short business visit.
Don't be led astray and made to be
lieve lb at there's something ju.-t as
good as Rocky Mountain Tea. There's
nothing half as good.
8 F. Reynolds has been on the slek
list this week and Dar. Grow sr., has
been slicing stake for the hungry in bis
Quickly cure couatlpatioc and
rebuild and invigorate the entire system
never gripe or nauseate—DeWitt's Lit
tle Early Risers
Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Waue will short
ly go to Central America, where they
expect to spend the winter with Mr.
Weite’s brother. Will.
Mrs. Stellmacher accidently stepped
on e rusty nail last week which penetrat
ed nearly the entire distance through
the foot. She is slowly recovering.
Just as we go to press we learn of
the sad death of the aged father} of
Judge Wall, full account of which will
appear next week. The old gentleman
waa killed by the car*.
O. Benschoter bad tha misfortune to
have one of hla spotted ponies throw its
shoulder out of place last Sunday while
running on the rope Mr, Benaeboter
pulled the shoulder lu placa himself.
Don’t forget to attend the lecture of
Mias Matilda Fletcher, at the M. E.
church next Thursday night. She will
convince you that “Man ia an Angel.’’
That Is the news paper man of course.
J L. Hopper, who has been stationed
at Ord.the past summer was In the city
oyer night Weduesdav night. Mr. Hop
per baa been changed to Gibbon, and
will have charge of the elevator at that
place in the future.
We hive for sale a full supply of
blank mortgages, deeds, land leases,
notes and mortgage notes on band. All
printed on best quality paper and are of
the best forms and print. Warranty
deeds to conform with county deed
The Oblsen Bros, have secured the
contract for building e large brick bu
siness house at Comstock. 12 miles a
hove Arcadia, on the B. A M. extension,
and ere now shipping the brick from
their yards st this place One hundred
thousand ere required.
While at Hasting* last week the ju
nior editor of this paper bad the pleat
ura of meeting a number of old time
frleuds. among whom were Mr and
Mrs. Wesley Pedlar, and Rev T. 11.
Dry, e former pastor of the M K
church of this place who Is now located
at Keeesiw, and other* all of whom are
getting along well
Carl de la Motto made thi* office a
pleasant call ls*t Wednesday and when
we asked him far the news of hi* neigh
borheed staled that the tower on the
aew Herman church near Haaard, • m
being built end will soon be completed,
Ue sey* that e eew AM lb had «||| be
pot in. The boll it e preeeni to tho
church organisation end when pwl in
place will bo dedicated with sppropn
eto ceremonies.
If affaire continue to he carried nn kf
the buys no our street* at night e* bat
been the practice for e few weeka paat
Our etljr connoH will be compelled to
appoint e Harebell end look after It,
It l.»ea aul lustier • b- . » et.,g |* , „I
No* men locating among n« must and
w»d bo proteeted e* well a* old romdeot*
and If the bwodlum element i* ineree*
lag In the osteal apparent at preeetl e
•**dod *ea#o« most be administered
W. R. Mellor will move Into the
Stott property in a few days.
Willi* Waite took a load of hnus» ■
hold goods to hi* farm Tu inlay.
W. II. Conger went to Grand Island.
Wednesday to attend the wedding ol
bis son Caibie.
Old Mr. A..I Smith wondered a wav
from homa last Monday and wu* found
at Austin, i.i tbe evening.
If you want yoar watch put lu good
repair bv tbe only first cla*» workman
In the county call on G. II. Morgan, the
Mr. and Mrs Ed. Carpenter arrived
from tbelr home at Kolons, la., last Fri
day evening to look after the estate of
Mra. Carpenter
It is strange how u fellow v. ill hustle
around and do the bill posting or any
other dirty little job if he can coax tbe
pops to nominate him for an ofilice.
M s. Alf. Wilson and Mrs. Kd. Car
peuter, daughters of the late O. S
Brown, received a voucher for $1,000
each from the A.O. U. W. last Tuesday.
Grace—Better doctor your health be
fore applying heautflyIng remedies. Kid
yourself of constipation. Indigestion
with Rocky Mountain Tea, ami you'll
have a beautiful face.
One Minute Cough Cure vutckly cures
obstinate summer coughs and colds. ‘ I
consider it a most wonderful medicine. •
quick and safe.',-W. W. Merton, May
hew, WU.
Irritating stings, bites, scratches,
wounds and cuts soothed and healed by
DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve, —a sure
and safe application for to tured flesh.
Beware of counterfeits.
Mr G E Hetchkins, tbe miller, ia
contemplating rebuilding tbe mill in
the spring, and this winter will run a
flour and feed store In the city, keeping
on hand a full supply of the different
grades which he baa been handling.
Dr. Cauy'8 Condition Powder*, are
just what a horse needs when In bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They are not food but med
icine and tbe best in use to put a burse
in prime conditlou. Price25 cents per
package. For sale by Odendahl Bro’s.
W. J. Bryan, the greatest long dis
tance talker on record, will speak In
Loup City on Wednasday next. He is
on a dying trip through tbe state and
will stop just long enough in his dight,
for the faithful to to touch tbe hem of
bis garment, and Igno digit, whoopee.
Si Hoi 10mI) is the tirat man who
baa ever received the nomination tor
supreme judge that bad no more re
sped fi r the office than to make a
political mud bole of it. Mr. Reece
refuses to trail tbe sacred Judicial
ermine in the political filth, and
therefore will not take the stump.
He should receive his reward for so
Ex Governor Hogg, of Texas, has
gone back on the Bryan faction of
the delusionists, and declared for
Expansion without tbe aid or con
sent of any of them. Mr. Hogg says
the Philippines are ours and must
remain so nt all bazxarda. He is
the same animal that run through
the Tamany fence at New York, last
summer and caused a stampede a
mong tbe braves. It will now be in
order for tbe pop papers to call him
a hog.'
• Last Friday morning at about 1 o'clock
:hefire bell called up tbe people, whose
ittention was at once attracted to the
large flouring mill south west of town.
I'he structure was completely envelop
ed in flames and almost before anyone
could get to it the roof had fallen in,
and the whole mill and its contents
were rapidly being destroyed. About
one hundred people stood off st s re
spectable distance and watched the
burniag limbers fall, and with deep re
grets*^ our old land mark and pub
lic enterprise malt into a mass of ruins
The origan of the Hr* la not known, hut
it is supposed to have caugh' Inaide the
building as when tirst discovered It wa>
seen bursting out of the roof The
plant was valued at 9t(l,H0U with an in
surance of but 91 000. It was owned by
U h. Ilotcbklns, who purchased the
ptai t in the spring of Is97, and w ho
had equipped II with fll the necessary
machinery of modern improveuieu'
The evidence lu the contest cate *.f
I' II Watson, v a. Judge Homer M Sul
liven, in which the latter, a populist
nominee see «s to have his name print
a*! on the oiticial ballot a« a democratic
candidate also wit held Ttp-eday he
| fore county cleik Miutbull. and deci
| sion rendered Wednesday morning in
i favt r of tbe plaintiff U in s | tie «vl
j dence showed that the democrats of this
Judicial district held their regular von
| venllow at Kearney and refused to en
i dorse Mr HulUvew. wbereu|M>n the Judge
! |Oie*iy brought a rburs few fruut <‘u
| twr count* and wttb one nr two other
i representative* from other counites
held what they ceded a con*e |> IHI |!
l*fc>% Ifttt l'«M| venllow
ef course en torawu hint and bn is trying
t« get hi* nans* we lb# ticket as the re
i guts* dews <MC fflhl l b# dee. *
j crate here ii* united In Ibwir effort* to
, usshe na eaewspia uf this case aad Mr
W aieuts. a* *e» retarv of that wualy t va
' tml t ogimiiine bn* entered a protest
i with ta# above results
Jsiues Reutfrow will pay $3.50 per tor
for old Iron, castings, etc and 5 cent*
per piund for copper snd braaa.
Healthy. happt babies. Mothers say
Rocky Mountain Tea la the greatest
baby medicine in tbe world. 35 cuts
For windmill* and pump* call on
James Rentfrow. lie b*nilles>tbe best
makes snd at tbe lowest prices. Tank*
all kind* and sizes made o i-rder at
the lowest prices. Pump and windmill
repairs alwaya on hand.
Hamilton Clark, of Chauncy, Ga., *«' *
he suffered with itching pile* twenty
years before trying DeWItt'a Witch Ha
zel Salve, two boxen of which complete
ly cured him. Beware of worthless cotin.
Our baby was Sick for a month with
severe cough and catarrhal fever. Al
though we tried many remedies she kept
getting worse until we used One Min
ute Cough Cure,-it relelved at once and
cured her In a few days" B 1,. Nance,
Prill. High School, Bluffdale, Texas
The pain of a burn or scald Is almost
instantly relieved by applying Cham
berlain's Pain Balm. It also heals the
Injured parts more quickly than any
other treatment, and without the burn
Is very severe does not leave a scar.
For sale bv Odendah) Bros,
Kodol Dyspepsia Cur* cures dyspep.
sia because its ingredients are such that
It can’t help doing so. ’The public
can rely upou it a - a master reined) for
all disorders arising from imperfect di
gestion.”--James M, Thomas, M D,, in
American Journal of Health, N Y.
Lost—On Monday morning, Oct. 10,
between the BAM yard* and my farm,
a lap robe. Black on one aide and
Orange with figure on the other.
‘Chase” marked on corner. Finder
kindly leave at this office.
L N. Smith
TI/’ANTED-SEVkRaL bright and
TT HONEST, jtersons to represent us as
Managers tn this SDd close by counties.
Salary $900 a year and expenses. Straight
bona-fide, no more, no leas salary, position
permanent, our refertnees. any bank in
any tosrn. it is maialy office work conduct
ed at home. Reference Enclose sclt-ad.
dreused stamped envelope.—Tub Domik.
ion Com cany. Dept 8. Chicago 0 95 to 3 190
— ♦ ♦♦
Waite—Grow—At tlie residence of
the brides parents in this city, at 8
o'clock Wednesday evening Oct 25, 1899.
Mr. Willis Waite and Mis* Abbie Grow,
were joined in marriage by the Rev.
Hawley of Arcadia The wedding wa«
a private one, none being in attendance
but tbe immediate families. Mr. Waite
is a highly respected young man who
has lived in these pans since a small
child and has bv his geatlemanly de
meanor, won host* of friends. Miss
Grow, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I)
C. Grow, has lived here all her life and
is one of our most esteemable young
ladies. The young couple start out in
the world with enviable prospects and
the sincere wishes of all their friends
that no storms assv ever mar their hap
Austin—Smith- Mr. Nels Austin and
Miss Mamie Smith were married at the
residence of tbe grooms parents, in
Loud City, Neb., on Tuesday evening
Oct 17, 1899, at 8 o'clock. Judge Kay
officiating. Tbe youug folks have long
been residents of tbis city and the best
wishes of their many fr;ends go with
them to their new borne in Cherry
county where they Intend locating.
CoNtiER—Bai.hwin —Mr. Castile Con
ger and Miaa Myrtle May Baldwin were
married at the home of tbe brides par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A Baldwin, at
Grand Island, Nebr., on Wednesday
evening Oct., 85. 1899. Mr. Conger is
the son of lion W. II Conger of this
eity, and is now located at Chapman,
Neb , as agent for the U. I*, railroad and
Miss Baldwin Is an esteemable young
lady of Grand lslaud. The best wishes
of the Northwestern go with them
1‘rcMUw In the Presbyterian hall next
Sabbath by Kev. J M McCahm, at losua in
at Amnia at 1 p. in and at Kockvill* at 7 :<u
All are cordially invited
Tha Christian Kadeavor sovicty win give a
llallowean Social and nerve refreshment* on
Ttteaday. OcXotwr SI, In tlia building ju»t west
of Sheppard a jewelry etor*. Please eome
aa<l bring your friend*
Service* At M It church Sunday itet tU at
I Jo subject A tjod At Work subject
for ■ venllur at 7 Ju Where le Hell ’ |>*d
1 low appointment at 1 p m suhj#, t \
peculiar people '
— TT
MlNWAA kV 4Ni.AI.Ii 41. sBWVIt'As
t,erntaA . »u«eli, al Services will |,r n#|4
***t Sunday Ik tutwr » la kel*. at j p hi
and Sunday v itaUfSn, at lump city m
th< tti or At kg ami At Ashiow la the at* trios*
41 ItM U»U4i (MIU
Alo Saw Nat* h Pastor
••»tti a t*i iu. aeas
fHe tea- ha it Mending t tii |« of loe*p i llt
dtatsua witt Meet ia l,..«p my <« it* nest
•ntofday of *« a atoath at d Mat ».»*«.a
•mV ksi tth Pages I to tt of %ke s. h.ui
Hi.c i*t ia Comedy amt *o t, bar*
amt olfcet« tatrrested la Ita aavh are urged
leto yamnt tl k I.Atwtm.aa Hoi
t* •*« A* t*. .At
Itk fce* wiki les ture At the d t Aari h
aa fh irctav eceatae tfoteathar lad At f A
j “• U •*« *» kaeei Vus*i. xx ..,v.
b HfeWAer m»a« to w ta very
* •» fematsJxi *a* It i« fcayiad that **i
•b» its *1.1 • 40 XX*w.mites of IA* pr »«
, •* osteal .4 i« ter u.r « ..I |«
wwwetvwx »S a a * a eypuriita > ix*t ».
Nfl> M Mi 14*44
i *
<•* •
;:JIow Governor Holcomb Defeated
X It Till He Organized a Company. !
I. . f
The remarkable reeord of Silas A.
Holcomb in the matter of insurance
legislation challenges the attention of
the people of tho state, and leads at once
to the inevitable conclusion that it would
be unsafe to place such a man on tho
supreme bench. A weak man in the
presence of temptation while in the
gubernatorial chair, what could be ex
pected of him as a judge? What case
I would be safe in his hands?
During the legislative session of 1865
there was a determination to pass a law
which would allow tho organization of
mutual companies fo£ tho insuring of
village and town property. To defeat
this there was present at the state house
an organized lobby, possessed of ample
means for oil room purposes. It was
well known at tho time that $10,000 in
cash was on hand to Is- used in defeat
ing mutual insurance legislation.
On Jan. 17 Mr. Brockman of Richard
son introduced house roll 246, a bill au
thorizing the formation of mutuul com
panies. It was perfectly satisfactory to
tho people who were demanding mutual
insurance. The record of the introduc
tion of the bill is found on page 261 of
the house journal.
On Feb. 26 tho bill was reported to
tho general tile, and was delayed there
until March 27, when it was taken up
in tho committee of the whole and re
commended for passage. On March DO
(page 1,183 of the house journal) it was
passi'd by unanimous vote. Such re
formers as Barry, Hull and Soderman
were there and voted for the bill. Tho
reason for the unanimous vote was that
the insurance boodle had been in sight
so notoriously that any man voting
against the bill would have been marked
at once as a boodler.
Tb/i is... ,
defeat the bill in the senate. Every
method of delay was resorted to. At
least one prominent clerk was bribed.
Money was offered to senators to get
them to delay or lose the bill. At one
time the one crooked clerk and one
boodling senator carried it away and
wore made to disgorge only after the
senate had issued warrants for their ar
In the senate, as in the house, all the
boodle plans failed. The bill passed
with but one dissenting vote, and that
one senator was politically blacklisted
for that act and has never since been
allowed to hold office.
But the old-line insurance people
knew what they were doing. They had
delayed the final passage of the bill
until the last day of the session. They
knew what Governor Holcomb would
do. They knew that he would wait
until after the adjournment of the
legislature, when all danger of passing
over his head was past, and thou ho
would veto the bill.
The record shows that on April 5th
(page 1359 of the house journal), the
bill was presented to the governor by a
joint committee. Until it reached his
hands it was carefully guarded to keep
the lobbyists and boodlers from stealing
it. At that late day one of the clerks
was offered $1,000 if he would lose the
bill or allow himself to be held up and
robbed of it.
After the adjournment of the legisla
ture Governor Holcomb carried out his
part of the contract. After numerous
consultations with a Lincoln lobbyist
he vetoed the bill. For this action ho
was never able to give a decent excuse,
and left himself open to the strong
suspicion that he had entered into a
satisfactory deal with the boodling
xuu ucittti ui tuts lumiunuuii uin ill
such a suspicious manner caused much
indignation over the state and the next
legislature met with the determination
to pass a mutual insurance bill and put
it through so early that a cowardly gov
ernor could not head it off. Jones of
Nemaha on the 18th of January, 1897,
introduced house roll 183, a bill exactly
similar to the Brockman bill, except
that it had several more sections relat
ing to assessments and other matters,
which were also covered in the laws al
ready on the statute books. The bill
passed the house on the 13th of March
' by unanimous vote. It (Kissed the sen
i ate on the 3d of April with just one
! negative vote and was presented to the
governor on the 3d of April,
i For some reason not orally expluunsl,
i but which is pretty well shown up by j
| the record*, Unvernur Holcomb held the j
I bill until the sth <>f April, when he an
1 Donnccd to the legislature that lie had
, signed it.
New tb sequel; That same day the
i new* was given out that a new insur
ance cutupauy had been organised under
the new law and that Silas A llolisnub
was • let p d as its pis selent. This action
ha<t Us'ii taken before the bill was
sign* d and the salary of tie president
was hied at t"' per month. Comment
I ou this Iran wo ii*>n is unitecesaary, "The
record* are the best enli'll'VI,"
Front that date to (tie close of his
irti t *1 tern* a* gov. ne r, Holcomb drew
wom y cverv tiemih a* follow*.
! Sslmf a* sstmint fsa -‘St
miaty *. iniiirwi'v pr* -stout jo »»i
1UW. ..g In b.m. rent deal lttn»
•TTi. II
This was a pr* tiv comfortable mlary
for a "plain man," ami did as euui
the ■ ale r i* i.|ui
the way of r otr «*d pawn s, a**» «*m» nts
from eb rb* ami il'psutwa and >ab.r
i "tsaupiin- mart* *," as ll W Balm
Wald l-llll lllOtl
(bias math I be ..m « gay, bat tb* la
•ntam w wwutal w t 11 be MuouUrst ll
I adi have au-ab. r . haptef,
Ladies and Gentlemen—
I see it becomes necessary for
a jeweler to give an account of
his life, and as it is, I certainly
can. 1 have had 13 years of
experience at watch repairing
and I do not tell nothing but
the truth when 1 sav 1 have
had 13 years experience at my
trade. I havo served an ap
prenticeship under the Union
Pacific Railway watch exami
ner of North Platte, Nebr., and
under other good workmen
until 1898, when I commenced
to do business for myself and
in 1897 1 went to Omaha and
attended the Omaha Watch
makers school, and Mr. Tar
box, the Professor, is as good
a workman as there is in
the United States. lie has
been the mechanical expert for
the Waltham Watch Co., and
under this skillfull man was
where I learned to manufact
ure watches. I do nothing
but first class work. When
my work fail to please I will
cheerfully refund your money.
For reference ns lo m\ workmni
ship I *ive you the First National
Hank of N'mili Finite. Nebr mid the
Omaha .Million-.I Hunk mill also the
First National Hunk of LexmgOiu,
Neb I do business in a business
G. H. Morgan,
Can be found at Henry
Polling's Slioo Store, Loup
City, Neb.
AGENTS WANTED.—For -The Life And
Achievements of Admiral Dewey,” the
world’# greatest naval hero. By Murat
Halstead, the life long friends and aumirer
of the nation's idol. Biggest and book;
over 500 pages. *xin Inches; nearly PJO wages
half-tone illustrai ions. Only (1511 itimr
mous denised. ilig commissions. Outdl
tree, chance of a lifetime. Wills quick.
The Dominion company, :ird floor canon
Building., Chicago
Congressman from New York, is the president
of Thk New Yokk Stak which is giving away
FORTY DOLLAR BICYCLE daily, as oflei
eil liy their advertisement In another column
Bon Amos J. Cummings. M. C , Col Asa Bird
Gardner, District Attorney of New York ez
Oovernor Hogg, of Te.xas and Col. Fred Fetjel j
of New York an- among the well know n iiama*
in their Hoard ol Directors.
Chronic Diarrhoea Cured
This 1# to certify that l have had
chronic diarrhoea ever since the war. I
gor so weak I could hartllv walk or do
anything. One bottle of Chamberlain'#
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kerned)
cured me Bound and well
R. Gibbs, Fincaatle, Va
1 had chronic diarrhoea for twelve
years. Three bottle* of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
cured me.
S. l„ Shaver, Fincaatle, Va.
Both Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Shaver are
prominoat farmers »nd reaide near Kin
caatle, Va. They procured the remedy
from Mr. W E. Casper, a druggist of
that place, who 1# we,I aequainted with
them and will vouch for tho truth of
their statement. For Sale by Oden
dalil Mro's
Not t lift W ly
It is not always best to wait until it i*
needed before buying a bottle of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera anti Diarrhoea
Remedy. Quite frequency the remedy
is required in th* very busiest season or
in the night and much inconvenience
ami Mill fling must be borne before It
can be obtained. It cotta but a trifle as
compared with its real worth and every
family can well aflVrd to keep it in their
home It is every where acknowledged
to be tb« most successful medicine In
ilie world for bowel complaints. For
•ala by OilemlMlil Bros
limxl Knotjgh to Taka
Tne |lne»t quality of lomf sugar l»
used in the manufacture of Chamber*
Iain's Cough K"iiit* 'r and the root* used
tti its preparation give It a flavor simitar
to that of maple syrup, making It very
I Ivasanl intake. \* a medicine forth*
cure of eouliga, cold*, la grippe, croup !
and whooping c. ugh It Is unei|ualed by j
any nlhrf It alwajs cures, amt cures!
i|iiieklv For sale by Odendabl Broa
tni os*ro*carc
| cu«es
• lllci; n
|C t
It i c I. • f t n <i -
|«cha t. i Llvor
100 PILLS U.i4 by all <tr««vtais
CT« L simsi kikdl
L •_!<wr.n« «Mfcatto., Ckb^a
|u| %U.I NV
i l.ouji City, N«tur
0 WANTED. ll
wcunrsiiH for the sale of Nuisery Stuck
ileadv employment guaranteed, GOOD
PAY tor successful tnen. Apply »l onos
listing »g'». Aleutian this paper.
Des Moines, Iowa
\i anted several bright and
”» uonksT persons to represent us as Mis
ugers in this and close by counties. Salary
WHO a year and expenses Straight, liona- J
fldr, no more, no less salary. Position per
manent. Our references, any bank in any
town. It Is mainly office work connected
at home. Reference. Enclose self-address
ed stumped envelope. Tint Dominion Com
PAN V, Dept. 3. Chicago. to .'1 28 1900,
lilhWV Women as well
-IV Jl !~P 11 JEi X as men are made
rp T |» I TA miserable by kid
X XVV/U II1 j Fj ncy and bladder
trouble. Dr. Ki'mer's Swauip-Koot the
great kidney remedy promptly cures.
At druggists in fifty cent and dollar
sizes. You may hsve a sample bottle by
mini free, also phamphlet ’wiling all
about It.—address Dr. Kilmur A Co..
Binghamton, N. Y
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
Itartlticlally digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
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can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieve® and permanently cures
Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea.
Sick Headache,Gustralgia,Cramps,and
all other results of Imperfect digestion.
Prepared by E C DeWUt 4 Co.. Chicago
Don’t Be Fooledi
The market Is being Hooded
with worthless Imitation* of k
. . .TEA.. .
To protect the public we chB
especial attention to our trade
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For Sale by all Druggists
^DATCIITC traKJrks :
► Notice in “ Inventive Age " mi BK BB BM <
► Book “How to obtain Patents” ( bIIbIb '
^ Chargee moderate. No fee till patent is secured. ‘
Letters strictly confidential. Address,
^E. C. SIGGERS. Patenl Lawyer. Washington, DJC^
lnBliWeakneuof Body and Bind, Effects
JLllUliof Error* or Eaceiaes in Old or Touag,
Robant, Robl* 9lAk|f<M)I> fall/ R»iUrv|. How Id Ealiffa sad
Htrengilte. WHk.t M>KVOKI.ARH A PA til h ofllODT
Absoluirly unfallln* llOlk 1 KKATIkM—HrafflU la • 4mj,
■ea (PBlIfy fraao kO Muirs mm4 EortlfB ( •oatrln. WrtU ikoa.
Drtrrlplit* Honk, tipluiiiiM and proofs aasllrd (seslrd)frwa.
TTjYTfiTilTo PATENT Good Idus
11 w 31
■mBawadaM Baltiaiore Bd
Subscription* to Tbe Patent Record 11.00 par annum.
i hade maaaa
fRHRv Designs
Copyrights As.
Anyone lending a iketrh and desertptlon mar
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether aa
Invention la probably patentable. Comtnaniea
tton* strictly conlldaiitial. Handbook on Patents
tent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patent* taken through Munu A Co. receive
iprcuU notice, without charge. In the
Scientific American.
A handtomely Illustrated weakly. Larrest etr.
rulatton of any acienllfic journal. Terms, |> a
yaar : four months, |L Hold by all nawadealara
The publisher, of Tna N«w Yoke •van. the
bandsomcly Illustrated Hunday n> wapaper.
are sirlne n hii.u'iitann llm'iri.t each tiny
fur the largest Hal of words mid* by uaiac the
letlnra (untamed in ' T lldf .s-ft-W
Y-o-H R h-T-a-M" no morn time* tu euy
«ne word than It It found in The Haw York
Mar W• baler « Htclluaery u> be roaaldered
ns authority Two uo<ii> Wait mm ■ rtrsl dtu
tliue keeper*! will be (loan dally fur around
Mul third beat bate, and flity other valuable
rewards, including IJiuarraett, Tea data, t'hina
Suriiag Hllverware ate . etc , In order of mer
it Tuts edut'nUoaal ouuteei i« iielai,'<llv> n to
kilrriiM *b l Introduce this aud i ssful weekly
lliloacw homes, and all prtte* will be awarded
promptly without partiality Twelve .'tenl
stamp* must in- la.msrd fur thirteen week*
trial *ab.i riplioti with full particuiai* aad list
uf oyer AM tamable reward* t i-atest open*
and ttuuiii< a< t' Monday June -Jdtk and
flu*. W'-nday An*list flat l*W> Your litt t-aa
rt*. a a. ««i day u-t.i. a Iheae date*, and will
ram it* the award to which II may lw entitled
I a u*Oi* a III be printed la
the follow in* l>.at of run kaw Yuan siaa
only t n# a»t can i» entered by lh< .ami per
uoi l'ri*i ar> uu •'thtnMiou at I nn man'a
• . • i
mat bate ill- * •>( l.ado . ..oil- men » u»
June * s-u uiialni eauur or sue Ueeired
tali i-r addre.s liept I l'at New Y- an
tit* v.m w mh Mirant. k«« Yota t it*
NUTIt'R <>f TRKaP4*n
To nil W bom It may concern ,
You ale neteoy uutlflmf that any |nl.i*
know n lo ItcptM u* Ike Ion-.a tug deeerlk
*d i-fuiwtiy, lot the porpuan of knntlnn
and el-a tea a ill bn yruwc*M Ui Ikn fail
»••'*• it - . a lo wit, II.. a i tn Waal
«dr “f i. t IV, k M aad auuth naat yi
aer t he an a* the ti-ia Walk** tdaea.
Hi* v- uk K«*l tyy ■« mi *, known a*
Ik* M*»y Raua aw plane la t I - a M.
4 r Riae*«a
H*at Rauwi as
I weftty Rye met* auk ur attbwwk
!*•••'• bi ht*»a e«it, na i an*.I* |||||
('all mi w I-It lie**
tt |i t lilUNI Mlk
! n»w*l Nehtaadh