THE NORTHWESTERN. BENSCHOTER * GIBSON, Ed* and Pub*. LOUP CITY, - NEB. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. The export of nitrate from Chill this /ear will exceed 30,000,000 quintals. The New Orleans board of health re ports no new cases 01 ye.low fever and no deaths. The First Montana volunteer regi ment wns mustered out of the service on the 18th amid great enthusiasm. A New York petition in bankruptcy has been filed by Ida L. ano May K. Jenkins. Liabilities, $312,519; no as> sets. Yuuno. Fumlo, Japanese minister to China, has been recalled. He will bo succeeded by Mr. Nlsbti, former Japan ese minister to Russia. Owing to the discovery of another suspicious case of yellow fever at Mi ami, Fla., State Health Officer l’orter has placed that town under quaran tine. Dr. Charles Tanner, national mem ber of parliament of Cork, was abusing the queen and the *>ritish soldiers whereupon a soldier knocked htin down. Emperor William has issued a de cree directing that all regimental com manders shall strongly revive the cab inet order of six years ago forbidding gambling in the army. At Springfield, 111., a conference ot the Mining Engineers’ union and coal operators of the state will be held to consider the demands of engi neers for an eight-hour working day. Dr. Klapper editor of the Dculseh Aggrar Correspondenz, Berlin, has been sentenced to Imprisonment foi* six months on a charge of lese ma Jestee for criticising emperor William. The 18th was the last day for the British reserves to Join the colors, and the latest reports from the principal centers show that practically all ot the reserves have presented- them selves. The Illinois supreme court In Hie case of the Wilmington & Vermillion Coal company against the people, has upheld the validity of the mine Inspec tion law passed at the last general general assembly. Governor Stephens has appointed Charles 8. Nelson, formerly of Kansas City, but now a citizen of Mugqulz, state of Coahulia, republic of Mexico, com missioner of deeds for the state of Missouri in that country. An agreement has been reached be tween the counsel on boih sides lor the postponement of the hearing In the controversy between the slate of Lou isiana and Texas over the yellow fever quarantine until Oci. 24. A petition In bankruptcy has been filed by Alfred K. Sax, a New \ork salesman, with liabilities of *487.510 on notes made jointly by the petitioner with Max anu Julius Sax and Adolph Hlatz, In Nashville, Tenn., In 1891. No assets. Count llohenan, commander of the Garden dw Corps, Germany, will go to Spain on November 2 to present to King Alfonso the decoration of the Order of the Black Kagle, which has been conferred upon him by the Ger man emperor. The Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf announced that, effective October 2« ing preparer/ for the Twentieth Kansu,* volunteer* upon their arrival home Is u letter from the Kiinm* 0 A It department containing gr»-« ting fiom the (obiter* of the civil war to lb©*.* o( the gpan l*h-American war. Department Com* maniler Coulter ha had fain mi Jo» eph Walters prepare It. and the captain ha* “*praad him-clf," i he ti A. It department al*o propose* to have enough medal* made out of a captured rannon to supply tmh volunteer with one. but the cannon has nut yet ar rived and it will Im* «everal week* tie fore the medal* .an be made. The it. Paul, Mmu. Iron moidera have struck, ami the striker* claim there la tut aiolder working in th< rtly. The steamer tiaelle. from the orient brought l.tge bale* of ftth. valued at I. two dtp and 1137.tarn m apm ie to Aati ftttrtwe Vauuo Knmio, Japan--a amour to China, ha* >•*•*■ n ioiIH lie will be succeeded by Mr Nteatl former Japan e*e ml Ulster to Koaeta The Ka«hange Telegraph **-mpany at l.ondon publiah** a di*p*tch from Parts aaylag that Kuril Arton of Paa* awa venal notoriety be* l-*»u pant •Mli The Stronghold of English Forces in South Africa Assailed. AND A DECISIVE BATTLE EOIGHT Urn. Kork nt Kruger'* Army Die* of Wound* — Doer* Turn on Fur»urr»— FlrliiK in Progre** at l.ant Account*. Willi Indication* Tliat There lla* Keen a Heavy FngiiKcuient. GLENCOE CAMP, Natal, Oct. 23.— Heavy firing is now in progress to the northwest of this ramo. CAPETOWN, Oct. 23.—Tt Is reported here from Glencoe that the Boer forces under Commandant General Joubort has stacked or is about to attack the British entrenched position at Glen coe. LONDON, Oct. 23.—The war office this afternoon publishes the following dispatch to the secretary of state for war, the Marquis of Lansdowne, from the general commanding in Natal, Gen eral Sir George Stewart White, regard ing the engagement yesterday at Elandslaagte, between Glencoe and Ladysmith, when the British under General French routed the Transvaal forces under James H. M Kock, second In command in the Trans vaal army, who was himself wound ed and captured, and has since died. "White, commander In Natal, to tho secretary of state for war. Filed Lady smith, October 22. 10:30 a. m.: In the action at Elandslaagte yesterday the troops engaged were the following Cavalry, Fifth Lancers, a squadron of the Fifth Dragoon Guards, the Impe rial Light Horse and two squadrons of Natal Carbineers; artillery, Twenty first field artillery. Forty-second Hel l battery and the Natal field br.tterv; infantry, the Devonshire riglme-nt, half a battalion of the Gordon Htzhlandeia and the Manchester regiment. Ths whole force was under General French, with Colonel Ian Hamilton command ing the infantry. "I was present in person from Jiao p. m. to 6:30 p. m., but did not assume direction of the fight, which was lest in the hands of General French. Al though desultory fighting took Dlae? earlier in the day, while reinforce ments, sent out later, on ascertaining the enemy’s strength, were arrived from Ladyamlth. the real action did not begin until 3:30 p. m. At that hour the Boers held a position of very ex ceptional strength, consisting of a rock hill shout a mile and a half southeast . of Klandslfuigte station. "At 3:30 p. m. our guns took a posi tion on a ridge 4,100 yards from the Boers, whose guns at once opened fire, j This fire was generally well directed, hut somewhat high. This time, con trary to previous experiences, their shells hurst well. “The Imperial light horse moved to ward the left of the enemy's position and two squadrons of the Fifth lancers toward his right. During the artillery duel mounted Boers pushed out from their left and engaged the imuerial i light horse, in a few minutes the en- 1 enty's guns ceased firing and our ar- ‘ tillery was turned on the mounted Boers, who opposed the imperial light horse. The latter at once fell back. After the artillery preparations our in fantry advanced to the attack, sup ported our guns in the second oost tion. The Devonshires held the en emy in front while the Manchester reg- j intent and the Gordon Highlander* turned his left flank. "The Boer guns, although often tem porarily silenced, invariably opened fire again on the slightest opportunity and were served with great courage. . After severe fighting our infantry car ried the position. At 0:3o p. m. this was accomplished, the enemy standing his ground to the last with courage and tenacity. The Fifth lancers and a squadron of the Fifth dragoons charged three times through the re treating Boers in the dark, doing con siderable execution. We captured the Boer camp with tents, wagons horses and also two guns. The Boer losses were very considerable, including a number of wounded and unwounded prisoners. Among the former are Gen eral Jan Kock and f*iet Joubert, nephew of Commandant General Jou hert. One goods trains, with supplies for Glencoe ramp, and nine Kuglish prisoners were recovered. "Our loss. I regret to say, was heavy. It Is roughly computed at 150 killed and wounded. "The collection of the wounded over a large area in the dark and the ar rangements for sending them in have thus far occupied our time and atten tion. A full list will go to you later. "Our wounded ami those of the en emy are now arriving by trains. Be sides Boers we have many Hollanders, Germans and prisoners of mixed na j tnuialltles. | he behavior of our troops •cud of the colonial force s was admir able." Mh. Ivrt'h lit n MINSK AI til, IS o,i ga V «|m. U| l«» I he Times from lireat Kails. Mom sum Nine men perished in the mini Idlllard Kite IsmIIm have Iren ir. entered ami n i. prohalde this la not half the list. I he lad |HH|y fun ml was that of II llernld, a »heep herder The sheep had eaten tiff hts heard, ehdhltig «nd pari ul hi* htwHa Set eral hands nf sheep wilhoul herders hate hern wandering In that country and pulnl lu unknown deaths Mysletf at !»•• M-owr* l»KS Ml II N KS la . Ik I |J The body of a yuung ladt ana found iu il». In* M*un« s river this evening and td» no lle! a* that uf Mattel mk«n*ld nf Maibihuig la She w»* || teats ulI iislat Pul so ■sum *■< tail. The «tunnel and ph* -nuns d* • tar* ike was ant drowned. a* ihna Is a»> di« olnraliim or swelltn* There were no marks uf titdime however, and no poi*t-n rould h* deletted The laMer la 1 tom plets uo mpan\ r t 1 Ived word today from Sen*'* a, Kas . that Jtulge Stewart of the Nemaha county j district court had declared void the j Kansas law which permitted a charge : of only til lent* for a ten-word iu*a- j ■urge lietwecn Kansas points Tin case was a teat one and this Is th<* I first dei Istoii on the law whbh war pasae.l b> the last legislature • *r« II •• i In I mm4mm 141,\ ta»,N UH SI General It. n jo in in l|»rti«is moI Mrs Harrison a r rived la l.uudon toddy General Har has artenled the I* vltatioti to twMturl hint at the l oloh n t t> nolle j id t'oninotre tv tiler )S tuoui (mu. ti«ios>ir III WASHINGTON Urt 21 It M Rher- I man former governor of Iowa now , la thla t il) was sets*d with *n »’U-1 I of varilgo white on the street ina ah* He was removed to his to*el and ta 1 now Mid Is ha out of daager I Large Numbers Reported Slain by Mine Explosion. dRAWN ON TtltlR DZATIf Fifteen Hundred Dead as the Result of an Attack on Klerksdorp—-Wounded Are Taken to Johannesburg—llrltlsh In Camp Near I.adysuiith are Expert lug Itattle at Auy Moment. LONDON, Oct. 20—(New York special from Pietermaritzburg Buys: "The Basilta natives an^Hghtlng witn the Boers. It is reported tiiat sixteen Boers have been killed. The cavalry is still bivouacked out and slight skir mishes are frequent.” The Dally Mail's correspondent at Capetown, Thursday, says: "A refu gee who reached Orahatnstown today from the Hand states a train arrived at .lohannsburg Monday evening from Klerksdorp containing at least 300 wounded burghers." The Daily News' Capetown corre spondent, In the course of a somewhat similar account, says: "The Boers were drawn over Lyddite mines, which were laid for the defense of the town, and the killed numbered 1,500 Every conveyance was requisitioned to take the wounded men to the hospi tal.” Yesterday was one of the most ex citing days known at the war office since the crowd gathered there to learn the fate of the expedition to Gordon's relief. The news that the Fifth Landers had been engaged brought many la dles and other friends of the regiment to Inquire for news. The gravest intelligence today seems to be the report of the capture of a train with officers at Elandslaa gato, for It is understood that the whole line was patrolled. No reporters are allowed at the front, and it is impossible to gain in formation, and it is learned that Gen eral Sir Stewart White has been mak ing extensive movements in that di rection, and developments are hourlv expected. The news that Commandant Jou bert’s northern column, with twelve e-ims, Is now at Dannhauser, is start ling. Although the Boers have shown considerable activity in Natal, there is nothing to indicate that they are yet prepared for a serious combin ed attack, and the general belief here is that unless something unex pected happens General Sir George Stewart White will remain on the de fensive. Mafeking news is still confined to a repetition of the stories that Colonel Baden-Powell mowed down 300 Boers with hia Maxims. MONTY TO BT PAID INDIANS. Ointthan* uml U'lnnt-lmgneic Noon to lie eel** Snug Num. WASHINGTON. Oc t. 20.—Commls sioner Jones of the Indian office today issued an order making payable to the Omaha and Winnebago Indians in Thurston county, Nebraska, the semi annual interest on tribal lands, an nuities and leases. While the interest is not payable until spring Commis sioner Jones has made an exception to the policy of the department in or dering this payment, largely upon recommendations of Senator Thurston and Secretary Meiklejohn, who have represented Agent Matthewson. Agent Matthewson, according to the state ment made to the commissioner has inc reased the revenues of both tribes from rentals over what they had re ceived in previous years more than 50 per cent and he wants the Indian; to have a portion of what is their duo at this time rather than defer pay ment until spring. The Omahas will receive in all probability a $15 per capita payment, the balance to be paid next May. One payment only will be made to the Winnebagoes, but it will reach about $20 per capita, the in crease of rentals on grass lands this yl'.r bringing about a higher per capita than last year. SOIDIIRS' CHRISTMAS BOXf S. Her re fury of War litfttrurts lliat They llr fprii. WASHINGTON, Oct. 20.—The secr tary of war has instructed the quarter master general to forward from San Francisco any Christmas boxes which may be delivered there prior lo No vember 20 for officers and soldiers in the Philippines. Hui li boxes should lie consigned to Major O. F., general superintend ent army transport service, Hun Frau * i co. Cal. Also 10 forward from New tork any Christimi* boxes for officers and sol diers In the Philippines which may ut* delivered there prior to November 1, silt h lioxe- to lie consigned to Major F It. Jones, gen >ral superintendent army transport service. Pier 22 Co lumbia Hiorcs, Itrooklyn. N. If. t sees I* roes Im lie I* If glia. WASHINGTON. I». C., (h i 20 Hur gcfin General Wyman tuday received a i abb stiiin fsrom Inspector Wood bury, dated at Hto Janeiro. Itrasll. say ing that the plague had made Its up. pearsn-e at HaStiw, Itrasll He sai l thel there had been «i« i i«c« and two deaths and that autopsy at the dial i ase« confirmed the diagnosis ||« also said that istdation was |»>s»ili|«. Sl« totals litfti Iff tvs*. WICHITA Kan, IM jo Mis* Helen Gould Frank Gould Vue Pfea I Witt l’ G Warner of Ike Missouri IV ! cilti railroad tl«s< lal Manager that - M*Cra< ken Wife of rhe pir-t-lcul fd th- i i .mu of the City of New tstk j arrived her*. Imio on a «t-»> mi l-mi over Ik* Missouri Pa-in- ralirovd t ; attend tk* street fait Miss Gould was given a rr->tdUut ai | Ik* Irwin sod it Ike guest of Ike low I Governor riianiev is ker retort 'fia# I rboftd save that Klk-st p > |.> p, ,j | her liar welt. OffERS TO GIVE HP ARMY. Flu Del Filar Ask* Oil* for Aalf Million Dollar*. MANILA, Oct. 19.—General Otis has received messages purporting to come from the insurgent general, Pio del Pilar offering to sell out his army and to deliver Aguinaldo into the nands of the Americans. Although he is not satisfied that this offer is authentic, it is not intrinsically improbable. The policy of General Otis is firmly net against buying any surrenders. Pio Dei Pilar offers for the sum of $50,000 to refrain from attacking Ma nila with his army; for the »urn of $250,000 to surrender his army aftir a sham battle, both sides bring int i the air, and for the sun; of $500,000 he says lie will procure the overthrow of the insurrection and the capture of Aguinaldo, Paterno and the other lead ers. In the course of the communica tion he refers to Aguinaldo in conternp tuous terms, Indicating that Btraine 1 relations exist between them. Reports are being received from the districts occupied by the enemy that Filipinos believe that Pio Dei Pilar has an audacious plan to break through the American lines Into Manila and seise General Otis and the archbishop. It is needless to say that the Ameri cans would welcome an attack of that sort. There has been much specula tion regarding the whereabouts of Pin Del Pilar. The recent attack at La Loma is credited to his men. It Is be lieved that he Is now in the vlciniity of Han Mateo vulley, with a force of from 1,800 to 3,000 men RICH f ARMER DECEIVED. Ill* Family Enter Into » Plot and Koh Him. MARYVILLE, Mo., Oct. 18— A new kind of buneoe game was worked near Hopkins last night. Three days ago Thomas Cox and Mark Carmichael of fered to bet Calvin Cox, an old and wealthy farmer, that he did not have the nerve to take fl.000 from tbe bank and keep It In his house all night. The young men are respectively the son and son-in-law of Cox. The latter, to snow his courage, took the wager and went to get the money. The hank al lowed him to take only >700, hut with this in his pocket and a large revolver in his belt he returned home. This morning when he uwakened the first discovery he made waB that the entire >700 was gone and further In vestigation revealed the fact that his whole family, Including his wife, wer ■ missing. The officers were notified and set out In pursuit, but when last heard of the fugitives had crossed the Mis souri river into Nebraska and were forty miles ahead of their pursuers. To Urge llruiiiial of Otis. VANCOUVER. B. C\, Oct. 19.—Prof. D. C. Worcester and Colonel Denby, Philippine commissioners, arrived here today on the Empress of Japan and left this afternoon for Washington, where they will make their report to the pres ident. Until the report Is made public neither gentleman will make a state ment for publication. Among the passengers was Mr. Let more, proprietor of toe Manila Ameri can. His mission Is to urge the re moval of General Otis and the promo tion of General Lawton. I.efmore say’s Lawton is frequently denied the fruits of victory by the hesitation of General Otis. I'htltppinrit Arii Hoiit«* the coming visit of the German em peror. says: There is no reason why he should not meet witii a hearty recep tion. The emperor's neutrality and pacific counsel to the Dorrs have utone | for his famous Kruger telegram. !* is quite clear thut some negotiations of which Samoa is the turning point, are in a* live progress, und the uuder Handing will probably extend far be yond tile Samoa 11 question. Hullie Willi lUndil*. NOOADKS A T., estetduv ufter their encounter with • audits in the 1‘aiugonia mountains. The |H»«»e struck the cuiup of the ban itlts In llox canon it was just at sun rise on command of the sheriff to surrender the hatnot who were an ting around a campfire. sprang for their Wini beaters and opeuwd lire. Women* troupe ton lul Heme. SAN KNANi'IM'tl, Oct, )9 —The Fli-d Montane lutaniry left this city fur Up ir ha area tonight on a special uain. «m* Me purl. Sxiimaa WAHIIINtlfoN Del is Oo* made the follow tag report under date of lh inker It law log with care fully selected ruhcmu r»w. bed t abler l*n mile. soul a of Han Dot to. ihi* tnoiaiag thirty day* suppHe* au-t *< i» H l'»i lay.i l„ |,e hoWnM,., *• 4 * I f-MUt n \u i, §14 ua.lef VocMcg Hell Thirty *uth is fault* .outing northwest „f Hwatartta with part of regime a | *trMrg m**. gent* hilling and wounding *#*,,,, • apt wring thtroca po.-meo Z7* Iten ride*