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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1899)
Thi .north wksi krn *UBLI3HED EVERY FRIDAY 4T THR COUNTY SKAT. • ro. E. WNiinHOTBR, ( Eilllor* anil URI). H «IB»ON, I Pallllllwri TERMS *1 1*1 P*i« teak, ir paiii in AUTAHOR Entered nt the Loup City Pontofflca for trail» mission through the mall* as second class matter. Official Paper Sherman County REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATE TICKET ForSuprame Judge. M. B Kbehe.of Lincoln. For Regents of Slate Univarsity, K. U. Met I ii,ton.of Omaha lit. William II Klt,.of Ainsworth. CONUKERRIONAL TICKET. For Congressman fllh District. M I* Kinmaio,. of O'Neil. JUDICIAL TICKET Forjudge of I0tli District, r. O. Hamkh.of Kearney. COUNTY TICKET For Treasurur, John L. Hazard For Clerk. J. A. Stevens. of Harrison twp For Judge. W II. Huown.of Rockville twp For Surveyor, WAI.TI1I koii* . of Loop City For Coroner. Du A 8. Main.of Loup City. DEMOCRATIC COONTY NOMINEES. For Sheriff, J K Pearson.of Harrison twp The democratic flag halers don’t know what .1i (I'ni»n;ii:niHn means, or (liev would know that expansion ia a part of il. Great Britain is peri'lmsing Ame rican eni ne I beef for her soldiers it) tbe Transvaal Will the pop leaders take notice «>.id ascertain if it was embalm'd W -m ~ " '—' ■ * Has the poo and demopop papers learned ilisi Him Mm ilt news paper censor has been declared off for more tban a month If ao they have for gotten to mention il Hi* democratic friends will pre so in * lil \ lie sorry to hear that Agui naldo'a plnii for a rising among the lower c'nsces in Manila, waa detected and suppressed last week. (If Mr. Br\*:> had been President he oould have dune no less tban Presi lent McKinley in resisting at tack* upon American troops aud American authority. Politicians who think that the peo ple are tired of Kepublicau prosperi ty and want to change back to the conditions of four years ago, will And that people’s memories are not as abort as they suppose At lust we have lived to see ihc time cone when democrats of the Knights of the Golden Cirsle stripe quote Abraham Linsoln, and ack nowledge that James G. lilaiua rauk «d among our greatest statesmen. If the United States troop were to he withdrawn from Luzon, bow long would it he before they come into possession of some olhar power? , And would their ebsnae for attain, tog seif government be improved by such transfer of ownership? If ilia conceded that at present they are not capable of atandiug alone, will not their chance of attaining that stature be better tinder the United State* than under German, French or Japanese owuerabip? It is a ton diliou, uol a theory, that cot fronts ua. A special from Wiehila, Kao., to the Kansas Clb Journal, •*,» -Carl Brown, situ h<l L'oaey's army to \\ ashmuloii and who arrived here fnu# Dvuver, •••< his woinil march Matur lay, Suudst declare*! hi* *' '• it I U <> I In d :• ill. n I « would go ao furlher Itiowa has repudiated I'upuiitm llryausadJer f» Bl«*ip«m • • lb lias encountered two much prospentv and has given •p hi* calamity migration.'* Will the Time* please lei! ua with*? Mr M Brown its mean Carl) is a -am# Ihief of a h«>rue this! siace he has qhll the gang A I The editorial page of the Tin ea last week, shows a degree of deprav ity which is deploiihle to the ex treme. European anarchism seems to have found its level in the vapor Ings of that paper. It’a editor ■eems to be a pliant tool in the hands of an “Oxford Graduate” who has never made a success at anything, and whose pen knows no decency, but who loves to revel with Ida kind in their owu putridity and swill. Their wish seems to be lather to their writings. Assertions are made that they know has no foundation in fact, neither do they seem to care as long as it serves their purpose. The writer of the articles refered to well ktows that a word over his own sig nature is weighed with the farmers as was that of Ananias, therefoie ha hides under the cloak of the edit or, and the editor seem to tolerate the pariaite for what, patronage there is in it. ' The Timas claims that Itev. Mail ley is a British subject. Mi Mailley is not a British su >jcc', he is an Irish man by birth, came to this coun try when small and gained his clli zcnship, and used it hs a democrat until the populist parly was hatched, when aa was usual with that party he took up the pop wail aud wasted on pop pap to the best of tbair ability, lie was tendered and accepted the position of chaplain of the populist legislature of this state, after wbicU Goveiuoi Holcomb prevailed on him to go n> l ie Philippines as chaplain Of the First Nebraska, as a mark of compensation for services rendered the populist party. And after he became thoroughly convinced of the pelti> 1 y and unpatriotic principles of that party, he left them as thousands of other loyal men are doing am) is now owtapokcu f r Republican prin ciples Mr Mailley is a patriot who loves Ins adopted country, and does uot hesitate to condemn the sede tious utterances of such British tab jeclH ns we find publishing or writing mean fsUlioods about him, neither will he continue to train with sopper heuds after he is convinced of ths fact. The Times mailed a groat fms over the present condition of our county and all for the ao!e purpose of in fluencing votes for itieir benefit. That paper well knows just bow po litical matters have been in the coun ty ainca its organization It knows that as regurds county affairs no par ty lines were ever drawn until the populist party wan organized, and that the debt as stated in the Times last week, was the product of men of both parlies permiscuoualy selec led bv a mixed population of repub licans and democrats which no one has any excuse to offer for. But since Mr. Fsirbairn was placed is the treasurer's office, we defy a charge of dishonesty or recklessness. Mr. Fairbairo, a republiaan, set sn ex ample which was continued by Mr Acheubacb, s republican, who first liegau to collect back taxes by dis tress, sod at the end of ids term bad collected, we are told, ll J.oOo, and placed it to the good of the comity. Then the populists eleeltd their man uod have doue so ever since. They followed up work well done begun by Itepublican olficera and today finds us just where wuy honest trews urera would have placed ua and no wore. The populist* elwim to be w reform party, but have they Seeu able to steer clear of the pit-falls that surround public t tfl ers'< l*id they not lose l i.oitu in (he Nichols bank under treasurer I'oUkif And where wss the excuse f -r it, •Imply Ixlm-e a p p dial **-aid of supervisor* jg nori-d (he u|es lings of the Itepub I can kiciiOh r who r>p*aledlv Warned hew Ills! the W 1*1 a*a is great danger of being Imi Hut that Wii ( p puli* board a tel a pope 11*1 hank and fat >r> lam wear to the same lengths aa it «trd with an; parti l*id it aotf Aud we l<wl oar ■•m*i j*tai at we did whea the *b*trwsh i'-weti Hsnmag t'-napanv (|Sil, tieni|eai«« bslifali>4« sn« •«*, scratch the wote from your own aye sad the* call up vour Height* DIVIO DITTIK*. Henry Stark drove to Oak Creek Iasi Thurs day to purchase potatoes. Joe. Daddow and wife and Dave Depew and family, were guests at Mr. Throckmorton* Sunday. Lew Saddler aad Will Harnett arrived home Friday from their second trip to North Loup, with wagon loads of cubbages. The Schoolniu tin In district forty six, has recently purchased a pony that rejoices in the euphonious appellation of "blackjack, " Henry Schoealng and wife, arrived home from Omaha, Wednesday night after a few days visit at (he Exposition John Hollister. a former leuchor In this coun ty. was taken lli with typhoid fever while pur suing hie etuddles at the state University. At last reports ho was slowly recovering un der the excellent care of the V. M. A., of Lincoln. The aew sod school house in the lately or ganized district, number sixty-four, is a com modious and substantial, If not artistic, struct ure. It le well lighted, supplied with new fur niture from the Urand Kuplds Desk Co,, uud a selection of up-to-date text books Is provid ed. it le presided over by an efficient teacher, Nellie Robinson who is making a success of her first term of school. ♦ ♦ - Kodol Dyspepsia Cure tbornughiy digests food without aid from the sto mach, aud at the same time heals and restores tho diseased digestive organs It is the only remedy that docs both of these things and can be relied upon to permanently cure dyspepsia -- ♦ • ♦ * DeWittV Little Early Risers did me more good than all blood medicines anil other pills,” writes Deo.'ll Jacobs, of Thompson. Conn, prompt, plea-ant, never gripe,—they cure constipation, amuse the torpid liver to action Mini give you clean blood. Steady nerves, a clear brain and a healthy appetite. Tetter, Hall-Klieiini and Karma The intense itching anil small I ng inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allay ed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skill Ointment. Many very bad c: see have been permanently cured by it- It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25cts. per box. For sale by Odendahl Bro's. ♦ ♦ ♦ lltlCKI.K.'VV ARNICA HALVE. The best salve in the world for Outs Bruises Bores Uicets Balt Khenm Fever Bores Tetter Chapped Hands Chilblains Corns and all Bkin Eruptions and pos itively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 2fl cents per box. For sale by Odendahl Bros. LEGAL NOTICE. Stale of Nebraska / '-s s The State of Nebr. Sherman County \ To Wm. Cook non-resident owner of the following described real estate situated in Itoad Dist. No. 3 of Sherman Co.. Nebraska to-wit: South east (juurler Section 3, Town ship 16, KuBge II west. You are hereby notified that complaint has been made to me as Hoad Overseer of said read district that there is aa open well upon the above described real estate and If the same Is not tilled up Immediately, I shall pro ceed to till the same In the manner provided by law. as the same is dangerous fur stock. Given under my hand this 36th day of Oct ober 1WU. S. N. Potu.SKN, Overseer Road Dial. No. 3 Sherman county, Neb. LEGAL NOTICE. t Tlie State of Neb To unknown owner and Nebraska Loan and Trust Compeny owners ol the following des cribed real estate situated In Hoad district No. 3. of Sherman county, Nebraska, to-wit: South east quarter Section IU. Township 16 Kaage 14 west. You are hereby net!tied that complaint has been made to me as Hoad Over seer of said road district that there is uu open well upon the above described real estate and if the same is aot tilled up Immediately I shall proceed to till the same in the man I ner provided by law. a* the same it danger ous to stock. Uiven under my hand this 36th day of Oct ober. lew. S. N. Poulseh, Overseer Itoad llist No. 3, Sherman County. Neb. .''.a ■ ies «he II thrive: + .i . . something must be < • * vs •> u loud. If the j ’ fnv. mil* doesn't nour-!! id. sh* needs SCOTT’S <» £ dMULS’ON. It supplies the ] “ k elements of fat required fur !! f the baby. If baby is not < > Z notiritad by its artificial !! ♦ loud. lh.n it requires fSv^’s Emulsion! i <. * t 'vvoonlul three '' '! o* t * • » m. i a day in iU !! 1 > b • b ve the desired < * ;; cf. I scemi tu leave a ' * ,, I*'; . .1 elb t upon babies !! A fifty-cent i \ !; but! . ' , '.•* the truth | ’ (, oi iv * s4,f intnb. , , ' 1 ».*> ;<•/« talea la u t atr at 1 ' 1 * *att a% wittur. 1 1 i i v «u» \ . *.» ... .. > « , , NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. To all whom If may concern: The com missioner appolulerl to view and report upon the vacation of it road commencing at that part of road No. !U. beginning at a point where the same Intersect* the half section line running north and south of Section to, Township 15 north of Range 15 west of the 6th p in. In Sherman county, and miming thence In * south easterly, direction, across the south aasi quarter of Section 10, the north east quarter of Section 15, the north west quarter of Section 14, south west quarter ot Sue II south east quarter of Sec 14 all In Township 15. north of Range 15 west and terminating at road number one hundred and twenty-two uftji bo vacated, has reported iu favor of the vacation thereof, and ull ob jections thereto, or claims for damages must ho bled la the county clerk s ofllee on or before noon of the 30th day of December, A. D. I*W». or such road w ill be vacated without reference thereto. Dated this 35 day of October, ISIW. [seal] John minshull. County Olerk. LEGAL NOTICE. State of Nebraska i - ss The State of Ncbr. County of Sherman I To M. Thompson, non resident owner of the following described real estate sltuuted la llouil Dlst. No. 10 of Sherman county, Neb raska. to wit: Southwest fourth of Section 10 township 15, range 15 west. You are hereby notttiud t hat complaint has been made to me as Road Overseer of suid road district that there is an open w ell upon the above described real estate and If the same is not tilled up immediately 1 shall proceed to nil the same In the manner provided by law us the same Is dangerous for stock. Given under my hand this I7lb day of October. I*9W W. H. Reynolds, Overseer Road Dlst. No. 10, Sherman County. Nobruska LEGAL, NOTICE State of Nebraska / -s. n. The State of Nebr. County of hheruian 1 To unknown non-resident, owner of the following described real estate situated in Bond district No 3 Sherman county. Nebras ka, to wit: Northeast quarter of Section 10, Township 16. Range II west: You are here by iiolllleil that complaint has been made to me as Hoad Overseer of suld road district thut there are two open wells upon the above described real estate and If the same Is not idled up immedbutely, 1 shall proceed to till the same lu the manner provided by law. as the same Is considered dangerous for stock Given under my hand tins 30th day of Oct ober, istrti. 8, N. Paitlbbk. Overseer Road Ulst. No. 3. Sherman county, Nebr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Lincoln, Neb, l September Dili, 1800 f Notice la hereby given that the follow - named settlers has filed notice of his lnten tlon to make Anal proof In support of hit claim, ami that said proof will bo made be fore the County Judge of Sherman county, at Loep, Nebraska, on October 38, 1830 viz: Peter F llansen. Homestead Entry No. 17380 lor the Northwest fourth of see tion 34, Township HI, Range 15, west Bib p. in. Ho names the following wlluesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: Frederick Tbode of Loup, Nebraska. Mike Komlaskl of “ “ Peter Urudzenski of •• " Peter Tbode of " “ J. W. Johnson, Register, NOTICE OF SALE UNDER CHATTEL MORTGAUK. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated on the 10th day ol April, 1800, and duly tiled In the office of the county clerk of Sherman county, Neb raska on the I5th day of April, 1800 and e» ecuted by J. t Tooley to t. M. Reed and by lil’ri assigned to D. M. Osborne A Co. or Auburn, N Y, to secure the payment of the sum of oo and upon which there is now due Hie sum or $06.00 and Interest ai the rate of 10 per sent per annum from date. Default having been made In the payment of said sum and no suit or other proeeudlngs at law having been Insti tuted to recover said debt or u iy part thereof therefore 1 will sell the property therein described, vis: One red mil white s|Mitled oow with V shuped s|hii im fore head, also. One dark rod cow, ai t«i bile auc tlon in front of the Racket store, Loup City, Sherman ttounlv, Nebraska on Sat urday, November tth, |s9'.». Dated this 13th day ol October, 180*. 1>. 51 AliSHOHNK A Co By T. 51. Rami, Agent. f? • rioncn, Attornoy at Law and Notary PalDi. | Will Defend in i'oreelanan Outt alro no a General Real Estate Business. Offlce In K'iiiudimiio llu! Idle*. Lovr city, Ntauitiu. R. J. NIGHTINGALE, i lout am. i i m A- S- MAIN. NIVSK’IAN & SUUiKON LUtll* tin. NfftKA'lA *»r» |l R Om itiKil «Mt ‘ll t *>«*•'• If "r Oort NERVITA PIUSES Cure* luipuW-i.v )', Night Km!** ion* and watting tli*ev»e«, ail elect* of eelf auuM), or iiicm mm uu. ,#• ; \ ii*i\ i i.i. i.-i hutlilrr. tiring* the | gltlW to pilf i In 111 ami j ir*l«r»* the 6i« «( >*»«|H tMy hi *i* ,Vh' |>« r h* » «*!. li»i nun .• . t i l«w t«i rurr t«r M'hiuil iht ie<*; » Mr ml I(Mr (Imiar AtUlrr**, NCHVITA MCOICAL CO. Oilman A Ammqw Mi , CHieAiu * .. r> >M M MY ODKNIUHL IIHikh ( lijr, X#fci AND COMPLETE STOCK OF Fall and Winter GOODS It is the finest and most complete stock of fresh goods ever brought to the Loup Country. I always stand ‘On Guard’ for the best interest of my customer* and strive to supply them with the very best goods in the market and at the lowest rates for good goods. It give us control of the best class of customers and increases our business. For all around fair treatment, “your moneys worth or your money back,” and for a large stock to select from we take the lead this fall and winter. Buy Youf Groceries of pie. and get the freshest and best in town. J. PHIL JAEGER, LOUP CITY. BKBRA8KA. A GULLEY Praaldant FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000 Gorrrhpondknth: Seaboard National Bank. New York City, N. Y., Omaka National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. W. H. UOECKNRR. Marahant Tailor. -O— — A trial aolicited, Kit guaranteed, Olotbea donat'd and preaaed on abort notice. RiHirim Neatly Pom. uv|n>iu«j M*_4 u*vtt«f t pm Lwm* lift y Mfi *MOTX pus |<*Miv «|l<u muti mi «ff.» m «*iu EXT* >SH tO»'|| |MUI\ ||S* <HJI • ! |**fp« M UklftDftlSM <Ii It UltllMI ' >** otinw ni •HHUAmmAB j