That Mysterious Major... W * * >&m ^ m * * m m m m * * * * * «.DY... ETHEL A. SOFMAM \l0 »v *Jx *V »♦* V v;* *;<«* .*.*'. .«'i .•!'. 4 4 ^ 0*\ ^JV >♦» %♦# \*0 ^ *1% >4* >K f CHAPTER VII.—(Continued.) "So far, mo good!" ho muttered. He turned round to take another cau tious survey of the room, and then hurriedly tore off the sheet of blot ting paper. "With my heartfelt apolo gies to Mr. Gilllbrand!" he added, ns he carefully secured it between the pages of his pocketbook. “If this is to he of llie slightest use to me, how ever, uiy greatest difficulty will be in discovering if it is genuine or not. Is it possible that Miss Luttrell herself has been in here writing, or can it be that somebody else has been sim ply directing an envelope to her? That 1h tlie question; and, considering that 1 am at present hopelessly in the dark even as to the hand Mis3 Luttrell writes, I hardly see how this blotting paper affair is to benefit me In any way, unless—” Here the Major broke off somewhat abruptly, and, walking to the window, gazed out dubiously through the blurred panes. “Nonsense, though! I will manage it somehow!" he exclaimed after a moment’s reflec tion. “lly the aid of a little diplo macy and a plan which I believe I an carry out, the rest should be easy, and, without raising the suspicions of either Miss Luttrell or anybody else, 1 should gain for myself some knowl edge of considerable value. All thp same, if I intend to go seriously to work, the sooner 1 make a beginning the better; and, as in this ease the beginning means a walk to the town in the pouring rain. I may as well start at once, without putting off the evil moment any longer. Ah—it Is n curious affair”—lie gave a significant shrug of his shoulders—“and to think that, of all people in the world, that girl should be the victim!” Two minutes later the Major, with his hat drawn well over his eyes and I of their lives. With some it takes the ! form of collecting all kinds of stamps, erests, and epigraphs, whilst with me” —he spoke In a somewhat apologetic tone—"the mania is for keeping a rec ord of the birtinlays of my frienda,” "The birthdays of your friends!" echoed Evelyn. "It is a peculiar taste no doubt, Miss Luttrell; but still I must acknowledge it; and, if you will condescend to add your name to my list of signatures. I shall esteem it the highest of compli ments." "But.” commented Evelyn, "how very odd! I)o you know, I always thought before that tlie host of birth day books which nre constantly being published were used principally by girls at school and certain individuals whose whole existence is one perpetual remin iscence of pressed flowers, faded rib bons, and sentimental odes.” "Oh, yes—I know the persons ex actly! Your description is most graph ic!"—and the Major laughed heartily. “But, as l never wrote an ode in my life, pressed even a leaf, or have such a thing as a ribbon—faded or other wise—in my possession, there must, at ail events, be one exception to the rule.” "Well, certainly. Still I was just thinking” — contemplating Major Brown with an expression of decided gravity—“that you are the very last person in the world I should have believed would trouble with anything so trifling as a birthday book.” Again he laughed—an apparently careless laugh—as he made a futile attempt to balance a paper knife on the edge of the table, but this time his laugh rather lacked its hitherto cheerful ring. "Anyhow. Miss Luttrell, you are not geing to refuse? Tell me—what are n V • i ' ANYHOW, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO REFUSE. the collar of his mackintosh turned up closely round his throat, set out at a swinging pace upon his unpleasant ex pedition. CHAPTER VIII. Notwithstanding that the rain nev er ceased during the Major's walk into Haltrlifte mid back, and that he re turned with his gaiters splashed to his knees and with the water run ning In a thin b it steady stream from I he brim of his bat, fortune certainly fuvorod hint that nfternoon. In other circumstances he might have waited In vain for hours, but, as it happened, be had scarcely returned to the library and taken up his position before the tire more than a couple of minutes. [ when the door opened and Evelyn I.ultra)! entered the room. "Oh. pie iso do not move!” she ex- 1 claimed, aa the Major pushed back bis chair and, gltu • lug round to discov er wlu» the Intruder might be, imme diately marled to hi* f*»«», •'! l-ave only come fur n book which my aunt wanted, so do not let ui» disturb you." "Oh. do not mention Mich a thing' Perhaps I ran help you to find the book for lauty Howard ” “Wall, most likely you ran." was the reply, accompanied by a bewitching ■lu I to "It is a thick green Ah, Hat It iha one! Thanh yon very much" idle torohe off as the Major handed her the rather ponderous looking vol ume “Aunt I.vdlt will have pl!*. -I that you should c«r« { ,( > j my tlrwiurs at all It It hats ywo a grew! Mtio name* down* M,y j | Us.k Ihto-igh the bunk*" "4'ertatwlv, if you >ate to do s<> ( only—" ■ Why «tl*l He sudd* sh hmisi ’ K'» lya. who bad turned over a couple of ' issges an t w tv nut'emp' iling In ut vtotu astonishment the blankness ©i their condition, instantly dropped hei pen and glanced quickly from the leaven before her to the Major, wb« stood watching her movements, with the color mounting slowly but surely to hla very brow. "This is a new book,” she announc ed In a rather ominous tone. "It la uot only the 15th of August which la empty—overy page Is the name!" “Yes. of course—did I not explain?" The Major's face was steadily averted from the Inquiring gaze of Evelyn's blue eyes. "Vou see, boolta of this Uin^ do get Qlled up lu time. When {here are only five lines to each datel they are gone directly—the result of which Is that a new book has to oe immediately supplied," Evelyn looked slightly incredulous. "What a number of friends you must have!” 1 no Major gave an expressive shrug of his shoulders. “Yes; when one comes to count them by the lines in a birthday book, it is really astonishing how many one seems to have. However, Miss Lut* trell, as you have been the first to enter your name in this ono"—he turned to her with a sruilo—"for the future I shall reserve it only for ray most particular friends, and label it ‘Special!’ ” "So you do not mix up all your friends indiscriminately—you have dif ferent grades of birthday books?” Kvelyn clasped her hands behind her head and laughed amusedly at the bare idea. “A book for the people you like, a book for the people you dislike, and another for those you simply toler ate!" "Ye3—that Is my method,” replied the Major, really accepting the sug gestion. "As It happens, though, you see you did not come exactly under one of my three headings; therefore I hud to start a new book eatirely on your account.” "It was very kind of you, 1 am sure; but how will you manage in the future? If you now have four Instead of three books, you will have to di vide your friends quite differently.” “Well, it would seem so, certain ly.” The Major possibly detected the touch of cynicism underlying Evelyn's words. "I believe I shall have a diffi culty in finding any one else to place under this new heading. The book lias been begun with your name, but there, I am pretty well sure, it will have to end. Miss Luttrell, please dc not go! 1 know you think I am stark staring mad, and in the circumstance* you may be excused if you do; but, believe me, I was never more sane in my life.” Evelyn, however, had pushed hack her chair, and at the sound of steps in the corridor had risen somewhat hastily to her feet. "Oh, no—I do not think you are mad! It Is not that at all,” she re turned, putting the writing paper to gether and closing the blotting book with an unusually calm air, though his words, spoken so earnestly, so much more earnestly than the occa sion or subject seemed to demand, had sent ail the hot color rushing to her cheeks, "it Is Aunt Lydia's book which is troubling me; she will be in despair. But here comes Mr. Falk land! Ask him to write his name in that wonderful birthday book ol yours; only remember, whatever you do”—In a tragic aside—“insist upon the year!” And, with a parting nod, Mi„s Luttrell turned and fled. (To be continued.) CONDITIONS IN ALGERIA. This Idea of Anatnilltttin? the Native la Abfturd. The present constitution, based on j assimilation of Algeria to France, was ! framed with the chimerical idea that ; the native element would shrink and | the French increase, says the National Review. The contrary has happened. The Mohammedans increased between 18.76 and 1870 by 15">,000; between 1870 and 1896 hy 1,300,000. During the for mer period famine and typhus and the insurrection of 1871 kept down their numbers; also the oriental dread Of being counted led to some falsification of the records. The idea of assimilat ing the native is absurd. Mixed mar riages between them and Christians are practically unheard of, and they do not take up French citizenship, pre ferring to live tinder their own law. Nor do they aspire to be represented directly in the French chamber, und .my idea of the sort Is as extravagant is that of directly representing Hin doos at Westminster. Machinery mu-t, however, be provided by which i the natives may make themselves felt, and secure respect for their Interest in the local count lln. The result of the laws ill forte during the Ian twenty j or thirty years, whether laws of prop ! city, Justice oi taxation, has been the impoverishment ami di >.ohrageninnt of I the Arab- Vet Algeiia will never be I piioperuus till they me ri> h, nor »• j cure till they a * ruu*ent*d. in par I, the Its a I functionaries should [ t< t rhtined that in the I. al pc-t office there was not a finale «l* t v* ho undr rsiooil Arabic, 1 ut | on OB' m anion | wa< able in)seif 1 to explain to one of them shat an old ' tfrtlh uiatlng tftrih w an(e,| him to di ftiitra t>r no It I hi, sen in vlti'it hmh ignorance in the thief putuMri of the U.thara of th« fanr'tay* of tit. |w«g|e it In-1 • txtaMr, ■tMitteuMi imtpfffll, le»W I till | lit* !« < *t-ilti! 11) V | with lo betpi. tth a th i*and dollar sat. n to you; n| upon nt) ton' - J,.nitre' | Weehl), THE MATCHMAKERS. "Let's get Peter to take her.” Clem jumped from bis chair am (lapped Tom roundly on the shoulder so elated was he over his bright idea then both young men laughed heartilj and wondered that they had not soonei thought of so easy a way out of theii dilemma. It was a difficult situation. Tht young men hud hotly resented a scold ing over some boyish escapade frorr j their "specials," Tom's cousin Lottie ! and Clem's sister Mary. The girls ! vowed never to speuk fo them again j and by finding it convenient to visit j much away from home, and eschewing I evening church and festivities had managed to adhere to their resolution. Iu the meantime the Kings had moved into the place, and just to show the girls that they were not the only ones In town, both young men had taken to calling on Kittle. She waa a lively, pretty girl, and It was a pleas ant plaeo to visit, and so It had gone on until they had established quite an intimacy, and without either actually inviting her, they had committed themselves to taking her to the ap proaching county fair, by talking to her of getting up a party, in which she was included, to go in a large wagon. Then came the reconciliation and now they wanted to go us usual in their buggies with Maine and Lot tie, and they had to face the problem of what to do about Kittle. "I suppose you'll tell Pete and get him to tuke Kittle off our hands,” said Tom. “Well, maybe that would do, and then again maybe it wouldn’t," said Clem, scornfully. *Tm not anxious for any one to know I've made a goose of myself or the girl either for that mat ter." “How are you going to manage, then 7” "Introduce him and get him Inter ested and make him think he thought of it himself.” "I promised Marne I'd never go there again,” said Tom, ruefully. "I know you did,” was Clem’s re ply; “she told me and I gave her a talking to and told her it wouldn't do. We can't drop Kittie like a hot potato after all the good times we’ve had down there, just because they have chosen to make up. It's their fault we went there in the first place, and since we did, we intended to treat her decently and get her acquainted with the young folks round here, and I added that the nicer the girls were to her, the less nice we’d have to be. That settled it. We're all going down there some night soon and after that Mame is to ask Kittie to spend the evening at our house. We'll have to get Pete round then.” They met Peter that afternoon, and Clem took the opportunity to talk much of Kittie and the good times they had with her. "And that reminds me,” he said, carelessly, "she thinks you’re very handsome.” Clem did not think I’LL GET AHEAD OF IIIM THIS TIME. it necessary to add that he had asked the question, and Kittle had merely re plied: "Yes, but I like a man with more animation." He repeated the bit of flattery with such assurance of truth that Peter said with a bashful laugh: "Miss King is eertainly a per ron of excellent taste." "You can see he’s pleased," said Clem when Peter bad Rone, "a fellow’s bound to be interested in a girl who thinks he's haudsome. Let him think of that awhile and he'll be ready for the Introduction.” Two weeks passed before Kittle’s visit to the Norton's could be arranged. "Tom and Lottie are to be there, too,” *ald Marne. "And I'm going to ask Pete laiyton," put In Clem; he hasn’t been to see us In a long time.” "Who is he?" inquired Kittle, "Why. that dark fellow who sing* tenor in the choir, the one yon thought locked too quiet, tkplalnol Chon. "I thing he'd like to meet you. Miss Kit I tie; he was speaking of you the other day and said you were a girl of escel , lent tact**.” Kiltie w as not a whit more sus. eptl ' Me to flattery than most girts, but she • ni l not h-lp retnemb -ring the re mark and trying to live up to Peter’s good opinion by appearing her pret tiest the night she was to nt-et hint at Norton’s. They spent a very pleasant evening and Clem managed, with careful tael, to hold Kittle and !Vt<-r up to eat h other's admlrsHon without seeming tu do •** tie talked inu< h with Kittle, drawing forth tk» girl's sprightllest sallies making Peter wish that b« could make her laugh a»>l chat like that, and k* asked for 1‘eter's sweet m| solos, and kept tits <>»«»*ersation on toples upon wkttk tb< young man tratld talk best. It was peter who Me Kittle home "My horse la all lead) " he urged ’and riding will W pi-vaanter than walking, even if It u but t short die * They were evidently Interested It •s- k oik -f but to Clem « dtemay there III H'W I likely to CM I Peter’S lank fulness had got the belter of hint ti he had not ventured to talk with her since. It had been left to Clem or Tom to see her home from church, and as she was usually with Maine or Lottie It was easy for them to walk In that direction, thus politely escorting her without special attention from either young man. Clem was thinking it over moodily one Sunday afternoon while Manie sat writing at the table. “Here, Clem," Bhe said, handing him an envelope, "this is for Kittle. If you'll pu.. it in your pocket now we'll be sure to take it with us tonight." Clem did as requested, but a half hour later, when lie saw Peter driv ing past, it flashed upon him that here was an excellent opportunity to make that young man call on Kittic, and rushing out he hailed him. Peter was going home, but would call on the way at Miss King's and leave tile letter to oblige Clem. He looked at It wonderingly as he drove on. Must have something mighty im portant to say,” he thought. "Haw her this morning, and expects to see her again tonight, but has to write a letter in the meantime and send it by an other fellow. What's he up to, any way? One girl doesn't seem to be enough for him. He doesn’t give any one else a chance to talk to either Lottie or Miss King.” "Oreat Scott!" he exclaimed, aloud, as a new Idea came to him. "I'll get ahead of him this time. I’ll speak for myself before I hand in his letter. It’s fair enough. How did ho know but I was going right there? Perhaps that's what hurried him so." Peter never doubted that he was carrying an invitation from Clem for the pleasure of Miss King’s company home from church that evening, and Kittle made no explanation, supposing that Peter knew the contents of the en velope and was on his way to her when Clem met him. Clem and Tom chuckled with glee to see Kutie and Peter appear at church together, but would ne ask her to the fair, now only a few days off? That was still undecided, and the boys drove down to Peter’s the next even ing, determined, if possible, to find out. "See here, Pete," said Clem, "what do you say to joining teams and get ting up a load of young folks to go to the fair?" Peter looked surprised. ‘‘Thought you two were so dreadfully fond of go ing in buggies,” he said, suspiciously. "Well, buggies are nicer for some reasons," admitted Tom, “but we can't be so unsociable always. Clem will have his team, and with my horse and yours we could take a jolly party.” "We thought it would be pleasanter for fellows like you with no special girl to take," hazarded Clem. Peter coughed significantly. He re membered a special girl he had taken the night before. “Well, I don't know,” he said, slowly; "it’s a big pull with a heavy wagon. Whom are you going to ask?” “Oh, our set, you know, and Miss King-” Now Peter thought he understood. The boys were anxious to have Miss King go with them, and his horse was being invited to help it along. Clem’s 4 reference to fellows with no special girls to take rankled and he grew mo mentarily more anxious to prevent them taking the girl, yet he dared not refuse outright, for if Kittie had al ready promise^ them he would wish to make one of the party. ‘‘Let us know first thing in the morn ing, old fellow," said Clem, and they drove off, leaving Peter to do just as they hoped and expected he would, make a hasty toilet and call on Miss King. He gave his refusal to the boys in the morning with the air of a man who had come out ahead. Even after the fair it was fun to urge Peter along, and so they kept it up, talking continually in praise of Kit tie, and by way of hints taking him into their eontidence about little at tentions they intended to bestow on Mame and Lottie, suggestions that the young man was not slow in acting upon. They even included him and Kittle in the special good times which they were clever in planning and car rying out. and of which Peter would never have thought, and before they realized it he was madly in love. Wiien the affair had reached that crisis it was simply their duty, so Clem said, to see that it came out all right; so gently, tactfully, the urging went on, and by the next fair Peter and Miss King were engaged. "He came to tell me ihe day was set.” Clern reported, ‘‘and he wonders if you und 1 will assist at Ills marriage.” "Will we? Well. | should say ao." 1 said T t. "We haven't assisted all along to go back on him now. We ll be there, swallow-tail., ami all." And they were. Th* I'rtui* Xlu.Ulvr VV >01. A former governor of the^nan rutenlea telta of u t tirfcnia rU'in « h" oner hail with 4 long lieadeil prime nun later. The latter brought In 4 ear tain ineaaure, *, although It a lie* te«| a foreign |H»wer »u nine It that representation* were mad* to tha imperial aothurttiaa on tha aohjeet. a *11-pat. h waa rd IhrIjt *eBt out to the governor to Veto the hill. He **nt for the pi»niter Tm aurry. eW man.'" .aid hta esteUentf, hut I've Juat got order* from home, and I ahall have to blu> h that loll " The |*i emier replied, "T»-i«*k here, |»i| trimr, I don't tare a hang about t«-’ imperial guv m* nt or about the queen* a- f.« . he It-'• 4 it 1 otnerm* 1, | what * more, I don't tare a han* ihiit you I've mad* hi> mi min i to get tfc.jj hilt through. i*il I’ll bring It through • Tha gt>vi>%uur. who poiittr, i*k*4 the "elj »*•“ to have 4 dMgfc. aa,| dropped the auh|eel The m**»ur* IR gUMttwa beeam* a taw la title tour*# HENS AND THEIR GOOD FRUIT. ^ They Are an Important Factor In tha Commercial I.lfe of the Country. From the Richmond Dispatch: The hen of the present day is a most im portant factor in the commercial world not only on account of her vernal off- ^ spring, but because civilized people are daily growing fonder of her eggs. Statisticians say it is practically im possible to gain an idea as to the exact number of eggs consumed, though the export and import figures give a par tial conception of its enormousness. Indeed, the statistics indicate that our feathered friend has all she can at tend to and barely can spare the time to assume the responsibilties of rear- \ ing a family. During the year ending July 30, 1899, the United States ex ported 3,693,611 dozen eggs, valued at $041,385. During this period they im ported 225,180 dozen, valued at $21, 300, the increased duty on this food supply having checked their importa tion. Of course, these figures are but fragments of the almost inconceivable large total which indicates the actual consumption of eggs in America. In 1898 Chicago alone handled 2,147,950 cases of thirty dozen each, of which only 1,223,356 were shipped out. The commission houses are generally the distributing points for eggs in the large cities, but in the country almost every local store deals in them. Many merchants accept them in exchange for goods, while u few receive orders from the towns and dispose of the eggs to hotels or other large concerns. The egg enters into our domestic life not only as a substantial food staple, but ''If as an Ingredient of almost every con ceivable urtlclc of diet. There is prac tically no limit to its usefulness in this line and when one reflects it seems almost impossible that the land could hold enough hens to meet the public demand. The secret, perhaps, lies in the fact that poultry can be found In every rural barnyard and on the premises of scores of urban and ^ suburban habitations. Every hen knows her duty and does it. While some of them apparently rejoice in their labors accomplished, aa a whole they are modest and never “let on” that, they realize the world could not comfortably move without them. The probabilities are ‘hat as civilization increases and the facilities for trans- v portatlon become faster and better, our feathered friend with the crimson trimmings will have more and more to do. Her output in decades to come will be the grandest statistical puzzle of the age, and no mathematician will be able to make calculations as to the exact amount of her “fruit.” When our neighbor's hens gpt in our flower beds we should recall these facts and permit only our wives and daughter* to throw stones at them. Whtftk.r »ih! Coffin*. Capt. Slocum, who is telling in the Century of his voyage around the world alone in a little sloop, the Spray, was familiar with most of the ports in’Which he found himself on his jour ney of 46,000 miles. One of these was Buenos Aires. There he looked in vain for the man who once sold whisky and coffins in Buenos Aires; the march of civilization had crushed him—mem ory only clung to his name. “Enter prising man that he was, I fain would have looked him up. 1 remember the tiers of whisky barrels, ranged on end, one one side of the store, while on the other side, and divided by a thin par tition, were the coflins in the same order, of all sizes and in great num bers, The unique arrangement seemed in order, for as a cask was emptied, a coffin might be filled. Besides cheap whisky and many other liquors, ho sold ‘cider,’ which he manufactured from damaged Malaga raisins. Within the scope of his enterprise was also the sale of mineral waters, not entire ly blameless of the germs of disease. This man surely catered to all the tastes, wants, and conditions of his customers.” 4 4 Kot hftoli tUl .% in on k King-*. Among the anecdotes related by the Hon. John Bigelow in the October Cen tury. in a series of extracts from his conversations with Von Bunsen, is this about the famous banker Roths child: During the famous Congress ol Vienna, already referred to, each ol the several monarch* present was thr guest of some nobleman. On one fes tlve occasion Baron Rothschild was invited par exception. He modest!) went to take his place, not among tin more exulted guests. When they dis covered Rothschild, however, they ul rose, one after the other, and salutec him. except the King of Prussia. Sunn one asked the king why he did not salute the great European hanker “Did I not?" he replied. “Well, 1 sup ^ po.'O it was bet mine 1 was the only out who did not owe hiiu anything." This reminds one of a hue In one of Pope'* satires: J never answered: 1 was not In debt ithiu f..» Her t ewlwawtal. Director Oeueral It) an of the ohh eenteuuial estimates that |. ihni imm will be plated In the enterprise. ('on grrsa appropriated I* on the ,ou dltlou that Toledo, where the expual Uutt It to he held. Would give g llkt • mount. This ha« been dune, an.| Hu city is also pie paring a beautiful silt on the bay .bore which will r,*l faun, out) mute The legal title of the rett tennul le Th«* Ohio Centennial ant North erst Territory Kipsttlin." am it wilt b# held in l»3 Ohio was th- | diet of the sit Important elates tu (s > arveT "lit of it. Northwest territory f (Ire others mg In lians llllnMu I Michigan, WUrunata and Minnesota hit of these ittiM have appealed tun ml** It mere to see that they am repr>. I la the exposition gnd lh*y nil h ive their n«ate toiildiagw and ethihiit Hhio was really admitted i.» *h» uiu j a \m