The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 20, 1899, Image 5
TALMAOE'S sermon. DEWEY THE SUBJECT FOR CAST SUNDAY. ^rnm Toit, a, \>>r«r 4. no Follow*; “jtelinld Also the Ntil-m"—A Uovlew of Our Naval llvroe* and Iluae of Olhur .'ailoim. If this exclamation wa3 appropriate about eighteen hundred and seventy two years ago, when it was written concerning the crude fishing smacks that sailed Lake Galilee, how much more appropriate in an age which has launched from the dry ducka for pur poses of peace the Oceanic of the White Star line, the Lucanla of the Cunard liua, the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosae of (ho North German Lloyd line, the Augusta Victoria of the llaui hurg-Arnerlcan line; and In an age which for purposes of war has launched the screw-Bloops like the Idaho, the Hhonandoah, the 03slpee, and our Iron clads like the Kalamazoo, the Roan oke nnd the Dunderberg, and tho.-c which liave already be en buried in the d<i.p, like the Monitor, the Housatonlc and tho W’eehawkcn, the tempests ever since sounding a volley over their watery sepulchres; and tho Oregon, and the Brooklyn, and the Texas, and the Olympia, tho Iowa, the Massachu setts, the Indiana, tho New York, the Marietta of tho last war, and the ’ Biarred veterans of war shipping, liko the Constitution, or the Alliance, or the Constellation that have swung into the naval yards to spend their last days, their decks now all silent of the .feet that trod them, their rigging all ■Bent of tho hands that clung to them, their portholes silent of tho brazen throats that once thundered out of I them. If in tho ilrst century, when war vessels were dependent on tho oars that paddled at the side of them for propulsion, my text was sugges tive, with how much inoro emphasis and meaning and overwhelming remi niscence we can cry out, as we seo the Kearsarge lay across the bows of the Alabama and sink it, teaching foreign nations they had better keep their hands off our American fight, or as we see the ram Albemarle of the Con federates running out and in the Roanoke, and up and down the coast, throwing everything into confusion as no other craft ever did, pursued by tho Miami, the Ceres, tiie Southfield, the Sassacus, the Mattabesett, the White head, the Commodore Hull, tho Loulsi ana, the Minnesota and other armed vessels, all trying in vain to catch her, until Capt. Cushing, 21 years of age, and his men blew her up, himself and only one other escaping; and as I seo the flagship Hartford, and the Rich mond, and the MonongaheU, with r other gunboats, sweep past the batter ies of Port Hudson, and tho Missis sippi flows forever free to all northern and southern craft, and under the fire of Dewey and his men the Spanish ships at Manila burn or sink, and the fleet rushing out of Santiago harbor are demolished bv our guns, and the brave Cervera surrenders, I cry out with a patriotic emotion that I cannot suppress if I would, and would not if I could, "Behold also tho ships.” Full Justice has been done to the men who at different times fought on tho land, but not enough has been said of those who on ship’s deck dared and suffered all things. Lord God of the rivers and the sea, help me In this sermon! So, ye admirals, command ers, captains, pilots, gunners, boats wains, sailmakers, surgeons, stokers, messmates and seamen of all names, to use your own parlance, we might ns well get under way uud Wand out to sea. Let all land lubbers go ashore. Full speed now! Four bells! Never since the sea fight of Lcpanto, where 300 royal galleys, manned by f 50,000 warriors, nt sunrise. Sept. 6, 1 1571. met 250 royal galleys, manned by 120,000 men, and lu the four houis of P battle 8,000 fell on one side, and 25,0o0 on the other; yea. never since the day when at Actlum, thirty-one years be fore Christ. Augustus with 260 ships scattered the 220 ships of Marc An tony, and gained universal dominion ns the prize; yea, since the day when nt Sulamis tho 1.20J galleys of the Per sians, manned by 500.000 men. were crushed by Greeks with less than a th‘rd of that force; yea, never time the time of Noah, the first ship cap tain, has tho world seen such a mirac ulous creation as that of the American navy in 1861. There were about svo available s**a nti'ii tu all tbs naval stations an«l rs relvtng ships, and hers and there an old vwuteL tel orders were given to blockade S.&00 miles of sea.oaet - greater than the whole roaat of Eu rope- and besides that the Ohio, Ten lieeatw, ('urntiei Und. Mississippi. sa l o<hir great rivers, covering an esteut of 1,000 miles, were tu be patrolled js’u wonder the whole civilised world buret into guffaws of laughter at the seeming Impossibility. Hut the work was done, done almost Immediately, d<>ne« thorough!?, sat d»as with a epe-d and rogsummsl* ekt.l that eclipsed all the hlstoev of naval arvhl lecture. What brilliant mhlevsmebts are suggested br the mere m« niton of the names of the rear- tdmlrsle! It all lhe? did should he silttea. every one I m >, «i tlist ms the world Hoslf t"Uld a<>t toniala the i-* hs that should Is vrllhs Hut tin •* names have received the hmet due The ■MM of them nil to their graves under the rtssasul* of nil the forts, navy yards sml m, n of wsr. Ihs B ,g* >4 all the shipping and capitals at U I mast. I re*Its to dsr the deeds >*f <m* naval heroes, mass of whom have ad ysi tsmsHed app'Ogrtate im»gwui a. H# hold also the ships.” Ah we will ne'ver ] know what our national prosperity is worth until we realise what It rout, I recall the unrecited fact that the men of the navy in ail our wars ran espe cial risks. They had not only the human weaponry to contend with, but the tldw, toe fog, the stortn. Not like other Mips could they run Into harbor at the approach of an equinox, or a cyclone oy a hurricane, because the harbore were hostile. A miscalcula tion of a tide might leave them on a bar, and a iog might overthrow all the plans of the wisest commodore and ad miral, and accident might leave them not on the land ready for an ambu lance, but at the bottom of the sea, as when in our civil war the torpedo blew up tho Tecumtch In Mobile bay, and nearly all on board perished. They were at the mercy of the Atlantic and lJadflc oceans, which have no mercy. Such tempests as wrecked the Spanish Armada might any day swoop upon tho squadron. No hiding behind the earth works. No digging lri of cavalry spurs at the sound of retreat. Mightier than all the fortresses on all the coasts is (he ocean when it bombards a flotilla. In tho cemeteries for Federal and Confederate dead are the bodies of most of those who fell on the land. Itut where those are who went down in the war vessels will not he known until the sea gives up Its dead. The Jack tars knew that while loving arms might carry the men who fell on the land and bury them with solemn lit urgy and tho honors of war, for the bodie!i of those who dropped from the ratlines Into the sea, or went down with all on board under the strqke of a gunboat, there remained the shark and the whale and the endless tossing of the sea which cannot rest. Once u year, in the decoration of the graves, those who fell on the land are re membered; but how about the graves of those who went down ut sea? Noth ing but tho archangel s trumpet shall reach their lowly bed. A few of them were gathered Into naval cemeteries of the land, and we every year garland the sod that covers them; but who will put flowers on the fallen crew of the exploded Westfield and Sh&wsheen, and the sunken Southfield and the Winfield Scott? Uullets threatening In front, bombs threatening from above, torpedoes threatening from be neath, the ocean, with its reputation of C,000 years for shipwreck, lying all around, am I not right in saying it required a special courage for the navy In 1803, as it required < special courage in 1808? It looks picturesque and beautiful to see a war vessel going out through the Narrows, sailors In new rig sing ing— "A life on the ocean wave, A home on the rolling deep!” —the colors gracefully dipping to pass ing ships, the decks Immaculately clean, and the guns at quarantine firing a parting salute. Hut the poetry Is all gone out of that ship as It comes out of that engagement. Its decks red with human blood, wheelhouse gone, the cabins a pile of shattered mirrors and destroyed furniture, steering wheel broken, smokestack crushed, a hundred-pound Whitworth rifle shot having left Its mark from port to star board, the shrouds rent away, ladders splintered and decks plowed up, und smoke-blackened and scalded corpses lying among those who are gasping their last gasp far away from home and kindred, whom they love as much as we love wife and parents and chil dren. O, men of the American navy re turned from Manila and Santiago and Havana, as well as those who are sur vivors of the naval conflicts of 1863 and 18C4; men of the western gulf squadron, of the eastern gulf squad ron, of the south Atluutlc squadron, of the north Atlantic squadron, of the Mississippi squadron, of the Pacific squadron, of the West India squadron, and of the Potomac flotilla, hear our thunks! Take the benediction of our churches. Accept the hospitalities of the nation. If we had our way we would get you not only a pension, but u home and a princely wardrobe and an equipsge und a banquet while you live, and after your departure a cata falque und a muukolium of sculptured | marble, with a model of the ship la which you won the day. It is consid ered a gallant thing when, in a naval fight, the flagship with Its blue eusigu { goes ahead up a river or into a bay. Its adrotrsl standing in the shrouds watching and giving orders, llut I have to tell you. O veterans of the AmerU'au navy! If you are as loyal to Chrlet as you were to the govern ment. there Is a flagship sailing ahead of you, of which Christ Is the admiral, and he watches from the shrouds end the heavens are the blue ensign, and he leede you toward the harbor, and I all the broadsides of earth and hell ! rannot damage you, and ye whaee gar j nients were once red with your own . blots! ehell have a robe washed and 1 made white la tbs Idraal of tbe Umb Then strike eight belle! High noon in i heaven! Uuii<4*«Uit« lt« M»ltar patriot* Ju*l bow 1 r«turii*4, *« uo» turgM It* *»i *rau« ol It* *a*f in nwfiiw fc.<« yltala. at a^MMltNI u!4 «1*y* i* lh*lr U«r« *•» lt*lr tklMraa • fc»m* •»»*4* lit. >• I rt*rg* »ui4 l**ar uj> m>t«r it* *<b*« uwl »**t« RMtN lb«t |rw* U II tarry (rata it* : war liatt Ih« at* M u M fuu m '«I4 ta«* **» t il fc>r lt*l tiiuut ar*U **4 f>ir ife*t uinli • « r>*«it Ul *«*ry act* *»4 |*ai« la •I*a4 of itaiiJ pan ul I r«*ur 114*411» Tt* daklHi It* \V«* lAVktA *« « ill! UUmJ I*# I lit). | ih a »r*t*ft, lit* »*• aj« >.* lire. The sea was aot rough. But ! Admiral Dahlgren, from the deck of the liag steamer Bhlladelpliia. saw her gradually sinking, and finally she struck the ground, but the flag still floated above the wave In sight of the shipping, n was afterward found that she Bank from weakness through In juries In previous service. Her plates had been knocked loose to previous times. So you have in nerve, and mus cle, and bone, and dimmed eyesight, and difficult hearing, and shortness of breath, many intimations that you are gradually going down. It is the oerv i<e of many years ago that is telling on you. Be of good cheer. We owe you just bk much ns though your life blood had gurgled through the scup pers of the ship in the Red river ex pedition, or as though you had gone down with the Melville off Matt eras. Only keep your flag flying, as did the illustrious Weebawken. Good cheer, my boys! The memory of man Is poor, and all that talk about the country never forgetting those who fought for It Is un untruth. It does forget. Wit ness how the veterans sometimes had to turn the hand organs on the street to get their families a living. Witness how ruthlessly some of them were turned out of office that some bloat of a politician might take their place. Witness the fact that there Is not a man or woman now under forty-live years of ago who has any full appre eiutlon of the tour years’ martyrdom of 186L to 1865, inclusive. But while tn< n may forget, God never forgets. He remembers the swinging hammock, lie remembers the forecastle. He re members the frozen ropcB of that Janu ary tempest. He remembers the ampu tation without sufficient ether. He re members the horrors of that deafening night when forts from both sides belched on you their fury, and the heavens glowed with ascending and de scending missiles of death, and your ship quaked under the recoil of the one hundred pounder, while all the gun ners, according to command, stood on tiptoe, with mouth wide open, lest the concussion shatter hearing or brain. He remembers it all better than you remember it, and in some shape re ward will be given. God is the best of all paymasters, and for those who do their whole duty to him and the world, the pension awarded is an ever lasting heaven. Frequent interruptions by peddlers and agents of all sorts are naturally looked upon by busy men with any thing but equanimity. Over the door of a lawyer’s office in Boston huriga a skull and cross-bones, and underneath is the simple inscription: "This was a book agent.” It is said that the hint has been of value to many subsequent visitors. When a man has acquired m national reputation, the unwished-for demands upon his time assume alarm ing proportions. The persistence of unwelcome guests seems to recognize no obstacle. Mark Twain once told Uudyard Kipling an amusing story of one of the worst of his persecutors, end Mr. Kipling has given it to Ameri can readers in his recent volume, "From Sea to Sea.” "I spend,” said Mark Twain, "nine months of every year at Hartford, and people come in and call at all hours. The fifth man, one day, was the only one in the crowd who had a card of his own. He sent up the card, ‘Hen Koontz, Hanni bal, Missouri.’ 1 was raised in Hanni bal. Ben was an old schoolmate of mine. Consequently I threw the house wide open and rushed, with both hands out, at a big, fat, heavy man, who was not the Ben 1 had known, nor any thing like him. "But It is you, Ben,* I said; ‘you’ve altered in the last thou sand years.' The fat man said: ‘Well, I'm not Koontz exactly, but 1 mat him down in Missouri and he told me to be sure and call on you, and he gave me his card, and'—here he acted a little scene for my benefit. ’If you can wait a minute till 1 get out my circulars. I am not Koontz. exactly, but I am trav eling with the fullest line of lighting rods you ever saw.’ i shut the door. He was not Ben Koontz, exactly, not my own schoolfellow, but I bad shaken him by both bands. In love, and I had been bearded by a llghtnln*»-fod man in my own house.” I |> •<> Hut Mushroom's Month. One of the storied of the lute Victor Cherhultei. the French-Swine mu«j of letters. Illustrate* I'.nely the true spirit of the publisher. Ilulos. the editor of the Hevue ilea Deux Monties, one* hud at his country bouse In Savoy a numerous company of literary people, one of whom was fher built* t'her bullea contribute.) regularly, every other year, a novel to tbe columns of tbe Itrvue. and a story of hta was at that time running In the periodical. Tbe guest* had been out for a walk, and bad amused themselves with gath ering musbrnoma, which were cooked for dtnuer, As the company were alt* ting down. It occurred to one of the party that undoubtedly s- me of the people who had taken part in gather* tug the mu brooms knew nothing about them, and that there might be pot *wuue fungi In the collection This reflection so affect* I the compaay that nil the people present elih the e«ep* lion of Ckertvlb declined to partake of the dish lie atone attached It, with gusto There up^ n I lulus showed and den and tnlenee alarm. * Vherhultea' Chef bull eg! Uui ».e » t am d‘" he • iclalined “Its member that low haven't heisto I tour slurp in the Me sue!'* tlreatly to hi* relief, the mush* rims turned out to he in a.*<ca, and the etuef flhlnhed th* vc-»» si kiais* \\->tt>ea do two mm o* tVdomhhn Nv I U wilt at • »stl nipeet tag ig in tweed t« nas* la tn.t n. «rdt«a I bee a-tee In s, u. ,n Uhtea M *-e lip ««rl of eUvsn Some Learn Trom tbe Kt-cord of Testi mony in tic Bartley Case. ir is that or tin rx-Govtrwion 4 Oreal I.null In the Hint* That Might lluve ISei it 4«nlil«tl I'.lliitf of 4|>|ieiil In tlie (')■>« of tlic Stale Aeiilniit tli« Hurtit) lliiiiilniiii’ti lli'ulli Seme Inter* <»tluj; I .ict*. The filing of the appeal In the su preme court a few nays ago, says u J,inroln correspondent, of the (use or the state of Nebraska against the bondsno n of ex-State Treasurer Joseph Hartley ha*, revived pubtlr Interest in the tram action;-' In the defaulting state treasurer and has caused many people to Inquire into the curly history of the case, Some rather Important and pe culiar t>- simony was given by Govern or Holcomb 111 the first trial of the case In Douglas county which, for some reason, was r.ot repeated at tins ubsequent trial of the case, notwlth* standing the governor testified at each. Th» failure of Governor Holcomb to make a proper settlement with Hartley and hie acceptance of a worthless bond, whereby the slate lost half a million dollars, Is a matter of record. Holcomb was elected governor In the fall of lSiM. Joh pli Hartley had then served two years as treasurer und there was a suspicion In the minds of some that Ills accounts were In bad shape. The governor-elect was warned that the treasurer was a defaulter and thut very careful accounting should be made to protect the utate from pos nible loan through a careless settle ment. In spite of this warning and in spite of the law, the new governor, ap parently by bin own carelessnes, al lowed Hartley to defraud the state. After a long and private consultation with tfir* state treasurer, he accepted a new bond upon which most of the old and already accountable bondsmen qualified for fabulous sums. Accord ing to Holcomb's sworn testimony no attempt war inaue to examine Into the real worth of the bond. On the wit ness stand Holcomb admitted that he knew very little of the transaction and could not even tell the dote of the acceptance of the bond. One of the bondsmen was the presi dent of a bank which held over $20(1, 000 of the stale money. Tho bank was not a depository and therefore the de posit was unauthorized und illegal. Governor Holcomb accepted this bank president as bondsman, who qualified In the sum of $200,000 "over and above all debts and liabilities.” The worst part of the deal was the pretended settlement with the treas urer. The transcript of Holcomb's ev idence In the Omaha trial is the best proof and It is accessible to the public. Af fording to tills testimony Holcomb first held a private consultation with Hartley and then they both entered the treasurer's office, where the re mained about two hours. The govern or testified that he looked over a ledg er, or some such book, in which there were some accounts. Then Hartley produced a cigar box containing some slips of paper, representing what I should have been about $460,000 in cash. He also produced $50,000 in cash. The law1 required It to be all cash, but according to Holcomb's testimony "the law was a farce and a sham." This testimony Is a matter of record. The governor aid not examine the slips of paper closely. He admitted on the witness stand that he did not know positively whether they were genuine or not. He knew that the bank which was not a legal depository was repre sented In the cigar box by a slip call ing for over $200,000. The story of the settlement Is best told In the exact words of the record. The case was tried before Judge Clin ton N. Powell and a jury In Omaha during the month of February, 1898. The following extract from Governor Holcomb's sworn testimony is from pages 617 to 02.1 of the certified record, bill of exceptions, filed with tho ap peal of the (use In the supreme court last year, testimony being given on cro.(-examination by .1. C| Cowin: y.—I ask what he was i haregable with? *;»a(j,uuu or 11 i ber lightly; that included the money In suspended hanks. Q. I understand. There was about 44T.OOO only in cash? \ in the treasury vaults; cither that or 457.000. y There was nhour 0241,000 that was tied up in suspended banks, was there not? A —Yes, sir; I think so. Q -That would leave about 1713,00'i loose money ? A.—In that neighborhood; I was thinking it was about $15,000; I muy not have the exact figures. y I will ask you again, w hat It was • e brought these paper that you rail eertifhates of de'.etslt out In? A Wall, as 1 remember It was a lit tle hoi Q <'l|ar bos? A Somethin* of that shape I rouId not say it was u ti*ur tan, but something—-It was stnoiar in idle, the general shape q Of the halanee of th *.«. outside of the $47.MO he produ 'd none of it In lash, or if it was $5T.0M> you may say It maye he? A No. sir, no different (mm what I -aid Mob-emu had tgatlffed to os« a honor Mission and the t lamination continued; y He opened this hil that •»* like a rigar hot, did he *buw you Huh paper* he had* A I do not remember that it had *».> rioer y Aa«i th«a tooh ooi paper* that he tailed rkoU and rertithates u! «i« poett did he* ■ f • lie “ have lain 4 few > He» ha y Mate fug a Itat •*# the *■* A So, air y Yon k«yl no memorandum si Mom, did tnsf A him *»r I did sot y Sow 4si la the only time yon •«er saw IImm* wa* It not* too never ggw them attefWerda* A Mil, gi , vo me knoaitdga. Here followed some questions cover ing the same ground, and the examina tion couc!'Jo«d as follows: Q.—And then he brought out a Tv*", that looked like a cigar box, from which he took a lot of papers that he railed certificates of deposit, amount ing from $440,000 to $140,000? A,—1 do not know whether he railed them certificates of deposit or not; they were certificates of deposit mostly. There may have been some banks checks. Q.—He showed you the papers? A.—lie showed me the certificates of deposit. Q.—You looked them over and took no list of them? A.—No, sir; l took no list of them. , A.— He* had a list of them. if — You took no memorandum of ' them? A.— No, 1 took no memorandum of them. 1}.—And you turned them ba< k to him and he put them hack in the cigar I box and went off with them—is that right? A. lie put them in the vault. Q.—Did you see him put them In the 1 vault? A. T will not say positively that 1 did. Q.—And that was the end of the ex amination? A.—-Yes, that was the end of it. Cam ll«* DkIikIv tli#» l’eople. Omaha Bee:: One* of the claims put * forwiird In behalf of Silas A. Hol comb's candidacy for supreme Judge In the recent address of (he populist state cbmmlttee rests upon htu "con servatism und eminent fairness In hi > j every act, both public and private.” Aa a matter of fact no person oc i copying the executive office of Ne braska ever displayed such rank par* tlsanshlp and manifest unfairness aa did Governor Holcomb, especially from t!in time he secured the support of an administration of his own po lltical faith. In no case could he se • I further the lines of his own party or j recognize such a thing as fairness to political opponents. The most glaring examples of hia hidebound subserviency to the un scrupulous political machine In con trol of his party organization is to found in his cowardly inaction when the pictorial ballot bill was presented to him ior Ills approval end he al lowed It to become a law by lapse of time without his signature. After hav ing denounced the pictorial ballot in vigorous language in bis message l> the legislature, and Imvlng advocated the retention of the law as it then existed with a few modifications, Gov ernor Holcomb silenced his own con victions at the behest of the stat'* house gang and helped put on the 1 statute hook a law designed ns a : fraud upon the people in the interest | of the tripartite political alliance. Ho partial and so partisan was this lav that legislature Governor Holcomb's populist successor saw no other course than to Join the republicans In wiping it out of existence und substituting for it a measure fulr to all. The same blind partisanship was clearly demonstrated in almost all of Governor Holcomb's official acts. In bis appointments to office where the law required the recognition of dif ferent political parties ho persisted in selecting men who voted the same ticket under the flimsy pretext that they satisfied the conditions of the law by masqnerading under different party iubels. Not once, but repeatedly, was the law thus evaded upon such technicalities with the palpable pur pose of promoting partisan ends and manufacturing party capital. Cun a man who as governor has showed himself so partisan and unfair | be expected on the bench to be non partisan and Impartial? Can a mail who in the executive chair has played the willing tool of the state house sham reformers be expected as su preme judge to be Independent of the machine's pressure? How then can he hope to delude Nebraska voters with promises of doing better if they will only give him a vindication by elect* , lug him again to another office? (iiiiinniiil oporrMic Lincoln Journal: "Very long will b; the way. very hurd the hills to climb with Slippery Si Holcomb weighing down the popocratlc bund wagon In Nebraska." These prophetic words from ii part of nn editorial that ap peared in the Papilllon Time* shortly before the late convention of the al lied forces of reform. They were the spontaneous utterances of a man who has long been recognised as one of the foremost lighters In the serried ranks of popocracy. They were spoken before the party lush had been swung by the bosses over the heads of those who would dissent from ring rule. Howard Is silent now. because Bryan demands It. Ilut, Is Silas Holcomb any less slippery than when those i lines were written? If he was dishon est then. Is it likely that he le hottest l now, or will be by av' by? KprntlliiK l l«r >1 -him, Deputy Iat ml Commissioner I-?. W Nelson Is defrauding the state out of his salary these days, sajs the Lincoln Journal, l>y spending bis time at the headquarters of the populist state ecu- j Hal committee, ('alters at the office of laind CouimUsloner Wolfe who in quire for Mr. Nelson have to be told : that be la at the end of the political | machine instead of earning his sal- I ary which the state pays, this sub- i Jett Is considered 01 for another tu- 1 veeUgatlou when the aest legislature ; meets. If Mr Nelson were able to do any good la the fusion headquarter* it , • mild md he so hail but a emaltua on salary from the stale under pretest of t»ing able tu help reform la m along reform lines so mush preashed by | rof.esi aal tvfurmsra. Its Its eat lie | i|ri*l«i It-*, trege tlt iir llul. ofuH la ua the stump huatlag for oia for su preme )*iw It mbtht he aeii fur 1 him tu hta lusmilua with that ta 110.04 twuutt iMMtbhia and 1 lb# * he ate to nail enough ftaudu- I l>at halted# tu seat hi* uid partner ua I the leytell." bene h la Stew of hi* , 1#tear t# it nay aoa-ter that area aueh a staunch fthsartl as Ktga* Howard I HHm of the l*i|oll.a Vltoi s 10 hi Id ta a At of tadigastiiMt salt him “lUip . p«r t ill * I TTIE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON IV. OCTOBER 22 EZRA 8: 21-32. t'rr.fnurnry In Jnrimnlrtn - "T.ic Ilmxl ttf (iiiil U tin All of Tlirm fur (iotrt Time 1‘Cfk llltn” r'jtra Till: %i.—Tbn Work of Cent. *1. MAt the river Ahava." Tin* place U unknown, but it wan jinib'ibly one of tin- < final* near Hahylon, flowing Into tho Kuphratf',*. "Then 1 proilalrnfil a fast." b acting, a* a religious .id, would stoni to havt 1 tn bn*|:< in (1) n gr lot over Kin m ileep and Intent* that nil ijeulro for food In taken away. <2) In the aid to de votIon furni^hci) j»y u body unburdened with food, hi a* lo leave ihe mind and In art In their nu> t active and frea cotidi tlon. <3i it i* the natural expression of deep sorrow fnr aim It in not enough for tin heart to feed deeply; it need* to ex t»te*H its feeling*, though the proof that (lie finding I* sincere lie* in foraaklng tho Htn repented or and doing deed* of rlght COUMPIH, I he object w;i (!> "that we might ;if f!ic t lv»- < t)» fore nur Oo«l,M ft wae an expression of repentance for Kin, of ***** °ut all obstacles from wrong mo tive* or disobedient heart* which would lender it impossible for Clod to give them KUeeeHH in their Journey. It meant nub rub.don. eonse ration and repentance. *2) "To neck of him a right way.*’ The fant ing wan uecompanied by prayer (v. 28) and was u**ed "us the TiKMiiK of Inton*! Tying r< liglouw fervor in prayer through the restraint laid upon physical appetite." I'rofeKKor I>avldMon. It wax itl*o tha natural mean* of elurfTying their own minds «o that they could reeeivo and recognize the wisdom God would bestow upon them. 11. I* or I was ashamed to require of the king. etc. There were many danger* on that four mouth** Journey, particu larly from "the robbers and Bedouin* of the dealt, who might easily inflict dam age upon a large caravan by robbing at Higglers and harassing the line of inarch. Oavidson. For they had a large amount of treasure with them. Kara had told the king that God was with his peo ple. and against their enemies; and, therefore, to ask n guard of soldiers might seem to the king to contradict his assertions, and bring disgrace on Godcj cause. n.3. And he was entreated of us." TCzra had the assurnnco that his prayer had been heard. The Treasure 24. "| separated twelve/* etc. lie committed the treasure Into the hands of twenty-two persons, tw*1v* chief priest* and ten Invites. of whom the first l wo are named. These men would lake special charge ami bp reapon 'ilblo for ihp safe keeping of tho treaa or-' Resides. || would relieve Ezra of aH possible urnndal In regard to It. 2B- “And unto them the ell vor." Ptr. Up may gather from this that tlip sliver and Bold were In bars or Ingots, nrd no! in coined money. The Persians had rolr.Pd money at this time, but the treasury kept the bulk of Its stores in bars (llerml.. III.. 96).—Pulpit Com. Tho weighing Implied accurate accounting, Mi<h us should always be secured for public money. 96- “Six hundred and fifty talents of silver A talent of silver wns about $1, 600. "Of gold a hundred talents.” Gold Is usually worth about sixteen times as much ns silver. The whole treasure was worth *4,000,000 or *,ooo. 97. "Drams." Da rim. worth about an r.nfftlsh sovereign, or $5.00; 2H. . "A freewill offerlnff unto the T,ord God. ' Tho money was for religious pur poses, and weald be a great help to tho people at Jerusalem as well as smooth tho way of Ezra to the needed reforms. 29. "The i bombers of the house of the Ixird” are the roi tis placed on either side of the main hulldlnff (see I Kings 0: 6). partly as chambers for Ihe priests, partly as store rooms (nee Neh. 13: 6). The Journey. 31. "Departed ... on the twelfth day of the first month.” Nl snn, about the time of the Passover, on our Master, In March nr April. "Tho hand of our Oid.” Ills power; his care. 3Z "And we ramo to Jerusalem.” On the first day of the fifth month (7: 9) In July. Tho Work of Ezra.—(1) He brought tho Rook of the I .aw Into prominence. (2) He reinforced the ritual of the temple and tho order of tho priests. (3) Tho chief reform of Ezra was the abolishment of m'xed marriages with tho surrounding hen!hen. After fasting and prayer, at a public solemn mooting, the nobles, tho priests, and the people put away their heathen wives. It was a very solemn and a very sad occuslon. For this Ezra lias been called a stern, narrow Puritan, "bit terly Intolerant.” marked with "a spirit of exclusive patriotism,” a “total ab sence of human tenderness,” u "pitlleua legalism." A In I'/ raovcmnce. From the Lincoln (Neb.) News: It seems like an extravagant tale to tell, but it is a fart that ran be proved. A flork of English sparrows actually worked at the large stone chimney on the north aide of C. M. Wysong's resi dence until they picked It to pieces. A portion of It had to bs torn down and rebuilt. The chimney was made of a soft sandstone, and the birds used the pickings for digestive purposes, and little by little picked the large pieces of stonework literally to pieces, de stroying the chimney far th» purposes for which it was bulk. At times tho entire flock of birds would be at work on the chimney. »• ‘ s -♦• Retort from Ike Wltoeu Monti. A certain doctor had when only a beginner in the me.Ural profes sion. to attend a trial aa a witness The opposing counsel. In cross-eiam Ining the young physician, made sev eral earrastif remsrhe, doubting the Ability of so youag a man to under stand his business Finally he asked "[Hi )iii know tke symptoms of con curs ton of (he kialsf*' “Ido." replied the il.Ktor." "H ell," continued the at toraey, “suppose my lr«rn* t friend. Mr Itsgiag. sod myself were to bans our heads together, should we get cos eu sibii of the krais'*' “Your .earned friend, Mr Hagisg, might," said the dwetot. %«« I t'wliivr Wkkl «*k»* yixt think • ntMl Will k*rt*f*«r ■#»( tvlf Ik* M witk grcstwr ii«f«lka in*»* «*•? V«MIM WvSUH rkf fiki* Hum J»**l*»« ftfr W.» «*kl»* M «*f UlillN* nM« **4 Juki *tt V »*.• •*»•>»• «••*> M<»**ik**r>*f My Ntu fut «h>«m in |4 xy Mir lint k ■* m**k N*f Ik* I w luwUHoi tUatki, Ik* irM««iu« Nutott **y«r ok In »«*»# im< tl will k*«* «*> k» |i - inUMi