The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 20, 1899, Image 1

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Tme Northwestern
• KO. K. BKMftCnOTKK. I Editors end
«*«. h. emsoM,
Eatsred El the Loup City I'oetufllce for trsns
mission through the mall* us second
dees matter.
Official Paper Sherman County
For Supreme Judge.
M. B. Reese.of Llscoln.
For Regents of State University,
E. G. McUii.ton,..of Omaha
Oh. Wili.iam B. Elt.of Ainsworth.
For Congressmen 6tb District,
H P. Kineaid.of O'Nell.
Per Judge of Itih District.
P. O. Masks. of Keerney.
Per Treasurur.
Jotia L. CHBesi.KK. . of Har.srd
Per Clerk.
J. A. Stevenm.. ef Harrtxee twp
Por Judge.
W. II. IIhowh.of Rockville twp
Per Surveyor,
Wai.tbk Moon.of Leap City
Por Coroaer.
Da. A. k Main . of Loup City.
of Harrison t wp
for BEsrifl,
Mr. Hr)an is displaying good
jadgment in not attempting to ex
plain away the prosperity of Nebr.
Mr Bryan now claims be was
'•atiitd oul in 18!b(. Well ho was
Mr. Fitzsimmons in the famous clev
• ■tb round, lint he is not kicking.
Judge Hamer will be elected by a
handsome majority as be should be.
Those sudden change of Sullivau’B
are aol u mdusive to vote getting.
6o Lueien Stebbins is a cattle
thief since be bas left the corrupt
fusiouiats. Just as they fall oul
they tell on one another. They are
a eorry lot indeed.
While we are not iu the confidence
of either party yet it is safe to aasert
that Admiral Dewey in hie confer
aace with the President did not sug
gest ibat we haul down the flag and
Holcomb is kept basy trying to
explain bia misdeeds while in office,
but be must acknowledge that the
recount, house rent and pass grab
biug deals were no fakes.
The Times last week under tbe
supervision of tba cream of tbe ka
rew, devoted tbe most of its valuable
(?) editorial apaee to advertising
tbe Northwestern,all of which we
acknowledge with thanks.
Tl># President's policy with re
•peel lo the Philippine* is to crush
out ihe fractions! insurrection, eetab
lish the authority of the United
Stales and have the future to Con
|im And that is the country's poll
ey as well.
Rvery notnmee on the Republican
ticket this fall both slate and county
ar# worthy th« support ef every re
publican voter, and in fact the sup
port of all who wish lo see the pub
lic affaire boaeetly and equitably
The holler makers on the Pacific
•see' struck far higher wegsa a
short tiais ago. They were getting
#> e day for M hours work and
• eeted *><re Purieg the sdminia
Mra'iaa of the party which the pops
are still boosting, ‘her struck for a
SvSp bauee or a tree lue< h cooaler
\1 II llrowu for coualy judge,
J A :>t. %#4» for count* clerk, sad
J>*hu I. tVoiirr for county trees
urst are «|i good n* mmees That
sre ell list das# citueus aa<l will
mshe first «,'a*s odlrers Look wall
ve your ballot vu. tmo ilar aad
•hoa »<»u fiad taeae same* make
year «rase there
Judge Sullivan was a staunch Re
publican when be assisted in nomi
nating A. E. Cady for congress in
'<*7 but experienced a change of
heart oh the instantaneous plan
after receiving assurance that if W.
L, Greene was elected to congress,
that he, Sullivuo, would get the ap
pointment for district Judge. Mr.
Sullivan may be a good populist but
where principles change so suddenly,
there is prospects of an African in
the wood pile.
Occasiouly a republican brother
aeks us: “Why does the North
wkstkh.n, a republican paper, favor
the election of J. K. I'earson, a dem
ocratic nominee for sheriff?” Our
reply to this is that it is generally
known that the republican county
convention failed to uomiuate a man
for that oiiice for the reason that
there was not, at that time, an avail
able candidate. No one cared to
make the race. Second, we are per
sonally acquainted with Mr. Pearson,
have known him for many year*.
We know him to be a man of hon
esty and integrity and believe he
will make a good sheriff if elected.
The same might be said of his op
pouaut who in running on tha pop
absl ticket, hut we have little or
no acquaintance with him. Our
business relations with Mr. Pearson
have ulwa)s beeu pleasant, and
knowing as we do, that be is worthy
the support of all good citixeus, we
do not hesitate to reccommeud him
to the voters of Sherman county.
Our combination aontempnrary
laments the fact that farmers only
receive 50 cents for wheat aud 20
cents tor corn, and hsks how they
like that kind of prosperity. We
presume they relish it at least one
hundred per cent better than they
did lu cent corn and JO cent wheat
when their ideal, the democratic
party was in the saddle. A farmer
can look over a bunch of calves now
and know that he is pretty wi 11 heel
ed. He can drive a steer to market
and get ItO. for him. He can sell
a common cow for S35. He can haul
a load of hogs to town and get $3.00
per hundred for them. When your
party was at the helm, the steer was
worth 120. and the cow $12. The
hogs $2., and men were begging for
work to feed a famishing family.
Can you deny it? Is not every word
a lacl? Now men cannot be had to
do the work. There is no Coxey
army going to Washington. There
is no soup bouses to feed unemploy
ed labor, aud the great pity is that
there are still deformed parasites
feeding off honest toil, that make it
a profession to whisper glowing
falsehood into eredulotts ears that
they, the parasites, may find a hole
in the public crib. Ye Gods, what a
district Judge they would make.
The way iu which Judge Sullivan
haa tried to secure the endorsement
of the democrat* of this district ha*
met with the hearty disapproval of
the democru's un I more conserva
tive populist* of this district. At
a ’-egular democratic judicial con
vention held at Kearuny on tbe 21
o( September lie was sat down upon,
and then later he got together a few
pops fr< ni llutfalo, Custer aud (law
son counties an«l held, what is at\!*d
hv the outfit, a democratic central
committee meeting, in which he was
endorsed. It is reported that they
♦ere aot the regular judicial eotn
unt tee anil if they Sad been
they were aat eiothed with tbe
goner to endorse him ss the
Kearaey con veal km did not to
authorise it Now, under sued nr
mmataaees be seeks to have his
name printed un the regular demo
trail* In act, h«t protests have been
tiled againsl each pfoeeeiliage 1a
ra< h of thv fwtir fountoe ta the dis
trivl by tbe lea ting repree* atativee
of the deaiui iilic parly Shermaa
Was not represented at this
to alt led deaoM'feth . • luimtle#
meeting, aud uoa* of the laadiag
denut rate here ware informed
that smb a meetieg was held l*r*d*
ably this is because the democratic
county convention heid here some
weeks ago refused to endorse him
when asked by telegram to do so.
This wholesale manner of stealing
nominations is justly insuring the
hot displeasure of the dem< crats
throughout the dlstrist.
Henry Stark baa recently completed an ad
ditlou to bla house
Arthur Throckmorton .started on Wednes
day last to drive to Saunders county, where
he will probably remain during the winter.
Moaee Smith and tils bride, lately returned
from the east, visited friends In this vadnlty
last Thursday
Mr Henry Hhoenning and wife lert for Oma
ha Tuesday to obtain medical treatment for
the lattar.
Mr. and Mrs. John Burt have returned from
their visit to Iowa.
Alice Reed and sister of Arcadia, Sunday
| < d with Mr. Throckmorton » family this week
| Fritz Bicbet has just completed his new burn,
one of the largest In the county.
Lew Saddler and Will Garnett drove to the
North Loup last week, and whan they earn*
back the content* of their wagons bore iba
unmistakable odor of onions
Mr R A. Wilson returned Wednesday even
ing from a business trip to Omaha
1>. M. Rolf left Tuesday morning over the
Burlington for Council Bluffs, Iowa where
he will visit relatives.
A. N. Conklin made a dying business trip
to 81 Paul Thursday ,
We see that C. F. Ileushausen and bride
are at home from their wedding lour.
Mrs. E. G. Taylor arrived home Thursday
from a v2sit at North Loup.
W. C. Duuker left Friday morning for a bus
iness visit to Omaha He returned Monday
C. F. Marlow returned Tburday from a
weeks visit at Grand Island.
"Billy” Rowe ef Loup City was seen ehak,
lng hands with friends oa our streets Friday.
Mr. F. M. Henry and family bid us farewell
Friday and moved to Loop City where it is
their Intention to make their future borne.
August Beusbausen moved his family Into
their tewn residence last Saturday We are
glad to welcemc them among us.
W. A. Baker paid Loup City e visit Fri
Judge Wall of Loup City and Judge Hamer
of Kearney were Ashton visitors Saturday.
The daace held in the hall Saturday evening
was a success. All seemed to buve a jolly
August Sonstrom and Lawrence Jcpsou of
Rockville were here Saturday evening at the
K F. Hansen came up from Modus Satur
Mr. and Mrs. W M. Smellier drove over to
Rockville Sunday and spent the day with
Mrs. Stanaslaw Sekutery died very sudden
ly last Friday moralng at her home North of
L. M. Williams drove over to Loup City
Tbos. Jamrog went to Grand Island on
business last Moada.v afternoon
J. P. Taylor shipped a car load of hogs from
this point Monday aftermoon.
Frank Shirk came up from Nysted Tuesday
for a visit.
Herman and Albert Sparling left Wednesday
morning for Omaha. They Intend to spend a
week at the Exposition.
For sale.-Red heifer calf, price $10.00. Call
on W M. Smelser.
Fred Leo and wife of Galeeburg. 111. guve a
free pass-the-hut eatertaiiment on our streets
I. C. U.
(By Fnor. A. P. Cow-ET.)
The World Works will now say:
The coming winter will be severely
cold at times, judging trout the
goose bones and bairou dogs tails.
The sun will shiue on pleasant
days, hut when it is stormy snow
may be looked for, Ice wilt form
by Christmas, and the most of the
winter will be overby March 1 to 81,
lllOO. Heavy asow Muring winter
Watch the heavens does on the 11
aid 15 of November for agranddis
play of meteors. Thie is a! way a a
sure eign of w*r; if the war dot a not
come before the display.
We told you there would l*i anoth
er war Itefore the year was over; e<>
we have it in the Transvaal, We
are now verging on one of the great
est military and naval catastrophes
in the record of men. Itefore the
close of the 'jt)th esotery storming
fury will rage end eiuimer such as
heard on earth till now was never
Arum slashing against armored as
vies, will bay horrid diecord and
berating ehell, flaming hell, sad mad
suing wer, will rtge on aea an I lend
Note down all we say for keeps, re ■
iu> iidivnng no doctor has tet lived
who min'd ctiarilv aiihhls •• d| tae
Welch the e'er !h»we\, in the ,«>u
sletlailon of l.en for sigus of the
times. That tier will yet prealde
over the destine* of the republic
ll» on |uur gasrd bei*-adv to gewp,
•tumid this plennet be viru s ie<
hard bv fading stars on the night of
the |A of Newmher, I "II8 lies* j
In mind whnl we ear here end wetwh
end welt.
The spring of lnuii edl bn w*iert
and wet Copious showers an I ««< h
mniature during sending lime, '.uwd
nrojn for 11100, when wheat and eat
tlt> will go up together, hand in hand
keeping company throughout tin
year. Sow early, work late, mr
pull together with your mate
Don't *ell any uom but buy al
you uan. Don't borrow on long turn
unless you t an get it on tift\ jeun
from date, then reuew it if you can'!
pay the interest when due. Kxum
ine your corn husks close for th«
germs of winter. Plant your corn
deep in tlio soil next yeai and cult!
vate it with a harrow three times be
foro it comes up, and then form iLie
habit of cultivating it throughout
the season Since we arc all erea
lures of habit, we get out of thii
habit between crops if wo ain't care,
ful. The natural enemy of man in
death. The natural enemy of corn
is weeds. Take care of the weedi
aid the corn will take care of itscll
Your seed can’t le to good
The fnthers of our country hoed
their corn on account of the weeds,
They loved liberty and labor. W«
love the liberty not to labor. They
loved independence of the nation,
we love dependence on the uatios
# * * *
P. 8,—Cleopeta said to Mark
Anthony, (not Mark Hanna) I bars
no *
State nf Nebraska)
,-*s The Stst* of Ni'br
Oonaty uf Sherman I
To M. Thompson, non resident ownsr of
the following described real estate situated a
ltoid Mint. No 10 of Sherman county, Neb
raska, to wit: Southwest fourth of Section 10,
township IS i ati 'o IS west. You are hereby
notified that complaint has been made to me
a* Bond Overseer of said road district that
there Is an open well upon the above described
real estate anil If the mime la not (Hied up
Immediately 1 shall proceed to fill the same In
the manner provided by law us the samu Is
dangerous for stock,
(liven under my hand this 17th day of October,
lkW W. II. Kktmolds, Overseer
Jtoad Hist. No. 10, Sherman County. Nebraska
liepariment of the Interior.
Land Ofiiee at Lincoln, Nab. i
September bill, I-US l
Nolle* la hereby given that the follow
named settlers baa filed notice of btslnten
tlon to make final proof In support of bis
claim, and that said proof will bo made be
tc** the County .fudge of Uherniau county,
at Loap, Nebraaka, on October an, 1HV0
viz: Peter r. Ilansen, Homestead Entry
No. lT-.'sh lor the Northwest fourth of Hcc
tlon i!4, Township JO, Range 15, west Olh
p. in.
11a names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of aabl land, viz:
Frederick of Loup, Nebraaka
Mike Komlaskl of “ <•
Peter Urudzenakl of “ ••
Peter Thode of •• •*
J. IV. Johnson, Register,
Notice OF sa LI, VIOI1 < II ATTKL
Notice Is hereby given that by vtrtas of
a . battel mortgage dated on the luth day
ol Aptll, IMU'.l, and duly filed tu the oilier of
the eounty clerk of Sherman county. Neb
raska en the 15th day ol April, lMlt> and ex
ecu ted by J. T. Tooley to T. M. Reed and
by him assigned to 1). M. Osborne A Co.
of Auburn, N Y, to secure the payment
of the sum of $65.00 and upon which
there Is now duo the sum of $115 00 and
Interest at the rate of 10 percent pur annum
from date. Default having been made in
the payment of said stun and no suit or
oiher proceedings at law having been Inst i.
tilled to recover said debt or any part
thereof therefore 1 will sell the property
therein described, viz: One red and while
spotted cow with V shaped spot In fore
head, also, One dark red cow, at p1 idle hoc
tlon In front uf the Racket st. iu, Loup
titty, Sherman County, Nebraska on 8nt
unlay, November till, I 91,
Dated Ibis mil (lav ol October, ' t>>
l». M AHSlIOKs i ,t (X)
lly T. M KkKU, Agent
Aftormy at Law and Notary Public
Will hefand In IPoreeluaura Ohm IK) a
General Real Estate Business
la MoantwMtiaaa llolldlnc.
I.uur CAT*. • - MKHUANMA
loup arrr. i i tnm
a- s MAIN.
I'HIl’l J«HM 'Ml Ml I'l'Mtl
4ru( Hum
•«•!•)«> mumi
Curs* iaipotcucy, Ni^Ui t:uu«<u>nA«tMi
WAAtlse dlKAACA, all fill) el Mil
iWH’, If I'lun Ull l IfHtt*
crciUm a him!
MimmI huilUt'r. it
gluw tu |4lf ihi • k* inti
htliifii ||i« Ctc i»f t«< ilh
»■ nw1 i»*f * ni *
t* i utih »* «rillt*n if i
I«H> (<l I'Urr or H htlltl tlH' 1.40k r).
fond (or «lfw)*f A i»trr
Otroor 4 nroo IM> . <m <.
o> >ti iiu or
Lull illy, N**i
early if in need of a Ruggy, Wagon, set of Harness or
anything in the harness or furniture line.
Mf Prices are ill Pit ail
Goods strictly first-cluss.
Yours Respectfully,
T. M.
A. 9 071X11,
General Banking Business Transacted.
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000
National Bunk,
Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y., Omaha
Omaha, Nebraska
A (rial solicited, Kit guaranteed,
Clothes cleaned and pressed on
short notice.
Repairing Neatly Dorn.
imitating stringed instruments
has b«an added to tha wall
know a 11 nape
PIANO ONLY $250.24
Wltk Stool and Scarf.
I Made in oak, walnut a*! mahogany
Write For Particular)*.
»« F ••fTllI Nl * .’ollft Mtl 1*4
ti*»<1 »n» •! ra><' I j. . Say n> » <p*[»*r.
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