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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1899)
VOL. XVI. LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, COTOBER 13. 1899. NUMBER 49 The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY at the county seat. ORO. E. RRNHOHOTRK, ( Editor* and UEO. H. GI It ROW. I Publlahera TERMS 11.00 PIR TRAK l» PAID IR ADVARCR Entered at the Loup City I'oatofflce for Iran a mlaaton through the mall* a* second das* matter. Official Paper Sherman County REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATE TICKET For Supreme Judge. M. H. Kkkhk.of Lincoln. For Regent* of State Unlvnreity. E. G. McUlLTOM.of Omuha Ur W 11.1.1 am H. Elt.of Alnaworth. CONOKERSIONAL TICKET For Congre*aman nth Uiatrlct. M P. Kinkaid.of O'Neil. JUDICIAL TICKET. For Judge of 14th District. F. (J. Hamkk. of Kearuey COUNTY TICKET For Troasurur, John L. Hazard For Clerk, J. A. Stbvknh.of HarrlHOD twp For Judge. W II. Hkown.of Rockville twp For Surveyor Wai.tbk Moon.. of Loup City For Coroner, Dm. A S. Main..of Loup City. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY NOMINEES. For Sheriff, J. K Pbarhon....of Harrlaon twp Say Eddy, let’s swap votes. What say tou? Holcomb says I pass, throw up the deal. We don't believe iu calling names but “Slippery Si" i» too tweet. Kiokaid for congress, Hamer for judge and the Keece(n) is, to mush “Reform." It is an undisputed fact that the fusiouists have placed men in nomi nation for stale offices this fall that the leaders of the party are a sham ed of. It is rather amusing to eee a small uffiee chasing the Times man. There should be some legal protec tion in this stale for a populist when an offlje gets after him. Judge Hainer made ua a good judge before and he is going to a gain. The people have all they can easily stand of sham reform. It biteth like a democrat and stingelh like fuaioo. Kinkaid never failed of election for district Judge though he lived in a strong populist district, and there will he no exception to the rule this year though he is lunDimg for con gress. When Judge Hamer wax on the benoh be always stood by the far mers, and they always received the benefit of the doubt. When he run for that position the last time, he was defeated by 13 votes, which is s sure indication that in tbeae changed times and condition* be will be elect ed by e handsome majority. Farmers are like every body else they stand by tbelr friends if they know them end they are acquaintsd with Mr. Hamer We were not aware Mr. Times,! that ltcv Mtills* was e free silver republican, and cere not, for that le only n hybrid democrat who could not stomach the name Hut ws do hnow that he was persuaded logo to the Philippines by your populist governor, llolcumb. because be wee •as of you. and four party consider ad him nne of their right bowers Ws also know thtt he was the chap Inin of your legislature which fact you seem desirous of obscuring Hut when he raught » >u red headej ■ thing bullets for our enemies to shoot down the stare nod atripee with, he >(eit son ro|d «h»l ever hr# former politics were You must grin end hear U hoys, end remember the fete *f Het»edret Vreel I II* gets •p the ghost despised hr til How does the Northwestern atand on the expansion question,—Tiuiea, Were the Times not 100 years be hind the present era, it would know, but we heg lief to answer. We are for expansion first, last and forever. Where Old Olory goes we follow, wither it be ender a Democratic or a Republican administration. We skulk not, neither do we disgrace our native country by spreading treason and howling anarchistic calamity. Since Thos. Jefferson wrote hie fa mous letter to our consol, Livingston, in Faria, in 1802, laying, "Tell the Emperor of France, that there ia one spot on earth so dear to the Ameri can people, that any country whooe oupiea it must from that moment consider themselves an enemy to tbia republic, and that spot is New Or leans.” Since he tent James Mod roe to France to negotiate the pur chase of Florida, and instead secured the entire Louisiana territory with out asking congress, and which body at their next sitting confirmed the purchase by au overwhelming maj ority. This nation has stood for ex* pansion. (Since tbe democratic National convention of 1844, in wbloti Henry Clay and Martin Van Buren.thetwo great democratic leaders were turned down because they were against ex pansion and James K. Polk was nominated because be was an expan sionist. Tbe dcmooralic party went before the country on an expansion platform, one plank of whiob said: “The reoccupjiog af Oregan and the annexation of Texas, are two great American measures whish we hearti ly recomend to the democracy of ths union,” this country has expanded. And when they made their campaign cry “Fifty four forty or fight,” the masses took it up and sounded it all over the land and James K Polk scarcely knew any opposition Bit when your political ancester; John Calhoun, agreed to a compromise whereby he stole 800,000 sq., miles of our territory and gave it Great Britain, all because be knew that every foot of land given to a for eign power would diminish Northern free soil just that much, the people arose in their might and the Grand Old Republican party was the result. Again when the democratic party, in National convention in 1884, tbe party of which yon, Mr. Times, said two weeks ago, that you felt at home in their councils, avered that “every foot of land that had ever been an nexed to this country was done by a democratic administration except tbe frozen iceberg of Alaska,” no one contradicted them, they were wel come to their g.ory. But to-day when you and your descendants of Lalhoun undertakes to roment dis ruption of the only free and posi tively just government on the face of the globe, you should hide your self in shame and tremble lest tbe words of “Old Iliekory." to the democratic nullifiere in 1833 might be appropriate when he said "These auilitiers and tiag balers ere a eroes between a Puritan and a blackleg and should be hanged higher then llaemon, Sire: Higher then llaemon. Yes. dear Kddy, we are expansion let* of tbe first water, for we see laying on beyood the setting snu, n ponr eredslouo people who have been deluded into n war by democratic mdlifler* of the t'niboun stripe, stum py lag territory purchased hy tbe blood of out brave hoys after so honest treaty, aud that land thnopea door for Twnulieth century ctvilua tion and A merman principles fur a downtrodden people “There is none so blind ee he who will not see. asm run locei.s John t'lebowshi e e>s Prank had the misfortune lest Thureilny, to get hie Anger caught in thn ms* binary of • wind mill and crushed Or. Haw ardamputstad the wounded member Mr M >: Hell of, III . j was n pleeanat uniter Prtdei 4r P W Kdaoads of 11 reels y t'enter Neb we* here Pads* in um interest af ths Henlfios I'rssmsry Co., looking for a location to build u branch plant. We are in favor of a creamery and ehould be pleased lo see one here. Dr. Howard and Freddie Wicli man drove to Boelus and back Fri bay. Fred is the crack duck shot, - ask him about it. Mrs Clarence West of Lincoln, ar rived Friday evening for a visit at the home of Mrs. A. N. Conklin. A number of the friends of Mr, and Mrs. F. M. Henry walked in on them quite unceremoniously Friday evening, to show their respects snd esteem for the worthy people. All who were present report having a de lightful time. A memento was pro seated to Mr. and Mrs. Henry. A party was giveu Mr. Henry Ojendyk Friday evening In bourn of hie birthday. A merry time was had by all present, snd at a late hour all took their departure wishing him many happy returns of the oc casion. Then. Ojendyk made a flying busi ness trip to Farwell, Saturday. Misses Alice and Nellie Paige hit Saturday morning for Bellwood, Neb., after a weeks visit at the homo of Mr. E 0. Paige. Don't forget the dance at the hall Saturday night. Chas. Lukaszewicc of Farwell, wus ia the eity Saturday afternoon. The Teaohers reading circle meet ing held here Saturday afternoon, showed a very small attendance, but those present showed great interest in the work. Mias Annie Hinricbsen arrived home Saturday evening from a weeks sojourn ai Omaha. Misses Mary Hdlebrandt aud Mag gie Rapp, viaited at Hi Paul Satur day. Matters Edward Jamrog and .lea se Marvel drove to Loup City and bask Saturday. Mra- J. P. Taylor has been visit ing at St. Paul, the past weak. Mr. and Mra. T. D. Wilaon enter tained a aumher of friends at din ner Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Knntzen left Monday morning for a two weeks visit at Qrand Island, Nebr. Mra. T. D. Wilson left Tuesday morning for Carroll, Neb., for a ahort visit. We understand that Mias Kmrna will return with her. John Dangle of Fremont, left for hia home Tuesday morning after a waeka visit in this neighborhood Mr. W. S. Jay of Lincoln, was a pleasant caller Tuesday afternoon. Mra. E. G. Taylor left Monday morning for a viait at North Loup. Miss Rose Stobbe boarded tba East bound train Wednesday morning for Farwell. John Wasielewski left Wednesday morning for a business trip to St. Paul. For farm loans call on W. M. Smelser. Mr. W. VV. Marble of Lincolu, wee here NVedneaday further loveeiigat log thia town for a creamery. Makhikh Mr. Horatio Smelter and Mtaa Kmelle Uiorichean, both of Aabtoo, Nab., ware united in mar riage at 11:30 IVedqeaday moroiag, Octokiar 4th IH >!», at the German Lulhern church al.Hth aod I'arker atraeta, Omaha Nab., by the Kev. Kuief. After the eeremony alt |*ar took of au alegaut wedding dinner at the New timer Hotel. Mr and Mr* Smeieer left over the llurliuglou, at & 01 |> to. Wednesday for Chicago, and au eateuUed wadding 'our through lbe Keel, after which they will uiake tbalr home at Aahton, Neb, where Mr t)ai*le*r ia engaged In the hanking huetueea The bride a coatutue waa a tght ateel ctdured ailh Both are well end fnvotetdy kntiwn to ail, ead bent • tehee ere • vivuded t>y legion of friend*. I C. V. ' Inkitl't I.lute Kelly (Overt did me were g»**»d Ik an nil bland medhtlnee and edher t»iUa,“ write* Uve tl 4w*M, i ai |H<>tnp*on ( two* pruM|<( pi****nl, (never gr-.p* (hey ewrn e*wt*Oy>*tl«n, I waeM vbe torpid tie*** in wit** and Iglee ynn * !**u binnd aieadv nerve*. • t in** b*ain and a beeiihy appetite I.EUAI, NOTICE Stale of Nebraska / -s s. The Biatc of Nebr County of Sherman \ To Mrs. 8 K, Gregg, non resident defend ant owner of the following described real estate situated In Hoad Hist. No. of Sherman Co., Nebraska. to wit: West half r.f north west fourth. Section il, Township 11, linage II west You an* hereby notified that complaint has been made to tne as lload Overseer of said road dUlrlct that there Is ub open well upon the above described real estate and if the same Is not Oiled up Immediately. I shall pro ceed to Oil the same In the manner provided by law, at the (ante Is dnngeroua for stock, (liven under iny band this Olh day of Sept Inwi VV. H Copi.tok, Overseer Road Hist. No. Sherman county, Neb NOTICE BOR PI BLI Cl los. Hand Office, Lincoln, Nebraska | September gud, IHP.i I Nettcela hereby given that Hie follow Ing-named auttler lias fllnd notice of hla Intention to make (Imil proof In support of hi* claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge of Sherman County, at l.oup. Nebraska, on Octohor M, I HOW, viz: Robert I*. McChiry, Timber Claim Entry, No. 'fils' for the north euat fourth, Section W, Township Hi north of Range lli west of the nth p. in. He name* the following witnesses to prove his continuous resldenco upon and cultivation of said land, viz: George II, Whitman, of Arcadia, Nebr Jean II Whitman, " “ liana Anderson, *• " " John Jewell, ** “ “ J. W. Johnson, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. I.iind Office at Lincoln, Nob. i September Utli, 1X09 i Notice In hereby given that the follow named anti lere has Hied notice of his Inten tIon to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Judge of Sherman county, at l.onp, Nebraska, on October 0H, ixyy viz; Peter F. Hansen, Homestead Entry No. 17080 for the Northwest fourth of Heo tton 94, Township Hi, Range 15, west uth p. m. Ho names the following witnesses to proye his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frederick Thode of l.oup, Nebraska. Mike Koiniuskl of " " Peter Urudzenskl of “ “ Peter Thode of “ " J. W. Johnson, Register, NOTICE OF SALE UNDER CHATTEL MOUTUAUE. Notice Is hereby given that by vlrtko of a chattel morl gage dated on the luili day of April, 1X1)9, and duly filed In the office of Hie county clerk of Slievmnu county. Neb raska on 1 he lotli day of April, lxwi and ex ecuted by J. t Tooley to T. M. Reed and by him assigned to D. M. Osborne A Oo. of Auburn, N V, to secure the payment of the Hum of $<15.(JO and upon which there Is now dun lbs su n of $05.00 and Interest at the rate of III per cent pur annum from date. Default having been made In the payment of said sum and no suit or other proccwdlhgs at law having been Inall tuied to recover said debt or any part thereof therefor* 1 will sell the property therein described, viz: One red and white spotted oow wllli V shaped spot In fore hsuil, also, One dark red cow , at public auc t Ion In front of the Racket titoro, Loup City, Hhermiin Countv, Nebraska on Sat urday, November Ith, 1X89, Dated this 10th day of October, 1X011. 1). M. AU8IIOBNK A Oo. lly T.M. Kkri>, Agent. AGENTS WANTED.—For “The Life And Achievements of Admiral Dewey,'’ the world’s greatest naval hero. By Murat Halstead, tbe life long frlonds and udmlrer of the nation's Idol. Biggest and book; over ftoo page*, xxln inches; nearly I'm tages half-tone Illustrations Only $ 50 Rnor ■nous demand. Big commissions. Outfit Ire*. Chance of a lifetime. Write quick. The Dominion company, ilrd Floor caxto* Building ,Chicago. ( APT WILLIAM A8TOU CHAN LEE, Congressman from New York. Is the president of Thr Nkw Yulia Stab, which is giving away FORTY DOLLAR BICYCLE dally, us offer ed by their advertisement In another column lion. Amos J. Cuniuitugs, M. C . Col Asa Bird Gardner, District Attorney of New York, ux Goveruor Hogg, of Texas, and Col Fred Fried of New York are auioBg the well ku wn names In their Hoard ot Directors W J. FISHER, Attorney at Lav and Rotaiy Pubric. WU1 Defend in Foreclosure Huu ALSO DO A General Real Estate Business. ofltre ID NomilWMTIKD llulldlnx. Lour CITY, - - NCUHAIKA R. J. NIGHTINGALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, loup oiTT. i i am. A- S> MAIN. PHYSICIAN A Sl'KUEON LOUP CITT, • • N LltltA^k A orrit’B. -one door voi of Cl>Dee‘, tlruf ni>r« T# PATENT Good Idm BtH| bat iMiifvil by <»i*f 4*4. na f Aicttt aaaaao, _ 4 H itialllf* 9b4a t vHl Id TtM N**M ttiwul #1 b^id liAdtti NERVITA PILLS1HS I Cur«a 1uj(» U ik Night l.m. .*m«i» 4i*U i *akdtlft|£ l|tH'.|af>i bll tl *>t abu*«, uf «k% rM «tint In.iU > rulU ii A «*»**• 1‘IimmI tti|||«l«»r. Ilr i» ;* |l>< (bm It* j*ii!» fbrriki .1 u4 (Hltiffi lb* Iff uf *.u, *« 1 <i • fui M'J.tWi; mlilt a un.miN kw w» t»r rviiiMtl il*r im«> >» > M*n4 far eltwUr A44r« NtHVITA MCOICAt CO. CWmlM'i 4 AWkWn At* . CtkVM * r<*» 4\i.r. ttv ol)KM)AI!L U1MKH u«4 nif, n*<m. FARM MACHINERY, HARDWARE, HARNESS AND FURNITURE. CALL earlv if in need of a Buggy, Wagon, set of Harness or anything in the harness or furniture line. n Goods strictly first-class. Yours Respectfully, T. M. REED. A CULLKY 4. p. OULLJTY, PrsatAanl QmMw. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000 Corrp.hpondknts: Sealxnini National Uauk, New York City, N. Y., Omaha National Hank. Omaha, Nebraska. W. H. BOECKN1R. Mg rotiant Tailor. -o A trial solicited, Kit guaranteed, Clothes cleaned and pressed on short notice. Repairing Neatly Dorn. A $40 dtCYULfc UIVfcN AWAY DAILY. t in i ui tirrs i>( I'mh N«w Y uan bvam ik* liauit* iin l) Il| i-If»u->I iAuaua) ui «*4i*|wr, 4U AI«tliA 4 Hlt.M OKAbb ><*L'll U*y (••I tbc Urvi'nl iul u( aunt* uiaiIa b> u4w ibo IHIttl lfUlltlU«ll in '» II K l i-W Y u M In ft l-l K ' ui. tiuii'A lb any nt»e » »iii Uut it in fuutbi lb I’bt* N*w Yurb 'U( VY ■ »U r . l»Hill .ftui) u< txi 1 (.AntUArid ( a* AUtburitl u lY n ti HA* tllr.l . tana I iim* kr>'|»n- a til U f i««ti nail) lur M'vuiui •l* lll l •.U I L lttf ■ *IU»lll* wtaMlm Ulllvl bill til Ibli.t kIM uritiu* btltvr»*« win »M . lb or.lar ul un»r I tbu mli. alMMMl vnateat I* Uat** *l«4* to •(ilriUb Ibl -MI.Hci UtU »tit*t iilul ••l|| . •lit «t * Uiu.* ». iu-l *ii |>r> Jt • dill bd «••( lad | ffl»4|‘U» • tllMIlit 1*11 U.l| I * At tit J VAIlt «i , h. it • in. mil Iff ibirtda* •*■»-*» lli. Mll tolfl u A.tb Idi part. ttiA'n *•** I nt nt ut-f A*. Ii. AM* 1% d AI tin t udtAHI w |4 A* 4>tti m M(4* vi>4k<W«i|>:w J4 <4*tlA) JuAx Ml AAtl , * i . A dill 14*4 •« tA» 4 AA|t) to A*.. A II Ut 41 bA nliMti lit lAi 44) nil 4 i i.Af A . 1.4 Alii In |if tAAftnl >A tii K itiAlud UiAtt IMA Ytn V-ft* DUI !>«., . till M»« W MU. <4.1 b) VA« »atua |A«f* , A l*li 41- annul Hlfb At I Mb flllf » * . •> ...... lAA tl * Aai. .11 . I I*..! 4 Jnntn na . uf ! J«« .... * A....4 AoHft u um 4dft lot ‘4.1 Of »l in* 1*41-4 * Y Mb b*a i AM 4I4A BA YY An A A itnA* bn 4 Y uf A lint YV ibtki* Ut nIUI MUlMttt AMU " iiumiai, p*1ah*n m )i.)fANit «* aa >1* 4*41« It IblA AAd AM* by «AAAllW *41*1 i »«• A) A*# AAd M|)A»tAk AtfAINA* 1 in .A S.IA, ad awl a, *M (•** A*. Af» hdllMA . 4 Mm« Iran) la A**y ixa a in ta laaia. f Jfbna am• ybadadl. •I a* Ad.ha. Anlninnan IbMH *ail A4 dianaad »lAtA|rafd aatamya ■ tab UwblA A* A luAiAll. 1*4 xn I t w«4|4 » MM) A 4*1