The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 22, 1899, Image 1

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Historical, Descriprive and Com
mercial Review of the City.
Tbe greatest desire of tbe human
heart ia to own a borne, and as
there are thousands of people in the
densly crowded east aad other por
tions of tbe couutry who are deaireue
of learning of the advantages afford
ed them in other parts, and are seek
ing homes in tbe west, we will, in
the following briefly note tbe splen
did opportunity which Loup City
and Sherman county affords.
Laborers, mechanics, tradesmen,
etc , caa no doubt better their con
dition by moving te a more favorable
locality where the opportunities ars
greater and competition in their re
spective lines are less. and te a land
where peaee and plenty reigns su
preme. To a country of sunshine
where nature smiles upon the indus
trious and wealth crowns the efforts
of all those who Igbor. All over
tbe eastern and central states pew
pie are looking for broader fields and
greater opportunities. To those we
call attention to ,
It is located near the center of
the slate of Nebraska and covers an
avia of 575 square miles. The to
pography varies from tbe fertile val
leys to the gentle undulating and |
more elevated table lands. The
climate is mild, the air pure and in
vigorating. Tbe soil is a dark loom
underlayed with a porous sabsoil,
and is very productive with sufficient
moisture, i'raslically tbe whole of
th«* county in adapted to farming,
being but little waste land. The
countv is well watered, being traver
sed bv tbe North and Middle forks
of the Loup rivers and their tribu
taries The rain fail in this part of
the state is sufficient, most years, to
mature crops of all kinds. Corn,
wheat, oats, barley, rye, potatoes
and tsme grasses are the principle
crop and do well. While a new
country it has been demonstrated
that fruit of all kinds common to
thla latitude thrive end are of tbs
finest flavor. Shset water underlies
the whole of the cosnty, and of ex
cellent quality at a depth verying
from 5 to 100 feet, according to tbe
topography ot tba country.
Irrigation is beiug resorted to as
a precaution against failure of rain
fall at tbs proper time to iuaurs fall
crop. A oanal with a capacity for
Irrigating 2&,000 acres of land ie
already constructed and bee been
operated with good results to the
farmers Tbe wisdom of this pre
caution has been demonstrated to
the entire saliefactiou of all. This
Irrigating caaal ia fouitaeu miles
loog. It rune slung the foot bills
al the edge of the Middle Loup v*l
loy aad i# substantially built. It ka
necessary, however, to get It Intel
tbe hand* of capitalist* to have
It nu senna fully operated and right
here lot oe say that ao capitalist
oould pleeo-bi* means It better ad
vaatago. At a point juat aaat and
•verloohieg lb* eoaaty seat, where
the canal • apt tee Into a largo ravine
a splendid waist power way ho ub
talaod and manufacturing Industrie*
of all hind-, eowld b* •n«waosfntty
worried on
la apeahiag of manufacturing in
dnettles no think that a boot sugar
factory eomtd b* eoubtiebed with
••oh proAt la lb* Loop * alley, u
prawtleml eipettesee has dsmon
strated that the sugar beet grows
here to perfection.
The live stock industries ia a most
profitabls avocation. Its rieb and
suculent Dative grasses afford splsn
did range for both winter and sum
mer. Tbeie will be more stock fed
in Sherman county the coming winter
than ever before. The native grass
es is ample to supply tke demand
for hay, and considerable has been
shipped to market.
Both the Union Pacific and tka B.
& M. railroads pass thrc ugh the
ceuniy. There are 98 miles of rail
road within its borders.
The population of Sherman county
is betwesn 7,000 and 8,000 but w e
has territory for at least 2b,000.
Bssides Loup City, tbs county seat
it has sevsral other towns, namely
Litchfield, Ashtoo, Rockville and
Hu sard
is the county seat and the metrop
olis of Sherman ecunty. Tbe coun
ty was created by legislative enact
ment in 1872 and Loup City was
platted soon after and tbe history of
the town from that date has been
one of steady and permanent growth
Loup City has a population of 1,000
prosperous, enterprising and pro
gressive people, surrounded by tbe
conveniences and comforts of life.
Tbe city has many natural resources
and draws trade from a large ares,
Tbe town has a good system of water
works and a telephone line. Her
streets are dotted with eozy cottages
and hondsome homes which form the
border of substancial business blocks,
and the town bas a general appear
ance of solidity aud commercial ac
tivity. Vigorous and strong its fu
ture growth is assured. Two news
papers, the Northwestern and
Times-Independent sing the praise
of the city and county to a liberal
list of readers. Civic and fraternal
societies are well represented here
and we have six church organiza
tion all in a flourishing condition.
A new ten thousand dollar brick
school house located iu the north
part of the city is now being built
and will be ready for occupancy by
tbe beginning of the new year. This
building is two stories bigh, with
large basement. It consists of six
class rooms, one of which will lie
large enough for an assembly room.
Tbe city now baa a good system of
graded schools.
la point of railroad facili tie* Loup
City cau boast of beiog as well off
in that respect as any town of Ha
size iu the stale. We have large
and commt diout depots, two Isrgs
graiu elevators, and good aloek
y arda, all of which furnish first
class markets sad shipping facilities.
Below we present to the render
sown sketches of the utoel prominent
business n«i ef tbo city:
Pur i«e peers the name ef A. K
i hase ha* stood at the head ef the mer
ek*»Ute trade ef Loup City. Hu same,
goed*. *M‘I honorable method of doing
busies•• are femlliar le realdeeia fur
mite* te all direetloea lie carries a
large tdoeh of dry good*. %-Mbisg,
eethaea ladies sod genu fureubleg
goods, thue*, staple »»d fast y grueerler
sod hi* pries* are lo *•*«rdaere etHi
lbs time* Mr I'baae doer as egiee
rive boateeea sod earrloe the largest
•trash of general naerubae It*# to lS t
•evtteo el lb* state lls la ..•urleoua at-d
Iaaeommedatieg and ataoda at lbs bead
el the buatoeaa etae ef Loup » it)
There is no branch ol business so
esseatial to the prosperity of any city
or county as a well managed bank; one
occupying a high position and holding
steadfast the eoutldenoe and esteem of
the people. As a fitting Illustration of
just such a state of affairs we wish to
cal! attention to the Farmer's State
Bank of Loup City This bank was
organized in 1889. and has an author
ized capital stock of $50,000 00. Bv
its last statement published in June it
showed a surplus and undivided profits
of over $1,300.00 and to-day their books
show $31,000.00 to the credit of depos
itors. This b ink bus al ways pursued a
careful, conservative course, following
fixed financial principles and has been
very successful. They do a general
banking business, buy and sell, exchange
receive deposits, make loans and col
lections, and all other business that
comes uader legitimate bankiug. The
officers of this bank are all well known
merchants, enterprising and progressive
and are as follows: J. l’hil Jaeger,
Pres.;C. J. Odendahl, V. P.; W G.
Odendahl, Cashier.
One of the best known business men
of Loup City is Mr. J. Phil Jaeger,
the banker and merchant. He first en
gaged In the merchantile trade here 17
years ago, but later disposing of that
branch of bis busiuess, and two years
ago he once more entered the mercan
tile field. Mr. Jeager carries a large
and select stock of dry goods, groceries
notions, shoes, and everything usually
found in a general mercantile store,
and his prices are as low as first olass
goods can be sold for. Ills stock Is
large and complete and with ample
capital with which to carry on his bus
iness be takes advantage of all dis
counts and is enabled fo sell at figures
which cannot be approached by com
petitors who do not enjoy equal ad
Among too prominent uuaioess men
of Loup City we wish to call attention
to Mr. John H. Travis, the general tner
chant. Mr. Travis has been in business
here for live years and earries one of
the largest stocks In town, embracing
dry goods, notions, clothing, shoes and
a line stock of millinery goods. Mr.
Travis Is a sbrewed buyer and Is in
touch with the best markets and Is able
to offer customers the best of every
thing st the lowest possible price Mr.
Travis is an enterprising and progress
Ive merchant, well and favorably
knowu, and to such men as be, Loup
City owes much.
Lumber has its history and like all
histories, has its various chapters. It
opens with the primeval forests and the
woodman's ax, and woods Is the bomas
and haunts of civilized man. It Is the
prime factor In the building world and
has afforded a large trade for a class of
men who have proven themselves typic
al bustlers. Among this class of men
Is found Mr. A. B. Outhouse, the man
ager of the Keystone Lumber Company.
This company carries a large and com
plete stock of lumber and all kinds of
building material, and their prices are
in accordance with the times. They
also sell bard and soft coal, and dll all
ordars In a prompt and satisfactory
manner. This company has been in
business here for 12 years, and their
reputation for fair and honorable deal
ing Is more than local and brings them
trade from a distance. They own yards
at Ashton and Rockville, besides tbelr
immense plant at this place.
Enterprise Isa dominant cbaracterist
Ic of Loup City business men and, none
are more liberally endowed In this re
spsettban Mr W, K Mellor. the well
known and successful real estate dealer
Mr. Mellor lias resided here for 14 year*
and has been engaged in the teal r.tate
busiueaa for the p**t ten vtars. He has
the raaidcut agrucy^of the BAM. land
departmant, and does a general real
e*tata butmasa, huya and sell* real
•state, rer.t* property and pay* taxes
fur non resident* and make* farm lean*
lit* Judgment Is accepted without <|Ue«
11on in all matter* concerning real
•date, and he la widely known. Ill*
list of eitv and farm property la large
and embraces many genuine snaps Mr
Mellor Is au old and respected t Risen
1 of nheressn I'ouniy, and ujr virtue of
his sagecitv, leeponsihliity and up
! rlghtnee* he has become a strong sad
I influential buslneae man of this elty
I’tie occupation «f a Merchant filial
la an important use in the make up of
tt iii * resources as aall ma le and well
Ailing g«imeets are aartmaiu. and aii
take pfeature In pointing out wheto
such cm be had tn perfection and a*
i ■tiibraia co*t M> A ll Boetkner
I car Met a aeieet Hue of imported and
i d uneatt ‘ wen ten a. and caw supply cue
tomers with the best the market affords
on short notice and at reasonable prices
Mr. Boeckner is a workman of ability
and taste, and every garment made by
him is fully warranted.
The Sherman county bar Is well equip
ped with line legal talent but no mem
ber stands higher than lion. T S. Night
ingale. He is an old practitioner, .and
cast his fortunes with tin people of
Loup City In 1878. Mr. Nightingale is
an able lawyer, dllligent end zealous
and bis cases has been marked by the
observance of the highest standard a*
au attorney. He Is a populist in poli
tics, and while prominent In the coun
cils of his party has never sought pre
ferment, but was honored by the nomi
nation as State Prosecuting Attorney
for the 5th Judicial district. White
suffering defeat be reduced the majori
ty of the district from several thousand
to a few hundred. Last fall be was
chosen Conuty Attorney of Sherman
county, and has been most successful.
Mr. Nightingale has a large amount of
real estate belonging to eliente that is
for sale at a low price and on most ad
vantageous terms. As a citizen and
lawyer be ranks high.
This Is one of the best known business
bouses iu Loup City. It is the Pioneer
drug store of this city and was establish
ed 20 years ago. Odendahi Bros carry
a large stock of drugs,* chemicals, pro
prietary medicines and pay particular
attention to prescription trade. They
are pharmacists with years of expe
rience acd their effcoleucy is well
known Messrs Odendahi Bros, are en
terprising and progressive business men
and their efforts have been an impor
tant factor iu building up the business
Interests of our city. Substantial and
reliable tbey stand at the head of our
municipal affairs.
One of the best known merchants of
Loup City, is Mr E. S. Hayburst, the
well known Hardware dealer. This gen
tleman has been In business here for 20
years, and with each succeeding year
the volume of business has increased
until to-day he carries one of the largest
stocks of hardware, stoves and ranges
and farm machinery in this section of
the state. The stock eenslats of shelf
and heavy hardware, “Sunshine” stoves
and ranges, tinware, wagons, buggies,
farming machinery, wind-mills, pmnps,
pipes and fittings, and his prices are in
accordance with the times. Mr. Hay
hurst is one of the leading business inen
of Loup City, and Is an enterprising
gentleman highly esteemed.
From the farmers point of view the
lirst in importance In a town surround
ed by an agricultural country is the
hardware and implement house. Here
he buys his stoves and ranges, shelf en'l
heavy hardware, and all kinds of ma
chinery used in planting cultivatiag or
harvesting crops, as well as wagons and
buggies. It is of vltsl importanee to
him that he deal with a responsible and
reliable dealer who handles th best and
sells at a reasonable price. Among the
dealers In this section, Mr. T. M. Heed
deserves distinguished recognition. He
has been doing business here for 12
years and carries a large stock of im
plements and farm machinery of known
merit, and a full line of shelf and heavy
hardware, harness, pumps, wind mills,
pipe and fittings. He also carries a good
stock of plain and fancy furniture and
musical instrument*. His prices are as
low a* the lowest Mr. Keed la one of
our foruiost business men and to such
men as he Is, the town of Loup City
owes much
The public has a right to demand that
the drug busioess shall be conducted by
the most capable representatives. I In
accuracy in compounding medicine
l« equal In Importance to the prrecrlb
lug of tbe right kind sf medicine. Tin*
leada u* to say tbat Hr W , T < base U a
pharmacist with great eapericuce, and
bla ettUem y lu Ibis line ia well known
lie rerrtea e large stuck of drugs and
chemicals, proprietary medicine, toilet
aritclea (turlng tbe many years be bee
leas engaged In busluesa here be has
enjuyed the fullest roalideoee of the
iwupte Ilia liberal dealing, personal
! competency and cloae attention to th*
want* of th* public ha* attracted a
large trade.
In reviewing the legal lights uf the
Hberman I’ountv Bar C prominent piece
mu*t he ti'iufiM M«mm Long end
Matbee tif wide knee ledge, eminent
Mtd acknowledged ability, they rank
e tib toe W a-img siliinwi • uf the ii«ir
I hey ar* both old end respected till
tvs* of ihlsvlly end Ibetr partnership
lata* ha-1 to l*bj. Mr, Long of thle
Arm served 4 years hs count? attorney
of Sherman county with marked distinc
tion, In addition to their law practice
they conduct a real estate and loan agen
cy and are recognized as the leaders in
this line They are well posted on real
estate values and they have a tong list
of farm and city property that they are
selling at low prices and on very reason
able terms They represent eastern
loan companies and can make farm
loans without delay at the lowest pre
vailing rates. These gentlemen are
well and favorably known and have had
years of experience, and oan be depend
ed upon for fair and honorable treat
ment. Mr. Mathew is a bonded ab
stractor and when his services are re
quired customers may depend upon se
curing the advantage of s capable gen
tleman with ripe experience As citi
zens and business men Messrs Long A
Mathew stand high.
In running our eye down the list of
Blackstone disciples we read the name
of Mr. U. J. Nightingale This gentle
man Is one of the old timers of Loup
CLy, having located here in 1882. He
Is a graduate of London University,
graduating with honors, standing next
to the gold medal of the class. Mr.
Nightingale was admitted to the bar In
this county, and possessing natural
ability and a fund of legal acumen be
has won distinction In the able manner
in which be has conducted a long Hit
of Important cases. He practices in all
courts and Is studious aud a hard work
er, and as a citizen and lawyer Is held
In high esteem.
BlacksmLbs are plentiful In these
parts, but few If any surpass Mr. J. I.
Depew in knowledge of the business.
He does a general blacksmith and re
pair business and does all kinds of wag
on work, lie uses only the best or ma
terial and does first class work, his
charges are most reasonable, Mr. De
pew has been doing blacksmith work in
Loup City for 12 years, and Is well and
favoiably knewn. When In need of
olacksmlthlnggive him a call.
None of the arts come nearer our
homes and affections thsn does photo
grapby. By It* meant the poor a* well
a* tbe rich can preserve tbe pictured
tembleace of loved ones end adorn their
walls with tbe reproductions of tbe best
work of tbe matters. Oae of the moat
"killed members of Ibe profession it
Mr. Letcblnsky.a true artist of talent
and attainment. His gallery la equip
ped for making from tbe smalleat to
the largest photos, in card or family
group, lu fact he dees any and all
kinds of wrork pertaining to the art Of
l’.ioiogr^phy. He has resided here for
10 years and I* well and faverably
For 20 yoare tbit gentleman baa made
tbe anvil ring in Loup Llty, and !■ a
blacksmith who aover lets a poor Job
leave his shop. He does all kinds of
blackamlthing end wood work, and
does repairing of all kinds. He le a
clever mechanic and all work done by
him ie fully warranted. His work has
stood the test of time for 90 years aad
Ue Is known as an boaest workman and
a model citizen.
Che St. kiimo hotel ia ona of the
finest weat of tbe Platte river aad 0.
L Drake its present manager ie one
of the beat of landlords. Ha cam#
to Loup City in Jana, 1880, and nt
ouca commenced tbe erection of the
hotel which haa ever aiooe been the
pride of thia city. He opened the
hotel Heptember 1, 1880. It ia n
two-atory structure, with a aixty foot
frout, eighty feet deep ead thirty
feet wide, being in abate of aa L.
Tbe hotel property coaaials of oae
half block, with a good livery atable
in connection and otherwise exten
sively improved. The front of the
St HI mg ie shaded with a row of
beautiful trees set oat aome twelve
yeara ago. Mr. Draxe also haa 320
aarea of land near the city and haa
been one of the prime movers in
many of tbe enterprises whieh have
been carried out for the benefit of
Sherman county and Loup City. Un
was president ot the first board of
the irrigation enterprise and now
occupies the position of preaidant of
the flrat Agricultural Aair Associa
tion of Sherman county.
Preside*! 0*dM**
General Banking Businaaa Tranaaaiad.
Paid upJCapital Stock $20,000
CorrehI'ondenth: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y., Osaka
National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.
A trial solicited, Kit guaranteed,
Clothes cleaned and pressed on
short notion.
Repairing Neatly Don.
iitTinM stuMao iMinwrra
ha* b««a |« ikt wall
kiMWt Hotft
TIMS' m CASK, in
Willi Mttl im4 MmtI.
IAN W SAl. WAL/WT mi aiNd OY
Wrlla lor atnkultr*