The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 15, 1899, Image 8

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    Uoaal Dsws.
the county fathers haJ an Inning
this week
J. D. For.l Shipped a ear load of cat
tle Tuesday.
We acknowledge a very pleasant call
from I) D. Grow, Friday
T. C. Chamberlain of Clear Creek,
was a pleasant caller Monday.
Miss Edith Kenifrotv Is visiting with
her unde in Omaha at present.
Mrs. Val. McDonald and Son Isaac,
have been on tbe sick list this week.
Chas. Falrbalrn purchased a new top
buggy of T M. Heed Wednesday.
Call on T. M. Heed It In need of
Furniture or want picture framing done
Supervisor, O. L Way,of Ashton tap.
pressed our digits while in town Mon
Humor lias it that a brick livery barn
will be the next Improvement in Coup
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Renslnk of the
west side called at this office while in
town Monday.
W. If. Morris is assisting in the store
of Chas Oasteyer during Mr. and Mrs.
Rasteyer's ab sence.
Sheriff Patton Is building a new sod
house on bis claim eight miles north
of tbe county seat.
Mr*. K K Ditto went to Hastings.
Tuesday last to visit a few week* with
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley I’edler
A. E. Mi ate has been on the sick list
for the past week. Most of the time he
has been able to be around.
Mrs. (’barley Hnyder of Verdurette.
arrlyed home last Saturday, from an ex
tended visit In N'ew York state.
Grandma Smith, mother of Judge
Hunter has been very sick the past week.
The oltl lady Is nearing ninety years.
Mr. O. L. Mercer of near Ashton,
dropped in and contributed another
years subscription to our gentral fund
last Friday.
C. W. Gibson and family und Alisa
Ethel 1'earson of Litchfield, visited
relatives and friends in this city over
Sunday, returning Monday morning.
Cabinet Photo* 99 cents per
do;, at Leschinsky’s Studio
open every day except Satur
days, Come and see samples.
The books sold here by J. C.
Louis, a traveling salesman a few weeks
ago, in Ji volutni and known as the
“Nations of the World,” were delivered
Mr. Bowman, head ehatnoer maid at
the Round Front livery barn, got struck
in the mouth with a horses head the
other day, slightly dlsfigurIng his here
to* fore good-looking face.
(J. II.Scott jr, aon of Mr. and Mrs. G.
II. Scott of this city and a leading attor
ney of Council Bluffs, la , and bis fam
ily, are visiting his parents here. We
understand they will stay several weeks i
Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. (iasteyer are visit
ing In Colorado. They departed for the
west last week and we learn will be
gone several days Close attention to
business for the past several years has
well earned for them this pleasure trip.
Mr. Carlde la Motte, of Hazard, was
In the city last Saturday and authorizes
us to aay that wheat Is threshing out
from d to 14 bushels per acre in his vici
nity and that his corn will yield him
the largest crop he has had in years.
We have for sale a full supply of
blank mortgages, deeds, land leases,
notes and mortgage notes on hand. All 1
printed on best ipiality paper and are of
the best forms and print. Warranty
deeds to conform with county deed
The (lain of a burn or scald Is almost
ins'antly relieved by applying ('bam
berlaln's I’aln Halm. Italic heals the
injured parts more quickly than any
other treatment, and without the burn
is very severe docs not leave a scar.
For sale by Odendnhl Bros.
F.x-Henator Albert Dickerson from
the west tide, inform* us that he has
prospects for twenty bushels of corn
per acre although he was hailed out
about July 1st Mr Dickerson was one
among the large list who ordered the
N'ORTIIWKarr.KN to their address In the
past thirty day*
If you wish a photograph that is n
photograph ami comes up to I lie very
heat work done In the state go to
Dwliinikj's studio lie makes the
best none of the bleaching and fading
shabby work which some traveling
faker* claim to strictly first cia»«
l.eac'timky'• photo's are guaranteed to
lie the best and absolutely tlrat class
I'rof Itri Iges one of the Bridges
Hroa, ha* iwen condictlrg u class In
music her# tor ihe past week, an t In*
not only succeeded to his work to the en
tire satisfaction of the class hut ha*
made many friend* among our citizen*
of hi* courteous ways and method* of
entertainment l)« ia*t Monday eye
King Ik* other member* of the voiit|-«
ny who have been working In neighbor
mg town*, and lu th • evening
treated our citizen* to a pleasing enter
UlhMii nl. I tor corni *r v com *l* ■ f
the Bridge* Brother* and their wlv>
( he l*rote«#or gr*t gave the audience
th* P tear Of* of Itatenlirg to hi* Wv«|( a)
iM*** ill III. after tthtvh the quartette
tentiered #*it»*e vert ItWenlttol *«• reel lorn
revolving the hearty r... <r<t*"| *j
at of all A Urge crowd aa* present
all of which no iion'ii would t*a t !•■*.« ;
to have them come again
Vivian Ni*i!»riti*>.»U> has been very
sitk but Is better new.
Crochet work done «f, Very reason*
able rates,— Mat BittkK8<
Mrs. Long, mother of John Long
is very siik a» present writing.
Will IS. Mail/, of Indiana and relative
of IV, It Mellor i< here visiting friends.
Ij. C. Grow has moved his family Into
the Calvin Landers building
The township board of Loup City
township w ill meet next Monday.
J, a. Benschoter has rented the Hogue
residence and will move Into It as soon
as his household* arrives from Falls
Mrs. Outh mho, who lias been visiting
her ion A. B for the past, two weeks,
returned to her home in Illinois Tues
W. II. Conger received a new sweep
hay rake last Saturday. He was operat
ing it tins week and from observation
we can say that It is a hummer.
From now on the Burlington passen
ger car leaving here at 8 o’clock a, in ,
will run through to Omaha, and no
change will be necessary
Live for those who love you, (true
For those whose hearts are fond and
The only way to do this rigid.
Take Hooky Mountain Tea at night.
Fou Hai.K lilt Tuaiik—A good wagon,
cover and over-Jet, for sale or will
trade for Oats hay or com. Inquire
of J B, O'Bhyam.
T. M lteed *■■!!* the Aereating churn.
It will do your churning in four min
utes time and get better results than
from old style churns.
You,II never get tired, fagged out
disappointed, unhappy, or make mi»
take* in marriage if you use Rocky
Mountain Tea
We forgot to mention last week the
arrival of a new baby at the borne of
Mr. anil Mr* W I’ Baird. It ia report
Si! that |t look* just like its I’a,
L. Drake purchased the property
in tlie east end of town formerly owned
by John Horn, and will more the house
onto his farm south east of town.
There will be a dance in the Watkln
lou hall on Friday night, September
29, under tho management of O. Ben
icbnter. with August Bechtbold as floor
manager. Good music. All are invited
Admission 50 cents.
Walter Moon and Mrs. .John Gilbert
received tho sad news of the death of i
their sister, Mrs. I*. J. Krise, at Nellgb,
Neb. who died at her home last Mon
day, September 11, after a lingering ill
ness of over two years duration,
Enos Ki: k of Clear Creek, brought in
a very fine ear of corn Monday which
be say* Is only a fair sample of biscorn
which was planted May 80, and was
hailed out July 2, yet he claims it will
go from -10 to (10 bushels per acre,
I)u. Oaky's Condition Powdkus, are
just, what a horse needs when In bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They are not food but med
icine and the best in use to put a horse
in prime condition. Price25 cents per
package. For sale by Odendahl Urn's.
What can you expect of photographs
done by some traveling faker who
claims that kind of work 1* first class?
when their very sample photos in tlie
show ease after only a few weeks ex
posure to tiie day light are turning to a
dirty yellow color Go to Eeschlnaky's
Studio, he makes the best and guaran
tees them not to fade or bleach in 50
There lias been inquiries as to why
this place Is aoiuetiineacalled "Loup" j
instead of "Loup City.” lly way of ex
planation we will say that under the
Cleveland adtuiiiistrati >n this post
office was deaigna ed by the govern
ment as "Loup" and In all government
transactions it necessarily has to l>e so
termed, but otherwise it Is Loup City
jest the aame. Our people won't have
any tiling but the old familiar name,
all their letterheads and envelope* eon
tains the date line “Loup City.*’ We
aught to petition the department to
change the name again.
The licit salve tit the world for Cut*
lit lines Sores Licet» Salt Khcum Fever
Sores Tetter ( happed Hand* Chilblains
Corns and all Skin Kioptions and pus
! itlvely cure* Piles or no pay reipilred,
11 is guaranteed to give pet fret sail, lac
! lion or money refunded. Price «S cents
•ier mil r or sale
lie American
1 hkcago, t* doing a
I big up and cmupili
J inanaer that h Iiu!«
< g>«* m from a mg,
| facts and data
i vtciuh) ukv m o
Uli al * «»rlb t* i*
j titeat KsysMii
I Htmrjr of lb’ I
ft tlHIdg I I*,
j Oil d t> t It
pleasing .» we
j iItst aisstt it t
I lists Ut» < s % . i
I Slot MSI V H t*
I >|ietr sett-u
I lb- n Mo h
t>y odeiidsbi lirti >
II ■ tk i omtemv, of
g1 rat Work III lak
ug lilsiory in such a
it, or any one, can
» volition, historical
i m the ordinary w*y
i to accoiniiiith I heir
ti I tie Story of |be
e*i "tall. In.lit ib#
i«IHUt|oW til lltt* pie.
, ,1,1. w«i s for iii
nvoded •• |r«t boobs
The Fourth Annual Convention of the Sher
man County Sunday School Association will
be held at Loup City in the M. K. Church.
September i*:i and :4.
Each Sunday school in the county is entitl
ed to send as dch'gute* their pastor, super
intendent, uml an additional member for
every ten members of their school.
All delegates will receive free entertain
msnt. It Is sincerely hoped that every school
In the eouuty will be represented.
A cordial invitation Is extended to all
whether delegates or not.
The state field secretary, It. II. I»t»llocIt
will be present to aid and encourage.
Mkh. K Ani.iku, County .Secretary.
The Young Poople s Union Literary Society
will meet next Sutin-ilay evening atthe tllgli
School room at eight o'clock for the purpose
of re organizing the society. We urge all
who Hre Interested In literary work to bo
presenl. A. short program will he rendered.
Ily Order of Committee
Next Sunday, September 17, will be held
German Evangelical Services In tills city In
llaptist church, at 8:00 p. m, and Sunday, Sep
temper SI, at Kelso, and Ashton.
At;o. Jknnrich, raster.
finally Appreciated.
Tl.e people are becoming alive to the
gr<*ai merit* of the ‘Greater America
Exposition" at Dm aha. The people of
Omaha, Ooiincil Blurt's anil other near
by town* are tons!,ant and pleased vi*l
t,ora. Thousand* of the people of sur
rounding'‘fate* ure now enjoying me
exposition. The strange people front
across Hit* sea arc all (here. Filopenua
117 of them The famous Wat r Buffalo
Agulnaldo’a carriage Twenty eight
line people from Hawaii Champion
swimmer*. Tfi« Royal double quar
tette, Tue best singer* in our new
possessions A large company of native (
Cubans. The awful Garrotte mi l the
terrible Executioner Valent ne, who ha*
killed more than 800 people on Hus very
machine, N'o such an exposition will
be given in the west in the next twenty
years. See it while you can.
Chronic Iiiarrlioea Cureil
This is to certify that 1 have bad
chrome diarrhoea ever since the war. I
got jo weak I could hardly w-alk or do
anything One bottle of Chamberlain'*
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
cured me sound and well
J, K. Gums, Flncaatle, Va
1 had chronic diarrhoea for twelve
years. Three bottle* of Chamberlain'*
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
cured me.
S. I,. 511avKit, Flncaatle, Va.
Both Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Shaver are
promineat farmers and reside near Fin
castle, Va. They procured the remedy
from Mr. \V K Casper, a druggist of
that place, who I* well acquainted with
them and will vouch for the truth of
their statement. For Sale by Oden
dahl Bro's
The preliminary examination of Geo.
Tockey was held before Justice Geo,
*V. Hunter, last Thursday. Which re
sulted In binding the prisoner over to
district court, which will convene Oc
tober 10. Mr. Tockey is charged with
having sold mortgaged property, con
sisting of 10 head of cattle. The cattle
were mortgaged to Mallory Sons & Zim
merman Co., and were sold some time
last fall, when Mr. Tockey imme
diately took his departure for parts un
known. A few weeks ago lie was locat
ed in Oklahoma, and brought back for
trial by a requisition from the governor
in the hands of sheriff I’atton.
I), <J. Grow, bead clerk at A. K. Ghaae'a
general store received severe injuries
last Friday evening which will take him
some days to get over It seema that
the cellar door under the hack entrance
to the store was left opm and about
nine o'clock in the evening, in going
out he stepped into the open space. In
the fall he bruised his knee very bad by
striking on the hard steps below Mr.
Grow la a very heavy man and besides
the bruises he was badly shaken up by
the fall, and it will take him some time
to fully recover This is the same place
where Mr A. Watklnson neatly lost his
life by stepping off in a similar man
- i i
' for th«e X
* .. • 4
- >MM
- >MM
Not the Wisest Way.
Ir I* not always best to waif until it it
needed l.i-fitri* buying :i bottl* of Cham
berlain's Colie, Cbulfta and Diarrhoea
Remedy. Quite In i]u*-nt y the remedy
i* required in Him very busiest season ot
in the night and much Inconvenience
and suffering must be borne before il
can be obtained it costs but a trifle at
compared with its r -al worth and every
family can well tiff rd to keep it in their
home It is every where acknowledged
to be thB most successful medicine in
the world for bowel complaints. For
sale by Odendabl Bros
liood Enough to Take
The ilnest quality of loaf sugar is
used in the manufacture of Chamber
lain'* Cough Remedy and the roots used
in its preparation give It a tlavorslmllar
to that ot maple syrup, making it very
|den»nnt to take. Asa medicine for the
cure of eouligs, colds, la grippe, croup
and whooping cough it is unequaled by
any other It always cures, and cures
quickly For sale by Odendabl Bros.
The Union Pacific In connection with
the O. S. I. A O. R. A N Co. have ad
ded a Ruffet. Smoking and Llbiary Car
to their through train to Portland, Ore
gon, anil a Dining Car Service from
Chicago and Council Bluffs lias aDo
been inaugurated. The train Is equip
ped with Palace Sleepers, Free Reclin
ing Chair Cars, and Coaches making
luxurious travel to the North Pacific
Coast. Direct connections made for
Tacoma and Seattle. -W. I). CLIFTON,
The Pink season is nearly over only
another month remains Those \vb'>
figiiroon vls'tmg it this \ear rnu»t de
cide at onee. The Burlington's Yel
lowstone Park Book !W panes, 2N illus
trations—contains just the information
the tourists needs. It tells how to reach
the Park—what the trip cost*—bow
long it take* what there i* to see and
how to see it. Sent free on request.
The tour of Yellowstone Park Is the
driest outing ti Ip iu all the world, A
wrek among Its geysers, lakes, can
ons and boiling spring* is an experience
that cannot be duplicated any w here else
on the globe.
J, FRANCIS, General Pas*. Agt.
Omaha, Neb.
A good milch cow which I will sell
for $30.00. Parties wishing to see her
must come before 7 o’clock in the mor
ning or after 0 in the evening, as she
is in posture during the day.
Mils >1.11. Tatlor.
Nil Kliflit To I’allnes*
The woman wiio is lovely in face,
form and temper will always have
friends, tint one who would be attrac
tive must keep her health. If she is
weak, Sickly and all run down, she will
be nervous and iritable. If she has con
stipation or kidney trouble, her impure
blood will cau e pimples, blotches, skin
eruptions and a wretched complexion.
Electric Bitters is the best medicine in
tlie world to regulate stomach, liver aDd
kidneys aad to purify the blood. It
gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth
velvety skin, rich complexion, It will
make a goo '-looking, charming woman
of a run-down invalid Only 50 cents
at Odendahl Bro’*.
Ili» Lire Was Saved.
Mr, J. E Lilly, a prominent citizen
of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonder
ful deliverance Irom a frightful death.
In telling of it he sayf-: ‘‘I was taken
with Typhoid Fever, that ran into
Pneumonia My lungs became harden
ed. I wai ho weak i couldn't even lit
up in lied. Nothing helped me. I ex
pected to soon die of consumption,
when I heard of Dr. King's New Dis
covery. One bottle gave great relief.
I continued to use it, and now am well
and strong. I can't say too much in its
praise.'' Tb s marvelous medicine ig
the surest and quickest cure in the
world for all Throat and Lung Trouble.
Kegular sizes 50 cents and 81.00 Trial
bottles fiee at Odendahl Bros. Drug
Store; every bottle guaranteed.
!5t* (or th* Caiii|»M'gn
The Twice-a-Week State Journal,
printed ev ry Tuesday and Friday, will
la- sent postpaid with all of the new* of
the world from now until afterelrction
for only ,'5 cents It is worth that much
to read iImhiI the Fighting First regi
ment's return The Journal, printed at
the state capital, is the leading Nebras
ka paper and M's mighty cheap at a
?*l CTfl.
cn pul
lllOLL" „ aa,
ick • No a U •
actio u *t Liver
suias course.
, Md hr »tt 4m«fut4
• <
»»hl NhMIl. Itiuts
F/\p|W p/IACHINEp-V,
early if in need of a Huggy, Wagon, set of Harness or
anything in the harness or furniture line.
1 Car
We need more room and will give you great bargains in
consequence. Call on us while in town.
Yours Respectfully,
. . .
A trial solicited, Fit guaranteed,
Clothes cleaned and pressed on
short notice.
Repaint Neatly Done.
Notice Is hereby given to the elector* of the
democratic party of Sherman county, Nebras
ka. to send delegates from the different town
ships to a county convention to be held in
Loup City, Neb., on Monday, September 26,
IHVtt, at on* o'clock p. in. for the purpose of
nominating county officers, electing a chair
man. treasurer and other members of the
county central committee, and to transact such
other business as may properly come before
the convention. The representation is based
on one delegate for every 20 votes or fraction
thereof cast for lion C. J. Smythe for Attorn
ey general ir. IMis, and is us follows:
I.ogan, 2;
Loup City ft:
Clay. 2;
Hazard. 2;
Oak Creek, i
Webster 2.
Rockville. 4
Scott, 3;
Elm, 2.
It is recommended that primaries
on Saturdu.v. September 23. and
proxies be allowed but
prosent cast the full vote
Ashton. 4:
Harrison. 4.
Bristol, 4:
M. S. Tim,
be held
that no
that the delegates
of their respective
11. O'liBYAH,
State of Nebraska i
Vs. s The State of Nebr.
County of Sherman )
To Mrs S. E. Gregg, non-resident defend
ant owner of the following described real
estate situated in Road Dlst. No... of Sherman
Co.. Nebraska to-wit: West h-alf of north west
fourth, Section 2, Township 14, Range 14 west
You are hereby notified that complaint has
been made to me as Road Overseer of said
road district that there is an open well upon
the above described real estate and if the
same is not tilled up immediately, 1 shall pro
ceed to fill the same in the manner provided
by law, as the same is dangerous for stock.
Given under my band this nth day of Sept.
I MOW. W. H. Coci/roa, Overseer
Iloail Dist. No. Sherman county. Neb.
Tetter, Salt-Klieum and Eczema
The intense itching and smarting inci
dent to these diseases, is Instantly allay
ed by applying Chamberlain's Kye and
Skin Ointment. Many very had cases
have been permanently cured by it- It
Is equally eltlcient for itching piles and
a favorite remedy for sore nipples
chapped hands, chilblain*, frost bites
and chronic sore eyes. ‘J5ct*. per box,
For sale by Odendahl Bro s.
•s well as
men are made misera
bie by kidney and
bladder trouble. Dr,
in A \| la' Kilmer* Swamp Boot
■ iltf&iU Ui Hie great kidney re
medy promptly cure* At druggist* In
fifty ceut and dollar alar* Y< n may
bare a *ampl ’ bottle by mail free, al*o
pamphlet telling all about it Addreaa.
I Dr Kilmer.V Co., Itibghamtun, N Y.
A >1* MMft tt 6 * t ««f
til «tf «»• afigid !->«+# * |4»»•**•« f%%m (M*
**««#,! -« to |if k«i if r<-4pni«ittni
«!’-•*« «• tfertlp Cv.t.AaljNttfcU 1*444tllMWAfc . « i
** » ’'#* I >t I'M* MtNo 9 I f MKH<lbaif4*fD,
l a • Ul -* **** ilk
Scientific American.
% *a«*9 I Mf
* >4 •* ** f *•£**•« K ♦**«%**. 1*1<M4. til ft
♦ f **f «. "** |t |k k| k.f ftjj IMI*4*> >*•*«*%
< bicago,
Sf. Joseph.
Kansas City.
St. Louis,
anil all points
Kast and South.
Salt Lake City
San Franciaco.
and all points
No 52
No. W Freight .2 On p in
No. 51 Passenger.:,16 p. in
No. ft# Freight.11:50a. ui
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair care
(seats free) on through trains. Ticket*
sold and baggage checked to any point In
the United States or Canada.
For Inlorniation, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to A. F. Wert*
Agent. Or J. FRANCIS, Gen’!. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
No. sS leaves daily except Sunday (pass
enger). 7:30 a. m.
No. 8N leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 2:06 p. m.
No. M) leaves Tuesday. Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 3:30 p. to.
No 87 arri <es dally except Sunday (mixed
11:45 a. in
No. is arrives daily except 8unday (pass
enger) 7.06 p. m.
First class service and close connections
east, west and south
W. D. Glutton, Agent.
Congressman from New York, Is the president
of Thk Nbw YoMK Stah which is giving away
FORTY DOLLAR BICYCLE dully, as offer
ed by their advertisement In another column
Hon Amos J. Cummings, M C . Col. Asa Bird
Gardner, District Attorney of New York, ex
Governor Hogg, of Texas, and Col. Fred Felgel
of New York, are among the well known name:
In their Board ol Directors.
Anyone claiming any Indebtedness a
galnst me will please present their claims
for payment at once and oblige, as I desire
tosettle all my indebta 'ness without delay
as my wife and me have divided our
property and hereafter will contract and.
settle our own Individual debts.
Wm. N. Siikkman
Lund Office, Lincoln. Nebraska (.
September 2nd, 183U. 1.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
tug.named settler he* Bled notice of bis
Intention to make Anal proof In support
of hie delta, and that said proof will bn
made befure the County Judge of Mberiuau
County, at Loup, Nebraska, on October
It, taw, via: Robert I* UeClary. Timber
i alui Entry, No. 78i»’ for the north eeat
fourth, aeclton 9, township l« north of
Range 16 weal of the «th p. m
lie uautee the following wllneaeee to
prove hta eoullnnous residence upon and
cult tv atom of said land, via:
George II. Whitman of Arcadia. Nebr
Jean II Whitman. n « n
Ileus Andereon.
Joke Jeerell, **, **
J W. Juaihts, Heglele,.
One ol the beat ImpioveU term* la
wheniiaii coitniy, toiisi sling «(<Mn act**,
ituc sail on* fourth m He* Iroiw Athlon,
AMI acres under »•Ml^l*n^^^M», list sues In
pasture, gtesl running water Write fur
ptlcee A'Mteee
M A. ea«t K F. Witeoa.
7 41 J at A.htoe KW
thkXTi W turkO.-Fur ‘The Ufa a
t. hisyemenle of Admiral fihMMp
world's g>saiest nasal hera- By
lit .»«*• Ike life long f > lend* S sd
»i ik* >.«i,.Ht • otui a>e«eat am
>.»•>< on laehee, neat If MB
(tt | tot, tnstbttSts: ttslf p SI
m ns l.ottsad dbt
Ms* I IMS' S IM a nlsnw* Wftta
111. is.tMtMtoa tssmpaay. krd Ftsms