The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 08, 1899, Image 8

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    Uoaal Daws.
■L—-. .
W. R. Mellor went to OulatU Monday
Thete’* a new ‘devil” in town, so they
About an inch ot water fell here yes
Mrs, J. M. Taylor Is slowly getting
Uttle Johnle Burrowes has been quite
sick tbia week.
ijchool commenced last Monday and
young America la under restraint.
Christ Johansen waa on the sick list
but Is up and at It again
Grandma McOrady has shipped her
household goods to Oklahoma.
Vf. I). French bus moved Into the re
•idence he purchased In the east end ot
The new school build Ing is growing
up like a musbroon. Every night it
looks higher.
T. J. Boyce,a printer from Arcadia,
made this office a^pleasent call while In
the city Wednesday.
Don't forget to take In the Woodmen
picnic at Ashton next Wednesday.
Everybody la invited.
Mr. Scbaedla, former partner of Mr
J I’bil Jaeger, but uow of Colorado,
was In the city Tuesday.
Rev. W. E. Matthews U attending
conference at Broken Bow, this week
ilia family accompanied him.
James Johansen returned from the
west last Friday. lie resumed his old
position at once at Schaupp Siding.
Mrs. Long, mother of Mrs. Ashley
Conger, who has been visiting her
daughter here, returned home to Walnut
Iowa, last Monday,
Fred Bock's team took a spin from
the hay Held west of town Monday,
They were caught near the post office.
N o damage done.
Wesley Pedler’s line buggy horse got
bruised on the manger and his breast
has became very sore. Dr. Bennett lan
ced It and at present It is doing all right.
Mr. Joseph Di bry and Miss Emma
Wetzel, both of Arcadia, were married
last Monday evening, Mr. Dubry is a
brother of Mrs. Wm. Kowe,
The work of building the new school
house Is rapidly going on and It will he
a relief to the school board and teach
ers when It la ready to occupy.
Mr Riley BUaell, a former resident
of Rockville, and who lias been living
In Missouri fer the past four years, has
moved back to Sherman county and will
again make this his home.
Dar Grow jr. who recently returned
la assisting In the drug store of Oden
dabl Bros. Dar says lie likes it out
west, but it is quite evident that Loup
City has abarins for him also.
Cabinet Photos 90 cents per
do>. at Leschinsky’s Studio
open every day except Satur
days. Come and see samples.
The free musical entertainment in the
M E. church Tuesday night by the
Bridges Comyany is said to have been
excellent. Tbe parties stay a week and
teach music They succeeded In get
ting thirty scholars Tuesday night.
We have for sale a full supply of
blank mortgages, deeds, land leases,
notes and mortgage notes on hand. All
printed on best quality paper and are of
tbe best forms and print. Warranty
deeds to conform with county deed
School opened last Monday with a
larger attendance than ever. There
seems to be a scarcity of seats but the
school board will doubtl as have things
In good runutng order soon. From
appearances we are needing the six
rooms now.
The pain of a burn or scald Is almost
instantly relieved by aoplying Cham
berlain's t'atu Balm. It also beals the
Injured parts more quickly than any
other treatment, and without the burn
Is very severe does not leave a scar
For sale by Odeudabl Bros.
Al. HMHtrow, Or. Diamond and J. \1.
Tanner, of South Omaha. *paut the
week here hunting. Mr. Unit (row la a
brother of our lowiiMnan, Jam, * Kent
Dow ami Mr. Tanner la (he editor of (lie
South Omaha Tribune, The doctor
came a long lo ho on hand ahuuld a
itnf chicken happen to bite oue of the
boy a, or the editor go to working hi*
•hooting atlck at au unproplclou* an
inrnt. you can't tell which end of a
Democratic editor I* loaded the b*at
• • •
•y*iat Urealed *•••!
Mr II l‘ Olivia, af lUrcalona Siam,
•ptatla hit a later* al Aikea. N f. Weak
aertea had caoead aavere pain* la tha
hack of hla head, On inlay fctevirU
Miller*, America* greateal Word ml
Sfvrta Hamedy. all pain wo* left him
Haaay* IbO grand mailt, me .* a hai hi*
errantry need* All America know*
that It cure* liter and kidney Donnie,
partite* the bloat', lone* up the tluru
•eha. atrwngihena the net yea, pula ylm,
viyw and new Ufa tala every muael*,
•arte and organ of like budy If weak
tired ur ailing yen need it. fcvery hat
lie guaranteed uw y k* ceat* »otd bt
Odeadahl Mew* D utgi*<*
Isaut* McDonald moved to the country
last Monday
From now on the Burlington passen
ger car leaving here at 8 o’clock a. in ,
will run through to Omaha, and no
change will be necessary
Live for those who love you, (true
For those whose hearts are fond and
The only way to do this right.
Take Jlocky Mountain Tea at night.
FokSai.k or Trade—A good wagon,
over and over jet. for sale or will
trade for Oats hay or corn. Inquire
Of—J B O’BltYAN,
Dr, Cady's Condition Pow dicks, are
just what a horse needs when In bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They are not, food but med
icine and the best In use to put, a horse
in prime condition. Price 25 cents per
package. For sale by Odendabl Bui's.
Chronic lligrrhoci Cured
This l* to certify that I have had
chronic diarrhoea ever since the war. ]
got so weak I could hardly walk or do
anything. One bottle of Chamberlain'*
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Homed)
cured me sound and well.
J. R. Gibus, Fincastle, Va
I bad chronic diarrhoea for twelve
years. Three bottles of Chamberlain’s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
cured me.
8. L. Siiaveu, Fincastle, V*.
Both Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Shaver are
prominent farmers and regide near Fin
castle, Va. They procured the remedy
from Mr. W. E. Casper, a druggist of
that place, who Is well acquainted with
them and will vouch for the truth of
their statement. For Hale by OJen
dabl Bro's
Don’t fail to attend the grand concert
and rehearsal at the M. E. church Mon
day night 8ept. 11th After the re* ear
sal by the class, the Bridge's Quartett
will glye a pleasing program consisting
of Vocal and Instrumental music, t^uar
tetie and Elocution. If you attend yon
will not tie disappointed. Such selections
as “Kenember Nowr,” “The Creato.”
‘‘Annie I.aurie,” “The Musical Isle,’’
“Breezes of the Night," etc etc. Never
fail i.o please. Admission 20 cents,
children under 12 years of age 10 cts.
Mrs. EllzubethS Humphrey, died at
the borne of her soil, Rev. Louis E. Hum
phrey in Farwell, Ntb.,on Friday morn
ing Sept. 1st 181M) Mrs. Humphrey was
boru on April 10th 1832, at Andover,
Mass., and was married to Chester C.
Humphrey, on Sept. 20th 18.70, who at
that time was a Divinity student attend
ing a Theloglcai Seminary at Colombo*
Ohio, Mr. Humphrey was ordained a
minister in the Congregational church
in 1861. Site was a faithful helpmate to
him in his life's work. Since his death,
whichncuured at West Rockford, 111.
Jan. 5th 1894, she has made her home
with one and another of her children.
She came to Farwell to reside permi
nently with her son, Rev. L. E. Hum
phrey, about one month ago. Her death
was sudden and uni xpected. The child
ren who sutvive her are, Rev. L. K
Humphrey, of Farwell, Alvin C. Hum
phrey of Cincinnati, Mrs. Louis A.
Madison, IMalnvilie, 111. and Eldridge
M. Humphrey of Chicago, III Mr. A. C.
Humphrey came to Farwell, to be pres
ent at the funeral, which was conducted
dy Rev. S. R. Boyd of St Paul, at the
Prisbyterian church iu Farwell, of
which her son is the pastor. The re
mains were taken to Warsaw, 111
A good milch cow which 1 will sell
for 9300). Parties w ishing to sec her
must come before 7 o'clock in the mor
ning or after 0 in the evening, as she
is in posture during the day.
Mils J, M. Tay i.ok
I “>‘' for til* i Minpu'^n
The Tmrlce-i-Week State Journal,
printed every Tuesday and Friday, will
be sent postpaid with all of the news of
the world from now until after election
for only 25 cent*. It I* worth that much
to read ibout the Fighting First rcgi
ment's return The Journal, printed at
the state capital. Is the leading Nebras
ka paper ami It's mighty cheap at a
♦ • ♦
rite best salve m the world for Cuts
Braise* .Wore* I’lceu Salt Kbeom f ever
Sores Tetter >'happed Hands Chilblain*
Corns and all Skin Kruptlons am) pos
| Itlveiy cure* Pile* or no pay rr,|ulred.
It la guaranteed tn give pet feet salt*!*,'
> t Ion or money refunded Price 2.1 »•« nu \
•ter tmi For sale by (Kfendsbi Bros
♦ a *
Thai kfui words aritleu by Mr*. ,\.|*
K ll' iii, at louisn. J i> ay, »*1*1-1,
S ill 4 o l W II I, settled I,|| |,;j
lueg*. eough uet In and rtuall* leruil
«at*d in C«n>M<a pilan Pour |»<»eiur*
gave ms Up, saving | couhl life but a
•hurt linte | save myself „s> to mi
Savior, determined If | , Mw|,| not *ta«
with mjr file*, la iw **rlh I wou'd meet
absent one# above My hoiband • 0
airuvt) |» |*i |n King'* Mew |t
ary for t isMswyi,**, 1 onghaand c„ d*
I gave 11 a trial l et In aU aigh* hot
. Ilea ll haa cured m* and than* It ml
I am saved and m« a well and b*eUby
w>-ma«." Trial bottle* Ire# *> 1
d«hl Brw< Puig tiiH* N g« •» au>
lb and §l mm ti,varani»ed *1 price rn
i lauded
ftoinenhat Kiiinalillr IVnlillux of a Well
Known Kerne, Wiiinun
Mr. Moses Henry Smith, of I.nupCIfv
Nebr, and Mr*. Harriett*) M. Titus, of
tills city, were married at noon today in
Westminister, Vt., by K*v Gabriel H.
He Boite, formerly pastor of the Second
Congregational church of this city. The
wedding was a (jiiiet affair. I'lie couple
will visit friend* in MassHchnsetls and
New York state, arriving at their home
in Loup t'lty, about October Ut.
Tlie groom i* a widower and the bride
a widow. Considerable romanticism is
connected with their m'on, which i* a
renewal of a youthful school comrade
ship and attachment
Mr, Smith is a native of Alatead, and
was for many years connected with rail
ro*d mechanical matters in this vicinity,
iiaving made the iir-i oil cup for a loco
motive, which Aar in Richardson of the
Cheshire K. It. had patented. For some
years he was employed in the railroad
shops in Bellows Falls, and afterwards
by thu C. B. & Q K. It in the West, fol
lowing for many years the profession of
a mechanical engineer. Mr. Smith,s
mother was Bia I fate*, own cousin to
Selma Hale, one of the most prominent
of the early citizens of ibis place and
author of The Auuals of Keene. He is
now it prosperous realesfafe itealer' and
ranch owner, and a man ol prominence
in local ami political affair*.
Mrs. Smith was born llarriette M
Angitr, and is it native of the town of
Walpole. Her first husband w as at one
time proprietor of the Cheshire House
here. She ha been a widow for many
years, having resided at the house of her
nephew, Abbott A. Line She was an
attendant of ttie First Congregational
uburen and a member of the Y M. < A.
I.allies'auxiliary, ami has been one of
the most active and rtliclent worker in
Keene, for many years in religious
allied causes, and will be greatly miss
ed by a large circle of friends
The large ai ray of exceptionally hand
some wedding presents including a
beautiful silver service, out glass ware,
sterling silver spoons, dinner and tea
ktiivss and forks, money, checks and
handiwork articles. The Ladies auxil
iary presented her with a handsome
decorated leaflet contain iug the names
of all the members, togatber with a doz
en sterling silver lea spoot.s and a num
ber of solid silver desert and table
spoons—Keene, (N Ii ) Evening Senti
Frank Neptune, aged 25 years, late cor
poral of Company II. First Colorado
Volunteer infantry, died August 22,
ltJHi), of typhoid foyer at the Presidio,
Funeral seivic«s were held iu this
city today. {Sept. 2,) The funeral cor
tege left the family residence on East
Seventh street shortly after 2 o’clock
and proceeded to the Christian church
on West Third street, Col, Harrison’s
hand, led by Major Tracy, headed the
cortege and was followed by the old
veterans of Lyon Post, G. A. H , the
Grand Island High School cadets Next a tiring squad composed of service
men of the Spanish war under com
mand of Captain Kocder. Lieutenant
Ferry and soldier pall bearers accom
panied the hearse. The casket was cov
ered With an American (lag. Carriages
containing relatives and numbers of
ft tends completed the train Flags on
all buildings were athulf-mast as a mark
of respect to the memory of the deceas
The auditorium of the church was
completely tilled when the services were
begun. After a hymn bv tlie choir and
prayer, the pastor, Kev. Z O. Howard,
delivered an impressive sermon. At
the conclusion of the services, ihe re
mains were escorted to their last rest
ing place iu the city cemetery and were
given a military bmirl. The tiring squad
lired three volleys and the '•taps” was
solemnly blown over the grave.
Frank Neptune needs no obituary —
his life Is its own commendation. A
paragraph from the Denver Republican
*hows tie* esteem ill which he was held
by Ids comrades-in arms.
I here is genuine grief In tne heart of
every man in the regiment who enjoyed
the pleasure of snowing Neptune per
sonally. The members of his company
will show their respect for their late
comrade t»v providing elegant tloral de
signs for Ids funeral,’*—G. I Rep
■ 1 1 ..— ■ 1
%>MI| NtryiKNT «1.» lilts
l ltl'H i I till k<> MKMVlt*
I'Hahy trrtmi whwh *IU to krkl Mil
s,iti'>nih In tit* lb»i>iwt rtiurvh *t M* «• m
-1*1,1.*! tl Ml IlHut r lllWalm'' Iia||ia * . fl«t A
iMrdul knvllalkin U himiN ••• «H s. ryl«»«
>1 Austin »n*l It■ «Itsllh* ill Ito mull H'llh.
Hu « K Will' mi IHyatitf
Mini *6 **..•! n *1. *»H'|| IS
ri.. *•'•«!«** I.f Irll
S .H.lkt an |ilrkl. l 1*6 • lU •» Arbi In Kit**
•t |al II | Ha I i l II A ,l|laau Hi t ■< I* 141,
|MI -J# MHli H
Is Baby Thin
I hi* Mtnmvrr ? Then add •
Id tie
to hi rj,,tK three turn* a day.
II » id »ni%hint how la*t
4 he * ill 4i 0|>rov e. If he »*4*ne *,
I1 let t e lu.ther take the
fcimd *i»n. «*!»•.,«n*. %
Dot IIibHIumI H»J.
Ir is hoi always best to wait until it is
needed before buying a bottle of Cham
berlain's Colic, Clmlera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. Quite freqtjrnty tlie remedy
is required in the very busiest season or
in the night and much Inconvenience
and suffering must be borne befora it
can be obtained It co«t* but a trifle as
compared with its real worth and every
faintly can well aft- rd to keep it in their
home It Is everywhere acknowledged
to be the most successful medicine in
the world for bowel complaints. For
sale by Odcndahl Bros.
I>uuil Kiiougli to Take.
I The finest quality of loaf sugar is
used in the manufacture of Chamber*
Jain's Cough Remedy and the roots used
in i s preparation give It a tlavorslinllar
to that of maple syruc, making It very
pleasant to bike. As a medicine for the
cure of emtligi, colds, la grippe, croup
ami w hooping cough it is unequaied by
any other It always cures, and cures
quickly For sale by Odentlahl Bros,
The Union Pacific in connection with
the O. 8 U, & 6. K. A N Co, have ad
ded a Buffet Smoking and Library Cur
to their through train to Portland, Ore
gon, and a Dining Car Service from
Chicago and Council Bluffs has aUo
been inaugurated. The train Is equip
ped with Palace Sleepers, Free Reclin
ing Chair Cars, and Coaches making
luxur'ous travel to the North Pacific
Coast. Direct connections made for
Tacoma and Seattle.---W. D ('i.ipton.
Tilt* Park season Is nearly over only
another month remains Those who
figure on visiting it this year must dr
clde at, I he Burlington's Yel
lowstone Park Book 22 pares, 28 Illus
trations—contains just the information
the tourists needs. Jt tells ho v to reach
the PMrk—what the trip costs—how
long it rakes—what tip re is to see and
how to see it. Sent free on request.
The tour of Yellowstone Park is the
finest outing trip in all the world, A
week among its geysers, lakes, can
ons and boiling springs Is an experience
that cannot be duplicated anywhere else
on the globe.
J. FRANCIS, General Pass. Agt.
Omaha, Neb.
________ #
[.and Office, Lincoln, Nebraska j
September 2nd, IH89. j
Notice Is hereby given that the follow,
log named settler has tiled notice or bis
intention to make final proof In support
of hla claim, and that said proof will be
made before the County Judge of Sherman
County, at Loup, Nebraska, on October
U, 1899, viz: Robert P. McClary, Timber
Claim Entry, No. 7648’ for the north east
fourth, Section 9, Township it! north of
Range 16 west of the 6th p. ru.
He name* tho following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence upon and
cultivation or said land, viz:
George W. Whitman of Arcadia, Nebr
Jean H. Whitman, " •• •*
Hans Anderson, *• •• ••
John Jewel), •* •• <•
J. W. Johnson, Register.
Anyone claiming any Indebtedness a
gainst me will please present their claims
for payment at once and oblige, as I desire
to settle all my indebtedness without delay
as my wife and me have divided our
property and hereafter will contract and
settle our own individual debts.
Wm. N. Shkkman
Ylr T f / \ T ^ Women as well as
AAV/ ACt men are made misera
ble by kidney and
” bladder trouble. Dr.
IVf T? Kilmers Swamp-Root
iiAiUEj. the great kidney re
medy promptly cure”. At druggists in
fifty cent and dollar sixes. You may
have a sample bottle by mail free, alio
pamphlet telling all about it. Address.
Dr. Kilmer A Co,, Binghamton, N Y.
JSM pfei
9 V 1_ J J Y L J J
W I 1 I I j 1 ■
v l ■ 4 k ■ ■ % I
Traoc Maras
qVBfJC* Dcsiqns
''TTY’ Copyrights Ac.
Ar.Yot»*» •et. flitg a sketch and fCHfMlM) may
quickly Ai^ri im our opinion fraa wfivtaer ait
iitv»'!if t<>n m pr !uMy pwteotahla. < ••mtniinic*
# tt**n« «t hi 11jr c*uttitfiittal. II untt'oofc tut Patwitt*
«*«»i tweency for ••‘otirtnif patent*.
I'm!wiita I UiMj throttwh Munn A Co. raevlva
rpo m4 H 'tkY, tHhotil cturft, lu Ilia
Scientific American.
A llln«f r ti**l wmIIt. I .raMt rtf
rui.inm i 1 .nr *< *i <ilae l>>urn.l l arm*. T> •
l<t*r . f ur month*. It. MitbTkll
MUNN iCo”’—’ New York
Hf.tnh ■ f at. WwttiimSn. u. C.
TM* UP-To-0 t .
Hbincv 'i , ...
jCoiu. t.; tt I on,
lllTil!llfl D*«PF‘f *
nyj4rc^B|«*cho * »: Uiv«r
SJm Compltiint.
I 100 PILLS Lm hr •*( >l>.Mt tt
1 w °t<JLr.^rcS^
Mil . il l HI
iM»KM».\m. HROS.,
I t*nj *****
early if in need of a Ruggy, Wagon, set of Harness or
anything in the harness or furniture line.
fin Car a! Cools just Arrived
We need more room and will give you great bargains in
consequence. Tall on us while in town.
Yours Respectfully,
* T. M. REED.
Mg rohant
Atrial solicited, Fit guaranteed,
Clothes cleaned and pressed on
short notice.
Repairii Neatly Done.
Notice In hereby given to the elector* of the
democratic party of Sherman county, N'ebras
ka, to send delegate* from the different town
ships to a county convention to be held In
Loup City, Neb., on Monday. September 26,
I8»». at on* o'clock p. m. for the purpose of
nominating county officers, electing a chair
man, treasurer and other members of the
county central committee, and to transact such
other business as may properly come before
the convention. The representation is based
on one delegate for every 20 votes or fraction
thereof cast for lion C. J, ismythe for Attorn
ey general lr. IHM*. and is as follows:
Oak Creek, 2: Logan. 2; Washington 2:
Webster 2; Loup City ft; Ashton, 4:
Rockville. 4; Clay. 2; Harrison, 4:
Scott, 3; Hazard. 2: Bristol. 4;
Kim, 2.
It 1* recommended that primaries be held
on Saturday, September 23. and that no
proxies be allowed but that the delegates
present cast the full vote of their respective
M S. Taykk, J B. O'llHYAN,
Secretary Chairman
State of Nebraska l
j-s. k The State of Nebr.
County of Sherman )
To Mrs. S. E. Gregg, non resident defend
ant owner of the following deacrlbed real
estate situated in Road Dist. No.. of Sherman
Co., Nebraska, to-wit: West half of north west
fourth, Section 2, Townehip 14, Range 14 west
You are hereby notified that complaint has
been made to me as Road Overseer of said
road district that there Is an open well upon
the above described real estate and If the
same is not tilled up immediately, I shall pro
ceed to till the same In tho manner provided
by law, as the same is dangerous for stock.
Given under my hand this <ith day of Sept,
lswsi. W. H. Coci.ton, Overseer
Road Dist. No. Sherman county. Neb.
Tetter, £alt-llhsuoi unit Kriema
The intense itching andsmarting inci
dent to these diseases, is instantly allay
ed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and
Skin Ointment. Many very bud crsei
have been permanently cured by it- It
lsei|uully efficient fur itching piles and
a favorite remedy for sore nipples
chapped bauds, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic sore eyes. *J5et*. per box.
For sale by Odendabl Hro a.
One of the best Improved farm* in
Sherman county, consisting of H40 acres,
one and one fourth miles from Ashton,
540 acre* under cultivation, balance In
pasture, good running water Write for
prices Address
l< A. and E F. Wits. n.
7-*JI J m Ashton, X*hr,
At.KMTa WAMTKU—for - rite bus Asa
Achievemsnis of A<lmirsl Uewey.** ilis
• •■til's greatest naval hero Ur Mtital
llaistra l, ths Ills long (»ten<lsaot alimrer
of the nation's lOol Higgeat amt Iambi
over cages. sain laths,, near it so gags#
hall-tun, tilustiat Inns ilulv f< So liiut
mows gmuaag Uig commission*. iiutni
lies, chance uI a IIIsIimh- Wilts qutcb
Ths Immlntoa lAimpaay, tr<4 riuot iwitu*
HalUtlng , eh I* ago
Dont Be Fooled!
In a»+<fc«i I* N4i| M«4iJ
nocat mountain
I ... TIA . .
[ i» ikt m« •« mI
1 wtMulMUrtmhwM i.«ii
Mik. pwi.4 m »W| pm+
Wk t| 2S KmiM
Lincoln, Denver.
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
St. Joseph, Salt Lake City.
Kansas City. Portland,
St. Louis, San Francisco,
anil all points and all points
East and South. West.
No. M Passenger.7.86 a. in
No. 60 Freight .-J 00 p in
No. 51 Passenger .4.16 p. in.
No. Ml Freight.. .lliAoa. ui
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair care
(seals free) on through trains. Tickets
sold and baggage checked to any point In
the Unlted Slates or Canada.
For Information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to A. F. Wert*
Agent. Or J. FRANCIS, Uan'I. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska,
No. H8 leaves dally exoepi Sunday (pass
enger). 7:80 a. m.
No. as leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 4:05 p. m.
No. Do leaves Tuesday, Thursday aud
Saturday, (mixed) >:30 p. in.
No 87arrl4e* dally except Sunday (mixed
11:45 a. m.
No. <8 arrives dally except Sunday (pass.
eager) 7.05 p. m.
First class service and close connections
east, west and south.
W. D. Clifton, Agent.
In the District Court of hberman County.
Henrietta M. Heugy, Plaintiff.
Mary E. Pierce. John W. Pierce. Cen
tral Loan and Trust Company, a cor
orporation. A. L. Campbell as assignee
of Central Loan and Trust Company,
A. L. Campbell, as Trustee; F <1.
Hamer aad Co., Niels I* Hausen.
-Hansen, his wife, (real name uu
known} and John Doe ireal name un
known, Defendants.
The above named non-realdeut defendants,
to-wlt: Central lutan and Trust Company
a corporation; A. L. Campbell as assignee of
the Central Loaa and Trust Company. A L
Campbell as Trustee. Mary E Pleree and
John W Pierce will take notice that on the
•Mth dav of April. !*w the above named
plaintiff Henrietta M lleagy tiled her petition
In the above named Court, against the above
named defendants, the abject and prmyerof
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage, now
owned by plalutlS, dated the ItKh day of May
l«UI, executed by the alsive named defend
ants Mart 1C I’earce sun John W Pt
to the defendant. Cenual Loan and Trust Com
puny upon the South hnlf of the South Fast
quarter, and Lota Five (A| and Six iii, In
Section Twenty five iSA), In Township Tblr
. teen <IS>, north of Mange Thirteen (ISt west
of the Hth p. m containing One Hundred amt
Fifty five and seven one buudretb* acres mure
or less situated In Sherman County Neb
rasha. to secure the pay great of their protu -
Isory note now owned by plaintiff} for the
sum of one Thousand India's tlltrauui to
gether with their It coupon Interest notes
for the sum of Thtn»*ive dollars «At uui
• ach alt of even date, with said mortgage
the said principal note being due aad pay
able June 1st. I tan ami bears Interest from
that dale at ten per rent per sunuui amt the
•ntd coupon note* being due and payable one
on the l»t day of ueteuther and um »a tha 1st
day of June. naeeeanfyaly la each teat
after dale and each boars interest at the
rate of teu per gent per annum from malur
tty nil of said » outsets etceat tha last threa
hating been Mid ithe unpaid eoopaa* being
oaned by plaihttd 1 That there is nog doe
i »n said principal note caw tarns and mortgage
i and unpaid at date thg sum u# fl ttf 7A for
I which sum oith latere St from this date at
above rale the ptaintld prays for a decree
! that the defendants he rsqnireg to pay the
•ante o« that raid premises he sedd to halls
fy the ti),“<sl found due to pia-atid aad for
. c.ta. n*d that each and all of sw4 .iefaad
ants be MriS'l and turns Stand of ail cqatt V
] of rests at pi ota la said premises
Vets are repaired to naseer said paitstoa
.on or 1«I re Moa-lat the nth dat of
I acpsembel Iran
Hui.4 Ibis ifihdayef August
iissaisitt M nhs-• Plaintiff
ill It tty a WiitiiHs her atboraer*
t*r? MII.U4M *»f"M <»»MU
t lb« *»• » >•«» l>UM
>4 In* s«« * •• ana *W*b i* • >U«
nmrv i >*i l an t*i« nil <*•)'( >*•
nl b| ibili «ht«liwiMa> t» »»MbM «•*.*•»
»♦>« |«m i i »•*«**»«#* II * rai m «rt
<wnlaai lu.llbl lllwiW* «4 H«« fw* *•
I. «4Taia< * >•! ItMlMlii
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