The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 25, 1899, Image 8

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    Lxoaal I?sws.
^i——— ' —:—^^mmrnm
Holcomb, House Keut and Reform.
A sister of Mr. Samuel Sheppard is
visiting him at present.
A brother of Otto Petersen from Iow a
la visiting that gentleman
Teachers examination was held Fri
day and Saturday of last week
Wm, Rowe has built a large barn for
Lew’is Becbtbold, on bis farm.
W .1. Fisher spent several days in the
country last week threshing on their old
home place.
“I. C. U.” from Ashton, was a con
uplctious figure at the republican con
vention last Saturday.
C L Drake went to Buffalo, Wy this
week to he In a higher altitude during
the hay fever season.
Governor Poynterhas Issued his pro
clamation designating Monday, Sep
tember 4th, as Labor day
Attorney A. K Cook, of Lexington,
was III the city yesterday looking up Ins
Interests as a candidate for District
Jennie- No man can love a girl with
a white face and red nose. Rocky
Mountain Tea will make them change
places - then you're all right.
W. T. Draper, father of Mr. Draper,
the Photographer had one of his eyes put
out at Old, last week by a Hying nail,
which he was driving.
'• What the matter old man? Been
losing on wheatNo not that, forgot
to take Rocky Mountain Tea last night
Wife said I'd be sick to-day.
Cabinet Photos Ob cents per
do?. at Leschinsky’s Studio
open every day except Satur
days. Come and see samples.
Tba Republican county convention
this year reminded one very much of
yeais gone by, and there is no doubt re
minded the populist reporter of those
to come.
Theo. OJendyk, W. II. Conger, Tho-.
Chamberlain, A. Wall and 0. II. Gibson
will go to Lexington, Neb,, next Tues
day to assist In nominating the success
or of W L. Greene.
Adolph Rettenniayer was overcome
by the lieat last Thursdry afternoon
while working in the straw stack, lie
was very bad for a while but has quite
Ashley Conger exhibits some of the
finest corn we have s en so far this sea
son. One ear picked permlscously meas
ured *J Inches in circumference and con
tained 720 large grains
We have for sale a full supply of
blank mortgages, deeds, land leases,
notes and mortgage notes on band. All
printed on best quality paper and arc of
the best forms and print. Warranty
deeds to conform witli county deed
We have used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy in our home formally years and
bear cheerful testimony to its value as
a medicine which should be in every
family. In coughs and colds we have
found it to he efficacious and in croup
and whooping cough in children we
deem It indispensible.—II. P. It ITT K It,
4127 Fairfax aye., St. Louis, Mo. For
•ale by Odendahl Bro's.
Mr. James Rentfrow Is suffering very
much from what is supposed to be some
form ot blood poison. Some weeks ago
he accidently knocked the skin oil' his
shin bone and it got very sore. One
morning last week when lie got up, his
face wasswolen very much and one eye
was entirely shut. Since, it has devel
oped Into erysipelas and is very painful
A small regiment of gamblers arrived
in town the first of the week bringing
along all their apparatis which they use
in skinning tlie people. They at once
proceeded to establish themselves in
every vacant building they could rent
But the amount of good healthy back
bone displayed by the city fathers left
them but one course to pursue, and they
pursued it.
I Be program lor the race mum *•)
carried out la»t and Thtir*
(lay. The crowd wa* not a* large a* ex
peeled, but it wa* mainly due to tlo
fact that the farmer, are at prevent *ju*y
l broiling and baying There wen
about dO horaea on the ground, many o|
them being among the be*t horae* h
the atate. The race* w ere In all reapecti
Krat cl**., and all w ho participated .cm
pleaaed with the management.
We received a letter fiutn Mr mi
Ullbert la*i Friday Mr, Ullbert t* im«
at Fort l.eavenwnrib Kan, waiting or
dera to move toward the Tbillpplae.
which he exfiecta atmut dept., |0, orxi
lie and Mr. I'edlOMd are rujiytn*
tbeu.eelte* in camp life and »** they
are kept drilling uomI of ihe time Mr
Ullbert ordered Ike \nnin w at i» u v t«
be aeot to him a* he* n> *e«|
pu.ied on watte a at h»wa fhey ban
been placed In t o A JJ regime* i
The fellow* that precipitated tt«
•wall cyclone on »ur »*r*et Motoiay
night had better deelat I hi* t* a very
healthy climate for law abiding cm*.*..
»«. much io that *.nr loan ha* fell mao
In iteelf for the i***« f year* without *
ntarwhail. and we hate them by aaved
ypi tear by eer good h»Mt tor. and if »*
a*Ulake not thawMtiment of oor e
the tranquility of il«* io.** mu<t *« i
Witt be utewerved N«w ...«**.**
we eomed With open hand hot regat
hat m4 color asil le »a yn ted i* be
fetal'em* a Ml mote eo
The thermometer was up to 105 in
the shade lust Thursday, the hottest of
the season.
Miss Bolin and Miss Sampson,
both of Greeley, were visiting in the
city during the r ices
Ye senior editor and brother received
a nice consignment of apples from rela
tives at Fall City. There is nothing
like it.
The happiest couple in the world
ahou'd be a deaf husband and a blind
wife both taking Kocky Mountain Tea,
35 cents
From now on the Burlington passen
ger car leaving here at 8 o'clock a. ill ,
will run through to Omaha, and no
change will be necessary
Mr. Boekner tlit* Tailor lias just re
ceived a full line of samples of fall and
winter goods. Cal! on him if you are
in need of winter clothing.
The democrat* of this county have
followed the example of many «>f their
sister counties and Uayc issued a call
for a county convention to convene at
Loup City ptember 25, 189!)
Mrs. Ashley Ccuger returned home
from her visit to her old home at Wal
nut, la., last Thursday noon and her
mother, Mrs. Long, accompanied her.
Mrs. Long will visit a few weeks w ith
her daughter.
Uncle Cy. Holcomb got the fustoulat
nomination for supreme Judge at Oma
ha, this week. Now boys shut your
eyes, close up your nostrils, put your
ballot In asplit stick and avoid Its touch.
It contains germs.
Michael Wyzork, of Rockville town
ship was a pleasant caller at this office
last Saturday whi'c doing business in
t Ires city. He Informs us that lie has
just purchased another quarter section
of land adjoining his farm for which lie
oaid $2,850. Mr. Wyzork now lias a
farm of three quarter sections.
The Rev. W. it Costly, of Btoik
bridge, Ga , while attending to tiis pas
torial duties at Klim Wood, that state,
was attacked by cholera morbus. He
says: “By chance I happened to get
hold of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and I
think it was the means of saving my
life. It relieved me at once." For sale
by Odendahl Bro’s
Mr. A. Button, our energetic stock
man has purchased a ranch in Garfield
county, thirty miles north of Ord, con
taining 22,000 acres with 24 miles of
fence lu good condition, good buildings
and plenty of water. Also 750 head of
cattle now on the place. The considera
tion was $50,000.00. Mr. Button is a
first class stockman and the North -
western congratulates him and wishes
him success.
About fifty Custer county democrats
met in a mass convention at the county
seat on Wednesday and put up a full tick
et. It is a strong ticket and from the
sentiment of the convention it will com
mand the solid support of the party.
Resolutions denoucing the pops for
breaking their promises to the demo
crats were passed and enthusiasm pre
vailed.—Callaway Courier.
The Royal Neighbors of America en
joyed a regular Vaudeville entertain
ment Tuesday night after lodge. The
ladies, under the supervision of Vice
Oracle, Mrs. E. E Ditto, arranged the
halt during the day witli slide curtain
and paraphaoalia to suit. Space w ill not
permit of a detailed account, out the
dialogue by three ladies, “The Royal
Neighbors," deserves special mention.
Mrs. Ditto proved herself a master iu
1 the art of selecting, arranging and man
aging an entertainment of this kind.
About one month ago my child which
is fifteen mouths old, had an attack of
diarrhoea accompanied by vomiting, i
gave it such icmedies as are usually
given in -uce cases, but us nothing gave
relief, we sent for a physician and it
was under Id* care for a week. At this
time the child had been sick for about
ten day* and was having about twenty
five operations of the bowles every
hour, and we were convinced that un
less it Mon obtained relief it would not
live. < liainberlalti* folio. Cholera anti
and Diarrhoea Remedy was recommend
ed, ami i decided to try It. I soon no
ticed a change for the better, hy Itscm -
tilined u-e a complete ou e w-i* brought
I about *ml and It I* now peifectly heal
I thy.—c I,. Boot.*, Hiunuplown, Gilmer
Co W \* For **le by Odendahl Itm'
TH* •!+•! Hi uiiily far I %
Mr. John MklhiM.ii w*ll known
| itaw «l I’ulMtl, Ki ,**»• AMit »m
I telu |ti| «W « *r*k with rt i*. tn- i
j <n.V |*liy«U lt*n kivluy frlli'il In n-lirtr
j in*. I w*» t l'lmllu Iff I liruilM-i Inu.'•
»'li\ I holm 4ii<l |t,4rrli-» » Hnurili.
' ••»*! hnin| IM |>li>|-l|tr ml Iltlllil ItiKi
ih* k*if uf mum )• ml* 4.ur«<l n»«* " )H|
•*l* Uf n Irii-Uhl HruV
• • •
> n MmI* Himik 4l»'l M ik» ii *« f
h*r il*ii|klii, Mm Wm |i .. k .1 I 1
' ■ I N • - 11 \ ,. jn | * ■ i
M K * n* Mi* ** k *n 1 in • >
hunk 4f I**-ti 4* 4411 Irk J. ;*|| n 1
4*i»| tk* liMml k*r >iik » - ion 1
Mm* 1.1 04|*i.m tk* in 41111,1 Mr J**
► hNMtfctri Mktl *»41 k* <!!*<( 41 It *
|H1| Ml* • « 1*1, I
I»*wM» 41I '• rktMfm 4m n •«** • .<,<<
k*t M*« *4* Ik* * -Ik*• ml Mr* 1 ktn
ktilk "I IW» yi* * *ku |iirn - t |*.
In Ik* Ml 4*1 ,1*4 1*1. Ik. l*t*4 J*M *1
hMlkiTk kl*l|iw« «*in*trM •* I n,
1 rty M*m **y |m| ft, !*«»
'I lie UcpubBcto ciMintv ((invention
for ibis •'•unity convened In lb** Peter
son hall )a*r Saturday,' August lit It
wh» hotter represented than any con
vention we have had for years. The
ball was well Ailed. One of the dele
galea said after the convention was
over, "When we held a convention In
the same hall last year there were u
number of empty chair* bur last Satur
day tin* hall was lull and I bad to stand
up all through the convention."
The convention was called to order by
Geo K. Benachoter, chairman of ttie
county central committee.
W. II. Conger was thtn, on motion
duly elected temporary chairman and
G. W Hunter secretary which organ
ization was afterwords made perm*
The Chair was on motion duly auth
orhz'td ami did appoint committee* on
credentials, order of business and reso
lutions, after which a recess of thirty
minutes was taken to give time for
committees to report.
When the delegates reconvened the
report of the committees were heard
and adopted. The reading of the reso
lutions was followed with hearty hi -
Nearly all ilellegale* present imik a
very active part in the disens-ion of
matters on lisnd and the convention
proceeded with i's work In harmony
and with much intent manifested.
It was decided, after mature deliber
ation to elect the different, delegation*,
and chairman, treasurer, and other
members of the county control com
mittee and defer county nomination*
until a future time, i'lie following del
egates acre then elected:
State Convention. — K. Munn, Jacob
AI bets, J. rt. Fair, A. Wall ami A. II.
Congr ‘riionai. Then O lend kc, <1.
U. Gibson, W. II l onger, | r < hum
berlain, and A. Wall
Judicial.—Geo, W llun'er, W. II.
Brown, John Mathewaon, David Dime
bee, and E G. Paige.
The following were duly elected as
members of the County Central Com
mittee: Geo. E. Bensuhoter, < leiir
mau and W II Williams, Secretary.
The following names were banded in
by 'he different delegation as being
their choice for committeeman for
their respective townships.
Loop City, lwp. A. Sutton.
Washington, " C. H. Whitman
Logan, " Jacob Albers,
Elm, ** Enos Kirk.
Rockville, “ W. II. Brown.
Bristol, Fred Full' r,
Scott, “ David Ormsbee
lli-zard, “ E. Munn.
Webster, “ Ed Angler.
OakC'reek, *“ O. Manchester.
Ashton, “ Not reported,
ilarrison, “ Geo. Van
Clay. '• Not reported.
The convention then adjourned to
Monday. September 21, 18'J'J
We. the He publicans of Sherman County
in convenllou assembled do most heartily re
affirm the principals set forth in the repub
lican platform of lswt, and we do likewise
endorse our present admistrmtion and Its
policies, both foreign and domestic.
Wo commend Its policy of expansion un
der the conditions which have been presented
during the two years last past.
We point with special pride to the achieve
ments of our army and navy on the land and
on the sea. and we believe that the levy and
collection of a tax to defray the military ex
peases of our government during the Spanish
American war. to be- necessary, patriotic and
constitutional; and we furthermore believe
that there should he no division of sent!
ment among loyal. American citizens upon
the general policy of our government while
engaged in war with r foreign power, and es
peeially in regard to the war now being
The valor patriotism and bravery of the
Volunteer Soldiers of Nebraska have chal
lenged the numeration of the civilized world
and demand for them the cordial recognition
and praise of all civilized and liberty loving
people, and we demand for them substantial
recognition by both state and national govern
We congratulate the people of the United
States upon the present swift and certain
rvlurn of a degree of prosperity hitherto
unparalclled in our country * history,
Aah h WaI.i. i
t;t,>> K llt ssi iti-rxn '.Com
A W TNKih KU iHfi \ 1
Bl Kl. I SO TON Kill IH
N»lluu«l t»*n»in|>infnt Ii. | II ,%t
Ifiliatl* pliia,
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tliHfi oiip (hip fur tin* rnuit'l u p t II
In' III'tilt' fur till* N it t ini, 4) |;>| i!iip|||i*n|
nf thflt. A. If Nt |*lti nil'phi t Si'll*
Inf ilatt't, *n*ptr iniit*i I, j mill .! |{r|i rtl
limit, Si*|ilrinb**f .!<> Itili* i* tt|M>H to
llii 4' m i tl |>iililU*
1 * iniiti ih* vpitrniit Mini Hit'ir
fl II ln|t • ill lnltP lit*1 It Iflillgtull If.illlt*
i HVtlitlillif i lltiifti nf di'pult III I Itit'nupi
sfttl «rn'urlitjf f»»r Ilf iii*i lti*» Hi* ipf, ini
mil tll' ift * III *t»i U l| I*! f i | li»n« Hint
ibr ti *t, I'-tr ••■I'virt* ‘kl' ll Mill r ,11r t• t• *
♦■It r*
S|H I-I I Ii i it »».l r I | .,,lt ,1
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’«'l>t»*m!4*f t *i s|b*|,i, f ii|, ng 4i*t|
If** rt-i Hiiiitg iWt > •»< lli iih.
•w »«■*. rt i**l SOW **■#• I,, ,t i|t , t
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|* >* b *(!*■ t ■ » * lit* fcf Ikki * .hi & »#**
! There will lie preaching at the 1'reHb.vterinn
! hall Sunday Aug. 1" MV. at !():*) a in. At
Austin, at 3:0()p. nt.. and at Rockville, at H. p
in. Everybody Invited.
Rev. m. E. WHIcht, Pastor.
Next Sunday, August ',’7. German Evangel
! leal services w ill be bold at Kelso in the morn
| lug and at Ashton In the afternoon.
ACO. Jknnkicii Pastor.
The Union Pacific in connection with
; ttie O. H I, A O. R. A X Co. have ad
ded a Bnflet Smoking and Eibiary Cur
to their through train to Portland, Ore
gon, and a Dining Car Service from
Chicago and Council Midi's lias aim
been inaugurated. The train is equip
tied w itb Palace Sleepers, free Reclin
ing Chair Cars, and <loaches innlclng
luxur'nus travel to tin* North Pacific
Coast. Direct connections made for
Tacoma and Beattie.— W. D. Clifton,
ilu* <ira vt*.
A startling Incident, <»f which Mr.
.John Oliver of Philadelphia, was lhe
subject, is narrated by him as follows:
‘ i was in a most dreadful condition, My
skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually in tnj
back and sides, no appetite—gradually
growing weaker day by day. Three
physicians liad given me up. Fortunate
ly, a friend advised trying Electric Hit
ters: and co my great joy and surprise,
the llrst buttle made a dec ded improv
mei t 1 continued their use f i three
weeks, and am now a well man. I know
ibey sav'd my lit*', and robbed the
grave of another liciim.*’ No one
should fail to t y them. Only 50 ets..
guaranteed, at Odendahl Hro's Dt ug
A Tlioiifttt>!<l Tmiguft.
< 'mild not express t lie rapt nre of An
nie E Springer, of 1125 I low aid si.,
Philadelphia, Pa , When ..lie f< uud
I>r. King's New Discovery for t.'oiisump
Hon had completely cur**d her of a
backing eougli tb it for many year* hud
made life a burden. All other reme
dies and doctors could give her no help,
but she says of this Royal Cure -"it soon
removed the pain in my chest and I can
now sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing before, I feel
like sounding its praises throughout
the Universe *’ Ho will every one who
tries Dr. C'iug's New Discovery for any
trouble of the Throat, Che-t or Imngs.
Pi Ice 50c anti 8100. Trial bottle free
at Odendahl Hro's Drug Htore; every
bottle guaranteed.
The i’uik season is nearly over only
another month remains Those who
figure on visiting it this year must de
cide at once. 'I'he Burlington's Yel
lowstone Park Book—32 pages, 28 Illus
trations—contains just tlm information
the tourists needs, it tells ho v to reach
the Park—what the trip costs—how
long it lakes—what there is to see and
how to see if. Sent free on request.
Tfae tour of Yellowstone Park is the
finest outing Hip in all the world, A
wick among its geysers, lakes, can
ons and boiling springs is an experience
that cannot be duplicated any where else
on tiie globe.
.1 FRANCIS, General Pass. Agt.
Omaha, Neb.
The service of the I NION PACIFIC
via Omaha or Kansas City is unexcelled
and consists of Palace Sleeping-cars.
Bullet Smoking and Library-Cars, Din
ing-Cars, meals a-la-carte, Pice Reclin
Ing-Chair Cars and Ordinary Sleeping
1 he l*nion Pacific is the route for
summer travel.
For full information about tickets,
stopovers, or a finely illustrated hook;
describing “ The Overland Rout.!” to
the Pacific Coa»*. call <m \V |> Ci.ik- !
T*>N. Agent
HE GOOD TO YOI RSEl.F and good
to Tour freinds Wh**u you treat a
frclnd to whiskey giye him tin* best.
HARPER W hi-key l* the 1 evci age fur
vour freind-tind for you. soi.D BY l
1'. A> Et *m u, L*>up Oily, V* l>
si \\' \ \ ( I ) I- ll«• 1 rrt • III I • 11. (• ■ I |
I ► ( W I'j' ii yi u It i\ • k ili,r\ j
*•" " » • |• v• r nr 11>' It i |
t r* • 11 f • It Mill hr foil ml jit* I (lit ituiiilv
V»ni fi< ■ I. \l iluiKtt-l- hi III y n i.i |
mill ilnlltr *1* ** Y('D J ll i' •• 1 * I(«t
{*!*• lull 111* nf till* Ml Itih fnl in nr |.
f'Vi'fV lit lii til it *n )> imji|i!• f ti*11
iBjC ill . nil If A |,Iff.. I>. k ' Iff r
A • ■* lllilgt. Mift.Hi \ Y
Ll ' I
n|iK\l»AI(i« lilUW
I «| I ii \ .\i In
early if in need of a Buggy, Wagon, set of Harness or A
anything in the harness or furniture line.
We need more room and will give you great bargains in
consequence. Call on us while in town.
Yours Respectfully,
T. M. RKED. r
maoava POBiilNlYM 'HVO WI3GYW
•jjr?v; put? joojs HJfAV
Tniuesi oss ‘usva sg$ i- ^an
{ijsojj CMOU>{
i|jaA\ anj 01 pnppu uoscj st?i|
s ■;? ",\ < locals dmiyiiiii |
L .: ’ ;v/ IV 1ftJ!JJlV3fl V
OlSnirtl Nl ONIHXAU3A3 |
AGENTS WANTED. —Kor ••Tilt' 1,10 An«l
Achievements of Admiral Dewev,” the
world’s greatest naval hero. Ilv Mnrnt
Halstead, 1 j..• 1JI«■ long f riends a id admirer
of Hie nut ion’s idol. Biggest and look;
over VJO pages, v > inches; nearlv I n a ;es
half-torn illosliut Ions Only :i r.nor
inous Ueinsne. log commissions. Outfit
tree, chance or a lifetime. Write quick.
The Dominion Company, id Floor union
Building., Chicago.
Tetter, SuU-ltheuui and K<v.eniu
llie intense itching and smutling inci
dent to these di-osses, is instantly itday
ed by applying ClmmberlalnV Eye nnd
.Skin Ointment. Many very bad c *
have been permanently cured by it- It
is equally i fticient for Itching pili - and
a favorite remedy for sore nippies
chapped hands, chilblains, fiost bites
and chronic sore eyes. 25cts. per box.
For sale bv Odcndabl Bro s.
A-eomplalnt. is made to me tint per
sons are kilUing meadow links, and
singing bird*, aud are tresspaa-ing on
tbe laud » [ others and killing game in
violation of the game law of the state,
notice is In re by given tit it in all eases
in Hi’’ future where security for costs
isgivinl shill institute proceedings
upon complaint being made.
Dated .July .{Jst, 1899.
lb S. Nightingale, (Jaunty Attorney
One of the (jest improved farms in
Sherman county, consisting of (i to acres
one and one-fourih miles from Ashton,
olO acres under cultivation, balance in
pasture, good running water. Write for
prices. Address
R. A, ami E. K. Wit.s< n,
"■31 2 in Ashton, Nebr.
Fresh ilread every morn
ing o ets., a loaf. Cake every
Saturday at A. K. Chase’s.
TTVTH*' • H"- Ki t All l.v l If AW Hot/!).
!l4ff *. i.
ll.llljff tfi-Biiut imrttmri in 01! ft Y»JBf,
(Alt liuntni) ti/n n .. |. 1.1.,,/nSf
m.l Miiiiinfinniii.nii mil .riiiihf
tMM.It wUih »<■«» IKIulIM In * <tn*.
i..ii/i Inb id m.l*. mm 11 • i « .1. th.i.
b...rtr..> m, ti|U..n«ui t.Z-iTZ.,1.7
4444*** cmc Mi&ICAt G©., BUFI ALQM* V.
&» * «f .*»« m?|«*. li-MlI U> titfV HUU- C
a Hhkf. Only it? u wi* | }«ai, c
5 A turn s1 mu.wim
i |
{■ 'i»» A Mtoi PfPyfX. * 9?
f| IM • tit) lit* M., *•• (M* I
I IH K T Ail
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
• hicago, Butte,
St. ,lo»eph, Salt Lake City,
Kani-a* City, Portland,
St. Louis, San Francisco,
anil ail point* and all points
L ;-t and South. West _
TRAIN* MAVRA* I Ol.l.tlWSi 4
No. Passenger.7:6:>a. ui
No m Freight.2.01 pm
No. r»i p. in.
No. •’>« Freight.I li.Via. ui
steeping, dinner and reclining elmir cars
(seats free) on through train*. Ticket*
wold and baggage checked to any point in
the Umted States or Canada.
For Information, map*, time table* and
ticket* call on or write to A. F. Wert*
Agent. Or J, FBANOls, Gcn’l. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska,
No. s« leaves daily except Sunday (pass
enger). 7:;in a. ill.
No. 8s leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 2;05 p. tn.
No. do leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 2:;in p. in.
No *7 urn'll* dally except Sunday (mixed
ll.t.’i a. in.
No. S arrives daily except Sunday (pass
enger) 7.05 p. in.
First class service and cljse connections
cast, west and south.
W. I). Clifton, Agent.
In the District Court of ttherman County.
Henrietta M. Ifcniiy. Plaintiff.
M«;t v E. Pie rce John W Pierce Cen
tral Loan and Trust Company. u cor- #
nrporution. A I*. ( umpbeli as ussij/m e
■t t • U1 nil Loan and Trust Company,
A. L, Campbell. u> Trustee ; K. <L
Hamer ami Co , Niels P Hansen,
Hansen his wife- (realname uu
! ii'iwm amt John l)>" real name un
known. Defendants
The- above named non-re sident defendants,
tei-wit: ( (filial Loan and Trust Company,
a corporation A. I. Campbell as ussiumi- of
the < Ttiti nl Loun and Trust Company A L,
Cunipt'i-il as l ni-'te-* Mary E Pierce ami
JohllW. Pie fee* w ill take Uot i< U that (*14 tilt*
wth day of April. 1W*P the- above named
plaintift Henrietta M llea^-y hied her petition
in the- above named Court against the- atmve
mi tied defendants, the obj«*< t and prayer of
which ate t*- foredune a certain iiiormayfo, now
owtu-d ; pia »s»iff elated the- I **»lh dav of Hay
IS* I « \ci t»y the above named elefetiei
anis Mary K IN arce ami J hit W IN-arve
to the «:* fe n.iar,» t v rural 1 a-an and Trust t <»ni
pativ II.e South half of the South East
i|«iurter. nnd L«»ts Kile (A) and Si* |#j, m
s» lion Twenty live tti Township Tliir
n. ink north e*f Han,.* Thirtee n fin* west
• • : i
| ► ?|y Uu and '• ven oi»c hundred** aero* l».**fe
! > i m slit-rm an < mint * Ntd
I no! i to . i ure the paymeat of their prim*
i i»4»ry note • now owned t v plaintiff* fur
l* o of t» c I n o .rtOd Dollar* dt MMMM ie*~
jet imu With the ir II Inti re*| note*
j it,* u p. u, tpoi &*•(*’ Imum d».« an t pa*
1 |«f«bb e*ft*
‘ f J • U i» • a *» lrar
.( , J | . ! j |*i ;, a « | t jo, J-, . J:» • : |i|FV#
t|4 »'J«» f mp.»i-1 tpft « ‘-e • h jf
A , I > , .*•*» .. •.»*>*.' *f«»l >!.* ’rf?*, *
. *4.'<> I *1 » HI .4 I f