1 HK NoRTHWKSl I KN PUBLISHED EVERY KRIDAY 41 I'M K COUNTY SKAT. OKO K. BKNSnHOTKK, f Kill lorn Mini HKO. II. (}|BROS, I FuMlilH’r* TEBMB:—11.00PI* trail it paid in aiivani'i: Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trims mission through the mulls as serond elans matter. Official Paper Sherman County ‘•Foxes him* holes and birds have nests but ihc son of man hath not where to lay his In ad This motto will doubtless be adopted by the Democratic party and formed lor a plank in their platf inn next year. Republican state convention at Omaha, Sept. 21. Congressional convention for thisditrict, at Lexing ton, Aug 2 it Judicial convent ion, at Lexington, A'Jg. 21. Sheinun county sends five delegates to each. Eddy . lho little gaint that mani pulates ihe pendulum that rotates oil und iIn* populist si.lar system of this count\ very considerately at tend) d the Republican convention last B'turdot s a reporter. wonder if he saw any one there. \nd a' iusi the Times quotes Mob Ingeisi ll. lie never qi O'ed a better man,a siaunctii i republican ora more loytil patriot, bui we will wager but ter milk enough to drown the whole oni(it that they have garbled his siuttnents to suit their tastes. This is another ease of the live Jack ass mutilating the dead lion. {•even years ago a two hundred million dollar surplus m the treasury of the United States, was “a menace to good government” according to democratic ideas, but since they have had a taste of a getmln:* demoera'ie deficiency they are content to let her rip although the surplus has reached nearly the three hundred million mark. W«nted--By the pop-o-Democratic confnsionisls A rcnl live issue that will exist nt least fifteen minutes. One that will last a half hour will be worth a fortune, ami if i< will miivivo the frost ol a tropical night tin* future of democracy willin' assured The ingeuuily of the Ameri can brand of democracy has been taxed to its utmost and Kstorbazy ami du Paly the Clam, arc engaged ii their own nefarious schemes And consternation is depicted upon the face of the unwashed. The rank and tile ot the populist party is composed of men with an average amount of brains and comon sense as are the masses of all parties, therefore the lenders who seem to have no aim except to deceive the people for the puipose of keeping an cv< rlu#iing Much on the c ilices will soon discover that coveimg up frauds and hollciing mad dog, to di v*rt iheir attention from the real culprit is fast In-coming old fbe innsMb of populism arc identical with all others, they k» nw prosperity wlon they »ee i', uml arc fast becom inn convinced that (he jioltcy which the Ki'piibbcan parti always mail gurates j» the only s «fc urn to fol low II..' T. m lil •)! lb** Tim.* n.I 'iiii. lb. NoNfM*»>irii* Uni .littiM'k 'l iil U*v iht* »nth«*r • f if*** (n tut lit l*biU|t)>i>««• »b" b *»■ |»ttbli*li*'«|, *»» n>'i * (• |tii!l»* l-'ii '* fr> v »ilve» Hnjiuli It. »n W•*!I r<«« ibtt lb * tl t**i. |»!•*»• *** Mil* Ilir l|l»ll|n Mil \ III f •lit .Ml. I* a ItiKH 4 *nl v 111 • ll.t> | Ii|t Mi'ti *im* • i^«|. ii Mf #h . t .*« * Hie *<•»* I'l *' V- i» l if »* ». •Ill • I. Hi... II •• I • V H H>4 I 1 I »». lag brarb1 * |* »•**» K i •» I. «.1 Ur in \V » • *> \ H l * > f It.* • Ibr.t .» I*1, in. ml Wail f <« > • > i lf ailing W* »' >1 W44 *»*'». ... ‘ «"» III. *'J| I' «Hlt* •t t • a* • t» i>»l*» Itn aiil f. r Uiib \V* • ••It »•* I IIWlbMl I Why don’t the p 'poerats say some thing about that taxed dinner pail that they made such a fuss about in 189:?. In that carapiagn every necessary that the laboring man had to buy was photographed mi large sheets and the per cent of tariff they carried place I under each one so that be who runs might read. Our law offices, printing offices and every other establishment of the pop order contained one or more of those car toons and oil was asked to vtiw the perfidy of the Republican party. But four jcars, of democratic rul«* [Milled the scales from the e)< > >>f the laboring man, and three yt us of republican prosperity Inn pulled down the cowardy cartoons, and piled them up with other democratic falshoods until '.lie putrid mass has become an unbearable slouch in the nostrils of the laboring class and the mi st radical detn •> pop leader dure not rcscrcct them. Free silver liu gonc with ihe rest and anti-imperi alism don’t take with the people. Km b,dined beef Imim fell fluid r than a i pep Cttinpmectiiig and Qutxhutjc like their own history degrades them. The it party was originated to jgive s1 ccess to democracy. It site deeded trace, ImP it* own success was its funeral knell. Wind pudding for four long years emaciated the laborer and his family, and taught, him a lesson that time will hardly dt f.icc “They ask for bread and you gave them a stone.” Ilo.y writ was never mote applicable, yet with unaloyed gall they still cry wolf. Satan will call for Ins own one of these days and there will be a dertb of pop editors and stump orators for many moons. ASHTON I.OCAIJT Mrs. S. I). Lutnpbere left Fiidat morning over the Burlington, io an swer to a telegram *un’»uneiog the death of fit-r I not In r at Russell In. ]j. A. Williams left for Almera, Neb., on Sutnrnny morning via wag on route. The Republican primary bold on last Friday evening was we ll attend ed, and showed a marked increase in the ranks, and more interest was manifested.than has been shown for years. Then. Ujendoke and \V M. Smel ser drove over to iho “Hub-’ to at tend the convention on Saturday. J. F. Beusbausen drove over to take iu the sights of Loup City on Saturday. Prof. R E Art baud doing busi ness Saturday at the county seat. The dunce in the Hall lust Satur day evening was p > >rly altedcd, but these who did attend report having had an eligaut time. Thus. Jamrog returned 1' relay evening from a trip to Omaha. Mr. Van Lorn came down from Loup ou Monday morning. Ignac Nowieki and E. <«. Taylor made a llying business tup to St. Paul on Tuesday. August Beusbausen visited Si. Paul Tuesday. Mr. CMii iat Jimeou who It » lm u uere for aoiue tiuu- vvurkii>t> on (la Jut|at - & Uiut 1* k 11*'| 1* « to * i.t .« nut s|i u». 1 Mr*, ( Mbitiiii *. t. tt.| <1 i ‘l. ■|B| | l>v Mr* J, K. Oooklin, visited «i i l'almer 111 in last Week. Mr Albert Johruon and 'tr < Jotin | son of Lnruler, Wyo, accompanied by Mias Kino of St, .Michaels, Nd»r,, were visitors tlivtiii-t of U i week, of our worthy pliyniciun, I >r. S Howard. I C. IT. DKHOCIt.VTIC COl'NTY CONVENTION. Nolle,i In hereby glvi n to the electors of thi democratic party of Sherman count .. Nebra* Ua. to scad ih . «i»ti . from thu different town* ship* to ii county convention to he hold In Loop City. on Monday, Beptemtu r IWlt. at onn o i lock p. m. for tie- purpose of nomlnaUnK county onieers, electing a chtiir tnau, l .i ,r and other mcmlx i < of tfe eonnly central , ,.. • • . und to tram,act such other business a tuny properly cornu iteforo the convention. T. i ; rcsCtuiiilon Is baaed nn«ac delegate f '-even 50 \«.t> ■% n fraction thereof cast for In n C .1 .- oiytlu- f,.r Attorn ey general In 1st*. urn! Is a-, f I • Oak Crook, 2: L, m, 2: Wa ;.': ;ton 2; Webster Loup cityAshton, 1; llockvllle. I; Clay, n, Harrison. 1; Scott, 3 Hazard 2; Bristol, t; Kim, 8. It Is recommended that primaries he held on Saturday, September 23, and that no pioxn s he allowed but that the delegate. present east the full vote of their r. peetlvt delegations, M. S, Taste, .1 ll. O'Bnv/N, Secretory Chairman. cm; a p i hip i o on a ii Uti Tuesday, Augu t 2!hh, the < heap t st rate* yet offered to ()m tl a fur Hie Greater America Kxpnsi'i c ,»|!l be In < II'. ct on tin Burlington Route. Hound trip ticker* good for return until Hep tember 4! ll, w III be sold for I Jh Now Mint the native nml thill' ixlii blts tor tiie Hawaii.hi ami in I’i*111p* ! ice vil age- have a 11 v* d. and tie ot1 er eolotml die pia) .- are Installed, tin Ex p. -it i> in is emu pi' te, ami I w i.rt !i g ing a long distance ti :!■ nil. It is not a ri'pctft mi if la t j cur's fair, ft is grander, more novel and li es a theme distinctly it a own. It ia the first nation-I ill fair iti emit "in a. I'ritcd State* c lo* nlal exhibit The grounds have heen marvelously beuutlllcd, $2 5, 1 t) hav ing been expended fur thi* purpose. The elcctilchl fountain In the Grand Court is far prettier than any lighting 1 i ffuct seen last \ ear. IT HsLedi V famous band from Cincinnati, ha* repented it* sneer." of the World's Fair, and caught the crowd will) it - splendid music Kcine-inhtr you will icarn iii' tliing of the Islands acquired through the war with Spain, if you visit the Greater America Exposition. Join the lint ling ton Km.re'* cheap excursion or. Aug 'id. l'h-r rate j* low ; only $ I 10 from here. For tickets or further information ap ply to nearest ti ket agent of the Hurl iugtor, Kuute. 'Sfic for Ilia rainpa'gn Tips Twice-.i-Week State Journal, printed ev ry Tuesday and Frida,, will i lie sent postpaid with all of the new* of the wot Id from now until after election for only 25 cents. It is worth that much to read • bout the Fighting h irst regi ment's return The Journal, printed at the state capital, is the leading Nehru kt papei and it’s mighty cheap at a quarter itliCKUNS’ ABN1CA .s.W.Vl,. The best salve in the world for Cut* bruises Sore* I'lceis Sail Rheum I Vvn Sores Tetter Chapped Hands t ’ltilblai : Corns and all Skin Eruptions uiid pos- ; itiveiy cures Piles, or no pay required, j It is guaranteed to give peifect --ati-f. tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents : per box. For sale by Odendahl Bros i W J. FISHER, Attorr.gy at Law .nil Notary Public. Will Defend in i 'oreclosura Civ»e« A 1.80 oo A General Heal Estato Business. ome« lii NournwL.-irtH.'. i:ni:j::iK, i on * i nr, - *. cuu un i R. J. NIGHTINGALE*! LOUP GITT, l i HXJa A* 5- MAIN, PHYSICIAN & SC1WKOX1 I.UIT <1TT, Ni I41V K i Mi l || t. •» »*• |« Of r*«.M( Ml ( h*** *n*n «*•*»* K l to.* * Ilrti4 Im e> NIRVMA h « *J... - , « ’ uni.Mi.vm, iim* Wo v. | NOTICE OF WARNING. All j. irfl- v arc* In ti by warned tntd r l unity of law not to hunt jf»rn<* oa 'If .ami* tbeh rinaii c inly, Ni tu.i*'l,u, thn 1 tiJi'Mt nail piHyur . I which ato to obtain a dtv>n» from you on the around that on the Si'il day of Auauat, i 03, yon will fully ib .. rt • J ib" ptmnl t.', and for in or., than I 'in Vuftift Immediately i roci-i'dl i.n 11;.' Illliiij of , ill I petition hnVO I teen will In : . at .cut fio.ii him wituout a rea»oti 1 of jin t can-v and in dltreadrd ot "■if marital oti.lifall i i You urn re. ' led to nil .HI i said pel illOn on or be Monday, tin- :,ih day of September I- (. Dated, V ,.;n I lHil IS I'.i. 1*1:AN., Illtl.lteilANl, 1*1:1(11 tiff, by U ,u,i, A '.V11,MAM a, hla Attorney'* Nonet: f t{ PITIJLICATION. ) >' !• iittn< I ' of i tie Interior. Land (eMen ui I iiuoln. Neb,/ Au^iim utii, i -o, f N ■ < la • ■ by given that tile follow l< ' • •on* I Ni-UUr bin Hied nolin of lit* Intention to make Haul proof In support of li 1m cl.i in, and ;lmt aai.l proof will lie mndc bill ore the • nmty jailyuot Sherman ' "OMiity ui I, ip, N.Ouuxl.u, on Kept ember 2 nl, ! :» vis: Alton Dyiae.i, llonicstoMd : t o'i v, No IH44.2, for Uni North Half of | N uh Half of ■ return 10, Township (j n Hi of Itmufij lb west, of tho Olli p. ui. It numeathe following wKne n to prove j b c mil:,no 11 i . dUi-n, upon unit eulU Viition of, h:iId land, viz: J i‘i LowalowKiil, Loup idly, Nubr. tYiitiiiin I*. r.,.ird, ■* u John Wii n til cl', *• “ *• Clu lit '/. wink, ** •• “ J. V*. Johnson, Register. NOTH'IS ITQB J'UBLIOATION. Drparfinrnt of the Interior. Liui'l Oilli'o, Llm Hia Nobr. i 1 Auk, mid, iMtiu, t i NoliPo 1h Inruby given that the follow If t .u iii'il sett' or i .1.1111 ell not I ( it of her i a* li ilioa to nei’i' Huai proof In support of hi t' uiiltn, and that • -iiid proof will i«i - Iii iri r- t hi utility Ju*• .u i f her w •», cmtnty ;it f.otin Cltvon S"p‘.. loth, i«oa, v.z: Mary J,. llill, llonteaieiol Entry No. I,v fur f.ols 7 nml s of Mi llon Township II, Ittuige 14 west. She nmues tin* following wttiieiHfti to prove iter coni I on tins residence upon am! i tittvatton of said land, viz: Janie iv. Zink, of I.oup, NobruikA. •lolin 1 Vtui'li igrlft, of Austin, •• Tlimnni If. Dillon, of “ •* John \V, Carpenter, of " “ J. W. Johnson, Register. A S40 L3ICYCLE GIVEN AWAY DAILY. The publisher* of This Nhw York Star. the hand i mcly illusi rated Hunday newspaper, are gi v!m / a no, n Gi;a UK IJiOYOhK each day] for tin- 1 i' « >t list of words made hy usin* Dir* i. tiri * i .mviin-l in ‘ r If i: y-K-W j Y-O-il-K s-T-A-IV1 no more tltn<‘:4 In any | one word thiiu it is found iu The New York ;>uir. Wo1>si* r a TMclIocarv to lie considered »s authority. Two Good WATCH Ks (first c lass time keepers) will be siven daily for second and third i- ' list . un i « icy >•*.;* i vaLuabh rewards. Imludiutf Dinner del Tea Bets, China Sturlin ? Silverware, ou*.t etc.. In order of mer it. This educational contest is being given to advertise anti Ihtr dure* this surer* ssfui weekly iln lieu.I -I a :i (>> Will U" ! ‘ * .1 *'.'•! promptly wUhtuu partiality. Twelve 2-eent slumps ;It inclosed fur thirteen weeks trialKUlwripUt.u with full particulars and list of over UOO valuable rewards. Contest opens and awards cututnonci* Monday. June .*nth, und [ eJnse Monday, August -1st, 14HC \ ( ur 11 -st inn j reach us any day between these dwt«" ;ut4 w ill receive tin* award . » which It may •» entitled for that day. and your namw will la *rinted in the followInir issue i f The Nbw *■ »ik Star Oi lj < no liai oa - b< < ntered by i' i m« ptr* 'CM. Drl.'< •-are on exhibition at err. star s « I'.ttV iu*vt rhi •• i Ladio’B, Gent!« man's or Jevcniit* s C'U n tel, o«doi m e tie sired. Call or addre in pt. ■!!" Thk Nbw York SrAit, W. S,r ; !■ 1 i. * • t w Ye* • city. tn have your children go bare! foot whoa you can buy SHOES ! 9 a _ —1 . > 41 ^ \ t ' 1 ! I k Lm« « ON'T ‘E F DOLED! * BBi i pi | . - fi. . A ? i * 1 - h gtj ■ H06KY MOUNTAIN I fsUiT a 9 iftii T«iK N!|!i i ticiit, *M ***s*rf* Mi •%-**- *V*Mfc4 lit H, t*!P#f*s htwnri I. It MM* M—Mi | -FOR FOLLOW THE CROWD TO .JAEGER'S STORE, YVo arc dosing out our mid-Hummer stock at sudi low prices that it will make you wonder how we do it. The lad is that wo must close these goods out to make room for our no fall and winter stock. YVe bought such an emrnense quantity of these goods that wo have yet a good assortment to choose from, Lawn Dross Goods, Percales, Nice Heavy Muslin, Shirt waists, Nice Black Ladies’ Hose, Men’s good heavy Sox, Clean-up on Shoes, Men s Hats and Caps, Ladies’ Summer Vests, Little boys suits, Big Boys’ and Mens’ suits, and many other articles will be sold at clearance prices. Buy Your Groceries of fne. and get the freshest and best in town. J. PHIL JAEGER. LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. h; vc u 74-yr. record, largest annual ,-.di . Lighquality (not high price): ii’u sold direct, grown to last and bear- I ho be»t fruit known. We i . I : n Apple, whole-tv* t graft .r> million—1- and 2-yr. ' in | r >| ..rtlon. Lit .we write u«. Hooklets free. hT rP°x bi 1 }■ .* . .ran tee ,ufe arrival,*hlp We PAY FREIGHT K • *• L > Am-irall*. Our best customer* are thnae who in Send of Irj n luipt all we can (TADK 1.0IISIAVA MO doc m t‘ c ; ir . i biislrn s not /SIAinS Dansvllle N V ... ra ' %/ i IC’i" ' iVvii- C^bRQ-Stark. Mi.Cute. ' k ,\Y .1 ■ L . , , •>'< !> H* easy.selling Stark MONEY ’ . ■ '* ‘.S; t! • ■< Blrtr leu Davis, < h mpi >fl,Dclf 1 n« to Solid a V •Ktilmh'il Iniua ll 4 Woai N V Daily ■ *»ICTO»'^V \oll 11 1 KIND KislIINM IN KOOKY MOUNTAIN I *T!U A\IS, III NT1NU IN WYOMl.NO, till VI \\ \n:n IN HOT Sl'KINOH OK IDAHO A bi I * |tU*tt * It •!»*, ISu*i>