r VOL. XVI. LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1899 NUMBER 40 Tli«i War In l.uxun, (Ilf Jamxk Maii.i.kv, Chyplaln of ttie First Nebraska Volunteers, also of the Nebraska Populist. Legislature of 1H97, In N. V. Inde pendent. I The situation here is a good illus tration of the perils aee.uiugly in •epcrahle from sudden political chan ges, even when the changes are futr the better. The Iranaition, swift and radical, from Spanish oppression to American benevolence appears to have unsettled the minds of the Fil ipino people. At least, they act it. The patience and forbearance, righ teous in themselves, used to coneili ate and win the msurgents have been interpieted us evidence of timidity on the part of the army of occupa tion. It was their open boast that we feared them. They have learned bet ter, bat the lesson has been a costly oue to both sides. The facts of the insurrection ate well kiuwn to every oue at home; from the attaeK on our regiment ou the never to be-forgot ten night of Feb. 4 th to the capture of Malolos,-of the cage after the bird had flown What justification can be ottered for such an outbreak. In the first place, the Filipino people were prospering as they never had done beiore. The American sold ier was pouring into their laps a stream of golden wealth. The natives found a market for their fruit, poultry, eggs, vegetables “bino" and all sorts of old trumpery iu the way of curios at prices far beyond their most ardent dreams. Kvery line of in dustry was developed rapidly. The The humble “tieuda” on the street corner suddenly expanded from a filthy little hole, where “chow” was sold for a few ceutavos to a combin ed grocery, restaurant and saloon where the currency was commonly tne bright tie w eagles issued by the army paymaster. The hombre drove Ins small but wiry cabailo hitched either to a rickclt carromata, that reeled and swayed like a ship iu a storm, or to a box ou wheels, called aquilez, in which It was a “draw" whether jou would beat tour brains out on the roof, facture your ribs on all sides or full through the bottom ( ih 1 actually did one day)and break tour legs for “farss" from two to five times greater than he had ever known before. The local government was very generous furnishing all soils of employment' from street cleans ing to clerkships, to the natives as practicable. Their rights were carefully guard ed. In the Provost-Marshals court the Americau and the Filipino were toeijuul. As much weight was given the testimony of a native as to that of au American soldier; in some cases, where collateral circumstance justi fied it, more. Any infringmeut even the slightest upon their rights by any member cf the army, met with certain pun ishmeut. Their homes were held sa cretl, tbeir woineu protected against insult aud arrangmenta were being perfected for tlie education of tbeir beads, lua'ead of getting in them a aeutiiuenl of equality aud fraternity it baa awelied them up with au ab surd feeling of auueriority. This is the more surprising, because from 1 aiu told by anuie who kuow them it foreign to their nature. So im pelted by thia new egotism, they provoked a bloody aud rumas war and ou Saturday uight, Feb 4tb,while •ur reginiiul was quietly truted on Santa Mesa kill, under a sky cloud Isas, star III, glotiuu* sours reading torus writing, some singing some tailing stories, and all looking for ward tu an early koine going sudden |y the still mglit •*« sinrtled by s rille shot on lb* uulpoa'.a, followed quickly by a scattering volley .amt Iktsia Irss that ttfleeu minutes by a slot im of bullet* (touting tato lit* group of whi'e lent* from a, io*« Saa Juaa river fmi late however to talvb lh» twelve ruin pant** who fa had hsen sniftly formed and doubt* limed lo their HMp*ot|v* posts, per viouvir .sleeted and assigned That the altava to deliberately plwaa*d is etewr from the fad that tn a fen montsai* lb* H bole Filipino line, i from the old trenches oppisite Malate 011 the south, to liiuondo, on the north, was vocal with the whip-like crack of Mausers or the deeper ring of Remingtons was the beginiog of a struggle whose extened line today in cludes Paranuqtie, Santa Cruz, Mara puino and Malolos and must finaly sweep the island of Luzon; for, wbat ever may be the future policy of our Government in the Philippines, first of all, this people must be conquered. Alas, that it must be so! (Continued next week. ASHTON LOCALS Mr. 8. J. Fair of Rockville, was seen on our streets Thursday aud Friday. B. Lukas/.ewski received a 10 H. P. Huber traction engine from Lin coln, Thursday. F\ J. Taylor of 8t. Paul spent Thursday night with his parents at this place. Mr. J. P. Taylor returned from a trip to Omaha on F'riday. The entertainment given at the hall hereon Wednesday evening was quite well attended, and all present were well pleased to think that they had came, as the entertainment was worthy ot their patronage The ef fort to get up a popular lady contest fell Hat, as the Ashton people are too wise to bite on that old chestnut. An elegant rain visited this sec tion of the country on Thursday night and Friday, and about 3 inches of water fell, which will do an im mense amount of good to the corn, and a good crop is insured. Wednesday night lightning struck the barn of Wrehe Bro’s.,and passed on after slivering up quite a bit of lumber, but no serious damage was done. 1. M. Polski was here several days visiting friends. Two local ball teams met and crossed bats on the home diamond last Sunday, and after 7£ innings the score stm d 33 to 1 in favor of the Second nine. Then the two teams divided up and played a 3 in ning game with the result of 3 to 4. Mr. John Waeselewski left Monday afternoon for avisit to Omaha. Mr. J Hegley of Omaha was reg istered at one of our hotels Wednes day. Mr. C.Eller of Harvard paid Ashton a business visit Tuesday. G. H.Mueller made a flying busi ness trip to St. Paul Monday. The ofTiceof the Barstow & Jaques elevator is being moved into a better location nearer the elevator. The hum of the threshiug ma chine can be plainly heard from town and ere long grain will be mov ing. Dr. 8. Howard drove over to St. Michael and back on Monday. Rapp's Boarding House is gelling a new coat of paiut these day. J- C. Scbaupp drove to Loup City Wednesday. Mr. Peter Jepeen of Rockville wne a pleusaut caller Wednesday. Iion't forget the Kepulilican Prim ary to lie lit Iti at the office of the Key atone Lbr. Co on Saturday even ing , Aug I-.Mb. A lirand Hall will lie given in the Hall at tbi* place on Saturday even mg, Aug. I'Jih. Kvsry one invited to attend and have it good lime A Hall game baa beeu arranged for Saturday afternoon, Aug Itlih , uetween the Rockville tone and A*b ten a ibrcrmd Nine, to tw> played on Ibe Ibentond at Ihiaplace muimn i it Ma. We are eaperienelng very refre*bli g weather at preaeul Kon la abundant# amt corn will at .he a big ffwp. Ur Nimu ha* relumed front hi* wea«> re trip, he thluha the weat ta par eaeetiet.au* and b«* a great future be fore tl Tire I H people will hold t|u*rirrlt meeting in tM«l ft neat Malwrday en<> Sunday, l»an Uoeery will Inalnol the youth* le |tnt ftiku fall and winter Jamee l.ang't |uttug**l lw| Jautee Jr . met alia a very revere and wbal •tar wear proving a fatal amodent laat week tie had the in it lot mate tw revet ve e charge ef bird mot U hi* hip At tbe premit he is reporter! to be doing well with the chances for recovery in his favor. An old settlers picnic will be held lit Round Grove, on the 15th Inst. Rkcorukh. The splendid exhibits at the Great er American exposition are nearly all in place and even the critics arc com pelled to admit that the showing made is both comprehensive and creditable. The government building is complete and contains not ooly the entire Libby Prison War Museum, but buudreds of relies from the battle fields of Cuba, Porto llico and the Philippines. In Machinery Hull ihe live exhibits, machinery in actual operation far surpass the showing made last year and tLe public is be ginning to realize that this building contains many things well worth see ing and that her? is shown the various processes by which American artisans excel all others. The art ex hibit of more than 1,000 valuable painting and 200 pieces of statuary and art brie a brae is conceded to ex cel tbe showing made last year, and those who are qualified to judge have set upon this magnificent collection the seal of their unqualified approval In liberal arts, colonial exhibit, mines and raining and the winter garden the displays are practically com plete and worthy of a careful in spection. The Agriculture Building will not be filled uutil the harvests are gathered, tint tbe space is taken and many counties are already at work upon elaborate exhibits. The Greater America exposition will stand upon its own merits and will not need either apology or excuse. Those who fail to visit this great educational exhibition will have cause for regret when its gates are closed and the opportunity is past. The Beat Remedy for Flux Mr. John Mathias, a well known stock dealer of Pulas'ti, Ky .says: After suf fering for over a week with fiux, and my physician having failed to relieve me, I was advised to try Cbrmberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and having the pleasure of stating that the half of one bottle cured me.” For sale by Odendahl Bro's. Discovered by x Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a iady in this country. “Disease fastened its clutches upon her for seven years she withstood its severests tests. For three months She coughed inccssannly and could not sleep She tiualy discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing a bot tle of Dr. Kings Retnedd for Consump tion, was so much relelved on taking first dose, that she slept all night; and with two bottles has been absolutely cured. Here name is Mrs Luther Lutz writes W.C. HamnicACo., of Shelby, X. C Trail free at Odendahl Bros Drug Store. Regular sizes 5oc and 81,00 Every bo-tie guarenteed Glorious Nen ,. Comes from Dr D. B. Cargile of Washita, I. T. He writes Four bottles of Electric Bitters ha* cured Mrs Brewer of scrofula which hud caused her great suffering for years. Terrible scores would break outrun her head and face, the best doctors could give no relief,her cure la complete and her health la exce llent. I bis shows what thousands have proved , that Electric Blttera I* the best blood purt tier known. Its the supreme remedy for eczema tetter, salt rheum ulcer*, boll* aud ruuuing sores. It silm ulate* liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons helps digestion builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by Odru dahl Bro's Druggist Ouarauteed It' 111) I ^ " (HMD »< Wall «. II” * ^ IU»tt it* Hllilf inlmr rPl 1 »>*•«> by btdu«* and * bltddnr trouble 1 »r. Mindy ptmu|illy cum*. At droftgiat* m llfiyiHiti and dollar at***. Y*>u may liar* a **iii|>l« Indli* by mall Irrr. also (wtuylilrl Irllmf t I about It Addma* |»r, kllwn A t'o , Hinahimiuo N V, j 1 ... ~ IM*. i ttn'illMMlMM tNi* t»fcM*. am Ju*t • bat a but** to'ciU »b* it In b xt coudltxot fualr, Muol y*urtr and mrutlfuft* I b*y at* Mol loud but mad l* »u* aud lb* W»l la aw to |>u( a bur** i« | nut* louditliot. 1'iWait «««l* |*r l> uiiy t x» tab by Od**dabl bo'*. k*t«it Mull ft. • aaa »iiio that M M about ifta ftuft 4 aar I un»a a» »**n ..t **••*, * ***** >k>t mat *ltb • bit* and* aada* a* lr and • a* in fw«atimd ft a* taka* a* «a • I lain*, lit* MltkWMl futlit 4 mil** at T*»n*»»>!* t*. llama tl. lUk nwk !,>•* atop. u«iwa* maaty, ItMaut. liana* ■ lu»« btupMty by b*u. I Mg nwt pay m* to* Ibla mtt*a and mat 4 aaaptatf fttrataa mataia** Phil Jaeger’s LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Those'shoppers who wish to make a sea sonable purchase in season comes here, for they know we have just what they want and when they want it. Our stock of jMew goods " ort upon a road commencing at a pomlonthc east line of road number (10) ten, where it crosses the section line be tween sections lu and 15, in lowuslilp 15, north of range 15, west, in Sliermau coun ty and state of Nebraska, and running thence west on the section line between sections 10 and 15, 9 and 10, H and IT, 7 and IN, un i terminating at west section corner tM iwceu sections 7 and IN, has reported in (aver of the establishment thereof and all objections thereto or claims ior dam ages must be filed in the county clerk's otitic on or before noon of tiie llth day of Heptember, A. D. 1-Oj or such road will be established without referanee thereto (EVAt*.) John Minsiii'M., county clerk ju'y it to a tig, 5th. N(>TU K TO BIIIUIi.lt*, muled bide tar l'oor Term of bliermau County for three year*, commencing Mnli h let, lien. Will tie receive i el the oooniy clerk’- olBee, at l.oup city, Neb r»-ka, oa ur before aeitleuilwr let, idb; mi* lurtu contains Mu a, tea laue railroad rig hi uf way, aud right at way of Irriga than • <>ui|aaoy and public lilahnay* Meail tu lae |WM In ceeb, lerute laa be one bail ,a*b in ml v a nee aud one ha f nuh el lb* tiy latlaaa of each year l.eaee* to furn lal, UiMd with approved aacurlly, The In aulf It-aard nmrre the right to reject any end ail htua, lulled, loop illy, aenraufea, June «, lwe* June tl leautui t, count* t««*t of her claim, and Ibat eaid po«»l will ha ■ecu (<•(«•* the i ewbty Jade* el i»bat I ■mu eowaty at I «*» tilt; on sept mb i«Bb j . . Wety fc lleil Umuealend Kuirr bo llgaL he t-d* 4 and I w) a** no* at, Tewaabip it. Bang* it earn * Beta** the fultonlng wit ****** to ga <«* bar aoaliawowb rwmdeaww wpun and «„ii|.*iMu ml *aid lead, me Jama* W Blab, uf lea •-!*•* f b awd**«*ift, 4d lolls Tu *. ** II Ini na*. *4 iak'1 W i *rpn*.«« ml " J » Jodaawa, Bagiata*. NOTICE OF WARNING. As complaint is wade to me that per sons are killllng meadow larks, aud singing birds, and are tresspassing on the land of others and killing game in violation of the game law of the state, notice is hereby givea that In all cases in tbe future where security for costs is given I shall institute proceedings upon complaint being made. Dated Julv 31st, 1899. T. 8. Ni<;htin<:ai.k, County Attorney NOTICE OF WARNING. Ail parties are bereby warned under penalty of law not to bunt game on the lands described as follows and be longing to the undersigned: All of section 32 and east balf of section 29, township 16 Rang* 14. In Logan town ship, Sherman county. Anyone not heeding this notice will be prosecuted to tbe full extent of the law. Carl Anderson, I’KTER ERLANDSON. - ♦ ♦ 25c for the Campa'an. The Twice-a-Week State Journal, printed every Tuesday and Friday, will be sent postpaid with all of the news of the world from now until after election for only 2S cents. It is worth that much to read iboul the Fighting First regi ment's return The Journal, printed at the atate capital, is the leading Nebras ka paper aud it's mighty cheap at a uuartcr HI>CK Mikk* AKNICA HAbVK. The beat Halve ill the world for Cut* j limiM* Sore* duett Hall Klieuiu Fever Sore* Teller Chapped llauda Chilblain* Corn* and all Skiu Krnptlona and pos itively cure* Film, or no pay required. | ll Im guaranteed lo give peifeei aatUfae- ' tlon or iiiouey refunded. Price iU cent* •ht l»ik Kor tale by Odnidthl Hm< i ll kill I SSM lUMklll •atacrttilua* la Th fataai liwrt HMm aaauat NERVITA PILL® »I Cures lmpotcnty, Night l.iuiaaum .vn* waating Uiaeaaca, kU effrcla of *e abu»e, or rltrM anil in i rrtiun A iwnr toot< mm bioml bulliior. ItrInf* th pink flow to pair cbrrk* an l rratorr* th« Irr ol tooth i tlty Mall ROr per boa. It boat fur AS.AO; wllli a wrtlir* |Ui*r.ta IMM cun' or r«*l uiol I hr uwmc*. s*ru4 (or Circular A44re«*. NCRVITA MKDICAL CO. OMh AMutn mu, CHICAGO. IU. ntfl Iaui wv ODKNDAHL |IK«M Lrup CUf, Nth W J. FISHER, Attoraay at Law Mi Notary PiMto. will Defend !■ rttriilw— Omm Ai.no DO A General Leal Estate Business* OtM ll. VOHTHWMTIM *■"*■« lout city, imauiA, R. J. NIGHTINGALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUT OITT, i | |Rt A> S- MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, ■ • NEBRASKA. OFFICE.—One door east of Chase's drug store. FOR MEN ONLY! Tit LOW or FAXLIBO KAHHOOD, Issorul aad KUtVOOB DEBILITY, .-.nroifcamsf Body aadliad. Effects tliof Errors or Esessm is Old or Young, •kBet, Retie RANIIOOD fell/ Bettered. New te KeJerve uad HlreecikeeWKil,! NDKVKLttFBDOMAHSSrARTS ofHODI Akeelefel* unfailing IIOBB TBBATHBRT-BeweSta Is a day, Bea tenttrj from »0 HUIee aad Feeel*a Ceeatrlee. Write tkeak Denrriptit* Bo*jk, s ■ plaaatioa aed preefs Mailed (eealed)free. Udree* ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO.N, V. A FREE PATTERN j (your on aelactiua) to cwy sub- ! : scriber. Only SO coats a year. MS CALLS MAGAZINE I A LADIES' MAGAZINE. A ; kaaoi if el colo«a4 plain , Uimi ; ItmHJM ; flftMUtU| IIOAuaiM , Iuhi > Work , tar—4o4 kmla , Mbs, Hf tut [ JM'W ludar, I*f, Mtf u luf I.IIM copy ; laft i|«u >uma Isa4 Am urai . Strllab, RrlUIU. fUapl*. llp-u> 4au, aa.t Abaulalaly > Par fact Put lag Patiar Patterae. [MS CA LLrftk | fATTETNstP I [*«lf Ml 4*4 It <14 Mat"MM S * I iM« V M • M4fl| «MTf *«> B MM !>!*'», a« t« (Md Inm 3 TMH McCAlX CO.. I !»• 144 Naal talk M.. *.« ta«t 1 Mr MAY NO i It M Tiistt tap tm nay fartta drsttuk 14. Iu*n 14, Mange I*, all Mild kHin»M( kl Art adla, utt Atagtasl (U |WI t Hyg Mil'll HtifS (mat# (4 jlttlt kill till In hall bat, •eight abaaaat Ttkl Iba OiMf i'M lavs Mini hf pr taking proper I* ikg pay log luf inmI at leaping aat* far pisty* fishing this nolle* W M l.tlMON Arcatita *b< ,