The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 28, 1899, Image 8

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    Uoaal Caws.
Harvesting Is lu full blast at. present.
Walter Wookey is on the sick list
this week.
j. a. Niles ot Elm twp. »»* a welcome
caller Monday.
I>. Reynolds Is visiting his son*. S. F.
and Ed. this week
Read ad of A. E. Chase's discount
sale on this page.
The walls of the new school house
are rapidly raising.
Corn is soaring way up now days it
Is 115 cents per bushel.
Don’t forget tbo 20 per cent discount
sale at the Bargain Store.
Don’t fail to read I’rof. Culley's won
derful predictions In this Issue.
J D. Ford shipped another car of
cattle to South Omaha this week
Mr. Carmody of Washington l>*p
proved up on his claim last Monday.
Mr S. G. Wookey sold his tine faun
ten miles west of this city last week.
Mr. E Brewer went to Lincoln this
week to visit his daughter Mrs Briggs.
Mrs. Julia McMIchaels of Arcadia, is
visiting her sister Mrs. Wm Rowe this
J. L. Hopper of Ord was shaking
hands with old friend* In this City l«*t
Miss Spear. Editor of the Central City
Democrat, was the guest of Mr. and
Mrs A. Sutton over Sunday
Misse»s Sadie Pedler and Mary Min
shull spent last week at Lltcbfleld re
turning home last Sunday.
The d ate for the 20 per cent discount
sale at the Bargain Store, Is Monday
July lilst, to Saturday Aug Mb Inclu
Miss Lenua Doner of Washington
twp. was received Into the mysteries of
the Royal Neighbors of America, last
Tuesday night.
Maleomb Robinson returned from
Nemaha county Kan. yesterday. Mr.
Robinson says crop prospects in Kansas
are very flattering.
Albert Tbell of Ork Creek, will move
bis family to town immediate!) after
crop is gathered and open a pump and
wind mill establishment.
The R. N. of A., balloted on 28 can
didates last Tuesday night, and will
hold an adjourned meeting tomorrow,
Salurday, night to adopt them.
W. II. Boeckner the tai'.or has Just
received Ills samples for fall and winter*
Now is your time to place an order for
a suit or pair of pants for the winter.
A Boone the Optician representing
the Chicago Optical Co , will be a(
the drug store of W. T. Chase on Tues
day and Wednesday, August 1-2. Don’t
fall to see him If you used auv thing in
bis line.
“I have used Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy In my family for years and al
ways willi good results." says Mr. W.
B. Cooper of El ltlo, Cal “For small
chlldreu we tlnd it especially effective ”
For sale by Odendahl Bro’s.
We have for sale a full supply of
blank mortgages, deeds, land leases,
notes and mortgage notes on band. All
printed on best quality paper and are of
the beat forms and print. Warranty
deeds to conform with county deed
Mr. L. A. Wilson principal of the
Seward High school will give a reading
in the M.E Church of this place on
Wednesday evening Aug. 9th 1899. Mr.
Wilson comes highly recommended and
a literary treat is In store for all who
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Long Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Mellor and Master Karl, and
Mrs, Kawson, sister of Mrs. Mellor, re
turned from thi ir visit east last Thurs
day evening Mrs. Kawson. we under
stand Intends to make her home here
In the future.
Supervisor Kechtbold wishes us to
say that It was his fault that the face of
the court house square was not shaved
until the growth had become entirely
tu luxuriant, and further wishes to an
nounce that the populist otllclal* were
still In first class condition when reliev
ed. We accept the explanation and hope
It will t.e kindly received at the court
Notice elsewhere iu this Issue the call
fora meeting of the republican county
central committee which is called to
meet at Loup City on Saturday, July
9V. s1 9 lOP p. m. for the purpoae of ar
ranging for county convention which
will be held on date to be named by
eaM committee Kvery member of the
eotum'ttee la urged to be present.
1‘eraoa# troubled with diarrhoea a III
be li.lererted In the oi|>eri*<n-e .if ||r.
\V M Hu»l». clerk of Hotel I *orr#nc*.
fro*I.lone*. K I lie *af* “for m«
•ml year* I have l<*e« almoat acourtau t
•offeror from dlarrhooa. the lre.|o*nl
attach* completely proatratlag to* and
r*«l*rlu« o.e uwlt for mv d.iilea at thi*
hotel About too rear# ago a travol
lag aahraaaaa kindly gar* me a #mall
bottle of t'hamherlala* folk*, • holer a
lad IMarrhoea Remedy Murk to to*
•oiprlM and del aht ♦»* effect* »«<«
lot medial* tt hewer*. I felt aymptom*
of the dire are I *«atd fortify mytolf
agaiaat th« attach otih a to* >!.***# of
thta r alwabte remr i» Th# roaoll haa
tom very mil* lac to* r awl •l<a>»t com
uMa relief from I ha .itMtea ’ for rak
hr ltd* ad ah I Hut
Geo. E. Hotchkins went to Central
City last Saturday.
Grandma Waite left for Newcastle.
YVy., yesterday morning to visit her
t» » sons
lt*s like a ‘‘dip in the fountain of
youth” Touches the cheek so gently that
youth lingers on the face of old age
Kocky Mountain Tea does.
Maud Last night Jack teld me that
tie wouldnt marry the best girl living
unless—what—unless she took Rocky
Mountain Tea. Bright feliow.
Loup Cl y will put up the greatest
race meet the 2J-24 of August, that this
country has ever experienced. Five
hundred dollars in purses will be given.
The North Loup Valley, from St.
I’aul north, we hear Is nearly burnt out.
Oae Inch of ram fell here Wednesday
night, end our corn crop bills fair to
be a butaper.
‘•During the tint veuther la«t summer
f had a severe attack of cholera mor
bus, necessitating my leaving my busi
ness,” says Mr. C, A. Hare, of Hare
Bros., Fincastle, Ohio. Alter taking
two or three doses of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoe Remedy I
was completely relieved and in a few
hours was able to resume my work in
the store. I sincerely recommend It io
any one afflicted with stomach or bowel
trouble. For sale by Odendali! Bro’s.
Miss Sadie Walworth Is suffering
considerable pain from some trouble on
the upper lip which even the doctors
are divided as to its nature. It began a
week ago and seemed to be like a bite
or sting from some insect and has con
tinued to grow worse until her lip i»
three times Its normal si/.e. It shows no
sign of coming to a head but is just very
much Inflamed and swolen Its appear
ance Is very much Ilk that discribed by
the lapeis as the stlr.g of a kissing
I’rof Mead made this office a pleasant
call last Saturday and gave us a state
ment of facts us he understands them
in regard to the two extra grades nec
essary to he taught in our schools so a*
to tit our pupils for entering the state
university, or schools of a like adv r.ce
meut. Mr. Mead says tliat the two ex
tra grades never iiave been taught in
the schools of Loup City, but from tlie
fact that up to three years ago the state
university taught a two years prepara
tory course, so that pupils graduating
from a ten grade school were eiigiole
for that institution. But s nee this
lias been dropped It is necessary that
twelve grades be taught here if our
scholars are to he eligible w hen tiiey
graduate at home. Further Mr Mead
suj s that he will urge our board of edu
cation to Inaugurate those two grades
in our schools at their earliest conve
nience s.o that when a class is ready
tiny can accommodate them. We
hope the board will take this matter up
as Mr. Mead expresses his desire to
place our schools second to none In
smaller towns. Why could not this be
done at once and our ti n grade gradu
ates be allowed to coutlnue their studies
without interruption as some have al
ready expressed their intention of do
ing. It won't tiurt them to graduate
over again. These grades should have
been taught for the past three or four
years If they had been doubtless the
class which graduated in ’98 would
have continued their studies last year.
Say to the farmer*, this la the best fall
for winter wheat we have ever had up
to July 24. Sow early thi* year —Say to
the public, fcr the “World Work*,’’ to
be on their guard for some extreme hot
weather between now and Auguat 2nd,
interspersed with days of hot winds.
Rain about the 27th of July to August
2nd, with quite a blow. September hot
and sultry with good rains. Sow fall |
wheat thi* ,»ear.
-♦ • ♦
It i« certainly gratifying to tl;e public
to know of one concern in the laud who
are not afraid to be generoua to the
needy and suffering. The proprie
tors i f Dr Kings New discovery for
Consumption, Cough and colds have
given away over ten million trial bottle*
of tills gieat medicine; and (tie satisfac
tion of knowing it has absolutely cured
tbou-and of hopeless case*. Astbuia. .
Bronchitis, Hoarseness and ail diseases
of Throat, Chest and I.ungs are surely
cured by it. Call on Odeudahl B'o*
Druggist and gel a free trial bottle
Regular aue 30s. and *1, Kerry bottle
guaranteed, or price refunded
I Cabinet Photon 1*0 centa per
ldot at I*eachinsky'a Studio
open every diy except Satur
| dava. Come and §ee aatnploa.
• • •
HI Ml lee fur Hd»». Wi«*n IuukI) (’• mrai
t aaMliO* Maallai
l lir >orr*l ItrI'lllil.imi tuiilitt • 'MH<
min*, men lur "*hrri«»u tniiMv »te
j heietiy lalleil |w W«**» «l I.mill ( III un
iMiuitlii, Jul| .*X Nw it lit" hour u(
i 4 «* »VI»k |> ui fur lh» {Mirpuav
| ui til*4 itiir fur mu nor i'uiii«,n|iiut,
I t*MU%nui tailing time lur lu«ii>|ii|i |»rl
I luiito Itimu fi*»l« t»! . i«*|‘nr»*i.
lillua uni tii«Mvllk| Mu ll utIni Uu»
Imii •• H»n| l>ti*l»rtly nn«r h»|m* th»
Mr* ling
It U M|MH'litt|i iW#t»*il tint rtktt
i in**mkvt mt Ik" nnumlltM *" |< ft ten I
tikii I, link HOtfc*. I k«Oui«u
|(i | uti U*n • uunl| t «« t MH
-r •? *— '
!«• II fulfil llif I'rml.
When tin* Republicans were about
to nominate somebody to run for gov
ernor in lMtl. there were candidate*; in
all parts of the wood*. The day of the
convention, however, “Uncle Dick"
went down and, without having present
any semblance cf candidacy other than
his own personality, be was nominated
by acclamation.
His brother-in-law, David T. Littler.
was a candidate for state treasurer.
He had been to some pains to make his
candidacy an organized feature of the
days preceding the convention. When
Oglesby was named for governor, Lit
tler was put out of the calculations by
reason of coming from the next county
and was side tracked in consequence.
Although Mrs. Oglesby and Mrs. Lit
tler were sisters, the houses of Oglesby
and Littler were far apart from that
time. The heads were so completely
estranged that one did not speak to the
other. For ten yfars they remained
Littler lived in a great old fashioned
mansion in Springfield. Oglesfcy lived
on his farm near Elkhart. One duy, to
the emprise of the Littler family, ex
Qovernor Oglesby walked in.
“How are you, Dave?” said the ex
“How are yon, governor t” said Lit
tler, as he struggled against his aston
ishment. Then the extended hand of
the unexpected visitor was cordially
“I came to take dinner with you,
“Well, I’m glad of it,” answered
Littler, as he took the hut and cout of
his caller.
“Is the whisky bottle in the same
old pluce, Dave?”
“It is, and there’s whisky in it."
And that was how the family feud
ended forever.—Chicago Tribune.
Ammonia hi a Fire Kxtlniculaher.
Probably the best fire extinguishing
liquid is aqua ammonia, without any
addition whatever. We have personally
had experience with the almost mar
velous power of this substance in this
direction. In one instance, where fire
had originated probably from spon
taneous combustion, in a pile contain
ing several tons of cotton seed, and the
interior of which was almost a solid
body of live coal, a half gallon of am
monia completely smothered the fire.
In another, which occurred at 8a
venay, France, tho vapors of a tank
containing CO gallons of gasoline caught
fire in the linen room of a laundry. The
room was instantly a mass of living
flumes, but a gallon and a half of am
monia water thrown into it completely
and almost immediately extinguished
the fire. The ammonia was in a glass
demijohn in an apothecary shop next
door to the laundry and was thrown
into the room by tho druggist as an ex
periment. Ho completely was the fire
extinguished thut workmen were en
abled to enter the room almost imme- j
diately, where they found the iron tank
of gasoline'intact.—National Druggist
A < h l.iint-beon,
A good story is told in connection
with tho last Ascot meeting. An Amer
ican, who was used to going into racing
booths in his own country, ordering
luncheon and paying $1, found himself
hungry at the royal meeting, so he
walked into the first tent handy and
told the attendant to give him some
thing to eat. The man put a sumptuous
luncheon before himNto which, as well
as the champagne, the visitor did ample 1
justice. lie then handed the attendant
6 shillings, received his thanks and was !
bowed out of the tent, inwardly con- I
gratulating himself on the moderateness
of the charge. An English friend whom
he met outside said:
“I did not know you were acquainted
with Lord H.”
, “Neither am I,” replied the Bosto
“Oh, I beg your pardon," said the
interrogator. “I thought you were, as
you came out of his tent."—London
Hrndlnaiih’a H’a.
Mrs. Godfrey Cleik told me today at
dinner that when she was in London
last year some one said in her presence,
“It ia strange that Bradlangb, although
be speaks well, should never be able to
manage the letter b. ” Sir F. llalliday,
who was sitting by, remarked, “The
reason is obvious ; we know that
“ 'Twn* whlsperod In hauven,
'Thus muttered In hell,
and Bradlangb will have nothing to
say to either.”—Sir M. E. Grant Duff's
Dial > _
Tha I’nsle Didn’t Hold.
“I have shown this to n jeweler.'
said the young woman, flinging the
engagement ring scornfully at his feel
“Did yon think," she asked, with
crushing sarcasm, “yon could cement
onr affection with pastet"
“Hoi” hissed the young man, folding
Ids arum aud gazing at her with equal
scorn “It's paste, is it T Aud yet you
are not stark on it l“—Chicago Trib
Veedlet m Iteadeeed.
“Omtirtueu of the jnry," asked ths
eh-tk of the court, “have you agreed
u|a>n a Vrrdlctt''
“We have," replied the foreman
“The verdict of the Jury ia that the
iawyere have utised thla case up hi that
we don't kuow anything at all al» ul
ii Philadelphia North American
VC kr« lie Mas » wad el It
tgninn Are yon fond of Welsh r*b
hit i
Tophi* Ik file eating, white I am
eating and for a very short time after
j «>ltoai*«n Tiahwripl
A loan always rises In btaown sail
tuatkn stun he gels on familiar terms
with a |»i» s of whom he um iiuul
In awe Atebm>a Uluhe
The gohMah is s great coward and a
tint 'Wh with ths toutage tu attack It
can ft tdhtesi it aktssl tw death
announcement cards
Next Sunday, July 30. will be held German
Kvangcllcal seivice*. with prayer for good
rain, in this city at 2:iw p. m. in the llaptlsi
church, and on Sunday August A. In Draper's
school house. [In the neighborhood of Huns
Deck and Lorenz Nlsseai at 10:00a. in
Ado. Jknnhk h. Pastor
Sunday July no, I MW. Services will he held
as follows, Morning service !0:00, subject:
Why some men do not go to Church Kve<
nlng service, A:80. Subject; The Grass eating
King. Oak Creek at 8 p. m. "Hock of Ages."
A cordial Invitation to all
Notice to Teachers
The Sherman County Teachers Institute
will be held In Loup City, July 81st to August
lltli. All teachers that have the proper pro
fessional spirit will be there without any fur
ther Invitation or Information thun simply to
know the date of the Institute. It Is the duty
of the county superintendent to render the
greatest possible service to the schools of Ms
county; Infact, he has obligated himself to do
so, and he is not fulfilling his obligation If he
does not fill the schools morally above re
proach uud professionally above criticism.
The present incumbent wishes to exert his
utmost endeuvors to do his whole duty us he
sees It. and confidently expects the hearty sup
port of every person In the county who has the
welfare of the school at heart. It would be a
redlculous proposition to suppose that any one
who expects to teach should not be among the
number enrolled at this Institute.
G. 8 LKININltKIC, Co. Hupt.
♦ • ♦
Teller, Salt-ltlir.uin and Krseina
The itching and smarting inci
dent to these diseases, is Instantly allay
ed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and
Skin Ointment. Many very bad esse*
have been permanently cured by it* It
Is equally efficient for Itching plies and
a favorite remedy for sore nipples
chapped hands, chilblain*, frost bites
and chronic tore eyes. 25cts. per box
For sale by Odendahl Bro s.
♦ • ♦
'I'll* service of the UNION 1'ACIFIC
via Omaha or Kansas City la unexcelled
and consists of I’alace Sleeping-Car*.
Bullet Smoking and Library-Cars, Din
ing-Cars, meals a-lacarte, Free Retlln
Ing-Chair Cars and Ordinary Bleeping
I'be Union l'acifir is the route for
summer travel.
For lull information about tickets,
stop-overs, or a finely illustrated book
describing “ The Overland Route” to
the l’sc I tic Coast, call ou VV. I). Clif
ton, Agent
Fllt|ilnos Here August 1st.
Representative of the Greater Amer
ica Exposition met the Filipino Village
at San Francisco They came east in
twelve elegant coaches with decorations
advertising the Big Exposition The en
tire Filipino Village will be ready fur
the public August 1 The Hawaiian*and
Cubans ure already here. The Greater
American Expoaiti >n h is redeemed its
pledges to show the people, animals,
birds and homes of our new possesions.
'Che-buildings are all full. The grounds
are magnificent You can now see the
finest exposition ever opened west of
Chicago, i’aln's fireworks are magnifi
cent. Dan Godfreys band Is uplendld.
Come earlv.
♦ • ♦
'25c for the ('am pa'gn
The Twlce-a-Week Btate Journal,
printed every Tuesday and Friday, will
be sent postpaid with all of the news of
the world from now until after election
for only 25 cents. It Is worth that much
to read i bo lit the Fighting First regi
ment’s return The Journal, printed at
the state capital, Is the leading Nebras
ka paper and It’s mighty cheap at a
Do uot fail to see Draper the photo
grapher, He is in Loup City now
with his photo car and wdl remain
but a few weeks. Loup City people
are seldom given an opportunity to
get such lovely pictures.
Mr. I*, ketchum of Pike City. Cal.,
says: "During rny brother'* late sick
ness from aeiatie rheumatism, Cham
berlain's Pain (talm w as the only reme
dy that gave him any relief." Maty
other* have testified to the prompt re
lief from pain which this liniment af
ford*. For Ml*by Odeudahl IPo'a.
lit* heal salve in the world for Cut*
Utilises Sores Ciccts Salt Hheutn Inver
Sores Tetter t 'happed Halida • ’hdhlaloa
Corns and all Skill kruptloua and pos
itively cures Piles or no pay required.
It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded. Price 24 cent*
•ter box For sale by Odeudahl liros.
»hie of the best Improved tamo in
slit i in to touuly, consisting t.f aci*#i
one and one-fourth uiilr* from Ashton,
410 acre* under eullivatlon, balance In
patlure, g>a»l running water Write for
price* Address
K A and K F. Wuaru,
7 Jl 2 *1 Ashton, N*ht. i
HKboOh Til Yt>l HMll.F and good
lo vour Iretnds When you Ireal I
frelnd to »kosrr give him lb* heal
llAHPMt Whiskey It Ike beverage for
voor Irelt d* an I for ton soil • IlY
f t I I'OS Loup i itv N»b
the I Mil stale Hank Wltl sell liwprov
, .1 f .tins .>« I lane A law vwttle wn same
Iriao Util, Nebraska
This means moro than an ordina
ry special sale. It means that every
thing in stock except groceries will
go at a cut price next week. I will
soon start for market, and my trip
means the arrival a little later*of cards
of newr fall goods. We must have a
place to put them, and money to pay
for them. I am going to make the
room and get the money by reducing
my present stock as much as possible.
It will pay you to help me do this.
A. E. Chase,
Tliev Go to DRAPER'S Photo Car.
Bouncing babies, stately mothers.
Mirthful maiden* by the score,
Brides and bridegrooms without number
Beaux and bachelors by the do/.en,
Mixed with married men galore,
.Jostle with the side walk traffic, "i*
On the sheet near DRAPER'S door,
Actors from the heights dramatic;
Preachers from the bouse of prayer:
Soldiers from the state militia,
Go to DRAPER'S If anywhere.
Social cli)I>s, and groups extending
't hroughout learning's beaten paths,
M ingle in the midst >' DRAPER’S
Rich display of photographs.
F.awyers, editors and sUtesrner ,
Transient visitors in town,
Go to DRAPER'S sit for pilot os,
Draper's photos of renown.
So remember when you’re anxious
To obtain a photo tine; •
DRAPER is the acknowledged leader
Of all artists in his line
Stamps per IH * .25 _
Little Queens, “ Doz. 1 00 $ 1 25
Cabinet, one person, “ “ I 50 2 00
Cabinet, two persons “ “ 1 75 2 26
Cabinet groups “ “ 2 00 2 50
5x7 groups “ “ 3 Go 3 7r»
0x8 groups “ “ 4 00 5 00
Cabinet Views, in town “ “ I 50 2 00
6J x Views in town “ •* :j 50 4 0()
We also make copies and enlargements from old faded pictures, but
cannot submit prices on this kind of work until we see the picture to be
coppied. m
EDGAR DRAPER, Photographic Artist.
President Outlier
General Banking Business Transacted.
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000
Correspondents: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y., Omaha
National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska
There aro Many COOL PESOFTS
JJL On the [line or reached* via the WKfifL
xxxmxj^xbusxxxxxiik XX XX XXX XXX MX XXX XX
Direct Line to ' Solid
aU Vostibuled Trains
Points West. Daily
For Time T*bl**, Folder*, llln*tr*l«l Book*, Pamphlet* d*»cr>p0t|
of ibe teaniorjr lr*ver*ed, mil on
■noanj <
UOMC3 1,
llTMillil Dyrprf
sllilliliy »i c k • 11 c u u
100 PILLS kil4 kp *11 4f»p«t«l4
.. «.a I up •*»« A* <’ «•
W "*—>«*« ««4»wi. 'A«f.
i OH), %•»•»
Itte Mt* Mr*i
II J K Lillf. • prominent oliUen uf
lUnnlbel. Mu.. Intel* bed • wonderful
deliverem* (rout • frightful dentb In
telling uf II be **»•! **• »»• ••*»« •••k
I ) pbold l ever, Ibet r*i tula Pueumo
hIi Mjf lunge t*e«eiu* bnrdened. I
• Mtowenk I etuiUinl •even ell up In
I**:. Sulking helped we I e«|HH'»ed
tu iinhi *11* at t detwMlwi, »MN I
henrd at 1* king* Mew W«***,»
line buttle give great relief I *oelle*ed
tu ue* It. end nee eu< well end •»»>*eg
I reel #•* t*u m»l in He pretee Tble
met veluut iu*ilU tM le lie eureet el I
•tulvn*et cure t* tk* •>*#M f«r nil
I hr«et end I «*« Tteoble Meguler
iIim Ui eente end #1 kg. Trl«i MllH
ftee el tKhmdekl •»<*'• l*»<**!
kveri kattl* gemeeleed