The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 28, 1899, Image 1

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Mrs. Frt/I Hapke arrived home
from Grand Island, on Wednesday
afternoon, where she has been for
medical treatment. She seems t< be
in a great deal better health than
when she left.
The church picnic social held on
Wednesday evening in Knntzen s
park was a success, and about 920
was raised thereby. A good time
was enjoyed by all who attended
Mr. Fred Behrens of Rockville,
was seen on our streets Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. L A. Wilson of
Seward, arrived on Friday evening
for a visit with relatives in this
The Reading dated tor last Friday
evening by Prof. Wilson, was post
poned till Tuesday evening, August
r 1st. Don’t forget the date as this
will be a rare treat which does not
often befall the lot of the Ashtouite.
Mr. Wilson comes to us well recom
mended, and is a specialist in bis
line, and all should turn out and
hear him, as he is certainly a tine
speaker. The price will be 20c.
Mr. Samuel Raycer of Marquette
arrived Saturday afternoon aud spent
Sunday with our j >ily physician, Dr.
8. Howard. Mr. Rayner returned to
his home on Monday morning.
Mrs. Time. Bly. one of Ashton’s old
residents, arrived Friday evening for
a visit witii relatives ui/ar here
Died—Mr. .Julius Koslicki died
very suddenly at, his home near this
town on 8 iturd ay night. Mr.
Koslieai is one of our earlist settlers.
All day long Saturday he drove a
hitched team to a binder, and when
he retired lie seemed in his usual
good health, aud in the night he
made a slight disturbance which a
woke his wife, who thinking that all
was not rigli', arose and lit a lamp
only to iind that lie had departed
from this terrestrial ball.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Smelser drove
pver to Rockville Saturday evening
and spent Sunday with relative*.
Harvest is here and in full force
and a number < f our farmers are
makiug plans to begin threshing yet
this month.
Quite a delegation of Asbtoniles
acccompanicd the two nines wearing
Ashton Uniforms to Rockville last
Sunday where theb iys went to cover
themselves with glory <>u the
diamond. In the forenoon Ashton’s
second nine met the Rockville team
and at the end of the ninth inning the
score was 32 to 33 in favor of the
Rockville nine, and us both teams
desired to prolong the battle, they
play ed three innings more and then
the score was 44 to 4" in Ashtons
favor. In the ufleruoon the prii cipal
event of the the day was called, and
Ashton's first nine crossed huis with
the Revenue team, and after playing
six innings Revennu h »ys "threw up
the rpotigi" ntiil left wi'h a sw re of
12lo 24 in favor of the team from this
place The teams both did their best
and played lively hull.
Mr. and Mr*. Rowan Sutton of
Loup spent with Mr. Niid
Mrs. T. 14. Wilson.
A I'. I •aim <>f Harwell wn« *i*cmi
iu tlii* town on .Mutniny "linking
limnln witii old friend*
Mr*. J. K /.I'llinifi-r !»• f 1 Monday
morning for Sun Praucuno, Cal ,
vi lit re i,iif ||ih>» lo urrt her tiUfbaad
Ca|it J6*llingi'f of Co K , of the
gallant Pirat Sehraaka
A. N. Conklin drove down to Si. j
I'aul Tueeday evening
Maater I'taui l.aui(ili*r>> left on
Wiitorada) morning for a three
wav tin Mail at Milford
I C. II,
• • ♦
Itaiwoittl He yea l.nla, a full hi.
► I l*loli|.lno, and nn edmaUd total
Itgeal M4M who la at (ireaent l« Una
O'nntn give* twine ahi'Uaoine !<'•
»iaa to m k wan an Hryan Atkin*, n
in4 *li<i an tiling to If
lltila i»*n thing i|*r admiaialfa'niw
doe# ||* Mlaaih |nMut*out lha du
tiaa of the | ailed Stalest* |hv*hu|
ty in an an*eri*ia term* II* natn
• g**v •#ament atuat not i evade, I
that its honor compel Is it to main
tain the stand taken and suppresB
the insurrection and establish a
stable government for his people
lie contends that, if left to them
selves, the jealousies araoung the
different trines will ruin the country
and destroy his people if they are
given their independence, and soys
in so many words that Aguinaldo
liases his hopes upon the assistance
he expects to receive from the cop
perhead element of the democrat
ic party. This must lie gratifying
news for an American to hear.
An Erratic Writer.
When Thomas Bailey Aldrich was a
small salariod clerk in George W.
Carlebm’s book store on Broadway, Fitz
James O’Brien was in the habit of
dropping in to see him, and one day
came in rather more than half seas
over. Aldrich decided to take him
across the street to a hotel and put him
to bod. Cautiously and carefully he led
O’Brien, but beforo ho bad got half
way across a frieud stopped him and
asked: “Why do you want to bother
with the fellow. Let him go.” “I will
not,” retried Aldrich. “Ho borrowed a
dollar from me a few days ago, and I
can’t afford to let anything happen to
At another time, when ho was not
strictly sober, O’Brien fonnd himself
out of funds. He wandered into a pub
lisher’s office and asked for $25. This
was refused him. Angrily seizing a
placard O’Brien reversed it and made
in big letters on the blank side: “One
of ——-'s authors. I am starving." Ty
ing a string to the card, O’Brien placed
it around his neck and paraded up and
down the street, to the great amuse
ment of a large crowd. Ho was of
course requested to desist, bnt nothing
stopped his mad course until a $0 bill
was presented to him as a compromise.
—San Francisco Argonaut.
The Devil Tree.
The devil, dragon or octopus tree/as
it is variously called in the different
stories told of it, is one of those travel
ers’ myths which by diut of repetition
have worked their way into public be
lief. The man eating or devil tree is,
aocording to the story, a huge plant
somewhat resembling a palm, save thut
the central fronds are provided with
8barp teeth, which, when the leaves
are folded over toward the center, grasp
with a death grip the man or animal
unfortunate enough to be inclosed with
in. In some of the stories this tree is
also provided with long arms, wbioh
reach out and seize unwary travelers,
raise their bodies in the air and drop
them into the center of the circle of
devouring leaves.
It is hardly necessary to say that
there is no such tree and that the story
has its origin in the dangers of travers
ing a tropical thicket, where travelers
have received serious injuries from fall
ing over vines and among thorny plants,
Where men are frequently attacked and
killed by serpents. The devil tree is lo
cated by various story tellers in Borneo,
in Sumttra and in the forest recesses of
Other tropical islands, and whenever
inquiry is made for it it is to be found
somewhere else.—St Louis Globe-Dem
A Panama Hat,
“The life of a panama hat—that ia,
If it ia a good one to start with,” re
marked an admirer of that style of head
gear, “compares somewhat with the
life of the owner of it. One cun run
through either in a hurry or hang on
for a long time if it is desired. If care
fully kept, a panama hat should last
all the way from 10 to 40 years. 1
know a gentleman who resides in east
Washington who has owned and steadi
ly worn daring the summer mouths a
panama hut for nearly 40 years. It has
been bleached every couple of ycurs
ainoe and retrimmed and relined, and it
la today to all intents and purposes a*
good as wbeu I first saw it SO years ago.
“1 know of another panama hat, now
worn by a physician in this uity, which
baa had almost as long a life. Long l<e
fore be got it his father wore it. 1 know
dozens of them which have been in use
from 10 to 20 years. The lining wears
out, but the body of the hat keeps good.
Of course care has to be used to keep
them such a h ug time, hut the panama
Itself la almost indestructible. The
original coat of the bats that I refer to
was not exorbitant, none of them coal
ing over |14.“— Washington Mar
srastM i-iha aiiiirur
Y»ocan't keep a goad thing donn.
Yens «*f It travel* fast Wh*s things ere
the best" thev became “the heal telling
thrshant litre, a fending druggist of
Heilevllie it writes Kteetrte Hiller*
• th hfil aflllMf Mtt#r« I Hilt pyp#
ban IIp«| ip hif frt iMfi Ptfi+fiP*r#
Y'*m *H ‘*r Pill M*t*l b#|tll tw
4 *•! •l«*MHt h llivf, itltlnrii,
Mittpit. iiltMit) ghr) Mrifi llPMrt# Hu
lA*f% t««0iP« u|t ill# iitimtili llypt
Wt<ln#v« ««t l H ««p|t |*4«riil«i* Hip
t |M» p#ff#r*
»4 11 Uitlitlt h|« iHp
Pf*|lfP |*Hl« Hi# nfa» in | % gttf
m4 tfiii, fet# fhp i|«titt (pm,
Only V»v#nI )»« ii.Mh tiM H* «
Petition Hicks for a rain.—Latkk,
Needn't do it, Prof. Culley has been
beard from
Hale Rates to Lincoln.—August 2,
and 9, account Nebraska Epwortli As
sembly. The Assembly management
has arranged a program of remarkable
Interest, a program extending over a
period of nine diys sud compromising
much that is amusing slid more that Is
instructive and edifying. Many of the
best known lecturers, philosophers,
teachers, divines and temperance work
ers in the country will taka part.
The Assembly will be held at Lincoln
Park, which is wonderfully well adapt
ed for such a purpose.
Music by the famous Hagmow Mill!
tary Band and the Kentucky Colonels
Our baby has been continually troub
led witli colic and cholera Infantum
since his birth, and all that we could do
for him did not seem to give more than
temporary relief, un'il we tried Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe
Remedy. Since giving that remedy he
has not been troubled. We want to give
you this testimonial as an evidence of
our gratitude, not that you need it to
advertise your meritorious remedy.—
G. M. Law, Keokuk, Iowa. For sale by
Odendahl Bro's.
- ■ --
Kidney trouble preys
upon the mind, dis
courages and lessons
ambition: beauty,
IVT/'A'lt t'TW vigor and cheerful
" Aj1x uess soon disappear
w lit ii tin* kidneys are out of order or di
seased For pleasing results use Dr.
Kilmers .Swamp-Root, tin* great kidney
remedy. At druggists. Sample bottle
by mail free ,algo pamphlet. Address.
Dr. Kilmer &C'o., Binghamton, N,Y.
The publishers of The New Yohk Star, the
handsomely Illustrated Sunday newspaper,
are giving a mi.h Grade llu rcu each day
for the largest list of words made by using the
letters contained in • T H-k .s-K.W
Y-O-K-K 8-T A-ll ' no more times in any
»ne word than it is found in The New York
Star. Webster s Dictionary to be considered
a» authority. Two Good Watches (first class
time keepers) will he gtv" daily for second
and third best lists, and gMny other valuable
rewards. In. hiding Dinner Sets. Tea Sets, China
Sterling Silverware, etc., etc., In order of mer
It. This educational contest Is being given to
advertise and introduce this successful weekly
into new homes, and all prises will be awarded
promptly without partiality. Twelve 2 cent
stamps must be inclosed for thirteen weeks
trial subscription with full particulars and list
of over 3UU valuable rewards. Contest opens
and awards commence Monday. June iitltb, and
dose Monday. August '.’1st. 1HW0 Your list can
reach us any day between these dates, and will
receive the award to which it may be entitled
for tliut day. and your name will be printed in
the following Issue of The New York Star.
Only one list can be entered by the same per
son. Prizes are on exhibition at The Star s
business offices. Persons securing bicycles
may have choice of Ladle's, Gentlemen's or
Juvenile's lHpy model, color or size desired.
Call or address Dept. "K” The New York
■Star. 23d W. Hyth Street. New York City.
To all whom it may concern:
The commissioner appointed to view
and rejiort upon a road commencing at a
point on the east line of road number (10)
ten, where It crosses the section Una be
tween sections lu and 15, in township 15,
north of range 15, west. In Sherman coun
ty and state of Nebrusku, and running
thence west on the section line between
sections 10 and 15, y and pi, H and IT, Tang
is, an.1 terminating at west section corner
between sections 7 and is, lias re|iortud
in taver of the establishment thereof and
all objections thereto or olaltus for dam
ages must be filed In the county clerk’s
office on or before noon of the nth day of
September, A. 1). IsOll or such road will lie
established without referanee therein
(SEAL) John M inhiicll, county clerk
July li to Aug, 5th.
Sealed bids for Poor Karin of Sherman
oonnty for three years, commencing
March 1st, 100(1, will be receive i at tbe
<»uuty clerk's oOloe, at Loup city, Neb
raska, on or before September 1st, 1MM;
sals term contains acres less railroad
right of way, and right of way of Irriga
Mon co:n|iKny and publiu highways. Rent
to be paid lit cash, terms to tie one hall
• ash In advance and one half cash at the
expiration of each year. I.essee to turn,
ish lend with appiovmi security', The
lounty Hoard reserve the right to reject
any and all bids,
bated. Loup city, nebrasha, June **. isvo
June MthKiii'LL, coanty clerk
junepi iw
Itaparguraal of iba Inlartor .
I.niol uffl. * al l-tnaoin, Nnhrubn.,
Junn rt, ISM,
Nulla* in botany gimn that iba Ni«*>
i ig uaiua.1 Millar ba* Bi*4 nuiive uf bln
urination inaua Baal fr*». f la *utr|»orl ug
bt* til alar a *4 Ibal an 14 pruuf a ill b*
•at* Mura Iba mraaly )*4ga al l.oup
illy, Nt tirMb*. »a Augunt Mb, ism n*
rro4nrlnb tt*»« Marb. It«at*nt**4 Kalry
Xu i*««f for lb* aualb aanl fourth, nnaliun
l«, tuan*bif II not'b of tango II (Ml »,
lb* «tb y m B< aaar*4 lb* following
ailanoM* lu pro** bln toutlaaoua gaat
w»r« nyw a»4 nwitii*«io« «i «ni4 intol.
• i ntni'bnu N *a*alb>w«l, aaamni iu>i
4oa, of loaf illy, Ilnurf v |t«rl of
lit« at#, tfulyk v. Uni, Mirbfn .|
J W J«•*•*»*, bog mint
MTIH ktill ft,
Vnbn aorroa Ibal an m abma* I bo *tfc ■
ul anr I !<»•* *n nan t*4 «*«•«, < ynaro .
.44 umI altb abiln lull unlit M i| n *4 I
nft.ln not la l*»«ni.n*4 bn l«.ii> u|* „m
Ml Inn Iba uwf ibanni |«*'i« uf *»• Iwn (
at f»*»»bly Kaluga il.mi >t»#n fuaa 1
Olg. •bniraa* iwtltl, »«nw*r Oanar t
.** bam btuytrif by gmtii* nwr. yag> I
tag l-o Ibit nbu t *«4 mat of M**iag
b««aiga Mvtiwir
J Phil Jaeger’s
Those'shoppers who wish to make a sea
sonable purchase in season comes here, for
they know we have just what they want
and when they want it. Our stock of
iMew spring gooqs
is here. It is fresh and complete. We are headquarters for anything
needed in the general merchandise line. Groceries, Dry Woods, Clothing,
Suits, Spring line of boots and shoes, fancy silks, block crepon, wash
dress goods, lace curtains, Curtain Swiss, Silkolme draperies, Scrim, No
tions, of all kinds, trunks and valisos, kid gloves, etc. etc.
DOJM’T tuf^jn youf^
back on a good thiDg. Don't forget that in new spring novelties we
can show you many new tilings that have never been shown before. And
above all. for your interest as well as ours, don't fail to visit our store,
inspect our goods and learn our prices.
meet our competitors on both prices and quality of goods and in many
things can save you money. We bought in large quantities and got the
best goods at the lowest figures so can give our customers the best possible
bargains for the season. We invite you to call.
Yours Truly,
J. Phil
Stale of Nebraska, oouuty of Sherman, Vill
age of Loup City. a. s.
Estimate of expenses for which appropria
tion should be made for enKueing municipal
yeur as follows.
For General Fund Purposes $700.00
“ Street “ “ 400.00
•• Water “ “ 800.00
“ Interest on Water Houds 850.00
'• Village water bond Sink. Fund 900.00
The entire revenue for the municipal year
ending May 3rd I8f8 was as folliws:
For General Fund purposes .. ..$700.00
" Street Fund. 500.00
Water Fund. 900.00
“ lnt. on water bonds. 850.00
" Judgment. 800.00
Hy order of Village Hoard. Witness my
hand and the seal of said Village ou this 31 at
day of June 1899
(seal) J. Phil Jaeukii, Chairman,
Attest G. II. Gibson, Village Clerk.
Published from July 7, to July 38.
In the District Court of Sherman County
Man*'ntister Trust Limited Plaintb.
Lawrence P. Nlssen. Annie Nlssen.
Henry Kastner. Maggarctha Kast
ner The County of Sherman. Ifeury
A. Wyman, as Receiver of the Globe
Investment Company. Defendants
The above named non-resident defendants,
Ilium Kastner. Marguretha Kastner and Hen
ry A Wyman as receiver of the Ulobe Invest
ment Company wilt take notice that on the 5tb
day *d December Mrs, the above named plain
tin till d Its petition In the District Court of County, Nebraska, against the aboie
aaiiu I defendants. Lawrence P. NIsanti Annie
NIs- ii Henry Kastm-r, Marguretha Kastner,
The 1 uunty of Sherman, and Henry A Wyman
as re* elver of the Globe Investnuiut Company,
and saltl action has not proceeded to decree,
ami the same ta now pending
The object and prayer of said petition ore to
fori one certain real estate mortgac- >i<
• cuii i by the defendants l.awrcace P NUsen
sad A ante Nlssen his wile, to the Globe In
vestment Company mad by It assigned to
illsu. named ptaiatilf on the ini day ol July
hW jpwo the north hall ol the south west
•tuarli r o| Neetioa Twenty-Use *'341 sal the
north half al the south east u oar ter ol Nm-tloo
TacMy sii rM> la Township Fifteen
It I* trlh ol Range S>ltMS (l*4i west
of i o -t»lh I0i principal tuottdiae atlanted in coua'y Nebrasha. itated May tl l“S»
i.i - .r* the par nor at aI »ae ptownsory note
late with said mortgage and executed
ny *» d mortgagors for the Sttm at one la—ita
is tra dee and peyaate in l*r years from
dote the tool
T-i. is now due and anpobl on sent note nod
niofAg *g* the isa of $t sun and tbml It* re on
| ot if ' ate ■! teo per emit per son sat tram tow
•ta* ol June MM, and on<d prior I pal sum
seats atsreOt at Its —t*— rate uottl paid
t'laiu t prats h»r a -let tee that each *Pl ad
uf the thifemhaot* Me tso»-i aod hirnsirpo d u(
till' r ol itdtnytwa or other ioterss* M
to*d s rtrei pesosl sr i aod that the same
met odd owordthd ho loo he **tt*fy too
M'istI hut—I Rue Is puttaUd hhd that the
We a uf
MMKt u# ****** mm mi** £•****•**
% he* «»« km ****** mH m*
m$ IN- lure M-Ihitoj the Itth tat I t sill MOP
Ihlwl Jsty «Ut tow
Htt' st.its Ismi tents Ctpstd
WtU I W'il4ll*> tiposo*.
Attoraijr it Law and Notary Pullli,
Will D«(»d in Forecloeara Oaaoa.
General Real Estate Business.
Oflce In HoaTawettTSKB bull ding,
OKFICK. -One door eaat of Oliaae'a
drug store
• | WraknfM of Body and Mind, Effect*
Uiof Error* or Eioeaaca in Old or Young.
Uoba.l, b.hl. ItMKHill r.llr Hr.l.r.*, H»l>l>l.n»ui
Slrr.>tb.ii*Mk.' bi>» tkl.ol'kinikl. «bK* l'4 H t s «f HOItT
AbMtlufrli ..(.III., llnag THkkllkbT—Hr la . 4>r.
■ce testify frees SO Mate* sad Fsrolffe ( eeslrlra. H HI# tkeai.
Ilraerlplhe Bowk, eiplaaatloe sad proof* as si lad (scaled) free,
Ilonvor L'olu., Ati(w»l •* 13 I MUM.
For tin* above occmiou tbe Union
Pacific liaa made the greatly reduced
rate of one fare, plu* 92 00 for the ruuiij
trip to Denver, Colorado spring* auil
Poelilo, from point* In Katua* ami Neb
Do not complete arrangement* for
your trip without Aral staking your I
agent about the magnificent train *er*
vlee and fact time to Colorado via tbe
Unlou Pacific. - For ticket*, aleapmg,
car reservation* ami full Information I
call on
W ll.i'urruN. Agent,
Cure* lai pole my, Night l.uii**ton* Amt
seating diacseca. sll rlfri t* of acif 1
ibttN, or (tv ro <4lnJ iiniU \ i*« r*«' loatlt- utul
MimhI iMtiltlor. » ik<
j.luk |tn« to |Mtle rhn ki tt*«l
rratore* the Are of n ih
Jt» mall /!<»«• |»er U»a, (I w> »•»
(w fy.AO; ttllh M wrillfu
!<n* t«> t urr or ivluit«t Ifc** *•*• > v.
tteutl (ei cirvuUt A<Mr««*.
CMtmts AteU* « IN*. tUlt »oo -
inn tat hr
l.«nr » U| H*li
timic table.
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
St. Joseph Salt Lake City.
Kansas City, Portland,
St. Louis, San Franclaco,
untl all points and all points
East and South. West.
No 52 Passenger. 7:05a. m
No fiO Freight.2.00 p. in
No. 51 Passenger .4:16 p.m.
No. 59 Freight..11:50a. m.
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cara
(seats free; on through trains. Tlokets
sold and baggage checked to any point In
the United States or Canada.
For Information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write te A. F. Werts
Agent. OrJ.FKANOIs, Gen'l. Passenger
Agent, Omaua, Nebraska,
No. 86 leaves daily except Sunday (pass
enger). 7:30 a. m.
No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 2:06 p. m.
No. do leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 3:30 p. m.
No 87 arrl 4 es dally except Sunday (mixed)
11:4A a. m.
No. <5 arrives daily except Sunday (pass
enger) 7.06 p. m.
First class service and close connections
east, west and south
W. D. CLIFTON, Agent.
A "JH «<*• y ■*•'»'»*
Vm'.d* •>■ **uA«#**
*♦1 e rv» v
SuOiOfMM foul lo 100 Boil.
tje.;r* . ttfcLVIOfcRfc. II.U
III NlilT N Mm
««• MUM HMM.
1, it* AumN