The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 14, 1899, Image 7

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“Where Once the Buffalo Roamed” Is Now
Formed Into Provinces*
Not long since a great American
writer, in an article on the ‘‘Wheat
supply of Iiurope and America,” made
the statement that to the north of the
International boundary line there was
only a narrow fringe of land capable
of producing wheat. Another writer,
replying to this, said that wheat could
be successfully grown at Fort Simp
son, a Hudson Bay Company's post at
the Junction of thp Liard and Macken
zie rivers. Fort Simpson Is nt lati
tude 02 degrees north, and Is as far
northwest of Winnipeg as that city Is
northwest of New York city. It is
possible not only to raise wheat at
Fort Simpson, and of a better quality
than Is grown in any other country,
but at a point miles further north rye
and oats are grown, whilst two hun
dred miles still further north barley
and potatoes are successfully pro
duced. Nor Is this very extraordinary,
as will appear further on In this ar
The attention that Is being directed
towards Western Canada at the present
time and the large number who are
going there for the purpose of making
It their home, has been the cause of
an interview with Mr. James A. Smart,
the deputy minister of the interior
for Canada. He is a gentleman thor
oughly posted and ready at all times
to impart information concerning
Canada's resources. Mr. F. Pedley, also
of Ottawa, Canada, Is the superintend
ent of the Immigration branch, which
is almost a department by itstdf. The
result of the Interview with Mr. Smart
Is practically embodied In the accom
panying article.
The extent of Canada Is enormous.
The distance through Canada from the
Atlantic to the Pacific is 3,000 miles.
Its area, all told, is 3.456,,383 square,
miles. Of this it is safe to say, there
Is less waste land than In any other
country in the world. It is not our
purpose to say much If anything about
the older provinces of Canada, as they
are mostly fairly well settled. Western
Canada comprises the province of
Manitoba, 74,000 square miles; Ilrlt
lsh Columbia, 380,000 square miles;
Assinibola, 90,000 square miles; Sas
ketehewan, 106,000 square miles; Al
berta, 106,000 square miles; Athabaska,
104,000 square miles, to say nothing of
Keewatln with about 300,000 square
miles, and the unorganized territories
of the northwest with over 900,000
square miles. As a grand total the
area of Canada In square miles Is 3,
456,383. Assinibola, Saskatchewan,
Alberta and Athabaska alone consti
tute a region larger than all Russia In
Europe. Time was when It was to
the interest of the great fur dealing
companies of the-continent to send the
impression abroad that this vast re
gion van fit only for the habitation of
the beaver, the buffalo and the bear,
but it has been demonstrated and is
now generally understood that these
vast plains contain the finest wheat
and grazing lands in the world. This
applies not only to the comparatively
well-known province of Manitoba and
the districts of Assinibola and Alberta,
but /°"r I
honlmt wt.!** *urik«ard of ih* (’an- j
••Jin. I'a.Jftt It.ll* iy To th* out;
uf ikU u«l i*rrU> rji It** llrlllak tV*- j
luu.Ma *uh iu liiautu*r*Ul* rtv*f»,
fkk ttt fl'h, II* sold, *tlf*r ainI
Dim« and l«* krill* t*ll*r* fafMkJ*
uf pr<wlit« IMS Ik* tkoi.'rat fruit* in
grwM *i.uttd*iw* It ta tu tkat i*.rll>n
«f *r**t*ri i*u4* lyUts Wlwwtt
latk* »iui**ror on Ik* **•! ami Ik*
Murky m<u*talna on th* *«t that
Ik* *U*ntloM uf tk* **rk ullurUt*
Ik.'uuSkout Ik* »«»U1 I* k*lus dtr*»t»d
•I pttMUl an I It I* to tkat dWtrkl
lk#r tr« i.a.ktns fur bout** for tk*«
**lv«* and tkcit rbillr«n *M for Ik*
•tduilon of yruMaot* * root ad by tl •
ttt>itft»«<ili| of i.< t***Ut.oM in Ik*
ol<l*« •nu»trt«* **4 tfc* t nlt*d 4l*t**
A f*« a«ik*ntkot*»l fart* r*«ard u*
tkl* vatl r««toa **d Ik* InAait* y »*» t
sibilities it presents to the poor man,
the man of moderate means and the
capitalist, will therefore be In order.
To properly appreciate the enor
mous extent of this territory, four
hundred miles north and soutli and
nine hundred miies cast and west and
embracing a narea of 360,000 square
miles, let us state that If we draw a
line from the northern boundary of
Pennsylvania to tbe southern line of
West Virginia, passing through Har
per’s Ferry, und take all the west of
that line to the Missouri river, em
bracing, as well as parts of the slates
named, all of West Virginia, Ohio, In
diana, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri and
Iowa, we shall have American territory
equal In extent and area, but in no
wise superior, to the portion of west
ern Canada under consideration. In
short, there are in Canada two hundred
and seventy nine thousand square miles
of land for the plow not surpassed In
fertility by any area of similar si/.o on
the face of the globe, and it is nearly
all embraced within the limits herein
described as western Canada.
A few words as to the climate of this
great country may not be out of place
right here. The climate of western
Canada, as described by those who
have lived there for some years, Is very
agreeable, and much preferable to that
of the east. Disease Is little known;
epidemics unheard of. Winter extends
full three months, usually. There Is
little change during winter. Frosts are
keen, but, the air being dry, a tempera
ture of 20 degrees below zero there i3
more bearable than 10 degrees above
in the damp and changeable climates
of the east. Spring sets in about the
first of April. Some seasons, however,
seeding Is begun early in March, the
snow having entirely disappeared.
Spring is quickly followed by summer,
whose long days and cool nights have
a very beneficent influence upon vege
tation. The growth Is more rapid than
anywhere known In lower latitudes.
The soft maple has been known to
grow more than five feet high in a
single season. Autumn Is delightful.
It extends into the middle of Novem
ber. Snow sometimes does not fall un
til late In December. This gives the
farmer the • opportunity of finishing
his threshing, marketing his thousands
of bushels of No. 1 hard wheat, and yet
leaving him sufficient time to put his
land in crop for the following year.
The wheat of western Canada Is known
to be extremely hard. The yield Is al
so from 30 to 50 per cent more than
in the states south of the boundary
line. There are natural causes for
this. The further you travel towards
the northern limits of its growth the
better the quality of the soil. The rea
son that It is better is localise the sub
soil, throughout the heat of the sum
mer, is kept moist at all times by the
slow melting of the deep winter frosts,
the moisture thus maintained ascend
ing to the surface and nourishing the
roots of the grain. This stimulates
the growth, keeps the plant always
fresh and prod urea a bountiful crop.
Again, just when needed, when the
heads are ripening, sunshine Is longer.
!(• at .uni tonllght am both needed to
bring wheat tu maturity. The great
er the amount of U>' h the bat er th<*
'erult. Kn>m the 15th of June to the
Ut of July them in n.-urly two
hour* uv>re daylight la rtrry tweuty
ftrnr in »e»t»rn I'nnada than in tha
•.ate of Ohio.
A great deal e?n be aabl m to (he
agrii ultural pa- -ildlitiee ef thin ew*t
re*b.«, |4>rd delhirh at him time
Ciyhatled that theaa plain* *ad vat*
• would one day maintain a p**pu
la Unit uf thirty mIN bin aunt* Aad
why *bou!d they not* Maaltwtng al .*.<
I*ai rear had iwnfly t»u atifthin aaraa
under rr«n wheat, uni*, barley, g4*
and other grain, aad potaUwni and
“thee neita Hrt*m *ta<«ea aad **v •
entean hueheu of wheat were market
•d Ninety Bve **r cent ef the nralrte
I* great wheal land.
The average yield of wheat varies
under different conditions. In some
years the average has been over thirty
bushels. Once or twice it went as low
as eighteen bushels. At even the low
est average, with good prices there
are few industries that will give bet
ter profits. A late United States con
sul, in one of his reports of harvest
time, states that the entire labor of
the region was found to be totally In
adequate for the task before it. The
wheat straw was so tall and stout and
so heavily laden with grain that the
work of reaping and sacking was ex
tremely exhausting. The strength of
the growing grain frequently broke the
reaping machines, and the utmost ex
ertion of strong men was required to
handle the great weight of the sheaves.
But while wheat is king in that re
gion It is by no means the only cereal
grown. The oat, barley and pea cropa
are phenomenal. Oats yield all the
way from CO to 90 bushels per acre.
In some cases they have been known to
exceed over one hundred. A delegate
who visited the country reports, "One
hundred busnels of oats, and sixty
bushels of barley per acre were com
mon crops. In one case the oats stood
feet six Inches high, the heads were
five f< ct six inches long, and each chaff
twelve inches long, and each chaff
case contained, not one but three per
fect kernels."
Barley, as stated, yields enormous
ly. It Is sought after by brewers ev
erywhere and it brings several cents
per bushel more than that grown In
other countries. Peas yield splendidly.
They are extremely free from bugs
rtnd grubs. Used in fattening hogs and
for other feed, they are superior in ev
ery way to corn, 'the absence of hog
cholera in tills country Is attributed
by experts to the excellent feed, corn
not being used, Corn ran, however, be
grown, but wheat pays so much bet
ter that but little attention Is given to
In roots and vegetables, It is esti
mated by all who have any knowledge
of the matter In these products, this
region has no competitor. Ripe toma
toes may Ik* seen in profusion in the
middle of September. They have been
known to ripen as early as the 1st of
July. Displays of roots, vegetables,
garden products are made at the agri
cultural fairs that for size and quality
cannot he equaled at any of the fairs
In the United States. An Ohio gentle
man visiting one of these fairs said he
had never seen anything inOhloto equal
it. Three cabbages together weighed
one hundred and twenty pounds.
These were us solid and fine grained as
though they had weighed but six
pounds apiece. Prize potatoes, he said
weighed four pounds each; those
weighing three were so plentiful that
they attracted little attention.
Beets, carrots, turnips, etc., also
Brow to an exceptionally large size.
Watermelons have been known to
weigh as much as seventy-five pounds,
citrons twenty-five pounds.
Experimental tests of different va
rieties of grains and roots have been
made for the purpose of gaining infor
mation as to their productiveness and
usefulness. The results of these tests
for three consecutive years are given
In oats, of twelve varieties tested, the
average yield at the Manitoba Experi
mental farm was 75 bu., 20 lbs., per
acre; at the Northwest Territory’s
farm the average was 85 bu., 23 lbs.
per acre.
In two-rowed barley, of six varie
ties, the average yield at the Manitoba
farm was 42 bu., 31 lbs., per acre; at
the northwest Territory's farm 56 bu..
26 lbs. j>er acre.
lu six -rowed barley, six varieties,
the average Manitoba farm yield was
51 bu., 1 lb. per ucre; at the North
west Territory's farm 60 bu., 6 lbs., par
In spring wheat twelve varieties, th*
average yield at the Manitoba farm
was 35 bu., 28 lies., p**r aero, at the
Northwest Territory's farm 41 bu., |
41 lbs., per ucre.
In potatoes, twelve varieties, the' av
erage at the Manitoba farm was 243
bu., So lbs., per uer*; at the* North
west Territory's farm xoo bu, 15 lbs.,
per acre.
Wild fruHs, idrawberrlem, raeptx-r
rl*w, curmuta, giMMuberrkai, grape*,
plums, cherries, and cranbe>rrie«M gmw
in great abundant*.
Ibilrylng In alt parts of wewtern Can
ada Is a specially important Industry, !
and has maeie great strides during re- ,
cent years. Tbs butter whl,*h has
found Its way lu the cost and tha
English markets wso* found let l*> of
excellent finality and In some <sws«i »o
perlur lu Ha compel itt-re
Mixed farming pay* well ihseeigb
•W the region. Itureei and mull
tbrtxs well on the prairie* Aimes* all
flees* uf high bred mills %re to hs
smut. Href expe>rt in very large*. but it
I* Rt*W expea teal tin*l the mining ill*
trial of iiritlsh i’oinniUU ami at
Yukon will i reals a » pi sod id home I
■mrset The •piaHty uf ths low* is the
rich**, and lb* <»4 .* pnelaxh* l* *
rselm'sel lu a mlatmun lbs progt* am *
e»ry Ur gw Er. .pies'ly an animal will I
bring from Mu lei |M, which *tt4 a* 4 j
sow* lbs farwsr *»# rancher mews ih«n
a N*> dollars YAte is most «*p«e*.|y
th« c**» In ih* m* ranching 4u*rb4
«*f Aibsrta. wbsi* the hsrds naw lbs
ranges I hroughou'. lbs ywar
Tbs couSUy la peculiarly ad*pled m
•bssp raieiag. and It is found v*ry rw
The export trade in hogs is constant
ly on tho increase. They come next
to cattle in point of importance to tbe
Poultry is also very profitable, but up
to the present time the local demand
has absorbed the supply.
The educational facilities of the
country are equal to any on the con
tinent. Rural schools are about three
miles apart In the settled districts, nnd
they are free. The government makes
an annual grant to each school. This
covers all expenses, including the sala
ries ^f tb§ teachers, who are properly
certificated. One eighteenth part of
the whole of the ' Fertile Belt” from
Pembina to the Saskatchewan and be
yond Is set apart for the maintenance
of schools. This Is a must generous en
dowment. In 1871 the school popula
tion of Manitoba was 817. ft is now
pver 50,000. In 1883 the average at
tendance was 5,000; It has now Increas
ed to about 21,000. In 1883 there were
240 teachers; now there are over 1,100.
These schools are w ell Inspected at In
tervals by competent educationalists.
The average salary of the rural teach
ers Is $308 per year. The schools are
non-sectarian and In no character na
In connection with educational gov
ernment, experimental farms have
been established In Manitoba and the
territories. All the different kinds of
grain, seeds, roots, vegetables, etc.,
that It is sought to grow in the prov
ince, are sown on tho varied soils
that are found on these farms. The
results are carefully noted und pub
lished for the Information and guid
ance of the farming community In tho
different newspapers of the country.
The government also sends around to
the towns and villages a traveling
school of dairy instructors who give
lectures, accompanied by practical op
erations by competent men, in all the
arts of cattle raising, butter and cheese
making, etc., that all may learn the
lust methods known without the loss
of time and money to the settlers.
Farmers' Institutes have also been es
tablished. These, affording practical
farmers the opportunity of Interchang
ing experiences, are of great assistance
to the agricultural community.
Railways now traverse all the set
tled parts of western Canada. VeTy
few farmers are more than a dozen
miles from a market or railway. Rail
way stations, with post offices, and ele
vators for the storage of grain occur
at Intervals of about seven or eight
The only remaining territory on this
continent in which ranching on a large
scale can he gone Into Is to be found
in western Canada. The District of
Alberta, immediately east of British
Columbia, is pre-eminently fitted for
ranching. Its area Is 400,000 square
miles, and it extends from north to
south 430 miles, and from east to went
250 miles. The opportunities offered
here in this respect are unparalleled
by any other country In the world. The
country is open, rolling and well wa
tored. The valley and beach lands pro
duce a most luxurious and nutritious
growth of native grass. Cattle, horses
and sheep graze outside the whole year.
The snowfall is light, and It is melted
almost as it falls by the warm Chinook
winds which blow from the Pacific
ocean. Profits are large. Steers cost
ing the owners but a few dollars each
bring from $35 to $45 on the ranges.
Heretofore the cattle have been ex
ported, but with the opening of the
British Columbia Yukon mining re
gions, there is a large and constantly
growing market right at home.
The northern part of Alebrta, in ad
dition to 1**1 ng a ranching country, has
large deposits of minerals. It Is also
heavily w ooded as well as well watered.
In all Canada laws are enforced with
the strictest impartiality. There is no
such a tiling known in Canada as mob
law and lynching, not even In ita moat
remote districts. The peace lover and
the law breaker both know that the
laws of the land will be enforced, and
they govern themselves accordingly.
It la not alone In agriculture or j
stock raising that Canada offers un- |
equaled opportunities to the young or
middle aged man. Its fisheries are
l-he richest In the world. Ita number- ;
loaa rivers and lakea, as well as its sea ,
line, teem with flab of all kinds. Hilt '
lah Columbia salmon la famed the
world over.
British Columbia has enormous for- I
eta of timber. Thla province la one of
the ducat fruit growing regions In the
worid. while in Its valleys there are
large area* of agricultural hind* upon
for arttlement.
In mining Canada prom tow to mpasl,
If not rt Upas.any other country. Brit
l>h Columbia mines have m ob fur the
province a reputation that any iuuuu;
might tie pruad of. In fact, the tavlr*
region from the boundary line north to
tha »MW circle, and front the eastern
' •ope of the Hi*, ky mouituins to the
Pacifl. ur*wn, appear* to let an taes
kauatible dep.oU of mlnsadt ig all
kind* The Klondike region, nines*
wholly in western Canada. |« known
Ihruttahout the whole vIvtlMml world
t.sfay. Three years ago It was ipitto
unknown Tke output this yens ta . *
pe»te»l to rem-h tke atagnifreni sum of '
twenty million dollars In g>4d tkun
|*4*ai authorttlee believe that the eu<
put will be doubled sack iwcirriiis
year, hit years to cusn*
Tksvw la no ether country gViUw
the great uMoctunUtea fas et her the
pour man. tbs atudsrwietr ,u h mm, .w i
Ute capital Is I as wsatern Canada af
fotAa, Mllttoa* of arses ass ready fur i
In* plow. M»m* t$i it free and the iai i
«f H al a very tow price per *. r* •
A company of wandering comedians
have been acting at Przemysl a play
entitled, "Captain Dreyfus.” The pub
lic followed with such interest the
action of the drama that several of
the spectators waited for “Henry” and
“Estcrhazy” a§ they lefj {.he thenjre,
and cudgeled the two miscreants. The
two artists who had sustained the
parts of the Uhlan and the forger
were conducted back to their lodging
in a pitiable state by the police. And
now who will give them compensa
Poverty may be necessary to starve
our passions.
It takes an honest man to discover
other honest men in the world
Hall's Catarrh Cnro
Is taken internally. Price, 75c.
Little men measure themselves by
each other; great men by the Golden
I know that my life was sacod by P.'so’e
Caro tor Couisuuiptiou John A. Miller, I
Au Hable, Michigan, April 41, 18U5.
There can he no peace In the heart
while we are fighting against the will
of God.
FITS rernionentlv cured. Vertte or nerrenuTy-" after
flint day * H'*‘ < r In Kline's Orest Verve Hestorer,
Rend f. r I KKK *4.00 tilnl bottle mol trestls#.
no. IL II. Kiim., l.t.l.v. Ar ilia., I Ullaitrl|>bls, I s.
Some preachers aim to make plain
things mysteries, Instead of making
mysteries plain.
Mr*. Wln*low'» Nnollilng Vymp.
Foretihilrru imnlilnit, t.itleas the gum*, rejiiee* In*
U»uiui*Uuii.*]Uy»|i»in,c;urev wluJCoUu. * ho tilt*
No man after missing a target can
heartily congratulate another who httB
Fault Ion* Starch.
Best and goes farthest, gives stiffness and
plasticity. No sticking, blistering or break
ing. Every grocer sells it, nearly every
body uses it. 10c a package.
You can nearly always Judge a man's
character by what he thinks laugh
Arm Yon Using Allen'* Fiit)l-F.»of
It Is the only cure for Swollen,
Smarting, numing, Sweating Feet,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress, Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy, N. Y.
It's hard to be grateful to those who
fight your battles for yon and get
■CfliimCi* Your llnwrla*
Your bowels < an be trained an well aa your mus
cle* or your brain. Cane a ret* < andy Cathartic,
cleanse and purify your boly Inside. All drug*
gift*, 10c, We, 50c.
The man who races for wealth al
ways finds himself out of breath at the
*n Woman’s Life Are Made Dan
gerous by Pelvic Catarrh.
Mrs. Mathllde Itlchter, Doniphan,
Neb., says:
"I suffered from catarrh for many
years, but since 1 have been taking Pe
ru-na 1 feel strong and well. I would
Mrs. Mathllde Richter,
advise all people to try Pe-ru-na. As I
used Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lln while I
was passing through the change of
life, I am positively convinced your
beneficial remedies have relieved me
from all my Ills.”
Pe-ru-na has raised more women
from Inals of sickness and set them to
work again than uny other remedy.
Pelvic catarrh is the tmne of woman
kind. Pe-ru-na Is the t»ano of catarrh
In all forms and stages, .^rw. Col.
Hamilton. Columbus, 0., says: “I rec
ommend i**»-ru-na to women, ladleving
ft to be especially beneficial to them.”
Send for u fm* bonk written by 1*
Hartman, entitled "Health und lV-au
ty.” Addrens f>r. Hartman, Oolumbus,
The best white rose for cemetery
planting is Madame Plantier. It is a ( %
varieyt of somewhat slender growth, /
and on this account is sometimes
termed a half-cllmebr. But it re
quires no trellis, being much more
graceful when ullowed to train itself;
than when given a support of an?f
kind. It throws up a great number
of stalks, on which great quantities of
milk-white double flowers are borne
in clusters during June and July.
Your work will be divine In the
measure in which you see the possible
Christ in all.
Miss Lockheart’s
“ I cannot express my gratitude to
yon for the good that Lydia E. Piuk
hutn's Vegetable Compound lias dono
for mo. I have taken five bottles of
the Compound nnd two boxes of Liver
Pills ami feel better in every respect.
I had suffered for years with dropsy;
the veins In my limbs burst, caused
from the pressure of the water. I had
the worst kind of kidney trouble, faint
ing spells, and I could not stand long
at a time. I also hod female weakness
and the doctor suid there was a tumor
lr. ny left side. The pains I had to
st. id were something dreadful. A
friend handed me a little book of yours,
so I got your medicine and it lias saved
my life. I felt better from the first
bottle. The bloating and the tumors
have r*,ll gone and I do not suffer any
pnin. I am still using the Vegetable
Compound and hope others may find
relief us I have done from its use."—
Miss N. J. Lucuuicaht, Box 10, Eliza
uiiTii, Pa.
Only the women who have suffered
with female troubles can fully appre
ciate the gratitude of those who huvo
been restored to health.
Mrs. Pinkhnm responds quickly and
wtthnutchargu toull letters from suffer
ing women. Her address is Lynn, Muss.
WflP A||TC and other woiimworporwionnni
111 CL vU I w or Im'u-i. ere quickly healed with*
out senr and with no danger ol blood poison when
Pees Ucmioeone Is used, Box of 10 samples and
Inioklol mailed poetfiahl for 10 oanta.
PP7EMI tetter, suit rheum, and other whin dff*
L I '.. . yield Immediately to treatment
til with I re's (iermor-one. Don't "n«i" time and tein*
|H-r with soapy, ointments, and blood purifiers, Her
niorotin In all-sufficient, Ine*|»enidvo, and a certain
| remedy.
AAUnDIICC and other disease* affecting the scalp
■ Bltnunurr are as easily eurod a* any disease of
EM the skill. S .up- and ointments don't reach the spot.
ItiennoKonc does. Htimulanls have but temporary if
any i■ifeet. When the pores of the* sculp are clean and
healthy the hair will grow.
ryrn throat, or mouth, and other Inflam*
VUlIb CL I Cv| nifitionsof the mucous llnlngof tho
1 cavities of the body ere quickly in tiled by me of
I.«c‘n tiermosone, a soothing, healing, aiitlsept'u
I lotion, applicable to any j>urt of the skin, Mcalp, or mu*
cotta membrane.
Mm and Inflamed fact, c Ini flog, and other skin disorders
peculiar to the summer season. Instantly relieved
i and cured by use of lire's (ionnosone.
I EE’S GERM0Z0IIE,^,,f^»
Pvs i* for sale by many dru <rgl 'b A box of 10 samplii
ami booklet Mill I hi sent postpaid for 10 aar.ts by
tb« manufacturers, Ceo. H. Lae Ch-*rol<»l Co., Oo ha,
t 'v b., < rear urr»y Eb, Now York, or u full-sizo package
postpaid for 60 coni*.
I , ■ — ■ - , .. ■ ■■...■...
■ic'iheUHer*. More user, of il limn
ui.y other. Why ? THE UL5T I 4
Cunts YOU no more than the poorest I A
♦ ♦♦ •>-<"<>- <■ ♦♦♦♦♦!
TT »»»»?? TTTTTT «
[ BAILEY, Leading enti.t, <
* 10th and Earn gin Sts.. Omaha.}
> I tTj Klmm w >rk. l >w st price* <
> Teeth extracted without pntn. <
noiiuunun Carriage Co. *l>»w the
Unum YlUiiU si t s.imm nt <>r tins
uiiumiiiuiiu a,, I,II pea. Ifuiittlxnita,
Phaeton'. Surrey*. 4 and <1 passenger llukboardt
In the city of Omaha. So < ml hand bargain* In« Ity
Vtllleles. fall and look over our \nrlcty. KlgU
, term ti ami Harm y sir* els, opp. < oun House.
I .
If Ad RuMc TR ATMfcLTL:r.Vl
iwohwitious, surgical operations and hospital* tin
necessary. T!*■• Philosophy f the treatment ia
1 ex| lulne l In th»* “Vlavl Message ' sent bv mall to
am address. %l%\l 4'OSIs*A^%, Ml's lire
>;il«l4llllg 41 HIM lilt
WANTED rase of bad Ticaim that H I P A N ft
will led benefit. Kend r» cents to Hlpai * ( hetuhal
<X*. New Turk.for lo sample* uud l,Ouo lestltnouiuls.
1 roe Dixie «m Columbia i!'1™'™
1 Grain Threshers, ;£»«•
2 IP6 Jna!fh'ess 2«'S."»>.,!C
L Clover Huller,
3 ?**•£ T-*rar™ a“4
J I[ac l0" |nK">«, mwa?
4 IheA,« ,T'
^ Saw - Wills lwmb*r.
Tb« Aultnna ft Tiflor
Nichtitry Co.,
to»4 tor i»m IUmu «U4 j mi-j--|
W, ». W, OMAHA. Mo. *'H IHOO
fte ftw? Jfertth Ihraafc Alt tk lahme #f Aaimjtrtt txhtrace
Nth the Kt rtd »iU Nrultfc, Joy and Itwimv
'»tftM **» ***«»"» »| Dm I t tiK> Ti;|i • >Vl<ii:?.t>ll HI *»!,'*
tMII ththU& •* *f> til t»* oht It Hr**** h* tot? I * r.i* I* Ih, tit tf *l*ut*,l tn| of
W lb* KtatMtlt/y MM W tt k*t Unit aiwtt |u tlutt, iHl* m-rl
vohuifcto Ihto K««llh «l« tt.« »..*«. ttokl Mi. (!*« tu mint.ilfV It*.
"**t« uni »*4 • to< HtiM, • htrfc « I || I , V\ -fit,, 11'. .
*n tkn.l 1 nil »•» ka nilHiw Htl t»» H,,,t*t** I hr pn I trill • *, riant mih
*»f>k.tat mimm 4 Ikh *t*-h lih-titiw thwm It (t«* tiM-ttihtri. i ,im riw
1 ” > *»»«* Ii •• inatrvt!»•*** aul.l h« •«*! .»« «n-l kt mthni r| iub nllon ti*k««
>*" faatM rnmtmt »* lihrnto l*« nfplt. uit..n mil nnonm »“** to a*h
* * I* oo ■**! On l^nt #*t *tr% It* Okt 4 ttoluiitt M t <*% «** «t rff t |*H,.t* It 1> ttt >
PMM to Ik* ftfun .4 1n«o II »•»•*« mthouI n.».lt in* «» rhn Irh tty,
kk*k Ik* r|y**t *f Ik* *lf .»i!,.,*• In*>*n*tbt* It •noMnn famohuM to
uti'i*n • hnntob <4 kfnt it. : n« >•«.*...* It.. to >,
«ho rk. Ik* Oil** 4 I to* *1* ikn**k I to. thin nut «tnnti«kr* tkhk V*>.*|»«
'** »-•. K*r‘t r-nnit • •»* «4 o*.u* .#**« „| ih. tool, «hbh H,tt„ ...
•tus'Tr *-** — •* ■>—
NtBRrtSM 0Xy«N0R GO., "SSXS^.'ii