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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1899)
The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY HEAT. (JRO. B. BBNKOHOTRR. I Rdttnr* and UKO. H. BIHSON, | PublUhsr* TERMS:—*1.00 PKK TKAR. ir PAII> IK ADVAHC* Entered at the Loup City Poatofflce for trans misKlon through the mall* a* second class matter. Official Paper Sherman County There is $163,000,000 capital now invested io the manufacture of auto mobile vehicles in America. The editor of the Arcadia Cham pion is evidently a single man or be would’nt class woman as “Agate type and etc." Nebraska has produced us good soldiers an the world ever saw, not a man flinched except Colonels, and only one of them. John M. Thurston has succeeded in getting commissions for three Neb raska men In the new regiments now recruiting for the I’hilipp.nes. The new cup defender yacht, C’o lumbia, is proving herself a dandy on her trial trips. The KngliBhman will have to get a hump on her if she carries that euo hack. Let Sbermun county turn out as a whole, regardless of politics, when the day arrives and give our soldier boys such a reception as only a great ful Republic knows how to do. The indications now are that there will he about ten candidates for the nomination on the pop tieket for Judge of this district. Won't the office have a douce of a time seeking all of them. Uld Joe Wheeler, the old rebel general has taken up the nation's cause aud goes now to the Plilippines to fight our battles. All honor to Joe Wheeler. That fellow won’t resign. Ten new regiments of soldiers to he called United States Volunteers and to serve until may 1st 1901 ac cording to the new law, is now be ing recruited for services in the Phil ippines. “My country whither right or wrong, my country.”—Gen. Joe W heeler. “It takeB as much courage to fight a trust as it did to go up San Juan bill.”—Billy Bryan. The Greater American exposition at Omaha and Rosy the Runt, are having a tilt just now. The man agement cancelled all the press passes issued to the Ree and its microscopical editor says the show is no good. That is a gcod adver ment for the show. Aguinaldo’s allieB are truthfully a disgrace to the nation. When an enemy of our republic la continually at war with the fond hope that a party who claims to be Ameriaan citizens will be successful and there by give aid to that enemy it is time for all lovers of the Hag to know who they are voting for The American peeple will stamp their approval of Pres. McKinley's war policy upon their ballots in Nov. of next year, to such an extent that the democratic candidate will think be baa struck one of them sad but glurio-is" times that 8pain talked a twmt just after Pewey visited Manila on the 1 at of may 1H98. The Auiericau people ars a progres sive aud modem people and love to be up with the times. The party that represents them must keep pat's with the masses. Pemocracjr can point to no criteria!! more modern than J vft ersoeion Simplicity anti they dare not emulate that great champion of American Kx pensions 1 . 111 The democratic papers ere now is doalwosljr engaged lo publishing glaring headlines reeding Thousands of Mee out of Work. ' The paper should tw honest enough lo explain that the men ere out of Work from choice, end not because of e scarcity of lobe The etr<ke fever as let be comes rampant ebea m«t go begging foe work soil weenie* ry ts the maa uleclunng plenis rusts from neat of use - Stole Joei ual It is a significsat fact that the democratic party ha# not furniahed a President since the days of Jack son, that they are enthusiastic over ordure bold up to the people as an example of greatness and ability. The only one they seek to leven the whole obsolete lump with is the ghost of Thomas Jefferson, and on the question of expansion he was at absolute devotee. Jacksons polit ical principle’s were so far ahead of democratic ideas of to-day, that the party has clearly retrograded instead of keeping up with modern ideas since his time. Since Jacksons death they have not had a patriot in the White House, and their national policy for the past sixty years has been so weak and unpatriotic that conservative thinking men cannot endorse it. At no time in that pe riod has their administrations been of advantage to the Republic. Al though the Republican party lays do claim to iufalibility, yet a traitor to the Hug has never been found in their ranks, and when the foundation of the Republic haa been in danger the voice of the people ia always beard en ing aloud for the Moaea that baa been their hope in the past. A party that has been so untrue to their trust, so false to the best interests of the Republic, so shamefully unpatriotic and whose every act is and has been a blight to prosperity for more than half a century, can never hope to en list the sympathies of the masses. “Nothing wasted” appears to be the order of the day in every branch of industry. The use of discarded locomotive tines fur the manufact ure of iron fence posts is the latest illustration of this fact. The idea was put in practice some time ago by T. E. Culvert, General Superintendent of the Hurlingtons Lines at Lincoln, Neb. The advantages the Burlington finds in its new posts are that they will not burn nor decay like the old style posts of wood. The cause of failure of more than onehalf the wooden fence posts aloDg the Bur lington lines has been fire. The de tails of the manufactures of the new posts from old engine flues are so ar ranged that two workmen can turn out fifty posts per day. The Burling ton will use a large number this year to replace wooden posts. Valuing the discarded engine flues at what they would bring for iron fence posts are tuined out for 15 cents a piece, about the same as a wooden fence post costs. The race for the nomination for district judge in the corning pop uonvention is getting to be quite a sprint, with J. M. EaBterling, James Wallace and W. L. Hand neck and neck at the first quarter. — Kearney Sun. And so it would seem that Buffalo county already has three poup'ist candidates which the judicial office is seeking. Well, wait till you hear from the other couuties. We are quite reliably informed Sherman county wants to join Hand and circle with T. S. Nightingale in the lead and H.M. Mathew in the behind. Custer snd Dawson yet to hear from. The new French production known as bsrkness and dawn, wboae weird beauty and entrancing splendor beg gars description, will be seen on a far more splendid scale at the com ing exposition. The production was inspired by Dante's Inferno, snd is regarded to be the !»*“#• »eird, sen sational and meritorious attraction yet placed before the public Kiupty coffins contain spir'.j, which converse, laugh and jeat, and jovial skeletons some from you know not where aad disappear se mysteriously as lbe mist of morniog. A monk guides the way through the infernal regions, which thrill the Iteholder with their weird grand uer Awful mills of distraction are constantly in motion, guard ed hv hie Malauiv Majesty In person and nscore of subordinate demons. l»n. Cant's rumor ton hra Oka* tr« Ju*» whet e horse weeds whew In H*d etut.lliiun Towle, htood purlhsr sad vermifuge They ere not food but med k-tww ewd the heel In was to pul a horse iw prime reedittos price SA cents per package Ter sale hy iMswdahl Irak. A DARK SHADOW. '» 1 never saw my mother** face; God drew a shadow o'er my baby eye* And there it liea rnohangedh>y»tlme or plaoa; But I have felt her loving breast Breathe heart aore sighing for the Joys I miss And felt her kiss Upon my eyelids pressed. I never saw God's lovely world. But I have listened to the whispering trees And felt the breese That spring's sweet leaves uncurled. 1 never gased upon a rose, But I have laid the flower against my cheek And heard God speak And mysteries disclose. And he has made me understand; Though dark the shadow that now holds me blind, God is behind. Unseen 1 feel his hand And know that from my darkened eyea The lifelong shadow will be rolled away One solemn day. Oh, rapturous •urprise! My happy lips e’en now must sing. These ayes, unclosing In the streets of gold. WIU first behold The fsoe of Christ, my King. —Feodora Bell in Good Woods. REPARATION. A lolitunc* » liw or a Vlrmu. “Soon after I entered the fire depart ment,” remarked a hoetler of tbe city fire department, “it was my hard lock in responding to an alarm to rna over and terribly injure a small boy, who was playing in tbe street It was an unavoidable accident, but just the same it had its effect upon me, and for • a time it preyed heavily on my mind and probably would have done so until to day had it not been for the sequel, which righted up matters somewhat “I kept myself pretty well informed as to the condition of the boy, and was extremely happy when I saw him on the streets again and to all appearances fully recovered from tbe injury which I had inflicted upon him. Well, time passed along, and, tbe boy's family hav ing moved from the bouse where be re sided and where we took him after tbe injury, for awhile I did not see him, though I occasionally beard from him. “One rather rough night about a year afterward our company responded to an alarm in the northwestern part of tbe city. On arriving at the fire I was sent to one of tbe upper rooma of the burning building to rescue some chil dren who were in the room ynd who were terribly frightened, as they had good reasons to be, for they were in considerable danger. There was a light burning in the room, and the moment I entered it I recognized the little fel low that I bad driven over and injured. If there ever was a little fellow who wus carefully wrapped up in bedclothes and with his little sister taken down stairs and to a place of safety, you can bet it was that boy and girl. Tbe same look of fright was upon his face, which I had not forgotten, but I don't think my face looked as bad as when I had picked him up in my arms before. I was supremely happy in being able to return some good for the ill I had done him.”—Washington Star. A Feet’s Isspressleas el Nllesea’s Singles. New York, Sept 30, 1870. I went at 1 o’clock today to hear Nilsson. She sang in concert at Stein way hall; t’other artists were Vieux temps, tbe violinist; Wehli, pianist; Brignoli, tenor, and Verger, baritone Mile. Nilsson singeth as thou and I love. She openeth her sweet mouth and tnrneth her head o' one side like a mocking bird in the moonlight, and straightway cometh forth the purest sil ver tones that ever mortal voice mad* Her pianissimo was like a dawn, which crescendo’d presently into a glorious noon of tone, which then did die away into a quiet gray twilight of clear, me lodious whisper. She sang nothing mean or light or merely taking. Handel's “Angels Ever Bright and Fair,” solo; a duet with Brignoli, by Blangini, and a noble solo, a scene from Ambroise Thomas’ “Hamlet” (the insane aong of Ophelia), with “Home, Sweet Home,” for encore—these were alL—“A Poet’s Musical Impression* ” by Sidney La nier, in Scribner’* He Walked. Time, 11 p. m. "They tell me yoor gait waa esteemed one of tbe finest in the regiment" "You flatter me." "No; Lien tenant Wagstaff said yon marched magnificently." "The lieutenant may not be a good Judge.” "1 fancy be i* To my mind there la nothing that makes a man toon pre sentable and really attractive* than a graceful walk. My cariosity la greatly aroused. May 1 ask a favor of yon t" "Certainly." "Then 1 would like fosse you walk." Aod she handed him his hat—Cleve land l’lain Dealer* ineeeh sad Hands. A prt feasor who baa mad* a study of children says he has discovered why the majority of the people are right banded. Infanta ua* both hands anti) they begin to apeak. The motue speech function controls the right aide of (tie ludy, and the first right handed mo tions are wipremiv* motion* tending to help out speech. As speech grow* so does right handed*see I see *f the Meath. A baby tries to pat everything he find* la hi* moalh. tel even at that h* ear* hta moalh to better advantage l ha a moat men — Detroit J unreal The Japanese have thve* fosma of •stela turn one fu* aaiallsg a* lafertor. ona fur •aiming *a «4n*| g*d au thor (m setetlag a sapeeuw That* ere different ms lee tela u«4 la nmatreeling a piano. from no lewee than it different eonntrta* employing : •• diffvtvni hands COURT IS NOT IN SESSION, but I am out making loud calls for you to cotno and see the car load of new agricultural implements and to learn of THE B|G bargains;:,*".. T. M. REED’S LARGE IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM Hinders, mowers, hay rakes, wagons, buggies, wind mills, harness, se wing machines, wash machines, wringers, patent churns, everything in season sold on the lowest powibl# margin, COME AND GET PRICES ON RINDING TWINE AND STEAM THRASHERS. I also have a complete a took of hardware and furniture goiog at very low pricea. Headquarter* at THE BACKET STORK, SOUTH SIDE R. R. STREET. IMPLEMENT BUILDING EAST SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. T. M. REED, Loup City, Neb. BURLINGTON ROUTE. Unprei erienled Low Kate* to Colorado, Every day from Jane 86 to July 11, One fare plus #8 00 for the round trip to Denver, Colorado Spring, Pueblo, andGItuwood Spring*. Ticket* good to return any time until October 31. Never before such an opportunity. Take advantage of it and spend the sum mer in the Heart of the Rockies- where heat and duat are unknown—where the sky is as brightly blue as Italy's, and the air as invigorating as a tonic- where you can bathe, and swim, and climb mountains all day, and every day. See nearest Burlington ticket agent and get full particulars, or, if you pre fer, write J. Francis, Oenl Passenger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. BURLINGTON ROUTE-Cheap Tickets to Detroit, Mich. Take advan tage of the low rates—One fare plus #2 for the round trip to Detroit—which the Rurlington Route has made for (be ’99 meeting of the Christian Endeavor and go east at about half usual cost. July 3 4-6 are the dates of sale, Berths, tickets and information about return limits,side trips from Detroit, etc , can be had at any Burlington Route ticket office, J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. If Feu Go to California Late in Judc or early in July, you can buy a round-trip ticket to Los Angeles at about half the usual rate. Liberal return limits and stop-over privileges. Don't make a mistake ar.d go any otber way than through Denver and Salt Lake City. That is the route near- j ly 20,000 Christian Endeavorers selected two years ago. Beiug the most elevated of all ihe di-1 rect line* to the Coast, It Is coolest and fraest from dua£. Penetrating the very “Heart of the Rockies,” It surpass es all others in beauty of scenery. Information and California literature i on request .J. Francis, Genearl Passen ger Agent, Omaha, Neb. -.. ■ ■ — | Fresh Bread every morn-t ing 6 cts., a loaf. Cake every, Saturday at A. E. Chase’s. AGENTS WANTED. -For ”Tbe Life And Achievements of Admiral Dewey,” the world’s greatest naval hero. By Murat 1 Halstead, the life long friends and admirer of the nation's idol. Biggest and book; over 500 pages, HxlO Inches; neArly 100 pages , half-tone Illustrations. Only $1.50 Boor, i moos demand. Big commissions. Outfit free, chance of a lifetime. Write quick. The Dominion company, trd Floor caxton Building., Chicago. NOTICE. We will stand the Stallion ‘Bill Mac” the ensuing season at the bam of B. T. Snyder, in Loup City. B. T. Snydek, N. B. Thompson. I CATTLE AND IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE. The Ord State Bank will sell improv ed farms on time. Also cattle on same terms. Ord, Nebraska. M Write Inclosing this ad. ami rihi and we It W will send you Uiia beautiful Mandoline f by express. C. O. D subject to exuuilna *> Utloa. It fou-jd exactly as repre^i nlid 1 f«u csn psy the express ogeulnur SI*Kf- / U IALoOKK price. M.UO less the fOrents, i or IMU soil express charge*. This Is a > Siular (11.00 Instrument,solid rosewood dy, fancy pearl and ebony checkered > ge, beautiful pearl tutterlly guurd i pi ate. rose wot at Huger sesrA and iiletel lull > Sana. Yoe can bare either a Mandoline, • Oultnr,Banjo orVlelln on the same terms. ” Write for (KICK musical Catalogue. . i AMmt, A. Huape, Omaha. N»h. fcuiairg Moihsrs dread hoi weather. They know how It weakens and how this affects the bahy. Ail such ro«nb«rs need Scott’s t'mulsion. It fives them strength and makes the baby's rood richer and more abundant. at. imI |i ail .i'«*»i.i» SUCCESS ‘-a*; aaniaag f«fl^UillHi^4aiV IV c<% I i! §j f j., l^6 BE8^scaPet in , looaV \ $1 IMAN COUNTY. -ALSO THE OFFICIAL PM OF THE COUHTY. W J. riSlIEK, QUO. K IlENSCIlOTKR, Attorney au*l Notary I’ubite. l'«bM«r Lour Cinr NomuwuTiat Fisher & Benschoter, Real Estate Agents, LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. Town Lota, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated LANDS FOR SALE.