The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 14, 1899, Image 1

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Mr Andrew Garstka left Thurs
day morning tor Grand Island, re
turning Friday evening.
Tay lor <& Conklin received a car
loud of binders Thursday.
Misses and Christens Bar
tlesou of Dannebrog, were the guests
of Mrs. W. M. Smelser on Thursday.
1. A. Williams returned Friday
uerning from a trip to Loup City.
S. D. Horton of Grand Island,
was a pleasant caller Thursday.
Bohn—To Mr. and Mrs John Uapp
jr, a daughter was tiorn on Salur
day Juli nth 1h!»!I We don't care if
we do smoke at your expense John
Work is being rapidly pushed on
the new Catholic church, and the
F structure presents an imposing sight
as it nears completion.
These are the busy days of oui
binder men, and all report very good
trade, while the prospects keep
brightening for an abundant crop.
Mr. ami Mrs. John Kapp sr.,drove
to Loup City Saturday morning and
spent Sunday with relatives.
Miss Kvaiena Bowden of Blair,
Nebr, arrived Sunday ft r a visit
witk her cousin, Mrs. W. M. Smel
George Miller of Grand Island,
was a pleasant caller Monday.
Mr. Carl Trafer of Rockville,visit
ed friends here on Sunday.
Mrs. J. K. Conkliu and Mrs. S. I)
Lamphere spent Sunday with friends
in Farweil.
Mrs. Bowen Sutton of Loup City
is here visiting her parents, Mr. &
Mrs. T. D. Wilson.
Mr. Jamrog very kindly mfomed
us that he has sold over a score of
Deering hinders this season.
Mr. August Beushausen left Mon
day evening for Old, Nebr ,
Mr. H. F. Chinn of St. Caul, was
noticed on our streets Tuesday.
Ashton's Base Ball team went
over to Rockville lastSutuaday and
played a hot game, in fact just hot
enough to win iti real n.ce style. A
game is listed at Ashton, between
the same teams fur Saturday July 15
C. L. Drake of Loup City, was
seen shaking hands with frieuds on
our si reels Tuesday afternoon.
.Miss Maty Koeutren is reported
as being on the sick list this week
Miss Kmma Wil.-on lett Wednes
day morning for Carroll Neb, where
she expects to remain for sometime.
Mr. and Mrs. W M. Smelser drove
nver to Kockville Wednesday and
speut the day with relatives,
Mr Adler of Omaha, was register
ed at one of our hotels Tuesday.
I. 0. u.
- • ■*. —.
The following frwm the pen of our
old time friend K. J. Deluney will
he of interest to many here. It
shows that he still has a warm spot
in his heart for Sherman county and
her people.
Silver City, Grant Co., New Mexico
July 8, lKi*n.
Tiik Northwestern, Loup City, Neb
Friends Geo.—I inclose postal M.
G for one dollar to cover subscript
ion to L. C. N for the tear ending
I July liiih, lltoU. In last issue to
hand I see you have had some zeph*
cry weather with scattering results
I am sincerely sorry for the losses
slid the county, personally and on
general principles. I hope the com
lug harvest and I lie corn crop will be
ahoudant and prime in ipiaUty.
1 am glad Loop City is to have
a school bouse to I* proud of iu the
near future.
This is a silver country around
here, very adtsry, tn the ground and
lb lbs u.iuds of rvsideuls, hut, it is
hard to gel the stiver ||) bare as
slsewkere. lbs proportion being
si vteeu to one lb it tou don't get It.
mining, pr »p* wing oy looking for
Hoping lbi« wilt bu.l even h >dy
wsil ft I happy | remain
F J Dsi wn
l*ofa I to h* Draper ike phoW«
gispb.i ||e ts iw Loup Cttv now
vitk kb* pin to cnr and will remain
hot a f* w weeku L *up City |m >pi>
are seloton given aw opportunity to
get sut b lot el v pictures
Continued from lust week.
The county clerk is Instructed to advertise
for sealed bids far the leasing of tbeeounty poor
farm as published elsewhere in this issue.
The following claims were allowed, deduct
ions for taxes made and warrants ordered
drawn on the respective funds, to-wit:
On Ueneral Fund:
E. Holcomb. $ 4 10
J. M. Arthaud . 3 00
A. 8. Main.. ft HO
T. 8. Nightingale. 3 00
W. T. Chase. . 3 00
Jacob Albers... ... 12 00
Omaha Printing Co. 21 00
J. B Draper. 4 (X)
W. T. Chase. 3 00
T. 8. Nightingale . 3 00
A. 8. Main. ft 00
8. 8. Porter. 37 #0
W. T. Chase . 1100
T. S. Nightingale. e oo
Cbas. J.lndell. 10 00
8. F. Reynolds. , .. . 21 5ft
Omaha Printing Co. • oo
Ferdinand . 07 20
H. M. Hughs. fts (X)
J. D. Depew . A3 IX)
Hermlag Claussen. to 00
J. J. Else. 47 00
T. 8. Nightingale. 177 OK
J. y. Pray. fts so
liensohoter Si Gibson. 22 ft«
Andrew Gorskt.. oo MO
Wm. Hcupy. 04 00
Rebecca llassett. 4 15
B. D. Hendrickson. 61 00
E. A. Brown. 7 03
Wm. Jakob. 101.00
Lawrence Peter*. 110 So
J. A. Angler, 0 3b taken for tax . 117/0
Carl de la Motte. 70 00
Frank Hadura. 10 30
Jacob Wlnkleinaa. . 0 00
G. 8. Lenlnger.... 134 00
David Kay. 3 40
D. 8. Royer. 3 50
Edla Malm.. 3 50
Andrew Anderson. 3 50
Charles Swanson. 3 50
H Sandh. 3 60
Edwin Kruber. 3 50
Carl de la Motte. 3 50
Christ Heutler. 3 50
J. P. Jaeger. 3 00
E S. llayhurst . 3 00
W. H. Conger, all taken for tux. 3 00
U. H. Gibson. 3 00
E. A Brown. . 3 00
Mr*. Zaworskl. 3 30
John Minshull. 379 06
Frank Thompson. 1 50
Key clone Lumber Company. 34 4*
Peter McKeon. 7 66
Mike MeKeon. 5 00
Vansant and Armstrong. 34 00
O. L Way . 9.50
J. R. Lang.. 3 63
Albert Lang. 3 63
Lewis Bachthold . 5 10
John P. Leinlnger. 11 00
A. Dickerson. 7 50
On Road Fund:
Harry Jenner. 11 50
Geo. Ingersoll. all taken for tax. 6 00
A. M. Bennett. 7 10
Peter Bo we. 7 10
W. H. Conger, agent . 33 00
Beaschoter A Gibson. K 0O
Walter Wookey . 33 75
Isaac McDonald . 12 95 j
B. T. Snyder, all taken for tax. 6 45 I
Christ Johansen. 5 00
Wm. French. 3 76 ■
Walter McNulty. IS 75
James McCoy. 0 35
■ ugene Miller, all taken for tax. ’. *0
Chas. Slnderson. . 1 50
Fred Horn, all taken for lux. 5 35
Louis Rein. 1 50
Fred Jennrich. 50
Frank Foster. 5 50
Thomas Kentfrow . 6 00
Bert Owens. ' 37
Wm. Simpson . 37
Dennis Mullck. 37
Peter • Rowe. 3 36
Wm. Albers.i. 1 50
Arthur H. Hansel. 363 67
T. M lteed . 1 66
Lewis Bechthold. 43 00
John P. Leniager. 31 40
S. N. Sweetland. 3 00
On motion the county board adjourned
sine die.
John Mibhhull, County Clerk
By Louis Rein, Deputy.
The county board of Supervisors met this
third day of July for the purpose of settling
with the county treasurer. All vouchers were
examined and satisfactory settlement made.
The certified statement of Frank Iiadura
county treasurer Is published elsewhere In
this Issue.
The publishers of Thb N«w You* Stah. the
handsomely Illustrated Sunday newspaper,
are giving a Hit.h (Ihaiii Hii'Tclb each day
(or the largest list of words made by uslug the
letters contained la "T H-K NK-tt
Y-O-K-K N-T A H ' no more times In any
one word than It la found In The Naw York
Star. Webster * Dictionary to bo considered
as authority Two ... w at* mis (tirst , lass
time keeperst will be given daily for second
sail third best lists, and many other valuable
rewards including Dinner Met*. Tea Mels t hins
Sterling silverware ale etc m ordhl or ah r
It This educational contest Is being given to |
advertise and Introduce this successful weekly
into Hew homes and all prises will be awarded
promptly without partiality Twelve .'cent
•.lamps must be inclosed for thirteen weeks
trial subscription with full particulars and list
of over AH valuable rewards Contest op. ua
and awards commence Monday June Mih and
dins Monday, August Jlst I'M' Your list ran
reach us ant dar briwreu these dates, and will
recall a the award to which It may be entitled
for that day and yottr asms will be printed in
tbe following Issue ol Thb Maw Yost wiam
only <>«e list can be catered by the same per- j
son I’riies are on eihibttion at Thb at ah s ,
busiBesa l‘» r*>>a* so uring bicycle
mav have choice ol luadie s. Jeatiemwn s or j
Juvenile % IBM model, Oder or sDe dee red
('ail or address Dept K Thb Mew A as
as AN Sts W Arm Mtreet. hew Vorh (‘tty
Curts lapouacjr. Nlftal fcltulsetuiis «lid
wasting disease*, Ail effects u( self
or flltM MU Hull*
It retina A uerte lonl<- untl
■ IiIimmI Imititter. Ilrin** tKr
»}>luk (low to (>4)e i hrrti» «i,.i
r«turt* the lire of it*
^lt« mail IWr oer boa. It !»•»< •
tut A9.A4); wltti m writ!*** rwr.ut
Uw I«1 I Mff or rrllMItl lht> IIKt'HM,
Mrml fur ctr«ul4i .\iWrr«,
r>>« balk mv
I .UMf I il) N »l»*
A pure « hi*kt*y agrees with any food
in fact aids digestion, it toms the stom
ach, Increase the flow of the gastric
Juices anil so promotes strength tnJ
flesh. A pure whiskey like Harper
Whiskey. Hold By
T il. Elsneu, I,oup City, Nebr.
To all whom It may concern:
Tho commissioner appointed to view
and report upon a road commencing at a
point on the east line of road number (10)
tan, where it cruises the section line be
tween sections lo and ir>, In township 15,
north of range 15, west, In Sherman coun
ty and state of Nebraska, and running
thence west on the section line between
sections 10 and 15, V and HI, 8 and IT, T and
is, aaJ terminating at west section corner
between sections 7 and 18, lias reported
In (aver ot the esiHtilUbiuenl thereof and
all objections thereto or claims for dam
ages must he filed In the county clerk's
oince on or before noon or the nth day of
September, A. D. lhdj or such road will ho
established without referance thereto.
(SKAh ) John MlNSliru., uiunty clerk
July II to Aug, 5th.
healed bide for Poor Farm or Sherman
county for three years, commencing
March 1st, 1900, will be received at the
county clerk's ofHcc, at Loup city, Neb
raska, on or before September 1st, 1809;
suls farm contains :<*) acres less railroad
right of way, and right of way of Irriga
tion company and public highways. Rent
to be paid in cash, terms to be one half
<usb lo advance aud one half cash at the
expiration of each year. Lessee to Aim
ish bond with approved security; The
County Hoard reserve the right to reject
any uad all bids,
hated, coup city, Nebraska, June as, 1899.
John Minhiiulc, county clerk
June80 Iw
Department of thd Interior.
Land Office at Lincoln, Nebraska.,
June M, 1MW.,
Notlee Is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler ham filed notice of bis
Intention to make final proof In support of
his claim and that said proof will be
made before the county Judge at Loup
City, Nebraska, on August 5th, 1809, viz:
Frederick Claus Stark, Homestead Entry
No 181*1 for the south east fourth, Section,
18, Township 14 north of range 14 west of
the 8th p. in. He named the following
witnesses to prove Ills continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of said land,
viz: Stephen N. Sweetland, Samuel Dad
dow, of Loup city, Henry c. Stark of
Divide, Adolph c. Stark, Litchfield.
J. W. Johnson, Register.
J Phil Jaeger’s
Those'shoppers who wish to make a sea
sonable purchase in season comes here, for
they know we have just what they want
and when they want it. Our stock of
New spring goods
is here. It is fresh and complete. We are headquarters for anything
needed in the general merchandise line. Groceries, Dry (foods, Clothing,
Baits, Spring line of boots and shoes, fancy silks, block crepon, wash
dress goods, lace curtains, Curtain Bwiss, Silkoline draperies, Scrim, No
tions, of all kinds, trunks and valises, kid gloves, etc. etc.
back on a good thing. Don t forget that in new spring novelties we
can Bhow you many new things that have never been shown before. And
above all. for your interest as well as ours, don't fail to visit our store,
inspect our goods and learn our prices.
meet our competitors on both prices and quality of goods and in many
things can save you money. We bought in large quantities and got the
best goods at the lowest figures so can give our customers the best possible
bargains for the season. We invite you to call.
Yours Truly,
J. Phil Jasgsr.
Conuty, Nebraska, From January 1st, 1899 to July 1st, 1899.
RESOURCES I Bal. on Col from I Trans- 1 Tran*- I Dlshurs I Commtss I ilal on
Names of funds hand all I ferred I ferred ! merit*. | Ions. I hand
Hal. on hand January 1st., |H99 $ 21,922.12 jiourcc^^
Collections of 1898 taxes. 27,675 87 Htate pun(lH. ! f |,162 69 I 0489 171 4 19' 693127 * 189 83 570 47
of tp. treasurers taxes. .. 2.881 50 County Ueneral. . . i 1,879 75 7712 921 4 19 1040 00 3175 63, 185 41 5195 82
“ 1897 taxes. 4,425 08 County Xnt. Bond. [ 1,370 08 8121 92 252* 50 212 80 0750 61
•• •• IMS) .. Iimu county Koad. 400 20 48129! 5 40 100 07i 12 82 489 00
.. IKJ. . County Bridge. 973 68 2071 29 1000 00! 2819 03 57 89 1107 45
I8M'' . 1,040 01 CouutV Poor Farm ... 206 00 6 40 199 00
" •' 1894 •• . 9 75 98 County Judgement.... 22 01 15 87 48 87 50
•• •• 1H93 •• 7so l>7 County High School.,. 9 40 5 58 . 00 14 92
. ' , Soldiers Belief. 200 10 4 97 40 00 17 224 90
SOI tU Dist. School. 6815 69 12022 94 6 00 12038 80 108 07 73(72 70
“ •• 1891 . 53 50 School Judgement,... 154 01 4901 |~J49 £208 10
IHIMI •• ik (iq School Bond. 3,878 08 3140 42 2212 90 27 68 1778 52
.. Township Funds. 2,558 03 3689 71 5 40 3344 48 114 75 2783 11
lw® . 56 80 Township Bonds. 1,233 29 50 83 Ijl 77 1*88 35
“ *• 1888 •• . 183 78 Township Judgement 17 20 73(72 i 70 00 8 27 17 96
1SKT “ Special Thistle. I 4 90 5 10 j -T316 C ’9 85
. ,lj0* Loup City Village ... I 63 00 791 07 800 00 - 24 62 30 65
,88,> . 118 21 Loup City Vll. Bond ) 403 31 lofll 50 i 26 50 1488 34
*• 1885 •* . 5 43 Loup City Judgement. 201 88 701 31 ! 864 63, i22 04 10 52
State amiortionment •> LItchfteld Village. 0 07 95 30 80 00 2 97 18 40
route apportionment..*,316 18 Ashlon Village. 0 27 51 44 15 00 1 00 11 11
Interest on county deposits 802 42 Bockvllle Village. 81 20 0 05 90 00 20 05
School Lands.. 1 59991 Institute. 21 24 8 00 40 00 09 24
Miscelaneous o ona su Fines and Licenses... 0(10 I 0 00 t
Mlscelaneous. -’,(m 39 Prlntcr(j. 16 58 11060 I 104 50 5 3 47 19 15
Total . * 69 449 53 school orders . 312 ool 1 138 00 174 00
__" TOTAL. * 21.922 12 * 47.627 41 *1,066 59 *1,055 59 * 35,678 II * 947 00 * 32.824 4*
Cash... f 15
School orders held for investment school
bond fund. 17100
First Hunk of Loup city. . isk'iS *l|
J armers Stats Hank of Loup City. ,.. oson on
Litrhflrld State Hank Tye's n
Hunk of Ashton. Ashton. Nebr aofift as
Nehruska I iscal Anericy, New York go*-jo
Tolal. f n.KR U
The State of Nebraska (
County of Sherman ) 8‘ 8' I, Frank Badura, Treas
urer of said county, do solomnly swear that the fore
going statement is correct as I verily believe.
Frank Badura, County Treasurer.
Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me
this 3rd, day of July, 1899.
(seal.) ' John Minshull, County Clerk.
Published from July 7, to July <*n
In tha District Court of Sherman County
Manchester Truet Limited. Plulutllf,
Lawrence 1* Nisseii, Annie Nlssen
Henry KnntMr Metiuaretha Hast
ner. The County of Hhermnu. Henry
A Wyman. ae Receiver of the Ulobe
Investment Company Defendants
The above named non-resident defendant*
Ilenrv Kastner Martfnrethn Kastner and Hen
ry A VV > toau ns receiver of the Ulobe Invest
nurnt Company will tnke notice that ua the tth
day of December l%- the above named plain
till tiled li> petition In the District Court of
Hberman County Nebraska attain*! (he Shots
named defendants 1st*rente P Nlssen Annie
Nianen Henry Kastner Maryamba Kastner
The County of hberman and Henry A Wyman
as receiver “I the Ulobe Investment Company
and said action has no* prueooded to decree. I
and the mate Is now peadlntt
Tha object and prayer ef said petition are to
h>r«« item one < ertnia rent estate moctgntt' as
e* nted by the defendants 1.4V feme p Hisses
and AnnW Ntsaen hte wife to the la
veatment t ompaay land ny it assteaed to
aboee Bitmetl plaintiff o* the tad dnv nt July
ism • Ike softs
•toaster of section Twenty Use . gy. and tha
moth half •«# the south vest , of a, , ..on
T We nt I sta Id Township Fifteen
tlA< Scots at Ran*e negteoa |M> went '
at the ststh id grits*Ipei mesntnsa situated ta
aaermae count! Nebraska 'hited Way It Mat
to e» era the pel meat ef as pe-ussisoer ao«e |
of asea data wtt* said awwtgee* and e«e« uted
'Mi'J 4** *4|n* mu 'tig Mt<**$*
••4 • 499 444 |4|tM« Ml 1(9 |9jH flVIfc
449 Mm>99m6
HI W 4*881 (NlV 44*1 *4 ><8l IhUid ffctl ;
•NM4 9*«#* 14*1 **«•* <*# #1 -*** 9*4 •h fi'ht |4*t**MR I
4l U*> l«M 4 M*» p»9 *«•% |»f Ir tfli MM
•f«t 4*f 14 MMt* **4 4§>4 f*.* • 4ta J
Interest *t the MUM rutti until paid
Plaintiff prays for a decree that each and all
of the defendants be barred and foreclosed of
all equity of redemption or other Interest In
Sit d mortgaged premises and that the same
untv lie sold according to law to satisfy tha
amount found due to plaintiff, and that the
lien of plaintiff*aald mortgage he decreed par
amount to all others on said premises
Yuu ara required to answer said petition on
or Ik lore Monday the I tits day of August l*M
Mated July «th ISM.
Men< MBsTBM Tnt'sT r.iMiTBi* Plaintiff
by Wau. a William*, iu Atturaays
TAka notice that on or about tbn »ilh
ol way I t.ut up oue red steer. « years
ol i paal, with white spot* uudet bedy and
slide star In forehand Was taken up on
m * far*, the nurthwreel quarter ul Bocltou
N tuwashlp lA, Mange M.Ost creek Town
Ship, Sherman county, Nebraska, owner
tan hare property by prosing same. pay.
lug fur Ihla notice and cue l uT seeping.
Meowing guwsaiaas
Attornay at Lafjnd Notary PoMlo.
Will Defend la Koreclaeare Qmm
AI.eo oo A
General Real Estate Business.
(Mice la Noara wear ear BellAla*
I.OCT OlTt. MBBittA.
LOUP CUTS, i i ns
A- 8- MAIN.
orri' t <*»« <»«•* «mi «i
4 res »'“»•
KlhVFY 18 * deceptive dl
-*“■ *•-*-'M.J i sease thousans have
TROUBLE!;*'!? t£t VSS
quick results you can make no mistake
by using Or. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the
great kIdle y remedy At druggists In
lifty cent and dollar sizes. Sample bot
tle by mill free, also pamphlet telling
you how to find out If you have kidney
trouble. Address, Dr. Kilmer A Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y.
A strictly high-grade Family Sewing
Machine, possessing all modern
amm fiuoi lo me iksi.
P . . irv reasonable. Obtain them
j-n yopr local dealer and
r^ita companions.
'l*>ur ih>s mIkSmi te md as*- K
wiiM. Gilt A* m«m a yea*
A («« , |Nit4«M lnb>^ ptMM , Rww ■
I»*V> e*. 4«***<«k- I B
' fcenAWsilRlMiMl, ■■>«, M4 Wa B
^i4M> Ui e. e..4 y I -* k*M«a n*g| B
l44i igtAtt ««At4« 1—14 bmt wt B
IMv Rviul^li, *%»«•*• t‘|pto» B
Ul«. lt* *»a»WIUAt ««4 B
Finmi b’+y+t Niur«4 B