The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 07, 1899, Image 8

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    -1 wr— l
•™ = ,.«te I’edler retilWlfed r-o IVnyi'f.
Nearly 1i In 0* toWtVV fell during !
Mrs .1. I'llll-iaeger and daughter re.;
turned from tlie I’aciric coast last eve- ;
Mr. Earnest Rouse and Miss Stevens
of Litchfield, were county seat visitors
The Odd Fellows held their Instilla
tion Wednesday night and partook of a
lap supper.
Mrs T. A Taylor and Mias Belle Mu
Jlelc were Initiated In tha Degree of
Honor last night.
Corn is promising ao abundant yield
while small grain ia doing much Letter
that was anticipated.
One of' the large doors In the Round
Front barn was lifted offlta hinges by
the wind Tuesday night.
The German Vereln continued to en
Joy their dance Tuesday night
notwithstanding the storm.
Frank Hotchklns had the misfortune
to get a young colt so badly cut on barb
wire that he had to kill It.
The Seventh day Advent* held a picnic
near Arcadia on the 4th a number of
persona from here were up.
Owing to the rush of work at Boelu*,
Kdgar Draper the photographer will not
be in Loup City until July 11th.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mr*.
Frank llotcbklns. who has had a severe
run of fever is reported better.
Miss Kate Moor, would especially call
the attention of her lady customers to
her line of Sailor and Walking bats. At
cost for 30 days
Geo Deinlnger of Oak Creek sub
scribed to the Woodmens articles of
faith last Saturday night. Geo savs bis
lungs arc perfect.
The11 life-line” Is out extending the
“glad hand” of life, hope anti happiness.
Reaches around the globe. Tla Rocky
Mountain Tea 35 cents.
A blaze In the residence of Joseph
I’rless called the Are boys out just a*
It began to rain Wednesday afternoon
very little damage was done.
The dance at the I’orter building on
the evening of the 4th was not very
extcnilvley patronized but those who
were there seemed to enjoy themselves
Mrs C. M, Snyder left over the U. 1*.
last Saturday morning for her old home
at Rushford N. Y. having been called
there by the Illness of her mother who
la 70 years old,
The Northwestern was in great de
mand last week because of the detailed
account of the late storm, Every extra
copy we had was gone before the even
ing of the date of issue.
We learn Sonenfelt, the prisoner who
refused to plead guilty on Wednesday,
and thereby caused a term of District
court to be called for next week, has
weakened and 8greed to plead guilty.
“I have used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy In my family for years and al
ways with good results.” says Mr. W.
B. Ccoper of El Rio, Cal. “For small
cblldreu we And it especially effective.”
For sale by Odendahl Bro's.
Edgar Draper the photographer will
bo In Loup City with his photo car
July lltli and will remain in here about
three or four<weeks. This will be your
oportunity to get a dozen nice photos.
Do not tail to take abvantage of it.
Mr C. R. Cushman of Omaha waa here
last Monday and bid on the building of
the new school house. While here he ex
amined the brick manufactured by Obl
sen Bros ar.d pronounced their, better
quality than those made at Omaha.
The time has been extended to July
10th for* the npenlng|of bids for build
ing the school bouse arid all contractors
bidding were notlAed. At present there
are two bids In and indications are that
there will be acven oreight bids Hied,
H. K. nohaoffer of Curtin, Neb, and
editor of the Curt* Enterprise made
tbl« office a pleasant call while In town
last Saturday. Mr .Schaeffer'* wife la a
daughter of Conductor T A Taylor,
and they were here visiting Mr Taylor.
On the Fourth while Mr, Clifton the
U. I* ageut wa* at dinner the depot wa*
broken Into and »everal dollar* in small
change *tolen Mr Clifton had put the
larger money In hi* pocket when he left
the depot and thereby saved • consider
able lose. The perty that did the job
lives light here In town end la known to
the agent and tl la hoped an r asm pie
will be wade In thiacaee.
IVraona troubled with diarrhoea till
be Interested In tbe oaperience Mr,
W M Hu*b, clerk of Hotel Itorrence,
t'rovldeofo, K I lie »*>• For aey
ere! year* I have been aliuoat nuniini
•offerer frvoa diarrhoea the fr*«|oe«n
etterke complete I v pruatrallng me and
remtertng me unffi for mi duties at thla
hotel About twu scare »gu e travel
lug roieeman kindly gave ere a *mell
bottle of Cheat berlaiu't c»lle, Cholera
end IMerrboee Hemedy Mueb to my
•orprlae end dellget It* rffeeta were
Immediate Whenever | f>it ,f
mi the disease I weetd fortify myaelf
ageioet the allwk » th e »ew do»<<« u|
Ul« r a baa ids romedr I be ro«»lt ha.
been ref* satisfactory ami alwwi *■«««
(hate relief from tbe eltMbm * For aele
i thietadehl Urn's.
Mrs. \V\ Fisher is visiting her par
ents Mt. and Mrs. J, L. Bailie at
Mr. L. A Williams of Ashton Was np
Wednesday night attending Odd Fol
low* Lodge•
Small picnics consist log of several
ruuillies to a picnic was the order of the
day on the 1th.
St. l'aul 'scooped the Ord team In
both the tests In the Fire Department
contest on the Fourth.
Alfred Chambers ha* disposed of bis
interest in the Saloon business to Mr
Slobodney of St. Paul,
A large number of our people went to
Grand Island to celebrated the fill re
turning Wednesday noon.
Mr. and Mrs A.E. Chasearo rejoicing
over the arrival of a new daughter, at
their house on the morning of the 4th,
Miss Kate Moon wishes to announce
that for the next thirty days she will
offer her splendid line of uililltiery
goods at cost.
The cliimneyjon the residence of W
II. Conger was knocked off by a strok
of lightning during the thunder storm
last Tuesday night .
It's like a “dip in the fountain of
youth" Touches the cheek so gently that
youth Ungers on the face of old Hge.
Rocky Mountain Tea does.
Mr Henry Tangerman of Hrisiol town
ship was a pleasant caller at this office
Monday. Mr. Tangerman reports crops
looking flue in bis section.
Maud Last night Jack told me that
he wouldnt marry the best girl living
unless —what —unless she took Rocky
Mountain Tea. Bright feliow.
Mrs. D. II. Dobson, of Litchfield was
a pleasant caller at this office, Hhe wish
ed to get a copy of the Northwestern
containing un accent of the storm, hut
we had none on hand.
A. K. Chase is making extensive
changes in the inside of Ihe brick store
formerly occupied by A. Watklnsoii.
He will have the best arranged store in
town when it is complete.
A pure whiskey agrees with any food
in fact aids digestion It tones the stom
ach, increase the flow of the gastric
juices and so promotes strength and
flesh. A pure whiskey like Harper
Whiskey. Hold By
T. H. Rlsnku. Loup City, Nebr.
The county clerk reports having re
ceived a certificate from school district
No 25, certifying to the levy made ut
their anual school meeting, and on the
back it staled tiiat the within certificate
was not signed by the moderator for the
reason that toe bridge was washed out
and the meeting was held on both sides
of the creek
Mr. I*. Ketchum of I’iko City. Cal.,
says: "During my brother's late sick
ness from sciatic rheumatism, Cham
berlain's Pain Balm was the only reme
dy that gave him any relief.” Many
others have testified to the prompt re
lief from pain which this liniment af
fords. For sals by Odendahl Bro’s.
"During the hot weather last summer
I had a severe attack of cholera mor
bus, necessitating my leaving my busi
ness,’’ says Mr. C, A. Hare, of Hare
Bros., Fincastle, Ohio. "Alter taking
two or three doses of Chsinberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Kennedy I
was completely relieved and in a few
hours was able to resume my work in
the store. 1 sincerely recommend it to
any ode aitlicted with stomach or bowel
trouble. For sale by Odendahl Bro’s.
The District Jubge arrived in town
Wednesday and opened court to dispose
of the cases again Chipp and Honenfelt
it being understood that they would
plead guilty, but when arranged before
his Honor. Honenfelt made a plea
of not guilty. Chipp plead guilty und on
account of Honenfelts plea was remand
ed to jail until after the trial of the lat
ter when sentence will be passed on
both. Court adjourned one week to give
time to call a jury.
While coming down town one
evening last week we saw a team
■ landing tied to a neigh
boring elm tree, a tree of fair
alio and rare beaut). Moth horse a
were eating the life out of it while
the owner was leiaurelv leaning on
(the buggy wheel. It would aeem
that any man with emninoa «.nae
would know lietter than to let ln»
atot k deatroy tree*. It eoala moi.ey
{ and an extra etf.irt to gat them atari
Tl» l«o bn) a a till rre tur n-i r*int
the i-ouuly ) ill fur rattle ate* Pag
eaetled in galling the hlttgr* . it the
dour on I ha Ith and Wea.lad n.eir a «t in
Ik* bluff* They had sal iaa» g..oe long
• he« th*ir ab**N«<« ••* dneotered *t,il
• h# ffheiltf au imi the M-fhi lie (MmIi
the right Hark li<»a» th<- *tart .wt up****
aeahtag M> t ranter* rr*|,»*,
• he** liNtw**! hy < harlev t ran. r
• hare they hat mad* f »r I h«rl*v «*•--h
a hurt* a*.I went »lih the M.r» rt
ami ffaaaff tha pair In a ...
awrtll k| • rawer* l.aka t hey were
hrwught hick a *d pi. r-t in it.. . n*
fur keuglag Mima it nil Imp-**
*thte tw keep lnarriMiant • tram ot*r pat*
| -mew with alwk lk*i • au iu**n * * r* .
wwuld W be wall iu i«*r thorn **•»•« a
out eutlreif aud lodt tbelong*. |i might
•era auma b***4 r*. tag fur the sheriff
There will he no German services here next
Sunday, as I will till appointments at Ashton
and Ki'Uo.
Ar«. JKNNHt) n Pastor.
The Gerinan summer school coutnietn*ed Tuesday. The school days of ehcli week
arc Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday. The
hours each day are from H:30 to ll 30 a. m.
The principal subjects are: reading and writ
ing about 2 hours: singing and bihle history I
hour every school day. Members of the Ger
man Evangelical church congregation may
•end their children free. Otherwise so each
per month will be charged. School will be
held In tW primary school building by
Hkv. au<«. JknnhIi ii
Sunday July W, IMWi.—Services will lie held at
the M. E. church, morning services I0;30. sub
ject: “The Question 1» there a Life after
Death, answered.
Evening service, s. p. m. Subject: “My duty
to the new School Hoard. '*
Afternoon services at Wiggle Creek at 3,
Subject: “Good Citizenship "
A hearty Invitation Is extended to everyone
to attend these services.
Notice to Teacher*
Notice In hereby given that on examination
for teacher* certificates will be held at the
primary school house In l-oup City on Friday
mid Saturday July lltli ami Iftth.
All teachers whose eortitleatos expire before
August IVth should come In on the above dates,
as no examination will he held at the close of
Institute this year.
Watch for Institute) announcement next
(1, S, LeIninobh, Co. 8upt.
Quito an Interest Is being manifested by
our citizens, and steps an1 being taken by the
people of Sherman county to participate In
the reception to tie given the First Nebraska
Boys which will tie given at Lincoln soon
after their return from Manila. A public
meeting of our citizens Is called to meet In the
court house square Loup City, at s o'clock
In the evening of Saturday, July s for the
purpose of arranging to have Sherman eoun
ty represented. Band music, patriotic songs,
speaking from the band stand, etc. will be
listened to. It Is thought to send u delegation
from here, also to raise a certain sum of money
to contribute to the expense sheet for tin re
ception and to assist In paying fare of our
brave boys to and from their homes. Let
Sherman county do herself proud on this
occasion. Come to the meeting.
Our signal station report* there
was rain fell on sixteen days during the
month of June.
O. I,. I>rake is having his hotel repair
ed and renovated , Oh men Bros ure do
ing the plastering.
Hogs are worth 93,30 per hundred.
♦ • ♦
For the meeting of the National Edu
cational Association at Los Angeles,
Cal,July 11-14, 1899, the UNION PA
CIFIC will make the greatly reduced
rate of one fare, plus $2 00, for the
round trip.
The excellent service given by the
Union Pacific was commented on by all
who had the pleasure of using it to the
oonnentlou at Washington in 1898.
This year our educational friends meet
In Los Angeles, and members of the
Association and others from points East
should by all means take the UNION
The service of the UNION PACIFIC
via Omaha or Kansas City Is unexcelled
and consists of Palace Sleeping-Cars.
Buffet Smoking and Library-Cars, Din
ing-Cars, meals a- la-carte, Free Reclin
Ing-Chalr Car* and Ordinary Sleeping
Tho Union Pacific is the route for
summer travel.
For full information about'tickets,
stop overs, or a finely illustrated book
describing “The Overland Route*' to
the Pacific Coast, call on W. D. CLIF
TON, Agent
— ♦ ♦ ♦
Our baby has been continually troub
led with colic and cholera Infantum
since bis birth, and all that we could do
for him did not seem to give more than
I temporary relief. uD'il we tried Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and liiarrlioe
Remedy. Since giving that remedy be
has not Iwen troubled. We want to give
you this testimonial as mu evidence of
our gratitude, not that you need It to
advertise your meritorious remedy —
• 1. M Law, Keokuk, low,#. For sale by
Odendahl llro's.
•(•martian!* •(•■in*
Mr*, Midi**! I.'iirtain, I'lalniti-lil 111
limit** tin- *i, I• menI tIt it *he i-mi|«li>
fiitit, »»hii h »• i nl mi iii’r limgk, kh<
a ia tii-alnl |nr ■ mnulh lit In r famll}
|iliVk|i'imi, Imt grain antkiv 11•• • ■.|,l
llll l.l! I hn|i«'lt*»> Vll*l|m if I'll!
•uit»|illnn ami that im imilit-me
i ttrv her Her ilnitthi •ujfi'.ial In
King* Nek | llk’iil • f t Inf I .11, trail! lull
•Im- 'miiKht a UiUh- an I In h*r 'triigh*
! fninnl hern*ll hr III lit let! front Mr I I fear
j She »*inlliineil |ia tan* ami a>t< r ,t aging
[•I* Imiile f'*iiii.| inik.if k..i,*,| anrl
[«»». mitt .Im k tier nau liiMikeai fti aiiil
! l< *• ami at ‘he mr an fi«*trla'
| hntila* nf I hi* Unrat iNt.len
! itahl Rfu'a |littg H ire 1 tialt u rriil*
ami 41 Hit, rtert ImMH* guataalvul
On Wednesday July 12th at .'1 o'clock
p. m., wo will rallle of the Phonograph
! on which we have been Isstuitig chan
ccs for the past two month* All par
ties holding tickets on the same arc re
quested to he present to help decide on
the method to he used Spectators eot
diallv invited to attend. Heirember
the date. .Illlv 1-Mll
Yount Respectfully.
('HAS. Gasteykr.
Lincoln, Denver.
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
St. Joseph, Salt Luke City.
Kansas City. Portland,
St. Louis, Sun Francisco,
anti all points and all points
East and South. West.
No r,a Passenger.7:Via. in
No no Freight.2.00p.m.
No. 5) Passenger .4:15 p. in.
No, Bil Freight...Ili.Min, in.
Sleeping, dinner unit reclining chair car#
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets
sold and baggage chocked to tiny point in
the United States or Canada.
For Information, maps, time tallies ,md
tickets cull i*n oi write to A. F. Werts
Agent, orj. Fit\NUIs, Uen'I. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska,
No. h* leaves daily except Sunday (pass
enger). 7 2Kt a. in.
No. 8s leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 2:05 p. in.
No. <#) leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 2:30 p. in.
No 87 arrises daily except Sunday (mixed)
11 45 a. in
No. *5 arrives dally except Sunday (pass,
eager) 7.or> p. in.
First class service anil close connections
east, west and south
W. D. Clifton, Agent.
overland route
s P/CTO**'^
Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming
Utah, Pacific Coast and
J’ugat Sound.
Palace Sleeping Curs. Ordinary Sleeping
Curs. Buffett Smoking and Library Curs.
Free Reclining Chair Cant
pining Care, Meals a In Curts., folder*, tllu*t ruled boohs
pamphlets, dlsorlplive of the lemtary
traversed, call on W, I) Ci.iftoi*,
State of Nebraska, county of Sherman, Vill
age of Loup City, s. s.
Estimate of expenses for which appropria
tion should tie made for ensuelng municipal
year as follows.
For General Fund Purposes 870(500
•* Street " " 400.00
Water “ “ tflO.OO
“ Interest on Water Ikimls 550.00
Village water bond Sink. Fund (tao.oo
Tlie entire revenue for the mtifilcipal year
ending May 3rd 1 S', h was as follies:
For General Fund purposes ..8700.(1)
“ Street Fund.. 500.00
*• Water Fund .... yoo.OI)
“ Int. on water bonds. 850.00
“ Judgment. . 800.(51
By order of VUIugc Board. ,Vitae.-* my
hand and the >eatof said Village on, this 21st
day of June lsww
(seal) J Pim. JaXokh Chairman.
Attest G. II Giunon Village Clerk
Land Oflloe, Lincoln. Nebraska (
April loth, MW. 1
Notice 1* liereby gi ven l hat the follow .
lug named settler Ims Hied notice «»f his
intent ion to make rlnul proof In support
<>f hi* claim, and that said proof will be
made before t lie i ounly Judge of Sherman
County, at Loup, Nebraska, on July 24t
1800, vlx: John P. Caituody, Home
stead Entry No IK.up, fur th« west
lialt North east quarter Section Ho, Town
ship It), Rangu 10 West.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove ins eonlinuous residence apu* and
cultivation ot said land, vtx;
Janie* Parmody, of Arcadia, Ntln
i hallos K, I*. I.aee, of •• ••
Clarence I.arson of •• ••
Charles J Mc'urni*, of lluxtey, »•
J \V Joliasi.K Regleter.
Livm *< f
THE yj^-1 C P £
UTTLr t. ' 7 L
* .*t ^
*il.» Hi
him \n.\iii. mhos..
I. «*l> I’m
Notions, Oueesware. Etc.
Don't fail to call soon as lie wants to close out his stock
and convert his store room into an opera house. It is im
possible to quote you but a few prices. Come and see the
I am closing out mv shoe and hat stock regardless of
what they cost me.
Farmer’s bring in your butter and eggs. I will pay
you the highest market price for them and you can buy goods /
of me at prices you never dreamed of.
XXX Colfee . . . 0 tents.
A i buckles. . . 10 “
Best Parlor Broom Made. .... .... 19 “
Clothes Pins, per doz,... .... j <i
9 bars Silver Leaf Soap . . 25 “
Carden seeds, three papers for . ... 5 <•
A barrell of ginger snaps for. . 20 “
Best lye, per can. .... 5
Bird seed, per package.... . .... 7
None such mince meat .... 9 **
A and H pound soda. ... 5 “ ^
•iars and churns, per gallon.... .... .. 7 “
Sailor Hats. . . 15 **
Mospnito bar, per yard. .. 4 <*
Best needles made, one paper. . 3 “
My dry goods and notion stock will go at a price that
no ot her merchant in this country can meet. I will place on
.sale a large stock of remnants. I will guarantee to save
you money on anything you buy.
Respectfully yours,
Loup City, Neb., June 23, 1899.
President. Cashier
General Banking Business Transacted.
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000
Coriikhpomurntx: National Hank, New YorkCitr, N. Y.,Omaha
National Hank. Omaha. Nebraska
__ ________ F
1 ■ k ^ A il TVi d I liaBI 1 I Colonial P«of>l€
A'A • J Q 1 1 [' I 4 ■ Blr«l*. Animal*. .
■p 4 tB ffl I Hi H IB l^kl I Product*. Horn**
P»m » hfcwoHu
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™™Z£W tUV1 Wi,! Ec,'PW U%i Ycdf j Military Hand
IltUtl. ralt HImiiim
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