The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 07, 1899, Image 5

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Reason to Believe it May Soon Be Found
in Southern Italy.
One of the popular stories found In
every school history but only half be
lieved, if believed at all, Is the ac
count of the burial of Alaric the VUi
Ooth. As the story goes, his resting
place Is In the bed of the River ousen
tlnus, now the Busento, In southern
Italy, where an Immense treasure was
burled with him, but the exact place of
Interment was unknown, and through
the fourteen centuries that have since
elapsed, no one has ever taken any
steps to find either his bones or the
Not long ago, however, Professor Ve
gas, a German sculptor and a protege
of the Emperor William's, while en
gaged in the study of ancient art In
Rome, accidentally came across a
manuscript of the fifth century, by the
■well-known historian Jordanes, in
in which this information Is given.
So definite Is the description of the
site, that Vegas and a body of scien
tific men have obtained permission of
the Italian minister of public works
to Institute a search for this long hid
den grave. By the terms of the contract
the government is to retain possession
of all the coins and precious stones
that may be exhumed, and also of two
tblrds of the works of art, one-third
going to the finders. The explorers
are confident that this one-third will
be an ample compensation for their la
All this serves to call up that long
dead epoch and the picturesque figure
of Alaric, who with his blue-eyed,
golden-haired northerners, swept down
over southern Europe and established
a sovereignty destined to last three
hundred years or more. They were
a Teutonic people, these Vlsl-Goths,
splendid, large limbed, stalwart men,
and Alaric himself Is pictured as one of
the handsomest and most striking fig
ures among his nation.
In the popular mind Alaric exists as
a pagan conqueror and a monster of
cruelty, but this notion does not seem
•to be supported by facts. He was no
snore Inhuman than the Romans them
selves, with whom he waged war. Nor
was he a pagan, though a barbarian.
Many of the Goths had been converted
Ho Christianity, and Alaric was one of
them. According to the best lights of
toistory, he was both an astute and a
heroic leader of men.
It was In A, D. 1396. when Alaric was
only a little more than twenty years
of age, that he set out upon his con
quests. He had been scorned and In
sulted by the Romans, and his war was
one of vengeance, aa well as of con
quest and pillage. With an army of
two hundred thousand warriors he
overran Greece, taking enormous spoils
from the hoarded- wealth of the rich
cities of Athens, Sparta and Corinth.
Several years were spent In cam
paigns against the Eastern Empire,
and finally, In 1403, he turned his vic
torious arms against Italy and the
west. The weak Emperor Honorlus
tried to buy him off by promises of
rich bribes, hut Alaric could not be In
duced to forego his vengeance.
At last he and his long-haired, stal
wart warriors sat down before Rome,
then a city of more than a million In
habitants, enriched by the tribute of
the world for a thousand years, and the
spoils of more than three hundred tri
umphs. When the Romans endeavored
to treat with him, they found his de
mands so extravagant that they threat
ened a deaperate resistance, to which
the conqueror made the well-known re
ply: “The closer hay is pressed, the
easier It is mown."
Finally Alaric was Induced to retire
by the promised payment of five thou
sand pounds of gold, thirty thousand of
silver, four thousand silken robes, and
two thousand pieces of scarlet cloth.
But two years later, through the fool
ish conduct of Honorlus, the Vlsl-Goth
king appeared again before the walls
of Rome. This time be took and
sacked the city. There were six days
of carnage and plunder, and laden
with an Incalculable amount of booty,
Alaric Withdrew Into southern Italy.
That same year, while engaged In
the siege of Coscntla (Cosenza), the
conqueror was seized with a disease
that proved fatal after a short dura
tion. He was only In his thirty-fifth
The victorious Goths were seized
with consternation. Alaric bad been
their bond of union and their pledge
of success, and they had given him
undevlatlng devotion. His death would
oblige them to leave Italy, but they
determined to give their king a sepul
cher suited to his rank and expressive
of their love—a sepulcher that could
not be desecrated or plundered by the
enemies in whoso laud they were
forced to leave it.
It was a grand and terrible concep
tion. The River Busentlnus was di
verted from its course, and in Its dry
channel a great pit was dug. In which
was built a tomb of massive stone.
There, clothed in golden armor, with
his jeweled crown upon his head, a
scepter and a sword beside him, they
laid their beloved leader down to rest,
and around him, with unsparing
hands, they placed the costly spoils of
the richest city In the world.
In order that the secret of his burial
place might never be revealed, the
host of slaves that had been employed
to do the work were chained In the
river’s channel, and as the waters
were allowed to flow back Into their
natural course, all traces and knowl
edge of their king’s sepulcher were for
ever obliterated.
The lately discovered manuscript In
dicates that the tomb was near the
junction of the Rivers Crall and Bu
sento. Near the place burled two
hundred feet in the earth, have been
found the ruins of the City of Con
stantta, which the Goths pillaged and
destroyed at the time of the strange
entombment of their king.
No one can foretell the amount of
treasure or the revelation of ancient
art that may he opened to the world
if the tomb of Alaric the Vlsl-Goth be
discovered and the scientific world
waits with interest the result of the
Waited on Table at a Formal Dinner
and Created a Sensation.
From the Detroit Free Press: When
Mrs. Smith decided to give a tea party
she made up her mind that it should
ibe the event of the season. With that
in view she started elaborate prepara
tions, promising Mary, her cook, an
extra week's wages if she would do
her best to make the party a success.
Finding that she would need a girl
to help serve the tea, she asked Mary
If she knew of anyone that she could
get. "Sure, mum,” answered Mary.
"There’s me sister, what’s used to wait
in’ an’ who'll be glad to get the chance,
for she’s a poor gurl Just out of a Jolt."
As Mary herself was a Jewel, Mrs.
Smith did not question her further, and
Mary received orders to have her sis
ter on baud. Mary's sister reported
for duty, and Mrs. Smith gave her
minute Instructions how she should
act, wishing to give the guests the im
pression that she was a regular mem
ber of the household. Things went on
swimmingly until Mary's sister, seeing
that one of the guests was out of lea.
came up and wanted to know If the
lady would have •'anlther." The guest
smilingly answered that she would,
whereupon Mary's sister, snatching up
ihe cup, bawled acroea the room in the
most approved cheap-restaurant code:
‘•Draw one!”
A »afa Kola.
Mr. KpIRIn* I with you would glr*
At * our* cure fur wlimit*# at priaa
flghla aud bora* rwrwi. doagg* Mr
Knags# -I tan ( do tb«t. but I t an giro
you • aura rut« (o yrannl luaa "Ou
t<#.Uwb‘1 bar “• fillaburg t'hron I
WmU a* Uaat HtUtUi
“da# tba laairiKtl*# *alua uf Hill# ^
• hiaga; Iba laat otrww broba Iba ram
U» b*.bM "too; wby Iwm oot##
Vt4y batp It lo Urbl# lb# #tapbAPl
fllbr*- UairoH trm Frao#
If panplo would Mop fllwNug bill#
bafura ibar gal to ib#wi ibar# would
ba laaa of Iba I 11 rod faallbg lb Iba
wo* 14.
A Suggestion for sn Kvenlng Dlnue
1'srljr for Young People.
Suggestions for home entertainment
may possibly be obtained from a din
ner for young people given In the west
recently. The table was elaborately
decorated In pink and lavender, and
dainty china, cut glass and silver were
used in effective combination. In the
center of the white damask cloth was
placed a mirror lake, which was
outlined In smllax and roses, to which
were attached lavender and pink rib
bons radiating to the places of the
guests. To these ribbons were fast
ened numbers. In addition to the pink
roses, and two "lucky” numbers drew
dainty prises—a stiver hat brim brush
for the man, and a silver neck buckle
for the girl. At either end of the table
were sliver candelabra tied with lav
ender ribbons, and filled with pink can
dles, hooded with dainty pink shades.
Dinner cards ornamented with the
creat of the hostess done in gilt were
placed at each plate.
When the company were at the table
the door bell rang and telegrams were
brought In addressed to the several
guests. When the yellow envelopes
were opened they were found to con
tain tingle words and blank telegraph
■ lips. Imter In the evening the gueets
were requested to writ# a telegram,
using the letters of the Inclosed word
In regular order as Initial letters of the
words forming the Imaginary mes
sages I “rises were given for the best
telegrams thus constructed.
A Kwmlty.
• rhrrn I* « grrai .1**1 of •»«lt»»*cu
In P»rlt.“ BftiU on* Pr*n«-h uAcIaI
“Vh," Mid lb* otb*r. calmly. Ana
aiftoouiMl '* UuibllAM tbit tbrrt
uin I nearly m ■»»»•■ b tUtcunttni a*
lk«r» vuulJ pmlwMy be If ibtrn e*r*
nothing to g*t ficiiMi ««tr‘ Wub'
legion Ntftr
»*4», tw>H4
Prom lb* Pbllftitolphlft North Ami
i«m "Why. my luil* mm. m!4 tbn
oia g*ntl*Mftft "*hat nr* yon trying
fotP* "II* ntftitfbiahttttU tbt bey,
hft* tb* m«mI«* m4 I ru i baft My
of tn."
Grtutd Huah Met In * Hold In »
Wooden Block.
Tlhe story of lamps from Herodotus
lown to 1830 Is not one of develop
ment, says Light and Lightmaking.
In principle and form they remain the
same, whether as the tin cylindrical
or boat-shaped cups on candlestick
pedestals and the round tin cups with
hemispherical lids, or the lldless cups
resting on wooden stands such as were
recently rescued by the author from
the garret rubbish of old Bucks coun
ty. And before Herodotus, as we fol
low the kimip back Into the tombs of
the old world, we find the boat-shaped
form of earthenware preceding the
boat shaped form of iron, and possibly
even that of bronze. The chalk cup
lamp found by Canon Greenwell In
the neolithic flint mines at Grimes
Graves, England, perhaps the oldest
wick-floatlng lamp In the world. Is not
essentially different from the oyster
shell filled with lard and provided with
wicks that may lie found among Vir
ginia negroes today. The Egyptian,
Grecian, Phoenician and Roman lamps,
as they have been found in the tombs
and as we see them In the museums,
are not unlike the lard lamps that were
most In use early In the nineteenth
century. Then crude grease gave way
to sperm oil and lard oil, with especial
adaptations of the lumps that made
them more convenient and improved
the light; and burning fluids that were
convenient and dean and gave a bril
liant light, but were dangerous; and
kerosene, with other Improvements In
the lamiMi and refinements In the oil
that enabled It to give the most perfect
artificial light yet found, and to keep
up the flgbt for quality with gas and
electricity- all these having come In
witnin the lifetime of men still among
us. Besides the old lamps our ances
tors had candles, molded wh<» the
price of tin, the material for the molds,
did not forbid tho luxury, and before
them tallow dips; a suspended wick
was dipped Into a pot of hot tallow, on
a cold day, and the operation was re
peated till layer after layer of grease
hardened, and the oanule was thick
enough. These candles were, however,
troublesome In hot weather, on account
of their propensity to yield to the tem
perature and fall over, "Who shall
say, however, that candle dipping is
older than molding, when we know
• * • that they molded candles In
County Galway, Ireland, in late years
by punching holes In peat and pouring
In tallow on the down-hting wlek of
twisted flax fibre?" The Irish had, too,
as had the negroes, tho rush light, a
greased rush set In a hole In a wooden
block serving as a candlestick; or
rushes Joined In a triple wist which
flies apart when lighted, Increasing the
New 8<*liool M«‘tlio«fx la Mllwaake
Develop Kujcully Children.
An experiment has lately been trteo
m one of the public schools of Mil
waukee and by its opponents pro
nounced a failure, says Harper’s Ba
zar. The aim of its originate.', Mr.
R. J. O’Hanlon, was Hits—to Introduce
into the school life of the child a form
of training which would equip him for
duties of citizenship on bis entrance
into the w'orld of grown-up men and
women. A form of government was
therefore introduced into the school,
which was modeled upon that exist
ing in the city of Milwaukee itself. A
mayor was appointed, aldermen were
elected, a constitution adopted. There
were Judges, policemen, comptrollers
and no end of other officers. The best
principles of the best governed were
laid down and the boys and girls—
there was no distinction of sex—were
set about governing themselves. But
the amount of chaos and corruption
that ensued brought protests from the
parents and even the scholars them
selves. Studies were neglected and
bribes given and taken. Instead of a
lesson of self-government being ac
quired, all the evils of the most cor
rupt form of municipal government
were practiced. Mr. O’Hanlon, not dis
couraged, says that only the prejudices
of a community were against him;
that, given a longer time, his system
would have proved Itself. “It Is the
height of absurdity,** he says, “to make
the school an autocracy and to sub
stitute an external conscience for the
right of self-control." But, with votes
bought and sold for peanuts and pen
nies. the parents cried halt—time
enough to learn how had municipal
government might be when necessity
for action confronted him! Still, It
would have been Interesting to know
whether Mr O'Hanlon was right and
whether a longer trial would have
proved a real success. demonstrating
beyond question that, even among chil
dren. the principle of self-government
has In It all the elements for bring
Ing about the eradication of those evils
which at first seem always to he eit
gendered by it.
VI teat II • t.aaaaaU.
Kathar Wall. Johnny, what 414 you
laarn to tfhool today*
Johnny Iruafullyi* I found out that
tha laathvr a got ayaa la tha bath o'
bar band Tha Mtval
Hm li«g«gM
'Now. than, goiafnwaal hy ooa
by laJunidMa " "Na, I doa'i I «m
thlahlM <d maUinauny," "Oh"—la
dlaaayulta Journal
A CM ban radlab grown thb yaa# aaar
Maaatsaa naighad tight gouadn
Nothing That Haa Belonged to King*
and Uueena la fihe Ignorant Of—Other
Crowned El porta—Ono of the Peculiar
Prerogative! of Royalty.
When the Queen gratifies a London
dealer in precious stones by a com
mand to attend at Windsor or Osborne
lie finds that he has to do with a
Bhrewd, Intelligent buyer. She has In
her possession a wonderful collection
of precious stones, among which Is a
marvelous green diamond of great
value which haH never been set. Her
majesty has at her fingers' end the
history of every famous stone which
belongs to European royalty. Four
beautiful and unrivaled sapphires,
equal In size and luster to the one that
glows In the crown of England, are
the property of the Queen of Saxony.
The Comtesse de Paris, too, possesses
a magnificent purure of sapphires, cor
onet, necklace, bracelets, brooch and
earrings. The stones are large and
set with exquisite diamonds. The fin
est pearl necklace In the world be
longs to the Countess Henckel, and Is
valued at more than 50,000 pounds. It
Is eoni[K>sed of three famous necklaces,
each of great value In Itself. One,
known as the necklace of the Virgin
of Atokha, was bought by the Countess
from a Spanish grandee for 12,000
pounds. Another was once owned by
Marie Sophie, ex-Queen of Naples, and
the third was the Empress Eugenie's
state necklace, which was sold for
20,000 pounds. The Queen of Italy also
owns a superb necklace, consisting of
several rows of pearls, which are s;>
costly and so rare that her maids are
obliged altvays to wear a part of the
collection to aid her majesty in keep
ing the beautiful gems, pure, lustrous
and healthy by constant contact with
warm flesh. King Humbert buys the
pearls for bis wife, presenting her with
one row each year, and he, like Queen
Victoria, is an expert In Jewels. These
pearls are excelled only by those once
in the possession of Queen Mary of
Hanover, now the property of her
daughter-in-law, the Duchess of Cum
berland, which form a string more than
six feet long. Every one of these love
ly beads is an absolute match In shape
und color. The late Empress of Aus
tria possessed the best collection of
black pearls In existence, as well as
the biggest emerald, and a necklace of
the same stones which is unrivaled.
These emeralds are crown property, an
are the pearls of Queen Margherita.
The Empress of Russia wears, second
to her royal giandmother, the largest
diamond, and has also a collection of
rubles of surpassing splendor, though
the richest and most beautiful aggre
gation of precious stones Is owned by
the Russian church. All the Queens of
Europe do not own Jewels to half the
value of those set in the statues,
tresses altars and vestments at the
Cathedrals of Moscow and St. Peters
burg. The favorite wives of the Shah
of Persia and the Sultan wear tur
quoises the like of which no Western
Queen can boast. The Duchess of West
minster wears the largest and most
perfect turquoise (being flawless)
owned by any private person, and the
Duchess of Sutherland Is the happy
possessor of the only complete neck
lace of hlack pearls.
Worn In Carious Ways by Several Pecu
liar People.
Jewels set in teeth are occasionally
heard of, but gold and precious stones
set in the human body is a fad not
extensively popular. A gentleman re
siding in Bombay wears a beautiful
emerald, which, set in a rim of gold, is
stitched by means of gold wire to the
breast of the owner. Thus securely
fastened, the green gem has rested un
der his shirt front for ten years. He
considers it his lucky stone. Worn
by a certain barrister Is a ring that
will not come off. It is a plain gold
band of considerable thickness, a rivet
of the previous metal piercing the ring
and passing through the bone of the
finger. Is filed down on the opposite
side. Nothing save amputation of
the member would release him of the
circlet. For sentimental reasons he
wishes it to be his life-long and in
separable companion. Having a de
cayed part of his instep cut away, a
wealthy Invalid has had the crevice
filled with gold. To appear ornamen
tal the metal is shaped like a star, the
center boasting a large diamond and
a cluster of small rubles. Stitched to
the skin of his waist is the gold chain
belt sported by another extravagant
being. The belt Is two Inches broad
and eighteen stitches are necessary to
secure It. In front a trio of fine chains
dangle to the knees of ths wearer, a ho
la »o proud of hla decoration that he
occasionally disrobes to reveal the
permanent ornament to favored
friends. New York Journal.
T« He triuliut
"Don't you think the American
wwei ran be minted to think out
problem* fur themselvea and arrive at
aenatble eoarduateaaf** "There ran t
be nay doubt uf It." *ald the <db*e
bolder, "ao far an the Amerbma n«ie< |
In my u«a tonality are rumeraert
They have been voting fur me fur
yearn. "• Washington Htar
A Benees
“Did that oumaa give any ram« far
attempting aukddet" "Van. yen boa
er ’• What »u Hr • **• ante the
ouatad to blit hereelf <*bt«agu M e
The (.irunt Hum-lira Coutuln Frntt of
Hie Mini Itrllnita Flavor.
When planted In new soil the banana
does not require any plowing, but It
does when the lands have been much
used and have, of course, lost their
natural state of porosity, says the
States’ Duty. When once the soil is
ready, holes are made one yard in
diameter, two or three yards distant
from one another, and about one-half
a yard deep. In rich lands and new
lands no fertilizer is required, but oth
erwise a basketful of some kind 1b use
ful; a sprout is then planted, which In
three months' time will grow to eight
and ten feet high, and, nine months or
a year after planting, according to the
variety, will yield fruit in the form of
n bunch, which will count as many
Sometimes us 200 bananas. In the first
two years the weeds have to be re
moved, but afterward the shade will
prevent their growth. In moat places
Do water is required, but half a dozen
Irrigations a year will he enough in
the driest lands. Once the plantation
is In full growth and producing condi
tion, It does not require more attention
than (he ( leaning of the plants of their
dry leaves and the keeping of all the
detritus from the plants well gathered
round the trunk to fertilize It, allowing
plenty of space for the new sprouts to
come out. Sometimes these come in
such profusion that the expert laborer
h«s to extirpate them and only nllow
a certain number to grow up. When
the plantation Is In full growth and
production, the collecting of the fruit
Is constant, and every week the planta
tion can he gone through to collect the
ripe bunches. Ah If nature bad provided
It, the largest bunches contain fruit of
the most delicate flavor, with sweet
ness and flue pulp, and they also are
those that keep the best, lasting for
many days, thus giving sufficient time
for transportation. The dry leaves and
trunks of the plants nre useful for pa
per manufacture. When the hunch of
bananas Is ripe the tree or stalk, often
ten Inches In diameter and twenty feet
high, Is cut down with u single stroke
of the machete; the stump dies, but
numerous sprouts are ready to take its
place, and the plantation constantly re
news Hurlf, Many are in good produc
tion for half a century or more, and
wherever there Is suitable transporta
tion for so heavy a crop It Is very
profitable. The trunks are cut In pieces
and piled round the tree for fertilizing
Homo ('MtiliK-N I hilt Had a Mania for
Hu Tying Tiling!.
A mongrel terrier, extensively de
voted to his mistress, was very jealous
of her love for the kitten. Often when
the latter had been caressed by the
lady the former would go off and
scratch a hole in the garden, and theu,
fetching the kitten, would bury It
therein. To prevent the kitten forc
ing its way out, the terrier would post
himself upon the grave, and so, un
happily for hig purpose, would guide
to the speedy rescue of the latter by
itg friends. Once he chose a pail of
soot for the death tomb. At other
times the dog and the kitten were good
friends and playmates. Another dog,
this time a spaniel, resentful of the im
portation of a tortoise, which her mas
ter had bought for his children and
given the range of the lawn, deter
mined to put her rival to death by the
same method. Very shortly after Its
coming, both the dog and the tortoise
could nowhere be found. Presently
the dog returned with her paws cover
ed with earth; not so the tortoise. Sus
picious of the spaniel, her master coax
ed her to come and look for it, when
she guiltily drew off to the garden and
stopped before a small mound of earth,
which, when removed with a stick, re
vealed the tortoise. He who hides can
find. Perhaps I may add a story of a
Skye. He, too, belonged to the owner
of the terrier, the culprit of the first
story. The Skye's favorite place was,
as it should be. at his mistress' feet.
He was generally quite well behaved,
but would have lost his character one
day had he been without excuse. The
Skye was running in front of his mis
tress and her husband and suddenly
surprised them by flying at a poor girl
and holding her prisoner. When they
came to her rescue they found her to
be a child to whom had been given a
pair of the Skye’s mistress' shoes. To
secure what he deemed to be a thief of
his mistress' property, and this the
shoes that hud so tenderly rubbed him,
was clearly his duty, and he did It.—
lAindun Spectator.
The Male of telllma.
Hubert I.bills Stevenson s house,
where he spent no tunny happy years
of the latter part of his life, and which
waa pillaged by the Kaniuan warriors
during the late trouble In the Islands,
baa been sold. It was here also that
the late king of Manual. Malletua Uu
pepa. died Vallltna la a nioai charm
Ing residence situated at some little
distance uut of Apia, end Juat below
the je*ak upon which Is Mteveuaon a
grave, up to which a right of way has
been reserved The buyer la a wealthy
tiermsn speculator froai Honolulu, and
! tha price waa hl.Tfd t'nnaa ln»yle
waa asked. H Is said, by Mteveasua
lu vialt bin at Maiuoa aud replied that
he did But ka«w the way Oh said
Mteyeaaun. "you go to America, crum
to Pea h«aria«. aad then take Um
oiuid turning to i.Se left." The
• My fa*e te aiy fwrtuae. air.14 she
said Hut I peeler Pguree. Mid ha,
«nd *
_ - ( r ^ .1 m / /
The I.lttle Old
Ui. f
It was at the opening '
institute, says a writer in the ^
Academy. They had given me a
high up in the high marquee. There
I stood—the occasion was too exciting
to sit—and for an hour watched the
alluring panorama. The place was a
blaze of color. The uniform*!, the gar
ments of the Indian princes, the flags,
the gay decorations, the dreoses of the
women—captivated the senses. And
all the while a hand played joyously
and voices rippled in laughter and talk,
and the roar of the multitude outside
drummed through all.
But It was the eye that captained the
senses that day. Never has my vision
been so surfeited; and as the place
Ailed and the bodyguard ranged them
selves on either side of the throne I
felt that the appearance of her majesty
must form a kind of antl-cllnnx, for
the tale was told, the eye could hold
no more. Whatever of pride, of birth
and splendor, of show and richness the
world could produce was there. The
ripest stage management could do no
Then a roar from outside broke into
my reverie, trumpets fan-fared, the
doors were thrown open, and on the
threshold appeared u little old. lady In
black, who walked with difficulty
along the |»ath that led to the throne.
In deepest black—a little old lady—
quite simple, the simplest body there -
V'lotorla R. I. Oh, it was Immense—
the effect! The Idea! Think of it!
Dorothy Drew, Gladstones famous
grandchild, whoee loving companion
ship added ho much to the happiness
of his later years, is the subject of a
very Interesting sketch In The Young
Woman. Wo learn from It that before
her 4th year her political views had
become decidedly radical; to her mind
the house of lords was a most repre
hensible Institution, and the house of
commons was the mainstay of the na
tion. When the house of lords was
spoken of in her presence as the “up
per house," she would retort: "You
mean the house of commons!” She
vlsted the latter during her 3d year,
and for a time thought herself in
church. The frequent rising and sit
ting of the members soon undeceived
her, however, ami from these move
ments and the oratorical gesticulations
of the speakers, she fancied herself In
a gymnasium an impression derived
from a previous visit to such a place.
For some time after this the commons
was “the place where granddad goe»
to do his ‘nasties,'’ or. on occasions,
“the place where granddad goes to d»
his lessons.”
Har visit to Queen Victoria was a
momentous episode in her young life,
and from the article above mentioned
we quote the narrative of her delight
ful experiences:
“Dorothy relates how she went down
the very long corridor to put on her
new white frock and he*r silk gloves,
and how a grand servant all dressed
In red came to say that the queen was
waiting. ‘The Indian man whom the
queen likes very much” was at the
door, and the next moment Dorothy
stood before the great queen whom her
grandpapa had served for sixty years.
But Dorothy thought nothing of the
vaatnesa of the empire, or of the length
of the reign which all the world waa
celebrating. It was nothing to her
that the kindly gray-haired lady before
her was mlatresB of one-quarter of the
whole humun race, To Dorothy she
was Just another woman like grand
mamma, with a white cap on her head;
and Dorothy courtesied and kissed her
and told her her name was “Dorsie.’'
that she called Mr Gladstone "grand
papa," that they all had pet names at
the castle, and so on and so on; and
many Interesting pet names were re
vealed on both sides. "The queen put
on her glasses and asked me to go to
the other side of the room, so that sho
could see me better," Dorothy ex
plains. "ami then she took a little
Jewel-case and said, ’This Is for you.'
I opened It and saw a darling little
brooch, with a diamond V and a dia
mond R and a turquoise I, and a little
crown at the top made of red enamel.
I courtesied and kissed her hand and
said, ‘Thank you very much.’ She
looked very nice and kind, and I liked
her very much.’ Then the queen kissed
the little debutante ugaln, and Doro
thy and her mother returned to town.”
Kipling, who is numbered among the
celebrities who have sought Dorothy’s
acquaintance, tells an amusing story
of their meeting. They had been in
the grounds surrounding 11* warden for
«>me time together, when Dorothy’s
mother appeared, saying;
"Now, Dorothy, 1 hope you have nut
be«n wearying Mr. Kipling." "Oh. no;
hot a bit,” was the frankly unronves
Uonal reply. Mr Kipling has been
wearying me!”
enlarged t‘r«rugnll«M.
KYon ike Chi< ago Tribune: "Ifaa
the < hanging of Ike name of your
glrla' rlub lo He. hrlor tllrla Club*
until*1 any dlfferem** In your way of
roaduoling IIr* "No. only w* bold
regular amokera' now “
1 to*** raw**.
Tlaauw paper la eu nailed from ibo
uaw II waa pul lo ukea II waa orlf
laally made wklek wwa lo ptere ko
lw*«o gt.l.l or alWrr Uaooa rlulh to
prettal lla la/making wbaa folded.
Ito a*t* Bam* tta*.
f all Ike laureU fame eookl ktlag
Ware leriabed ua lb# a**aga I aiag
I iaad MM lake I bean. Madgn wooko
Our Sal la aimnaM oow.