The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 07, 1899, Image 1

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Loup Cp y No ith western ^
The following is n letter received
by the Ladies of th 0. A. II. fiotu
the Chairman of the finance relief
committee, of the town of Herman
Neli. whose people were reduced to
suffering ami want by the visitation
of a distructlve cyclone a few weeks
Ladies of Grand Army of Repub
lic*—Loup City, Nob.:
The terrible storm which devns
ted our little city on June 13, caus
ing the death of many and the ser
ious Injury of many more, and oes
troying in a day the results of many
years of toil. Iihs demonstrated anew
ilie. generosity of ihe American peo
ple. When neighbors and friends
were made awme of our sufferings
they came to our assistance with
doble generosity.
We can never adequately express
our thanks to you for splendid do
nation of fl.OO in money and large
amount of dry goods, and wearing
Hut we assure you as best we
can, in inadequate words, that we
are deeply greulful and will always
hold you in grealful retnemberance.
Time will besl all wounds, but time
chii never efface from our memory
the timely help extended to our
people by the generous people about
us. We Hast that you and yours
may never lie called upon 1o suffer a
visitation similar to the one s«nt up- j
on Herman, but if you ure, the peo
pie of Herman, now poor in purse
ami suffering under a heavy load,
will endeuvt r to repay you in kind
fur the splendid aid you lent to them
in their time of need.
Thanking you again and again,
and wishing for you exemption from
any visitation that may cause you to
appeal for help, I have the honor to
remain, Yours greatfully,
J. H. Ciiamiikks, Chairman of
Herman Finance Relief Committee.
Ashton has a new saloon, run by
John VVasielewski, one of Aahton'a
former townsmen. Work was be
gun on tlu' building Friday.
ft. A. Wilson made a business
visit to “The Hub” Thursday.
Mr, and Mrs. D. M. Hendrickson
drove over Thursday from Rockville
and spent the day among friends.
Miss Hot Fuir of Rockville arriv
ed Thursday for a visit with her
sister, Mrs, W. M Smelser.
Otto Wreho left Saturday mor
ning fortiiand Island, where he in
tends lo visit till some time after the
Fouri 11
K. G. Taylor made a business trip
to Loup City, Friday.
Mr, ami Mrs. A. N. Conklin drove
over to Rockville Saturday evening.
Henry OJendyke, Freddie Wicb
rnan, Henry Mink, Will Seifert, Will
Bade, B T. Bcushiiusen, Gust Beck
t'has. F. Betishaustn and Miss
Blanche I’aige were the ones who
answered at roll call Monday mor
ning as the oucs bound for Grand
Island lo spend the Glorious Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Lukas/.ewski left
Monday morning for Omaha
Miss Nellie Uav of Grand Island
ia here visilii g the Misses Rapp.
The Fourth at Ashton—Although
it was quite generally known that
Aahton waa not going to haveacele
hralion, the people docked into our
littie Irerg and made a celebration of
tiieir own, and a right royal good
time of li lost.
Tin' local I*mII tenilia, a li«>in «i>
will I’li In Hi I lit II* nn idnlkn anil
tin* I'li'atu Vnii a |*Ii«m *I a r»'»l livelt
g mu* of lull mu iIn* Fourth, with a
ninn< Mi»i wa* » iitafacturt i*» l***tli
team*. A ft* i ilmner a p in race
waa ran, i*u*l ilieii Hi* upeetatuta
r II-* *1 a "ill *11 |**i»»*• iiil a i(iii >>«i ii
tw * In eli I* *)» f **i r ••••», at i| in »•
la liav i niie liri'*' >•! A*M mi* newel*
er» hi Mnie t mi tin ir »i» i*l» •*( aii vl
ami nililicr «n*l iukIi* a nrv lull i
#«tmg bi' *•( rt' .in mil All all* r
•immi *>• I f ir in uthe uigM there *«»
an i*p|* MU'#! * I"* i(ii*4c ah'* wiaheil
til trip Hie |lgh< lalilaailt Iw I
m<i«t mil over I «*k kaiii# a* park
t>a p*M ><f tin » mail In h nk 11>i*iii
i«Iim tn that i»* I amt •Uadi place
War* wirul fcltnia of game* arte it
progii •* ami »<t» lit* «o m gw
rtMt'i'l farnU imi a i»n«eiurHi f»# the
young gei enih.n aa«l wlo rn tiattnl
L wvat m tile Ik* air ting will) to*
about# of Uwo amt Ilk* |iki***s
So, all in all Ashton furo.sbed a
nice quiet Fourth of July to quite u
large number of people,
Mention might be made of the
picnic held on the Fourth at the
groves of <). L. Way and Stanislaus
Itudura, and reports are coming in
of a nice time at both of these places.
I. C. U.
Continued from last week.
Loup City, Noli. June 31. 1X99
Pursuant to adjournment of June ID. 1899
the county board of Supervisor* was In Herndon
lit the court house In Loup City. Sherman
county, Nebraska on the 31 day of June, IHtiy
Hitting uh the board of ei|iiall/.atfon. Present
being S. N, Hwertland Chairman and all the
members of the board also John Mlnsbull,
county clerk and T. S. Nightingale, county
attorney, and ttie following proceedings were
hud and done, to wit.
Following Ih the aN.scssed valuation of Sher
man county for the year IHrt) an found correct
and equalized by the county board of equal
ization :
Township Personal I and Total
Oak Creek $ 6,01(1, t 31,173- 1 37.1X8.
Logan 8.610. 61.863. 69,873,
Washington H.090. 39,866. 47,966,
Elm 7.595. 110,300. 37,896,
Welmter 51166, 30,788. 36,094.
founf 1 vtl- » >8.871. 3,448. „
Loupe- ( twp f gjja 34.677. '
Rockville 15.399. 53,196. 67,595.
Ashton 18,061. 38,086. 60,086.
Clay 84,88, 47.871. 66,369.
Harrison 17.490. 39,131. 57,031,
Scott 7,487. 30,898. 38,835.
Hazard 8,561 41,965. 63,616,
Bristol 10,181. 53.479. 68,960.
Total *139 167. *558,810. 369bio i'.
Pullman Palace Oar Co., $ 838.(3
Western Union Telegraph Co, 769,60
O and R V. Railroad Co. 67.340.tW
L and B. II. Railroad Co TV,868.80
O. I. and VV C, Railroad Co. 44,601.00
Grand Total |877,837.63
On motion the following levy was ordered
made for the county levy for the year 1899.
For County General Fund 9milts,
'• '• Hrldge *' 3 "
“ Road •' % "
Refunding bond Int. 5 "
“ old refunding bond Int. 1 “
Hrldge bond Int. 3
•' O. and It. V, R It. bond lot. 3 •'
Total county levy 2*'4 mills.
On motion levies were ordered made for the
townships for the year lMtoln conformity with
the certificate* of levy from the several town
ships except Kim. Ashton and Harrison town
ships, who having fuiledtollle certificates the
same was filed by the county hoard.
On motion the county clerk Is instructed to
make the levy upon the taxable property In the
Villages of Sherman county, upon the filing of
certificates In his office of the levies for said
Villages, by the proper officers of said Villages.
Following are the levies made us per certifi
cates filed.
Iioup City Village—General fund 10 mills,
Water fund 10 mills. Street fund 2 mills. Wat
er bond Interest fund 23 mills, Water bond
slaking fund 20 mills.
Ashton Village—General fund I mill.
On motion the county olerk wus Instructed to
levy upon the taxable property of the school
districts In Sherman county having bonded In
debtedness, amounts sufficient to pay the In
terest upon such debt und to create sinking
Whereupon the county board sluing us the
board of equalization adjourned without day.
Attest, John Minshull, county clerk.
by Lotus Kkin, Deputy.
Loup City, Nebraska. June 21, l*»v
Persuant to adjournment of June 30, '.HUM the
the county lioard of Sherman county was in
session at 1 o’clock p. in. of said day for the
purpose of transacting general business Pres
ent: all members of county board also county
clerk and county attorney.
In the mnttar of the resignation of D. S. Roy
er as Justice of the peace of Washington twp.
It was on motion ordered that said resignation
bo not accepted for the reason that a Justice of
thu peace is a township officer and this board
has no jurisdiction In the matter.
It appearing to the board from Information
received from tlio United Stales land office
that -he final proof upon the west half of north
west fourth of section 34. Ill, 13. had not been
made, and that said trad therefore Is not lia
ble for taxes it was on motion ordered that the
tuxes of ISBS assessed and levied against said
tract be stricken from the tux list.
On motion the poll tax charged against L. J.
Hobart In the year 1SWM. and against K D. Sut
ton, In Logan township In the year IW7, and
against Isaac Sanlierg for the year IM>s are or
derwd stricken from the tax list for the reason
that L J. Hobart is u woman that II D. Sul*
ton was liable for aud did pay his poll tax for
istfT In Loup City township, and that Isaac
SanlM-rg during IMP* was a resident of Wyom
On motion the assessment and lax erroneous
ly made In I sue upon the south west fourth of
the south west fourth of section a. IS. 1$ Is or
dried stricken from the tax list of Rockville
towushlp for the reason that said tract Is prop
rrly assessed and taxed upon the tax list of
said yrat o* lirtsiol towushlp tn which snld
tract l> h rated
The county elrrk Is authorlivd to purchase
three compiled statutes of Nebraska
It appearing that lot tktee, of section k. I*
I IV hail escaped assessment In l«w aad la» It
a a- «n motion ordered that said tract iw eater
ed upon the assessors hooks
Continued nett week
j Cure* tmituUiK j, Night KmiMum»atul
»**tlng ilnciwc*, all efl»’it« «»• wlf
I*UM , Ul I’UrM *411*1 (1**1* •
u tliMi. \ iirrit* Ionic wotl
i...**t builder.
ink flow to jmIi* i ht't'k* ftn*l
r*tnrr* tb«* flrr ui •
.»!*• |M i ■ , «
fur » w IIII « « mini **.
Iiw ui run* «*r lh<*
! ttcrul lot cirmUr A*Wrv*»,
Clinton tJwkwn »«• , CHILAC UU
*> >m mm nv
1 Ilf. \rl»»
Story of a Slave.
To be bound hand and foot for years
by the chains of ditease is the worst form
of slavery, George I). Williams, ol Man
chester, Mich, tell how such a slave was
made freo He says: "My wife has been
so helpless for five years (hat she couli
not turn over In bed alone. After us
ing two bottles of Electric Hitters,she Is
wonderfully improved and able to do
her own work." This sepreme remedy
for female diseases ipuckly cures nei v
ousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, head
ache, backache, fainting and dizzy
spells. This miracle working medicine
Is a gortsent to weak sickly, rundown
people livery bottle guaranteed. Only
50 cents Mold l>v Odendahl H res I (rug
N< i I'll K TO Hi l>l>KRS,
Sealed bids for Poor Larin of hberinaii
county for three years, commencing
Starch 1st, I!hk), will he received at the
county clerk's office, at Loup city, Net)
raska, on or before Heptembor 1st, ls»i,
sals farm contains :<4) acres less railroad
right of way, and right of way of Irrlga
lion company and public highways. Item
to be paid In cash, terms to be one half
cash In advance and one half cash ut the
expiration of each year, Lessen to furn
ish bond with approved security; Tbs
Comity Hoard reserve the right to reject
any and all bids,
Dated, boup city, Nebraska, June as, | sou
John Minhiiuu., county clerk
uticSo Iw
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at Lincoln, Nebraska.,
June 94, I*tf9.,
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing. nameil settler ha* filed nollco of his
Intention to make final pro-d In support of
his claim and that said proof will he
made before the county Judge at Loup
City, Nebraska, on August r,th, 1*90, vl/.:
Frederick Claus Stark, Homestead Entry
No. hum for t he south ea*t fourth, Hsction,
is, Township 14 north of range 14 west of
the (ith p. m. He named the following
witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of said land,
viz Stephen N. Sweetland, Samuel Dad
dow, of Loup city, Henry c. Stark of
Divide, Adolphe. Stark, Litchfield.
J. W Johnson, Register
J Phil Jaeger’s
Those'shoppers who wish to nmkea sea
sonable purchase in season conies here, for
they know we have just what they want
and when they want it. Our stock of
is here. It is fresh and complete. We are headquarters for anything
needed in the geueral merchandise line. Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing,
Suits, Spring line of hoots and shoes, fancy silks, block crepon, wash
dress goods, lace curtains, Curtain Swiss, Silkoltne draperies, Scrim, No
tions, of all kinds, trunks and valises, kid gloves, etc. etc.
back on a good thing. Don't forget that in new spring novelties we
can show you many new things that have never been shown before. And
above all. for your interest as well as ours, don't fail to visit our store,
inspect our goods and learn our prices.
meet our competitors on both prices and quality of goods and in many
things can save you money. We bought in large quantities and got the
best goods at the lowest (Igures so can give our customers the best possible
bargains for the season. We invite you to call
Yours Truly,
J. Phil Jaegsr.
Conuty, Nebraska, From January 1st, 1899 to July 1st, 1899.
Hal. on hand January 1st., IhMM $ 21,#22.12
Collections of ISMS tuxes. 27,075 S7
of tp. treasurers taxes.... 2,SHI 50
" 1*7 taxes. 4,425 OS
" l*#fl “ 1.M73 64
*• " 18M5 . 1.040 01
“ 1SM1 ** M75MS
“ I MM3 “ . 78M27
** 1SM2 ** .. 301 M3
" '* ISMI *• 53 5 0
*' ISMO •' 46 MM
*' ** IMS# ** 50 30
'* " isss •• 1H3 7S
" 1SS7 “ 115 03
" “ JRSO •* . HS»|
" “ 18*5 “ ....... 6 13
State apportionment. 3.810 IS
Interest on county deposits. 863 42
School Lands. 1,5mm Ml
Miscelaneous. 3,Out 3M
Total. f 0M.44M 53
I Bal. on Col from | Trans- I Trans- I Diabura- I Commlsa- I Hal on
Names of funds hand all I ferrod | tarred merits. 1 Ions. I hand
! Jan l ’l>0 sou rees J__to__l_fr<m)__|j|_JuljMi_W.
State Funds * 1,168 no * 64SW 17 | 4 ID (1031 37 *130 83 678 47
c“unty t“anar.r. ::: 1.870 75 77i? «* no, n«o uo 3175 ft) m it fii« w
County Int. Bond. 1,370 08 812182 262*50 *M 22 ®i
County Hoad ‘26 181 2W 5 4n 400 ft* 3*.
County Bridge.,..... . . 073 8s 207120 1000 W j 2810 83 57 SO 1187 45
Couutv Poor Farm_ 208 00 . 8 40 |W JJJ*
County Judgement.... 22 81 15 37 48
County High School. . #40 5 58 M 1 j
BnlHIsr. 280 10 4 07 40 00 In 224 #0
Dii».iSh35i ::::::: «&«. 1282204 ««> , i*w»*> m* «s«T2
School Bond. 164 8) 40 01 I I LJW QW3 18
School Judgement. 3.878 8s 3140 42 2312 00 27 8S iTT* H
Township Funds. 2,55X 03 38X0 71 5 40 JJ44 48 Ilf .5 J7M II
Township Bonds. 1,233 2V 58X3 U* 77 I?
Township Judgement. 17 20 73 (r2 70 (HI - 27 17 05
Special Thistle. 4 00 5 10 -Jl5 C # X5
Loup City Village... 63 80 701 87 xoo 00 24 62 |.lo 66
Loup city Vil. Bond 403 81 1061 50 2* U?S 2
Loup City Judgement SOI 88 701 31 864 63 I” JJj
Litchfield Village- 8 07 Of. 30 so no 2 07
Ashton Village . I 627, 51 11 j 45 (*l Id HI)
Rockville Village , 84 20 605 | woo 20 o->
Institute. 2124; 8 00 40 00, '» ■*
Fines and Licenses. ! 8 00 ! 6 00 J
Printers. 16 52] 110 80 ) 101 50 t* ♦< ,iV lf!
Sctroolorder^^^^^^^^^^^^^PiOol^^^^^ ^^_______
TOTAL.*21.822 12 $ 47.627 41 *1,055 50 *1.085 5V * 3ft 876 11 * 017 (» $ 32,824 42
Cash. . 4 ,15
School orders held for Investment school
bond fund.. 171 Ou
First Hunk of Loup city IVWI ill
Farmers State Hank of Loup City IWK) on
I.ltohlleM Stale Hank TWha II
Hank of Ashton, Ashton. Nebr ■.‘of* oft
Nebraska !■ Iscel Agency, New York 46n tin
Total . «»4.MM it j
The State of Nebraska I
County of Sherman ( ' I, Frank Badura, Treas
urer of said county, do solemnly swear that the tore
going statement is correct as 1 verily believe.
1‘ hash Badura, County Treasurer.
Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me
this 3rd, day of .1 uly,
(heal.) John Minshull, County Clerk.
Publwbed from July 7, to July •>.
In the District Court of Sherman County
Mane hauler Trust LimlUMl, Piuimitj
Law re nee P NI so-n Annie NUm-ii
Henry K«»intir Manvaretha Kayt
ner The County of Sherman Henry
A Wyman m. Keceirer of the Globe
Inveotment t'timpani Hefemtmiu
The whore named aoa*resMsBI dofyndaui* j
Hear? ttaolaer Margaretha K»iur and lien
ry A tV\nian aa reeeiver of Hie Globe Ibiioi
meal t <iat|mnt will take not lew that on the Sth
day of thnialwr ia» the alaiyr named plain
lilt HWmI Ita iwtitawi In ike lUotrlet Court of
Sherman t’ouatr N*brs*ha agalnat Ibe a lane j
named defendant* Uermrr I' Shewn Anatr
Niawn II. nr i Kaalkrl Margaret ha Kkdiet
The C..unit wf Meiwai an.l lieary A ft
aa ia«lrrt el th* Glob* Ihrt itatuut Compaui
and »ai.l a. lu-tt ha* hot j.r.***.i..1 to dearer
•ml the am ts now pending
Taa .life*i and prayer af mid petittua ar* yo
fi.r. . . a. iartaiw rrai estate mortgage •»
r wiad hi IP deirkdauta UllupNi P hi**»a
ami A ebb NUwt hi* wife to the llhla la
re*ln. at t ..mpaay <aad by U nootgued to
-I named piatatth ua th* lad day of Jnti
lap ut*.* iha bufth hall d the wank waat
-|ua<t* > <d aeeMua T(twi>ltr ■#. ami tbs
worth half d the walk «**» swatter eg a»*u.,«
Twenty *>» l« a I waoblyi lilt**#
itt north ul Eaage b-%t*«n |4. seat
at the Math a pa ipai maridtaa ntwatad la
afcaimau two! i hot.(walk* dated Mat II law
Ci «#* t*ra lb* pa. toast *1 ■'•* pw*.*ai Set*
<4 *«*a date with **td giwrygwoo amt »»».-.t*a
1-1 **td pr-'.lrao-r* l-i lb* otw *>l .me !»..*
and .h.«i*t» da* and pat an <# ia bye I*a.* floe
I data tharoad
iPo Ml Mu* 4** *4»l MMpltil MU i#-*# #IM
HMMlfll* fctt» Min *4 M Ml IftkM**. tMfmt
44 Ul*4 nlf Ml M n |MMr I«ftt |* t *M« w« ItoNft 4lM#
*f%4 4»» mi 4mmm I4K MmI **«»
hears interest at the same rate uatll paid
1'latntifl pray* for a decree that each and all
of tit#'defendant* lie harred and foreclosed of
all equity uf redemption or other Interest in
said mortgaged premise* and that the same
muv l*«* sold according to lun to satisfy the
amount found due tu plaintiff ami that the
lien of plaintiffs said mortgage he dee rood par
amount to all ether* on said premise*
You are required to answer said petition on
or In fere Monday the lith dat of ,kugu*t tear
Haled July etb I sow
Man> lir.stth Tttl'sV '.lUltr.i. Plaintiff
by It si r. a u*. It* Attorneys
f alllt* HoTKK.
Take notice that on oy stsiat the I*h
of Hay I look up one red steer, t years
old post, with while spots under lie |y and
while star In forehead M s* taken up on
my farm, the northwest quarter uf ke> lion
g. Toweehlp 14, Manga It, iksk creek Town
shim akennan ruuaty, Nebraska, owner
can hate property by pro ring same, pay*
tap for Ihle ioiIo and coat or seeping
hosits kiwtkiirt
tti isaarwi r,t~»a pst* r - srawt y
Wff kAMtMWksMO
•w era jo
eso«M tdrwi. _
.•MV>A Oft
Attorney at Law and Notary Polite.
WUl 0*(iad la ForMloiai* Omi
General Real Estate Business.
Oflle* la NoBTBwaaraaa Huildla*
lour citv, xtuaiuu.
loot* omr, * «
I'llYHtClAN A Ml'lit! NON
totr« I rV Ml mmASHA
• IffI* A, w nal al I'lKM'l
i 'I|«| «|M*«
WHO |v""**"* *• «<»ii m
’’ II*# * • ''••IV til *k UtlXK
'I'l ) »sh»fc* K 'In** tittww
I " ’ » I'iJ i.i.i,,.
ml \|L' «**Ni|iH'i«l lkl|l*4i
" *#• »i.lit< t ititiiMji
l*«ir »•*«*•« it J*«««*•*• SMt
V*lll Mi| itllllll tlMM V»ll M<t k*t« |
MIS Wt hi*11 fr**, *Imi
M »*M All *b»»m il * l li*** i*i Hiinif*
A • •, IM»gS*4«i*Mi. M Y
1 1
of consulting one of tbe leading physl
clans and surgeons (Id tbe treat
uieni of chronic and oervous
dis< ises) of this country,
Me is well known in Nebraska, and
is reliable as well as eminent In bis
profession, and has but few superiors
in bis line of diseases, and, from reports
of the press, his rooms are crowded
wherever be stops. By tbe request of
bis many friends and patients who
have usually gone a long distance to
see him, be has decided to VISIT
LOUP CITY, and will be at
THURSDAY June Jiltb, 1*99, one day
only, returning every 1 weeks for six
monthi*, Consultation and examination
FREE to all
Ill* treatment and examination* we
under*taud are baaed t|»m new
Kiel hod*, and are altullar aa are given In
the eeatern and aoulheru boapiial*
where he learned hie butineae,
lie treat* ihroele catlarb, dlaeaae of
ibe ear, mur, throat and long*, dvtpep
• la, Hrlgbl'a dlmaae, dlalwtea, liver,
• luuiath eainat i patina, rheumaiUui.
> buoile female and **xual di •«****. neu
ralgia. artallvMb dlaaim-aa, nervuuatiea*,
• tor. growth In children and all waatmg
•»l«* *«•• In adult*. delormlliea, dob lee.,
! curtain’* of the *|M«e, >li*«aaea e( the
gato, partly*t*. heart di*ea*e. eeaema,
vavlfoeele, and hydrocele l'e><er,
< tumor*, wetM an t blnhmarh* removed
\ oong middle aged and old married
• <# tingle men. aad all eho auffer with
luei manhood, aervtnua debllltf •aerma
tor the* tem Inal Iwaaei, decay railing
memory, weak eye*, atuated develop,
mew* «w uI rearav, IgMimthlil
I It haw, I pimple* ihe blood aad *hla die
Ktopitoa, bait lallmg. b*me pain,
• welling* ao»« throat ohere, rfwt al
Neixutt hlduat ami bladder trouble*,
we.a bo* buraing or to*. imowt* tgewca,
atret. •titerore levelv* tear*hrng IfNb
mem, utoukpl re.let
Moth teat l eated MwldtaUtllt »»d
privately I* tie*. d*tui* Ineiv and
inpture by wwf **• dithvi
t -.- ■