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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1899)
Uociffll Daws. -■ ■■■■ J. A. Angeir weht tb Asbton Wedn*s dij. I^awrencb Smith ]'o»t a balf in the »tbtm Sunday. There was but one bridge left stand tng on Clear Creek. Odendahl Bro'a irrigated their ware room Monday night. J. L>. Ford ibipped another car of cattle to Omaha tlie other day. And we are going to have a six room acbool bouse and don't you forget It. The HAM had 3000 ft of track washed out between Kevanua and Mason City Street commissioner Gibson was re* pairing holes in the town site this week. The U 1*' section men were cal|pd to the Pleasanton branch to repair wash outs this weeks. R. L. Arthur Is erecting » new barn near the depot for the accommodation of hla blooded stock. August Bechthold and Geo. Ware jr. were introduced to the mysteries of Odd Fellowship last week. Fred Bears of Bavenna, was in the city Wednesday for the purpose of flg ueringon the new school bouse Miss Kate Moon would especially call the attention of her lady customers to her line of Sailor and Walking bats. At cost, for 3J0 days. On account of the storm Inst Sunday evening the Childrens Day exercises at the Baptist Church were postponed uulll Sunday evening July 2nd. The Ladles of the O. A. K collected and shipped to the Herman, cyclone suf ferers a box of clothing valued at $&<). The Ladles never forget the needy. John, if you were a woman, you'd know as I know and all other women kuow, that Rocky Mountain Tea Is the greatest blessing woman ever had. 38o. Ask your druggist Notice Pilgers new ad and call on him he is giylng extra low prices on bis goods in order to close them out quick so that he can couvert bis Store building into an opera house. The Royal Neighbors of America par took of an Ice Cream supper after Lodge last Tuesday night. Mrs R. J Browu was Instructed in the mysteries of the order, Grandma Bailllc is visiting her daugh ter, Mrs, T. 8. Nightingale, and other relatives In the city. Mrs, Balllie has been very III, but is better again ■ A. O. Clark of Clear Creek, was not Injured by the hail storm Sunday even ing although bis neighbors all had their crops destroyed. He attributes his good fortuue to bis being a Christian. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rowe are rejoice lug in the arrival of a new girl at their home. Pete says he has concluded to furnish nurses 'or our army In the Phil - iypines as well as lighting men. Editor Browu is beutifylng his resi dence properly as only a conclencieus pop editor is capable of, In Nebraaks. The picking Is too short for the other persuasions We learn that Alex Balllie reports the water at least two feet higher at bis place than be has ever known it before since bis residence there of over twenty years. Herbert Baker of Clear Creek, was a pleasant caller Wednesday. Mr, Baker says he was only partially hailed out in the recent storm. He Is one of our far mers who says he Is getting on top of the pile. Mrs. M.C; Mullck who has been visit ing friends in lows for souse time re turned home last Monday. Mrs. Mullck says crops are looking much better here with the exception of wheat, than In Iowa. Mr. Ilrock of the south side of the county called at this office Wednesday while in town. He says they got 3J In. of raiu on Dry creek and that much damage was done to crops from the high water. The hall missed bis section. Mrs Wesley I'edler goes today to her new home In Hastings where Mr I’edler has concluded to locate for the present The family will be much missed by our social circle and the l»est wishes of our people go with them, and hope to see them again locate aiuoug us In the near future Tuesday morning We sauntered Into the greeery derartment ef J. Phil Jae ger's combination store and heard sweet strains of melodious music apparently underneath ua. I poo Investigating w# discovered the proprietor astride a ino laaees barrel with several yarda of iiiua lain on a stick Howling around singing “We're out ou ibe ocean sailing." Hail management keep* more people In poor circumstances than any othei cause to ho successful one mutl look *b»ed end plan ahead so that when a le%oe*bie opportunity preeenu Itself he Is read) iu take advantage of It. A little fureilN ughi will al*« save „lU, p espense and valuable time a prudent and careful man will keep a «.||ie of t'hamherlala e t olle. I’lahra and tiur rfcoea Memedy In thv house the shift leee fellow will wait until aecewelty com peta It and then ruin hie boat burse gw tug for a di* lor and have a big dv» tor bill to P*» besides .me pays out eta.. 1M »d*f la nut a bundled dolleia and then wen. W re why his neighbors ia got tmg richer nblln be la getting poorer fur sale fey Odendabl g>e a Jim Depew W troubled with the siekle grinders these days. Billy Neville says it rained like Ell last Monday night. We don't know what be merit. A watering trough has been ordered put in at once on the south side of the square. The street commissioner was ordered to repair the bitching posts on the south side of the square. Miss Kate Moon wishes to announce that for the next thirty days she will offer her splendid line of millinery goods at cost. Steps are being taken to side and re pair the city hose bouse with the inten tion of making it habitable for Board and fire meetings. Rocky Mountain Tea Is not simply a laxatlye. It’s a wonderful remedy for every kind of ache, constipation, indi gestion, bad blood. Ask your druggist. A pure whiskey agree* wlib any food in feet aide digestion. It tone* thestom ach, increase tbe flow of tbe ga atric Juice* and *o promote* itrengtb and fleab. A pure whiskey like Harper Whiskey. Hold By T il. Klsnrk, Loup City, Nebr. Mr. Jolin Bevins, editor of tbe Press, Anthon, Iowa, *ay*:ul have used Cham berlain** Colic, Cbolera and Diarrhoea Remedy In my family for fltteen years, bave recommended it to hundred* of other*, and baye never known It to fail in a single instance For sale by Oden dahl Bro’s. Tbe Village Board last week, ordered water bond No. 2 of *1,000 paid off. Those bond* are not due for seven year* yet but our city fathers wisely con cluded to pay when they bad money enough on band to lilt one. The bond* are optional. The payment of thl* bone *ow, saves *400 in interest, D'.Jr seen Condition Powders, are «u*n over th^orse pfjHh when in bad cSWlk’O • Mood purifier and verm IDA » ^o*?ey are not food but med icine Afs' . - f>est in use to put a horse in prime Condition. Price2.5 cents per package. For sale by Odendahl Bro’s. Tbe German Verein of this place will bold a Fourth of July picnic, at Anglers grove east of town. All member* of the order ailh their families are cordially invited. Arrangement* for a good social time baa been made. A dance in the Watklnson ball will be given In tbe evening. Each member will be required to pay 25 cent* to defray expense. By Order of Committee. (juile a number of invited citizens went up to Arcadia last evening to witness the wedding ceremonies that unite In marriage Mr. Walter Soren sen to Miss Nina Landers. Both young people are well known to our citizens and at one time were residents of this place. Mr. Horensen is a brother of Mrs L. Hansen of this city. Mr. and Mrs Hansen were among the number In attendance from here. Our townaman, Mr. John Clark, re ceived a letter from bla folks in Michi gan last week apprising him of the tact that hi* brother had been poisoned. Mr. Clark’s brother was a carpenter and was building a barn for a neighbor who made some poisoned water to kill bugs and put It In a Jug. The Jug was set near where Mr. Clarka water jug waa and he drank from the wrong jug and died shortly after. I was seriously afflicted with a cough for several years and last fall had a more severe qgugh than ever before. I have used many remedies without much relief, and being recommended to try a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Reme dy, by a friend, who, knowing me to be a poor widow, gave it to me, I tried it, and with the most gratifying results The first bottle relieved me very much and the second bottle baa absolutely cured me. I have not had as good health for twenty years. I gave this certificate without solid tat,ion, simply in appreciation of tbe gratitude felt fer the cure effected.—Respectfully. Mrs. Mary A. Beard, Claremore. Ark For sale by Odendahl Bro’s. Tbe school election U*t Moutlsy niter* noon resulted In tbe re-election of J. B O'Bryan, for short term and J 8. Pedlar and I. M Polskl for long term. Tba vote stood O'Bryan 181. Pedler 187 Polsltl 1*0,0. II. 8cott S3, O. \V. Hun ter 50. Mr. Polskl was ou both tickets which accounts for hU big lead. A res olution was passed Instructing the board to build a six room school house, even If they had to leave out the furnaces to complete ||. Three thousand dollars was ordered trausfered from tbe g tieral (uad to the building fund for the |si. t*o*e of furnishing the hoird with 11 my funds to complete the new both I ,g. I’he levies made err* #1 md>* for get. era) and ft mills for teacher* fund* S*SSsS tk* Orate A startling Incident of which Mr John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the »up|eci Is narrated by him as follons | was in a must dreadful condition Mt ehtn was almost yellow eye* sunaen, long. # coaled, peln continually In bark and •Idee, ao appetite gradually growing weaker day bv dev Three physician* aad gives use up Mruaalsdy, a ttliail ^ ■•Vised try log KMcSrte Bitters and tw "» h»* b»d surprise the gsM toutie made a derided improved I continued their "*efo» three weeks, and am n«e a welt man I knee they saved my life and rsi'lwtl the g««ve of eeeibet victim Mo sm should tali to try them Only Mb guaranteed, at OJendebl Btoi l»rug MWh “A word to the wise Is sufficient” ud a word from the wise should be suffi cient, but you ask. who are the wise? Those who know. The oft repeated ex perience of trustworthy persons may be taken for knowledge. Mr. W. M. Ter ry says Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other in the market. He baa been in the drug business at Klkton, Ky , for twelve years; has sold hundreds of bottles of this re medy and nearly all other cough medi cines manufactured, which shows con clusively that Chamberlain's Is the most atlsfactory to the people, and is the best. For sale by Odendahl Bro's. If twflo to California Late In June or early In July, you can buy a round-trip ticket to Lot Angeles at about half the usual rate. Liberal return limits and stop-over privileges. Don’t make a mistake and go any other way than through Denver and Halt Lake City. That is the route near ly 20,000 Christian Kndeavorers selected two years ago. Being the most elevated of all the di rect lines to the Coast, It Is coolest and freest from dust. Penetrating the very “Heart of the Rockies,'' It surpass es all others in beauty of scenery. Information and California literature on request . J. Francis, Oenearl Passen ger Agent, Omaha. Neb BURLINGTON ROUTE. UnprcvMintnl Low Hsian to Colorado. Every <l»y from Jane 25 to July 11. Oae fare piu* (2 00 for the round trip to Denver, Colorado Spring, Pueblo, and Glenwood Springs. Tickets good to return any time until October 31. Never before such an opportunity. Take advantage of It and spend the Hum mer in the Heart of the Rockies—where beat and dust are unknown—where the sky Is as brightly blue as Italy’s, and the air as Invigorating as a tonic—where you can bathe, and swim, and climb mountains all day, and every day. Bee nearest Burlington ticket agent and get full particulars, or, If you pre fer, write J. Francis, Genl Passenger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. BURLINGTON ROUTE-Cheap Tickets to Detroit, Mich. Take ad van* tage of the low rates—One fare plus 92 for the round trip to Detroit— which the Burlington Route has made for the ’9M meeting of the Christian Endeavor and go east at about half usual cost. July 3 4 6 are the dates of sale, Berths, tickets and information about return limits,side trips from Detroit, etc , can be had at any Burlington Route ticket office, J. Kbahcis, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. a Thousand Toaguos. Could not express the rapture of An nie E Bplnger of 1126 Howard 8t. Phil adelphia, Pa, when she found that Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption bad completely cured her hacking cough that for many years had made life a burdeu. All other remedies and docters could give her no help, but she says of this Royal Cure --“It soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarely remem ber doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout the Universe.*• Bo will every one who tries Dr. Kings’s New Discovery for any trouble of the Throat, Chest or Lungs. Price 60c and 91.00. Trail bottles free at Odendsbl Bros Drug Store; every bottle guaranteed. MEN AND WOMEN zwec Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition, beauty, vig or and cheerfulness soon disappear when out of order or diseased. Its use Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy. At druggists. Semple bottle by mail free, also pamphlet. Address, Dr. Kilmer A Co.„ Binghamton, N. Y. BURLINGTON ROUTE FOURTH OF JULY RATES. Usual reduced rates—oue fare for the rouod trip between B. A M. K. R. Rj stations not more than 200 miles apart. Will be In effect July 1, 2, 3, and 4. Re turn limit Juiy 6. Fresh Bread every morn ing 6 cts., a loaf. Cake every Saturday at A. E. Chase’s. AOKNTH WANTED.—Kor "The l.ife And Achievement* of Admiral Dewey," th* world * tfreateat naval hero. Bjr Murat llalataad, the life Iona friend* and admirer of the nation** Idol, iltiaaal and book; over S00 pa«ea. »«I0 I nolle*. nearly Itw na«ea half-tone llluatratlona only *140 kuor mou* demand. Ilia oommlaalon*. Outfit irae. cbanoa of a (IfaUiue. Write uulak. The iHiuilutoa Oompany, ml Flour isiloii lluUdlng, Chicago MOTtCE. We will *lau<l tlH) Su.llou * Mill Mai" Ibern.ulug aeaauti at the barn H. T Snyder, In laiu|i Clly li T NNfDKK. N. M Tiiomi-vom. CATTLE AND IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE. I be Uni Slate H«ok a III -ell iiuprnv ( ed lanti* »a 'line. Al*w caul. i n Mae Irnw. Old, NiluoO timing Mothers iiKiil Ihi< ttMhcr. They km w how it wtaken* and h »w ihia iltcvti the baby. AM buch mother* ikcU Sal tl t t lllultkiH. Ii(ivct ihcm sirvnifih unU make* ih« hab> 'a FishI r(alter uitj mor. abundant, a* • 4 |i til l v ANNOUNCEMENT OAwtOa GERM AN EVANGELICAL. SERVICE*. German Evangelical services wilt be held I next Sunday. July 2, In Loup City, at the Bap tlat church at 10:00 a. m. and Sunday July V. la Kelso and Ashton. Auo. Jknnkich. Pastor GERMAN Ml MOOt. The German summer school commenced last Tuesday. The school days of each week are Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday. The hours each day are from 8:20 to 11:10 a. m. The principal subjects are: reading and writ ing about 2 hours: singing and blble history 1 hour erery school day. Members of the Ger man Kvangellcal church congregation may aend their children free. Otherwise AO each per month will be charged. School will be held In the primary school building by Rev Ado. Jennhkh AT THB M. ». CHURCH The morning services at the M. E. church Sunday at 10:20. Miss Jennie Jackson of the Methodist Hospital, Omaha, Neb., will speak In the Interests of that Institution. Subject: at s p in “Good Citlsenship Day." THE PASTOB. ATTEBD THE MEBT1HU. Quite an Interest la being manifested by our citizens, and steps are being taken by the people of Sherman county to participate In the reception to be given the First Nebraska Boys which will be given at Lincoln soon after their return from Manila. A public meeting of oar citizens Is called to meet In the court house square, Loup City, at 8 o'clock In the evening of Saturday, July 8 for the purpose of arranging to have Sherman coun ty represented. Band aaustc, patriotic songs, ■peaking from the band stand, etc. will be listened to. It la thought to send a delegation from bare, also to raise a certain sum of money to contribute to the expense sheet for the re oeptlon and to asalst la paying fare of our brave hoys to and from their homes, Let ■berman county do herself proud on this occasion. Come to the meeting. REPORT Of THE CONDITION OF The Fanners State Bank, CHARTER NO 2ftl At Loop City In the State of Nebraska at the Close of business June 19, low RE.SOU ROES, Loans ana discounts. t 8,753.56 Overdrafts secured and unsecured 3.39 Other assets. 503.72 Banking house furniture, fl Huron 9,163.00 Other real estate. . 2,223.52 Current expenses and taxes paid 417.06 Checks and other cash Items . 7W1.7B Out from National, State and Pri vate banks and bankers. !M,7:J7.8k Cash Currency. . I 780.90 '* pold. 1 All.oo *• Silver. .mw 3,578.64 Total. . t 48,988.39 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In . Surplus fund. Undivided profits. . Individual deposits sub ject to check .$ 9l.M7.64 Demand certificate of de posit. 4 AIM. 57 Time certificates of de posit. 4,689. 10 Total... $10,000.00 100.00 1.287 31 30.935.81 42,901.5$ State of Nebraska, I oonnty of Sherman, l I, J. Phil Jeager, President of the above named Hank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is tree to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. Phil Jaroxk, ricsldent. Attest: W. G. Ookhoahl, Director. C. J. Odbudahl, Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of Jane, 1899. Usury M. Hiiiiiw, (>*eal) Notary Public. My commission expires May 18lb, 1900. REPORT OP THE OONDITION OP THE FIRST BANK CHARTEB MO. 9*0, At Loup City In the State of Nebraska. at the Close of Business, June 19, 1H99. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts. I'i.umhm Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 476 5* M toe Its, bonds, securities, Judgments claims, etc. !>,37*.*s Ba.iking bouse, furniture, fixtures j.ajOOb Other Real Estate. 3,d8l.9& Current expenses and taxes paid 1,103 79 Checks and other cash items 19, ua Due from National, State and Priv ate banks and bankers . i.i,4ihhh Cash. Nlckles and cents $ “ Currency . t tan no " Specie . 1,943 96 4,5*3 96 Total . .S4.Ht4.4M LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In Mi.uoooo Undivided profits . Individual deposits subject to check. .10,831 <• Demand certificates of . deposit 4,004 17 SMSTifi Total. . EM.mai.4m State of Nebraska, I . County of Sherman \ * 1, A P. ('alley, Cashier of the above named Bank, do eolemnty swear that the above siateiueut Is true lu the beat of my kmtwledge and liellel. A P Chl.I.BT. ( ashler. ATTEAT M L., Ulreelor. , A. B Hi'PiiausoB, III re*'I or Sutwcrllied anti sworn lo i»(nra me litis ' -am day of June, idi W M M ti bia Ma>t Penile Ms vomuuastoti e«|Oie> Jae *, l »*l HER VITA PILLS __ _ VITAtll • lCO»T VIOOH ‘sms MtNHtcu Cures Imputeticy, Night hjuleetona *nd wasting diecAses, All effects of self* a boar, or «av«M aim) U«Ha t rrtlou A iirnr Ionic win) Moot! buliilH. llrtHgi |hr ►pink glow to pair cherka am) mt«m lk» Irr of tuuih tMv mall ftOc ptr boa, # h«»»r» for *3.AO; with A written gunrttii iMtornrv or rtruml Hi* NMwrt. ■awl for tlnvUr A*A4r*r*. NCAVITA MEDICAL CO. CAW—i A AH* wr 9m. CHICAGO. ILL M.« I4LK «V ODKNDAIIL UliOH Loot* 1*111 Xih DON’T MISS T. L. IflLGER’S m SALE. HE IS SELLING SHOES. HATS, DRY GOODS. Notions, Oucesware. Etc. AT ONE HALF THEIIt VALUE. Don’t fail to call soon as ho wants to close out his stock and convert his store room into an opera house. It is im possible to quote you but a few prices. Come and see the BJG BARGAINS THAT PILGER OFFERS. I am closing out my shoe and hat stock regardless of what they cost me. Farmer’s bring in your butter and eggs. I will pay you the highest market price for them and you can buv goods of me at prices you never dreamed of. DON’T FAIL TO CAM, AND I1UY YOUR GOODS BE FORE T. L. PILGER’S STOCK IS ALL GONE. IT WILL PAY YOU XXX Coffee. Arbuckles. . Best Parlor Itroorn Made .... Clothes Pins, per doz.... 9 barB Silver Leaf Soap Garden seeds, three papers for A barrell of ginger snaps for.. Best lye, per can. Bird seed, per package.... None such mince meat A and H pound soda. jars and churns, per gallon.. .. Bailor Hats. . Mospuito bar, per yard. Best needles made, one paper.. . !» sents 10 “ 19 “ I “ 25 5 “ 20 “ 5 “ 7 “ 9 “ 5 “ 7 “ 15 “ 4 “ 3 “ ■4 My dry goods and notion stock will go at a price that no other merchant in this country con meet. I will place on sale a large stock of remnants. 1 will guarantee to save you money on anything you buy. Respectfully yours, THEO. L. PILGER, NEW YOPK SJOPE. Loup City, Neb., June 23, 1899. * A. CULLEY President. A. P. CULLEY, Cashier. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Paid upJCapital Stock $20,000 ('okkkhponhknth: Soahoard National Bank, N»iw York City, N. Y., Ouiali* National Bank, Omaha, NVtiraakn THE GREATER AMERICA EXPOSITION SPECIAL FEATURES Colonial People OPENS AT CIO OMAHA. NEBRASKA. JULY bi. CLOSES OCTOBER 3bL 1009. " Will EdipM Last Year. T MMMary AH Exhibit Me *•!»•#. HIiimwi awl fc«aatwa Tk* Hiking Util • lit4411*4 IMV|< J*M« It* M»*»* '1 *«•***», lalltalanlly •!!»* »il Uy applying i haiulwrUiu * Ky* *uJ Many «*ry »■«.! w .** k«H hM« t'MNj l>f ll< |l la r>(«ally iiH.trM fur il< ki»| |*ilra a*<l • favuttla Kwnljf fur «n* ni|>|itva iUa|>t*'i hautl*. rkllkUta*, l«»*l Mira •«4 »kNW» MN *f*«, A lt prf k»l Km* Hit kl Ikkwhkl HtU • Mcvaiant tMmi Muu. ■| !,. . i Uw «ut 1.1 f*.r * ''il# ItlHMM IMftl |‘k*l» l**|l HhrtlU* >«•»»» h»h*» I «•!»**• i k«i>H ••*•* *» i hilklilM OMW iml *11 •««) |h» «t»V*«V VUfM I'lk*# M <*U |Mt |l U la |l(« Ml kata* Hum ar «*<•«•>» lalaa laJ 1'ikw H aaala hh but t ut eata by (Naa4*kl brat