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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1899)
Henry Probasco of olncinnati is a millionaire ^ ho has 1v some years acted on the Carnegie saying that to die rich is to dio disgraced. He made a fortune in the ku'rdwac# business and has expended some $70,0!000, or nearly all of it, in philanthropic and charita ble act.vttles. He once lived in a fine and pre.entious residence, but has now come down to a small bouse, which he rents. In some comments on the perform ance of “Hamlet” at an Albany theater a local critic, with the aid of a care less compositor, sjtoke of the hero as "the melancholy Dave," A school for nursemaids has been established in Iloston. They are in structed in the care of children, and have to prepare food and simple rem edies for the little ones. n»lf Kale Eininlan Kait. D. \. I*. U. convention, Richmond, Va., July 11th, 12th, 13th. Cheap side trips to Washington. New York and Seashore resurts. Address J. C. Tuck er, G. N. A., Dig Four Route, Chicago Methuselah probably lived to a ripe old age just to spite some girl who married him for his money. Bctiool I itn(14 at Your Own I’rlrc, As noon after the first of duly as practicable I will hold public auctions for leasing about fl»5,00o acres of school land, under provisions of the new law, in the following counties: Antelope, Banner, Iflaine, Box Butte, Brown, Chase, Cherry, Cheyenne, (bister, Dawes, Deuel, Dundy, Garfield, Grant, JIayes, flitehyock, Holt. Hooker, Keith, Keys Paha, Kimball, Knox, Lincoln, an, Loup, McPherson, Pierce, Per kins, Rock, Scotts liluff, Sheridan, Sioux, Thomas and Wheeler. Under the new law. if these lands will not lease at public auction at 6 per cent upon the appraised value, they may be leased to the person offering 0 per cent upon the highest valuation. These lands are in the best s to k growing portions of the state where cattle, sheep and horses can lie produced at less expense and, therefore, at greater profit than anywhere 1 know of; and yet. surrounded with as good and in telligent a class of citizensasany where to be found. The harvest truly is great and lasts almost the year round and no more Inviting field for the intelli gent stockman and furiner can be found; and now, that there is an op portunity to secure twenty-live year lftise contracts thereon at what the lands are worth, tiie lessee hitnself be ing the Judge, it is confidently expect ed that all or nearly all of these lands will he leased during the present year at the public auctions, as uhove men tioned. Any one desiring to attend any of these leasing auctions will be notified of the time and place of hold ing the same, as soon as it has been ar ranged, if they will write me at once giving the names of the counties in which they are interested; and will also he furnished a list of lands to bo leased so that they may visit the coun ties in advance of the leasing auction and examine the lands which will be offered. Notice of the auction will be duly given in the local papers. Send stamp for copy of the new school land law under which the lands will he of fered. Any further information will be cheerfully furnished. J. V., Commissioner Public Lauds A- Buildingg. Lincoln, Neb,, May 18, 18'J9. True dignity is never gained by place and never lost when honors are witdrawn.— Massinger. Lifty YEARS OLD Why let your neighbors know it? And why give them a chance to guess you are even five or ten years more? Better give them good reasons for guessing the other way. It is tcy easy; for nothing tells of age so quickly as gray hair. Ayer’s Hair Vigor U a youth-renewer. It hides the sge under a luxuriant growth of hair the coior of youth. It never falls to restore Color to gray hair. It oil! stop the oair from coming out a Ho. It feeds the hair halt*. Thin hsir becomes thick hair, and shun hair btcomea long hair. It cleanses the scalp; re* moves all dandruff, and prevents its formation. We have a book on the Hair which we will gtaJly sand you. It i <•-• M (Mata *11 lb* Ut» m H« »«i *• i**i h »ili m« it is* | flfiif fiiEe li.¥ tak H ft** 'fcffll) UhMv iff a«H»rr A till ff»*H I'Wl ffvtiaaftgi tpifM l*i*a Maf k« aotllt • **».- *#4 44Jf«ffc Dr. J. C. \><m. Heas. m I I *** **** *** ****** ****** * ***** **** **** * *** * * * ***** * ***** « *** The News Briefly Told. ****** Saturday. Representatives of all the transcon tinental lines having agencies in San Francisco met for the purpose of form ing a permanent organisation. Because James Briley of Rossville, 111., would not support his family he was tied to a wire fence, beaten wirn a whip and then smeared with tar by his neighbors. The Union Trust company of New York city has brought suit in the fed eral court at Spokane against the Everett Land company, to foreclose a mortgage for $1,500,000. A. A. Stagg, director of athletics at the university of Chicago, announced that lie had decided to send a crack team to Taris to compete in the games at the exposition in 1900. Prof. P. J. Bu|ly, a prominent musi cian and choir leader of Toledo, O., was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary for rifling the mails while a clerk In the Toledo postofflce. The board appointed by the war de partment to study the distribution of typhoid fever In army camps Is bus ily engaged in arranging data collect ed preparatory to mailing its final re port. The question of submitting to the vote of the people the proposition to proceed to city ownership of street railways under the commission own yship plan ^as not decided by De troit s council. The Cherokee executive council has liberated all the criminals in thp Cher okee penitentiary. This action was taken op account ot the prohibiting any more convictions un der the Cherokee laws. Funeral services over the remains of General Daniel MacAuiey, who died five years ago in Managua, Nicarag ua, and whose body was brought to the United States by the cruiser Detroit, were held at Arlington cemetery, Washington. The British steamer r. Iximbard ar rived In Mobile, Ala., from Sheep is land quarantine with a well develop ed case of leprosy on board in the person of a Chinaman. meml>er of the crew. He will be quarantined on board and taken from the United States when the vessel leaves. Friday, The splendid home of General John B. Gordon, at Kirkwood, a suburb of Atlanta, was completely destroyed by Are. Virtually the ban on automobiles In Chicago is a dead letter. Three of the five members of the South park com missioners declared themselves op posed to any ordinance barring horse less carriages from the parks and boulevards. The citizens of Topeka want tne ex clusive right to tender a reception to the Twentieth Kansas volunteers, but the chief promoters have decided not to pay the expenses of special trains to bring the troops home from San San Francisco. The county attorney of Douglas county, Nebr., filed u formal comp'alnt against James ft. Hates, charging him with securing $11,000 from the Union Stock Yards National bank of South Omaha, under false pretenses. The complaining witness is Thomas H. Mc Pherson, the cashier of the bank. A special to the New York Tribune from Washington says: It is the be lief among officers here that General Leonard Wood will not return to San tiago, but will resign from the service to accept one of the mauv alluring offers that have been made to him by corporations whose directors have been attracted by b'.s conspicuous abil ity and positive genius for organizing. After a conference lasting three hours between representatives of the strikers and the street railway com pany of Cleveland. Ohio, it was an nounced that President Everett would stand by his ultimatum. This in effect says that the company will not dis charge a single man hired since the strike began, will not recognize the union and will reinstate such old men as have not been guilty of acts of vio lence. A letter from Dawson, dated May Ufi, says the clean-up for the present sea son will amount to at least $18,000,000, more than twice last year's yield The Increase is dne to the fact that Do minion. Sulphur and Hunker creeks, which were practically unworked last season, have been developed to a con siderable extent, with favorable re sults, and the bench claims on Eldo rado, Bonanza. Hunker and Dominion have been worked to such an extent that their output will greatly Increase the total production. 1 tinrmlny Dr. C. W. Super has been elected president of Ohio university. He ui*cu pled the position twelve years prt“ou» to 18!W. when he declined the honor. The t'anilirla Steel company at Johnstown, Pa.. has posted notices of a general advance of wanes of 10 per cent. About 1,60# r-eu are affected by the advance. A pitched battle between Hebrew and Christian boys on Stewart avenue, t Uirago. became so fierce that police Interference In force was made neces sary. The tight was the result of the bitter feeling between the Jewish and Christian toys of the neighborhood, A firm of Chineee merchants at Hong Kong, through Ita altoine;-*. haa sub mitted to the war department the question of the validity of iht duty levied upon American good* shipped from (long Kong to Matttta. The Srui tnaMHalua the duty should not h* paid The New York CHy council has adopted g resolution making July i » holiday In that city, In commetoor*tIon of the Asst annlversasy of the battle of HaMlagtt. The Capetoen correspondent »f the lrf*ndou (tally Moll saye "The Na tional volunteer* have br-w officially ordered to hold lh«m**l»ee In ren<M b*ee for active service M Major Jam«e t Msadlett. retired who *iH succeed Welker as a«* nt of tae Kiowa and Comanche reservation In fHiNhoma. ia espected to kirlt* In VVitklkpua fn»m California t<*dwv, *«> receive his IstinMIuM He will leave for hie peel of duty early la the week 1Y ninMdiir General Brooke Is moving his head quarters from El Vaddo to the palace formerly occupied by Marshal Blanco In Havana province. Frederick W. Krause, the American arrested In connectionwltn the murder of Minnie Hose In Havana, will be re leased. There is no evidence against him. Francsix) Slvela, Spanish premier, held a conference with United States Minister Storer regarding the libera tion of the Spanish prisoners in the Philippines John Broclcway, u Camden county, (Mo.), prisoner, attempted to escape from the penitentiary at JefTerson City and as a result he Is lying In the prison hospital in u critical condition. It is stated at the navy department that every man attached to the Olym pia, Boston. Baltimore, Concord, Ral eigh. Petrel and McCulloch during the battle In Manila harbor, regardless of rani; or station, will receive a medal of honor. The great Norwegian firm of Chris tenson & Son of has sus pended payment. The Christiana Dis count hank Is Involved to the amouit of 3,000,000 kroner and other banks for smaller sums. The supreme lodge Ancien'. Order of United Workmen spent the greater part of its last day In Indianapolis in executive session and transacted busi ness of Interest to the members of the order only. Just before adjournment It was decided to hold the next annual meeting of the Hipreme lodge at Sioux Falls, S. D. Insurance SuperintendentVanClenve decided In the cases of foreign insur ance companies desiring to transact business In Illinois that hereafter any policy of insurance issued on property in Illinois shall bear the name of an agent of the company Issuing the risk, whether It be original Insurance or be re-1 nsu ranee. John W. Gates, president of the American Steel ami Wire company, Is announced by political friends as a r adulate for the United States senate to succeed Shelby M. Cullom. In mak ing the announcement, and the word was given out Informally, It waB said many people In Illinois felt that the state would be better sulteJ with a manufacturer In the upper bouse of congress. T tieftiittf. Mrs. Lucy Bcbmerl of Chicago has asked aid of the local detective bureau In clearing up a mystery involving an inheritance of $500,000. Nlco (2:08S4), by Arlon, the fastest trotter bred In New England and owned by J. Malcolm Forbes, died at Readville. Ira J. Holmes, brother of Burton Holmes, the lecturer, was drowned la Lake Michigan at Chicago by the cap sizing of a skiff. His body has not been recovered. The directors of Northwestern uni versity will extend a call to Prof. U, S. Grant of the University of Minnesotn to occupy the chair of geology, made vacant by the deuth of Prof. Oliver Marcy. The strike of the Grand Trunk rail road trackmen in Canada, which has been on for a month, has ended in a compromise, the road agreeing to meet a committee of the trackmen to discuss their grievances. A mlllitarv prisoner named Wringer, who was serving a two years’ sentence In the federal prison at Leavenworth for desertion from the Sixteenth in fantry, made a break for liberty and was shot and killed by Private Olson Troop P, Sixth cavalry, who was on guard duty. The death of the Very Rev. John Krekel, V. F., occurred at Ottumwa, la., after a lingering Illness of several w'eeks. Father Krekel was one of the most widely known men in the state, having be4n a resident of Iowa since 1854. He was a native of Nassau, Ger many, where he was born June 5. 1826. In nine pulpits in Kau Claire, Wis„ tl.e New Richmond tornado was the subject of the sermons. The general sentiment expressed was that it was a mysterious dispensation of Provi dence, but the Rev. Joseph Moran o*f the episcopal church said it was the devilish work of an unknown power and not the act of God. The Berlin correspondent of the Daily Mail says: In the course of a secret session of the diet of Saxe-Co burg and Gotha Saturday. Minister ol State Von Strenge made a confidential communication, containing the sensa tional announcement that Duke Alfred of Kaxe-Coburg and Gotha, the reign ing duke, would probably abdicate this yeur. llomttt?. Sixty boy* left Omaha to work In the Ames beet flebU. Spalu bouKht 7,000 ton* of wheat frtuu the I'nlted State* last March. George Over* of Holton anti Hilly Stlft of Chicago fought a an-round draw at Chlcugo, ('oiimuI General Wlnslor/ of Stock htdni »*y* lrl<htno«la haa been found In American pork. The steamer Humboldt, with loo paa •engera for Skugwny, la reported on the rock* near Seattle In regard to the pa) of auldlera the war department aay* credit will not be gl'en in eat««a of eneurabered pay due Governor 1‘tngree of Michigan veined the leeet augur bounty bill and alao the bill appropriating MO.tMtt for a atata building and exhibit at the pan - A inert ran rv|..-limn at fluffulo. Tan Kearna waa given the decision over K Idle Connolly nt New Vorlt In the t went) -eevond round after knock ing t lOinullv down four I tinea "Joe Muilett. the IrUk political prisoner ** ntrnr«d to Imprisonment for life fur attempting to murder a Juror whn renvoi d Mukael M‘«lah ew lakvn to Dublin ■ mlgltt and litwruio' He ta In a dying condition VI a I..liter, so 'CIVMK Ike llrewerw wendtih i and ike liven-ry ktatptor e# union of Vfitwanktw n wage trait | •ne agreed up .a M three team A < nine hour 4i« tie pet elded tut aad the mea ere (ranted Ikon demand Ikat during tfce dull aeweua Ike employee he I iM off la r<>t*lt .a Million* for C'lothlng. It Is estimated that the people o' the trans-Mississippi territory spend over two millions each season with mail order houses for clothing. Hay den Bros., the big Omaha firm, sen«i out 150,000 free clothing circulars eon tainlng prices, samples and short de scriptions of the garments they offer for this trade and do a big per rent of this hnsiness. One of the firm stated that If they could get it all they would save buyers In the aggregate ahou* three-quarters of a million dollars They have a force directing clrculai envelopes and ’.joking Inquiries for catalogues the year round. The fact that they are free and that a postal is sufficient to bring one crowds their malls daily. Hayden Hros. rather like this, however, as men must have clothes and their low prices get them the business. When in the city see their stock of Harness, Whips and Horse Supplies. In Russlt people must marry Itefore 80 or not all, and may marry only five times. Tile Western Mercantile Co. of Omaha ore selling the la»M sisal nr standard twine Pc. maniln tt^o. delivered hi Omaha. Hat inf act inn guaranteed nr money refunded. Here! in your orders before it is too late. Cut Kate. nil All ItillHiiya I*. II. I'lillliln Ticket Broker, 1505 Farnam, Omaha. The question of the real estate of your soul Is more profitable than the price of city kits. All Iowm Intention. M. R. Swan, of Manilla, Iowa, has Just obtained a patent for a breastpin including Admiral Dewey’s picture. TJais pin Is now being manufactured, and Is known as the Dewey pin. The patent was obtained through G. W. Sues & Co., Putent Lawyers, Omaha, Nebr., who will mail a free book on patents to anyone writing for the same. Some Important changes have been made in the Maintenance of Way de partment of the Baltimore and Ohio lines east of the Ohio river by Assist ant General Manager Willard. There will hereafter be four division en gineers Instead of- six, with territory and headquarters as follows: II. T. Fendall, all Hues between Philadel phia and Brunswick, Md., with head quarters at Baltimore. C. B. Owen, the main line and branches between Brunswick, Md., and Grafton, W. Va , Including Brunswick yard, with head- j quarters at Cumberland, Md. J. K. i Cassell, the main line from Parkers burg to Wheeling, including both terminals and the Belington branch, with headquarters at Grafton, W. Va. C. T. Manning, the main line and branches from Wheeling to Cumber land by way of Pittsburg, with head quarters at Pittsburg. Among the exports of Mexico last year are to be noted two sons of dried flies. Kaprome Court Nimtulnii the Foot^KAne Tru«lt* Murk. .JustUp I.aturhlfu. tu hupreme Court. Buffalo. hex ordered h permanent Injunction, with cotta, ami a full account lute of to la*in* against Paul H. Hudson. the manufacturer uf the ftiot powder called **|)f Mark's Foot Powder," mill also attainst a retail dealer of Brooklyn. restraining them from making or selling the Dr. Clark's Foot Powder, which 1* de clared. tu the dtc'slon of the Court, an Imitation and Infringement of “Foot— Fat**." the powder toshake Into your shoes for tired, aching foot, now so largely a-Dcrtlaed and told all over the country. Allen h. Olmsted, of Le Ituy, N. V.. la tb** owner of the trade mark “Foot* kase," and he la the drat Individual whoever advertised a foot powder extensively over the country. He w111 send a sample Free to any one who wrltea him for It. The decision In this case up holda his trade mark and render* all parties liable who fradulently attempt to profit hy the extensive “Foot—Ko*e advertising. In placing upon the market a spurious and similar appearing preparation, la la* led and put up In envelope* and hone* like Kurd *• Knee. Similar sufts w ill he brought against other* who are now InfrlnfrltiK on the Foot-Ease trade mark aud common law rights. It is a great misfortune not to be able to bear misfortunes. Try Urnln-ol Try Grsin-ol Ask your grocer today to show you a package of GltAIN-O, the new food drink that takes the place of «,>frce. The children may drink it without in jury ns well as the adult. All who try it. like it. GRAIN-0 has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but It is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives it without distress. One-fourth the price of coffee. 15c. and 25c. per package. Sold by al! grocers. The Kngllsh residents of Home have a free hospital. •40.00 I'rr Month »nU Kiprniri «•• aii Anttrv !•«*.) u» for o>4 r-*t»hi|»|ir4 Man* r*iu<iukf House Kiptrltori Mt B«cmarf A<hlr«M J Ik 4 t o S* i*rnrt«*r»i M.. t fcWAtfu. A lieoalle machine turua eut 1,500.000 needles a week FIT® IV ?**•**♦• 11 jr < «o«ta nr n«rtn«MeM «rtor B'vH iU; ( um i't l»» ki|n*'a (trtti N#rt# t(»ator»r. kvMt i*»r KHKk 91.UU tttai Uo.ILM.Ki ivi, Liu , iwj am m , I II S>w South Wale* roiitiiinK more flowering plants than all Kurope. fltabuysnvw upright piano Hchntol ler A Mueller. 1313 Karmatu rtt., Omaha. The aeitno makes a grave mistake when he digs It In the wrong lot Two bottle* »f 1‘ieu'a Cure fur rotivnip ttuu cured nte el a bad I nag iron 1.1* — Mrt, J NiohwU, I riuceaoia, lad.. Mar M, l»Wk The boseis of ancient Home car henvy lumps of metal In their hand* to make their blow* more effective, aad fatal encounters were Request H «. r. I\ kukuiv.iJ. (a, Mi »•*••> Via |l,g I our and t keen peaks t Ohio Ky a i‘o» latr reawl trip iirkato »u u« July II. if. II. tfvwd to return unlit J.U Hat ( aaa le a *icaa»ud In ,lwf ad IMS lav full infxi toatoil aat«l ilr oiuOiaia Maat-hlela cililrvo. J I' la.aivf.ii N A , till litkki.lkUafi. 11* that las* a>> rami esteem for say n4 the virtues rah best Mwuiiae the ap pewraiace uf lit n all C'oltota Rostand, the author of "Cyrano de •ngerac,” has a cheerful habit of si lencing unpleasant conversationalists. Not long since a critic said: "In res pect to dramatic situations, I think Dumas the elder had a considerable advantage over you." “Yes,” replied Rostand, “there is no doubt about It; but that Is insignificant compared to another advantage he possesses." "What is that, monsieur?" "Why, all his contemporary critics ore dead." Inconsltency with past views or con duct may be but a mark of increasing knowledge and wisdom—Tyrin Ed wards. Women have more strength in their looks than wo have In our laws, and more power by their tears than we have by our arguments.—Saville. Speaking to you day after day ns wn do about the different articles we pines before you we have neglected to men tion bicycle suits. Our assortment of these lines are good—very good—and we have divided them into two prices Linen Crash Dicycle Suits. White Duck Bicycle Pants. These are something new and are much worn with dark coats. BROWNING, KING & CO., Omaha. A girl is all right until she gets wo manish and a woman is all right uutil she gets girlish. Faultless Start'll. There are many starches on the market but only one " Faultless " All grocers sell it. F.t%ry gotsl housekeeper uses it Try it aud be convinced. I-urge package 10c. Ambition Is a feeling that you want to dt) something that you know you can’t. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally. Price, 75c. The luck of a fool la proverbial, but you never hear a lucky man Bpeak of It. Car's Cougt !« the olden and I ml. tbau auyililntc rlM‘. II fU 3?jy ■ ill, ^ 1,1.^ -V'hroo Life Is a peeulitfuai.. Three quarters of it is a "lie'1 }w\k libit of It is an '-If.” Tlial mill. Awful Cain It's a >li k lii’sdscbr.Cure Ilf Avoid It? Casosrets l and* < siiurili' glv.. k ri-llsf and prevent In udui lien la lukvii In time. All, lur. Me, Sue. A woman seldom toves her friends with the same Intensity that she hates her enemies. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. For children leeihlng, sofima the (nun., rrdurm In aaiuiuailon.ailayipaln.curua wludcullc. Iticsboiua Laugh a little more at your own troubles and a little less at your neighbor’s. GREAT TAMMANY LEADER. (The Catarrh of Hummer.) New York, Oct. 11. 1898. Pe-ru-na Drug M’f’g Co., Columbus, O.: Gentlemen—l’e-ru-na Is good for ca tarrh. 1 have tried It and know it. It relieved me immensely on my trip to Congressman Amos J. Cummings. Cuba, and 1 always have a botile in reserve. Since my return 1 have not suffered from catarrh, but If 1 do I shall use Pe-ru-na again. Meantime you might send me another bottle. Yours, Amos J. Cummings, M. C. Summer catarrh assumes various forms. It produces dyspepsia and bowel complaint. It causes biliousness and diseases of the liver. It deranges the kidneys and bladder. Summer ca tarrh may derange the whole nervous system, when it is known to the med ical profession as systemic catarrh. Pe ru-na Is a specific for all these forms of catarrh. Pe-ru-na never disap points. Address l)r. Hartman, Colum bia. Ohio, for a free book on summer catarrh. Mr. W. T. Stead writes in the Review of Reviews for June on “Oliver Crom w’ell and the National Church of Eng land'' apropos of the Cromwell ter centenary Just celebrated in England. Mr. Stead advocates a return to Crom well's ideas of church establishment, which would certainly dispose of the quarrel about ritualism in the present English church establishment. The article 1r illustrated with reproduc tions of famous paintings. Civilization enables some men to re alize the fact that they are savages. iLtTTt* TO UR*. TINKIIAU MO. 69,884] “ I was a great sufferer from female weakness and had no strengt h. It was impossible for me to attend to my household duties. I hud tried every thing and many doctors, but found no relief. “ My sister advised me to try Lydia E. I’inkhutn's Vegetable Compound, which I did; before using all of one bottle 1 felt better. I kept on with it and to my great surprise I Bin cured. All who suffer from female complaints should give it a trial,"— Mats. Rocz WEI.I., 1209 8. Division Sr., Chant Rapids, Mich. From a Grateful Newark Woman, “When I wrote to you I was very sick, hud not been well for two years. The doctors did not seem to help me, and one said I could not live three mouths. 1 had womb trouble, falling, uleers, kidney and bladder trouble. 'There seemed to be such a drawing and burning pain in my lstwels that I could not rest anywhere. After using Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound and 8unative Wash and follow ing your advice, I feel well again and stronger Uihu ever. My bowels feel as if they had been made over new. With many thunks for your help, I remain, L. li., 74 Ann Hr., Ni.wauk, N. J.” Germozone Cures Eczema. It also cures anything In the uuture of wounds,eruptions,discharges, or Inflam mation of the skin or mucous membrane. Not a soup or ointment but a soothing, healing lotion, giving Immediate relief from Itching or burning, and Insuring a rapid cure. Bltaa of mosquitos* and other Insscts, poison-ivy, tlrod, swollon, and Inflamod fsat, ohatlng, and other skin disorders peculiar to the summer seuhon, Instantly relieved by Germozone. Give Gerrao zone tan days' trial. If not found en tirely satisfactory, return the unused portion to us and we will promptly re fund your money. Trial size, 10c; large size, 50c—postpaid. Geo. H. Lee Chemical Co., Omaha, Nab., or 08 Murray 8t., Now York. , "Nothing but wheat; what you might call a e« a of w heat," is what was said by a lecturer speaking of Western Can ada. For particulars us to routes, rail way fares, etc,, apply to Superintendent of Immigration, Department interior, Ot tawa, Canada, or to W. V. Bennett, 801 New York Life Building. Omaha, Neb. I*. IV leken g Co , Commis sion Merchants, 1J0T Howard st., Omaha. Neb. All kinds of Produce sold at Imst mar ket price. |{e turns dully. WANTED. Flyers. Hhlp to <• VI ld*lfgS|l AI f'.l I' BAILEY, Leading entist. lbiti am<1 Fartiam St*., Omaha. Flu®«t \r irk. lowrfit prices UA4J I e< tli extracted without pain. Highest cnsli price paid fur Robert Puntia. Omaha. 8eud for tag* and price*. DRUMMOND Carriage Co. show tho I urges t assort tut* tit of Hue St it it hopes. iCtiniiUnitii. 1’haetoB'. Surrey*, t mid a puMengcr Uuckboardt In lb** « lt v of UiiimIin Srvotol tiau<I l argalu* In rttf v*-tile lea. (.all ami lo»k over our xarfcit. KlgU t< euih and Harm y *tn et*. opp. Court House. '■ . ... ■ ———i W.N.U. OMAHA No. 26-lb»9 BINDING TWINE! Sisal Binding Twins. , 84c ib, Standard Binding Twine. 8fc lb. 600ft. Manila Binding Twine 9ic lb. Our Giraffe Extra Manila 9*clb. of riot blue II.HI run he i/uiued by Waitiii* ami »»r..m t« 11.0 of I • T. Ml. ROBERTS I'rirn qairinl nrr net r«»t» with order. You rnav luivr to |mv more. m> do not ileley onli rtuif. Order at Hurt. iTiluluyour out) sure plan 1‘rioea may advance. our h inn> be erhuu.led; hun ilml» of think* may Itumu-n in a week hrml In Vour Order. al Once. \Vr ran .hip immediately. We reurrve (lie rlkht In limit the.iuaiiUtv of twine .applied on any out order a* we do not doulrv to have dealer. mi an up our utnek, a. our deulre I* to rive our farmer friend* tire tlr.l chnuce We know you mav io»e rnoaei bt m> doinn It Ut. tour ' SUPPLY HOUSE. Minneapolis, Minn. -HE THAT WORKS EASILY. WORKS SUCCESSFULLY.” CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO I Hartford and VedetU Bicycles. " n'Mffci *tu fno >• *«, »■»<’ uw tkl wm |»|I I "’m in' Hi* ui. |*rl fur |«rt. «*ilN uthrr l>wv«-lv«, au-l jihi will Mint (""i Wiwifcn fur Ihrir hr*.yniltil ui|wri<if!l( Otir lit’H Ml**!1 ii «uui*im im*fv uf il r.'. i |.r<b'liral nmr lo Dm rt.lrr li.itu »(ff* itH Iwfura uiTvrwl in <mm> hmuh Ch«inlc«», • • $73 tlarifordj, . . $JJ Columbia Chain. • 30 \eueiic*. • • $23,76 (gw* Aw«<m|r CoAmm******** or Or «m>/ *# JW. kmi^ i POPE MANUFACTURING CO., • Hartford, Conn.