The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 23, 1899, Image 8

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    Lioaal Daws.
E A. Brown went to Omaha thlt
T. II. Eisner's fine horse was sick
this weelt.
E. F. Walker of Mason City was In
town Wednesday.
The Oerman Vereln will hold a pic
nic and danca on tha 4th
Mrs. W. J. Fisher has been on the
sick list for the past week.
Miss Julia Itowe has just finished her
school in the Fray district.
T. II. Eisner has put a new gasa chan
delier In bis saloon. Its a beaut
Mrs. Kowan Sutton waa seriously
sick Friday but soon recovered.
A WatklBSoo is packing his good*
preparitory to shipping to California.
Those frequent showers are making
the earth smile and the people feelgood
Miss Edna William* of Ashton, i* vis
iting her friend Mr*. T. M. Reed tbi*
S. E. Gallaway has done an artistic
job of grading across the bottom west
of town.
The west side bad a soaking rain Mon
day night but it got lighter as It went
A goedly number of our people went
to Ashton Tuesday to witness the laying
of the corner stone of the new Catholic
C. F. Johnson is making the round*
asking the names of your children who
are of school age,
John Whiting of Itelvidere 111. and a
former resident of Loup City was In
town this week
Tbe fill to the new bridge Is a fine
piece of work and reflects credit upon
the boys who did it.
The M. E. church begins to take on a
better appearance as the new coat of
paint is spread.
Considerable hail fell last Friday
evening in this locality but very little
damage to crops was done.
Wm. Owen and Wm. Rowe were at
Scbaupp'8 Siding finishing up Ihe res
idence of Anton Topolski last week.
W. H. Conger sold Hi acres of laud on
the outskirts of town last Monday to
Carl Anderson. Consideration #400 00
The Woodmen will hold an adjourned
meeting on Saturday evening July 1st
as tbelr next regular meeting comes on
the 4th
Conductor Taylor went to Lincoln
last week and renewed old acquaintance
among toe fraternity of railway coo
Wesley Pedler went to Hasting* Mon
day last to accept a position In the shop
of Hank Lebrman. who was also a for
mer resident of Loup City.
Ashley Conger and wife and G. H.
Gibson and family attempted to capture
some of the fluey tribe last Sunday but
their exertions were a failure.
A corps of Government surveyors
have been In town a part of the week.
They aie establishing a base line
through the center of the state.
We have heard O. W. Hunter, G. H
Scott and U. G. Patton spoken of as
candidates for the position of school
trustees. The trio Is a good one.
Don't ferget that next Monday is our
annual school meeting. Everybody
should turn out as this is a > ear demand
ing careful calu'.atlon by our district.
Dr. Kea will again visit our city tbit
month. Ilia last visit resulted In the
relief of a number of long standing cas
es, and hit next coming is awaited with
anxiety by the atlllcied.
Notice Pilgers new ad and cation
him be is giving extra low prices on his
goods in order to close them out <|uick so
that be can convert bis Store building
Into an opera bouse.
The nine month old baby of Mr. and
Mrs Ueoi Porter of Verdurett, died last
Monday afternoon of cholera Infantum
and waa hurried at the Verdurett Cem
etery Tuesday afternoon at 3 p.m.
Mrs. Clopiae, an old lady living with
Milo Mtruer of Washington township,
this couaty, died Monday last, ill pm
She was over ninety years old and
death caiue fioia e general wearing out
of the machinery of life
When ledger Draper the popular
photographer cotues to Loup City,
the Loup City lice will have a chance
to mo all the lair at nos el lice in pho
t.'graphic work. And will also Me
a dieplay of pholograpbie work that
ia excelled by none eud v<|tialcd only
by the beet ertiele uf the elate. ||»
will lie in |,oup City between the
middle and last of June.
lied management keeps mure people
In poor circumstances then any oihet
mum. To be •occvss/u1 one must look
ahead end plan ahead so that when a
favorable opportunity preeeote lleelf he
|e reed) to lake advantage uf It A
little furelb* oghl Will also *e*e nook
eapenM end valuable lime A prudent
and careful men will keep a buttle el
t'bsmberteiea I wile, < holeia end Diet
rboee Kemedy In th< heoae. the shift
teee fellow will welt until necessity com
pale It end then twin hie beet horse go
Its# for e dost or and have a big doctor
hill to pay. beside* naa pays eot g eta
I he "l her le not a hundred dollars w 1
then o«wdera »b» hi* notghbore ia ger
ling to her while bo u gelt log pm a>
f. r o r by i Kl* udabl Mm b
Dr. A. 8. Maine was called to III. by a
telegram this week.
Mias Clara Lewis of Litchfield la
visiting In the City this weak.
M iss Kate Moon is having her Millin
ery parlors papered and painted.
Alvin Jeager is doing some very fine
photo work. It Is equal to the beet.
DarUrow, Ferry Reed, and James
Johnnsen are expected home In the
near future.
Two cousins of Miss Fannie Sutton
from Central City came up Tuesday last
to spend the 4th with Miss Fannie.
John Diminskt from Elba Is agaiD
making the rounds of our farmers sell
ing them binders for the seasons crop.
A. E. Chase, we understand will
move bis large stock of goods Into the
Watkinson brick store as soon as it is
Rocky Mountain Tea Is not simply a
laxatlye. It's a wonderful remedy for
every kind cf ache, constipatioa, indi
gestion, bad blood. Ask your druggist.
Prof. Nit'oaon showed us a sample
book of faia pen work thla week that la
very beautiful and shows tbe work of
an artist wl h a pen.
Mr. A. Smith of Kearney and grand
uncle of Mrs C. W . Thorton ta visiting
tbe latter Mr Smith la nearly ninety
veara old and hearty as a man of sixty.
The supervisors baye accepted the
work on the All to the new bridge, done
by Hanson, French and McXulty, and
have allowed their claims in accordance
with tbe contract.
John, if you were a woman, you’d
know as I know and all other women
know, that Rocky Mountain Tea Is tbe
greatest blessing woman ever bad 35c.
Ask your druggist
Don’t forget to band in your announ
cements for church or any other pub
lic meeting*. It keeps your organiza
tion prominently before the people. It
costs you nothing- Why neglect it.
Fresh Bread every morn
ing 6 cts., a loaf. Cake every
Saturday at A. E. Chase’s.
Do not have your picture taken
until Edgar Draper the photographer
comes to Loup City, lie will be in
the city some time between tbe mid
die and last of June.
Mr. Iilcks, the architect for our new
school bouse iuforms the school board
thst tbe six room building will be build
for just about the ssme money the four
room plan could, by leaving out tbe
furnaces for the present. We tolij you so.
Mr. John Bevins, editor of tbe Press,
Antbon, Iowa, says:“l have used Cham
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy in my family for fitteen years,
have recommended It to hundreds of
others, and have never known It to fall
In a single instance. For sale by Oden
dahl Bro’s.
Quite a rain and hail storm visited
this section of the valley laat Friday
evening, but not much damage was re
ported. C. J. Tracy, living four miles
north ot here reports his garden some
what battered up. Tbe hall mostly fell
near the river north west of town
Dr, Cady’s Cordition Powdrrs, are
just what a horse needs when In bad
condition. Tunic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They are not food but med
icine aud the best in use to put a horse
in prime condition. Price 25 cents per
package. For sale by Odendabl Bro's.
K A Reynolds and family cam* in on
tbe BAM laat Tuesday Mr Reynolds la a
brother of 8. F. Reynolds lie left here
many yeara ago but says that while
he likes the eaat there is no chance for
a poor man to accumulate any thing so
he concluded to again try Nebraska.
Our local last week regarding the tl
nancial standing of tbe county, was a
little ambiguous, In as much ss it prac*
tically stated that we had paid off $10,
000 of bonda since 180 3. Now we said
that uot a warrant had been registered
against Sherman countr since lan*, and
In that concection stated that $10,000
of bonda had beeu paid at the time we
had In mind recent payments But the
facta are that in addition to paying cash
for everything, we have paid since 189‘J
$'.*A 000 of our bonded Indebtedness
K O. Taylor, temperance lecturer of
Omaha, was in tbe city from Wednes
day of I set week to Monday of this we* k
holding meetings aud giving lectures
during bis stay. Ilia audience was smell
on \N tdodsdsy night, presumably he
cause || wm n«t well advertise I I>•
| I hursday evening the inclemency uf
, the weather prvented the people from
coming out,but um Saturday aud Sun
day evenings tbs au liencies were *ptlte
large Mr Taylor Is a good spe-.h-r
and all who heard him w*s Vert much
1 pleased
I wa« serleualy sltticied with a cuugb
lur several s«u>s and last fsll had a
more severe a*>gh than ever before |
i have used many remedies without mu* h
i relief, awd being re* u»meeded |u try
:* hotiie uf i hautherlalu * t ough Heme
I dy by a trleud, » bo, snowing ute lu be
a poor whluw, gave It tw me. I tue-l h.
aud cub the meat grail tying reauita
I he $rvt botika ivileved me very much
and the seven-! hot lie bus aheoiutely
• ure.l me I hate Uot had as g-»--d
health fur t«ew<f years I gave thi«
carliAcate eitheut tsilrilsUwi. • imply
*" apprev alien ef ihe gratitude fe.t fa
I it* fait »he* isd tteapevvfuliv Mas
I Mam A ttasup i laremore Arh toy
I sate bv Ode■>dual Bru %
Little Rob Zink the ten year old
•on of Mr. and Mra. A. Zink who live
3 miles below town was nearly tramp
ed to death by avicioas hull last Sun
day morning. The little fellow and
two companions about his owa age
started to the river to fish and had to
go tbroagh a pasture in which Mr.
Zink kept bis cattle. The bull attack
ed the boys trampling little Robert
under his feet. The boy had oue leg
broken up in the thigh and was otbor
wise injured which may render him a
cripple for life if he livea to get well.
Dr, Jones was called and reduced the
fracture and done all pot.sible to re
lieve the suffering of the little Mlow
The bull ie a vicious brute and has
been known to be dangerous for a
long time, and it would seem that
discretion on the part of the father
would have been a good tbiog, and
probably would have eaved hie child
from this terrible ordeal. The
bull attacked Mr. Ashley Conger
several months ago and bad not he
aucceeded in getting to the house be
most likely would have been killed.
As it wsstbe bulls bead was within a
few incbee of him when he reached
the door which bit wife held open
for him. At the firet sign of vicioas
ness a bull's hide should be sold to
the tanner. People should not be
expected to commit suicide to keep
peace either.
Glorious Maws.
Comes from Dr. D. I. Carglle, of
Washita, l.T. He writes: “Four bot
tles of Electric Bitters has cured Bra.
Brewer of scrofula, which has csused
h#r great suffering for years. Terrible
sores would break out on bei* head and
face, and the best doctors could give
her no help; but her cure la complete
and her health excellent.'’ This shows
what tbousauds have proved,—that
Electric Bitters is the best blood puri
fier known. Ji’a lb# supreme remedy
for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers,
bolls and running sores. It stimulates
liver, kidneys and bowlss, expells poti
ons, helps digestion builds up the
itrength. Only AO cents. Sold by Oden
dabl Bro's Druggists* Guaranteed.
“A word to the wise Is Sufficient” sod
a word from the wise should be suffi
cient, bat you ask. who are tbe wisef
Those who know. The oft repeated ex
perience of trustworthy persons may be
taken for knowledge. Mr. W. M. Ter
ry says Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
givea better satisfaction than any other
in the market. He has been In the drug
builness at Elkton, Ky , for twelve years;
bas aold hundreds of bottlss of thla re
medy and nearly all other cough roedl
cinea manufactured, which abows con
clusively that Chamberlain's la the moat
atlsfactory to tbe people, and la tbe
best. For sale by Odendabl Bro's.
- ..— ♦- -
If Yen Oo to California
Late in June or early In July, you can
buy s round-trip ticket to Los Angeles
at about half the usual rate. Liberal
return limits and atop-over privileges.
Don’t inakv a mistake and go any
other way than through Denver and
Salt Lake City. That la the route near
ly 20,000 Christian Endeavorera selected
two years ago.
Belug the most elevated of all the di
rect lines to the Coast, It la coolest and
freest from dust. Penetrating the
very ‘'Heart of the Rockies,” It surpass
es all others In beauty of scenery.
Information and California literature
on request .J. Francis, Oenearl Passen
ger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
Unprecedented Low Kate* to Color,
-- do.
Every day from Jane 35 to July 11.
One fare piua 93 00 for the round trip
to Denver, Colorado Spring, Pueblo,
and • lenwood Springs. Tickets good
to return any time until October 31.
Never before such an opportunity.
Take advantage of It add spend the sum
tner in tbe Heart of the Rockies—where
heat and dust are uuknowa-^wbere
the sky Is as brightly hiua as Italy's, and
the air as Invigorating as a tome- where
you can bathe, and swim, and climb
mountains all day, and avery day.
See nearest Burlington ticket agent
and get full particulars, or. If you pre
fei. write J. Franc la, Genl Passenger
Agent, Burltogton Route, Omaha. Neb.
Tickets to Detroit, Mich Take edvau
tage of the to* rale*—One fare plus $'J
for the round trip to Detroit—which
the Burlington Ituute ha. nitde for !b< j
Ml meeting of the < lir tali at. Endeavor
and go east el about half cost
July 4 4 5 are In* <|«t** W Sale,
l!»flh*. itch*!* a«d information sb«»ui !
return llu, 1 is,.id* trips Irmu Detroit. ]
*te , can be hail at antr Morltngtim Hoot* j
Itch*! ogle*.
J fu*a> t* 1#<’11*1*1 r tarsi.
Omaha .Nets
ws'f S# . W> V vTwi
< Nuislng i.ivu»rtk
: (A tifdtl Ihii v either 1‘ujy (1
A know how it wcekit . »„*) -n
M how ihn tfltiit it c t«hy. l(
W All iuvh mothcia nutl V ;
W S«wt'i l inulan n, Itg .ca w
© them strength anti makes (J
© the hahy a ftwh) ru her artel A
A ffbirt abundant.
I JV *» **.t I I ».v. .... jif
HueUej June 25. Services will lie held at
Kelso, at 10:00 a. m. and in Ashton, at 2:30 p. m.
AUo. Jrnnkich. Pastor.
cskuas School.
The (Jerman summer school commenced
last Tuesday. The school days of each week
are Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday. The
hours each day are from S:30 to 1130 a m
The prlnoipal subject* are: reading and writ
ing about * hours: singing and blble history 1
hour every school day. Members of the Uer
man Evangelical church congregation may
•end their children free. OtherwlHe 50 each
per month will be charged. School will be
held In the primary school building by
Rev. auo. Jennhich.
Your attention is directed to tbe ex
ceptionally low retes In efl'ect tbls com
ing season to nesrly every prominent
point In tbe Kast.
Never before has such an excellent
opportunity been afforded fora summer
Vacation Tour, or for visiting friends In
the Kast. We mention below a few of
the places to which greatly reduced rates
have been made. The UNION PACIFIC
U the line that will give you tbe best
service to any of these points.
Columbus, Ohio, June 6 U. Kate—Oue
Fare, plus $2 00, for tbe Rouud Trip. '
8t. Paul, Minn., June 9-13. Kate—One
Fare and Oue-Thlrd for tbe Round Trip,
on certificate Plan.
Buffalo, N. Y., June 14-15. Kate-One
Fare, plus #2 00, for the Round Trip.
Chicago, III., June 14 15. Rate—One
Fare and One-Tbird for the Round Trip,
on Certificate Plan
Milwaukee. Wis., June 14-15. Hate
One Fare aud One Third for tbe Round
Trip, on Certificate Plan
St. Louis, Mo , June 20 23. Kate—One
Fare, plus #2,00, for the Round Trip
Detroit, Mich., July 5 10. Rate—Oue
Fare, plus#2 00, for the Round Trip.
Richmond, Va., July 18-ltt. Rate—One
Fare, plus #2.00, for the Round Trip.
Indianapolis, lnd., July 20-23. Rate
One Fare, plus #2.00, for the Round Trip.
For full information as to dates of
sale and limits, on tickets, time of trsins
etc., call on—W. D. Clifton, Agent,
UUeuvarad bjr a Woman.
Another great discovery has been
made, and that too, by a lady iu this
country. “Disease fastened its clutches
upen her and for seven years she with
stood its severest tests, but her vital
organs were undermined and death
seemed imminent. For three months
she coughed incessantly, and
could not sleep. Bhe Anally discovered
a way to recovery, by purchasing of us
a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, aud was so much re
lieved on taking Arst dose that she slept
all night; and with two bottles, has been
aLsoletely cured. Her name Is Mra.
Luther Lutz.’’ Thus writes W. C, Haua
mlck & Co, of Shelby, N. C. Trial
bottles free at Odendahl Bros Drug
Store. Regular size 60c. and fil 00. Every
bottle guaranteed.
The new Palace Sleeping Cars, built
specially for the UNION PACIFIC, and
recently putln service on their famous
fast trains to Colorado, Utah, Califor
nia and Oregan points, are the finest
ever turned out.
Throughout the Interior the draplugs,
wood work and decorations are In the
most artistic style, and the convenien
ces vastly superior te anything aver
seen before.
These cars are attached to the Uolon
Pacific fast trains, which make Qutocer
time to all Western points than trains
of any other lines.
Tickets, and reservations can bw ob
tained by calling on oraddresslug
W. D. CurroM, Agent,
AOKNTH WANTED.—For “The Life Aad
Achievements of Admiral Dewey,” the
world's greatest naval hero. By Murat
Ualstsad, the life long friends and admirer
>f the nation's Idol. Biggest and 'took;
>ver 500 pages, HxlO Inches; nearly 100 pages
half-tone Illustrations. Oalv ft) 50. fcnor
iitoas demand. Big commissions. Outfit
Ires, cbancs of a lifetime Write quick.
The Dominion company, Ird Floor caxton
Building., Chicago
We have for sale some im
proved Sherman county farms,
Liberal Terms, Easy Pay
ments. Correspondence solic
J. S. Thompson, & Son,
Ixacon, 111.
We will stand the Stallion 'Hill
Mac" lb*ensuing season at the barn of
B. T Snyder, In Uuprily.
K T Hnidfm
N. H Thompson
I he f If t| “isle lt«i h “III sell ininrov
ed fsiiu* >>• lime A lot tali U us •<»«
term* Bel, Nebraska
Cur«s Impotent}. Night Kuifsitmeah>I
wgating disease*, all effects of srlf.
abuse, ur cues* am!
vittiun A #«»* Uwlr amt
W*hm! ImIMer. Itrlne* tit.
*i»b f U*« to |>a!e (heebs ami
restores the ire wl south
fls wail ft Or mi but, ft b»«r.
Iw 9a.AU; %*Uh • writ!*** yitunm*
Ha lu raw **r r*mn«t »h«* i,
Aai bt ctrtvUr A>ldr«*,
mmrn A mux «*». cukaco to
»>.* IaL» MV
u«v City. Xiki
Notions, Oueesware. Etc.
Don’t fail to call soon as lie wants to close out his stock
and convert his store room into an opera house. It is im
possible to quote you but a few prices. Come and see the
I am closing out iny shoe and hat stock regardless of
what they cost me.
Farmer’s bring in your butter and eggs. I will pay
you the highest market price for them and you can buy goods ,
of me at prices you never dreamed of. ^
XXX Coffee . . . !♦ gents.
Arbuckles. . . 10 **
Heat Parlor Broom Made. .... .... 19 “
Clothes Pins, per doz.... .... l •*
9 bars Silver Leaf Soap . . 25 “
Garden seeds, three papers for . ... 5 “
A barrell of ginger snaps for. . 20 “
Best lye, per can. .... r,
Bird seed, per package.... . .... 7
None such mince meat .... 9
A and H pound soda. ... 5 “
Jars and churns, per gallon.... .... .. ? “
Bailor Hats. . . ]5 **
Mospuito bar, per yard. . .. 4 *•
Best needles made, one paper. . 3 *>
My dry goods and notion stock will go at a price that
no other merchant in this country can meet. I will place on
sale a large stock of remnants. I will guarantee fo save
you money on anything you buy.
Respectfully yours,
Loup City, Neb., June 23, 1899.
Paealdeat ^aahlar
General Banking Business Transacted.
Paid upICapital Stock $20,000
CoKHr.apoNnr.NTH: Seaboard Nationai Hank, New York City, N. Y., Omaha
National Hank Omaha, Nebraska
- T
1 IT U Li III ^ ■ Colonial Ptopia
■ piB ■ H ■ ■ A Olrtll, AMllTulil
r * f 4 T J W W M rn B Product* Homo
CLOSES OCTOBER 31st. 1099- # tu THs Midway.
fT^uSm1* ^!!!! will EcHpx Last Year T Simll^ iilt-'
......*******.....‘‘,‘r‘i,,ri,ritTnmfifrrrim-"rrmvj |
(Hilt Kk(«w • »*!
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