At the Bargain Store JUNE 26th TO JULY 1st. Arbuckles coffee.... .10 A. & 11. pound soda.07 Lewis Lye, 3 packages ...... .25 Dried apricots.... 15 Dried l'eacbes, two for.25 3 packages yeast.... .10 Bird seed, per package.h Perhaps the recent hot spell caught you without an up to date shirt waist and you dug up your old one and have been wearing it until you could get time to select a new one. All right—we have arranged a shirt waist sale, which will please you and every other woman who wants a new one. We offer three big lots to choose from. 40 cts., 60 cts., 90 cts. Come in and pick one out. Light weight underwear at small prices will be the attraction at our underwear department this week. We w ill show men’s underwear from 30 cts. up, and ladies’ and childrens’ vests from 4 cts. up. These prices sound low and in some stores would stand for trash, but we will not sell anything which is not good value at the prices. Anything in underwear bought here will give full service for its cost Flow shoes worth tl.Or, go at $1.20 “ " ICO '• 1.15 “ 1.3ft “ 1.00 Calf Dross “ 2.00 “ 1.35 Boys shoes « 1.3ft •* 1.0O “ “ 1.26 *• |)0 Ladies •• “ 1.60 «• 1.10 Dress Goods worth 100 per yard, go at 75 els Dress goods worth 90 ets per yard go at 70 ets Dress goods worth 75 ets per yard go at 55 ets Dress goods worth 60 ets per yard go at 45 ets Dress goods worth 50 ets per yard go at 38 ets Dress goods worth 40 ets per yard go at 10 ets Dress goods worth 25 ets per yai d go at 18 ets. Calicoes at 3$, 4$, and 5 cents Outing flannel at 4, 5, and 8 ets. Ginghams at 3$, 4$, and 6 cents All lawns at 5 cents. 15 cent Argandies at 11 cents White goods woith 5, 7, 8, 10, 12$, 15, 20, 25 and 30 go at 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 18 and 20 cents Fancy skirt lining worth 20 and 25 cents going at 15 cents Cambric lining at 4 cents. Garniture skirt Patterns at 80. 9 and 12$ Percales at 7 cents. Double faced drapery goods worth 15 going at 12 cents NVbite table linen worth 30, 40, 55, 65 and 75 go at 25, 33, 45, 5o ami 60 cents. Red table cloth worth 25, 35, and 4R cents go at 19, 27 and 35 cents. Ladles belts worth 15, 25, 35 and 50 ceuls go at 10, 18, 25, 38 cents. Ladies 20 and 25 H'd k f's for 15 cents. Tour Opportunity! I)o. you want a new’ hat? We have a fair assortment of UK We bought these goods at rock bottom cash prices, and we sell on the “quick sales” margin but here is something even better: TRIMMED HATS: OUR SAILOR AND WALKING HATS. wnk?SZrtxlEr::::::::::::::::::::IX Tbe• »•*•»-*. :: js - 3 50 ,1.55 v.v. r.r.y. S » aaOat.:::: .T ... A*ything below that for . 2a (4 ., . , .,- Flow*™ go in four Jobs at follown: 10c, 25c, 45c and 70o I ud 1 SO_" .V" loo Bh»p*. worth 1 25 ud 1 50 for . 90 »» I 55 ** 1 95 ttl .... . 95 IJJU for..,. .... .... 95 it | 00 it 75 .... .... . 45 •• 7 5 at...... ., * ...... ail An> lh‘og b*low lb,lt for. 2» Men's bats worth $1.00 will be sold for $2.25. Men’a Hats worth 2 50 will be sold for 1 85. Men's hats worth 2 15 will be sold for 1 75 Men's hats worth 2 00 will be sold for 1 50 ^ Men's hats worth 1 75 will be sold for 1 35 Men's hats worth 1 50 will be sold for 1 10 Men's hats worth 1 00 will be sold for .75 Men’s straw hats worth as high as 1 00 in two jobs for ,25 and .40 Men's shirts worth 1.26 will go at 00 cents. Men’s shirts worth 1 00 will go an 75 cents Men's shirts worth 00c will go at 70 cents Men's shirts worth 7I>t will go at 55 cents Men’s Bhirls worth tiOc will go at 45 cents Men's or boy s shirts worth 50a will go at 38 cents. MeD’s or boy’s shirts worth 40c will go at 30 cents. Suspenders worth 10, 15, 20, 95, 35, 40 and 50 cents go at 8, 11, 15, 18, 23, 30 and 38 cents. Overalls worth 35, 50, 00, 75, and 00 cents go at 25, 38, 45, 55, and 76 cents 12 pairs of those men s socks go at 45 cents. Men’s gloves for 10, 18, 25, 30 40 60, 75 and 1 00 Men’s belts worth 25, 35, and 50 go at 18, 25 and 35 cents Oilcloth 12 J per yard Ciubrellas for 50, 75, 1 on and 1 25. « f © -■5 © © ■/> © © © «*. >* >0 © © © © *0 O O 91 A V •• I* — 9 I' " I* * W } J l« » «* <* remember the date I;.!J|l.;,:;.;.\,; JUNE 26th to JULY 1st JiMHMHigJMHM* Z > J ^ » 1 I 4 • t I I 1 > f ? 1 » J * * » ^ 3 i *