VOL. XVI. LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1899 NUMBER 32 Thk Northwks'i krn VUBL1SHED EVERY KRIUAY AT THK COUNTY HEAT. (IK4I K. II BN SC HOT KHi » Editor* and OKO. II UIHNON, 1 l’ul»ll»h«tr» TIMII 11.00 r*K TP AH irPAIlllNADVANlg Eulursd *t the Loup City I’oatofflce for trim* in I toil on through the mall* aw *econd i:la** matter. Official Paper Sherman County The First Nebraska boys are ex pect to reach San Franscisco about July 1 Otli, and home during the lat te r part of the month. Great storms in Texas has Hooded the slate, devastated much country and irrigated the thirsty bourbon with wa’er, Instead of their hearts delight from Kentucky. And now cornea the rumor that a proud daughter of General Grant Mill, in the near future, marry a Hussion Count, ifetter come west and marry a farmer hoy und get a man There are now four Polar expedi tion reads to start for the frozen north and a fifth is under headway in France, each one determined to bring back a section of the north pole. Mrs. Anna Gould Castellane head ed a riotous mob last week in un at tack on President Loubet of Fiance. Oi course Uncle Sam wil! not be considered responsible for the act ions of ibis, his former subjects as sin* acquired the French brand of lunacy after rimming an obrOlet* French title. Nelu iskn will receive iwo of the obsolete canon captured in the late war with Spain as memenios of that struggle, rirl fioin the bril limit recoid made In our First in the Philippine* 'lie war departroen' has concluded loulhnv IIS oil* from Santiago mid one from Manila The one from Santiago is aiieurly in < turn hii. .'ill iow Lincoln and Omaha are each inking side steps and play ing f* r one another's wind to see which will secure ilie two Spanish canoiis presented to the state by the war department. Lincoln should be satisfied with being the happy posst ssor of that bell-moullied auto matic rapid (ire peace of ordnance from the free silver campaign. A terrible cyclone distroyed the town** of New Richmond, Wis , and iieiinuu, Neb., lust .Monday. Both towns were w iped from tbe face of the . earth and nothing left of either town but a mass of ruins. At the Wis cousin towu there was about 100 killed and many wouuded. At Her man. which is about 40 miles above Omaha, it is reported about a dozen wcie killed and a large number hurt. The Walker Nicaruguan commies ion has reported and tiudH that the canal cun be built for SI 18,000,01)0. I'rof. liaup', oue of the commission says, “lire question of cost does uot carry much weight iu my mind even If it costs gOt) million," His head is level. The moral worth of the canal to the l ulled States is greater lists it the last named sum and the iu in us ic value complete much greater The I’uitvd Slates |a houud toes p ilot mol die Nlf MlagUSU i aUal is au absolute uecim»ity iu our pun i ss « I expansion It is an ob| say it g, but i.i'iei tin* less true tlial water tuus deep, but Ills islsuii lllsjesty l»al**|s fi uud at the tritium and die old saw I* Well idustiatvd In the eae* of our populist sit,Slots fi> III Nebraska sad Sul* llskota, Aden and INrtigtew, p.-siug as model* of pi«t| and hw s»i | etsoaiHvd. lbs will taifeg it tbs dial people would sirui to be tbwtr only aim IU life Vet there tomea a late from the Broken 11 w land i lit e that tudliaivs that wish out angeln 'd| tadi \ * bos strayed tram the ang Viieadt »d*i i hss Ism pul up I e nls kb ounce. The pine i» slid soaring In IsYJ *bv II**- «*f stiver • «* the on* elevating lont* of I!n attar* h* To pul up stive* ass the >>A, panacea f«-r alt pc*ut»iarv tits, «b I Ik* kMA'ItM Host Is thnug the bit thing Ikal IliVSN tkeu prated for, quartets* of populists then sang for and the silver syndicate then paid for And now Hryan is howling for still higher priced silver, its free coinage at Id to I, and snapping and snar ling at the Silver Smelter trust, which also wants free coinage at Id to I and has done more to raise the price or silver since March 1, than all the orators and populists in (lie world have d ne with all their weary months of speech making. Here they tre for high silver and against the trust whi h oiukcs high silver— ngainst all trusts ami for higher prices. Try Colorado Ilil» Summer (Jetting there cunts very little one fare plus #2.00 for the round trip-eve ry day from June 25 to July II. rick ets good to return until October .'list. See nearest Burlington agent and got particu'srs. Thousands lining to Colorado, on the low rates via the Buillnglon Route— every day from June 25 to July 11 Denver, Colorado Springs, I’ueblo, and Glen wood—one fare plus #2.00 for the round trip. See nearest Burlington agent S|irratlH l.lk« Wildlife, You can't keep a good thing down. News of It will travel fast. When things are “the best'' they become “the best sell Ing.’’ Abraham lime, a leading drug gist, of Uellvllle, O , write*: "Electric Hitters are the best selling {bitters 1 have ever handled in my 20 years expe rience,” You know why 'i Most diseases begin in disorder of storuae i, liver, kid neys.bowels, blood and nerves. Elec tric Hitters tones up tin; stomach, regu lates liver, kiJoeys and bowleg, purities the blood, strengthens the nerves, hence cures multitudes of maladies. It builds up the entire system, ruts new life and vigor into any weak, sickly, run-down man or woman. Only 50 cents. Sold by OJendahl Hro's Druggists, guaranti ed HEAT KICK CHAUTAUQUA. A rare opportunity to have a delight ful summer outing at little cost, secur ing incident ly the advantages of a splendid Chautauqua course. Begins June 21. Ends .July 4lb. The program is complete lectures on eyerv conceivable subject-band concerts every ev« niug something to do. some where to go every tiourof the dav. The Chautauqua will close in a blaze of glory Tuesday, July 4th, when Gener al Shafter will tell of the can paigu be fore Santiago Half rates to Beatrice, via ihe Burl ington, June 20th to July 4th, from sta tions withir. 200 mih s. EST It AY NOTICE. Take notice that on or about the aiilb of May I took up one roil steer, 2 years olil past, with white sjiots under belly and white alar in forehead Was taken up on my farm, the northwest quarter ot beclion •22, Township 1(1, Itange 13, Oak creek Town ship, Hlicrnian county, Nebraska, Owner can have property by proving same, pay ing for this notice and cost of keeping. IvAZMIEU gOWAKINiS. NOTION FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office, Lincoln Nelir. i May, 22nd, 18WH. \ Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has tiled notice Of his in tention to make dual proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge of Slier man county at Loup City on July 1st, Isiw, viz: Harry E. Sweley, Homestead Entry No for tlie North west quarter ot Section 22, Township 13, Range pi west. lie names the following witnesses to to prove bis continuous residence ii|mmi and cultivation or said land, viz Fred Drawer, of Litchfield, Nebraska. John Pritchard, of •• •* Henry Doon of •• “ W P, Uray, of >• •• J. W. JoiiasoN, Register. * NOTH R FOR PURLK vi IOM Department of the Interior, Land Office at Liaroln, Neb. i May rind, i*.«. i Notice Is hereby given that the follow, lug named settler has filed notice of his intention to make Huai prtsif In sepiicrt of hie etaim, and that said proof will lie made before lbe county judge of .sbertiten county at Loup City, Nebraska, on July 1st, l-as, via Thomas ' I a in-v fimiier Clalut illi, for the south east .,unrter of section it, Township 13 north of Range iu west lie names the followi.a wllne»eea to prove his coalmuons leshlsntv mam slid I cultivation of said I.,ml, via Then M<* h. of Litchfield, Nebraska Arthur Minsiiull,of •• Josepn t attlaev, of '• - D D Raton, of •* J VY. Joflkstis, Register mi FI ». tun it Nil v I ins Laud office, Lincoln, N.• loask a i I A|»il i iu, test » > Net it>e ta hereby gives l lest th foil te teg earned setttvv less g stl hot re of Itts I Oen oit i,, hiss rt .si to.- * * * p -tt , • h s vlnint and that *a> t pr sit wilt 'm male 1 .slots the ■ ouoi V Js lgt> ’ll slots matt Conti I *, el l.ttttf', Nebraska. mt July fit 1*1 * It John P t aittio.t| . Home tt. sd fcnltt No , for the erst half North vest ifSSttM trrtkat fit, town, ship ta, Range Ml went He netevs the f*.-lowing e tt nesses tts pause h is ssret Ittunns res Id* a - a utasn anti c all Is at ton .si said land, via J istll tlil d), ttf tl, s ilt Nr its 4 list St I PI s . s, of ** C-.sren.ie lereett of (Aatiss j fir wfmW, ef Hnktef, • W J oss. s |f*t «ts DON'T FORGET BUT TO Tl* ~I>T?T^TkIS PREPARED TO KEEP IN MINI) THAT J_ •JM_* ii) f’i Ti I FPL'ltNISH YOU WITH FARM MACHINERY, BUGGIES, WAGONS, HARNESS, HARDWARE, WINDMILLS, PUMPS AND PIPES, Our line of garden and field seeds is fresh and complete. If y°u need a disc harrow, sulky plow, cultivator, fanning mill, feed grinder, washing machine, sewing machine, harness, mower, binder, repairs for McCormick, Buckeye, and Woods binders and mowers, a threshing machine or steam engine call and see me and I will try to please you both quality of goods and prices. 1 also have a full line of furniture and invite you to come and get prices. Very truly, T. M. REED. STORK AND HEADQUARTERS AT RACKET STORK ON SOUTH SIDE It. It. STREET. IMPLE MENT STORE EAST SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. Those'shoppers who wish to make a sea sonable purchase in season comes here, for they know we have just what they want and when they want it. Our stock of Few SPRING GOOQS is here. It is fresh and complete. We are headquarters for anything needed in the general merchandise line. Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Suits, Spring line of boots and shoes, fancy silks, block crepou, wash dress goods, lace Curtains. Curtain Swiss, Silkobue draperies, Scrim., No tions, of all kinds, trunks and valises, kid gloves,-etc. etc. QOJN’T TURF YOUR back on a good tiling. Don't forget that in new spring novelties we can sliow you many new things that have never been shown before. And above all. for your interest as well as ours, don’t fail to visit our store, inspect our goods aud learn our prices. WE CAN AND WILL meet our competitors on both prices and quality of goods and in many things can save you money. We bought in large quantities and got the best goods at the lowest tigures so can give our customers the best possible bargains for the season. We invite you to call. Yours Truly, J. Phil JasQsr. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Publli. j Will Defend in Foreclosure Ouu ALSO do A General Real Estate Business. Office In Nouthwestihm Building, LOUP OITV, - • NKUKAIUKJL R. J. NIGHTINGALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, loup orrr. i i nt A* s MAIN. PHYSICIAN & 81KUKON l.ol |*« ITY • N I HMA**K A • >MI< K. One dour >ut ••! I'l Me'i •S • »g atul* COM Ml.k MV o|>KM*.MII. MHOS,, I IU|> i'ltj NvLi A GULLEY 4. P. OULLEY, President QtsMw FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Paid up Capital|Stock $20,000 Correspondents: Sealnianl National Hank, New York City, N. Y., Omaha National Hauk, Omaha, Nebraska OPENS AT OMAHA. NEBRASKA, JULY Ut 1 CLOSES OCTOBER 3UI. 1000. % WHl EcHpf Ust YtMT | SPECIAL FEATURES Colonial NopW Birdn Animate... aw. a a, M (TomKli. nww» Nh'i HtcwuHu ArtEaMM. Ma t ha ideal Sahib Ma Tin Midway. (Mlmy'iBtMtete Military Band . w,wanwww>A»*i»i¥Awi •it it I l»* j*>»» »»l 1*1* k<* >u>«n ,u«U« to| Ikt I Sink I' V ll'ID In i litlulkit |»«lul> I kn u|k t xniMlo i|tktkM I ini* link tut »l|wi m<«« lot Ikkm «tt 1 lull ii»I>m «» ,* *• t «H uu M I* It limit, SUCCESS *g