The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 09, 1899, Image 8
Lioaal Daws. W H. Conger went to Omaha W« d nesdav. David Doner of Washington twp. was in the city Tuesday. Mrs. Joseph McCoy is visiting friends in Greeley Center this w**ik For millet seed call before it is all gone, T. M. Reed. Goto Pilger’s and get his selling out prices before you buy your goods. Mrs. W. U, Conger wishes to announce that sho has some very nice csbhageand tomato plants for sale. The Seventh Day Adventists of this vicinity are all taking in their camp meeting at Ravenna this week. 'Ihe school censes this year shows that there Is (iJti Inhabitants in I.oup City proper and 6U6 in School dist. No 1 Mrs. C. A. Austin and family left l ist Sunday overland forCheiry county to Join Mr Austin for the summer on tin It ranch. Mis Dr. Robinson and several lady friends came over from Mason City, to attend the commencement exercises last Thursday evening. Mf. nnd Mrs Frank Cline, fnrmei residents of this city but now of Valley, Neb., visited old friends here the for part of this week Thomas Farmer moved on the H> I* land farm last week. He will also he posted oil general matters as he ordered the Northwestern sent to bis address. Mrs O. Benschoter and two daugh ter* and Mrs. B. F. Reynolds took the train Tuesday morning for Edgewood, Iowa, to spend the summer w ith rela tive* In that vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. James Gouley, of Cus ter county were present at the Loup City High reboot commencement exer cises Thursday evening Tiiel r two daughters, Misses Minnie and Georgia, were members of the grsduatfngctass. Mrs. E. C. Sullivan nee Yuthe, who some of our people w ill remember as Miss Lou. Yuthe, was In town yesterday gathering some evidence for her si-ter. Mrs. David Hill, necessary in adjusting the estate of Mr Hill now deceased. Frof. Nielson has concluded to spend his summer vacation with us again this season, and his genial countenance will be seen among our teachers to enliven their spare moments during the period of their well earned rest. Mr. NicUon Is an instructor of ability and one such as would be very beneficial to our schools to secure. When Edgar Draper the popular photographer comes to Loup City, the Loup City ites will have a chance to sec all the latist novelties in pho tographic work. And will also see a display of photographic work that is excelled by none and equaled only by the best artists of the state. lie will be in Loup City between the middle and last of June, We are informed that the county sup erintendent has decided to hold teach ers institute at Litchfield, this sea-on unless suitable quarters are provided for it here. The burning of our opera house bus placed matters in a bad shape for us at presant but the school board should rent the church for that purpose If it can .be got. Tins gathering be longs here and the matter of a few dol lars rent should not be allowed to divert it from Its proper channel. The 4th of July—will we celebrate. The time is drawilig nigh, and a de cision should be made quick. Our school bouse question seems to have occupied all the spare moments we have had of late for enthusiasm, to the exclusion of all other subject* and it bids fair to monopolize the martial spirit of our people this season. Hut let us have a picnic, read the Declaration of Indepeu deuce and hear the Engle flop her wings to the tunc of Yankee Doodle. The school pieuic last Friday was a very enjoy able little affair for those who availed themselves of the pleas lire. The four lower departments of our schools were very well repre seuted and the children enjoy ed the days outing hugely. Miss Hood had prepared several aiuuring contests for her room which was enjoyed hy the parents puite as much as the scholar* She is au s lept iu the art of amusing young America and k< • p lug them at work *>Ui » soft but llrm hand, and therein lies the succ« #> whleh character!** • her as a tutor list! utsusgt tnent areps no r> p«--p.' In pour elrcuiitsisio vs Ihsn any t«tto-i cause. Tu be •uee**»lu t*n«* wu*t look ib*ad sod plsn sbrsd *«» that when s fseorsM* opportunity presents M«#lf b* Is resdy l«> tske ailvsntag* of II A llllt* futetbought Mill si*u MW HO*, h • kpeuM and valuable llmr A pfud* <>» and careful msa will k*sp a t«»ub » t'bamnerlaiu s « elk* * b**i*rs a I t*• *v iboss Rvutedy I* lb* boose, live slot' less fellow wilt watt until n*v« »otv tout pels It and lb*o ruin bis ten b»»r»* g** |u* tor a duster and have s Mg *••■* tor bill Is psy tsrsMe* o*e pay* out J» Cl* lb* • tbev Is wet a bewdrvd dolls* * ** •' itwo* tkt bts w*lgbM*r* i* get Itog ruber *hit* ke * gsttb.g p >»* f I Ml* t>) lMendal.1 Hist Dig lino of straw hats at l’ilger’s at vour own price. Rocky Mountain Tea Is not simply a laxatlye. It's a wonderful remedy for every kind of ache, constipation, indi gestion, Imd blood. A-k your druggist John, if you were a woman, you'd know as I know and nil other women know, that Koeky Mountain Tea Is the greatest blessing woman ever bad .'Pic. Ask your druggist I’ilgerhas a large assort ment of summer Dress Goods nt half price. Don't forget to hand In your announ cements for church or any other pub lic meetings. It keeps vour organiza tion prominently before the people. P costs you nothing W'hy neglect It. Fresh Dread every morn ing 5 cts., a loaf. Cake every Saturday at A. E. Chase’s. Do not have your picture taken umil Kdgar Draper the photographer comes to Loup City, lie will be in tin* city some time between the mid die and lust of June. Complete line of new and up to-date Carpet Samples, at T. M. Reed’s Grandma Hultz, who resided s< long in this city and who so tbo roughly endeared herself to the peo ple by her kind and gentle disposi tion, was a pleasant visitor among old friends over Sunday. Mr, John Bevins, editor of the Press, Anthon, Iowa, says :“1 have used Cham berlaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in my family for fit teen years, have recommended it to hundreds of others, and have never known it to fail in a single instance For sale by Oden dalil Bro’s. To those who drink whiskey for pleas ure; HARPER Whiskey adds zest to ex nuance. To those who drink whiskey for health's sake; HARPER Whiskey makes life worth living. Sold by T. II Eisner, J,oup City, Neb. Mr. I*. Ketch,,m of Pike City. 0*1, »«ys: “During my brother's late slck n<*-s from sciatic rheumatism, Cham berlain's Pain Halm was the only n ine- j dy that gave him any relief." Many Others have testified to the prompt n • lief from pain which this liniment af- j fords. For sale by Odendahl (5 o'*. Miss Lillie M, Hood departed for, her home at St. Paul last Saturday after finishing her years work in tbu| grammar department of our schools. j .Miss Hood bus proven herself to be! one of the best instructors that it lias been our good fortune to secure in tin* past and the patrons of Iter room all desire tbet her services lie again secured for tbe next year if possible. Dr. oady's Condition Powders, are 1 just, what a horse needs when In had condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but med icine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 25 cents per! package. For sale by Odendahl Bro’s. I was seriously alllicted w ith h cough i for several years and last fall had a more severe cough titan ever before l have used many remedies without much relief, and being recommended to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy, Dy a friend, who, knowing me to he a poor widow, gave it to me, I tried it, and with the most gratifying results The first bottle relieved me very much and the second bottle lias absolutely cured me I have not had as good health for twenty years, 1 ga\e this certificate without sclicita'Ion, simply in appreciation of the gratitude felt fur the cure effected. Respectfully. Mrs. Mary A. Heard, Claremore, Ark For *a!c by Odendahl Hro's. Tbe press of the city wish to ex preM(frcighl is too slow ) tbeir sin-1 cere, devout and heart) thanks to tbe management of tbe eointucnct - ment exercises, f,,r the many ami considerate little attention* in the way ot accommodations shown tlieiu to assist in their work of reporting the exercises las! Tiuir-dny evening. Those in authority provided the Press with ample accommodation* at the L «»t end of the budding (just out aide on the front step* > One editor Was pine pied with u seal through tbe jour e*y of 11 relative graduate, another Hiroiigii the kind tie** of an uaber and the third, writ the usual It dietntnu genius that gen erally follow* the craft and not to j lie out done lit the iilie of route I *tes, crawled through a rear win 1 low on In the stage, and tin irons Ulod iMi 4 | ttiu isn't 1 did ut loo the heart to throw him out *< 1 we all Stahl. tien* letlteu pull ktudlir** shall dw*\» |,e r> mem!*1 t«d We j apple, tut* It jiutUS till We S| | g *th. f a hu»U. I of Itulfa!o >K *n*ai,,l 00 i'v \ 10 , t|.,- f, **t ft, * • * m t n 1 s *« 0,111 1 ,, »» . H» „«#* Sen, | ,< <M • Hall kie UiS Icier i am*, t'sttet • ttieped If an is 1 i, it.|,,i, , Cuts* I sit ax In foupiou s stitf f,,-. 1 ttiffll curs* |*|U, off .it« par ir milt I | It Is (SStWrol IM fit* fre cill.f, I lion »r siMiit t Ir! tu It'll PffH'tf *-i veto* I *WI S«-S >«« .»,» hr • M« n t,a tow AidlOeRGMinf cakos I GKHMAN KVANCKM CAI, MCIIVH’ES. Sunday June 11, Services will l»e held in this city at 10:00 s. m nt tlie Baptist church, and in A*htnn at2:.'tO p.m. —All Germans are cordially Invited A Co. Jennrich, Pastor. AT TUB M. K. CHURCH Sunday June li, 1801), Service* will he held as follows: Morning service 10:30, subject: "A choice In Life”—At Wig glc Greek, 3. p. m "Hewn Sfones,” Evening service; Children’s dav pro gram, < ‘ollection for Educational work. A cordial invitation to all The Ladles Aid Society will hold an exchange In the Inks building Saturday morning June 10, to open at 10 a m, from which hour, Ice cream and lunch will lie served till evening. Any one Intending to attend the State Sunday School Convention at lloldrege, June 13-15, who will send their names to the county secretary will receive credentials which will entitle them to all the privileges of delegates and to free entertainment. Mrs. K Anoikk. Co Secretary. HTATS SUNDAY KlHOCI, CONVENTION, The nebraaka State Sunday School Conven Hon will he held in llolrtrldge, June 18-lft, |K»y Every Sunday School In the state Is entitled to one delegate for each member or fraction thereof, in million to these, the Pastor is a delegate ex-officio, and an alternate should be elected In ease of Inability to attend. Entertainment will be provided foraij dele gate* presenting proper credential* Reduced rules of one and one-third fare on the certificate plan have been granted by all the rail read* in the state. An excellent program Is in preparation. Schools should elect delegates at once. For copy of program and blank credentials, ad dress K. J. Wiortman. Secretary, York, Nebraska. • • ♦ ASHTON LOCALS. Misses Edith and Martha N'eibler drove over to Kockvllle Monday for a short visit with relative*. Mr. 8. C. Stephenson of Marquette, was the guest of Dr. S. Howard the last part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. O VV. Marvel “railed” It to Loup City Tuesday evening return ing Wednesday morning. Dr. Howard drove to Dannebrog, Monday and celebrated lint "Fifth of June .*' Mi ami Mr* W M. Sinelser spent most of iast week at Rockville. A small cyclone formed Ka-f of thin town on Sunday evening ami made filings lively for a little while. Mr. Humphry happened to be in the path of (lie storm and hail hi* buggy blown «v<-r for tre»*pa«slng upon tin* right of way of tlie storm. No other damage reported Mr, W IS Baker reports his little one on the sick list. Mr*, K O-. Taylor and Mr* W. II. Brown drove oyer to Rockville and hack Sunday afternoon. The hoard of equalisation met here on Tuesday ami held a quiet session. One of.?. F. Smith's little children is on the sick list. After (wo aiij mrnment* the daoce listed some time since eame off on Sat urday evening ami all present report a good time. The y, |*. s (E. social hel I at the home of Mr. T. I>. Wilson last Friday evening was a success in every respect and all that attended enjoyed themsel ves to the fullest extent. We note that a cellar has been exca vated on the lots of Mr. Aug. B?ush >u* en, which seem* to indicate that some one is going to build ttieie in the near future. Mr. (i. W. Marvel received a car <>f lumber on Wednesday with which lie intends to make quite material addi tions to bis residence. Win Jeffery is going to build a frame house on ins farm in the Immediate future. T. N. Bennett of M. Paul, was seen ► baking hat ds with old friends at this place on Wednesday. I »'. I' lulls TO TIIK BANT, Your attention 1* directed to the eg. cepthomily low rates in effect this com ing season to nearly every prominent point in the Ka*t. Never before In* such an excellent opportunity been afforded fora summer, \ seali .11 l our, or lor v tailing friend* In i tlie Fast, We mention below a ft w of j the pile e* to w hlcll greatly reduced late* , have been made I he l N ION PA< *IFIb* I l» Hie line that will give you the lw«t terviee to any of these point#. I'olouibn* Ohio, June A 9 Hate line I are, pin* I j tw fur the Round Trip >i Paul Minn June 0 lit Kale Our Fare and tee'third for the Round Crip, on * rriitli ale Plan Buffalo \ V J one It |,V Rale line i are, pin* *»' isi lor iff. Round trip i btcsgo, | |, June It |1 It ate tine F »re and th e l o rd I n the Itoaiml I'rl| • on • i mill ate plan MU aoke.- \\ i. Ito a 11 |& lira »* * I',,*- tin! One I bird for the It "Oil. I . ip a.o a eridh aie t* an SI I -Mil* \|o , June <i d ttalr tine I ■ I- osfiiai for ih ti ion I trip |a»ir«|t M >ti Jul| i |il Hale 'in t »i« p ie*» oi f.,| ih*- Ronaad Flip. Mohuo.inB V a Jo a IJ Is* Mate Ho* I are p<«* • ,* w, for tne R maul |*iip. litdU» tpolU |«d lull fd Halt IBs I rlf j. |, til|oi Ih# Moun d Flip F - > i . .. i« to it ales of *f*r aa*.l leall*. mi in Art* |Bu> of Ifatu* ii, ail o*i It I a i tdnn, \g*M State examination will be held June 13-14 at Lincoln, Wayne, Fremont North Platte, Holdredge, and Grand Island The examination will be under the supervision of the state board of ex aminers and other competent persons and will be given as follows: Tuesday, June 13, 8;45 a. tn., General History; 10:30 a. tn, Zoology; 1:30 p. m., Trig onometry: 3:15 p. m.. Rhetoric. Wed nesday June 14,8:30 a. in,, Chemistry; 10:15 a, m., English Literature; 130 p. m.. Intellectual Philosophy ;3:15p. in. Geology; 4:80 p. in.. Physical Gong, rapby. Further information may be had hy addressing the state superinten dent of public Instructions at Lincoln. w. r Jackson. ——— ♦ • ♦ ■■ ■ ■ ■ YY' |1() IU Women ns well as »y UV nien are made miser Tf) able by kidney and ” bladdei trouble. Hr |i I \ Yf E1 Kilmer’* Swamp-Root *^the great kidney re medy promptly cures. At druggisis in Ilf'y cent and dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mall free, also pamphlet telling all about It. Address, Hr. Kilmer & Co., Illngbumton, N. Y. NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION MEETING. For the meeting of the National Edu cational Association at Los Angeles, Cal,July 11-14, 1800, the UNION PA CIFIC will make the greatly reduced rate of one fare, plus 42 00, for the round trip. The excellent service given by the I nion Pacific was commented on hy all who had Ihe pleasure of using It to the eonnentlon at Washington in 1*08. This year our educational friends meet in L<>* Angeles, and members of the Association and others from points East should hy all means take the UNION PACIFIC. The service of the UNION PACIFIC via Omaha or Kansas City Is unexcelled and consists of Palace Sleeping-Cars. Buffet Smoking and Li hear)-Cars, Din ing-Cars, meals a-la-carte. Free Reclin ing Chair Cars and Ordinary Sleeping < !ars, the Union Pacific is the route for summer travel. For full Information about tickets, siop-overs, or a finely illustrated book describing ‘The Overland Route" to the I'acl lie ('oast, call on W. |) <;i,ik TON, Agent Fresh Garden and Field seeds in bulk at T M Reed’s CLCail CKKKK ITEMS We have very hue growing weather. Austin Fetgusori Is back front a trip West and he will spend the balance of h‘s days in Sherman county. He pro nounces the west a failure R. Baker is west, he probably will come back wiser If not i letter. Henry B>ek D happy, a baby girl at bia place. Decoration day at Litcbtteld, was a grambsuccesi. Abbott made a splendid speech and made friends while here. The Woodmen from Litchfield went to Hazard and used their goat. Seven teen charter members w’ere initiated. Rkcokdku. Tetter, Salt-Klieum anil Eczema The intense itching and smarting inci dent to these diseases, is Instantly allay ed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very had o: ses have been permanently cured by it- It is equally efficient for itching piles ami a favorite remedy for sore nipples chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25cts. per box For sale bv Odcndahl Bro s. ♦ • • His Lite Was ha veil. Mr J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of llanibal, Mo., lately bad a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he lays: “I was taken wi h Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pnetitno tiia. M \ lungs become hardened I was so weak 1 couldn’t even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of Cousuni it Ion. when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery One,bottle gave great relief. I continu ed to use it, and now am well and strong. | can't sav to much In its praise ’ This marvel in medecire is the surest and ipilckest cure In the .world for nil Throat and Lung Trouble R -gular sizes ."si cents and $1 00 Trial bottle j tree at Odendatil Bro's Drug Hlore; every bottle guaranteed as • » Mo 111*0 t.i . ... I he woman who Is lovelt In fare,; form and temper will always have I 1 friends, tiul one who would t»e at it we I lift* must keep lief health If <hs Is j weak, stikly and all run .lowii, sh« will >*• nervous ami Irritable. If *h* has con j | stlpatiim or kidney trouble, her Impute i bln si * III cause pimples, blotches, *kb. [ eruptions and a wretched complexion ' I. > Ctrl# Hitler* |* th" best medicine In • h* Wot I,I in tegulsle slum aeh* liver and kt I cy • and In putifv the blood It gt*»» strong eeiye*. blight eye* smooth iclvvly skin, rich complexion I* wtlli make i good liMikiag, charming woman • ( « inn down invalid itnly An eenls it t t ieiolshl Hto's Dr • • • riif t'irt'u* has ixhiii’ ninl lfi*lti* Ititl Hi* still IldVf tint* nr Iwiiut (boM lit** limit || Nil it w U*I1 lit \\ ill kills*‘li t i We Handle The PUSH SUCCESS FOLLY.’ The first two weeks in May have been the busiest in our history, and our store organization was put to the test but we handle the big trade promptly, and with satisfaction to the public, Fact is we expected a big trade this spring, for we knew our splendid values deserved it. Therefore we increased our sales force and made all necessary preperation to give the public the best possible store service. All through the busy season you enn be waited on promptly and politely here, and at the same time get big value for your money. Kilting is a necessity. No one can dispute that. Even the man who trained his horse down to one straw a day had to acknowledge that his plan was a failure when the horse died. However you can make a pleasure of the necessity if you patronize our grocery department. Every delicacy which you can think of, and many you would'nt think of ure ready for you here, and we will sell them to you at <r popular prices. Yu Don’t Ham n Worry If You Trade Here. Everything you buy will be reliable in quality, correct in style, and cheaper than you can get it elsewhere. You would’nt find us making such strong asertions as this if the store did 4 not back them up. We are very jealous of the high reputation* of this firm for doing just exactly as it says it will, therefore nothing ever appears in our ads. that is not absolutely true or more than true. It seems to us that this is just the kind of a store most people would prefer to patronize, and our sales record shows up that we are correct in our opinion. Pried lUaberric*.If, ctt. “ Apricot.If, “ “ Peacbea. 1 ** Best Prunes .‘5 lbs .25 “ i lb Soda. 7 “ ( Ljon coffee.10 •« Arbuckl«6 coffee.II King Bee “ .If, “ * 1 Package Wheati-|. JO Beat Loup Citj Hour.HO »• Second “ “ “ 70 • » A. E. CHASE, Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothingr, Shoes, etc. STRICTLY CASH ANI) ONE PRICE TO ALL. EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Calls Attended Night or Dagr <*. II. Giiison, Funeral Director. W J. >1*11 Kit. OKO. K liKNNCIl'iTRR, AUoruvy »o4 Notary labile. I'ublUlirr Loop ITtt NotmviUt Fisher & Benschoter, Real Estate Agents, LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. TownLota, Wild, Cultivated and Irrluatoi LANDS FOR SALF.