The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 09, 1899, Image 4

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    The Northwestern
OfcO. K. IIENsrHOTEK. I Editor* and
GEO, H. GIHSON, I Eunllahor*
Entered at the Loup City IVmtotflce for tram
mission through the mall* a* second
clan* mutter
Official Paper Sherman County
What is the matter with tlie “In
itiative and Referendum,” the pops
have let it get away from them of
Bryan is still feasting on free sil
ver chicken served with anti-trust
desert and washed down with Agui
Daldo rum.
England advised Canada to accept
the proposition as made by the Unit
ed States ‘to settle ibe Alaskan
boundry dispute as the proposal was
equitable, but Canada refused to lis
ten. The sound of a Krug Jorgen
sen might open her ears.
The voting machine is coming in
to quick and well deserved promi
nence all over the country. Buffalo,
N. Y , has decided to purchase 110
of them for city use. This has no
reference to the genuine double
back action democratic machine used
in New York City.
Major Comte Ferdinand Wuisin
Ananias Beuedict Arnold Esterhazy,
former chief clerk in the private
parlors of his satanie majesty in
France, has at lust made a statement
to the effect that he, and not Dryfus,
wrote the famous bordereau, the
document that sent Dryfus to Devils
Island and thereby cursed the integ
rity of the French Republic. He
says be did it at the dictation of his
superiors and stands ready to prove
his assertion. Door Zola, will be
get bis 30,00(jf back that they lined
him for telling the truth.
Spain has ceded the Caroline Is
lands to Germany, also all her other
island possessions in the far east ex
cept Fernando Po, which she still
retaines as a reminder of what she
once was but never will be again.
She also retained several coaling
stations in different parts of the
group and it is said that Germany
engages to defend those coaling sta
tions for her. Old glory waves over
the Island of Guum, in this group.
Poor old Spain, tis sad to see, but
it is the inexorable law, the survival
of the Attest hence the tyrant whith
er in individual or nation, must
sooner or later get off the earth.
One of the Twentieth Kansas boys
sent borne a copy of an address is
sued by Aguinaldo to bis followers
just before Malolos was captured aud
the most striking feature of it to an
American is this. “Dear country
men * * * there is in the United
States a powerful party ot democrats
of great iotluence who have sponta
neously constituted themselves our
defenders in Washington * * * for
which we extend to them our friend
ship aud mo9t profound expression
of gratitudo." Such words of praise
must make Bryan, Jones, Hoar and
the balance of the half breeds in
America, feel like hugging them
On the l^th of April lnog, Jeff
erson, then President of tUe United
States wrote !o our minister to
France, as follows. "That there
was one sj*ot on the face of the earth
so important to the United Slates
that whoever held it was for that
reaaou naturally and forever our enc
my, and that apot was New Orleans.
Again he wrote, •The day that
France, takes possession of New
Orleans Axes the sentence which i
to restrain her forever within lor
low watc. mark It aeala the union
of two nations which in conjunction
can maintain •xi'biaiv* possession of
the ocean From that moment we
must marry ourselves to the British
fleet aud nation.' And this is the
mao and patriot «hus« livery Brian
la Ur) ing to lAlich to masquerade in
as an Aoti |iu|>eriali*t
W J Brian star test out »« a brill
isut )<»ui.g orator, i hcnpunitg the
cause of the comiu >u p.pie with as
bright a prospact as *tsr dot mortal
man lie took up the cause of til
vi r against the combined wisdom of
the majorit\ of statesmen of the civ
ilized nations of Hie earth, lie then
made the mistake of going up against
everything that is, if it was propo
gated, formed or fostered by the re
publican party it mattered uot
whither it was good or bad. He
seems to have no world but democ
racy, no choice but to oppose every
act of the administration and no de
sire but to till the olfbe which sober
second thought must convince one he
is not large enough for. He is fol
I >wing closely in the tracks of foimer
democratic statesmen generally, and
convincing the masses that he is
ready to subordinate the best inter
ests of the country that gave him
birth if he cun Blear democracy into
the white house. His “Imperialism”
is a bug a-lx o to prejudice voters
and will redound to his detriment us
did the sedicious speacbes of h.s
proteges during the civil war. The
principle and manhood of an honest
rebel during that struggle can be
seen and appreciated in General Joe.
Wheeler and Fitzhugh Lee. who are
today honored and honorable citi
zeus of this great Republic, both are
upholding the administration and
carving a name on the escutcheon of
our country that will be pointed out
with pride by both north aDd south
after they are laid in an honored
grave. Bryan’s name will go down
in history as a political aggitator of
great talent and little value. The
difference between a southern rebel
and a northern copperhead is wall
Mr. and Mrs. \V. F. Jenkins of
the Aicadia Fruit Farm was in the
city last Thursday. They remained
over night and attended the com
mencement exercises «if the Loup
City High School in Hie evening.
Their grand son Robert Mathew, was
one of the graduating class,
Mr. Jenkins called on us Friday
morning and we ventured to ask
to what extent his extensive fruit
farm was damaged during the last
severe winter. In answer to our
question Mr. Jenkins made the fol
lowing statement, which will com
prise a part of his report to be sent
to the Horticultural station at Wash
ington; In speaking of apple trees
he said that tbo Dutches, Wealthy
and Whitney No. 20 are the most
hardy ami came out perfectly. The
Wine Hap, he said, stood belter than
the Ben Davis. The Jennett came
uui no perceui. i ms is ms exper
ience in his large orchard where cul
tivation ami exposure are all alike.
In cherries the Karly Richmond,
English Morrello and Osthine are
the leading trees for hardiness. Of
these varieties the Early Richmond
stood the test of the hard winter 50
per cent better than the Knglish
Morrello and some better than the
Osthine. All fruit trees should be
planted from six to eight inches
deeper than the tree originally grew
in the nursery so as to give an op
portunity to renew small trees that
die down by cutting back to the
ground. If the tree is set well
down the new shoots will come
above the graft fir bud.
Raspberries ure all killed down to
the giound. drape vines of all
vaiietics left upon trelises ure killed.
I The only safe method with grapes
is to prunu the grapes in die full,
lay them down and cover withestth,
but not with any kind of litter.
The unusual hard winter of |-;*!i
| has damaged cum ins and goosber
ries about 5o per cent, I'ltium and
strawberries well protected i nine
through all right.
In K|>vaking of ornnun ntal ticca
and shrubs Mr. .Icnkius *.xxs that
the Cut l.eaf Ibrcti and White llirch
stood jM-rfei tlx an l the Native I'ul
Cedar and III i k or Austrian I'me
are the best and uc>si hardy of m y
kind of exeigreens
The I pright li no x Hinkle, bit c
and suow hail are at* hardx ami
came through all rigtt*.
Mr Jeitkina is a uibii of large » \.
jwrieiue 111 i o tie rl’ursl »<uk and
Iris suggesti.uis if adhtared to, anil
help anx 'Hie to m xd* a sm < • of
tr« * plant1114.
t» W rbli
I'll Sl ip* of t>r>-*k O-g (twite »H . |#p w
1, «t| |H» • w. | Maw .11 |«| (| lw«
I lutlps mil 1 k west wf s usitj’i * iiiIhi,’.
! A p| Ilf to
I K I until SI.*
A S *ii
of consult ing one of the leading physi
cians ami surgeons (in the treat
ment of chronic and nervous
diseases) of this country.
He is well known In Nebraska, and
is reliable as well us eminent In his
profession, and has hut few superiors
in his line of diseases, and. from reports
of the press, his rooms are crowded
wherever he stops. By the request of
his many friends and patients who
have usually gone a long distance to
see hint, he has decided to VISIT
IjOt'I’ CITY, and will be at
THURSDAY June 20th, 1*00, one day
only, returning every 1 weeks for six
months, Consultation and examination
FREE to all
Ills treatment and examinations we
understand are based upon new
methods, and are similar as are given In
the eastern and southern hospitals
where he learned his business.
He treats chronic cattarb, disease of
the. ear,nose, throat and lungs, dyspep
sia, Bright's disease, diabetes, liver,
stomach, constipation, rheumatism,
chronic female and sexual diseases, neu
ralgia, sciatica, dizziness, nervousness,
slow growth in children and all wasting
d i.-oasc* in adults, deformities, club feet,
eurvutu: c of the spine, di-euses of the
brain, par lysis, heart disease, eczema,
varicocele, and hydrocele. Cancer,
tumors, wens and birthmark* removed
Young, middle aged and old, married
or single men, and all who suffer with
lost manhood, nervloua debility sperma
torrhea, seminal losses, decay, failing
memory, weak eyes, stunted develop
ment, lack of energy, impoverished
blood, pimples, also blood and skin dis
Eruption, iiair falling, bone pain,
swellings, sore throat, ulcers, effect of
mercury, kidney and bladder troubles, j
weak trick, burning urine, incontinence, ■
gleet, stricture, receive searching treafc
ment, prompt rsliel
Both sex# treated confidentially and
privately. Piles, fistula, fissure and
rupture by our new method.
1 MSB 1 oi '■ *1 iv- n'mbu
St. Joseph,
Kansas City,
St. Louis,
anti all points
East and South.
Salt Lake City.
San Francisco,
and all points
No W Passenger. 7:55a. in
No 90 Freight.J Oc, p ul
<101X0 WEST
No. 51 Passenger .4.15 p in.
No. 59 Freight.lliUOft. m.
sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars
; iseals free) on through trains. Tickets
| sold and baggage checked to any point In
the United States or Canada.
For Information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to A. K. Worts
Agent. Or J. Fit ANl'Iit, l*a»Menger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska,
No “« leaves daily except Sunday (pass
enger,. 7 m a in
No Ss leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) i 05 p m.
No. an leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
I Saturday. ,mixed, 3 .in p m
No s; an i <es dally except Sunday (mixed)
11 4.V a in.
No 5 arrives daily excepl Sunday pass
enger) 7.0*, )> m
First i as. service and close connections
east, west and south
W I*. Clifton, Agent
• A MonI to the wise Is •ulllcienl” ar.ii
a w or I from the wise should he sulll*
■ lent, but you a»k. who are the wi.e'/l
Those alt" know. The oft repeated ex
perienee of ini.tworthy persons may |„.
taken lor knowledge Mr. tV. M, Ter
ry say. < hnmtierlam's t Hugh Itemed)
gives belter satisfaction lliau any other
in the m il i t l He has been In ih»* drug
husiut'ss at 1.1 sion Ky , for twelve year*,
ha. sold hundreds of bottles o| Ibis re
tool \ u.d (M atty illoi’o i eough medi
. dm iiMMif ii inn ,i, which show* con
‘ luslii |y that ( h tmi erlallTs Is (lie m *| 1
sallsfaelory to the people, and i. the
best. T or » , e by <» lend .III Bio's
Don’t Stop
taking Scott's Emulsion he
cause it's wamt weather.
Keep taking it until you are
gurt J.
It will In si yvtv lung* and
give v m ii%h bkss J in ium
n«r a* m winter. It's cud
Imr tl made easy,
Ih, 4 > ) I I Ail 4 •<*
J Phil Jaeger’s
Those shoppers who wish to make a sea
sonable purchase in season comes here, for
they know we have just what they want
and when they want it. Our stock of
is here. It is fresh and complete. We are headquarters for any thing
needed in the general merchandise line. Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing,
Suits, Spring line of boots and shoes, fancy silks, block crepon, wash
dress goods, lace curtains, Curtain Swiss, Silkoltne draperies, Scrim, No
tions, of all kinds, trunks aud valises, kid gloves, etc. etc.
back on a good thing. Don't forget that in new spring novelties we
can show you many new things that have never hern shown before. And
above all. for your interest as well as ours, don't fail to visit our store,
inspect our goods and learn our prices.
meet our competitors on both prices and quality of goods and in many
things can save you money. We bought in large quantities and got the
best goods at the lowest figures so can give our customers the best possible
bargains for the season. We invite you to cull.
Yours Truly,
zJ. Phil JasQsr.
AHKNT8 WANTED. —For “Tim 1.Me .Mid
Achievement* of Admiral Dewey," the
world's greatest naval hero. Ity Murat
Ilit.stead, the life long friends and admirer
of the nation's idol. Iliggesl and hook;
over TiOO pages, sxio inches, nearly UK' pages
half-tone illustrations. Only #i Ml Knur
moils demand, ltig commissions. Outfit
tree, chance of a lifetime. Write quick.
The Dominion company, 3rd Floor Oaxlon
If ii i Uling., Chicago
Three red yearlings eligible to regis
try. Bred and raised and for sale by—
8ami:ii, McClellan, North Loup,Neb
We will stand the Stallion ' Bill
Mac" the ensuing season at the barn of
B. T. Snyder, in Loup City.
B..T. Snydeu,
N. B. Thompson.
TheOrd State Bank will sell improv
ed farms on time. Also cattle on same
terms. Ord, Nebraska.
W e have for sale some im
proved Sherman county farms,
Liberal Terms, Easy Pay
ments. Correspondence solic
J. S. Thompson, & Son,
Lacon, 111.
The new Palace Sleeping Cars, built
specially for the UNION PACIFIC, and
recently pul in service on their famous
fa-t trains to Colorado, Utah. CalCor
nia and Oregan points, are the tiuest
ever turned out.
Throughout the lute ior the dr,(plugs,
wood work ami decorations are in the
most artistic sty le, and the lonvenleo
ces vastly superior to anyt .mg ever
seen before.
These cars are attached In the Union
Pacific fast trains, which make Quicker
time to all Western points than trains
of anv other lines.
Tickets, and reservations can he ob
tained by calling on or addressing
W. I). Clifton, Agent,
where for The Story of the Philippines''
by Murat Halstead, commissioned by the llov
eminent aa umelal Historian to the War In
purtnii lit The hook Mils wrltlen In arms
camps at Sun Francisco. 011 Hie Pacific with
deucral Merritt in Die hospital at Honolulu
In lions Kong in the American trenches at
Manila In the insurgent ramps with Aguliial
do on the deck of the Ulwupia with llrwr*
ami in the roar of battle at the r»U nr Manila
Hoimii a for agents llrimtul of original pie
lures taken bv government photographers on
the -led Large Hung l.ou price- Hig prof I
Its Freight paid i'redIt given Drop ail
tra-i v nie.ftVlal war tasiUs Ibiltll (re. \.|. |
dr* F T llarla-r, srr \ Hiar insurane*
Itldg • 'hleago III
t heap Tickets to < alllnrma
I lie Inwe.t rates of the year an- ih >-«■ i
which Ib«< Hut qttglni Houle will m ke 1
lati in .lube and early t it July, fur the.
won o cl inert tug ol the Nations F.dtU a
It «*ti ti *\ |H||f at l.os Ai gob - I. I.
oral return limits ami • op .%•-1 pin ;.
eg< s
I |,e iiNtlr.i route to ,|o* coast is *
through l*e»,*e» am| .wait Lake i n, , i,,.
lirct way ami for a dev and a d a night i
you i*>lr thro tgh the \Yunderlar.<1 of the .
« in ; i pa»l * *m»tt*, mountain* tltrr*,
waterfall* ami landscape* gay with
tin w era.
Ik format tun ami t allfortna Hleralnta
tin request .1, f rancl* t,enerai Pa**«q* i
ger Agent. Omaha Nrb,
• a •
tit tt
le . in* !. by ihr » \ |i>\ |'.p || ji;
I • i forma point* Through lomiat*
w 'I'M | a. oi I Mne than »• y ito r
IM • > Fo» lU'tteta aad lot) Inform *1 on
r*l - i* W l» t i ii |na Agent
Buy Binder Twine
...IN OMAHA...
Staple* and price* ready about
May l*t. II you are *ot already
*a our Uat write ua at once.
Tbe Wetter* Mercantile C*.
I ■ ^ ^ U ■
'79MHV*' Designs
r rfTT’ Copyrights Ac.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
qalckly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention to probably patentable. Communica
tion* strictly confidential. Handbook on I'atcnt*
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patent* taken through Muim A Co. receive
tperUil notice, without charge, lu the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. largest cir
culation of any aclentld'- Journal. Terms, f.'i a
year; four Months, IL. Bold by all newsdealers.
MUNN&Co. 361 Broadway, New York
llruuch Office. (126 F Bt., Washington, D. C.
Cures Irupotency, Night Emissions and
wasting diseases, all effects of self
auusc, ui causb aim muis- j
cretion. A nerve tonic and
blood builder. Brings the I
'pink jflow to pale checks ami j
restores the fire of yo th
JBy mail f»Oc per box. <5 bmv •
tor q'J.uu; wan a written 571;;
tee to cure or refund t!i •
Send for circular. Adilrt
Clinton & Jackson Sts , CHICAi. , L
l,i up I'ily, Neitr
£ (your u»n Mlectten) to every nub- 3p
^ M.r,Ser. Only So cents a year. J
rcm . Sea itifnl roloM><f pUt*0 ; latent
.w ' -1. * > . m. . . - V last , |s
*m wnt» i. > ot . 4 I* t■» Ittion, ttc SuS B
«g * 4a, (id * f*»» tatP%t copy ■»
£ l »« *4 S«n4 to* Uiitt K
:S Htylwfc, N* hahlr, N mttr, !?pt«v E
;C l4lr. F. Oil Iltili4| 4II4 C
Deffrii fr'iuiu* l*aprr Paitrrvt, m
MSCALL/ntk |
fiATilRNSW l
,*«tt.<tesa».Site*sacs Palters. >
' ’»•» M> It '•» «aak~4MS* fc<«k<>
•*» *«' *k«« Ml i» ««) tilt
] < •>, II h| 1... I,k«
its ilk a..i itea
A strictly high-grade Family Sewing
Machine, possessing all modern
Guoiiim Equal lo me Best.
Prices very reasonable. Obtain them
from yoar local dealer and
make comparisons.
eroadv/ay, HELVIDERE, ILL.
Write Inclosing this ad. and 60c and wo
will send you this beautiful Mandoline
by express, C« 0.1). suMeet to examina
tion. It found exactly as represented
f ou can pay the express agent our SPEC
At, OFFER price,$8.(J0 less the 80cents,
or M*8U and express charges. This Is a
regular $15.00 Instrument, solid rosewood
body, faucy pearl and ebony checkered
edge, beautiful pearl butterfly guard
piste,mss wood Qngerneard and nickel tall
8I ere. You can have either a Mandoline,
utter,BanJoorVlottn on the same terms.
Write for RHER musical Catalogue.
Address, A. llospe Omaha. Neb.
.\ebru»ka, Colorado, Wyoming
Ctah, l*aoitU* Const and
I'ugcd Sound
I ■ - , ■ > f
1 «r» HiiUcii auwiblim »ta<l l.iltrary i%»*
Kr*. H*. Italaa i'half • »r*
i >.i«* Chf* M. *u thi'u «
l «* 11U.• lata.M, l.aldtlf I U> ltl«l la II
I ai.tlabial*. 4lau|l|all*« u/ Iba IbMll.afy
IlllflWd hM «M W I* •