The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 09, 1899, Image 1

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Twelve Members of tbe Loud Ciir Hiab
School Graduate With Honors
Eleven Young I.miles Mini one Young
Man Completed Their High Heliool Work
Thu Umdustes are:
Miss Krnnk M. Inks,
Miss llessic E. Howe,
Miss Sarah A I.efholm,
Miss Jennie E. Sutton
Miss Ella M Lofholm.
Miss Ernestine odenduhl.
Miss Edna J. Mltishull,
MlssOeorgenu E, Oouley,
Miss Henry C. Young,
Miss Minnie M. Oouley.
Miss Mary E. Mlnshull.
Robert U. Mathew
The class of *09 for the Loup City
high school finished their work last,
Thursday evening by presenting to the
public their carefully arranged pro
gram which they rendered In a manner
with not only great credit to then
selyes but highly entertaining and
pleasing to all. The class has labored
under great diffle ultiesatid it must have
been with ilowb'e effort* that they
succeeded so admirably. On the 8th of
March last the large opera house In
which the high school ass being held
burned to the ground, thus not only
destroying the school rooms on the
lower (lour, but robbed them of the
only building large and commodious
enough to accommodate the vast assem
bly of people who gathered to witness
the exercises, and which wcr»r necess
arily held In the Baptist Church. embossed and printed pro
grams hi* been secured hr t'e gradu
ate* an.t were presented to thpir friends
as s< uvenirs of the occasion. The
program was tendered as follows:
Juvocation. Kev. W. Matthews
Salutatory.. Honest Endeavor Its own Reward
Miss Frank M. Inks.
Class History Sc hool ltnys in Our Class
Miss Recode K. Itowe.
Oration .. ... Ileautlea of Nature
Miss Sarah A. Lofbolm.
Oration..A hiding Success
M Iss Jennie K Sutton.
Orntloti What spare moments will accomplish '
Miss Ella M, Lufholui.
Oration..Force. 1
Miss Ernestine Odeuduhl.
Mu->. Duet
Mrs. and Miss Holcomb.
Orntloti..Unwritten Music
Miss Edna J Mlnshull.
Oration. . . is Our Clvllallon perishable
Miss Georgena E. Gouley.
Oration.The Race of Life.
Miss Henry C. Young.
Oration . Success of the Self-made Man,
Miss Minnie Gouley.
Class I'rophsey..By
Miss Mary E. Mlnshull.
Valedictory .Liberty,
Robert 11. Mathew.
Music, followed by presentation of diplomas.
For mi hour befme the commeuce
ment of the program people could he
seen going to the church und soon
giant ii g room whs ut h premium.
Many who could not gain admission
settled near the open windows on the
outside, but the impending storm which
c.iuie on Inter in the evening became
s<» tlireatiiing iliat they were forced to
retire bef< re ihe exercises were over.
Then* were ie-erve. seats for the imme
diate friend- of tic graduates. The
stage was crowded but. was arranged
in tlie most presentable manner possi
Wit n the class appeared on the stage
and took their r speetive seats in h semi
Ciicle, all arrayed in pretty costume,
they were greeted with applause.
Mis« Frank Ink- being first on the
11 Ht delivered the Salutatory in hii easy
and graceful manner. She retired to
her seat with ivident satisfaction to
admiring friends. Those who followed
her did etjiiHlIy as well ami ad of the
cla-- Hie deserving of special mention
amt their compositions worthy of re
production. hut space and time forbids
that we utidertnke so great a task. As
e it-h tlnl-h d their tpnrts and resumed
their seals they went presented wi>h
bot|Uels of tloweis and gifts from ad
mit lug ft lei iK
It* low we repiodu e the -‘Class Ills
torr," or last half of Mis* Resale Rowe's
production. We tin till* bewail** It re
fers i specially in each member of the
C a«s \\v aUogtre space to the “t'lass
Prop Imho bt Mi** M*rv Mlnshull, f*>r
the situs lesson these productions
are t ut a fair sample of the literary il*
latumeiil* nf each. The closing half
«*f Miss Ressle Rowe's product toll I* as
I *llosr:
I Lass ItlSlUHt Ur friends >..<4 a*t»
|il|trv«i ft#!*’ I«» Ut* liltUUliltf **f 4N#
• •** '<• TIn* vnrk m Ut>l uui bo*#ii
IdUhci) iim tlMI Uttb R«MM l« |U tb|M(lfll !
I** nubl MUt tit*** Ufv'w a«4 4H'I »y *t> IfUat
tnofun lb# b 1*1*1 liolta «»| •!) tiff 1
*•«) UIMn lb# t-mniMi # | #tt| !
Irot ##d#
rN4MK l*U* *b» i m. i« # b. .«#
******* «bi>»##bb b#Wb tb ib#|#br tdi t#
Cb*M#io i H'tittt vb# b»*
M «a Mia inut s*»***C
«# iwai. » «,.k a0> ihs
* *
has been a student of rare perseverance and
Industry and ts entitled to great credit fora
womanly Independence, commanding the re
spect of all while pursuing her search for
knowledge fur from home.
IIENUY YOT'NtJ: And now comes Ileury
Young, the kindly and genial school girl of
all the class. She Hrst opened her eyes to
the beautiful sunlight on the loth day of July.
IH»| In a little grove of trees about ulne miles
up the valley and In Sherman county. Mhe.
with her parents moved to Loup City In isss
where she has since resided. Her education
has all been received In the Loup City schools.
She ts the life of the class and her cheerful
words and kindly smiles will not soon fade
from memory.
MAWY MINSHULL: Mary, In early, very
early life was a cave dweller, she was born
on the 10 day of September, Ihhi in a little
dug out on the bank of Oak Creek, three miles
south of Litchfield. We shall call her happy
Mary and she deserves the term. She has
been a close student arid well deserves the
success to which she has attulned. Iler
school life has not all been passed in Loup
Oily, for when she came less than three
years ago she brought a mind well stored with
useful knowledge; may success attend her
wherever she goes.
EUN1K ODKNDAIIL. Krnle was horn on
the I1th clay of December, issi. In our own
| famous little city on the Middle Loup. In
her early years she, us acbtld, was frail and
delicate and could never Indulge In the out
door sports and passtlmes of stronger children
an for quit* a period of time she has been
k< pt from the public schools. In spite ol this
Itnpeodment she has so Improved her time
and home opportunities that she has kept pace
with her fellow students In this class, and at
the same time d< veloped a musical talent
which places her In the Hrst rank of musical
artists. Kveryoae must admire the faithful
eurarstues* that has secured such a triumph.
We trust her guiding star will shine ever
SARAH LOFHOLM: The subject of this
sketch was born In Oakland, Neb,, on the 5th
day of Oct., IHSf, Hhc attended school but two
terms until her parents moved to Loup City,
where she has since resided and where she has
attained such a degree of proficiency that she
has been deemed worthy of the honors of grad
uation and so enters upon a higher plain of
ELLEN LOFIIOLM And now comes Klien
Lofbolm. not content that her younger sister
riarah. shall bear off all the laurels and puts lu
her elalm for recognition. Klien l.nfholiu was
also born at Oakland. Neb.. Nov 7nd isxo anil
after spending 7 years at her childhoods home
Hhc moved with her parents to Sherman coun
ty and most of the tlm • since has lived In
Loup City, and she can be considered a pro
duct of our home schools. She has always
been studied* and attentive In her school duties
and has kept pace with the class Blessed
with a happy disposition she w ill scatter sun
beams along the way
KDNA MINSHCLL: and now attain comes
another one Miss Kdna Minshull. a sister of
Mary Mlnshull, who unlik* her sister was not
born on American soil and until the constitu
tion of the (.'tilted State* Is changed will always
he inellgable to the Presidency of this great
Republic. She was born on the 17th day of
January PWJ In the province of Ontario, Cana
da. Canada seems to have been, in her case, a
good country to emigrate from, for w hen about
one year old she came to our grand old state of
Nebraska, and has since resided in Sherman
county, and since 1M9« has lived In and attend
ed the schools in Loup City. Having been a
good student she graduates with honor and
bears away the kindest wishes of the class,
MINNIE OOULEY: Another sister stives
her caster In the ring and Minnie Oouley step*
forth beside her older sister Georgia, and de
mands a hearing. She was born Sept. 17th
ls*;t aboiA k miles from Loup City, but many
years ago moved tu Custer county Nebraska
and for a long time past has here attending the
Loup City schools and now wc can send her
buck to cheer and adorn the home from which
she has bee* so long absent. May heaven's
Choicest blessings ever follow her. Her father
James Oouley. an old pioneer resident of Sher
man county, has displayed rare judgment in
selecting Loup City us an educational point.
JENNIESUTTON: Hack in Menard county
in the state of Illinois. In the historic town of
old Salem. Miss Jennie Sutton tlist saw the
light on the 17th day of February l**7. and In
the same year she came to Nebraska with her
purenlsand hus since 18»7 resided in Loup City
where she has received most of her school
training. Uhe has been an excellent student
and can proudly weur the honors to which she
has attuiued. (Julct In her manners and some
what sedate she has been a pattern for the
class In lady like bearing. Old Salem, her birth
place is historic an d honored In that It was for
inimy years the home of the savior of Ills coun
try, the martyred President Abraham Lincoln.
HESSIF, ROWE 1 leasts Rowe was born on
the llth day of Oot., Iset. about * miles north
of Loup City on u farm and can therefore be
termed a farm product. She with her parents
moved to Loup City in I*s7. and she has since
resided there and received all her school train
lug from the Loup City school* Whut kind
of a student she has Itce* I* kindly left for the
class to say. It l» only necessary for the pur
po*e of this nuratlva to say that she has done
her best and triad to scatter little seed* of
kindness all through the school ilavs and that
she uow feels proud to Join with the class on
this the closing day
HOI!BltT R MATHEW Thus far all Imar
asiues of the feminine gender but we niilst not
forget our masculine consort our defender our
otsu and only hoy Ruts-rt II Mathew Fortune
favored even at his birth in that hr nr*t saw
the light uf day In the same month that u-iier
■■d In the great and menial Washington Thu
Is yet auother one coming from the farm for
on the Vthdav of February Usl on his father*
farm t| miles sooth of Loup City he was burn
since the age of four he ha* rvsided in lamp
City where he ha* had the careful training of
cultured pur- at* n* wail a* eiceileht arhooi ad
vantage* We are nil promt of having such n
i l* *o. tie W«- greatly re*t». t hi* sterling
aorth and manty spirit -.nd as 1 S’ year* Ml
i.y and *• haw n.-Must owl h* total the h < < n
| of our own tines It may hr that the lady mere
I I# llMft ¥ fc#%*h H’Blt ftftM 5 % * #'*»## If W
( »u I*#*** HMk jMM'tfttot** tU l»*k* • H* f I#
j Ih »4» .*« luiM *•! m*MM* ItM'tt* U » t
I uf itafv ill IMI iBtl •iilHtti to#
tit ) U to* ’"«**• • gh till it a ititf H * »■
I to## #$t| f i#l f»toil !*«#» %h*> %i • •>* *
»*-• U #*«#*-1*m! lb h * • *♦'
i ***** ik mI m M ftM'ii* * 4 III
«to*i ih -* *>*. t* wiy - Hi Id *fe
I toft tb*§§ III** *• ' •*#«#»* ■ * • *«d ~ h
L'nlted States senate and crying. Mr. President
I am pared with Senator Mathew.
The folio whig was the production of
Miss Mary Mltishull and she delivered
if in an easy and graceful manner. As
did Miss Bessie, she took lip each mem
ber of the das* and with pleasing pro
phesies for all oj them highly enter
tained the and ence:
clash I’KOI’IIKHV it was on the Und
day of .Itoie, 1915. when 1 hoarded the cars
at Chicago, bound for my former home In Loup
City, Nebr. The train sped merrily on pro
polled no longer by the crude steam locomotive
but by the modern power of liquid air. I had
obtained a newly published and very famous
book and began reading It hut there was
one person In the coach whom 1 noticed and
whom It seemed in If r Un v 1 could not help
easting sheep's eyes at him I heard some one
speak to him and address him as Mr Mead.
I then took a better look and thought that is
Just the man I am looking for. He was the
principal of the Loup City high school when
the class of '19 graduated. I did not feel
positive that I was right but determined to
hud out. Ho 1 summoned all my courage and
walked over to where he was sitting and asked
him If his name was Mr Mead. H — replied In
the affirmative. Then I ask If he waa ever
principal of the Loup City high school.
Again he answsred In the affirmative.
"Wellthen I believe 1 know you. Mr Mead,"
I said.
He look »t me wonderlngly for u moment
and replied: "Ido not remember you."
"What," 1 said have you forgotten your
class of MV'
He thought a moment then answered. No 1
have not nor have I forgotten you. This Is
Mary Mlnshull."
We sat talking for a while*, when our conver
sation drifted to the aubjectof "that class."
Mr. Mead asked me if I knew anything
about any of them. I told hint that I did for
1 hud spent some time that spring renewing
old acquaintances, and 1 hail heard ol all the
inebers of our class In the busy world and
then 1 proposed that be tell me of bis life since
last 1 saw Inin und in return ] would tell him
my story of the eluss. He rather objected to
giving his history to me, but consented If that
was the only way by which he could get to
hear an account of the class I told him It
was and this Is what be gave mo.
"I taught school in Loup City for three
years after your class graduated when ay
health demanded a change of occupation. So i
invested some money in California gold-mining I
stock. My investment proved a good one.
for a|short time afterwards the mine wa* dis
covered to be fur ‘tidier than bad been sup
posed aud stock rapidly rose in value A J
year afterwards I moved to California aid at j
now have a pleasant home about twenty !
miles from the coast, l am kept busy attend- I
tug to my interest In the mine, and 1 am now
just returning from Chicago where 1 have
been on business."
That was all he would give me, so then, he
said it was my time to speak.
"Well' J aid, we'll begin with F'Jen Lof
holm. You know, we all said Ellen would
climb tlie ladder of fame with that talent for
drawing. It has coins to pass for she is now
In Italy acquiring a fame that is attained by
few women.
Next i will tell >ou about Henry Young.
Well Henry was always more fortunate than
most of us. Her lot Is one that no one else
can enjoy. Two years after we graduated
Henry seemed to have a claim to a certain
young man. He was one of the many that
have said and ttrmiy believed there is a north
pole. Now this man was determined to find
it. So one day he started out in one of our
modern air ships. He traveled as far as 70
degrees north, when he began to think of Hen
ry. (Of course ha thought of her all the time,)
Hut now he began to pine for her, und lie be
came so desperate In Ills longing that be act
ually turned around and went back to her.
They at once launched out into * the sea
of matrimony and together they sought
und found the north pole.
Minnie Gouley’s home is in Paris. She is
the wife of the famous Count Leila De Lus.sau.
Our old school male is proud of her title und
well she may be, for the Count is a noble man,
and foremost in the affairs of tbe French
Ke public.
Frank Inks is us happy go lucky a person
as can be found. She owns an orange grove in
Florida and keeps herself busy superintend
ing It. Here is something you would like to
know. Frank furnishes Loup City with or
Sarah Lofholm is mistress of the St Elmo
of Loup City. The old hotel wus torn down
and u new and larger one built, und the St,
Elmo is tbe tlnesl hotel iu Loup.
Georgia Gouley lain n mission school in the
Philippines. You know Georgia always had a
horror of old maids uud used to declare that
the worst fute that could befall her would be
to live an old maid. Well, us lime sped on she
began to fear that it would tie her lot. for
gradually liar lovely brown locks liecaute
sprinkled with gray amt several wrinkles
would maiiif«st themselves on her noble fore -
bead After a while she determined to devote
her lime to missionary work and she went to
the Philippines where she entered a mission
school. Now the superlatendaat was a native I
of the island an intelligent Christian young man |
uud In a short time btteame deeply la love with
the American maiden Now bespoke English
well, so hit very soon proponed—and she sensi
ble girl net t pled Tbev cniwe to the C a on
their wetUling tour, but they are now both at !
I home w ith missionary work
And ftow Emm udendahl Well Ernie s
music was her special pride. It is yet After
she graduated In UP She went to Chit ago and
ttuishcd lo r music. N„w she Is am- of the |
host Musician* U| Neb Abe Is a teacher t>|
I music In the Lincoln 1' nicer si IV
Jennie button learned type writing HI,,, i*
now tha private secretary of U. Honorable
| Governor of tbe htniw of Nebraska
• h aste Howe i» tm wife of a wout»t of ike
1 stsir l «sishstuvr They Mtrw ia sMusm I
I. ml) to sr Loup I II* Its *.)* I* known ail
ar I • Op tor her gmai wutk a I noble
Kies M ushwli I* new visiting in t..«*4a
si all her limes stat e W* gfwdwnlmlsSw
| Id »« i * i, i think • I never m*trt*>Vii
| iris »*«•■»-. taut war «n* with t- .« t»i» a* than
1 •AmU Ih #. % v »| ftii !,*
I tAlUfc* •Ik* '(*• 'Ml «U| &**#« i) it.t,
,%« » y.t *•» H
it#f « A « ier: h tVf s-l ill « *|e| |f * Jf « i fag A ||f.
1M * ?.■ 3 *•- h' ** A# •*» A' ‘ lUnt1, IfffAfttf Irk
!■r*** 1 h-*i ft AIM* tt|f% H * A> t*(A
Our line of garden and field seeds is fresh and complete.
If you need a disc harrow, sulky plow, cultivator, fanning mill, feed grinder, washing
machine, sewing machine, harness, mower, binder, repairs for McCormick, Buckeye, and
Woods binders and mowers, a threshing machine or steam engine call and see me and I will
try to please you both quality of goods and prices. I also have a full line of furniture and
invite you to come and get prices. Very truly,
Published from May 19 to June 10.
In tlie District Court of Hlicrnuin County
Wilhelmlna Altman, Plaintiff
Frederick II. Allman, licfdndant.
To F rederick II Altman, non.resident de
fendant: You are hereby notified that
on the 20th day of April 1*9* the above
named plaintiff, Wilhelmlna Altman filed
a petition against you In the Dlstriut
court of Sherman county, Nebraska, the
object and prayer of which arc to obtain
a diverse from you, and to have the cus
tody or your two minor children, to-wit:
Martha and Finn/, Altman, upon tlie
grounds that you have wilfully and etter
ly abandoned the plaintiff without good
cause for mors titan two years iturnedi
lately preceding the filing of said pell
lion, ami upon the further ground that
you being of sufficient ability to provide
suitable* maintenance for plaintiff and
your Said children have for live years Im
mediately preceding tlie tiling of said
I et It Ion grossly, wantonly and cruelly
■ el used and neglected so to do.
You at e required to answer said petition
on or before Monday the 2>itli day ‘.I
June, 1899.
Dated tins Ifllh day of May, 1899.
Wimiki.mina Altman.
By Wai.i. A Williams.
her Allorm |
Attest; John Minshi ll, Count iietu
(seal) Bv Louis It kin, Deputy
Department of tlie Interior
Land Office, Lincoln Nebr. <
May, 22nd, IHir.i (
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has tiled notice of his in
tention to mukctlrinl proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be
made before the County Judge of Slier
man county at Loup City on July 1st, 1899,
viz: Harry E. Swelcy, Homestead Entry
No. 17800, lor tlie North west quarter ol
section 29, Township 13, Range m west.
He names the following witnesses to
to prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
Fred llrcwer, of Litchfield, Nebraska.
John Pritchard, of '• "
Henry Doon of
W », Dray, of “ "
J. W. Johnson, Register.
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at Lincoln, Neb. i
May 82nd, 1899. f
Notice Is hereby given that the follow
log.named settler lias filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of Ills claim, and that said proof will be
made before the county Judge of Sherman
county at Loup City, Nebraska, on July
1st, 181*9, viz: Thomas Clancy, Timber
Claim T17>, for the South east (|uurter of
Section », Township 13 north of iiauge Pi
He names the foliowng witnesses to
prove Ills continuous resilience niton and
cultivation of said land, viz
Then. Me,'osh, of Litchfield, Ni .raska.
Arthur Mlnslttill, of "
Joseph Cablser, of “ "
O. D. Baton, of •* "
J. W. Johnson, Itegister.
State of Nebraska I
• s. h. The State of Neb.
County of Sherman \
To Unknown non resident ewner of the fol
lowiag described real estate situate in road
district .'o 4 of She* man county uud State of
Nebraska to wit : south west ipiurter Section
39, Township Irt Bunge It west. You are
hereby notitied that complaint has been made
tome as road overseer of said road distriet
I that there is an open well upon the above des
cribed real estate and if the surue Is not Oiled
up immediately. 1 shall proceed to 111! the same
In the manner provided by law, as the same is
dangerous for slock
uTvoti under my' hand tins S3 day of May
| |a\4f|
Emit/. JuHAfMBN MoadOveiseer
of road district No < Mo mom county. Neb.
Stale of Nebraska I
*n, s. The State of Neb
County of Mo riiiuu I
To Unknown non resident owner of the fol
towing tb s. rilied real estate situate lb Knud
| District N» I Sherman county and State of
* Nebraska town North wist quarter of s«s
1 u.,n .m Township Iti. tlange II weal You are
i hereby nett tied that complaint has been no,dr
{ tho to,- os road overseer of said road district
that there is an «|*li writ upon the above dr,
! t riocd real estate and If flip sahte Is not Bib d
| up truto* dlatft-lv t shall pro, red to till the !
I -out in the mans' r provided by law. as the
! same la dangerous for sl.s k
t liven ole Hr tut hand this 23rd da> of Mav
1 ItBft, ' J _ _
► Hits JitMAKshs Hoed Overseer
lei read district N« I Sherman county Net,
f si It v» toll, » .
i ,hr n *to a that on or about Iba *ti
of way I hot up nut rvwt si, rt, 8 V ars
1 eld eoi with white snots under Hedy and
• lots (lit la forehead Mat la "S up «•
sit farm Ihr nerthWeet quarter of aestlen
lovsi-sbtp !*t. tfaeae W.tbl W»st lots
i shtp, sc.reso sownty. Ivhltvst, ffwnat
i «aa ba»*‘ property t*y proving same, pay
' mg lei Ibis notice and coat of seeping
ktltltt tiislttltv
President Ms shies
General Banking Business Transacted.
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000,
Correspondent*: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y., Omaha
National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska
r CLOSES OCTOBER 31st. 1899- j
miiuff "yujuuuywvLff
■ WilIrO ff
Colonial People ;
Birds, Animals... i
Products, Homes ;
Pain’s Fireworks i
Art Exhibit, Me- [
chanical Exhlb
I its, The Midway. C
> Godfrey's British |
Military Band.... 1
Published from May 19 to Juno ID
In the District Court of Hhcrtuan Coun
ty, Nebraska
Henrietta M Hengy, Plaintiff,
Mary E Pierce, John W. Pierce,
Central Loan and Trust Company
a Corporation ; A L Campbell as list
gneeof Central Loan and Trust Com
pany, A. I. Campbell as trustee, K. (J
Hamer 4 Co Niels P Hausen, and
- Hansen Ills wife, (real name
unknown) and John Doe* (real
name unknown) defendants.
The aliove name non-resident defend
ants, Central Loan slid Trust Company
a corporation; A. L. Campbell as assignee
ol the central Loan and Trust company;
A. L. Campbell as trustee; Mary E. Pierce
and John VV. Pierce will lake notice that
on the ifOlh day of April IH90 tbe above
named plalnUt! Henrietta M. Heagy died
her petition In the above named court
against tbe above named defend ■
ants, the object and prayer ol which
are to foreclose a certain mortgage
executed by tbs ubove named defendants
Mary E. Pierce and John \V. Pierce to the
above nameJ defendant central Loan and
Trust company upon the south east quar
ter and lots live (5) and six (D) of Section
Twenty-live (S5) In Township Thirtucu (18)
north) of Itange (13) west of tue Uth pnnef
pal maridian, situate In Sherman countv,
Mtute of Nebraska to secure tnelr certain
promlsary note for the suui of 91000.00 and
their curtain three Interest oou|s>n notes
for $35 on each. That said proinlaury note,
coupon notes and mortgage are all and
each dated the 19th day ol May 1H01 and
said promlstiry note hecuma due and
pnyab'e on the first day of June 1MH and
bears luterest at ten per eeul per annum
from that dale; und said coupon notes be
come due and payable ou and bear Inter
est at I lie same rate from the following
dates respectively, to-wlt' June, 1, IW»7.
Heseiuber 1st Is97, June 1st Islg, and tlieie
Is due on said note coupons and mortgage
ut tills date 91,'-in.00 for which sum with In
terest at ten per cent per unuiini the
plalnlltl prays tor a decree of foreclosure
and that said premises may be sold to
satisfy t he ariionul found due to plaintiff;
mid fm lher that said defendants he barred
and foreclosed of all right or equity of re
demption they may have ill said premises
by virtue ol junior mortgages or equit
able lelnsof whatsoever bind Tbe plain
tiff. lleiiric'ta M. Hua-y lathe owuer and
holder tiy assignment of the said mort
gage protnlsory note, and Interest coupons
that p.aintills mortgage was filed lor
record lit the oltlee of the county clerhot
Mieruiun uuunty, Nebraska, on the 97th
day ol May immI, at s o'oiock, a to., and re
corded tu book seventeen of mortgages
at page «■> ot abermau county records
toil are required to answer said pell
Iton on or i elote Monday, the today of
June. I MTV
Dated this |stft ■ ay of May, i-ju
iib-hibiia M lUt'ii. I'iainilit,
Hy Wall A WilliaUs her ally*
Attest Jotth Mlbslli LL. I oouly t'lerb.
seal.) Hy Lotts Mats, Deputy
At I'D h •His- I K Ml'
Isttiigliitii H \ \\ \ Ut, U l>.im
Silver ld'«l >»Mt|* Ui'mi 1'iigAM i.
Attorney a> t aw and Notary PnWIe.
Will Defend in Porocloawa Ohm
also do A
General Real Estate BuelrraM.
Office In NoHTBWEtmnn Building,
OFFICE.—One door eaat of Ohnae'e
drug store.
^assisagw cures
n Biliousness,
MKppllEl|C on st i pat I on,
IPiJTIMI Dyspepsia,
lylidilllJIS ick-Hcad •
BjBSWBBjlache and Liver
TOO PILLS by nil druurtats
9r /kTC I
_f3V,la' Medical Ce.. Cklcafe
Loup City, Nebr.
r. (in Tin- story of the Philippines"
by Mural HaNlt-itd. romuiUeltwied by the Qoy
vruiiiHit it* i Mlcln! Iluiorlau to the War Da
pariuu m Tb* i-iuk wax written la arm,
i. imiwa' Sait Eruni'laro. on the Pantile ell a
I't-io mi Merritt, la ih* himptiat at ttoeolulii,
ii, II i.k lion, in lb. American ireucho. at
tlaniU it. tb'* lufurseni tump* with Agukaat
i » nl the Olympia with Dewey,
and mi lb* roar of battle at the tall uf Manila
llouaitta for asvnta- Brimful of original pte
luii'ii tab- n bv yotI'ruau nt photograph#, oa
lh> Med lotryi booh l.ow price* Hlg prof
Ii* t r. gbt lull Credit glteg Dr ip alt
ti ,*bt or. lal ear b--.h. built free Ad
dr, „ > V Barber dw y Star tn.uraaea
BM, Chicago lit
siat< of Nebraaba i
. • The State of Nab
! county if I
IV ouki wa aon re*i leal ,lef«a4aal uwnera
I 1,< i a. loti I ail,, l. .. tilled real «>*tai. SlIaaM
a Hoed lii.trwt iu | of Mbersuta musty,
I at. of V I't '.it to .It North seat
f - .• •Ip IA B'hg. It
I . *»« b> , hot Bled that ' lubla .'t
,« .. . .... ■ I i U¥ 4k It I in: 'Wvt Of ud
, . H . that the»• t. «u >1- u sell upk-a
, ji„ . , nt, i ,(i .'ait aa-l if the taiaw
, l * up mu.. ilately I khall pr«*oe4
o ei,i . itenner pio< i ka>i by Iga,
M .-* .4 ,. . in ktiA-h
i«.'k.u-«.a r e.i head Iht* Sird dal of May,
faili J u »»■»■ » R «i iio iwti
^ I that Usual No t Sherman .wuaty Nrh