The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 02, 1899, Image 8

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    ■a&JI --
Lioaal Daws.
C, L. Drake sold his old buss team
!, A. William* of Ashton, whs up
taking In Iteeoratian 'lay.
Wesley Pedler lest a valuable cow
Tuesday morning.
Henry Dolling, delegate to the Gcrmar.
Evangelical conference returned last
Tuesday evening.
For millet seed call before
it is all gone, T. M. Reed.
Win Crlss brought to market last
Monday 1,500 bushels of wheat receiv
ing 63 cents per buahe] or 4795 for the
surplus of his last years crop.
('. Hauck sold hia large span of
mures Wednesday receiving JMtiO
for them.
Harvey ‘O'Bryan caught 12 pounds of
hisb on his sot lines Monday night one
of them weighing pounds.
Go to Pilger’s and get his
selling out prices before you
buy your goods.
The wind last Saturday night blew a
part of the roof off of the coal sheds of
A.B. Outhouse.
The grading at the new bridge west
of town Is being pushed ns rapidly as
possible and will be ready for use In
about two weeks.
Ohlsen Bro's are pushing their brick
burning as fast as possible so us to be
ready for the new school house when It
is ready for them.
We noticed J. I’. Taylor, W. 11. Brown
and K. G. I’alge, all old vetrnns were in
the town last Tuesday to attend the
Decoration Day exercises.
Miss Sadie Walworth attended
the commencement exercise of the
St. Paul High Hohool last Friday
A woman wants a man for u husband,
one with life, energy, courage “Girls,
if you get one w ithout these good quali
ties, give him liocky Mountain Tea.
’Twill do the business. Ask yonr drug
.Mrs. John Haskins and three
children of Erie, Penna., daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, Val. McDonald ar
rived in the city Wednesday even
ing for a visit with her parents.
Mr. Emile Bueshousen of Ashton, late
of the Third Nebraska which recently
returned from Cuba, and Ashley Con
ger. our hero of El Caney, both in full
dress uniform marched one on each side
of Old Glory in the Decoration day pro
Our cemetery is looking viry well
this spring. Tua sexton burnt oil the
old grass In the winter and the new coat
looks fresh and tine, it is hoped that
those in authority will see that it is
mowed several times this summer so
that a heavy coating of dry grass does
not disfigure the looks of the city of
our dead in the future as it has in the
Cecil Chase, the little sou of Mr. ami
Mrs. II.C. Chase, met with a very seri
ous ami painful accident on Thursday
of last week. While playing on the
stairway on the east side of the opera
house, 1 e lost his balance and fell from
the top of the stairs to the ground, a
distance of fifteen or twenty feet, dislo
cating and fracturing his left arm at the
shoulder. At this writing the little fel
low is reported as doing nicely and is
resting as easily as could be expected.—
Mason City Trunsciipt
Miss Kdna Minshull won the
scholarship at the contest for the
high*at per cent between the gradu
ating class which was decided Wed
nesday, and thereby carried otl first
honors. Miss Minnie Gouley being
but one eighth of one per cent lower
Ibsn Miss Minshull.
The school board met last Saturday
evening and appointed Mr G. II. Scott
as trustee to fill the vacancy of Henry
Ohlsen resigned. On the following
Monday night they met again ami a«
Mr. Scott happened to bo out of town
they appointed Mr. 1 M. 1'olsai who
was present ami accepted, nut withstand
ing that the former geutIonian had ten
days by law to file his acceptance It
Mr. Scott accepts the position within
the time given him lie will be entitled
to the seat, and a wilt of ouster will;
probably be served on Mr l‘ol»ki. I
a though at present lc* see tut to have the
bulge on Mr, Scott.
Had management keep* m< r<- people
lu poor clrcuiiittancea than any oibet
c»u»c To be success I |p one must look
ahead and plan ahead so that when a
favorable opportunity presents itself he
la read) lo lake advantage of II. A
It It ter forethought Will ai«o save much
expense and valuable time A pro is at I
and careful man will keep a bottle of
t'bsuiberlaln'a < ulle, r toilers ami |ii«i
rbuea Hetuedy In Ih * house, live shift
less feiluw will wall unlit necessity com
pete It and then ruin his beet horse go
Ing for a do* tor and hate a big doctor
hill to l**|. beside* one pays owl ft et*
the other Is owl a hundred dutia>s and
then wonders why his neighbors la g*»
i mg richer while he ia gelling poorer
hot sain hr <*1 oUbi U>ua
J. T. lisle returned from the sand
hills Tuesday.
W. II Conger purchased 111 head of
Stock cattle this week.
Peter Rowe Is still navigating with
much difllcnltj on account of rheums
Hilly Henson of Litchfield, made
tbisolhce a pleasant cali Wednesday.
Ro< ky Mountain Tea is not simply a
laxative. It's a wonderful remedy for
every kind of ache, constipation, indi
gestion, bad blood. A*-k your druggist
Lewis Ucchthold was at his oldtrade
again last wet k. lie was driving pegs
In the shoe shop of Henry Dolling dur
ing the latter’s absence.
Right Reynolds, of the west side has
been t lee*ed Superintendent of the
Presbyterian .Sunday School, which now
is holding regular meetings at Peterson
John, if you were a woman, you'd
know as I know and all other women
know, that Rocky Mountain Tea is the
greatest blessing woman ever hail 115c.
A<k your druggist
I’ilgerhas a large assort
ment of summer Dress Goods
at half price.
A sketch of the six room plan for
the school house was received from
the architect yesterday and it seems
to he perfect and no doubt will be
favorably received by the people.
To those who drink whiskey for pleas
ure; (IARI’KR Whiskey adds zest to ex
istance. To those who drink whiskey
for health's sake; HARPER Whiskey
makes life worth living. Sold by T. II
Eisner. Loup City, Neb.
Don’t forget to band In your announ
cements for church or any other pub
lic meetings. It keeps your organiza
tion prominently before the people. It
costs you nothing Why neglect It.
Admiral Schley was billed to be In
Grand Island, on the evening of May HO,
and a special train was to run from here
to the reception to be tendered him in
the evening. The Admiral failed to
connect and the special was called off.
Mr. G. H.Scoit has been absent from
the city for a few days. He was out
to his Davis Creek farm engaged
In hauling his last years crop of wheat
to market. He reports having received
52 cents per bushel,
The Royal Highlanders organized
t lodge in this city with the following
tamed gentlemen as charter members;
la--. E. McCray, Thos. M Reed, Otto
I’eterson, Alonzo Sutton, Jessie Me
I’herson, A. S. Main, Harry Gardner,
Daniel Gale, John Clark, John Henry.
Mr. P. Ketchum of Pike City, Cal.,
•ays; ‘ During tny brother's late sick
iess from sciatic rheumatism, Cham
jerlain s Pain Halm was the only reme
Jy that gave him any relief.’’ Many
Jthers have testitied to the prompt re
lief from pain which this liniment af
fords. For sale by Odendahl Bro’s.
I was seriously a HI ic ted with a cough
For several years and last fall had a
more severe cough than ever before. I
Have used many remedies without much
relief, and being recommended to try
s bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Kerne
Jy, by a friend, who, knowing me to be
spoor widow, gave it to me, I tried it,
anil with the most gratifying regults
The first bottle relieved me very much
and the second bottle has absolutely
cured me I have not had as gopd
health for twenty years. I gave this
certificate without solicitation, simply
in appreciation of the gratitude felt for
ihecure effected.- Respectfully- Slits.
Maui A. Beakd, Claretnore, Ark For
sale by Odendahl Bro's.
Decoration day in Loup City passed
off very much as all preceding decora
tion have. The weather was ideal and
a goodly number of people came early
to town to participate in the memorial
services. The prosesslon formed in
front of society hall at 10.MO headed by
the cornet baud, tben came the small
school scholars, the Herman Verein, the
i> A. K. and the Ladies of the <i. A It.,
traking a very imposing prosesslon.
Thu inarch was taken up to the south
east corner of the square, them e north
to the M. K church where all tiled In
and were seated. The exercises were1
opened by an Invocation by Key. \V K
Matthews which was followed by a pat- j
riotic »<>ng by the choir, a duet by Mr*.!
Holcomb ami daughter l.ulu. after
which came an oration by Jii Ige Wall !
Mr. W alt spoke for an hour and without
a doubt delivered at tine a memorial ad,
dre«» as was ever listened to tn this «ee
tlun of the country, appropriate ui every
Hue, patriotic In every precept Shtl pro
phetic from a standpoint that future
generations will realise when the pres
ent have left (hit stage of action I he
Ladies of tl»e ti \ It then perlorno-J
the ceremony of d cora(itig the grave*
of the unknown <lea<l which w a* a high
■i >(feeling part of' the program Mi
Athiev, an t M>«» Setin- t <>ngei thei
favored the aud.eoce with Mr longer ■
composition up >« the death of his th*4r
comrade at Kl • ’aney, I'sbs After
which Am*lks was eutbuslasti< sity
tue.g hy and the deco ill u
tervtees f -r the year I stej, the one year
that ahttvv many it making history that
the lists trodden of the earth will ht*«*
In the future, cluted
Next Sunday. June 4th. German Evangel*
leal services will be held at Kelso and on Sun
day. June llth. at Loup City and Ashton.
Adit. JlNHRICH. Pastor,
On Sunday June 4. ls»9, services will be
held as follows: Morning service, 10:00, Snb
Ject: “God's Voice in My Garden.1' Evening
service 8:00. Subject: “Getting Married.**
Services on Oak Creek at 3:00 p. tn “The
Lords Jewels/'
A cordial invitltlon to all.
The nebruska State Sunday School Conven
tion will lie held in lloldridge, June 13-15, 1890
Every Sunday School in the state Is entitled
to one delegate for each member or fraction
thereof. In aditlon to these, the Pastor Is
a delegate ex-ofllcio, und an alternate should
be elected in case of inability to attend.
Entertainment will be provided for all dele
gates presenting proper credentials.
Reduced rates of one and one-third fare on
the certificate plan have been granted by all
the railroads la the state.
An excellent program is in preparation.
Sclioids should elect delegates at once, for
ropy of program and Idank credentials, ad
dress K. J. Wightman, Secretary.
York, Nebruska.
Any one Intending to attend the
State Sunday School Convention at
Holdrege, June 13-15, who will send
their names to the county secretary will
receive credentials which will entitle
them to all the privileges ot d legates
and to free entertainment.
Mbs. E. Angikk,
Co Secretary.
00 acres of breaking done on ihe w.
J'2 of the s, w. J Sec. 35 10. 14., two
miles north west of Schauppe siding
Apply to
E. E Thompson.
Ashton, Neb.
Mr. John Hevins, editor of the Press,
Anthon, Iowa, say»:“l have used Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy In my family for tltteen years,
have recommended it to hundreds of
others, and have never know n it to fail
in a single instance For sale by Odeu
dahl Urn’s.
Charley Snyder had the misfor
tune a few days ago to have a heifer
full on Ilia leg at exactly the same
place that it was broken a few years
ago. The accident came very near
breaking the leg over again and con
sequently Mr. Snyder is compelled
to use crutches, and sutlers consid
erable pain.
The school board of this district
has caused notices to be posted for
the call of an election to vote bonds
in the sum of seven thousand dol
lars to build a school house. The
proposition does not state what kind
)t a house is to be built nor does it
date the number of rooms it shall
jonlain, but we are informed that ,
;he intention of the board is to ad- i
verlise for bids for a six r om build
ing next week. There must be four
weeks advertising before the con
tract can be let hence the election (
will take p'ace before the contract
an be let. Rut the plans (
from which the building is to ,
be built is also to be on exhibition (
it the voting place. Those tactics, ,
if carried out, should meet the de- ,
sires of all and should insure the (
success of the election and the board
should se« that this proposition is
carried oat to the letter us has been i
promised and no one can then find <
fault. But as the call for an election
now shows upon the face of it, it is
*o ambiguous that one riannot tell
what we are to get for our money, *
lienee the proposition must I e stated
m the ballot.
llii* lime to jjo to California.
Ii* in summer—this summer—late in
lute or early in July when sea anil
»ky ami vine-clad slope are at th -ir best
— when the rate is little more than half 1
as much as usual.
If you take the Burlington Route you 1
will have cooler weather and liner scen
ery than via any other line to t’alifor
Information and 4'allfornia literature
on request J Francis, General Pass
enger Agent, Omaha, Neb
The circus has come and
Hone but we still have one or
two of those Bedroom suits left
at Wntkinson's.
I»u. t'Altv'i I'UNIUTION 1‘owitRMH, are
just what a horse needs when In bad
condition. Tonic, blond puritler and
vermifuge They are not food but med
icine and the best In use to put a horse
in prune condition. Price *'5 cents per
pat Wage For sale by OdentUhl llro's.
Bin lino of strait hats at
I Miner's at your own price.
Ill I kl |t» % M W ll l »to»
I hr lies! salve in the world for Cut*
Ilf ,u-*-. wore* I iceis Halt Kheum Fever
worsts I'elier t liapped Hinds t InIhUtns
roots sod all Hklii Frupttons and poa
ilively ctlfvs Piles or no pat required
It I* guaranteed to give |te>fec| salisfac
lion or money ref traded Price M cents
'i i Imt For sale tty tbleudalit Hitts
Arbut'kies nifTtv lue, Me* j^bliii h XX XX 1* bars
Silver Id'af St tap jf.V at IMI^or*
State examination will be held June
13-14 at Lincoln, Wayne, Fremont
North Platte, Holdredge, and Grand
IslanJ The examination will be under
the supervision of the state board of ex
aminers and other competent persons
and will be given as follows: Tuesday,
June 13, 8;45 a. in., General Higtory
10:30 a. m , Zoology; 1:30 p. in., Trig
onometry: 8:15 p. m„ Rhetoric. Wed
nesday June 14,8:30 a. m,, Chemistry:
10:15 a. m„ English Literature; 1:30 p,
m.. Intellectual Philosophy; 3:15 p. m
Geology; 4:30 p. rn ., Physical Geog,
raphy. Further information may be
had by addressing the state superinten
dent of public Instructions at Lincoln.
w, r Jackson.
Cheap Ticket* In California.
The lowest rates of the year are those
which the Hurlingten Route will make
late In June and early in July, for the
annual meeting ol the National Educa
tional Association, at Los Angeles. Lib
eral return limits and stop-oyer privil
The coolest route to the coast Is
through Denver and Malt Lake City. Go
that way and for a day and and a night
you ride through the Wonderland of the
World—past canons, mountains, rivers,
waterfalls and landscapes gay with
Information and California literature
on request. J, Francis, General Passen
ger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
For the meeting of the National Edu
cational Association at Los Angeles,
Cal,July 11-14, 1899, the UNION PA
CIFIC will make the greatly reduced
rate of one fare, plus $2 00, for the
round trip.
The excellent service given by the
l nfon Pacific was commented on by all
who had the pleasure of using It to the
connention at Washington in 1898,
This year our educational friends meet
in Los Angeles, and members of the
Association and others from points East
should by all means take the UNION
The service of the UNION PACIFIC
via Omaha or Kansas City Is unexcelled
and consists of Palace Sleeping-Cars.
Bullet Smoking and Library-Cars. Din
ing-Cars, meals a la-carte, Free Reclin
ing Chair Cara and Ordinary Sleeping
The Union Pacific is the route for
summer travel.
For full information about tickets,
itop-overs, or a finely illustrated book
lescribing ‘The Overland Route” to
:he Pacific Coast, call on—W. D. Ci.ii
roN, Agent.
apain* Oreutest
Mr. K P. Olivia, of Barcelona, 8piio>
pends bis winters nt Aiken, IS. C. Weak
lervea had caused severe pains In the
>aek of his head. On using Electric
Jitters, America's greatest Blood aud
<erve Remedy, alt pain soon left him
le says this grand medicine is what his
lountry needs. All America knows
hat it cures liver and kidney trouble,
jurifles the blood, toner up the stom
ich, strengthens the nerves, puts vim
•igor and new life into every muscle,
lerve and organ of the body. If weak,
ired or ailing you need it. Every bot
le guaranteed, only 50 cent*. Sold by
Idendahl Bio's Druggists.
stock, Field and Garden seeds
it Watkinson’s.
Fresh Garden and Field
seeds in bulk at T M Reed’s
Ttio Time to go to California.
is in the summer—Ibis summer—late
n June or early in Joly—when sea and
iky and vine clad slope are at their
>est-when the rate is little more than
lalfasmuch as usual. If you take
he Burlington Route you will have
:ooler weather and finer scenery than
>v any other line to California.
Information and California literature
>n request. J. Francis, General Passen
ger Agent, Omaha, Neb
Vallunal llaptlsl iMIllUl AnnliMurlst
Tortlanil Or* , June 2 - ft 1MUU
One Fare plus 8'.'00 for re u id trip
viu I’NION PACIFIC. For dales on
which tickets will lie sold. limits, and
lull information, call on -W, D. Cut
Tslter, Salt-HNeom ami Iroma
The intense itching and smarting inci
lent to these diseases, Is Instantly allay
mi !))'applying l liiiinl>erlalu'» Eye and
Skin Ointment. Many very bad esses
have been permanently cured by it. it
is equally « rtlctenl for ilchiug piles and
a favorite remedy for *ore nipples
chapped hands, chilblains, float bite*
and chrome sore eyes. ;:1 q* per h«i.
For sate hv OJ< ndthl Hro s
\\ «* bii o fur ulc Monte im
proved Hhorittan oounty farm*.
Liberal Term*, F.aay Pay
ment* t 'orr®np»mdp|Kv >u||i*<
J S Thompson, A Ss»>(
I sit d Ml, III,
We Handle The
The first two weeks in May have been the busiest in our
history, ami our store organization was put to the test but we
1 handle the big trade promptly, and with satisfaction to the
public, Fact is we expected a big trade this spring, for we
knew our splendid values deserved it. Therefore we increased
our sales force and made all necessary preperation to give the
public the best possible store service. All through the busy
season you can be waited on promptly and politely here, and
at the same time get big value for your money.
Killing is a necessity. No one can
dispute that. Kven the tnun who trained
his horse down to one straw a day hail to
acknowledge that his plan was a failure
when the horse died. However you can
make a pleasure of the necessity if you
patronize our grocery department. Kvery
delicacy whieh you can think of, and
many you would’nt think of are ready for
you here, and we will Nell them to you at
popular prices.
If You Trade Here.
Everything you buy will be reliable in quality, correct in
style, and cheaper than you can get it elsewhere. Vou would’nt
find us making such strong osertions as this if the store did
not back them up. \Vre are very jealous of the high reputation
of this firm for doing just exactly as it says it will, therefore
nothing ever appears in our ads. that is not absolutely true or
more than true. It seems to us that this is just the kind of a
store most people would prefer to patronize, and our sales
record shows up that we are correct in our opinion.
Dried etc.
“ Apricot.]5
“ Reaches.1
Rest Prunes 3 lbs .25
i lb Soda. 7
Lyon colfee.10
Arbuckles colfee.11
King Bee “ .1,5
1 Package Wbeatel. .10
Best Loup City Hour.80
Second “ “ “ 70
Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Shoes, etc.
Calls Attended Night or Day
<*. II. Gibson, Funeral IMrectoc.
W. J. FISIIER, OEO. K. liKN’St'llOTKtt,
Attorney kiwi Notary l*ublle. l*ubIUh#r Loi r dry Noktuwmt«h»
Fisher & Benschoter,
Real Estate Agents,
Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated