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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1899)
*** ****** ******* ***** ***■■ ***** **** * *************** The News Briefly Told. **** ************ ********* **** **-*-*-* * * * *jk_*_*_*_* ****** Saturday. Ex-Congressman Francis Smith Ed wards, aged 82, died at his home, Dun kirk, N. Y., yesterday. Three companies of the signal corp3 encamped at Savannah, Ga., were mustered out of service. The American section of theoso phists win begin their thirteenth an nual convention today at Chicago. William Thompson, a Lynn, Mass., hotelkeeper, has tiled a petition in bankruptcy Liabilities, $97,400; assets, $150. The Cubans are dissatisfied with the present system of making laws, con tending that Senors Capote and La nuza have too much influence. Wealthy Cubans will send a delega tion to Washington to seek a modifi cation ot the mortgage decree extend ing time of payment. Major Ladd, treasurer of the cus toms funds at Havana, intends to be gin a new system of disbursements by check, as in the United States. David J. Field, the retired St. Louis capitalist, who on Thursday last shot and killed his negro man servant, was exonerated by the coroner’s Jury and discharged. Bids were opened at the navy de partment Saturday for 100,000 six pound steel shells, 12,000 three-pound and 20,000 one-pound. Awards have not yet been made. Instead of the usual annual conven tion in July, the executive committee Ya °f the window glass association has rw decided that the wage committee shall meet In July to formulate a wage scale. Today a horseless carriage contain ing the inventor, Alex Winton, and a i companion will leave Cleveland for ’ New York, a distance of 800 miles. The trip is expected to be made in five days. Efforts are being made in Boston to form a combine among the confec tioners, including all the prominent concerns east of St. Louis. Several firms have given options which expire July 1 on their plants. Senor Domingo Mendez Capote, sec retary of the government in Havana, will report to General Brooke recom mending general suffrage in Cuba, with certain limitations, finding edu cational or property test unnecessary. The deadlock over railroad taj* , tiou continues in the Michigan legis lature. The senate contends for an annual increase of $32,000 ad the house for a $500,000 increase. Gov ernor Pingree thinks the senate will be forced to come to the house terms. Monday. The big troop transports on the Pa ciflc roast are being rapidly fitted with refrigerators. Colonel Alfred E. Bates has reported for duty as assistant paymaster gen eral. It is probable that Colonel Alfred E. Bates will succeed Paymaster Gen . eral Carey July 10, when Carey re * tires. President and Mrs. McKinley en'er tained Mr. and Mrs- St. Clair McKel way of the Brooklyn Eagle at dinner last night. Word was received at Buffalo of the death of Mile. Rhea, the well known actress, in Montmorenci, Prance. The communication came in the shape of a large black bordered envelope con taining an announcement of her fu neral. Director of Posts Vaille at Manila has notified the postoffice department that he has established the railway post service between Manila and Malo los, the former Filipino capital. This is the initial move in the direction of k building up a railway mall service in the Philippines. The comptroller of the currency has declared dividends in favor of the creditors of insolvent national banks as follows: Fifteen per cent, the First National Bank of Larimore, N. D.; 10 per cent, the First National bank of Emporia, Kas.; 10 per c'mt, the National Bank of Kansas City, Mo. Specia's to the Cincinnati Enquirer announce the acceptance by Colonei W. J. Bryan to lecture ad speak at the following cities in Indiana: erre Haute. Monday, May 20, to lecture on imperialism, under the auspices of the Jacksonian club; at Evansville, Tues day, May 30, to address a big demo cratlc rally. The grain shovelers’ strike at Buf falo has been settled. The agreement signed late last night by a sub-corn inlttee representing the strikers, of which President Keefe of the Long shoremen's association was a member and Contractor Conners, has been ap proved by the full committee of tne Grain Shovelers’ union. The strike is to be declared off and the men will return to work Wednesday morning. T Qfiilnf. The Baptist annual meeting will tie 1 held at San Francisco today, and will celebrate the semi-centennial of mis sionary work In California. Charles F. Brush, the Inventor of the arc electric light, has been voted the Hunford medal by the Auierlcau Academy of Art and Sciences. The Cumberland Presbyterians, In session at Denier, have appointed a committee to raise fl.iKKt.000 tor church educational Institutions Hecrvtary Aig*r has given authority to the West point military academy to permit the resumption of football games between that Institution and the naval cadets. The navy department haa cabled an Inquiry to Admiral fn-wey regarding the Itinerary of the homeward cruise of the Olympia The Olympia will not I I leave Hong k<>ng mmh before June, spending a part of the time In Ary dock getting lb shape for her If.ouO mile trip L> f. Mitchell, deputy comptroller of | the treasurr. has decided that retired ?: naval oflber* cannot be appointed and | < paid ne eipert aid In the preparation j of design# for new shlpa. etc under lh# concluding paragraph of sect tea s | Of the aaval art of March S ll*T hold | tag that a retired oIRcer la aot a civil ian within the meaning of the act I WednefHlitjr. Admiral Schley was entertained by the people of Council Bluffs. Thou sands of people met him at the pub lic reception held In the Grand ho‘el. William H. Seitz, a real estate broker of New York, filed a petition in bankruptcy yer'vday. His liaoii itles were $128,250 and there wrre no assets. W. H. Collins was shot in the back and instantly killed about nine miles west of West Plains, Mo., by some unknown person. J. Fox, whom Coi ns shot last year, is suspected. William J. Bryan spent a day at Quincy, 111., as the guest of the county democracy. He addressed an audience of 10,000 people. Mr. Bran was met by Congressmen Dockery and Lloyd, of Missouri, and Williams, of Illinois. The navy department has cabled an inquiry to Admiral Dewey regarding the itinerary of the homeward cruise of the Olympia. The Olympia will not leave Hong Kong much be'ora June, spending a part of the tlm? in dry dock, getting in shape for her 14,000 mile trip The United States transport Solace is reported to have arrived at Hon olulu May 15. She has on board a large number of soldiers and sailors whose time of service has expired, and many invalided and Incapacitated men. Among her passengers is Gen eral King and Majors Purdy and Nickerson An official application has been re ceived In Washington from Comman der G. C. Reiter, recently ordered to command the Puget Sound naval sta tion, to be placed on the list of ap plicants for voluntary retirement Four captains, three commanders and four lieutenant-commanders have now applied for retirement, making, with casualties which occurred dur ing the year, all the vacancies re quired by law. The Cumberland Presbyterian gen eral assembly in session at Denver, postponed action on the resolution protesting against the seating of B. H. Roberts, of Utah, as a member ol congress until Wednesday. This ac tion was taken at the request of Stat ed Clerk William R. Campbell, of the Utah presbytery, who telegraphed to Moderator Halsell that a communlca tion had been mailed which it was de sired to have the assembly consider. Thursday. The National Association of Wagon Manufacturers has decided to raise prices Twenty thousand people gathered at Pittsfield, 111., to listen to William J. Bryan. One hundred guns were fired at sunrise in honor of the arr'vai of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan, who came on the early train from Hannibal. Representative Gillette of Marxa chusetts has invited President Mc Kinley to visit Springfield, Mass, while atendlng graduating exercises at Mount Holyoke, Mass., from which the president’s niece graduates. The president has given orders to carry out the recommendation of Generals Otis and Lawton making Col onel Summers of the Second Oregon a brevet brigadier general of volun teers; also making Captain Casa of the engineer battalion a major by brevet. The Russian minister at Pekin, M. de Glers, has notified the Tsung Li Yamen that Russia is unable to accept the Chinese refusal of a railroad con cession and that she will send engi neers forthwith to survey a line to connect the Hussion Manchurian rail road with Pekin. The Madrid Reforma declares that the minister of flnaice, Senor Villaverde, w'ho is sup ported by the entire cabinet, maintains the royal order, instructing the Bank of Spain to suspend indefi nitely the quarterly drawing of the redeemable 4 per cent bonded debt Reports received at Bldorado, Kan., state that cattle perished by the hun dreds as the result of an unusual downpour of rain with which that section was visited. In one pasture Lehr & Leonard lost 510 head of cat tle. The animals were in poor cjndi tlon, having just been shipped iu from the west. The rapid increase of Japanese im migration into Hawaii has attracted the serious atention of the authori ties in Washington of late and sev eral official inquiries have been set on foot to learn the extent of the In vasion and how It can be checked. The reports received by the imrnigra tion authorities are in line with press dispatches statipg that the influx ir steadily Increasing I rhlnv. Secretary Alger iiaa telegraoned Oeneral Otis to learn the wishes of Washington volunteers on the advisa bility of returning by way of Puget sound, thus landing them directly at their homes instead of at Sun Krnn cisco, where the general ramp of re turning volunteers is located Acting Secretary Oortelyou called upon Assistant Secretary \anderlip, chairman of the I>»wey home fund, and pluced In his hands a check from the president, constituting Mr Mc Kinley's contribution to the fund In doing so, Mr. Cortetyou conveyed to Mr Vanderllp the expression of the president’s interest in the undertaking and his pleasure in contributing to this testimonial to Admiral In wey. Three white farmers, Janies Humph reys and his two sons, wrsre lynched near the village of Airy in Henderson county, Texas, a remote neighborhood devoid of telegraph, tele phone or rail road conasrtiona an<l shout seventy five miles south west of Italia* Adjutant General (Whin today gave out for publication the report of Colonel Frederick Funatoa of the Twentieth Kansas regiment which was an appsndlx to the repel of Major General MacArthur The report deals with the operations of the Kansas regiment from the beginning «r the outbreak, February I, until February li. R. T. Woodward, a Boston man who claims to be exceedingly weather-wise, remembers that the summer of 1S39, Just sixty years ago, was a scorcher. He predicts tnat the summer of 1899 will be like unto It, only more so— “the hottest ana driest ever known to the oldest person living.’’ On the windiest adys no dust whirls through the air in Jersey City now. The local solons have succeeded in having inserted in the street railway franchises a street sprinkling clause, and now all the trolley lines are oper ating sprinkling cars on the streets where they have tracks laid. OnmliH Furniture In Texan. Many are astonished to learn that Hayden Bros., “The Big Store" In Om aha, ship goods to such distant points as Texas. It only illustrates what cash and western grit will do. Free catalogues of all classes of goods, sent by them in answer to requests, are found in nearly every state. Orders in variably result as the prices, strange to say, are lower than those quoted even in the manufacturing section. Hayden Bros, are daily filling over one hun dred big furniture mail orders. The faults of a good man are more dangerous than the vices of a thor oughly bad one. D« Tour F««t Arh« and Burnt Shake Into your shoes, Allen's Foot Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot and Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 2fic. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. Pride and Fashion are the task masters who make bread-winning slavery. We will forfeit 11,000 If any of our puts llshed testimonial- are proven to l>e not genuine. Tint Pi»o Co., Warren, Pa. It is better to be right than be pres ident, but it doesn’t always pay as well. Patent Kililldt. The Greater America Exposition Company have created a Department of Patents and Inventions, within which models of patented Inventions may be exhibited. Space is free. Ail inventors desiring to exhibit their in ventions should communicate with G. W. Sues & Co., Patent Lawyers, Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. General Lew Wallace, who is now conferring with William Young, the gentleman selected to dramatize "Ben Hur," says the first production will take place next November, and if present plans are carried out 500 peo ple will be required for its presenta tion. It will be given in New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Chicago only, the general says, not admitting of successful production in other American cities. Try Qraln-ol Try Orall-*l Ask your grocer today to show you a package of GRAIN-O, the new food drink that takes the place of eoffee. The children may drink it without In jury as well as the adult. All who try it, like It. GRAIN-0 has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but It is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives it without distress. One-fourth the price of coffee. 15c. and 25c. per package. Bold by all grocers. A word to the wise may be sufficient, but the policemen often has to use a club on the otherwise. U. 8. Patent Office Huttlm***. In 1895 a patent was granted for an invention pointed out in the claim as follows: — As a protection for vessels or other structures, a filler composed essential ly of compressed comminuted corn stalk-pith, Bubstanl'ally ae described. A second application for a patent for the same material described in u claim as follows: — The within-described new material adapted for use for packings and other purposes, the same consisting of the comminuted cellular portion of corn pith freed from sappy deleterious and adherent matters and having the char acteristics substantially as set forth, has been considered upon appeal by Judge Morris in the Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia, and the distinction between the two inventions stated by the court as follows: — A material consisting of the commi nuted cellular portion of corn-pith freed from sappy, deleterious and ad herent matters by subjecting the pith to the action of a blast of air. prefer ably heated, ilele to be not anticipated by applicant's prior patent disclosing com pith obtained by pissing corn stalks through breakers and then sep arating the pith from the ftta-r and outside shell, as there is no description in the patent that the pith is subjected to air at a high temperature, THOM Aft <1 OltWIti a OO. Holicitora of I'atenta. I>ea Moines, Iowa, May >\ as Ail the worldM a at age and the uean la uaed in the tank drama* 0?. Iij'i »<» ». ssUfattaa i**»f tula* am %m« kB ■ uumh Vs* a>ti, st*. a* jismuss •» A »■ Ktcuniinn to Detroit yIm tlie Wabtmh For the Y. P. S. C. E. Convention July 6th to 10th all lines will Beil tickets on July 3rd, 4th and 5th via the Wabash, the short line from Chi cago or St. Louis to Detroit. Side trips to Niagara Falls, Toronto, Mon treal, Mackinac and many other p nnts at a very low rate via Lake or Hail have been arranged. Parties contem plating a trip east should call on or write for rates and folders giving list of Bide trips, etc., also beautiful souve nir entitled "Lake and Sea.” G. N. CLAYTON, Room 302 Karbaeh Blk., Omaha, Neb. School I,and* i»t Yonr Own Price. As soon after the first of July aa practicable I will hold public auctions for leasing about IMS,000 acres of school land, under provisions of the new law, in the following counties: Antelope, Banner, Blaine, Box Butte, Brown, Chaw*, Cherry, Cheyenne, Custer, Dawes, Deuel, Dundy, Garfield, Grunt, Hayes. Hitchcock, Holt. Hooker, Keith, Keya Paha. Kimball, Knox, Lincoln, Logan. Loup, McPherson, Pierce, Per kins, Bock, Scotts Bluff, Hheridan, Sioux, Thomas and Wheeler. Under the new law. if these lands will not lease at public auction at fl per cent upon the appraised value, they may be leased to the person offering 0 per cent upon the highest valuation. These lands are in the best stO'k growing portions of the state where cattle, sheep and horses can be produced at lesa expense and, therefore, at greater profit than anywhere 1 kuow of; aud yet. surrounded with as good and in telligent a class of citizens ax any where to he found. The harvest truly Is great and lusts almost the year round and no more inviting field for the intelli gent stockman and farmer can he found; and now, that there is an op portunity to secure twenty-five year lease contracts thereon at what the lands arc worth, the lessee himself be ing the judge, it is confidently expect ed that all or nearly all of these lands will be leased during the present year at the public auctions, as above men tioned. Any one desiring to attend any of these leusing auctions will ho notified of the time and place of hold ing the same, ns soon us it has been ar ranged. if they will write mo at once giving the names of the counties in which they are interested; and will also be furnished a list of lauds to be leased so that they may visit the coun ties in advance of the leasing auction and examine the lands which will be offered. Notice of the auction will be duly given in the local papers. Mend stamp for copy of the new school laud law under which the lands will be of fered. Any further Information will be cheerfully furnished. J. V. Wor.FK, Commissioner Publi® Lands A Buildingg. Lincoln, Neb., May 18, 181)9. President Angell, of the University of Michigan, haR offered to furnish to the government a number of young men, liberally educated and of good natural parts, who will pay their own expenses abroad for several yearn if they can be assured of places in the consular service. Arm You Dtlii( Alien*. Fnol-F.ieT It is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting. Burning, Sweating Fest, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. The higher a man rises the more he has to depend on others to hold him up. FITS Permanently Cured. No fit* or narronunea* after flrat flay a dm of I»r. Kline'* lireat Nerve Restorer. Send for FKRK IN 2.00 trial bottle and freaiina. Da. II. U. Ki ink, Ltd., Ml Arch St-, I biladt lpbU, I’a. It’s surprising how easy it is to get something you don't want. We Fay Sin a Week and Expenses to men with rigs to Introduce oiir Poultry Componnd. Address with stamp, Javelle Mfg. Co., Parsous, Kan. Next to making mistakes the easiest thing in the world Is to criticise the mistakes of others. For llounekfepeni, Bee that your liuen is washed clean. Use “Faultless Starch," clean irons, follow di rection* given on package and perfect re sults will follow. Ai! grocers sell “Faultless Starch,” large package. 1Ul\ Get your heart right and it will be easy to manage your tongue. Co«*m ('migti IlMham Is the oldest and heat. It will break up scold quicker than anything else, it ta hiw ny* reliable. 1 ry It. Nine-tenths o( the born leaders of men are women. A I’tarr. YrgHahle f «•im jionnd. No mercurial or other mineral poison* In ra»ca r» t* « andy < uthartfc, only \eirctabie substances, late medical discoveries. All druggists, 10c, 2’k-, 50c. The philosopher's scales are useless out of his own hands. Turtle Oil. A hcaliiiir antiseptic for cuts, burn* and wounds The Individual who thinks he knows it all has the most to learn. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. For rhliilr.a teething, soften, ths mimi, redu-'e. In* U.ti.untlluu. *11*). |i».u,i.ure. mini colic. Ibc.tivUin li is one thing to talk and another to say something. Eleanora Ouse is at Naples, where j she has produced D'Annunzio's one act play "La Gloria,” in which she is j said to have surpassed herself. The piece is highly poetical and original, and is baspd up on the text preached by Solomon, that all is vanity, even glory. Signora Ouse was called no fewer than thirteen times at the end of the performance, and there was a loud call for the author, who, how ever, was not present. Secretary Alger’s timberland, from which he made his fortune, lies along Lake Huron and Is 100 square miles in extent. NEW YORK CENTRAL. It* Puirnirr Earning*. Including Con trolled I.lnes, Excel the Pennsyl vanla —A Slupenduous Showing. The passenger department of the New York Central system, Including lines leased, operated and controlled, east from St. Ixmis and Chicago, is the largest paying institution of Kb kind in the world. It beats the Pennsylvania system with Its leased and operated lines in the territory named by f 1,635, 768, and is so far ahead of any other system that comparison, to say the least, is odious. Poor’s Manuel, which la an authority on railway statistics, In Its last yearly edition showed the pas senger earnings of thirty-six of the leading railways, as follows: Pennsylvania . $21,800,000 New York, New Haven A Hart ford (Including New England Hallway) . 15,800,000 New York Central & Hudson Itlver (leased and operated lines) . 16,214,000 Bout hern Pacific System. 11,8(8*,00" Pennsylvania Lines west of Pitts burg . B. 800,000 lioslon A Mains System . K,;>oo,noo Chicago A Northwestern . 6,000,000 Chicago, Burlington A Quincy.., 6,MSJ.0*si Canadian Pact lie . 6,8**0,000 Chicago, Milwaukee A 8t. Puul.. 6.700,000 Erie . 5,700,uni Atchison, Topeka A Banta Po.... 6,600,oou Grand Trunk . 6,5***)rU8) Baltimore Ar Ohio . 6,060,000 Hoot hern ll’y System . 4,8181,000 Chicago, llock Gland & Pacific.. 4,30",000 Louisville At Nashville . 4.202,(810 Lake Hhoro A Michigan Bouthern 4.2*8),(sio Mtsourl Puclite System . 4, Boston & Albany . 4,000,000 Big Pour . 3,800,000 Delaware, Lackawanna A West ern . a,«i8),ooo Michigan Central . 3,300,000 Northern Pacific . 2,860,(88) Wabash . 2,800,000 Lehigh Valley . 2.T0O.OUO Central Hall road of New Jersey. 2,700,000 Union Pacific . 2,48",01*0 Ureal Northern . 2,074.000 Chicago Ar Alton .. 1,1*61 307 Chesapeake & Ohio . 1,86V,0*8) plant Bystein . 1,275,174 Denver A Hlo (Irunde .. 1,248/88) New York, Chicago Ac Bt. I,rails. 876,077 New York, Ontario A Western., (2:8,000 Pittsburg A Lake Erie. 644,781 Two or the great systems slow earnings from passenger traffic, as follows: New York Central Lines: New York Central.115.214.000 Michigan Central . 3,3**0,0*8) Lake Shore A Michigan Bouthern 4.2O0.0"0 Big Pour . 3,600,0(8) Boston A Albany . 3,8(8),i8k) Pittsburg A fjtke Erie . 644,781 New York, Chicago A Bt. Louts. 876.877 631.636,768 Pennsylvania lines: Pennsylvania Railroad .821,200,000 Penn, linos west of Pittsburg.... 8/>ou,(8JO *30,000,000 Total for these two great sys tems .$61,635,768 —Buffalo Commercial, April 4, 1899. The society of ladies Is a school of politeness for men. [LETTER TO MRS. I'INKHAM MO. 40,970) “I had female com plaints so bad that it ■ caused me to have hysterical fits; have had as many as nine in one day. “Five bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound cured me and it has been a year since I had an attack. firs. Edna Jackson, Pearl, La. If Mrs. Plnkham’s Compound will cure sucli severe eases ns this surely it must be a great medicine—is there any sufferer foolish enough not to give it a trial ? Secretary Gage has introduced into his department a custom which he first inaugurated in a Chicago bank. This is to have luncheon served in the building, so that all the clerks can meet each day at table and discuss the affairs of the office. These gather ings are called "Mr. Gage's cabinet meetings." I). O. Mills, the banker and philan thropist. who now has a fortune of $25,000,000, says that while all his life has been happy, some of its happiest were when he was a small country merchant. MIm Lucy Tucker, the daughter of ft prominent farmer of Varaalliaa, Ina.. waa tlia viotlm ofnorvous pros tration. Moat of the time (he waa oonfliied to had, and wuaon the versa of HI. Vitus' dance. It waa a pitiful case which medical science fa Usd to conquer. Finally a doctor prescrib ed Dr. Williams' Pink Pills lor Pale People. Her father auld: “ Wc began giving the pllla at onoa, and the next dey wa could see a rlmiigo for the hatter In her. We gave her one pill attar each meal Until she wae entirely well. She has not Ixm ii sick a dav since. Ws think the euro almost miraculous. "Frank Tucker, Mrs. F.Tcckbr." Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tucker, being duly eworri, statu that the foregoing la true In every particular. lluon Joiikso!*, Jutlleeo/ th« Prace. From lh» Htpublican, Vinutllei, Ind W.N.U. OMAHA. No. 22-lb99 jSVSVttVtUVtMSUHIlVtltVXtsftHttBO {Columbia Bevel-Gear | Chainless Bicycle. Easiest running, cleanest, safest, most durable. Complete protection of running gear from rain, mud and dust. Tlie nest hill climber and a delightful counter. Columbia and Hartford Chain Wheels. The new xpecially cut sprocket. and burdened pin chain show better result* under text than any other chain wheel mechanism. NEW MODELS. (hdinless, (tain. S50, $35,$26,$£5. BEE OUR CATALOGUE. POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. itOOlttOtltOMMltltOOtltlttOOtlltlli CURE YOURSELF! ■ I’w liiar for unnatural diorbargea, inflam mat l-ms, | irritation* or iikoratious of ruutouo luombrsiitio. r" *— --—• Paiulans, and not astiio* ATHEEvANSChEMIGALCO. «'■« t or poiaououo. | Wold by Drafilito, or writ fn plain wrapper, tiy prepaid, for •l On. or 3 hotfkn, |2.75. Circular n«ut ou request Organs Addro*# * n We have pome extra ordinary t>urealna In or* guns Write usautinf# how low we ran flguro down *>n the finest uiul l» sl organ made *11-1.1 il OMU*\ Id., IkHANOV. » A. WANTED r ase of t-nd health that It I I* A V S will not l-i :u*tlt. MMid r> ifbU t*» k|-MM» « heml* al <*■*>.. New a ork.for lu samples and !£uu testimonials. Or. Kay s Lung; Balm for eougbs. colus, aud throat disease “IF AT FIRST YOU DON’T SUCCEED/* TRY SAPOLIO REV. L. L. CARPENTER, W»u.-.«h, Iml., l« I’i - lont «>f th« T»*'t liwujr tit ItrioKlyii. Ind. ll>* i» |* rh<|«* lli» nu»t |>i niniio-nt cli-rirytnuti III tin* t iirl.tiaii t luin-li Xu-tiay. H li t- d illratnl 4 > mitt U<0 churchm auil li4|>ti»«it ?(KHiounv«M U. 1 wriun. ** 11 afford* m« groat pU'iiaurw to give in v iMtliniHiy mm tu (ho vftli'lviM'.v of hr. K «y'» h iudlv*. I* . Kay'n tiling iUlui ta tho very I* »t euugn, volo awl throat ivio-dy that I #»cr ua*‘d. I la»i* »l*i' rfiwIitHl gr> at hi-in fl' from |hc |.».* of I>r K.ty’e lt«nni iior. My •<•!> hud for t«ar» broil greatly *Mi<*UmI «tuh Hie |.i !•->>; he eutuiueiit'vd tli» u*« of i>r. K»j'i rvuiwIlM end upuliMiMMl iniM aliuu.t from itio flr»t. We li»Ti> no tonli In riprnit our Ihtnkf iIik m for ihi W-m fit i« have n «« tin- r> »ult of th< mi reuooie.. I uki greet |itu«aur« iu CnUlUinlMlIim thrio to lliv »ufTerlng '* U 1* t AHI'l.s i »It, Mlitiuury uni S. M. K*utt|*eli*i, t hrutlin t'htiruh. Dr. Kay's Renovator. Il laa peifa* rttwritor of tha whole «»•!••«. It U the trrr> Imi mnuly for lli'lliw It llouhWa. I«.I ii,m.Iiii|i ili.o i«>. i iUrrl> of ilia cun«it|wilr>n. al*«>IS*»r atui ItUInrjr trv<it>r«.ai<! mervtut. »if.«ta id I.* tiriMi" ami HrtuMvi laaal Imla. It U it nw'lm N'rrvc Twutv .**. ihI hn !•*« »mi | i« ami a It*# li uatrai* 11% i**« u> a wt «lo , an<l Mtm! jrut.r Mm| it n.» ant. m.- will yi«« v».*4 lrv*< a.l> u*. If 4fu«*lV'»i|. Vt lta«« Ilf Ka«i lUtitai^r •» t Ulu any •ul#t(tMt* tfcajr m ** mm U **ium a* 1 fc»r It haa n*> mu«I; bat twin] Utrvi Ui u» aa4 •• will axial It t*y return mall I'rlr# ZtVta., ami II wt iar ala Ift 'i» Alau |tr Kay'a t.natf Haim lU ia , an I S&t'l*., |>r«jmI4. I'm It J Ka% t «, Hwaiayt M|tt.t(fc<», N V.