The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 02, 1899, Image 5

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CLOSES OCTOBER 31st, 1899- ^
EVE^KE.W.BXC.EPT Will Eclipse Last Year.
■iiuiup * "iiumnnttm
Colonial People
Birds. Animals... S
Products, homes §;
Pain’s Fireworks %
* Art Exhibit, Me- 5
chanical Exhib- §i i
e its, The Midway, S
) Godfrey's British 5
Military Band.... * i
and local newspaper in
Anyone pending n sketch and description may
quickly Ma^ortHiri our opinion free whether an
invention m prohnbly patentable. < onimiintra
tlons strictly confidential. Handbook on Car cuts
sent free. old eat airency for unrig patents.
Patent* taken through Munn A Co. receive
9ptrial notice, without charm?. In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.nrpest, rlr
dilation of any scmiititb Journal. Terms, |3 a
year : four months, $1. Hold bjrftlLuewsdealers.
MUNN &Co.36,B™d*” New York
Branch Ofllee, «25 K 8t.. WashlDiiton, D. C.
Buy Binder Twine
...IN OMAHA. .
Sample* and price* ready about
May Ini. II you are not already
ao our Hat write u* at once.
The Western Mercantile Co.
Write Inclosing this ad. mid Wtoana we
will send you this beautiful Mandoline
by express, ('. O. U. subject to examina
tion. If found exactly as represented
you can pay the expres* agent our SPEC
j AI. orpKIt price. $<J.OO less the 50cents,
or 15.50 and express charges. This 1a a
regular $15.00 Instrument,solid rosewood
body, fancy pearl and ebony checkered
edge. Iwautinil pearl butterfly gutird
plate.rosewood Ungerhoard and nlc Wei t nil
Slece. You can hare cither a Mandoline
ultar.IlanJoorVlollB on the sameterms.
Write for t'KKK musical Catalogue.
Address. A. Ilospe, Omaha. Neb.
IMHM t I. KI ■«» I I I O
Nrlirn-krt, t 'ulormlo, \N vniiiin4
I lull, <’hi** ami
IVijf *i Sound
t*»u< *
fW IHi« I#** *■** l i* I * ' ** *'• 1 '■*
,« , Nt. •
lltlKWiI i<t I M * M • M# t »
W?0 45
The "hove greatly rate ha* ]
I)im ii mu,]!1 by tin* I N ION l’A< 'I FIC to |
f 'a 11 f orn i h point* Through Tourist*
Slipper*, quicker time ttiari any other \
nee* For ticket* and full information
•all mi w DCi ifton. Agent
W •’ will Ktan I the Atalllon ‘Hill
Mac” ttii* ensuing season at the barn of j
U. T Snyder, in Loup City.
N. B Thompson
Ai.KNTS WANTED. —Kor “The File And
Achievement* of Adrulrnl Urwcy," ttie
world'* greatest iihvhI hero. Ify Marat
Ha.'lead, the life long friemls and admirer
if Hie nutioii'* Idol, lilggeat and book; S
iver MM» pages, *xl(» In chin, nearly Kin page*
lull-tour Illustration*. Only J15i. Knur- j
nous demand. Ilia commission*. Out III
roe. chance of a lifetime. Write quick
riio Dominion company, 3rd floor canton
Three red yearlings eligible to regia- |
tty. Bred and raised him! for sale by—
Sami n., North Loup,Neb
The new Palace bleeping C*»r*, built j
-penally for the UNION PACIFIC, and
recently pm In service on their famous
fa*t train* to Colorado, Utah, Calitor
nla and Oregan points, are tin tlnest
ever turned out.
Throughout the interior the draping*, 1
wood work and decorations are in the!
most artistic style, and the convenieo*
ces vastly superior to anything ever j
seen before.
These cars are attached to the Union
Pacllic fast trains, which make Quicker
time to all Western points than trains
of an\ other lines.
Tickets, and reservations can la* ob
tallied h) calling on or addressing
VV. I>. t'mpton. Agent,
“A word to the wise la sulBcieiit” and
a word from the wise should ha sutll
clent, but you ask. who are the wise®
Those w ho kuuw. The oft repeated ex
pi in me of trustworthy |ier*ona may be
taken for knowledge Mr. *V. M. 'Ter
ry say* Uhamtw rUln's Cough Remedy >
gives tietler satisfaction Ilian any other
in the innket. lie has been In the drug j
business at Klktou, Ky , for twelve j car*; j
ha* sold hundreds of bottles of thi* re* ,
me It ind neirly ail otuer cough medl
c.iM-s in iiiiifactured, which shows e« H
i loan ell lint * h iinta-i I ailTs l» I lie in *1 |
>1 i-licloiy to tin people, and l« lh#i
best. For sa c by II lend • 111 HruV
<«*!•>•* VtlAUf t
lost vigor
i'urci tuipoUiii). Night Fwis-ton*and
wasting tll*r.»*CA, ail effect* of «Hf*
Ai>u»!', or aui »*»•>i»■
.tel mi. V t*«*r%»» Imilr Mini
IiIinmI Itiilltli'r. II - lli«
'pink flow to |>atr i’Ik • It* »m
ir*tnrr**thr Hri> of *«»■ lh
till u ill !Mt» |x r bin, <1 * •
11»( Mill .* MHIIt’ii
I«h* lu t un1 nr rflVitMl t•»•* Mtui *
rt*«u4 far rlrewlai ,\4*lrv*«.
•to. CHI1ACO, IU.
MH4 n U >: BV
OhlvN h.vlll. Illtiw
I . ,*|k I ill \ ■ •**
Published Irom way it* to June ih,
IjklUL Kill'll h.
In i hr bislrlcl Court of kherman County
Willielimnu Allman, Plaintiff
Frederick II .vitiiiun, Dcldndanl.
To Frederick II. Altman, non resident de
fendant: You are hereby notified that
on llie 40th day of April IMH the above
named plaintiff, Willieltnina Allman tiled
a petition against you in the District
court ol Sherman county, Nebraska, the
object and prayer of w hich are to obtain
a diverse from you, and to have the cus
tody ot your two minor children, to-wlt:
Martha and Franz Altman, upon the
grounds that you have wilfully and utter
ly abandoned the )>In 1 iilit! without good
cause for more than two years limned!
lately preceding the tiling of said pell
lion, und upon the further ground that
you being of suftlelent ahtlliy to provide
Niiltahlo maintenance for plaintiff and
your said children liavo for five years Im
mediately preceding the tiling of said
petition grossly, wantonly and cruelly
t el used and neglected so to do.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before Monday the gut It day of
June, IMtiti
fluted this 10th day of May, 1891). KLMIM A Altman,
her Attorney
Attest: Jolts MisbHl'l.i., t'omitv Clerk
(seal) llr I, i t- Hkis, Deputy.
Published from May into June 1*1
In the District Court of Mherinan Cou n
ty, Nebraska.
Henrietta M. Ilengy, PlainUlV.
Mary K. Pierce, John VV. IMerco,
Central l.oan and Trust Coiiipauy
a Corporation ; A. I. Campbell as asl.
Kinsi uf Central l.oan and Trust Com
puny, A I, Campbell as trustee, F. U
ilainer & Co. Niels I* llansen, and
- llansen Ills 111*!, (real name
unknown; anil John Doe* (real
name unknown) defendants.
The alsjve name uon-rcsld' nt defend
ants, Central l.oan slid Trust Company
a corporation; A. I. Campbell as assignee
ot t he central l.oan and Trust company;
A I. Campbell as trustee: Mary K. Pierce
and John tv. Pierce will lake notice that
outlie '.’tith <lay <d April Ism tnc iiliove
tiHincd plaintiff Henrietta M. Heugy tiled
her petition In the above niiined court
against Hie above named defend
ants, the object and prayer of which
arc to foreclose a certain mortgage
executed by t lie above iiatned defendants
Mary k. Pierce and John W. Pierce to the
shove nameJ defendant central l.oan and
Trust company upon the south east quar
ter and lots live <f>) and six I'l) of Section
Twenty-live (45) In Township Thirteen 1131
north; of Range (13) west id the litb princi
pal maridian, siiiiatc in Sherman county,
state of Nebraska to secure tliclr ecitam
promisary note lor the sum ol $1000.00 and
their certain three interest coupon notes
for $.15 Ot) each. Tliat said promlsory note,
coupon notes and mortguge are all and
each dated the ISHll day ot May 1*9) and
said promlsory note became due anil
payable on the first day id June Pits and
bears Interest at leu per cent per annum
from that date; and said coupon notes be
come due and payable on ami bear Inter
est. at the same rate Irom the following
dales respectively, to-wlt- June, I, 1897,
December 1st istff, June 1st ism, und there
Is due on said note coupons ami mortguge
at t ills date$1,41* 1 ofor which sum Willi lu
ll rest at ten per cent per annum the
plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure
and that said premises may lie sold to
sulisiy the amount found due to plaintiff;
and further that said defendants lie barred
anil foreclosed uf all right or equity of re
demption they may have in suid premises
by virtue ot junior mortgages or equit
able leinsot whatsoever kind. The plain
tiff. lIcnrii 'tiL M. Ilctt"y is the owner and
holder by assignment of the said mort
gage promlsory note, and interest coupons:
That plaintiffs mortgage was filed tor
record In the office of the county clerk of
Sherman county, Nebraska, on the 27$li
day of May is'.il. at s o'clock, a m., and re
corded in book seventeen of mortgages
at page 44* t,f Hlieriuau county records
You are required to answer said petl
t ion on or icfore Monday, the ai day of
June, lrtt.i.
Dated tliis 1 Htli cay of May, lst)9.
Uy Wall a Williams her attys
Attest: John Minsiiijli., County Clerk,
iseal.) Uy l.otus RK.lM, Deputy.
Department of the Interior
Land Olllee, Lincoln Ncbr. i
May, 22 nd, 1HUB. (
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named nettler has filed notice of his ln
lention to make final proof in support of
Ills claim, umt that said proof will be
made before the County Judge of hher
man countv at Loup Oily on July 1st, IH'.iU,
viz: Harry K. Sweley. Iloinehtead Kntry
No. K2«5, for the North west quarter of
Section 2B, Township 13, Range pi west.
He names the following witnesses to
to prove his continuous residence upon and
cun 1 vatlon of said land, viz:
Fred Brewer, of Litchfield, Nebraska.
•lolln Pritchard, of “
Henry Moon of “
IV f, Gray, of “ “
J. \V. Johnson. Register.
Department of the Interior.
Land Oftloe at Lincoln, Neb. *
May Wild, isuo. (
Notice is hereby given that the follow
lug named st tiler lias tiled notice of bis
Intention to make final proof In supper!
of bis claim, and that said proof will lie
made before the county Judge of Sherman
count v at Loup City, Nebraska, on July
1st, iHMt. viz: Thomas Clancy, Timber
Clulm 7i7 >, for the South cunt quarter of
section W, Township 13 north oi Range Pi
lie names the follnwttg witnesses to
prove his continuous residence ujs»n and
cultivation of said land, vis:
Then Mi'osh, of Lltchlteld. Nebraska
Arthur Mmsbuil,of ' "
Josepn < ablser, of ••
t». It. Katun, of •• "
J W. Johnson, Register.
LEGAL notice
State of Nebraska I
o s. Tire Ntatr1 of NVb.
l ouutv of Sherman I
To Unknown non resident nwner of tkr fo)
lowing described reel estate situate in road
district *i I of Mmrtnhn inuiili ami Male of
Ni tiraska to wit south west quarter Section
:»i Township Is Range It wist Vwi arc
hereby ui.i.ui.l rhal conrpiaitrl has I wen moth'
In tnc as road overseer of said road dlstrici
ihw* there ts an op, u hi li o|s*n the above des
, r oil real • stale and if the same Is hot mini ,
o l* i mured late I v I shall |*r,sced tu mt the satin
in lb*' mail iter pro* at* .1 ti* law as the sent* Is I
.ton, * iuus fur stock
t it van uifli r ary hand this £3 day of Mar i
t’ntlk JcHtislv Mnad ttrvt • « r
Ml rial district No I slirtSMS reirsit Nel>
IJ ii t . S' d ll >
The Mate of V
fo t VsW'SV M isr.ihM uearf oft** hd
k>» fc* tsss iPad rsa ••tali SI mate la H ad
IHstiist No t strut mas ,-oaatr amt suu id
N r*•*'». s » Si a ' North east quarter *d S».
tiott S> I aksh ,. t* Haka* It weal V*«t a>«
a* r»**v si i lh**4 vital i**mt*term has ta*eh made
ilk* rn* as i,-el arrival *f IS ‘I *» el distil, I
rival itnK ta ah “t»s evil spa I he a hole les ■
, -l |, gi estai- as,I it Hen sie* hr k‘l h *d
atssha |i'el Meet
o, 1..1111. V
Am U\|m* Which, I nir to
the \ It'll in. Mttilt* siMTiiiian'n Mctlckl
fion of \\nr l.iUc the I>«*mitI|»
tion of i« Sumlii) School Picnic.
“Well.” -aid Hip Footprint to Sing
Seven ;in Iip hpttied down on bin stool
an 1 began to throw in a handful of
type, “if J didn’t have a time of it get
ting down here out of those moun
tains. '
“Been up in the mines?” inquired
Sing Seven.
“Yep,” replied the Footprint. “Just
came out Footed it from Angels to
Milton yesterday and rode into Stock
ton oil a side door sleeper last night. A
side door sleeper,” continued tho Foot
print, “is not the most comfortable
mode of traveling. Personally I prefer
to ride on a red cushion, hut tho heart
less and exorbitant demand of the rail
road trust for spot cash compelled me
to walk or come as freight I came as
freight. ”
“Sure,” said Sing Seven.
"The unpleasant feature of the trip,’
continued tlie Footpiint, “was the base
betrayal of confidence on tho part of
the brukeman with whom I negotiated
for an undisturbed passage. For a cash
consideration of six bits and a drink of
liquor he verbally contracted to waybill
mi! from Milton to the division end at
Stockton. We went up street to take
the drink and—well, yon know how one
word brings on another. By train time
tiie $4 I bad sunk in my jeans had been
fished to tiie surface and sent across the
bar for red liquor.
“The brakeman was full when he
started for the yards. So was I when 1
started after him. The brakeman con
fided to me on the way through the
yards that he owned the whole train
and 1 could ride anywheroaml anyway
I wanted to. I told him that I was sur
rounding at least a quait of Milton
whisky and if it was all the same to
him and he had a nice, dry, empty box
car 1 would bo shipped as an unbroken
original package. He agreed, and wo
went over where the train was stand
ing made up to find that empty. The
brakeman ran a door open, gave me a
hurried boost in and ran tho door shut
and locked it After n bit I struck a
match to look about and what do you
suppose that cuss had done?”
“(iive it up,” said Slug Seven.
“Billed me as livestock, by gum I
Fact! There I was locked in a box with
two mules, both loose, and all of us
good to keep company to the division
end. What was that Sherman said
about war? Said it was hades, didn't
heV Well, it ain’t. It’s only an imita
tion. The real, orthodox, rose colored
hades is to spend a night in a locked
box ear with two mountuin ranch mules
“it isn’t a long run from Milton in,
and I concluded, after tho train had
humped along about threo miles and
those scared mules had begun to charge
around und kick a rat-a-tat-tat-tat on
the sides of the car, that the only plan
of campaign left to me was a flank
movement and a sudden mounting of
one of the animals. It wouldn’t he a
dream of pleasure on that mule’s back,
but it would he safer than dodging four
rapid fire hind heels unlimbered for ac
tion I got on the male all right, and
after a little bucking he steadied dow»>
tolerably well. The animal was ev
dently scared to death and seemed to
take comfort in being straddled by a
“Well, I was just chuckling to my
self over the state of affairs in the live
stock department of the Espee railway
and figuring that another lionr would
see us in the division yards, where my
friend the brakeman would open the
door, when the train stopped, evidently
at a siding, «s I knew we weren’t near
a station. We humped about a bit and
1 took a double wrap in the mule’s ears;
then we stood still while eomo other
cars were bumped about and then I
heard two short tcots of the whistle and
a rumble that gradually grew fiinte
The train had pulled out and wo were
side tracked. I
“We staid there till morning, too,
and I rode that son of a jackass, with a
backbone like the ridge of a church
roof up and down and aronnd that car
every weary minute of all that weary
night. To quit riding meant to go to
sleep, fall <ff aud have the liver and
high lights and half tones trampled
aud kicked out of me by two scared
mountain mules.
“1 estimate thut I rude that mule 1!I6
miles and three furlongs in that cur,
aud the car traveled 17 miles before be
ing side tracked. The remaining three
miles of the ‘JO between Milton aud
Stockton I made oti foot, thus complet
ing a journey of 158 tniles 8 fur
longs in a straight line between two
given points that are but SO nabs
apart, a mathematically impossible feat,
accomplished by one jackass with the
Mid of two relative* on ths male aide cf
the house. “
The Footprint sighed as be paused to
bite off n chew of tobacco, and Slug
Seven took advantage of the op, mug to
remark that a mart who had traveled au
far under such circumstances must 1st
dry - ('Imago Inter Oce-an.
Xi* talk a « Mr af keelloaa.
New York is the city of auctions
Fhere are S<>0 reputable auction houaes
rind three linos that number of auc
tioneers In tew York, and they do a
yearly hustn is »«f about (M.imhi.wiO
THU dies not lake tale mssidetati'it
the trsnsaelious of scores of small a se
tt. n«« r» who devote rbsnis, Ives satlrely
to the Usui* of the east side — New
V ik Iterabi
nttttiips were unknown t*» the an
ti nts th*f Weiw Dial Used ta the ftfth
tenlnry of >» *i* hut w*t« not in
f*>tMu,.>n ue • svea in the twelfth cun
The IJenler Gave If la Klvnl Fonr
.(nek* mill llluiaplr Knnr l|iiri>ii>.
When l lir Slim* Dim* n I nine, the
| Jneka llnil Tnrneil to Acee.
lu the northwest they still talk about
the last poker game that Major Ed
wards and Htanley Huntley played to
gether They were pioneer editors of
pewspapers in Dakota in tho old terri
torial days. Huntley had just wild his
paper in liismarck for #3,500 cash and
was coni in it east. He and the major had
sat in many a quiet gamo together, and
Huntley went over to the major's office
to say goodby and play one last game.
The major produced the cards, locked
the door, and the two faced a green ta
The major had tho reputation of be
ing a skillful dealer, and Huntley’s
previous experiences bad taught him
that cards sometimes appeared in tho
major’s hand on a show down whose
legitimate existence could only be ac
founted for on the hypothesis that the of miracles had not passed. Ho he
had fortified himself for this farewell
game not only with the $2,500 which
he had received for his newspaper prop
erty. but also with four large but not
overworked aces.
There was no limit, but for an hour
the game went ulong quietly enough
The major was out $800 or $400, but,
as both players remarked, the game was
“young yet.” At last a jack pot for $50
came and remained. Hack and forth
across the table went the deck Neither
man could gut openers Each time the
deal passed the pot was sweetened $40
At last there wus $840 on the table.
The major dealt Huntley looked over
his cards and found four jacks.
As has been said, the major was a
slick dealer, and when a big pool was
at stake and it was his deal he gener
ally managed to give his opponent a
good stiff hand, while taking care that
he himself had one just a shade better
Ho. when Hnntley found the fonr
jacks in his hand it seemed to him that
the time had come to precipitate his
fonr aces into action The jacks were
retired unostentatiously, and with a
faint—a very faint—shade of disap
pointment in his voice Huntley an
“I can't break it. ”
Tin* major was still examining his
cards with that hesitating air that huiiio
people always believe means “studying
ont a straight " Finally he said:
“I’ll have to break it for $500 It's a
big pot.”
Huntley looked inonrnfnl and said
“I’ll stay Qinline a card. ’’
"None for me," announced the major
briskly, as he threw over a card and
laid down the deck. “I'll bet you $600. ’
“I'll raise you ♦.100,” said Huntley
“Five hundred more,’’ said the major
“When I sat down, "said Huntley,
“I had |2,600 in my pocket. I’ll raise
you the full amount of that on this one
hand If 1 lose. I'm broke.”
The major took another look at his
band and replied
“1 haven't got as much as that in
cash I’ll muke out a bill of Bale of the
building and plant, newspaper and all,
and put that in the pot. If you win,
you cun hold it till tomorrow, when I’ll
settle. ’
“Go ahead,” said Huntley.
The major wrote out the bill of sale
and threw the slip of paper into the pot
on top of the big pile of greenbacks
Both men had emptied their pockets.
“Now I’ll call you,” said the major
“Fours,” said Huntley, and he laid
down his four one spots. The major
never flinched. He examined the aces,
one after another. Then he laid down
his hand and said briefly:
“Yon win, Stanley All I had was
four queens. ”
The next day the major redeemed his
bill of sale and Huntley came to New
York and began to write the “Spoopen
dyke Papers," which were first publish
ed in the Brooklyn Eagle. He’s been
dead for years now.
About two years after the famous
poker game Major Edwards was visit
ing New York, and be looked up Hunt
ley They dined together at the Astor
House After coffee and when the cigars
hud been lighted the major said
“Stanley, of course when gentlemen
like you and I play poker together
there’s never any question about the
game beiug straight But there’s one
thing that’s been puzzling me for two
years, and 1 want to ask yon about if
“Go ahead, major," said Huntley,
putting his cigur
“Stauley, why in thunder did yon
refuse to open that last jack pot when
yon had four jacks in yonr huudT”
"Major. ” returned Huntley thought
fully, laying down bis cigur, “who
dealt that last handT"
“1 did, HtMUley," said the major.
“Well, then, major, since four aces
Wou the pet, how in thunder could it
bare been a straight gainst"
“That’s so.” said the major re
thetively “Let’s get a cab and go to
j sums theater New York Press
t see of Iks g»l« Hull.
Knter girl with that aubtla air of re
ttuvuient which belongs only to such as
earn their living and are ashamed uf It
“I wuh to look at music rolls," aha
Hmtlea the clerk affably
"Here la something very flue,“be
aaye "Weguarantee that butter won’t
souk through it au ae to show uu the
ouUlda *’
Yea. I be habit of eating certainly
does gel people Into awkward situation*
m.w a ad the a. — Detroit Journal
Mis Oslr ftaaee,
"Du ton know that you talk ia four
bleep, Henry t” asked lira Peck
Weil, do you beg radge aie thee
few words alsoV' he snapped hack
) xtalpfcta Meath Au.,fl ae.
One Instance \\ Here It %la«te a I.ana
tic a Woman.
A uionx' has It'ii .■ i 0 • ii to bo
the bitterest tneni) of . omankind.
Just why the average run of femininity
should fear such a helpless, harmless
little creature cannot lie explained.
During the civil war a famous female
spy was betrayed through the instru
mentality of a mouse. The woman was
niaxur ■ .ding as a boy and succeeded
admit Criy in deceiving the enemy un
til it' evi ning while dining with a
party of men at a farmhouse a black
Dionco jumped from a cupboard to the
table, almost in the face of tbe sup
posed boy With a shrill feminine
shriek the spy threw up her arms and
rushed across the room, and, springing
on a couch, went into hysterics from
sheer fright The men, of course, sus
pected her and, rather than be searched,
she confessed, but by tbo aid of the loy
al old farmer and his wife she made her
escape in the night.
A well known woman physician of
Chicago says she can do any kind of
surgical work without a tremor, but
the sight of a mouse turns her strange
ly ill and thoroughly “unwomans” her.
Another woman has such a terror of
mice that she recently wont insane
through fright at one of the wee crea
tures. The woman was sweeping her
cellar when a mouse darted ont from
an old barrel and ran about her feet.
Hhn tried to step on it and beat at It
with her broom, calling piteously t<.
her little boy to help her. But the boy,
thinking site was in fun, frfghtened
the terrified mouse toward the woman
whenever it tried to get away. At
length the boy rushed at It In earnest
and the mouse darted under tbe wom
an’s skirts and she fell to the floor in
sensible, only to lose her mind when at
length consciousness returned to her.—
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Two I'lKfallcil (MutUk Who Were
Tulioocd by the Town.
Every well known nationality except
the Chinese is represented in Leadvllla
Only two Celestials ever entered the
camp, and the story of their short stay
is unique ana interesting. There wasn’t
Hindi of a demonstration on their ar
rival. for it was late at night when
they climbed down from the roof of one
of the coacht s into tbo busy streets and
hastily surveyed the strange surronnd
Word was whispered abont in the
dives with which the street was lined,
and soon the pigtails were encompassed
with a quiet ami gentlemanly mob of
perhaps a hundred miners and hoboes.
(Scarcely a word was spoken, bnt as
soon as the luggage of the passengers
and the mails were taken from the boot
of the Concord the China boys were as
sisted to the seats they had jnst vacat
ed, the driver was given a tip and the
distinguished arrivals were whirled oat
of town in mnch quicker time than
they iiad entered it, for it was a down
hill puli to Malta, the nearest settle
ment down the gulch. There they were
left to shift for themselves as best they
What means of communication with
each other tin -e strange little people
have I know n. t. bnt the news of the
reception that was tendered to the first
representatives cf their race to visit
Leadville traveled rapidly, and the fact
soon came to be understood by them,
in all localities where they congregated
in Colorado, that they were not want
ed. 1 later qneried a Chinaman in an
adjoining town as to whether he had
ever been in the great mining camp,
and his replv was characteristically la
conic “1 an go Lead-v-i-l-lee. Lead
v-i-l-l-ee too muchee likee hell eel”—
Santa Barbara.
I'rodiH-roDi Marine Trade.
Farmer (who has never seen the sea
before to fisherman on the Great Sonth
bay)—Who’s all this here water belong
to V
Fi dierman (patting his chest)—Os,
me man, to ns.
Farmer—Heow mnch d’yer charge
fer it 1
Fisherman—Oh, we generally charges
10 cents a gallon.
Farmer—Cheap enongh. I’ll take a
gallon of that hum with me for me old
woman Bnt what kin I pnt it in?
Fisherman—Go over there to the
tavern, and they’ll lend yon a jar.
Farmer gets bis jHr and has his gal
lon of water put in and leaves it at the
railroad station while he goes for a
walk On his return he finds the tide
at low ebb. “Gosh," he saya, **don’t
they do h big trade I”—New York Press
Twain Waan't Well.
Here is a story of Mark Twain, whose
after dinner speeches are unique. At a
dinner to which he was Invited his
name wia associated with the toast of
“Liters, nra" by an orator, who re
ferred with great eloquence to Homer.
Hliakespi are. Milton and—Mark Twain
In rct<|M>UHe the humorist thanked the
speaker for hie kiudly references and
excused himself from making a longer
speech by saying, "Homer is dead,
Shake-pear* and Milton are no mors
and 1 1 don t feel very well myself I
— Detroit Free I‘rase
tlarard Iks RiwtM.
"Mn Mr* Smith gave me a big
piece of cake."
"Jiiulute, I've often told yon not to
ask f>>r an)thing to eat when yo« are
over there
"Hot. uia, she gave me the cake be
cause I told her wHo wee here to dinner
last night t'bicagu Record
The Englishmen, it U calculated, aa
p*nd» on the ev«reg* fsiith a year fur
•estcneuio the German |ttt, the
Ffsnehmeu ftlo. the Italian the
A do* fc* In France la not permitted
to inherit proper!* left to him by a d*
Seeasd patient