The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 02, 1899, Image 4

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    The Northwestern
OKO. K. BKN^mnTKH, | K«lllnr« ■ml
Entered at the Loup City Pimtofllce (or tr*n *
piUwlon through the mail* •« second
Official l’aper Sherman County
Trusts are like potato lings they
flourish when there is any thing to
subsist on therefore there is no dan
ger of trusts and a democratic ad
ministration thriving both at the
same time.
The Kuropean delegates to the
peace congress got the bulge on the
Yankees the other day. They dis
cussed matters in the French lan
guage and the American delegates
could not understand them.
Seventy-seven car louds of sell
binders are now on their way from
Peoria, III., to the Argentine Repub
lic, South America. The United
States will soon supply the w< rids
wants, calamity cahosh not with
Railways everywhere are manifest
ing the kindliest interest in the
Greater America Imposition to open
in Omaha, July 1, and there is lit
tie question that favorable lateswill
be established that will ultraet the
public. Negotiations are now in
a promising condition.
Billy Rryan was down at the dem
ocratic powwow at St- Louis last
week try iug to bridge the chasm
which has been widening of lute be
tween him and the big chiefs. He
delivered himself of some beautiful
gems of democratic doctrine hut
failed entirely to mention the popu
list friends w hoa, he only seems to
recegnize when votes are needed.
At last the Demopops have even
discarded their name. They have
gloried in the name “Populist" for
years but it was not so with their
allies, the straight democrats, they
found no pleasure in it. Rut now
they endeavor to attache the name
“ConstitutioDists” to the old tiling.
Never-the-less the cloven foot wdl be
visible what ever mask they wear.
From the demands made upon
bunting manufacturers for flag goods
on account of the approaching re
torn of Dewey, it is stated that their
supply is entirely exhausted. No
less than 25,000,000 yards has been
sold. A nation that so highly es
teems her great men will never elect
a halt breed to the Presidency if he
even has been a colonel for fifteen
Broken Bow has formed a stock
company and wi’l put in an electric
light plant immediately. Broken
Bow, is one of those hustling western
towns that know just what they want
and when they want it, and when
the time is ripe they go after it and
get it. Broken Bow is no :.'x4 town
and her business men reap the re
ward of their enterprise, bet her
To be a patriot one must be brave
A coward is «»f little value to his
country, people love to worship a
hero and have during all ages The
whole world feated and diuid our
Brant after lua deeds of valor, »p
though to make a speech was Iteyond
Ids ability, l>eeds speak louder than
words an<l the world applauds them
to their liue value. But none ex
cept those d hy p.ejudwe wdi
clap their bauds at the howling I Ur
' tabes who eau see no gosnl in ait\
but his iiss, ami their enthusiasm Is
The s|«e«« U tlelivereti by Uottriur
l‘oy uler at the l*ster t’oo|ier |*opn.
list Club at the Creighton theatre
tbiisha two week* ago, when refer
tug to the Male of Ntbraska ami
her ' uluiteem, eaw only U classes!
as among the most beautiful gems
of thought Km has laws *d m
latw teats Hut ahea us* reHetta
bat b to that veto message of his it
UMS|ilfl«|| tiirtlialtlusi the g ort
tbal otherwise would follow su> U
gr»n t wolds Vines to Is lowest
must be towsistwnt If h« is other
wise his emiaeiRme«muuI for naught
Above nil towns that we are ne
' (|i)ainteil with iu central Nebraska,
| L<.up City undoubtedly presents the
best natural advantages of any. bay
ing as we do at the foot of high
bluffs with the creek on the south
line of our town, and a sufficient
•■lope toward it to carry oH the water
and filth in open or covered sewers,
no more desirable drainage can be
found in the state, which insures a
healthy town Kut among the great
est of our natural resources that is
wailing the hand of enterprise at a
moderate outlay of capital is the
natural reservoir just cast of town
that lies with open mouth waiting
for it to be closed by a dam which
roil Id he built at a cost insignifleent
in propoition to its great value, and
when complete would hold a sufficient
amount of water to furnish power
beyond the.needs of any mills or fac
tories that might he built below it.
The water from the great irrigat
ing ditch that empties into this draw
now full eomes .*>0 feet from its bed
to the bottom of canon, and thence
returning to its natural course, the
L'>up river from which it was taken
thirteen miles above, is one of those
“wastes of water” that would bring
in a handsome income to the party
who will bridle it and place our
pleasant village among the cities of
rank in she west Starch factories,
paper mills, beet sugar factories, all
can find their raw material in abun
dance at their doors if once con
structed, and their power all slficient
and equal to the fondest expectations
of live men if a few thousand dol
lars is risked to pul in the darn. Cap
ital to-day is going begging in the
east for good investments, and com
munities with facilities that does
not begin to equal ours are forging
to the front from sheer force of cir
cumstances. VVc have two railroads
to ship our goods out and tlie ques
tion of fuel is solvul by our wafer
powt r which is never failing. Hut
no one blows our horn! And we are
Rip V'ui» Winkle like asleep. Wake
up, the day of Judgement is at hand!
And if you don’t look out the com
mercial .Juggernaut will pass over
your comatose corpus and he out of
sight before the cobwebs are wiped
from the corners of your eyes.
A series of demonstrations are be
ing planned by tbe management of
the Greater America Exposition in
Ornalia this summer in recognition
of the returning heroes from Manila.
Tbe gallant First Nebraska will prob
ably reaeli borne in July and will be
given a day at tbe Exposition, to be
followed the next day by a reunion
of the three regiments which Neb
raska sent to the front.
The Fifty first Iowa is expected to
reach Omaha euroute home from
Manila some time in August, at which
time the Nebraska Volunteers will
join in their entertainment at the
It is probable that if the gallant
Funstan and tils dauntless Twen
tieth Kansas regiment reach Ameri
ca in time, they will also be given a
fitting welcome by the Greater
American management.
A long pull, a strong pull, a pull
all together is the only prescription
that each citizen of our town should
swallow, and it should he put up ill
allopathic doses. When local mat
ters me up for discussion it often
pars to heur both sides, and always
pais to let the people tie the Judge
after au honest discussion of the
matter Hut no lieait burnings
Should lie fostered after the ipicsliou
is decided. \\ hen we enter a friend
j ly controvert) belter iug we are right
I we should alwms keep lief of* us (tie
; resit*tiion that we ate uni infsllib'e
, therefore llsblc to be lUlstskell, and
i if a preponderance of logical fa 's
confronts us let tis do s* w« would
I skiMtet (lie other fellow to do should
lour side make the ltes| showing A
good eltisen will ilsiu concede to
j his itcigblwif the Mine rights he tie
I m »nds fur kluisvif, a bigot ••)• ai
I delttaelalo Us ale omnipotent lino
I foie ail must t**> suirutdiustv to mi
tolwi U bak one is tire wan Ihsl
! builds up I tuS|*
this is a world of Ihrn A irship
el« and there Is W disputing Ike tael
lint a u»»u must Ire a Hero, an I not
t ||,s» |Km to hare the aioshl,. o u
lieu* an) Unglkof titn«
of consulting one of the leading physi
cian* and surgeons (In Iht* treat
ment f f chronic and nervous
diseases) of this country,
He itt well known In Nebraska, and
U reliable ax well ax eminent In his
profession, and has but few superiors
In hi* line of diseases, and. from reports
of the press, hia rooms are crowded
wherever he stops. By the tequcst <f
hia many friends ami patients who
have usually gone a long distance to
see him, he has decided to VISIT
I.OI'I* CITY, and will be at
TIU'RSDAY June 1st 1H99, one day
only, returning every I weeks for six
months, Consultation ami examination
FREE to ail
Ill* treatment utnl examinations we
understand are based upon new
method*, and are similar a* aregiyen In
the eastern and southern hospital*
where he learned hi* business.
lie treats chronic cattarb, disease ot
the.ear,nose, throat and lungs, dyspep
aia, Bright’s disease, diabetes, liver,
stomach, constipation, rheumatism,
chronic female and sexual diseases, neu
ralgia, sciatica, dizziness, nervousness,
slow growth in children and all wasting
d isease* in adults, deformities, dub feet,
curvature of the spine, diseases of the
brain, paralysis, heart disease, eczema,
varicocele, and hydrocele. Cancer,
tumors, wens and birthmarks removed
Voting, middle aged ami old. married
or single men, and all who suffer with
lost manhood, neivlou* debility * permit
torrhea. seminal losses, decay, failing
memory, weak eyes, stunted develop
ment, lack of energy, impoverished
blood, pimples, also blood and skin dis
Eruption, hair falling, bone pain,
swellings, sore throat, ulcers, effect ot
mercury, kidney ami bladder troubles,
weak back, burning urine, incontinence,
gleet, stricture, receive searching treat
ment, prompt relief.
Both sexs treated confidentially and
privately. Piles, fistula, fissure and
rupture by our new method.
! Have You
i 0111?
You mav have heard
» and have* a vague notion
J that it is cod-liver oil with
p its had taste and smell and
p all its other repulsive fea*
| tures. It is cod-liver oil, the
\ purest and the best in the
I wo Id, hut made so palata*
| Me that almost everybody
| tan tike it. Nearlv ail
} thiidien !i\e it and ask for
| more.
; snoT7*s
\ h.i ;JItLSfON
• m }< nuur<
' *d body* oH
J or adu't
i »(tin or any
n ,v \rte. It
• • • * *' * m» refa
In »* h r f m u’- vOtt |hat
‘ » h. if you
p i l*u* ■ y «*jmlien*e
* Wu »Of Ion miVut *pj»t as
I i h I in » p «. at oils, \i>U
I Will hod that this is a last.
| IN t>)(HftmniNt ut
I iosNmU #* IN »»«•! I*s«« «m|
p )|'V« *vMuinal uW to M Ns sum
% ' * • * ;> It « is i ... ■
I mm itwofth to Uw sN
» t.ity.
P » •
J Phil Jaeger’s
Those" shoppers who wish to make a sea
sonable purchase in season comes here, for
they know we have just what they want
and when they want it. Our stock of
is here. It is fresh and complete. We are headquarters for anything
needed in the general merchandise line. Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing,
Suits, Spring line of hoots and shoes, fancy silks, block crepon, wash
dress goods, lace curtains, Curtain Swiss, Silkol ne draperies, Scrim, No
tions, of all kinds, trunks and valises, kid gloves, etc. etc.
hack on a good thing. Don’t forget that in new spring novelties we
can show you many new things tiiat have never hern shown before. And
above all. for your interest as well as ours, don’t fail to visit our store,
inspect our goods and learn our prices.
meet our competitors on both prices and quality of goods and in many
things can save you money. We bought in large quantities and got the
best goods at the lowest figures so can give our customers the best possible
bargains for the season. We invite you to call.
Yours Truly,
zJ. Phil Jasgsr.
Implements and Harness.
Our stock of implements and harness is now in the house and
samples on the floor.
We venture the ascertion that a more complete stock of the above lines was never
before shown at this point than the one we are offering this spring.
These Lines are Composed of so Many Different Kinds, Sizes and Prices
that it is impossible to undertake to enumerate them here.
While there has been a general advance in prices on most all kinds of goods, you
will find by inquiring that our prices are as low as ever. We ask you to come and see
us and our goods and we w ill trust to your being pleased with both the goods and the prices.
Respectfully Yours,
A *■
'I**-*® *•»«*>'*
• I "ft «v«
fi'iawiM W lo me Best.
•* >* *•*» >k|MNM <>•»•« **** m
• ’ '>«N * M< ♦» * •> «r> |
ULU . lOtHt. IL^
4t *
NEBRASKA, AT FROM 60 to 600 per cent LESS than
agent* usual prices. We IRRIGATE our SMALL FRUITS
W* b*v» tlie Inrio wi stock of •mull fruits in Hits slat*. Millions of
felrawlieriv pi nit Is, Ksapbarrv plnntr, Currants, (JonaatMrrto, tira|>««.
tiiir stuck of Knot, Ornatusntal, Mltsilc tonl K*vri|ri*«« Trass is eMiplair,
Mrulrt, ti<UMM, OlC Ill atiUliillMlrc
*.I f*»r Km* ratakipM* u. NORTH BEND NURSERIES,
N rlli Ili-inl, llixl^'f
r»nM«ui Oasklsr
General Banking Business Transacted.
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000
lVsss«ruii»ssr« #»t*»ii»*ai<l .Sttinkil HihIi, Ymkl'Mjf, N V
NstMittal Hsslt. liwsba, .Set* safes