The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 26, 1899, Image 8

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    Uoaal 17®ws.
P. S. Reynolds made a trip to Sargent
this week.
Mrs. A. F. Werts left Tuesday for tlie
eastern part of tiie state.
“My, how the wheat does grow." is
an every day expression,
E. G. Paige of Rockville township
Was a pleasant caller last Tuesday
Sami. Callaway has commenced the
grade on the r.ew road west of town.
T. M. Reed sold two handsome new
buggies this week. Tim is a hustler.
Mrs. Mlckley will teach music an I is
cow getting up a class of young folks.
For millet seed call before
it is all gone, T. M. Reed.
Not very good weather for house
cleaning but nearly every body is at it
just the same.
W. Stott of Ashton township shipped
two car loads of eattle Just Monday to
the Omaha markets.
Rev. Jennrlcb and w ife hud a little
d (tighter born to them Sunday morning.
All doing well.
Hring your Photographs and
get them framed at Watkin
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Sot in sen of
Arcadia was visiting his Bister Mrs. I,
Hansen last Hunday.
Last evening a new lodge, the Royal
Highlanders was organized with about
10 charter members.
Mr. E. W. Vandorn has been awarded
lbe contract to erect a new residence
for Mr. Detlef Peterson on Oak Creek.
Frank Brewer was kicked by a horse
Tuesday and in consequence thereof
Frank is not so spry as usual.
The funeral of Mrs. John Hayes who
was killed by lightning was held In
the M. E. Church last Saturday and
was quite largely attended, notwith
standing the fact that the weather was
very bad
Cio to Pilger’s and get his
selling out prices before you
buy your goods.
W. G. McNulty went to Ord, lust
Tuesday for the purpose of conveying
to J. I,. Hopper the machine from
which he extarets his lacteal fluid, or to
make it plain he toi k John’s cow over.
John Webb, Arthur Lane and Frank
Gilchrist of Arcadia are moving the
large frame barn for Frank Otlewski
from his old place on the north side of
the irrigating ditch to his farm where
he now lives. They have been hindered
by the continuous rains.
Many old soldiers now feel the effects
of the hard service they endured during
the war. Mr Geo. 8. Anderson, of Koss
ville, York county, Penna.. who saw the
hardest kind of service at the front, is
now frequently troubled with rheuma
tism. "I had a severe attack lately,” he
says, "and procured a bottle of Cham
berlain's Pain Balm. It did so much
good that 1 would like to know what
you would charge me for one dozen bot
tles." Mr. Anderson wanted it both for
his own use and to supply it to his
friends and neighbors, as every family
should have a bottle of it in their home,
not only for rheumatism, but lame back,
sprains, swellings, cuts, bruises and
burns, for which it is unequaled For
sale by Odendiihl Bros.
H. U. Patten anil J. A. Angler drove
over to Ravenna last Tuesday to see
the High School building at that place
anil to consult Mr. Sears, tho gentle
man who contracted and built the same
They learned that Ravenna had a moti
le seven room school house which cost
• 12,000. Four rooms were built some
thirteen years ago and the brick cost
• 12. per thousand. The addition of
three rooms was built Isst year The
building is 50 by 100 feet with straight
walls and Is acknowledged to be pretty
and a credit to any western town. The
Ravenna people Justly feel proud of
tbelr school building. The room* are
very commodious and neatly arranged
A sl« room building can be arranged
v>Ty much In the same manner, only,
of course It will not he i,uRe so large a
building According to Mr Sears’ idea
we can build a building 50 by *0 with a
like elevation of the Kaveuiui building
that will give us a suteen foot hall,
three large class rooms and a rescRation
rtoiui on each floor I he move now is
to get Mr Hicks to so change bis plan
as to make a building of this dtscviptlon
Such a house, Mr. hears aays t an t*
built for less than ten thousand dollars
State examination w ill he held June
13-14 at LI nestle. Wayne. Fremont
North Platte, lluldiedge. ae<l t.rand
Island The examination will be under
the supers talon of the slate beard «< ex
emitters and other rom|>eteet pei.onx
and will he given as follows Tues Uy
June li. a; 45 i. mi , tteweral History
HMU a m listlugi | ju p. Mt, t rig
onsMuetrv. .1 15 p mi . Rhetoric w*,|
ne»day June 14, s .mi • m t hemlstry
10 15 a . ni Fngb.h Literature I tit p
m . Intellectual Philosophy j 3 15 p Mt
tleulssgy i 4 JO p m , Physical tie. g
r»phy Further lofuno thus may be
had by addtessiitg the slat* mietlslts
vlewt s f public latino ttots* at I tomb.
• R Jus .ox
Will Tracy sport* a bran new nobby
top buggy now day*.
John Lofholm has erected a large and
commodious addition to his house.
This part of the vineyard is enjoying
a superiliiiiv of moisture this spring.
Mrs. O, Ben«cboter is visiting her
sister, Mrs. True, at Lee l’atk this week.
F. S. Heynoldstook Mrs. Novieki to
the asylum at Norfolk last Saturday,
returning Monday.
Mrs. A. Zink is building a new resi
dence just south of the engine house Mr.
J M Taylor has the contract.
Screen doors cheap at Wat
Now for a school house on the
modified plan and any man that
won't work for it is no more fit to sol
dier nor spite of
A few Anti-Rust slop pails
left, only 96c, worth $1.60 at
A girl's “complexion’' may be stamp
ed or. her lovers heart, but most of the
"completion” comes ofl' unless put there
by Rocky Mountain Tea. Powder’s
are u hud thing Ask your druggist.
The rarest combination of good things
ever put tngathcr is Rocky Mountain
Tea. It cures pimples, indigestion,con
stipation, rheumatism and sick head
ache. Ask your druggist.
A few bird cages cheap at
Ruby sleeps and grows while mamma
rests if Rocky Mountain Tea is given,
it'* the greatest baby medicine ever of
fered loving mothers, 3ft cents. Ask
your druggist.
Pilgerhas a large assort
ment of summer Dress Goods
at half price.
A. Watkfnson informs us that lie is
having a building erected in California
preparatory to moving his stock of
merchandise to that state in the near
An anonymous letter was received by
this office this week w hich we decline to
publish unless the writer will send In
his or tier name. We do not w ish the
name for publication but must require
it for good faith.
To those who drink w hiskey for pleas
ure; HARPER Whiskey adds zest to ex
istance. To those who drink whiskey
for health's sake: HARPER Whiskey
makes life worth living. Sold by T. H.
Eisner, l.oup City, Xeb.
Little Birtha Mead stepped on a
rusty nail while playing at school Mon
day The wound is very pilnful. She
is getting along very nicely and it is
hoped no bad results will follow as this
is a dangerous kind of a wound.
The election to decide which to build,
a four or six room school house was
held last Monday. The six room idea
carried. The polls were opi ned from
four to nine o'clock p. m. Consider
able interest was manifested and a fair
representative vote of the district was
Mrs.G. W. Hunter received the sad
intelligence a few days ago that
Mrs. Flora Tibbs, nee Adams, whom
our people will well remember us one
of our most popular young ladles a few
years ago died at Longmont, Col. on
the Oth lust, of consumption. Her moth
er died a short time before and with
the same disease.
Tuesdiy of this week Mr. Shad Chase
and Miss Hannah Nelson, were married
at the home of the brides parents, Mr,
and Mrs. J. P. Nelson. These young
people are so well known to the people
of Mason City and vicinity that we
need not say anything of their good
qualities They have a host of friend#
in this community who will all join tiie
Transcript in wishing them a long, hap
py and prosperous married life,—
Mason * ity Transcript
'The schools of the city will hold a
plcoicon Friday June tf, ISlttt. School
will close for the year on Thursday, and
! the teacher* have concluded to have an
i outing and a day of fun and pleasure
for the children at the winding up of
! their year* work Vehicles will be!
j provid’d to carry the scholar* to the!
grounds and will be at tin* different
room* at a seasonable hour in the fore
noon. 'The scholar* are all requested to •
meet at their respective rooms so that j
ail t an start together All parents are j
I invited to participate. Picnic will i.e j
to Id In the Inks grove south of town
• aw
ainty el a state
To it* bound hand and f*sot for )**»r«
! by the cliuiis of diseas«* h I|,«* wort!
form of slavery George l» VV Milam
;..r Manchester Mich tell* h«>w such a
slave as- made free lie says My wife
has It#** it -a (triplets it r gye year* that
•be mold not tom i ser la >r.| ah<t e
After usit g Iw bottles of f.'ectttc II t
lets, she is Wonderfully improved and
aide to do her uwe wot* I his stspreti e
i remedy for female iIimusss quo *ty
t cutes (set vooeoes* sleeplessoes* me I an
j ehstly. beado he utcbach* fsinttng and
; diary *p#lt* t his miracle working
( me Jolt*** is s g>* I to ■* **. a ■. * t
j fuss >luan peopl I , Mtir a t .
i .esc l it .
|,falsi Hr* s Ihuggisi*
There will be no services at the German
Evangelical church next Sunday us the pastor
will go to conference at Lorton. Otto Co., Mr.
Dolling will go as delegate from tbis and
Ashton congregation.
Am;. JennftD h. Pastor
The History class of the Unity Club, under
the Instructions of Mrs. C. F, Johnson, is pro
Egypt being the subject. The ten minute les
son on Parlimentar.v Laws and Usages Is also
very instructive.
Those interested In this work are cordially
Invited to meet with us, May 37, isw».
The German Varlen Society has accepted
the Invitation of the G A R's. and will Join
them la the march from the hall on Decora
Mon Day, at 1U:0U a. m. The society will
march with their new banner which is ex
pected to urrlve in due time, All members
of the Varein are requeued to turn out
The nebraska mate Sunday School Conven
tion will be held In Uoldridgc. June 18-15. lstf9
Every Sunday School In tbg state Is entitled
to one delegate for each member er fraction
thereof In udllion to these, the Pastor Is
a delegate ex-officio, and an alternate should
be elected in case of Inability to attend.
Entertainment will be provided for all dele
gates presenting proper credentials.
Reduced rates of one and one third fare on
the certificate plan huve been granted by all
the railraads la the slate.
An excellent program Is in preparation.
Schools should elect delegates at once. For
copy of program anil blank credentials, ad
dress E. J. Wii.HTMAN, Secretary.
York. Nebraska.
To the officers and members of Shilo Post
No 134 Dept.,,of Neb. G. A. R. You and each
of you are hereby directed to report ut the Post
room. Sunday May 38. 1899, at 1U;U0b. m. sharp,
for the purpose of marching In a body to the
M. E. church to attend divine services.
Also to report at same place May 80, at 10:00
a. in. to assist In observing Decoration day
Exercises will be conducted by Ladles of G, A.
R. Dated Headquarters May 17, 1809.
Sami,. Hancock. by W. If. Coni.kb.
Com. Adj.
The Ladies of the G. A. R. having completed
arrangements for Decoration day invite and
desire that all other clvle societies, and citizens
join with them. The school children ure espe
cially invited. The prosession will form at 10:
80, a. in, lnfront of Watklason's Hail, march
east to south east corner of square, thence
north to M. E church where they will be ad
dressed by our able townsman Judge a. Wall.
We think and feel that every citizen young and
old should have deep Interest in these services.
If any in the past may have become Indifferent
the late struggle should imbue them with a
spirit of Loyalty for our fallen brave heroes.
We trust that all will come out on the 30th
und show to the world we honor und revere
our noble defenders. And in memory of their
sacrifice scatter flowers over their graves
Committee L. of G, A. R.
Edward William J.
has been run out of bis new capital,
San Isidro, by General Lawton's
boy*, and tbe “Second George Wash
ington” is making for tbe mountains.
Everything indicates that the insur
gent forces #re badly demoralized.—
Edgar Post.
The circus has come and
gone but we still have one or
two of those Redroom suits left
at Watkinson’s.
\t hooping Cough.
1 had a little boy who was neatly dead
from an attack of whooping cough. My
neighbors reeommeuded Chamberlain's
Cough Kcraedy. I did not think that
any medicine would help him, but after
giving him a few doses of that remedy
I noticed an improvement, ahd one bot:
tie cured him entirely. It is the best
cough medicine I ever had in the house.
J. L- Moore, South Burgettstown, I’a.
For sale by Odendahl Bro's.
Fresh Garden and Field
seeds in bulk at T M Reed’s
1>k. Cady's Condition Powders, are
just what a horse needs when In bad
condition. Toole, blood puriller and
vermifuge They are not food but med
icine and the best in use to put a horse
in prime condition. Price 2-p> cents per
package For sale by Odendahl Bro's.
nig line of straw lints at
I'ilger’s at your own price.
The l»e*t naive in the world for (Jutn!
Ilriuncn Sort'* I Iccia Hall Kheutu Fever J
Horen Otter < h4|.|tcd Hand* i hillilalim <
( ’urn* and all Skin Kroptlona and |»oa
(lively curca I’ll** or no pay required.
It la guaranteed to give perfect aatlafao
tlon or money refunded. Prim £S> vent*
o*r bog. For aale by Odendahl tiro*.
Arbuckle* coflW 10c, \lc
Lau^hlin’s XXXX IK*, 9 bars
.Silver l*»*nf Snap line at I'ilgcr*.
I have (teen a tuflerer from chrome
1 diarbue* eyer amve the **r and have
, ward all kind* of medicine for it ,\t i*«t
I found ane remedy th*f lit* iieea a iw
| cat* aa 4 cut*, and that la * hauibamlatn'a
• u*h», * 'hole ra and tnarrh.wa lino uly .
I* I. t«uimi 4h liaar* Mill*, |.a For
«*l# n* * rd.u ltiii lit >• •
* ARMS 1 011 ' Id
1 E If ^i| f If IS ti#tk f i i Mi|| Ittilllui
f»rm« vm ttit** .%!*o . ,nit « «, mt)|
I Of«| KfhfiMEi
I diipN'tt* tiiu* «d ii> a in.| u|..
r«riw*t S.qliiplfa, ill j*.
\| III **a| a
W’e feel deeply grateful to all kind
friends who so kindly gave us sympathy
and help in our sad bereavement.
John IIayks.
Mr. and Mus. Jacob Wink
LKMAN and faintly.
Cheap Tickets to California.
The lowest rates of the year are those
which the Rurlingten Route will make
late in June and early in July, for the
annual meeting oi the National Educa
tional Association, at Los Angeles. Lib
eral return limits and stop-oyer privil
The coolest route to ilie coast is
through Denver and Halt Lake City. Go
that way and fora day and and a night
you ride through tue Wonderland of the
World—past canons, mountains, rivers,
waterfalls and landscapes gay with
information and California literature
on request. J, Francis, General Passen
ger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
LOW kateh to the east,
Your attention is directed to the ex
ceptionally low rates in effect this com
ing season to nearly every prominent
point in the East.
Never before lias such an excellent
opportunity been afforded for a summer
Vacation Tour, or for visiting friends in
the East. We mention below a few of
the places to which greatly reduced rates
have been made. The UNION PACIFIC
is the line that will give you the best
service to any of these points.
Columbus, Oilio, June fl-9. Kate Oue
Fare, plus $2.00, for the Round Trip.
St. Paul, Minn., June 0-13. Rate One
Fare and One-Third for the Round Trip,
on certificate Plan.
Buffalo, N. Y., June 11 15. Rate—One
Fare, plus $2 00, for the Round Trip.
Chicago, III., June 14-15. Rate—One
Fare and One-Third for the Round Trip,
on Certificate Plan
Milwaukee. Wis., June 14 15. Hate—
One Fare and One-Third for tiie Round
Trip, on Certificate Plan
St, Louis, Mo., June20-23. Rate—One
Fare, plus $2,00, for the Round Trip
Detroit, Mich., July 5-10. Rate—One
Fare, plus$2.00, for the Round Trip.
Richmond, Va„ July 13-10. Rate One
Fare, plus $2.00, for the Round Trip.
Indianapolis, lnd., July 20 23. Rate—
Oue Fare, plus $2 00. for the Round Trip.
For full information as to dates of
sale and limits, on tickets, time of trains
etc., call on—W. D. Clifton, Agent.
Hka im^ua rters—For new
stock, Field and Garden seeds
at Watkinson’s.
The Tune to go to Cull feral*.
Is in the summer—this summer—late
in June or early in Jnly—when sea and
sky and vine uiad slope are at their
best-when tlie rate is little more than
half as much as usual. If you take
the Burlington Route you will have
cooler weather and finer scenery than
by any other line to California,
Information and California literature
on request. J. Francis, General Passen
ger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
♦ • ♦
AGENTS WANTED.—For “The Life And
Achievements of Admiral Dewey,” the
world's greatest naval hero. By Murat
Halstead, the life long friends and admirer
of the nation’s idol. Biggest and book;
over M0 pages, sxlO inches, nearly 100 pages
half-tone illustrations. Only $1 SO. Enor
mous demand. Big commissions. Duttlt
free, chance of a lifetime. Write quick
The Dominion company, 3rd Floor caxton
Building., Chicago
-- ♦ ^ «.
National llapllat Socialist Aaniv«*marl«‘»
Portland Or»., Jun$ 2-5 1999
One Fare plus 82 00 for round tiip
via UNION PACIFIC. For dates on
which tickets will be sold, limits, and
full information, call on—W. D. Cue
ton, Agent
Tetter, tell-Klieuin unit Krzeinn
The intense itehing and smarting inci
dent to these diseases, is instantly allay
ed by apply ing < 'hamberlain's Kye and
Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases
have been permanently cured by it- It
is equally eiiicient for itching piles and
a favorite remedy for sore nipples
chapped hands, chilblain*, frost bites
and chronic sore eyes. I'Scts. per box.
For sale bv Od< ndiihl liro *
W e have »or sale Home im
proved Sherman county farms,
Liberal Terms, Kasv Pay*
inenta. Correspondence solie
J. S. Thomson, & Son,
Istieon, 111.
I a«« ul H»n* tyg'iaiM I r*tl bv
I «ih • I'aia Halni
Vit *«*t» sa« altlicted with rkrumitloa
•fetch ton traded hi* tight limb oultl h*
»** >*n«til* to aaih. After u*iug un*
*«d * h*lf h titles oft haHtle'rlaiti * Fain
| It* u« he a a* <e>ht lu It* about again. I
t'W* Mfllly ris nUiiiiritii || in |>t rii»i •
IMMM lull* Ml!
I HI M, I • %ibAMM« t «*i , W \ 4 | o?
* Ml* b| (Kfiil kit! |ru»
We Handle The
The first two weeks in May have been the busiest in our
history, and our store organization was put to the test hut we
handle the big trade promptly, and with satisfaction to the
public, Fact is we expected a big trade this spring, for wo
knew our splendid values deserved it. Therefore we increased
our sales force and made all necessary preperation to give the
public the best possible store service. All through the busy
season you can be waited on promptly and politely here, and
at the same time get big value for your money.
Eating is a necessity. No one can
dispute that. Even the man who trained
his horse down to one straw a day had to
acknowledge that his plan was & failure
when the horse died. However you can
make a pleasure of the necessity if you
patronize our grocery department. Every
delicacy which you can think of, and
many you would’nt think of are ready for
you here, and we will sell them to you at ^
popular prices.
If You Trade Here.
Everything you buy will be reliable in quality, correct in
style, and cheaper than you can get it elsewhere. You would’nt
find us making such strong asertions as this if the store did
not back them up. We are very jealous of the high reputation
of this tirm for doing just exactly as it says it will, therefore
nothing ever appears in our ads. that is not absolutely true or
more than true. It seems to us that this is just the kind of a
store most people would prefer to patronize, and our sales
record shows up that we are correct in our opinion.
Dried Itasberries.15 els.
“ Apricot.15 «
“ Pear be#.l‘j.| “
Best Prunes 3 lbs .25 “
i lb Soda. 7 “
Lyon coffee..*.10 “
Arbuckles coffee.. 1 1 “
King Bee “ .15 “ +
1 Package Wbeatel. .10 “
Best Loup City Hour.SO “
Second “ “ “ 70 “
Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Shoes, etc.
Calls Attended Night or Day,
G. II. Gibson, Funeral Director.
Attorney totl Notary Public. I'ublUhvr Uvi*l*tTT*
Fisher & Benschoter,
Real Estate Agents,
Town Lota, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated