The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 19, 1899, Image 7
The News Briefly Told.f ► Saturday. Dr. Lambert Russell died at Barre, llass., of mumps, aged 99 years. He was the oldest Harvard graduate. The powder mill plant of the Potts ville (Pa.) Water company, located In the Indian Run valley, destroyed eigh teen tons of powder. The condition of Tim Murphy, the comedian, is alarming. His tempera ture Is 102 and hie lungs are much sorer. A Chicago physician hns been telegraphed for. Ezra F. Merrill, aged 74 years, pro prietor of the chutes and toboggan slides at Coney Island and a reputed millionaire, died from the effects of an accident he met with on Wednesday last, on one of the slides. The proclamation recently issued by Governor Stephens, In which the rules governing the Inspection and admis sion of southern cattle in Missouri are prescribed, has caused some uneasiness among the live stock commission men at the stock yards. The I'nited States Plate Glass com pany, capital $1,000,000, was Incorpor ated at Trenton, N. J., to manufacture glass of all kinds. The incorporators arc William H. Brenrley, Frederick B. Hyde, Kenneth Mc Laren, all of Jersey City. The minister of war, Lieutenant General Polavleja, has received a dis patch from General Rios, Spain’s prin cipal military representative In the Philippines, announcing the sailing v from Manila for Spain of the Danish steamer Catalunt with Spanish troops. The minister of war. Lieutenant General Pollrleja, has received a dis patch from General Rios, Spain's principal military representative In the Philippines, announcing the sailing from Manila for Spain of the Spanish steamer Cataluna, with Spanish troops. Dr. W. I). Storer of Chicago, who was called to Oshkosh, Wls., to attend Tim Murphy, the comedian, said that he entertained hopes for Mr. Murphy’s recovery, although the patient's con dition Is critical from a relapse. The doctor found on arrival that aside from pneumonia, pleurisy had devel oped. Luis Nunez Rivera, ex-premler of the Brooke cabinet in Porto Rico und representing the planters’ Interests, called on President McKinley and dis cussed economic conditions on the is land. lie urged as necessury to save the planters’ industry, in view of the crisis through which Porto Rico is passing, the necessity of giving Porto Rican planters the right to enjoy all Hje trading privileges that other Ainerfcans enjoy. Monaay. John Buehler, president of the Oar ien City Hanking r.nd Trust company, Chicago, has died of cancer. An American syndicate has secured the electric lgi..ilug franchise at Puerto Principe, Cuba, for $70,00;. President Edwin Gould, Continental Match company, denies any coalition ^ oi his company with the Diamond people. An American syndicate has bought 18,000 acres of land in Puerto Principe province, Cuba, and will erect a sugar factory. An attachment for $1,750 has been issued In New York against the Rail road Equipment company in favor of l.evita & Co., on bonds. The Hamburg-Amerlcan and Furness steamship lines have agreed on the Montreal traffic being controlled on the American side by the former line. The $6S,000,000 of silver now in the Philadelphia mint will be transferred immediately to the new mint; 680 wagon loads of three tons each. The wage committee will meet at Pittsburg. Pa.. Thursday to compile the scale for 80,000 skilled workmen, and a demand for a ralre is expected. It is reported at New York that T. (i. Shaughnessy, vice president of the Canadian Pacific, will succeed the president, Sir 'William Van Horne, this week. Owing to the prevailing conditions, Cuban planters are unable to obtain loans on their lands, cannot sell them, except at a great sacrifice, and are consequently starving. President McKinley has directed that the customs receipts at Havana be deposited at the bank of the North American Trust company, established at Havana, thereby giving that bank a $2,000,000 deposit. James S. Lynch of Company C, Ninth United States infantry, reported among the dead at Manila, was u son of James Lynch of Syracuse, N. Y.. and 21 years old. He enlisted last July. Corporal William L Higgins and Private Harris W. Mallory of Company B. Ninth Infantry, were re spectively of Watertown und Camden, N. Y. A dispatch from Manila was re ceived in Washington asking that the Nebraska troops be removed from the firing line. In view of the fact that there were but am active men out of some 1,4<»0 that had gone to the Phil ippines over a year ago. This appli cation whs made to General Otis, who has full authority to relieve the regi ment from active eerviee at lilt dis cretion. 1 iicxUi. Central Otis report* to the war tie part mi nt that the transport I'ueUla left Manila for t**n KranrUro on he 7th lr.»l. ami that the Zealamlln li ft toiluy. Augustus ait Ituren, for many year* one of the forviuiMl eritnlnal lawyers of t'hleaao the state, ilteit of apo piny, «k*<I tto Ills father was a rolls In of frestdrut Martin Van (luren. Major lohn A l.ogan. a'»UUut a«l Jiltant general, I'. M \f,, now In Won tnatoii on leave of at**en»* naa be.'* orUemt to Atlanta, tla.. lor duty as atijniani general of tha it*|tartmrhl of the gulf the Mustmrl hiiu'e a'l»|i!*«l the tso ate aiueioln ante to the slate 4*nnl* meat store I III «a«l pa**#«| the Hill as •ttivmtsil The hill levies a llrtsis las on Arm* varrytag more than un# of seventy three * lessee of gtKxta as «la*< •IM la the hiU, of iron* |Joo to |St*J. the hill applies to Aims tn Ml Lorn*. Kansas City suit Ml Jasph It gone U> the governor fur hie signature. • •* * News was received at Chicago yes terday that a strong movement is forming in the west to Induce Admiral Dewey to make his entry into tho United States next month through San Francisco. Wrilneiilijr. Stove manufacturers are In session at Cincinnati and expect to form a trust before adjournment. A New York syndicate has acquired the Edison Electric Illuminating com pany’s plant, Hazleton. Pa. August Prcntano of the bookselling firm of Brentano Bros., New York, died at a private sanitarium in Flushing, L. I., aged 43 years. He was declared insane several months ago and it is said the business troubles of the firm, which failed recently, caused his breakdown. The secretary of war received a cable message from General Otis at Manila, saying that it is inadvisable on ac count of sanitary conditions to send to the United States the bodies of any more of the troops who lost their lives in the Philippines until after the close of the rainy season. Secretary Hay and the French am bassador had a talk relative to the re lease of Spanish prisoners held by the Filipinos, and the belief prevails on both sides that the French embassy will not a(t further for Spain, as Due d'Arcos will be here on the 20th inst., prepared to speak directly for Spain. The steamer Humboldt lias been chartered for the transportation of troops to Alaska. She will sail May 15 with fifteen soldiers and two officers of the Twenty-fourth infantry and about thirty tons of freight. The Four teenth infantry troops, now in Alaska, will be returned on the Humboldt. PresidentMcKinley purposes to make a tour of the west during his summer vacation. Arrangements for the trip have not been perfected, but it Is un derstood that he will go" to San Fran cisco by the South Pacific route and re turn over the Northern Pacific. He will leave about the middle of July and be gone probably six weeks. The Illinois board of agriculture is ssued a bulletin stating that of the 2, 039,000 acres of winter wheat seeded last fall 51 per cent was winter killed or so badly injured that it will have to be plowed up. leaving 1.006.H00 acres for harvest. These figures differ con siderably from the government report, which gives 701,000 as the reduction in acreage in this state. 1 liurulM.T. Senator Fairbanks of Indiana will sail for Alaska about June 10, to make Investigation ol the Alaska boundary question, Th< Washington oana' delegation has not yet been advised of the as sembling of the consistory at Home to nominate ten cardinals. Ex-President Harrison has accepted the place of honorable president of the general committee of the ecumenical conference on foreign missions. The treasury department denies a sensational story published in the east that counterfeiting has been g$ing on in the basement of the treasury build j ing. The L'nsiness Men's Republican league of Pennsylvania challenged ex Senator Quay to run for state treasur er this fall, to test his statement that the people want him at the head of Pennsylvania politics. The remains of Colonel H. C. Eg bert, which arrived in Washington from Manila, were interred at Arling ton cemetery with military honors. All the available troops in the vicinity of Washington were ordered out by the war department and many distinguish ed army officers were in attendance upon the funeral exercises. A majority of the senate committee on taxation in the Michigan legislature reported the Wagar bill, which is de signed to take the place of the Pin gree-Atkinson railway taxation bill, the principles of which were declared unconstitutional by the supremecourt. The W agar bill increases the taxes on the railroad earningu about $100,000 per year r.bcve the t mounts now cal ler ted. There will undoubtedly be an extra session of the New York legislature for the double purpose of amending the Ford franchise tax bill and passing I over the veto of the mayor of New ' York the rapid transit bill. It is un derstood that the governor will sign the Ford 'dll, and at’er mining It wut ; call an extra session of the leglsla I tore for ‘be purpise *. emending ;*v bill so as to put it in the hands of a state board for administration, in or der to have an equitable arrangement I of taxation, instead of different eon I structlon* of it in various portions of the slat' I rliiitjr. At the request of the president (len ernl Arr.erltus V. Hire of Lima, O.. will l»t appointed purchasing agent of the census bureau. The rolled Presbyterian ini»ki.>i.ry r. invention adopted resolutions at Newcastle. I*a.. ngainst the sealing of c'otigre*»n;an-< Uet Itoberts t*f t'tah A special from Kngle Pass, Tea., any* N» m » revived lod*y from the lloutio coal tnitiea pUera the dead re* stilt log from last night a tornado at t'i and t »» lw» a >tind«U May per. mu are 11111 missing and probably In the ruin*. Judge Klmba’l decided that the sale of liquors on tiunday tu Washington hotel* was legal under the a t of ut*t, ahlth he holds «t«s not tepealed by the law passed by the hut congress prohibiting au< h sale. The National t*d« ration of Miners on April It Issued order* for n general . sir the In tie four rust atm log districts | of HvI(Inh to enforr* a >b maioi for 1 an ls>reins of a ages The strike , resulted la lb* • losing of a great Many rations* in Metgtusi on a*rental of th# I la«h of i on I IMweea ♦•*"■<» aad | 3««mj workmea has* been bile oa Mi«ekt of tb s sink* The kiss of true love sounds Like a zephyrs sough, tis said. And not like a clapboard rudely ripped From the side of an empty shed. —Detroit Journal. "The way to sleep,” said the scl entist, “is to think of nothing.” But this is a mistake. The way to sleep is *l> think it is time to get up.—Tid Bits. Commodore Gerry, owner of the Windsor hotel, has suits plied up against him to the tune of 112,000,000, the plaintiffs being the relatives of ♦ hose who perished in the Windsor Are George Huff, of Portland, Ind., claims to have discovered a new gas which is suitable for use as fuel or for illumi nating purposes, and which costs very little to manufacture. He says that water and air are the onty ingredients used, and that the results are obtain ed by compressing the air and forcing it through water. A curious phase of the concert sea son in London is noted by Mr. I>a bouehere in Truth, For the last week in April and first week in May no less than seventy concerts were announced which might be called public. Then there is a class of concerts in which the performer or singer pays for an appearance as assistant to the prin cipal artist. The most lucrative of all the concerts are those given by rich hostesses, newly created million aires, and aspirants to social position. Prof. David Starr Jordan having repeated in a lecture story that one of the peace commissioners at a banquet in Paris was guilty of expectorating tobacco juice on the floor, Mrs. Wil liam P. Frye, wife of the senator, has written a sharp open letter to the pro fessor, denouncing the report as a “vulgar story, which has not even the merit of freshness or the appearance of truth.” Then she proceeds to show that none of the peace commissioners rhews tobacco and that none of them attended a baneuet w'hile abroad. There Is now in Philadelphia a Buddhist temple as complete In every essential detail as any of the shrines of Buddha In the far countries of the Orient. It was put together by Pro fessor Maxwell Sommerville, of the de partment of archaelogy and Paleon tology of the university of Pennsylva nia, and occupies a portion of the new archaeological building. Professor Sommerville collected all the material from which the temple was constructed while on a recent tour of the w’orld, buying the Idols and all the objects of worship and religious rites from the priests of Buddhist temples In China, Japan, Corea, India, Slam and Bur mah. In a description of the marvelous products of a Tennessee boom town, a lady eulogist, quoted by the court in a recent case, said: "As to straw berries, I heard the Hon. Benton Mc Millln remark at a dinner that 'two wouldn't leave room in a tumbler for a stick!’” On this the court said: “By way of annotation, we might add that the full significance of the remark of the Hon. Benton McMillin might not be appreciated by the uninitiated, who might wonder what connection tiiere could be between strawberries in a tumbler and a stick. The infer ence that we draw from the remark, evidently made with pardonable pride by Mr. McMillin, is that mint is also indigenous to that locality, and, in deed, we could conceive that, with the proper proportions, one strawberry and a Btick would have been suffi cient.’ Do Toor Feet Ache and llarnf Shake into your shoes, Alien’s Foot-, Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes1 tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot and Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 2,r>c. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. Probably nothing hurts a man's van ity more than the discovery that some one has worker a lead nickel off on him. Hint to Housekeeper*. A littledry “FaultlessStarch" will mnkea large ipiantity of starch mixture and gives better results than any other starch; try it. All grocers sell “Faultless Starch,” 10c. Whisky glasses are not spectacles, but they enable a man to see a lot of queer things. FITS rrrm»m*ntly Cur-<1. No flu or iiorrnuanrFPRftor Hr»t dtty * um* «>f l>r. K tin* it «.rr»t Km# K«»tor*r. Hrnri lor FKFK 9*4.(HI U1»l bottto and tn*arlh«. Lm. R. 11. Ki ink, Ltd., 93; Art L ht., 1 hiiadeli»blR, I’fc A hank failure may not upset the depositor, but it may cause him to lose his balance. Mr*. tVln*low'* Soothing Syrup. Forehtotren teething, .often, the rum., reduce* lir Cumnallun. ».!»** fain,cure. wlmicollu Slcabotu* A man may dodge the earthly collec tors. but he must pay the debt of na ture us he goes. • |'»r Wm)i. We will pay ii mi In ry of tl’>|M»r *n>k and exp* neoe for man with Itla to Introduce 1‘rr l*oll#n foul*ry Mixtureand Insect i>* at my* ••r In the country. Ail<lrcn» with *tiuni> Krlwllon Mf* Co., Ibiroon*. Koiimuk The be*,t friend you k«v« on earth is a better friend to hlnt*r|f than he Is to you. Plan's (’ore for fnnn'iiptfon l« our nnlr niclidnc for «>■ ug1)' mol cold*. Ur« iV Melt*, 4.tJHti Ave . heuter.Col .'W, i’ew Men ate horn leaders, but lota of them grow up and become driver* r • i stu*t» it«!«mi !• I hr* i «!#«! •>« 4 l Ml |i •!} I #«** mi s. t*«UJ j-ii« U#f iImk •uiiftiift Ill* thr i Although the «d« meter never fall* •o register, it i*n t allowed to vut*. *• n »«» . * •ra«4 li*n i* "*• fc*r»a» la>ii«e-t* nl •"Wiuou in I "Hi m * h. i im |,| twr t eteoi i ii--» i » ■ Iiuj jim a* . yw. hw. Truth lie* at the bottom of the well -and anglers never go there to B.h (•Ob •»!». » »»• >| , |. » »*».. loo l*ni!isMr nothing slim up a so *• v • trtaper mur* than taller* on • tohdajr I *’• of abltuated thinker* ar* poor «at»»t« liOndon coroners are sticklers for their rights. A boy held at a railroad station recently, owing to the railroad officials having lost the waybill, was opened, though it was consigned to a Hamburg museum, and the body of a young woman and two skulls were found Inside. The young woman was a mummied Peruvian and the skulls were prehistoric, yet the coroner of the district insisted on holding inquests on both mummy and skulls unless the museum people would have them re moved. Women seldom live to be 100 years old; they linger around 30 too long. No More "Ordinary** Sleepem. Some time ago the Pullmnn Com pany, as an experimental measure, In troduced "Ordinary” sleeping car ser vice on the Baltimore and Ohio Rail road between Baltimore and Newark, and Pittsburg and Chicago. The re sults to the Railroad Company were very gratifying, but subsequently it was ascertained the Pullman Company was not In position to furnish this class of equipment to all roads oper ating Pullman cars east of Chicago and St. Louis, and to allay any friction that might result from this inequality of service, the Pullman Company ie quested the Baltimore and Ohio Rail road to resume the standard carB pre viously in service, which will be done commencing April 10. V. 8. I’lltml I mice It IIMl IK'MX. Patents are granted for inventions in many instances that have never been tested, but are theoretically oper ative and practical. In a recent deci sion by Judge Morris In the court of appeals of the District of Columbia occurs the following: "There is a great difference between Inoperativeness and Imperfection. It is well known that many inventions were extremely crude in their incep tion, and it is not always easy to rec ognize the original conception in the perfected device.” As a rule inventions are not ln<rn perfect and the evolution of important inventions and industries is highly interesting. Where two or more in ventions contribute to the perfection of a machine or art each has rights that will be respected by the courts. The following is one of the claims allowed to C. H. Connelly of Fort Madison, la., for a combined lock and seal in which a key cannot enter the lock without breaking the fragile seal: A lock casing, a latch-bolt therein, a lock bolt engaging said luteh-bolt, a seal box within the casing engaged by the lock-bolt and a seal in said seal box registering with the key hole of the lock casing. Printed matter containing interest ing information sent free THOMAS G. ORWIG & CO., Solicitors of Patents. Des Moines, la., May C, 1899. Dr. John Duncan Quackenbos, emer itus professor of Columbia university, asserts that hypnotism may be em ployed not only to alleviate pain in some cases—which he thinks is about all there is to Christian science—but that it may also be used to reform criminals end to remove crimina' tendencies through “suggestion." He instances some cases where he has cured boys of the confirmed habit of cigarette smoking by this method. 500,000 FAMILIES RELY ON PE-RU-NA. W. H. D. Williams, publisher of The Farmers’ Industrial Union, in a recent letter to Dr. Hartman says: "I have used Pe-ru-na as a family medicine for several years. I find It of especial use for myself. I have had several tedious spells with systemic catarrh and before using Pe-ru-na I had tried geve;aJ Mr. W. H. D. Wllllum*. Columbus. O. other remedies with little or no rue irB«. Uut In Pe-ru-na I found a prompt i and sure cur*. 1 always lieep the remedy which promptly relltwa any attack of the same malady. “My wife also u.e* Pe-ru-r.a. She Audi it of especial use for severe sp 1 s to which she U subject. We always keep It In the house as a family medi cine. We think It an eicelUnt remedy for the various Ills to which children are subject, especially climatic dis eases Address l>r Hartman. Colum bus. Ohio, for a free l«o.*k i n taim y medicine. flnjcnuaaRftaiLidi ► M A coffee house should make a man rich, declares Victor Smith in the New York Press. The finest Santos can b3 bought for 19 cents a pound, Maracai bo for 25 and Mandheling Java for 33. The largest demi tasse in the city res taurant holds a trifle less than two ounces of the beverage; but suppose we call it two. That would give us six-*' ty-four half cups to the gallon, or 128 to two gallons. One pound of berries roasted and ground will make easily two gallons of drink, and at 10 cents a cup the profit is anywhere between $12 47 and $12.61 per pound, or about 4,300 per cent. Dr. Charleton M. Lewis. the new Emil Sanford professor of English at Yale, is the youngest full professor In the faculty. His age Is 33. He has not been a prolific author, his only published work beine a Ph. D. thesis in 1898 on "Foreign Sources of Modern English Versification, with Special Keference to the So-CaWed lambic Lines of Eight and Ten Syllables,” published both in this country and in. Germany. Throughout the world there are G7Z known volcanoes, 270 of which are ac tive. WOMEN are assailed at every turn by troubles peculiar to their sex. Every mysterious ache or pain is a symptom. These distressing sensations will keep on coming unless properly treated. The history of neglect is written in the worn faces and wasted figures of nine tenths of our women, every one of whom may receive the invaluable ad vice of Mrs. Pinkhatn, without charge, by writing to her at Lynn, Mass. Miss Let. a Evans, of WOMEN WHO NEED MRS. PMKHAM’S AID Parkersburg, Iowa, writes of her recovery as follows: “Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam—I had been a constant sufferer for nearly three years. Ilad inflammation of the womb, leucorrhoea, heart trouble, bearing-down pains, backache, headache, ached ull over, and at times could hardly stand on my feet. My heart trouble was so bad that some nights I was compelled to sit up tn bed or get up and walk the floor, for it seemed as though I should smother. More than once I have been obliged to have the doctor visit me in the middle of the night. I was also very nervous and fretful. I was ut terly discouraged. One day I thought I would w’rite and seo if you could do any thing for me. I followed your advice and now I feel ) 1like a new woman. All those dreadful troubles 1 have no “—more, and I have found Lydia E. Pinkhain’s Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash a sure cure for leucorrhosa. 1 am very thankful for your good advice and medicine." **A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH.” SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-GLEANING. It is equally as important to be sure you are wrong before backing out as it is to be sure you are right before going ahead. WItht “Kalnomlnes" Art. "Kalsomines” are cheap temporary preparations manufactured from ! I chalks, clays, whiting, etc., and ars stuck on the wall with decaying ani mal glue They bear no comparison | with Alabastlne, which is u cement ! that goes through a process of setting, 1 and hardens with age. Consumers, In : buying Alabastlne, should see that the ' goods ure in packages and properly I labeled. Nothing else Is "Just as good" as Alabastlne. The claims of new imitations are absurd on their face. They cannot offer the test of time for durability. Dry ptales are ail well enough in a photograph studio, but mnllsters do not think favorably of them in churches. Are Vuu INliiit Allen** I*’* It is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, Burning, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FEES. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmsted, LeBoy, N. Y. We are told that the cat has nine lives and we are Inclined to believe it spends eight of them in vocal cul ture. Ilwll'a Catarrh Cara !>> taken internally. Price, 76c. Some people seem to know every thing except that fact that they don’t know how much they don't know. Khlrt Ituaoms Should alwavn lie dried before starching. Apply "Kauitleam Htarch” freely to Uiih side*. roll up tight with Imhuiii iiiHiile and lav aside twenty minute* Iwforw ironing All grocer* sell "faultier* Htarch," Hip. !n Kiifmla no pertion la permitted to ; marry after the age of eighty, and ! only five marriages are permitted. gsaixaiaxm A* > in lit Jtl IX 114 *1* .4.1 W.N.U. OMAHA. No.2.-lb»» Vk' Answering Advcrttscn!*n‘(» Kindly Mention This Few5/ V-j COLUMBIA, 3 Hartford and Vedette BICYCLES. An experience of 22 years in the application of the best methods of cycle building, and our unequaled manufac t uring facilities, enable us to offer the purchaser the most d L do.irahle combinations of DKSKiN, QUALITY ani. PRICE. NEW Chainless. - Columbia Chain, HartforJs, - Vedotes, MODELS. - - - - *75 - - SO - - 35 - *25, 26 (■talnpne, nooklru. Koltlcrj. «rr.f free of any ColumliU tinnier or l>y mall for a V t eut puunp. POPE MFC. CO. HARTFORD, CONN. w. 3 3 r i > i i 'i i m tt* rn—n AFtSSI BOOKLET HOW/ TO MAKI5 CTURES PrretTinnl! If »«« writ* wittt I’trln’i Ink lo I I I I f 'l lV CAHTEF.'s INK WAKTin Cm «.» »>«a nrtim that h i r vim *111 not tn'M-m. Krnd 5 < t Lilt* to Klfitm < hrnilral On.. »* York.for tv anuiplaa and tjUUU taatluiotilaia. Dr. KayTs l.un°L Balm top pmirlia. rnlda, and UmmtdlM'aa* immimii jwj u REV. L. L. CARPENTER, Walwh, InJ.. U Pr^donl of tl.n Ik' A*i><‘iui»ljr »% (iintikivit, I ml. Ilv> U |*-rh »|«* this most | ><-> >m 111 *■ i> t t>rjfju»im in U*e t.'brUllnit (Jiiuivli to-iluy. IIn. rttmut ,V0 titurubo* uud Ui|>tiM'd ?UWmovcrts. 11<* wrh«». “It afford# ini' yi-oit hun to niv# sm (titliuuii) uto (kt o( Ur. K<ty‘<* rctiM'illii. IK K.iy's 1.1105 lluim i» tiio Ur) U**l trough, void nud ti.roat ivmwtjf t lit I «(of Ul >1, I havp it«n rtiflrrf ^rt ut hon< flT From Ih# »*» of Dr IC.»y'» Ibnarauir. My ton had for i '«ir» uronily'Ud v»Ul* the !«•«; n« coiniiiotit * ) i •• a»ii nl Ur. Ka) « iuo.itiut tvoU v*jki u lu v i rviivl liltiHiit (rotu tov Lr»t. Wehttre n<i«. or«l* ta*i|irr.. n««r thankfulm i (or iht* Urn fit h»r« r> ■* iTv«i <i» tto* r**uli of un ii>(f tlu'w ivunuli ». I titko ^rvrt jnvmiu'V to Ci otii ii|Ml)B| thorn In tilt tilUtMlj." I. I, I'.tlfUtTMti \Hwiooarjr nu4 H. H. Kvangeli.t, » luutUn t lot rob. Dr. Kay’s Renovator. r? It <* a !«•«•< renovator *<l |h« ■ Sltftii. r U th* tfrrjr lw*i rrwrdy Imp »t« iu.m'Ii krwlib i, lit tit |mi&, ain rh wl lt « ttomaok, i*w*«l |mt i n i)m>li*tr n-ti t Hibrjr to Hl>,n, it>4 lu •> tn)** rnrel* til 1.4 * .uni HrtOfco I«mI ||*4«. Ii (• tu t»fi liki K»M» TwiW ti» im I«m In* mh>|>Ii imI * lr**» II utiniin II*-. iiff* lu k ui •to , VI.I uMui )' iiHi|Mi> »• * ill (!*.• )»»« lr« « ><n i«*\ lIUtutfyfUrii. M’l l. *'« l'r Kn illiumtiur tkut I t*k« tn) whlrtklt l|*| ku >41 k "h>HuHr II bu mi iuuai| U.t «. m| tl*r* pi u* u* b»4 •• •III mm4 Ii '■> Mini n«li I*rl*’» ..Vi*., an*! tl Ww ilk bn- ISm, A w l»r. kt/'i |.i\ug IWUai l'*'i», Ml Ju , |*i’.i:i |»*| . •: In 11. J Kai blKih.a tu, kuMiy* % i>)i, X V, tta • ++ * s * + * • 9 • * m*ms • + * * * • 940 1 9 9 i% i#■-*♦*% % m »#»*«.«*• $ % * * * 4 « .U MH 4 H H M H l il 4 4 4.1 4 iTlTl I I 4 4