The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 19, 1899, Image 4

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    The Northwestern
HKO. 15. BKfMnHoTKR, ( toll tori and
URO. II. unison, I Publisher
Entered at the Loup City I’oatofflce for tran
mission through the mailt an second
clans matter.
Official Taper Sherman Count)
We have often heard of lat irifj
“plana," but we were a little alow l<
natch on this time. Boy* wha; wil
you lake?
The Third Nebraska, Bryans re#
iment was mustered out at Atlanta,
Oa. last Thursday. But Bryao tbt
man who deceived them was not it
It in unpleasant to he swindled ni
any point in the path hut when f
fellow is clearly bunkoed, he feeh
like giving a blind cow an ear ol
corn to kick him to death.
Will Governor l’oynter he on the
grand stand when tho First Nebraska
marches pastor will lie hide himself
in shame when the hand plays ‘ See
the Conquering Heroes Come."
The First Nebraska boys will he
home it is hoped to celebrate the 4tb
of July with us, and if they do the
state should endeavor to compen
sate them for the veto of the legisla
live vote of thanks.
A ny man that sought to make po
litical capital out of our war with
Spain, should not hope to receive
the plaudits of the American people.
Billy Bryan must not expect them or
he will he doomed to disappointment.
The bones of the patriot Garibaldi
must rattle in their narrow grave
at the spectacle of a cowardly Hum
bert undoing his noble woik. But
Bryan will never get the chance to
disgrace the heroic work of McKin
The American people, whither in
national or municipal affairs must
ussert their sovereignty, and let die
tators, whither great or small, when
they see the check shirt emerging
from the darkness of tbr&lldom be
ware, “Caeser had his Brutus, Char
les the I. his Cromwell,” and the lit
tle dictators should profit by their
Mr. Ramon Keyes Lulu, an edu
cate 1 Pbilippino says in Colliers
Monthly, that the present Insurgents
do not constitute one third of the in
habitants of the archipelago, and
that all the better classes want Amer
ican rule of the islands. He says
the reason they do not more emphat
ically declare themselves is because
they are afraid that the little Ameri
cans may control the next adminis
tration and turn the Islands over to
Aguinaldo, and that in such a case
they could not look for any mercy
from the dictator. He says the reb
els rely wholly up-m the altitude ol
our mistuken statesmen otherwise
the war would not haveoecured.
Luuii'u Stubbing, of North I’laite,
ami in 1897 a pop legislator from
that district lias declared fusion a
rampant fraud, and says that from
this on the people* party as organ
ised by him a few tears ago, will
stand alone lie at the same tune
anuouucea himself aa a candidate for
\V. L tireeiie a shoes, and aeetus t«
think he esu win against the com bio
e I |Nditieal elements of both old par
ties, lie sate both Allen and Hr*an
are Venal Yaiupirea of the veriest
variety. He aays • Hr) an ism sati
the republican* d<> not waut tree ail
ver and that is a g'**l reaaoti why
deoto. rats should waul it. lie warm
"eoufusi.u pope ' that • Hr tan will
soou have them eating griudstoitui
hnnus* the republn ati» won't eat
them He aays “llryau will lake
you tu suss old deserted republican
camp ami point out a*one old sar
dine t ana and broken ven»«U and In
»lie you to Itll youreebee Anything
n republican » '# l hate is goal
enough for adeuturti, and you will
Mt U and stand with tour moult)
o|Un tasjnu. to 10 >te tsiiliis*
tv Inst the reput>tl in* Mr. Hteb
head '* level *»n that point but
mv will bid a i • *a»t he d *n t go to
Too Mu«-li Prosperity.
(Cleveland I’luindcaler.)
i The editor of tlie Free Silver Hun
ner bent over bis desk and wrote.
Hot, scathing words oozed from the
end of his fountain pen and scrawl
' ed across the white paper that be
i was spoiling for ever.
, He denounced the government in
the most tier) sentences at his com
mand, He drew pathetic pen pict
ures of the misery of the people ,,un
der the rule pf the money sharks and
the land grabbers.” “Starvation
i stalked across the land in seven
I leagued boots. The monopoly or
gans boasted of the return of pros
perity; but where was this prosper
ity? Who hud seen it? Surety not the
people who were compelled to earn
their bread in tlie sweat of their
Ah lit; got minuet I tip to Ins work
• lie etlilor fairly gtotind Ins teeth,
lie tossed off sheet after sheet of
ma'ter tlist Whs calculated to show
how all this misery—all these troub
les might have been avoided If
Bryan hud been elected, and he pre
dicted u complete overturning of af
fairs in I!!()(). * * I'hey say prosperi
ty is here,” lie wrote; “but nobody
except the monopolists can find it.
I And, not being satisfied with the
misery we have at home, they waut
to annex a lot more. What would
Washington and .Jefferson say if they
could suddenly appear among us?
Are our people going to permit this
mistake to be made? We think not!
Speed the day when this mockery
they call prosperity will have been
forced aside!”
lie read his editorial through after
it was tiuisbed, and smiled as he
thought of the consternation it would
spread among “the fools who thought
they were satisfied with the existing
order of things.’' Then he took the
sheets to the foreman.
■•No use settin’ this up,” said the
latter, bs lie glanced through the stuff.
“Why?” asked the editor, with
fire in his eyes.
“Because the business manager
has just sent word in 'that lie’s got
so many ads we’ll have to use the
editorial column to get ’em all in.”
The editor walked back to bis
desk, sat down, ran >iis fingers
through bis hair, and muttered:
“D-u this prosperity, anyhow!
Is there no escape from it?”
Is Mr. Hicks endeavoring to in
troduce an innovation in architect
ure in the west, when he places win
dowa ho that they will extend both
above and below the second floor.
The cost of producing at the
Greater America Exposition in Oma
ha this summer Pain's pyrotechnical
reproduction of “The Fall of Manila’’
aud “The Destruction of Cervera’s
Fleet” reaches a sum that would
sustain an aristocratic and extrava
gant family in comparative luxury
for a generation.
We have all due regard tor pro
fessional men of every kind, but
when un architect will run Ins brick
wall 4i feet above the upper surface
of the top joice for the purpose of
ge’-ling space to put on a long brack
et under the cornice, and then set uu
iminciialy heavy roof on t< p of these
walls that stand up virtually without
support from lateral motion, it is
time to have a thorough investiga
tion by practieal men before Ins
plans are used
Mr. C M Lltwullyo, who wa».aeut
tu I’uba l>y the Mrenter A no m a
Kx|w*Utoo lo arrange for Mu* voile* •
turn of no exhibit from the "IVn 1
of the Atltilea," lift* rfturtnl, having
|itt( a uo.iilier of ageula at work.
Owing to the tlet aatatioii wrought by
i Ik* tliwttUruut war. litUe of ulur
nan •»* a#*enr*«l from Cuba to imtttl
frat her agrienUuial ami Imlnalrial
reaouteea, t*ul many t urlua of the
war hate been aeeuretl ami many
ourioua relleaof the>lata of S|»aniab
riutlh ami o|i|>rtaatou Neatly UK)
Caliaoa *|U Ian I lu Saw Mult iu a
few •lata, «n route lo Omaha to e«
tabllah oo the Mreater Aw»*ft<a Ha
|i Miitiou gi*unla a t'uban tillage, In
whteh the litea ami puratota of that
jwill la eatm|iliNv«l Am *114
them wil* be many of the |>«t|lula
wantoia of immiiwar* iw ihe t wl>aa
atmy. Thia will Iw « lnnnn ant)
| t»ett«r ntltnellou than any aran at lb*
*a|e>aitltm la«t year
— fi- ..... -
of consulting one of the leading physi
cians and surgeons (in the treat- ,
ment of chronic and nervous
diseases) of this country,
lie in sell known in Nebraska, and
is reliable as well as eminent in his
profession, and has but few superiors
in his line of diseases, and. from reports
of the press, his rooms arc crowded
wherever he stops. By the request of
his many friends and patients who
have usually ({one a long distance to
see him, he has decided to VISIT
LOI T CITY, and will be at
THURSDAY June 1st 1H90, one day
only, returning every 4 weeks for six
months, Consultation and examination
FREE to ail
His treatment and examination# we
understand are baaed upon new
methods, and are similar as are given in
the eastern and southern hospitals
where fie learned his business.
He treats chronic cattarh, disease ol
the. ear, nose, throat and lungs, dyspep
sla, Bright's disease, diabetes, liver, ,
stomach, constipation, rheumatism, '
chionlc female and nexual diseases, neu
ralgia, sciatica, dizziness, nervousness,
slow growth In children and all wasting
diseases in adults, deformities, club feet,
curvatui e of the spine, diseases of the
brain, paralysis, heart disease, eczema,
varicocele, and hydrocele. Cancer,
tumors, wens and birthmarks removed (
Young, middle aged and old, married
or single men, and all who suffer with
lost manhood, nervious debility spertna
torrhea, seminal losses, decay, falling
memory, weak eyes, stunted develop
ment, lack of energy, impoverished «
blood, pimples, also blood and skin dis
Kruption, hair falling, bone pain, «
swellings, sore throat, ulcers, effect of
mercury, kidney and bladder troubles, ‘
weak back, burning urine, incontinence,
gleet, stricture, receive searching treat
ment, prompt relief.
Both sexs treated confidentially and
privately. Piles, fistula, fissure and
rapture by our new method.
You may have heard
and havcf a vague notion
that it is cod-liver oil with
its bad taste and smell and
all its other repulsive fea
tures. It is cod-liver oil, the
purest and the best in the
vso.ld, but made so palata
ble that almost everybody
can take it. Neatly ail
children lice it and ask for
■7 LJ'ON
, * *.m s it nour
vd body* of
at itd or aduU
t e.»m or any
r\ s terse. It
•* tse s. me rela
\ tt* } emuUions that
r, h. If you
e *pe rtem e
♦ n *r %ty catted **|Ust as
|i'*iMiut < m. you
i.c, th«t this H a last.
a feat m
> t» the t««l t*vw (Ml
■«'tt •**! s*tu* lo H
•v •{» ltd >m (t<o» i> arm
iWi i(nn|th t« Ih* *hwl«
J Phil Jaeger’s
DRY GOODS if 1011
Those* shoppers who wish to make a sea
sonable purchase in season comes here, for
they know we have just what they want
and when they want it. Our stock of
is here. It is fresh and complete. We are headquarters for anything
needed in ths general merchandise line. Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing,
Suits, Spring line of hoots and shoes, fancy silks, block crepon, wash
dress goods, lace curtains, Curtain SwisH, Silkolne draperies, Scrim, No
tions, of ull ki ids, trunks aDd valises, kid gloves, etc. etc.
back on a good thing. Don t forget that in new spring novelties we
can show you many new things that have never been shown before. And
above all. for your interest as well as ours, don't fail to visit our store,
inspect our goods and learn our prices.
meet our competitors ou both prices and quality of goods and in many
things can save you money. We bought in large quantities and got the
best goods at the lowest figures so can give our customers the best possible
bargains for the season. We invite you to call.
Yours Truly,
J. Phil JsGQsr.
v\f£ vV£
7l\\ ?A> ?AN ?A> 7aN 7aV,?AN ?AN ?A> ?AN ?AN ? A\ ?AN 5n\ ^A^tN
•?! vV
Implements and Harness.
3ur stock of implements and harness is nowin the house and
samples on the floor.
We venture the ascertion that a more complete stock of ihe above lines was never
lefore shown at this point than the one we are offering this spring.
tee Lues are Composed of so Many Different Kieds, Sizes and Prises
that it is impossible to undertake to enumerate them here.
We asl Yon io
While there has been a general advance in prices on most all kinds of goods, you
'ill find by inquiring that our prices are as low as ever. We ask you to come and see
is and our goods and we will trust to your being pleased with both the goods and the prices.
Respectfully Yours,
c ^ Tur
GlttllM [QUO! ID llie IKSI.
rt»V # WWM (>•»* « 'Km
'■** ytt»> ••*«! *«*»
i» **#»
*.* i'.
NEBRASKA, AT FROM 60 to 600 jmt cent LESS than
agents usual prices. Wo IRRIGATE our SMALL FRUITS
We have the largott clock of aruall fruit* in the alate. Million* of
Strawheriy plant*, Kaaptwrry plante, Currant*, Uooaeberrlea, tirap**.
Our stock <>f Fruit, OrMiMalil, Shade and Kv«r|(re«a Tr««* la complete.
Shrul.a, Hoaea. etc in ahumlame.
Send f„r Free Catalogue to NORTH BEND NURSERIES,
North It. ml, Hodge Co, N*hi*>ka
A. tiiiaUti A. K OtILLBY.
PrMltkli ‘
General Banking Business Transacted.
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000
CtukiiP^i'ilin PnlM«hl N*ui»al ilauk, N»* \**fhl*lt*, N, V ,Omaha
National M*uk Omaha, Nvt.faaka