The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 19, 1899, Image 2

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    THE NORTHWESTERN. A OIIIWIN, till wid Pali#.
I/)UI» CITY, • • NEB.
An 18-year-old son of C. C. Doeseher,
a farmer living west of West Point,
wia kicked by a horse, which com
pletely shattered his nose and tore off
part of his lip and flesh around bis
Major Forrest H. Hathaway, quar
termaster U. 8. A , has been relieved
from duty at Philadelphia and ordered
to Omaha to relieve Captain John Bax
ter, Jr., assistant quartermaster, who
has been ordered to Manila for duty.
A boy at Pleasant Hill has been suf
fering from an attack of appendicitis
caused by eating unground wheat. He
has been In the habit of carrying wheat
in his pockets and eating large quan
tities. it was at first thought thut a
r-argiral operation was necessary, but
It was delayed and it is now thought
he will recover.
Horse stealing has become a common
practice here, says a Falls City dis
patch. Last night, between midnight
and morning the barn of Henry Shaw,
living In the north part of town, was
broken Into and his chestnut sorrel
driving horse, harness and new bug
Ky taken. The thief started west and
yet has not been heard from. One
hundred dollars is offered for his cap
ture. This makes the fifth horse that
has been stolen from Falls City In the
last two months.
The house of William Huwald. south
«f Osmond, was struck by lightning,
badly Injuring a son who was occupy
ing a room upstairs. The bolt came
down the chimney and into the cellar
where a terrific explosion occurred,
tearing out several Joists and one sill,
also badly splintering the floor In the
room occupied by Mr. Howell and his |
wife. At the farm of Nelson Rasmus- ■
sen, northwest of town, his barn was
struck by lightning and a valuable j
horse killed A J. Kladek of the same ■
neighborhood lost four 2-year-old
steers In the same manner
The residents of Merrick county are
feeding one-third more cattle than
ever before In the history of the coun- !
ty and It is said that the largest feed- 1
er In the world is located at that place.
One Central City man has had iu his
feed yards 14,000 head of cattle during
the past year and it Is figured that It
was necessary for him to use $750,000
to purchase stock and feed and carry
on his operations for the one year.
This Immense business is no experi
ment with him. as he has carried on
the feeding operations on an equally
large scale for several years.
Wymore is making big preparations
for the Southeastern Nebraska and In
terstate reunion, which is to be held
there August 21 26. A large force of
men have been put to work getting the
park In fine condition and everything
la moving in a manner which indicates
that the reunion this year will eclipse
all previous efforts More than $1,000
haa been subscribed by the citizens to
b® expended in entertaining visitors,
and this, with the large amount which
will be realized from privileges will
be used in securing prominent speak- j
®rs, food bands and other amusements.
The Corn Belt, the Burlington pub
lication which Is usually accurate on
crop reports, has tills to say about the
present conditions along the Burling
ton lines. 'As to winter wheat, not
, only in Nebraska, but almost every
where, the winter was a very unfavor
able one for this crop. In Nebraska
reports seem even mrtre favorable tha'i
in Kansas and Missouri, and far more
so than in Illinois and Indiana. But
in Nebraska the crop is starting slow
ly, and has been damaged considera
bly by the cold weather early in the
fall and the severe winter and spring.
The estimates of the condition vary
widely, ranging from about all to only
about 20 per cent killed. However,
moat reporters estimate the damage to
be between 50 and 75 per cent.”
A compromise was effected between
the contending parties in district
court at Tecutnseh In the case of ta«
trustees of St. Andrew's Catholic
church against the Reverend Frederick
Sperlein for tresspassing and malic
ious destruction of property. The ca.-.o
was up for trial, but at the suggestion
of the court the agreement was en
tered Into. According to its tenet that
faction of the chuich In sympathy with
the trustees agree to accept any priest
ab pastor of the parish except Father
Sperlein, but the priest sent to the
parish must recognize Messrs. 8huugh
i.essy and Murphy (the old board of
trustees) as the legal trustees of tho
rhart-h until the case now pending In
the supreme court for possession of
tha property is settled at least.
I ft* authorities or the state univer
sity are Incensed at the conduct of
aavernl student* who caused to l>«
printed and posted In conspicuous
places about the city posters B(U *rtis
in* "the finest troupe of trained calves
ever seen In the wrest," the posters hav
ing direct reference to an exhibition
drill Riven by the fair students of the
university In the armory. Tt»e posters
read thus: "Grand attraction Great
atork exhibition. I'ntver«lty arsenal,
Haturday evening The finest troupe of
trained «alv«* ivrr seen lu the west
trill be on exhibition at that time and
place t'ahes of all nixes anil ages
will go throuah th mint wonderful
and startling performances known In
the age I'rlsc mint from every
county and city In the slat'’ will be
t.vere also a few oft*a tr nt
surrounding slate* Kteryone i .mi.
Admission fire with ticket Good mu*
The t’ongr**.vttonail»ta of N'crf >!h
are plsnutag to build an addition lo
Iheir ikunh I hi* hs* been made no
ceaaary owing to the growing popula*
tins uf the city and Iii .’ch* in . nut t
attee dance
Aft iftHiate of the dtddler » Hi me at
Grand Island met a violent death by
fftltttg down a Might of etati * lelvs l
Alhrtght. the det eased had hn u a * ->*•
Maul Hotuussll) lo go down In the
sight aftd lake a walk for a tittle
•Ir. rvt'ft. L.lh'i inmate* It ie I t M
that h« toil out at S ucloth on this
sue ami Ion Nothing more wa* thu «1.1
•f the matte. nun ku i**<p»e wa* die*
tatwrd •( the l«*»t «d the iU it
Biennial Report of State Engi
neer J. M. Wilson.
A Tabnlated Statement Showing Claim*
Adjudicated—Protection of Foreat* Im
portant In Connection With Irrigation
—What Xehraaka llaa Done the I*aat
Two Veara.
Secretary J. M. Wilson of the state
board of irrigation has put forth the
second biennial report from his office.
The volume contains 235 pages and
several interesting maps. The tabu
lated statements show claims adjudi
cated in the various divisions and wat
er sheds, stream measurements and ta
bles of gaglngs of the various rivers for
each y#ar since 1896. Full instructions
are given to those who desire to take
advantage of the state irrigation law.
Borne of the problems of interest to
people of the state, and especially
those who desire to irrigate are dis
cussed by Seceretary Wilson. He takes
up the protection of forests at the
source of rivers, the relation of the
free range problem to Irrigation, inter
state rivers, the conservation and use
of waters of the western rivers, the
use of water, and other topics. The
report contains a drainage map show
ing the natural drainage of the state
and the various water divisions. The
other maps, ten in number, show irri
gation works in various countries
along the streams that are used for Ir
rigating land. The tables showing ad
judication of claims for water taken
from the various streams are preceded
by remarks upon the streams in ques
tion, In dealing with the Platte river
adjudication Secretary Wilson says:
In the sprin og 1898, the work was
begun on the unajudicated claims on
the Platte and its tributaries. These
claims were scattered on both sides of
the Platte river and its north and
south branches from the east line of
Kearney county westward to the Colo
rado line on the South Platte and the
east line of Stotts Bluff county on the
North Platte. The surveys were com
pleted early in July. With the excep
tion of three cases in which there has
been some delay in securing the nec
assary evidence, these claims have all
been ajudkated.
"The wide and fertile valley through
which this stream flows offers an in
viting field for the canal builder and
the irrigator. The river after It en
ters the state has a regular fall of
from six to nine feet to the mile, and
the valley drops at about the same
rate. The broad smooth slopes present
few obstacles to construction and
maintenance. The cost of preparing
the surface for the easy distribution
of the water is here at a minimum.
The ditch builder has been prompt to
realize his opportunities and from the
west line of Hall and Adams counties
to the state line the valley is every
where interested with ditches. The
maps give some idea of the extent
to which these developments have been
“In the amount of water discharged,
the extent of the works constructed,
and the acreage under irrigation, the
North Platte and Platte rank first in
importance among the rivers of the
state. The maximum discharge, as
will seen by reference to the gaging
tables, occurs in May and June and
the first half of July. In the later
summer, the volume is considerably
reduced by the many ditches taking
water, as well as by the diminished
reduced tty several ditches taking
flow from the mountains?. The river
bed is wide and sandy. At low stages
when the water is confined to narrow
channels, much of the sandy surface
is exposed to air and sun and the
evaporation and loss from sinking In
the sand is enormous. One or two
hundred feet will at such times often
disappear within a few miles. At what
point the loss becomes so great that
the attempt to get water to the claim
ants on the lower part of the stream
should be abandoned is a problem in
volving consequences to the approprla
“The necessity of using all reason
able means to protect the prior appro
! prlator is keenly felt, while the de
mand that the water shall not be
wasted is equally imperative. It is be
lieved that u system of bulletins giving
report* of the condition of the stream
at points above, from day to day,
when the volume is falling, would save
murh water which now goes to waste.
The busy farmer, with a crop not yet
sufftring. see lug plenty in the stream,
expects to find It equally uhundant a
few days later when he will be ready
to Irrigate. If warned thut a scarcity
was Imminent, he would lose no time
in applying the water, which he now
, allows to waste An arrangement of
crops that would make use of the
water earlier in the season, while it Is
abundant, would do much to relieve
the difficulty “
A matter having Important bearing
on the practice of Irrigation in Ne
braska is the protection of the for* »ts
on thu mountain slope* to the west
The limb* r value of these forest* ar«a*
is great, but their chief utility l* In the
huUiiitg fun k of the nioUltm from the
rain* and »ih»w» on tie- tit leered
= s'opes the snows protected from th *
sun dist barge their waters gradually
into the streams thus maintaining the
• w Htlti f hr* lit* f viiit.iti» r | ||<» fui*-»t
I» nature's Mwtvslr. When the for
e-ts have I hi rtnti'te-l. t-p-riall)
when they have he*a destroyed by Are,
the show* are Msit melted and are die
charged at once Into the stream*. Th*
result l* we have Hoods in May and
luge with dry <hennele in the later
summer when water Is n»rd*d Th*
iwtfiiliMii of the streams head.a* In
the<m Moan tin regions for lng.ition
purpose* ha* al'e, I. I> ■ u §n.,l)> |n.
paired. sad unless • If sties p. deetlon
Is provided against th* rttage* of ax
and Mr* this deterioration will gu on
I Nebraska » ini rest In the m*tt«r Is
i a vital on* and the need of *
i gent.
Notwithstanding that the past two
years have been unprecedented in the
history of Nebraska in the seasonable
distribution of water for the crops, ir
rigation interests are steadily gaining
ground. Even in these years of bounti
ful harvests a careful comparison of
the crops in the same district and un
der the same cultivation shows a dif
ference of from 30 to 50 per cent in
favor of the irrigated fields. New con
verts are being made every day, as the
Increasing number of filings in the
office of the state hoard of irrigation
shows. This increased interest is not
confined to the western part of the
state. One of the most promising and
successful irrigation plants in the state
is located in the heart of one of the
finest farming districts In central Ne
braska, where a total failure of crops
has never been known. The success of
this enterprise Is attracting the atten*
tlon of good farmers and is slowly
breaking down the opposition growing
out of the lack of information as to the
benefits to be derived from, and the
cost and trouble of Irrigation. Farmers
are finding that the price of irrigation
is a cheap insurance against the effect
of prolonged drought. One who has
seen his crop or his neighbor's saved
from destruction, or the yield doubled
by timely irrigation, needs no further
argument to convince him of its value
Troop* Soon to Return.
It is quite evident that the War de
partment desire to relieve the First
regiment of Nebraska voiuneers from
duty as soon as possible, if indeedi
their return to the country has not al
ready been ordered by General Otis,
at Manila. From information received
by the military authorities from Wash
ington concerning the discharge of the
regiment it is understood that orders
for the return of the troops have al
ready been issued. Governor Poynter
received a reply to his letter of April
13 concerning the probable date of the
sailing of the First Nebraska, in which
Adjutant General Corbin stated that
the movement of troops from Manila
would commence about May 5 or as
soon thereafter as the transports ar
rived. This letter was dated April C
and as the date given for the probable
sailing of the troops was a day before
this, it is quite evident that orders
have already been issude. The letter
received by Governor Poynter reads as
Hon. W. A. Poynter, Governor of
Nebraska, Lincoln: Dear Sir—Your
letter of April 13 last to the president,
in which you say that constant inquir
ies are being made at your office by
friends and relatives as to the probable
date of the sailing of the First Nebras
ka volunteer infantry from Manila, has
been referred to this department, and
in reply the acting secretary of war de
sires met to say that while it is im
practicable at this time to indicate the
exact date of the sailing of the First
Nebraska it is probable that the move
ment having in view the return of the
volunteer troops in the Philippine is- j
lands will commence about May 5.
This, however, is largely dependent,
upon the arrival of the transports now
on their way. The First Nebraska was
among the first regiments to go to Ma
nila and unless something unforeseen
happens it wil be among the first to
return. Further than this I am un
able to say at this time, but as soon
as the department has been advised
of the sailing of the transports having
the regiment on board you will be not
ified by wire. Very respectfully,
Adjutant General.
Condition of tlie ( rop«.
The past week, says the latest crop
bulletin, has been warm and wet< with
an abundance of sunshine in most of
the eastern counties—conditions ex
ceedingly favorable for the growth of
vegetation. In the western counties
the conditions were less favorable; the
first da>s of the week were cold, with
high wind, and the rainfall for the
week was considerable less than nor
The average daily temperature ex
cess has varied from about 7 degrees
in the eastern part of the state to less
than a degree in the western.
The rainfall has been above normal
in most of the eastern and a portion
of the southwestern counties and de
cidedly below normal In the western
and northwestei n counties. The rain
fall exceeded three inches in several
small areas in the northeastern part of
the state.
Kapid progress has been made with
farm work during the past week; even
in the loealitles of heaviest rainfall
work has been retarded but little.
About one-half the corn is planted In
southern counties, and planting Is Just
commencing in the northern. Small
grain has improved In condition In all
parts of the state, although more rain
where the showers of the past week
would he beneficial in some totalities
were light, y
Cherry, plum and apple trees are In
bloom, and the present Indication are
for n good crop.
Hut'rr l'NM| !••»* Nult-idra.
I*.*v|t| City itli|)itrh Thin utornlttK
at 4 a in, tjurni* M •> Ur « young
man tv.*nly *<at»• Ul mddtnt- a ti»r
rl»un. link a khdguu and M<w hi*
bra 1 an out. Th* vimmi Man <d»d i:»«
•tantly. No n»u>n ran tm t.tgned
(or tb art, a he a|tt*»ar*d (• rfeotiy
writ and |-Un?«d all.lav y |. rday.
tl* roroner ha* l<»»# lununt itml,
Y'»t*r<Uy gfterncag. nhlle [dotting
on il# (arm of dn ni#. l’o\ Anion
KrtUttet.. atti W|>trd to ic*li.,mt *i|t*
• Ida l>r taking a knife and tut ling hi*
throat Me ml front nt.dn th* *ar
o« tlikfi *ide to ih» imi. r of hi*
throat and then ml hta wtlut badly
and to nm.h the Job lh»u*t th*. half*
tntu hta >Ida and th«n lay dona in th*
turro* Ufeind the |»!ow to die hit did
: Ml landing hi* atirmyt a failure ha
got up and *»m to th.' fcou** ah»ia
I ht» t.adiHoa • >i !*a»a**t Mih# I'.m
to to*a l*r l^#t#t .li.kMit hi*
: tiiHtad* and he aid in'«trt lb* don*
tor hji th* onir thing that mioI him
i «a« hi* dull hntf* Ha u k>U in Jail
leading th* a*tun at th* tnoaatt}
i tmui
Members of Commission Will
ing to Grant Requests.
Proposal is Trobahljr Prompted by Native
Congress at San Wilier—Teu Men Sur
prise and Put to Itoute force of Two
Hundred Insurgents —Matters at Ma
nila Continue Quiet.
MANILA. May IT.—'The civilian
members of the United States Philip
pine commission are favorable to the
meeting with a Filipino commission,
which was suggested yesterday on be
half of Agulnaldo by Lieutenant Roys
of the staff of General Gregerio Del
Pilar, who came to General Lawton
under a flag of truce, bearing the pro
posal. It is thought by the American
commissioners that the idea may have
resulted from a recent meeting of the
so-called Filipino congress at San
I Isldor. The local Filipino commission,
l which is in close communication with
j the leaders of the rebellion, is doing
I its utmost to secure peace.
Ten members of Major General
Lawton’s hand of scouts, under W. M.
Young, the old Indian fighter, entered
the town of San Miguel, about fifteen
miles north of Norsegaray, not aware
of what place it was. They found 200
Filipinos there, but the rebels, taking
the scouts for the advance of General
Lawton’s army, fled after firing a few
shots. Young and another scout were
wounded and have been brought to
The Ninth Infantry and a mountain
battery of six guns have been sent to
the front.
The uniform quiet now prevailing
in Manila has led the auuiorities to
relax the rule under which the city
streets were cleared from 7 to 8:30
p. m. and there is in consequence the
largest and most brilliant assembly
of pedestrians and people in carriages
at the concerts on the Luenta that has
been known here since the Spaniards
Prof. Schurmann, president of the
United States Philippine commission,
gave a farewell luncheon today to Ad
miral Dewey, at which Prof. Dean C.
Worcester and Colonel Charles Denby
of the commission, with General Mac
Arthur, Mrs. Lawton and others, were
present. The health of the admiral
was drunk with the utmost cordiality.
WASHINGTON, May 15.—The fol
lowing dispatch from Major General
Otis, giving the status of the military
situation as it now exists in the oper
ations against the insurgents, was
received at the war department today:
"MANILA, May 14.—Adjutant Gen
eral. Washington: Situation as fol
lows: Lawton from Balinag has taken
Ilde Fonso and San Fernando north,
with slight loss and driving consider
able force of enemy; gunboats and
canoes will accompany 1,500 men under
Kobbe up Rio Grande river from
Calumpit, departing May 16; Mac
Arthur remains at Ran Fernando,
covering country. * * * Yesterday
a messenger from Agulnaldo express
ing a wish to send commission to Ma
nila for conference with United States
commission to arrange terms of peace;
directions given to pass body of repre
sentative insurgents to Manila should
it present itself. “OTIS.”
Strain Too Cireitt for Irving.
LONDON, May 15.—Sir Henry Ir
ving, whose recent work in the title
role of Sardou’s famous drama, “Robe
spierre," at the Lyceum theater has
been exceedingly trying, was taken
seriously ill Sunday morning with an
affection of the throat. Dr. Farrar, a
specialist, was immediately summoned
and as the result of his advice it is
announced this evening that Sir Hen
ry's part during the present week will
be taken by his son, Lawrence, Law
rence Irving is Sir Henry's understudy
in several notable roles.
The announcement of the illness
brought a large number of professional
callers this evening to Sir Henry Ir
ving's residence in Grafton street, but
his medical adviser has forbidden him
to receive any one at present.
It is hoped that with complete rest
he will be restored to his usual health
by the end of the week.
Nebraskan Attempts Suicide.
CHICAGO, May 15.—John K. Degette
of Nebraska City, Neb., attempted to
commit suicide this morning about
10:so o'clock by shooting himself at
the Victoria hotel. In the presence of
his bride of a little less than two
months. It is said that the young
couple had had a quarrel over u birth
day present width Degette was going
to give hts bride und coming to the
conclusion that she did not love him.
he decided to do away with himself.
Degette was left 1150 000 by hts father,
a linker of Nebraska City, two years
Oitr 11 it it <1 r.- .1 | litiuttii-l in llt-tir.
IH'I’A J*K!ST. Mur 15 M I’ttlttr.
dlr#«*tor »■ in «#f th* elm-trtrttv mm*
|»iiV, rrail a p»*ft r on a nrw lyiitn
of rapid i> Ifami tiy im.ntfl hy I'ol
lah A Vlra*. l\ a hit t It U .I:tlu«d
IttMMm word* i Ml It* trail-tfiitlod with
In an hour £k|>* rimi n'• ik'iwnl that
»*m that mmh»r of f.orr’i <tt«I not
limit ihf Irantmt-ilon Trlvaratna.
hoWrtar. mint It* |0>Vl<>Ualy print'
atrtl uk »li| a of |upr in th* Morn*
Tu lit'i f nmtit4Mi
NHW YmtK May I’t Vttlag un.lar
•rdara from ikt nailmial «|*fnt>«'ratU'
ommitir* it u taUI. U«» t'hlragu rial*
* < ' • In thU
•tty and look ii»p to ai mu# lk<ir
•u«U.v ■ ra m i. it.. . tad lit. r ih.
<•#1# »-f York t.< .1. fy Tammany
hall A i'"»*niM of i«»aty «•# ay
foiattd to al on** arrana* ih* • «#
utooai** to ayairmatlvally «ork tkam
h»ia H lirown yo.Mi*| at th* aic#|.
ag and afur Ik* m**iina >*U that
* «oai##tlnii d*U*.tU«>u of |wy*a and
hi *«.. (tli'fopi h.« all I* af al
from ihli at at* to iH» a«*l utiMui
| Cubans Say He Is at the Bottom of In
far or able Heporn*.
HAVANA, May 15.—General Gomez
baa sent a message to Governor Gen
eral Brooke that he will do himself
the pleasure of calling at headquarters
tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock for a
Curther conference regarding the pay
ment of the Cuban troops. The appo^t
ment for the interview Is the result
of a direct inquiry as to what Gener
al Gomez intended to do in view of the
resignation and non-appearance of all
the Cuban officers nominated by him to
represent the several corps In the dis
tribution of the 13,000.00ft. General
Brooke Is determined to disregard for
the present the reports that reach him
from various sources us to the alleged
intention of Gomez to withdraw his
co-operation and thus to throw into
confusion the carefully matured plans
for distributing the fund.
Ho believes that the personal inter
view tomorrow ought to adjust the
temporary perplexity. He is unwill
ing to consider Gomez as insincere or
as acting in bad faith, but the gover
nor general still retains the discretion
reposed in him by President McKinley
to abandon the effort to disband the
late insurgents with the gratuity and
to send back the entire amount to the
United States.
The Cuban general, Uaefel Rodri
guez, speaking for Gomez today, said
that the reports of a difference with
General Brooke were absolutely un
true. The attitude of Gomez, ne de
clared, had undergone no change and
the principal generals of the Cuban ar
my, as well ns the rank and file, con
tinued to support Gomez as they nl
i ways had.
He flatly denied that there had been
any meeting of Cuban officers at
| which Gomez had been present or held
■ with his approval where a decision
had been reached not to surrender the
arms, and he explained that all the
talk about a revolt in the army against
the surrendering of the arms was the
work of members of the former mili
tary assembly, "a group of malcontents
behind Manuel Sanguilly, who can give
no trouble and are not worth consider
In explaining the withdrawal of the
Cuban generals who were appointed
to serve with the Americans in dis
tributing the $:i,OOOtOOO General Rodri
guez said that Rojas probably with
drew owing to the anti-Gomez Influ
ence; Nodarse becav«e General Brooke
had not appointed him civil governor
of Havana, and Monteaguedo because
he was busy in the province of Santa
Clara, giving Major General Wilson the
benefit of his co-operation there. Rod
riguez expressed himself as confident
that other officers of equal prominence
and authority would be found to act
with the Americans. As early,as March
22, Gomez agreed that the arms should
he stored in the military custody of the
l nited States. This plan was clearly
understood by the Cubans. Neverthe
less the politicians and some of the
more restless Cuban officers are today
talking in a warlike strain, spreading
exciting stories about “taking to the
woods' and fighting the Americans,
and attributing to Gomez things he
never said.
Year of Jubilee Decreed.
WASHINGTON. May 15.—The papal
hull issued In Rome within the last
few days decreeing that the year 1900
shall be a jubilee throughout the
church is expected here shortly and
will be announced In all churches
throughout the country.
The Issuance of a bull on the subject
gives it special solemnity. It has hern
the custom to hold jubilees of the
church every twenty-five years, and
at one time these were the occasion
for the gathering of vast concourses
at Rome to receive the special dispen
sations and indulgences allowed dur
ing jubilee years. It is expected, how
ever. by the highest church authorities
here that the jubilee next ypar will be
quite generally celebrated throughout
the world, thus giving it a more uni
versal aspect instead of being centered
at Rome, though doubtless it will lead
to many pilgrimages to Rome and the
gathering there of distinguished
The jubilee next year is considered
more Important than that held every
twenty-five years, as it ushers in a
new century and conics at a time when
Pope Ia>o is old and vpry feeble, his
90th year having been completed in
To Preserve Friendship*.
PAN ANNAH, Ga , May 15.—The offi
cers of the Thirty-first Michigan regi
ment, which is to be mustered out of
the service next Wednesday, were
dined tonight by the officers of the
First Georgia, who were mustered out
last fall. During the time the First
Georgia was in the service It was
brigaded with the Thirty-first Michigan
and a fast frlenshlp sprung up between
the two commands. The entertainment
tonight was given as a last token of j
• he hospitality of tho Georgians and
a mark of their love and esteem for
the men from Michigan. Before the
Michigan regiment gets away the offi
cers expect to prisent a loving cup
to the officers of the First Georgia.
t erimr llr the III.
CHICAGO, HI., May 15. Word wnv I
received here I hat c* Governor F. M j
Drake of Iowa Is critically III at his
hoa»e In Centerville, la Mr. Diako 1
has bet it in ill health a number of
years but when he retired from the j
presidency of the Indiana, lllluds &
Iowa railroad at ihe time of the sals i
of ihe load about a o»r ago. his
ft tends hoped ht would regain his
• tiers'll 11 •• was tskcii serluusty III
two weeks ago and sin e that time has |
been very low.
lu lh« oil,
HI I I. At>K t .P f?l A, »**. May 15 It
l» iipwtMl that lh« «lvaiu»lil|>
; Moiwrt IM« kinuui. nht.h nm*»<t liar a
j *»»t*r.ta» tr. hi rthivlila. In Uallnal, will
• ■* > ‘ *< i t • ilk oil 41 (Itl* h>i|
fur Cnkatl*. an.t mil aft*rwar<l m
In iK* nil l«*. I* Tfc* linktuaun
»lll kv Ik* lot Ukk •« 4tti>toti lu
Iim4 i'll fur (ha far anal. «».) || ifc,
< ic|him nf it.- t.f h* r uunrra
l« in**, ii in>ii«*i»a m iv.,..,,
ifca <41 •fcipuottU ai.1 mark* lb* *n4 j
] uf tailing akiHi In til* ««at«r* uti irnOn.
William Planklnton, assignee of tho
Plankinton bank, Milwaukee, has re
A biscuit, cracker and candy trust
has been completed on the Pacific coast
and is capitalized at $4,000,000.
Fleiseh & Co., men's underwear, of
New York, are in the bankruptcy court
and their debts amount to $235,412;
assets, *95,260
The Mexican Telephone company is
seeking connections with the United
States by long distance ’phones.
Albuquerque, N. M.. extends an in
vitation to the Hough Riders to hold
their first annual convention at that
city. i
A conference between the Southern.
Kansas coal operators and miners re
sulted in failure of agreement, and
a strike will result.
Manufacturers of fped cutters, corn
shellers, feed and cider milis are ef
fecting a combination, and have de
cided to raisp prices 15 to 25 per cent.
Scottish iron manufacturers deny
that a scheme has been submitted to
them for a Carnegie syndicate to ab
sorb the lirltish iron and steel inter
Captain John Haxter, on duty a*
chief quartermaster at Omaha, depart
ment Of the Missouri, hus been order
ed to sail not later than May 22 for
the Philippines.
General Brooke cables from Havana:
"Captain Hickey hua returned from ati
extended trip through the eastern part
of the island and reports a general Im
provement of conditions at all points. ’
The Standard Oil company is moving
its Toledo business to South bend,
Ind. It is the ultimate intention of tho
Standard to close the Toledo office.
The men have already been trans
Cardinal Gibbons, in the course or a
seimon at the cathedral in llaltlmoro
on the united church, characterized tho
recent divorce and marriage of a cer
tain lady in New York as a crimo
against the law of Jesus Christ.
The United States cruiser Chicago
has arrived at Tanpier, Morocco, to
support claims of the United States
government against the sultcrnate of
Morocco. Admiral Howlson and Unit*
ed States Consul General Gunners
paid a visit to foreign minister of Mo
rocco, Sid Hamed Ben Musa.
The United States delegates to the
peace conference at The Hague have
instructions to advance three lead
ing principles—the institution of
courts of arbitration, the extension of
the declaration of Paris of 1856 to the
non-confiscation of all cargoes not con
traband of war, and the extension of
the Geneva agreement to war by sea.
Rev. Edward Morgan, late assistant
rector of the Church of the Good Sa
maritan in San Francisco, is reported
to have been made a millionaire by the
death of an aunt in New York He is
a native of Ireland, 34 years old, and
has done good missionary work among
tho poor.
The secretary of war received a cable
message froir^peneral Otis at Manila
saying that it is inadvisable on account
of sanitary conditions to send to the 4
United States the bodies of any more
of the troops who lost their lives in
the Philippines until after the close
of the rainy season.
A dispatch from Hamburg has been
received at New York announcing that
50,000 Galicians are on their way or
preparing to eome to this country.
The steerrage quarters on the German
American lines, it is said, are crowd
ed with the immigrants, who are leav
ing home in consequence of oppression
and famin.
A call was se«t out in Chicago for
a convention of representativ es of lead
ing credit men's associations, members
of judicial committees of the house and
senate, United States district judges,
experts on bankruptcy laws and refer
ees in bankruptcy cases to consider
and present to .he next congress
amendments to the national bankrupt
cy act. Chicago has been selected for
the convention, which will be held late
in June.
William N. Boggs, the defaulting
teller of the Dover (Del.) National
bank. wras sentenced in the United
States district court to five years in
the Trenton. N. J , penitentiary, and
a fine of $6,600. The bank was forced
to suspend in May, 1807. but resumed
with its capital reduced from $100,000
to $50,000. Boggs was the principal
witness against United States Senator
Kennedy in the latter’s two trials for
conspiracy to misapply the hank A
funds, in both of which the Jury dls
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