The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 12, 1899, Image 7

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    The courtship period for
Ayers Sarsaparilla
passed long since, when it won the con
fidence and esteem of thoughtful men and
women 50 years ago.
You need have no doubts, if, when you
go to buy Sarsaparilla, you simply say the
old name
That is the kind that cured your fathers
and their fathers before them, and it is
the kind that will cure you. Other
Sarsaparillas may look like it, may even
taste like it, but somehow or other they
haven't the knack of curing people that
Ayer's has. }ust try one bottle of Ayer's
Is lb" g- nuim I/Cn
gue Hull, ami Is of
Ui'lttlly order* il by
the National I-eu
jruo to be used in
all tames.
Jfadea'er does not carry Spalding's I
athletic goods In stock, send jour name |
and address to us 'and bis. tool a for copy
of our hands >raoly Illustrated c italogue
New York Chicago Denver
C$5 to $25—None Higher.
Bicycles Sent C.O.D.
With privilege of examination.
I vr'twKi t'- RS, nil makes.
HALL'S SAFES, new and second hand.
Write for particulars.
-I. .1, DKIIKillT A CO..
llltl Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb.
in** Hi./ 4> for uuumuml
i Mill* 111 IllUlOItf.
irritation* or nlmatioiin
of in ii r o u * iueiiit>riiii< »
I'tiiiilent. And not anil it
^TultvAKSCf Ly.uiCo. I** '*'•
HnM hr llrucriAt*,
or *‘nl it. plain wmfji r,
l*v prepaid, ft i
ft «». «.r Uittl**. tv.TV
< irt uUr •♦•nl on iimuont
Or. Kay's Lung Balm &»
"*S««r£} Thompson’s Eyo Wator.
Mi** Hyberut Pryine. a niece of
President McKinley, la about to show
foreigner* what *he can do In *ou
brette and monologue part* She will
ehortly sail for l.ondon. where she l»
to begin a lucrative engagement, and
later will he *e«*n In Pari*. Ilerlin and
other title* before her return. MIm
Pry in* ha* recently appeared ut *ev
eral New York theater* In vaudeville
performance*, lint recently the de
liiMuli for her from club and other
private social organisation* have Wept
her fontdnntly engaged.
If Representative Sherman of New
York ■ three da In *r. urlug the »p< »W*r
• win of the honor he will be one of
the youngest men who *»*r served In
that position II* !• only tt. The only
men younger Him that when elected
were Ualu.ha A Grow. 3*. and Janus
G ilium*. 3» Mr. Itaod »na W and
Mr t'nrllsle «
The Meal laealite
ft* Mloi* «*• HIM 04II0w»t««in
1*1 u* tu t*4tc. b Ilf ***•
l«|l 4 4*v«igti % IdGl Cl4l|f4b 4 4 4*«M0*M*
m> m
Anikony N >o* lv the Wall a
•nancter. wk« U «n • of ** Gov#r*o»
>*„ «,i • ri.mI IlUal’d *»»»*« ,*»•■* la big
(l*4M trguA Ilf* m * t«M*na*r in lb*
11«< In ten house *t Albnny,
n isina
fes*s * . to»..*«• 1 * .**' •**,,,
• »* Itr-HM. ft** •
Man's |»k»nta»l*y to make*
teasiUM Inwyeie happy
Some grocers adulterate allspice un
til It Isn't all spice.
Do Your Heel Ache and Ilurnf
Shake into your shoes, Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder (or the feet. It makes
tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures
Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot and
Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and
Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y.
A new adulterant of coffee is dough
moulded in the shape of coffee beans.
I never med so ^uiclt a cure as Piso’s
Cure for Consumption.—J. B. Palmer,
box 1171, Seattle, Wash., Nov. 145, 1S9.">.
Longevity.—"Ministers are said to
ljve the longest of all classes of pro
fessional men," said Mrs. Gilgal. “I
had somehow got the impression t^iat
centenarians lived the longest,” re
plied Mrs. Nutwood.—Detroit Free
All Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
bVHt'f of Flos, manufactured by tlie
Camfoiinia Fiq Svhvf Co.. illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
U the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing the system effectually,
di pelting folds, headaches and fevvra
gently yet promptly and enabling oue
to overcome habitual constipation per
mincutIv. Its i* rfect freedom from
every on left k maid# quality and sub
stance, mid its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bow da, without weakening
or irntutiug them, make it tlio ideal
laxaltv* L . ,
In the process of manufacturing tigs
are used, a* thev are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtaiaed from senna and
other aromatic plants. by a method
known to the l AttroaxiA In* Mur
Ca t*«ly. In order to gvl Its beneficial
effect. it ml to av.kl Imitations, pit are
yvmember ihe full name of the t ompany
printed on tin- front of every package.
Secretary I,ong expects to see the
Philippine question settle itself, but it
will probably have some assistance
from Dewey and Otis
Some idea of the extent of the chew
ing gum habit is afforded in the state
ment that the capitalization of the
chewing gum combine is $9,000,000.
General John B. Gordon has made
considerable money as a lecturer In
the last year or so. He Intends to In
vest a good share of It in a sheep
raising venture on his Georgia plan
Both the United States senators from
Alabama have reached a ripe old age.
Morgan is 75 years and Pettus 78. The
former. It. seems, will succeed himself
and Pettus Is likely to do likewise If
he lives his present term out.
Mark Twain's lawyers have bought
for their client the old old frame house
In which he was born at Florida, Mo
It Is said that the new owner will
renovate the place and restore it to
the condition It was In during his boy
Congressman Sherman of New York
Is only 41 years old nnd if elected
speaker will he one of the youngest
men ever chosen to preside over the
house. Heed was 50 and Carlisle 48.
but Galusha A. Grow was only 38 and
Blaine 39 when elected
Captain Thomas Crnno of New Bed
ford. who recently sailed from Prov
idence, K I., for Cuba in a nine-foot
skiff, probably was lost in a gale- His
boat was found bottom up. In 1877
Captain and Mrs. Crapo sailed from
New Bedford to England in a twenty
foot dory,
John Hose, aged 19, son of Sam
Hose who was burned at the stake
at Newnan, C,a„ ten days ago, was fur
nished transportation to Philadelphia
by the district officials of Washing
ton. He says his mother has gone
there and asserts his father s Innocent e
of either murder or a*eault.
The Investigation pending before the
Interstate commerce commission In
volving the legality of relative rates
charged on domestic and export ship
ments of grain nnd grain products has
been assigned for hearing by the com
mission at the United States court
rooms, Postotfice building, New York,
on May 15.
Commissioner General Terk has ca
bled to Major Fred Brackett of th” s
Cnited States commission to the I arts ;
exposition announcing that he has se
cured an additional 18.000 feet located
in the Vincennes annex, which space
will he devoted to the display of Amer
ican bicycles. Commissioner Peck ex
pects to leave Paris for New \ork on
May 13.
No new cases of smallpox have ap
noared amonK the soldiers at the Pre
sidlo or on hoard the transport, and
it is believed that the disease has been
stamped out. Every precaution is be
ing taken to prevent the spread of tn
disease, the clothing and tentage of
the afflicted patients being destroyed
and those who were exposed to the
disease have been isolated.
Manv persons who had keen hold
ing places in the line at the land of
fice in Durango, Col., changed their
minds and Joined the rush for loca
tions in the Fte lands, which were
opened for settlement at noon oni the
4th by proclamation of the president. ■
Whistles and bells proclaimed the hour
of opening. Scores of men who had
been holding places In line sold o.k
half an hour before the opening, $”0
being the prevailing price. It 's eili- |
mated that 1,000 people sought in va
rious ways to secure land.
The hoard of missions for the Meth
odist Episcopal church, south, in ses
sion in Memphis, made an appropria
tion for the year as follows: China
mission. $27,162; Corea mission $..650
Japan mission. $31,714; Central Mexi
co mission, $27,127; Mexican border
mission, conference. $3,850; North
western Mexican mission, conference,
$12,650; Indian mission, conference.
$10 948; Brazil mission, $3,400; Cuban
mission. $5,000. A permit was grant
ed to the bishops to raise a sum not
exceeding $7,000 to supplement work
In Cuba
Several government detectives have
arrived in the Black Hills, S. T>., for
the purpose of discovering the gang
of counterfeiters which has been at
work for some time manufacturing sil
ver quarters and 5 cent pieces, the
banks find a good many of these spur
ious coins In circulation. It has been
discovered during the past few days
that many of the gold coins in circu
lation in Deadwood have been tam
pered with, and one of the city brinks
threw out three coins of large denom
ination yesterday which failed to P388
Jtnaha. Chirac" »nU Nrw Vorh
Muller Creamery **|»ur»tor... id a T1
Mutter Ultolcu fancy country. 14 a i.
I me* Krealt. per <lo*—.. II “ l
tTilcketi*—ll»u. per pound. * * »
Turkey*, i.lve.. • “
I’tye >li*- live, per dot. *! * * !J
I. eu.ou* -i'er C*.. J J® * f *f
oral I*e* *>»}«*». fir,
t rama’rrlr* J»r«ey«prr bid.... < J*.' »; “
Apple*—IVr barrel ... 4 > • ‘ J ■'
Honey Choice, ih r pound. I-H » •{
Onion* -Itrf l.uJtel . - ® * J Ll
Mean* Handpicked navy. I J® “ :
I'ofttlot a I'er lm»l>el i»* .... p “ J
Huy—i'pland perl«n . * w a *»»
Hop* Clone# llilit.. * B * * *
i> . Hetty »..*lit»
Met I *t*er*— ..... .. 4 *1 • £
Ni»...: gj * * $
C HI VV». ...... .. . ..." J V * * *! *
Wuirru N#«n.. J J* * * ^
II. Her* Jg • • !
Mn k* ft ii»i Nf<!»rt. 3 J* * { {
I **•»«• ... » *[ * J T*
II I f |f Wl’MfMl tl'ltH-W MH*» I ® 4 J *>
WlM ill Xo- 1 ■ iitttt.t 4 #T
lull. I'rf ..*•*.**«• . .. Jj 4
U§1| iVf l®M»la#4 I.*...* >.t«t t< 4
barb« No. f . . »» »
Bit Hi H a 44
TWMdlil —till, M» IM .... ...... J * * * *'
| . |. I’er «t ., • »***!
I ,».! I t ( l*i pit-adt ... 4_'*» l <•*
I .til*. If. ’let* K>l ti.n ■. 4 •* .4 "t
i atlie Ntllvr tirtf tbttt ... * a* * 4 .4
H”tr» M****1 . • •• ..4 44 * J
•W** I aPAla* ■ * • * *b
tueep '4 t *te*n Htiicrft 4 *1 . t *
A*. ItlAA Mtttktk
Wheal X” 4 btt •lute* ... *1 A •!** ]
t . ra Xt* 3 ,, .. .... 41 * 41 >4
!•*!• X. I ... J a *< a
at*.aa tiff.
*l,t«l-SI* IttMIAf . ..... *f . • w
l.-re fct*4 • ■ . b * II
t>al* 'al .t.t. ............ »'.* I*
{•mMo- 4|ait-na* I 4> at*
• . '»•”’* , , 1 ’ ’ .
^ II , . iu» l#it 44*9 i% <1 r 4 * -*
fi Kipling Poem.
Several years ago Fred D. Under
wood, now general manager of the
Baltimore and Ohio Ituihuad, named
two stations in the upper peninsula of
Michigan "Rudyard" and “Kipling,"
one being in uu agricultural country
and the other in an iron ore district.
Some time later a mutual friend in
formed Kipling of Mr. Underwood's
action, and the celebrated author sent
Mr. I'nderwood his photograph with
the follow ing lines on the back:
•RCDYAItD" AND "Kll'Ll.N'G."
"Wise is tilt* child who knows his sire,"
The ancient proverb ran.
Hut wiser far the niun who known
How, where and when his offspring
For who the mischief would suppose
I've sons In Michigan?
Yet am I saved from midnight Ills,
That warp the soul of man
They do not rrmko me walk the floor
Nor hammer at the doctor's door,
They deal In wheat ami Iron ore.
My sons In Michigan.
Oh, Tourist fn the I’ullman ear
(Hy Cook's or Raymond's plan).
Forgive a parent's partial view;
Hut. maybe, you have children too—
Bo let me Introduce to you
My sous in Michigan.
“The Story of the Captains” in the
May Century will mark the climax of
that magazine’s Spanish war series,
giving, as it does, un account hy every
American commanding officer but otto
of the part played by his ship In the
famous light off Santiago, that result
ed la the annihilation of Cervera’s
licet. Captain Kvans describes the do
ings of the Iowa, Captain Taylor of tho
Indiana, Captain (now rear admiral)
Philip of the Texas, Captain Cook of
the Brooklyn, Captain Chadwick of the
New York and Lieutenant Command
er Walnwright of the Gloucester, while
Captain Clark of the Oregon endorses
Lieutenant Eberle's story of the Ore
gon, and contributes a criticism of the
Spanish admiral's strategy.
Admiral Deweys favorite watch Is
made of steel from the sunken battle
ship Maine. Captain Sigsbee, who
commanded the ill-fated war vessel at
the time she was blown up, carries a
similar timepiece. Both were made by
a patriotic down-east Yankee.
SALESWOMEN understand what torture 1*.
Constantly on their feet whether well or ill. Compelled
to smile ard be agreeable to customers while dragged
down with some .'•minine weakness. Backaches and head
aches count for little. They must_~^
keep going or lose their place.
To these Mrs. Pinkhams help is
offered. A letter to her at Lynn,
Mass., will bring her advice free 1 WHO EARN
of all charge.
their living
ham from which we quote:
“I had been in poor health for some time, my troubles hav
ing been brought on by standing, so my physician said, caus
ing serious womb trouble. I had to give up my work. I was
just a bundle of nerves and would have fainting spells at
monthly periods. I doctored and took various medicines, but
got no relief, and when I wrote to you
I could not walk more than four blocks
at a time. I followed your advice, tak
ing Lydia E. Pinkhatn’s Blood Purifier
in connection with the Vegetable Com
pound and began to gain in strength
from the first. I am getting to be a
stranger to pain and I owe it all to your
medicine. There L none equal to it,
for I have tried many others be
fore using yours. Words cannot
be said too strong in praise of it." ,
Miss Polly Frame, Meade,
Kan., writes:
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham—I feel it
my duty to write you in regard to
what your medicine has done for
me. I cannot praise it
enough. Since my girlhood
’ * ’ been troubled with ir
regular and painful
periods and for nearly
five years had suffered
with falling of the
womb, and whites. Also
had ovarian trouble, the
left ovary being no swollen and sore that I could not move
without pain. Now, thanks to your wonderful medicine, that
tired feeling is all gone, and I am healthy aud strong. ”
' Nervous People.
Nervous people not only
suffer themselves but cause more
or less misery to everyone around
them. They are fretful, easily
worried and therefore a worry
to others.
When everything annoys
ycu; when your pulse Deats ex
cessively-, when you are startled
at the least unexpected sound,
your nerves are in a bad state
and should be promptly atten
ded to.
Nervousness is a ques
tion of nutrition. Food for
the nerves is what you
need to put you right,and
the best nerve food in the
world is Or. Williams’ Pink
Pills for Pale People.
They give strength and
tone to every nerve m the
body, and make despondent,
easily irritated people feel
that life has renewed its
charms. Merc is proofs
M|sb Cora Watrou*. the Flxteen-yenr-old daughter rf Mr. F. C. Watrons, k
eff i Clarion ht., Bradford, I'a., wi.n seized with a nervous <lisord< r which ^
threatened to end her life, incut physician* agreed the trouble was NJ
from impoverished blood, but failed to give relief. Mr. Wntrnus heard 1
lir. Williams' Pink Pill* for Pale People w* re highly recommended for ner
vous disorders, and gave them a trial, before the first box had been talc u )
the girls condition improved. After using six boxes her appetite returned,
the pain in her head ceased, and she w as strong! r than ever before "My ij
daughter’s life was saved by I>r. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People," snid W
Mrs. Watrous. "Her condition was almost hopeless when she commenced 1
I taking them, but now she is strong and healthy. 1 cannot recommend
I these pills too highly."—Dradjord (/'a.) Lra. ^
The full name is on each package. Sold by all 6
druggists or sent, postpaid, by the Or. Williams %
Mediune Co., Schenectady. W.X. Price 5o<p«rbox>6bones$2,V,
The profile of a pretty girl is a sort |
of Bideshow attraction.
There Is a Class of People
Who are Injured by the use of coffee.
Recently there has been placed In all
the grocery stores a new preparation
called GRAIN-O. made of pure grains,
that takes the place of coffee. The most
delicate stomach recelvee it without
distress, and but few can tell it from
cofTee. It does not cost over one-fourth
as much. Children may drink It wlta
great benefit. 15 cents and 25 cent!
per package. Try It. Ask for GRAIN-O.
If delays are dangerouB lawyers must
bo a brave lot.
Art loo CHIOS Alim's l'i ul-KiS't
It Is the only cure fur Swollen,
Smarting. Burning, Sweating Feet,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken Into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress, Allen S. Olmsted, l.eHoy, N. Y.
The latest wrinkles are rough on
any one.
It is the practice of hypocrites to
spiritualize the precepts and uccept the
promises as practical.
Iiall'a Catarrh Care
Ik a constitutional cure. Price. 76c.
The changeful heart will never win
and wed the truth.
W.N.U. OMAHA. No. I6-Ib99 Answering Advertisement Kindly
Mention This Pc.r/>r.
rftJ1 HTot'ii of «;i:nekal
lOl OdlL“ lirmilAMHKK!
Value • i.soo. Also Dry Ooods and
Xotion Stock; Value •4.000. Ouc-lialf
Cash; lulance secured paper.
lte|HibIlcuii City, Neb*
As Black DYE
A Natural Blaok with
Buckingham's Dye•
60 cU.of druggUUor R.P.SUH tt Co.,N«»hui,N,H.
“Nothing hut wheat; what you might
rail u si u of wheat.” Is what waa said
by u lecturer speuklng of Western Can
ada. For particulars as to routes, rull fan s, etc., apply to Superintendent
of Immigration, Department interior, Ot
tawa, Canada, or to VV. V. T.ennett, 801
New York I.lfa Building. Omaha, Neb.
DEAlGIflftl&BetYour Pension
rClitjIUnd double quick
Write CAPT. OTAHRIZLL. Pension Agent,
i4»C New York Avenue. WASHINGTON, O. C.
V% asking..I>.« .
»Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
r«t« frinetuiilTlsAmlner U B. Pension Bureau.
J vr*lu civil w»r, Is n4|uulcutiiig claim*, attv *litc«.
Dr. Kay’s innovator, ?0"*r,
< slu constipation, liver and kidney diaesses.btl
i IIoumuss, headache, etc. At druggists KSc & tU
WANTKD -Case of bed DesltTi thst KIP A S 8
will not benefit. Send 5 cent* U> Utpsns (tieuilisj
Oo.. New Yurk.for lu samples end I,aw testimonials.
Nttff mbUlLtO FROM $8.17 UP.
New IX* model Hie vole for *17.7b that other* a*k *40.00 for We can Kelt you for 1-7 17 a bicycle
that cannot lie Iwal by any make at any price. Complete with Morgan A Wrlpht lire* and all the
IntoKi lx* Improvement* Iton t fall to'tend for our IX* Uicvcle CuIuIokih- which will bq sent
free. SI. lou • WhtlaLaad 3HC lb. llo»t irrade B<rn and Houte Palnti from 45c a U nil on up.
Sample card* paint* free. 37 Patkaget Froth Garden Soedt lor 370- 20 pound* Botl Granalalad Sugar
Idr 03c. All (.J.oda at Wholesale Price* to Consumer*.
T. M. ROBERTS SUPPLY HOUSE, Minneapolis, Minn.
REV. L. L. CARPENTER, Waticah, Ind.. it President of the I
|t**tImny A.aoiuhly ut Brooklyn, fnd. II* U |mrh<|i* the meat in-omlnriit
clergyman in tb* t’hrlailan <rh*reh to-day. Il» haa iltdlruUvl ala.nt .'w
eharctwi ml iMptltMl ’MUnewrU. 11** writ**. "It aiTot.l* me (free!
jiiruuit! to give im teaiimooy *a to the eftletwnoyof Mr. Kay'* l*W«dle«,
M . Kay'*l.ung li.tiut 1* lb* very beat coii^ti, eotu anti throat remedy
that I ever u*t d.
1 have alao r.wivrd threat lenrl' from the u*t> of Mr Kay'* ll-ntn ator.
My too had for year* U«n yt*riily afHietwl aim tb* oil.a; k« eontioeneed
tin. a** of Mr. hay‘a remvdiea anti • a (tulle Reed relief aiiuu.t from tb*
8 rat.
\Whaw no word* to ttapreea our lUankfulut-aa for lh« beneit w« have
vttl m tlo. r*-*alt of theae remetilra, I la he treat |iU-o*urv In
cvmtuvmiiu^ them to tb* aarterint." U I* t .tltrv.s i,
VII Mien ary aud s*. H K«antf«lUt, t hrtatlan thumb.
Dr. Kay’s Renovator.
• - ^ ’
' * ' ' ' hit. »n Im »l utwlt tM' .itM*. |ii<ii|y»|'.|Mi4, i .i vrrK «f i;.u
rwtll|iti i<n il)ti|lnr*i»i kU;n) », •ml m uivrc«>»t*’ ••4«vu %-t Ia iml Ni'kixu with
luilo. |l 1* m *kail|i iil Ki n» Tmuv. (v lv4 lu< lti« »wl * Irtw H.iMinMi lllhuyt U*‘h til i«^vl|>t«
r»4-. •mi <«n4 Jii*>f m u.|u m» imI «• nill ftn )<4t fr*« nit I**, if Utu4r^i»,»<li*« i #»*« im K *>'• l »««*»* *u*r
li.ti'Uu *l>| I« III HI. It'll II..' I. Lilli »• I a Ua till 111 || I mil il (1.1 lull' lilt w«
will *d*i4 ll l<jf »vum • *11 pi« |*M. l*rU-« V‘« u ,nnl II mimt f..r ♦.Vm Aim* I*< Kny'a I,■ lUim
l*k*u , 4111 | i>|4ii|. I M U. J Kai M». ti ai. tin, S*r4i«i,’4 N. V,