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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1899)
THE NEW LAWS (^NEBRASKA A Digest of Bills Put Through at the Recent Session of the Legislature. LABORS OF LAW MAKERS SET FORH. Election, School, Judicial and Other Enactments With Which All May Become Familiar by Giving Due Attention to What Appears in These Columns. NEBRASKA SOLDIERS. S. F. 281, by J’rout of t ige: A resolu tion to provide for tho presentation of medals to the officers anil men of the First, Second and Third regiments, Ne braska volunteer Infantry, and troop *'K," Third United States volunteer cav alry, In the Spunlsh-Amtrlcun war. Resolved, By the senate of the state of Nebraska, tho house concurring there in, that the governor he, and ha is here by authorised to cause 4,016 medals to he prepared with suitable emblematic de vices, and to direct Unit the same be pre sented In tho name of the state of Ne braska as suitable testimonial In behalf of the stale In recognition of the patri otism of Its citizen soldiery. House roll 828, by special request of the governor. Appropriates $2,OHO for I he relief .and comfort of the sick and wound ed soldiers now members of the First and Third regiments of Nebraska Infan try volunteers. The money shall be ex pended under the direction of the gover nor who shall report the expenditure lo the legislature of 19)1. Emergency clause, Approved March 31. ATTORNEYS. Senate file 103, by Steele of Jefferson: To amend sections 18 and 19, chapter 7, statutes of 1897. Amending section 16, relating to duties of county attorneys by adding the follow ing: “It shall also be his duty to appear and prosecute or defend on behalf of the state and county all such suits, appli cations or motions, which may have been transferred by change of venue from bis county to any other county In the state, provided further, that any counsel who may have been assisting the county at torney In such suits, applications or mo tions In his county may be allowed to assist In any other to which said cause has been removed.” Amending section 19, relating to sal aries of county attorneys: “Provided fur ther than In ail cases where the county at torney has been engaged In the courts of another county upon any suits, appli cations or motions, either civil or crimi nal In which the state or county Is a par ty or Interested, which have been trans ferred by change of venue from his coun ty to any other county in the state, he shall be allowed all his reasonable and necessary traveling and hotel expenses while so engaged In addition to his regu. air salary. Said traveling and other ex penses shall be pal l to him upon the presentation of his bill for the same ac companied by proper vouchers, to the county commissioners or supervisors of his county In like manner as provided In all other cases of claims against the county.” Emergency clause. Approved March 22. Senate file 33. by Talbot of Lancaster. To Amend sections 4 and 11, chapter 7 of the compiled statute*, entitled “At torneys.” by Inserting the words, “dis trict Judge," In the list of persons who shall not be permitted to practice as an attorney of the courts of this state, or on any matter brought before himself or appealed from his decision to a hlgner court. CRIMINAL CODE. Henate tile 46, by Alexander of Adams: Relating to offenses against killing game, to amend sections 86b, 86c, 86il, of chap ter 11 of the crtciaT-ai code and to re pent sat dseclions and to repeal section 86 Section N6b Is amended by striking from the list of protected geese and ducks red beaded duck blue bill or scaup duck, plover, Wilson or Jacksulue or Woodcock. Tile closed season remains as before, between May 1 and September 1. Section *tel of the present law. relat ing to hunting water fowl, is amended by striking out the following: "And It shall also he unlawful lor any person at any time of the year, to dig, build, or construct any blind, lading plaoe. or structure In the bed of any river, stream or lake with the Intent to catch, kill, wound or destroy any of said birds, or at any time of the year to shoot or shoot at any of said birds front any such blind, hiding place or structure." The penalty for violating this section relating to hunt ing wuler fowl by the aid of a lag-gun or by boat at any time of the year Is changed to read not less than $5 nor more than $20. or imprisonment tn the county Jail not more than thirty days. Section hfid Is amended by striking out plover, woodcock. Wilson or Jacksnlue from the list of birds that it Is unlawiul to sell or have In one's possession or for any corporation or company to sell or have In their possession between May 1 ami September 1 of each year. Section Stic, making It unlawful for any railroad or express company to receive or carry as freight, baggage or express, any of the birds or animals described In the game law, Is rep* tied. Emergency clause Approved March 7. Sens!- Ale 4S. by Miller of buffalo. A reenactment of chapter 77, session laws of INK. 117a of the criminal code, to punish cattle stealing, the some having been Irregularly passed In !VC>: Section 1. If any person or persons shall steal any cow, steer, bull, heifer or calf, of any value, or If any person shall receive or buy any cow, steer, bull, h* lf«r, or calf that shall have been stolen know ing the same to have been stolen, with Intent by such receiving or buying to defraud tho owner, or If any person shall conceal any sin h thief, know ing him to n- such, or If any person shall conceal any cow, steer, bull, heifer or calf, knowing the same to have been stolen, every such person so offending shall be Imprisoned in the penitentiary not more than ten years nor leas than one year, and sliull pay the costs of the prosouu t on House roll No 6N, by llevsrly. An act to limit and r*K it»»« the * mployment of children, tn luuiiufactui ing. Industrial, mechanical -nd mer* amis establish ments to pr..vld» a p-italty for its viola tion and the enforcvinenta of Its pro tht* act to lie known a* sections Jl'-aa. visions and the rep-al sections .'4-1 a. }4SI*b and 2l.’-< of the criminal code of the state of Nebraska; the provisions of this act to he known as sections <!i*aa. Mtbb ftf-T, tlVId Stiee and JEff of the criminal code of the state of Nebraska gee ri**n fi'-aa. That any male or f-maia Child under the age of ten years shall not l*e employed In any manufacturing, mechsnn of. Industrial or mercantile es tablishment. Meet Pm itliih That any male or femala clitld under the age of lourteen year* shall not be employed In any in * uuf uc t ur. lug. me hanlcai. Industrial or mercaltle establishment, eg* ept during the vs* a* Modi of the public a* h*nde, uni* *s during the year nest preceding such employment ha has for at least twenty we*k* at tended some public or private day soho-d where the English la taught, nor ahull employment continue, unless such chu t Shull In eu* h and e%*ri >• ar attend • ho-d as herein prottded, an«| no child shall be SO employe ! Wlt*i does not pre sent a certificate signed by the president and secretary of the hM board of the •chwol district In wf.i- h ho r. -id* . of hie »onidlin * with lh* re-|ulreass>ata f th s •*** ll it* Nor shaft any owner, auperin temt-oit or overseer of any such eetslr* hshat* o's parent or guar Han testsst to or p- >n*ii the employment of any shlld Malrsrv to the Mot of this law gpiliis fl- v All s .pefMHs teat# of ** tobl*-hoimle v mli.g ut ter the act eh til keep tar inspection records of age, birth SftggManra of every male end fetwala •MM git log am *uni of nlnwl att*«»4 o he. *ion Mho I The penalty for vi olating the tfrl shall ha a Ana of S*l fang lh an if I* I1*1* lulssloncr Is given special authority to enforce the act. . House roll 18, by Mann: I Sectldn I. It shall be unlawful for any person to plow up or upon any public highway In this state without the consent j or direction of the overseer of roads. I Section 2. Any person violating the pro- ! ' visions of this act shall upon conviction | ! he lined not less than |5 nor more than 125. House roll 43, by Orandstaff. Amends section 2U8, code, und repeals said section. Th" bill removes the words ■'In a state of adultery" wherever they i appear in the section. House roll 37, by Easterling. Amends ; section 125 chapter 58 of the criminal code | of Nebraska of 1*73, und to repeal said original section 123 of chapter «8 of the | criminal code of Nebraska of 1873, und to I repeal section 125 of chapter .11 of the i criminal code of Nebraska of 1881, and to repeal section 125 of chapter IS of the criminal code of Nebraska of 1887, and lo repeal section 125 of chapter hi of the criminal code of Nebraska of 1881. The bill re-enacts the law providing a penalty for obtaining money under false pretenses and extends the crime to persons stealing from u''corporatlo», association of parnershlp." House roll 183, by VV. T. Wilcox: Section 1. That no company, corpora tion or person operating a railroad In whole or in part, within the state of Nebraska, shall permit or require any conductor, engineer, nreman, hrukeman, telegraph operator or any trainman who has worked in his respective capacity tor eighteen consecutive hours, except In case of casualty, or unavoidable emergen cy, to again go on duty or perform any work until ha bus had at least eight hours of rest. Section 3. Any company who shall vio late this act ahull he fined not iess than 850 nor mors than I3U0, for each and every violation of this act, provided, however, that the. proceedings to enforce the pen alty, as approved In this act, shall be commenced within six months from the date of the violation of the same. House roll 192. by Beverly. Section 1. That no female shaH be em- 1 ployed In any manufacturing, mechanical I or mercantile establishment, hotel or res taurant In this state, more than sixty I hours during any one week and that ten hours shall constitute a day's labor. The hours of each day may be arranged as to permit the employment of such fe males at any time from 6 o'clock a. m. to 14 p. m. Section 2. Every employer shall poet In a conspicuous place In every room wnere such females are employed a print'd notice, stating the number of hours worn required of them each day of the wee*. Siectlon 3. Every employer shall provide suitable seats for the females so an,- 1 ployed, and shall permit the use of sue it ! seats by them when they are not neces sarily engaged In the active duties 'cr which they are employed. Section 4. Provides a penalty for vlo- | latlrig the act. House roll No. 65. by Hurman. Section 1. Any person or persons who loan money upon deposits, or pledges of personal properly or other valuable thing, or any person, persons or corporation who loan money upon chattel property for security, and require possession of the property so mortgaged on condition of returning the same upon the payment of a stipulated amount of money, Is herttoy declared to be a pawnbroker, or chattel loan broker, for the purpose of this enact rnent. Section 2, Every person, llrm or corpor ation engaged In the business of pawn broker or chattel loaning shall pay to the city or village treasurer for a licence to carry on ths same the sum of $100 per year or $50 for every six months. In metropolitan cities, but in all other cl'ies, towns or villages the sunt of $50 per year or the sum of $23 for every six months, such a license to be obtained in I the usual manner. Such person or Tir n i shall pay said sum and give bond to city, 1 town or village In which he Is to do busi ness In the sum of $5.‘tt»), with surety to be approved by the mayor or Its chief I executive officer, conditioned for tre faithful performance by the principal, if each and all the trusts Imposed by law or by usage attached to pawnbrokers, or j chattel loan brokers, provided, that no i license fee shall be exacted In muni d- ! 1 Pali ties which Impose u license fee on ' this business by ordinance. Section No person or .firm shull be allowed to do business In more than one , place under one license. Section 4. All persons who shall be engaged in the business shall keep a book in which shull be legibly written In Ink. at (he time any loan or purchase, an accurate account of description, n l the English language, of the goods pawned, pledged or mortgaged or pur chased, the amount of money loaned . r paid therefor, the lime the same was received, and the name, residence ami description of the person pawning, plcdg- ! I ing. mortgaging or selling the sane which book, as well as the article pawned I or purchased, shall be at all reasonable limes open to the Inspection of the mtgyot or un> member of t ie police dcpartm< cl. or any officer of the law. Section 3 provides for a daily report to the police department. Section U. Nu personal property re ceived on deposit oi purchase by any pawnbroker, t battel loan broker, dealer In second-hand go..ds or oink dealer, shall be sold or permitted from the place of ( business of such person for the spa* e , of twenty-four hours after the copy and Statement required to III* delivered to t|l<t chief police officer shall have been ileilv eieti as required by section & of this «ct. Section ? excludes Sunday us a working il») for those i coning under the act. Section 4 provides a penally of betws-n $4i an<l $hW for violating ths aet. Section 14. it shall be unlawful for any broker, agent or dealer mrniloneil lit 1 this a-t to sell any goods so pawned to. or received by him. during the period of sis months, from date of pawning or re eiving such guoda. and after the expiration of four months as aforesaid he may sell any such article to tha highest bidder therefor after first having ’ posted a notice of said sale one week In a conspicuous place of business where such article was pawned or received or In the place where such broker or dealer Is Ihen located because of having . hanged h.s place of business gating In sold no tice an accurate description of lh« aftl* cleg or i mn|s to be sold, and the date and tie hour that sail sale ta to begin, and alao after l. •ting endeavored lo no tify the pawner of etc h good# gt least one Week before the time set for eu*h sale, that Mine would he sold g.»i.| sate may le adjourned from day lo day for W till of Sufficient btddfie ffiitd sale shall vest the title to said property in the pur tiaser. Minis foil N n fit, hy fit ns repeals w- t tons i i and *. ch tplrr r> emptied Statutes, amt ■ reate* new Sections Within sis m.-tith* after the passage of this get all buddings In lids state 1 four or m ic etorted in n.tghi, excepting private icstdeu . * ev. loslt-ly, hut tn c imtshg flats and apartment holhitng*, t shall we provided with owe or snis metallic U t I r er s*alt fire ee* ape at lathed lo Ike outer watte amt yi-thlsfi with platforms of so- li a<sa end 4tm*w si >iu nil sue h proximity to ena or hi ms windows of ea. a story ateuvs th* first, as to render a - ess to a, k In Iter of s’ »irs from sa h such si-d# may and sale* olid shall tin ho tir-oytet with one or mors an'ts* utk m lallt* nra so i tp*». ul stMt pe per J- i b • Is he %(, ta- had I* the to Sid- of said tsuiMmg fio ox ta vfi ibi aw odes live meatse of «• ape l i oil we»upawte who for “M ftaeia are unable ta i-se awtd laddate of atalis, the bumber mat-dial Is* allow sad . ..ft etro.iiow if e he* apve te he idgsi to tits approval ot the commissioner of laboi or hU deputy: provided, however, that all buildings more than two stories in height, used for manufacturing pur | poses, or for hotels, dormitories, schools, seminaries, hospitals, or asylums, shall have at leut one such tire escape for every fifty persons, and one such auto matic metallic escape for every twenty live persons, for which working, sleeping or living accommodations are provide,i above the second stories of said build ings; a ad that all public halls, which provide seating room above the first or ground story, shall be provided with such numbers of said ladders or other lire escapes as said commissioner of labor or his deputy shall designate. The duty of the commissioner of labor and h!a deputy shall be to serve notice on owners of •.ulldtngs not provided with tire escapes and to command their erec tion In thirty days. Oraiul Juries are empowered to look Into cases of neglect to put up the fire escapes. Failure to erect a lire escape on notice shall meet with a tine of from $25 to $200 and to u further tine of $5o for every additional week of neglect to comply with the law. The commissioner of labor and his deputy shall have supervision of the erec tion of all lire eseupos, and none shall be erected except by a written permit from him. Applications for permits io construct tire escapes shall bn llled with the commissioner of labor, giving descrip tion of the building, and in return for this the permit Is to be Issued. CIVIL COLE. Senate (lie No. G2, by Kowler of Fill more, To amend section 1029, civil coile, relating to the transfer of replevin suit* to the district court, by adding the fol lowing to said section: In case where the appraised value of the property so taken is less than $2'W and a trial Is begun before the Justice, and In case the Jury agree upon a ver dict finding the value of the property so taken to he more than 1200, or In case a Jury Is waived und the cuse tried to the justice und ne tlnds that the value of the properly so taken exceeds $200, then In either case no judgment shall be entered and all subsquent proceedings shull cease before the justice, and he shall certify the proceedings to the dis trict court In ibe same manner as pro vided for In this section where the appraised value of the property taken exceeds the sum of $200, and the same proceeding* shall be had In the district court us a case certified up by the Justice when the appraised value of the property taken exceeds $200. Senate (lie No. 2*. by Fowler of Fill more. To repeal sections 917. 91H, 919, 920, 921, 922 , 923 und 921 of the civil code relat ing to arrest before and after Judgment. House roll No. 98, by Weaver. To amend section GUla, civil code, und to repeal the section before existing. Section 1. That section tiOla of ths code of civil procedure, be amended, so as to read as follows: Section GOla. A complete record of every original clause In the supreme court, as soon a* It Is finally determined, shall be made by the clerk of such court, unless both parties shall declare In open court, at the term at which the hnal order or judgment shall be made or hearing had, their agreement that no record shall be mude. House roll No. 254. by Olmsted. Adds to section 6 of the civil code the follow ing: ’’Provided, however, that there shall be no limitation to the time within which any county, city, town, village or other municipal corporation may begin an ac tion for the recovery of the title or pos session of any public road, street, alley or other public grounds or city or town lots.” House roll No. 31, by Evans. Amends soectlon 602, code of civil procedure, relat ing to proceedings to reserve, vacate or nwxllfy judgments and orders in courts In which they are rendered by striking the words, "married woman," from the following: "For erroneous proceedings against an Infant, married woman, or person of unsound mind where the con dition of such defendant does not appear In the record nor the error in the pro ceedings.” House roll No. S8. by Weaver. An act concerning compensation of receivers. Section 1. Receivers shall receive for their services such compensation as the court in Its discretion may award, subject to the following restrictions: First, receivers appointed for the pur pose of preserving anil protecting property pending litigation, or for the purpose of continuing the business of the debtor or corporation pending litigation, or when llnanclally embarrassed, may be awarded a salary or lump sum. Second, receivers appointed for the purpose of winding up the affairs of a debtor or corporation, reducing the assets to cash and distribute them, shall he awarded a percentage upon the cash received and properly accounted for by them. Which percentage may be In creased where extraordinary services have been performed, and correspond ingly reduced where the services have not been meritoriously performed. CURATIVE LEGISLATION. Twenty-three bills passed were curative acts. They are so designated by attor neys bec ause they cure defects in present laws. The most common defect, us j shown by foot notes in the compiled statutes, is tlie absence of repealing clauses. The courts b ive held that when an amendatory act is passed the hid I must designate the section sought to be ; amended and also repeal such section Home important sections in the statutes leave been deviated unconstitutional, be cause legislatures have not followed this i plan of repealing sections sought to he amended. Lawyers deem the curat'vo acts among the incest Important passed j ; hy the legislature. Some of the curative ! ■ o 's merely strike nut words that have i been abrogated by decisions of the courts. ' ' or correct palpable errors that occurred : in time s past In the enrolling room, such us the misspelling of a w ord or the substi tution of a wrong word. The following i are the curative acts passed: Senate file No. 121, by Reynolds of Dawes, attaching a repealing clause to section *2, criminal code, relating to set ting lire to woods and prairies. •Senate tile No. 117, by l’rout of Gage, . attaching a repealing clause to section ■">92. civil code, relating to limitation of time In which judgments may be enacted I or m> dltted. Serial) tile No. II), by Trout of Gage, attaching a repealing clause ty section >22, criminal code, ictatlng to imprison ment at hard labor. Senate tile No 90, by Trout of Gage. * attaching a repealing c lause to section 1. civil code, i elating to Vet ideation O. pleadings by atlldavlt. Senate tile No. is. by Talbot of Lan caster. attaching a repealing clause to | section 12. chapter 9. statutes of 1S97, relating to registration of county bonds I by the state auditor. Senate ttle No :>:t by Trout of Gag* atta< bit g .« rep.- ding clause to section 144. ■ lvII code, relating to aue ndlticitt »f i pleadings by the court In furtherance of Justice Senate tile No. 97, hy Trout of Gage, attaching a repealing clause In section 37H, civil rode, relating to contempt Senate (lie No 114, by Trout of Gage, attaching a repealing clause to sartiim w. criminal code, relating to Injuries to i ornamental trees on commons anil streets Senate Ole No, II). hy Trout of Gage, attaching a repealing cl toe** to sec tion •I. c rim Inal cod*, relating to stealing or Interfering with beea end honey, and r.ailid the liability to the patty injured <«t all damages received" Instead of ' double damage*.' H<-n.ite tile No ID. hy Trout of Gage attaching repealing clauses la se* times Pt2 ami V.J9. civil cede teiattng to psillilott and servke upon defendants In partition nulls Henats Ilia No lit. hy Remit of Gaga, attaching a repealing clausa to ae* ttun IM. criminal sods, relating to atotsn gauds Sc4141a til* No US, by lies eh of |g(. caster, attaching a repealing clause to I t* sal* ■*' or allowing clteutsl animal* to run at latge Sena** It** Ns, IS, by Hocha of lavty • aster. r#r**' I mg an ntst in rrrllsa rid civil • od*. »eta*u*g to sala of toot I* aged hy . h cosing the » t l laliotc I-* « v cllon ih* original Un. having been In**** *•1 ||jf )(K|N|itf4 Pin#’# IN \*> tH W I'ftiui ul ti»g>* •iUt Kit # ■ »*»!• lliM * I mi#* |d «ft || ut A * t tH* If- is * Ivldll >| «* 4 U|| |4*4 ili* *nt*4 HV4|Mdl( « A#l# UN N . i;*! V* i*fi* i| of <l»# IIIU* Nii a a 1*1*4' !*» *•*♦ t • M U *vi AN I'rMumAl v ‘*W. fkUUtm |u WftNAI t! i IMMMkqf* *»•* n>« Nt* |M t»y t*r«Hit «*f t)%* > fit** M** A * Ut*#»* ft* I, rflutilt tl t <*4« Im Midi## A it4 iNllAf d ill »-#M* PN V» IH Nf Ti-M »# |,4 i I iw* |l«*i I* , f f i H* i *tAt le N lv* ||, I #4 iNldli >H At M«| tail# AH4 |t*» A|(« %»t , IN# AatMft# •A* t tld 111# N ft fttjf Mlffif a! ImttiA I # l*f##U. i t UuB I i ■* - 11> > t% i hbiplst U. • atyi> 4 of IA(, t. ill. g to the lime and place of the sale of property taken under chattel mortage. Senate ille No. 125, by Reynolds of Dawes, attaching repealing clauses to sections 323, 824 and 327, civil code, relat ing to proceedings before the court, trial docket and order of trial, and repealing section 327a, which Is practically the same as section 327. Senate tile No. 12*. by Talbot of Dan caster, attaching a repealing clause to section 376, civil code, relating to service of notice before taking depositions. Senate rile No. HO, by Profit of Oage, to amend section 60it, civil code, relating to modification of Judgments, by striking out the words, "married women," the same having been abrogated by the courts. House roll No. 22, by Dane. Amentjs sections 30 and 31, chapter 23, part 11, revised statutes, being sections 30 and 31, chapter 34, compiled statutes, by supply ing a repealing clause. House roll No, 24, by Dane. Amends section 26, chapter 34, compiled statutes, relating to guardians and wards, supply ing a repealing clause to the original act. Approved March 7. EMBALMING. House roll No. 170, by Armstrong. Section 1. It shall bo the duty of the state board of health within sixty days after the passage of this act to appoint a hoard of secretaries or examiners for i mbalmers. Said board shall consist of three members. Section 2. No person shall be eligible as member of said board who has not been engaged In the business of, and practiced embalming In this state for a period of at least five years next preced ing said appointment. The terms for which the members of said board shall hold their office shall he three years, except that the members of the board first to be appointed under this act shall hold their office for the term of one, two and three years, respectively, and until their successors shall be duly appointed. flection 3. The board shall meet and organize within thirty days and shall meet at least once a year. The records shall be kept at the office of the state superintendent of public Instruction. flection 4. All persons engaged In em balming In the state for one year shall have a certificate on furnishing proof ai d paying $5 for the same. The cer tificate must be secured In six months. flection 5. No person not registered afl' r six months may practice embalming until certificate Is secured. Section 6. Examinations shall be given to any person at the regular meetings of the board. flection 7. An annual fee of $2 Is re quired of all persons practicing embalm ing. flection 8. All certificates shall be reg istered tn the office of the county clerk of the county In which the party holding It resides, for which the clerk may charge If, cents. Section 9. Every applicant for exam ination shall pay the board of examiners $10. Each member shall receive $5 per duy for each day actually employed, to ether with all traveling expenses, and may receive such further compensation as the board may determine, all to come from the fees of the office. flection 10. The secretary and treasurer of the board shall make an annual report to the auditor. Any surplus over salary and expenses shall be paid Into the state. Section 11. Violations of the act shall be misdemeanors and the penalty shall bs a tine of between $25 and $100. BARBERS' BILL. House roll No. 171, by Olmsted. All persons following the occupation of barber In the state shall obtain a certifi cate of registration The barbers' exam ining board, consisting of the governor, attorney general and auditor, shall In slxtv days appoint three examiners or secretaries, appointed one for one. one for two and one for three years, two of whom shall be recommended by the bar bers' protective association. One of the sjcretarles shall be a practicing physi cian who shall have been practicing his profession five years prior to appoint ment. The secretaries shall give bund In the sum of 73.000. The board shall adopt rules with refer ence to precautions to prevent creating and spreading of Infectious and con tagious diseases. Public examinations by the secretaries shall be held, notice of which shall be given. Within sixty days from the passage of the act all barbers on making satis factory showing may secure a certificate for 71. After that time an examination will be necessary at an expense of 75. The board of examination will not Issue a certificate till satisfied that the appli cant Is above the age of eighteen years; of good mupal character, free from con tagious or Infectious diseases, has either studied the barbers' trade for two years as an apprentice under a qualified and practicing barber, or studied at least one year In a properly appointed and con ducted barbers' school or college, or prac ticed at the barbers' trade In another state for at least two years, and Is pos sessed of the requisite skill In said trade to properly perform all the duties and services incidental thereto, and Is pos sessed of sufficient knowledge concerning the common diseases of the face and skin to avoid the aggravation and spread ing thereof In the practice of Ills trade. < 'ertltU ates shall be good for a year. Apprentices may serve In barber sliopj but not over one apprentice to three barbers. All barber colleges must keep up a sign giving evidence of the fact. The board may revoke n certificate for conviction of crime, habitual drunken ness. gross Incompetency and contagious or Infectious disease. The fees are to bo distributed among the secretaries of the board and they ore to receive no more than the fees of office. The board of secretaries may hold examinations anywhere In the state they see fit. Penalties for violation of the act are provided. ANIMALS, House roll No. :ii7, by Fisher. Repeals chapter 31, compiled statutes. Any person or persons having cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, mules or asses, shall have the right to adopt u brand or mark, tor the use of which he shall have tile exclusive right in this state, after record ing such brand or mark us hereinafter provided That for the purpose of creating a state brand and mark committee, and sluts registry of brands ami murks. It shall be the duty ufllie governor to up- j point three reputable stock raisers, who shall he chosen from those largely inter ested In cattle, who shall hold their of- 1 lice for a term of two years. Said three IM-rsons «o chosen, together with the sec retary of state, shall constitute a state 1 brand committee. Said committee shall i meet ut least twice each year and at the office of the secretary ot state, and as ! often at the call of the chairman us Is necessut y. A record shall be kept by the secretary of stats of utl brands and a foe of fl W shall be charged for tecordtng suah brands Twenty per cent «f these fuss • hall b« pall] each member of the state ; committee and #» per cent shall constitute a fund to defray the expenses ot th« i secretary of elute Incuned under the ; act. No person shall adopt a brand previous ly recorded. The committee shall decide whether brands ottered for record con flict. provided that tto brand sliull be ac cepted described as being of either side of the animal m l that a brand described as being on both sides may be accepted. Where two brands arc similar Die com mittee shall decide as to prl irtty of own. erslilp si Its re solar meeting The party thus losing his brand shall not thus have his ownership of stock in any wav In Valldal' U tha ef.,.< | of If,.. Mv| being to make Illegal and enjoin from the |j*> (her use of the brand owners of catlje bringing Ih-m )« a county for arising shall submit tha brands to the committee |U .,|>f tin per, mission to use live same and assurance that It does not conflict with utlor* an t the owner may la •ntohnd from the use of a conRtctlng hrmd l*ruvt*tan as to ' incoming iinrk grow •re" an t ‘brand# t» be r. p. i.-d by com* miltrs' are ss In the old law The following penally Is attached "Any pets »n or nerxies who shall viitie the pro. 1st ms of this art sh ill ha |*smsd guilty of wl»be< m u sit t upon c ancle tb>M shall tie by , Ht,« of not egeeedlng It ss **r t-t tmprtemmeot in the i o.imy isit f .r a term n *t ev • tint ..we i» ir «r bv tot'h #*o h nn«» an t its - prtsonmeid p* the It *. r,d ion sf it,* estorl Munate hi- m by i f os of IkjogUs To amend se-dMn la >l m.r t erilch* t iHtmioWd statutea of to rend as foi t tW s (hdba M That i >** are hereby do tdared to he psra*te si property f-r all * I u»es*t« and port c.'i 'Ml II, »sg i , r , I w Iter s al say I s r das* shell b liable for any end d ■ mages that voi sccrts# to aev person I ws or penirsIktH h* res. son of so >h I 0 a l>fs k dll- £s wound* ag worrying nr • kaaing any sheep or other dsieestt sMs.i l eetaeglng to S*1 ’h pars vs firm *r »iy rations and en#H list age be rcceovered from any court having jurisdiction of the amount claimed. House roll 156, by Wilcox. Amends sub division 10, section 69, article l, chapter 11, compiled statutes and repeals section as existing. Section 1. In cities of secnd class, lax on dogs Is placed at from 41 to 43 In stead of front 63 to 410 as In previously existing law. REAL ESTATE. House roll 197. by I>emar. To legalise all oaths and altlrmatlons heretofore ad ministered and all acknowledgements heretofore taken by commissioners of deeds In the legal form and which have no certificate of the secretary of state as required by section 36, chaDter 73, complied statutes, If In other respects they are In regular form. APPROPRIATION HILLS. House roll 2X0. by Letweller. Appropri ates 425.000 for the construction ami fur nishing of a three-story brick and stone school building ut the Institute for the deaf and dumb at Omaha. The successful contractor shall (tie a 44U.0OU bond for the faithful performance of the work. The hoard of public lands aud buildings shall appoint a superintendent with a compen sation of 41 a day. Fifteen p. r cent of the contract shall be retained till completion of the work. House roll 273, by Detweller, Appropri ating 47.700 for the construction of a boll, or, engine, coal and pump house at the Institute for the deaf und dumb at Om aha. One brick and atone boiler house shall lie erected which shall be equipped with four boilers for heating purposes of the institution together with engine room, coal bins, electric lighting plant nnd pump house belonging thereto, fit,Is shall im advertised for within thirty days. The bond required of the successful bidder shall not exceed 42'),4100. Fifteen per cent of the price shall be retained till linal ac ceptance. Emergency clause. Approved April 3. House roll 351, by Zellers. Appropriates 41.S'") for the purpose of creating an emergency fund to be used as occasion may require by the state board of health In the suppression of epidemics and the prevention of diseases and protection of hujuuu life In Nebraska. When the public health Is threatened the hoard of health may puss a resolu tion setting forth the tacts and giving an estimate of the expanse necessary to light the disease which when approved by tile governor and attested by ihe at torney general shall be tiled With the au ditor who shall draw a warrant on the treasurer for the amount approved. The emergency fund shall be available fur the payment of bills contracted by the board tor the suppression of the re cent epidemic of smallpox In the slate. Emergency clause. Approved February 26. House roll 121, by Thompson of Mer rick. Appropriates 64U.U0) for the payment of the incidental expenses of both houses Including printing, postage, stationery, fuel, hgnt and other special expenses which may be lawfully Incurred by either house. Emergency clause. Approved January 25. House roll 8, by Evans. tieclion 1. To appropriate fSQ^Xtt to erect one three-story brick, stone and Iron Art-proof building with stone base ment, on the grounds of the asylum for the chronic Insane at Hastings to accom modate not less than 2Uo nor more than 225 patients, and to conform In architect ural design to the buildings now In usa on the said grounds. Section 2. T he board of public lands and buildings shall advertise for bids. Section 3. The board shall accecpt th* lowest responsible bid. Section 4. The successful bidder shall execute a bond to the state in the sum of 825,000 for the completion of the work according to contract and the payment of all labor claims. Section 5. The hoard shall appoint a superintendent to see that plans aro fol lowed and to return monthly statement* of work done. The superintendent s bond shall be In the sum of J10.000. Ills com pi-neailon shall be $5.0) per day. Section 6. The building shall be com pleted by October 1, 1900. At Ite comple tion 50 per cent of the amount shall be paid, the balance to be paid when final estimate Is made. Section 7. The superintendent Is quail lied to act In the absence of the board. Section 8. The treasurer shall pay war rants for the work. House roll No. 290, by Dtttmar, appro priates $lu,uuo for a building at the Lin coln hospital for the Insane. Contractors shall give a $40,000 bond to Insure com pletion of the work. The board of public lands and buildings shall appoint a superintendent whose compensation shall be not over $5 a day. Twenty-five per cent of each estimate Is to be retained till the work Is completed and accepted. House roll No. 45?, by Murray, appro priates $5,182 for the relief of Thurston county for the purpose of liquidation of indebtedness Incurred In the prosecution of W. C. Ream, and J. Sidney Good ■ r.anson, for felonies, and other trials. House roll No. 6uo. I>y committees on deficiencies. Appropriates $15,951.9$ out of the general fund for the payment of Items of Indebtedness owing by the state. Emergency clause. Approved April 5. House roll No. 9, by Evans. Appropri ates $15,000 out of the general fund for the purpose of erecting and furnishing one boiler and engine house, cold storage room, new wells and ait lift pump for the asylum for the chronic Insane at Hastings. The board shall advertise for bids Immediately. A good bond Is required lrom the successful bidder, to be accepted by the board of public lands and build ings. Emergency clause Approved April 3. House roll No. 3!"J. by Young. Appro- | pr bites money belonging to the state normal school library fund on March 31. 1 'try. and all sums accruing till March 31, 1W1. for the purchase of books for the institution. Emergency clause. Approved March 28. House roll No. 41s. by Orafton. Appro pi iates lu.OUO to be expended under the direction of the board of education of the slate normal school for a stand pine for protection from tire; to enlarge tha beating and lighting apparatus and to aid In furnishing the new chapel at the state normal. House roll No. 2!*",. hy cjmmlttee on soldiers’ and sailors' home. Appropriate* IH.50U to purrhasj the site of the sol diers' home at Milford, being 35 acre*, together with brick building and th* appurtenance* thereto, and requires a \ did title and surrender of lease. Tha board of public lands and buildings makes the purchase. Emergency clause. Approved March 31. House roll No. 53S. by Karri* Appro pi laics P'.'»po to erect and equip a net* building to bo used as a shop, gymnasium ami laboratory and for building a barn at the Institution for the blind at Ne braska City. Unit shall be advertised for on or before June l. The shop U not to exceed |> and tha barn not to cosy more than ll.'M) House roll No. Kw, by committee on deficiencies Appropriates I'® d from the state library fund for payment of items of Indebtedness owing by state for claims I lot intake. Emergency clause Approved April S. House roll No PI, Ity t 'httternb-n Ap- j proprtates Its V« for four new buildings .* Hie Beatrice Institute for the t-. Me minded . iMjtl Estimate f ir two in w I uulldingi pi.iM. furniture for two new buildings. |2 bakery kitchen, brush i shop ,imi laundry y»>a*>, kitchen furniture , and utensils fur new kitchen. |l <»*o, new machinery for new laundry. Including i gas entitle 13'eM two new bolters an, water and steam natures £,>«, dam g| I Water works ft tier, replacing plumbing, , 13,issi, lo w engine fl'Mi. n-w i.n.n i •I tsst I*; |> eliall be advertised far within thirty d. ‘ s 11 oils a rull No tH by Commitle* art I ptiauce it ns and tit'iins Appropriates M..HI lor the payment of satirWa of ■ ulftiera if the stale government I mergers** clause Appruv 4 April X House loll No. lei by i ■ mirtil •* nyy j (lean* *. ways gn«l means Inprop* aiae *1 M 1*4 for lb* paimeni of the orient I expenses of the slat* . .»„u.Boot' (or I tears ending Man.’* II, |*»> an I Male h >1, I9»t Ertutgemt runs- Ai>|» val April V llouee roll V. *5U by , mmlii.e Appr-.prUlea !'•».*«! l a i,.« ,.a,m«nl f Mieet; n » tos iuai of it. Uhiednsag owing r> ike rl'tit v*f Nebraska »i ore. —11 N . SI- U» Hr .(i n Appro. pw I .r and I a lash en » xet tollv* mansion H tlhtn Ion t .1,1 « Hie buitl t>| pnbtb la «gs sit I ‘ * an gs shall a tv el tree ( a unlg I .« t.i p. . . • f..r va)* t« the »«x‘.e of g dwell ng a. ose property Hr ai d ig Ida ! b ***** ^ w ***<*£% ’ tn.'‘ v i ni'hir abstract •# Mis After I he pun bare the b.ail shad f nniah Iba * • « r * IV , ,!* V, .r mV^l *-«*.-* "M- *p j Dontimiien Are 11*1*1 Liable. The supreme court handed down aa opinion in the case of the bondsmen of ex-011 Inspector L. F. Hilton against the state of Nebraska, In which the plaintiffs sought to be released from liability on the bond. Judgment having been rendered against them in the lower court. The judgment, which was for $6,622.56, Is reversed and the case remanded with direction to the district court to render Judgment on the ver dict and to certify therein that Hilton Is the principal and that the plaintiffs In error are sureties on the bond. In the district court the clerk In certifying the case failed to state, in accordance with the provisions of the code of civil procedure, that some of the defendants in the action were sure ties. The supreme court held that this is reversible error, although the matter was not brought to the attention of the lower court by motion or otherwise. The action against Hilton and his bondsmen was Instituted to recover $5,622.56, which he was alleged to have received for Inspecting gasoline. The defendants contended that the Inspec tion of gasoline was not an official act und that for that reason the oil In spector should not be held .*able for the amount. No part of the amount named was accounted for hy Mr. Hilton when he retired from office. The supreme court holds that when the Inspector of oils examines gasoline and places upon the cask In which it Is contained the statutory brand of condemnation he performs-an official act and that the fees received by him for the services are officially received. The bondsmen In the case are Rich ard Illaco, W. C. Walton, B. A. Stewart and John M. McKeen. According to the decision of the court they are liable for the amount of the shortage. Depoultory HoimIs. Interpretation of the new law cutting down the rate of Interest on state funds In state depositories and preventing officers of banks from being accepted as sureties on depository bonds has been puzzling State Treasurer Meserve. The three state officers comprising the board that passes upon such bonds recently determined to require all de positories to give new bonds. The officers of Beveral tranks have asked the state treasurer whether the new law’ applies to directors of banks. In some rases the banks do not want to ask citizens to sign a depository bond unless persons Interested in the bank first sign. It was thought that direc tors are not really officers and might not be prohibited from signing. This question was placed before Attorney General Smyth, who added to it a sec ond question, whether if a director signs a bond he can be held on the bond in case it is subsequently deter mined that a director is an officer. Many banks are giving bonds signed by guarantee companies, but as a re newal of depository bonds is to be required, all bankers holding state funds are interested in an interpreta tion of the law. Attorney General Smyth believes a director of a bank is not an officer of a bank under the meaning of th” state law, and therefore such persons may be accepted as sureties on depository bonds. He believes also that if direc tors sign they may be held liable. Tlie lamented Btotnenliergr. The governor Is in receipt of a letter from the father of Colonel Stotsenberg, as follows : “NEW ALBANY, Ind.,—Hon. W. A. Poynter, Governor of Nebraska.—Dear Sir: I thank you personally, and as the representative of the people of Nebraska, for your tender and touching letter and tender expressions of sym pathy. It is true that we have lost our first born, but it is consolatory to know that he died for Nebraska and for the nation on the field of battle and as the leader of as brave and well disci plined an American regiment as ever marched against an enemy; that he worked and toiled for the comfort and welfare of the fighting First Nebraska; that he was as proud of it as a fond mother is of a beloved child; that he aided in making (through its heroism aud gallantry on the battlefield) the place of honor for the great state of Nebraska among her sister states when the history of this war is written, and that lie freely and cheerfully gave up ltis life for his country, greatly allevi ate the bitterness and anguish of this severe bereavement. Yes. us you say, “he added honors to Nebraska and died like a hero.” Please thank Adjutant General Harry and the Hon. William L. Stark for their kind words of con dolence. Very respectfully yours "JOHN l». STOTSKNBKKG.” Krlmnk* t rop lliitlrtln Ttie past week, says the Nebraska crop bulletin, has been warm, with high winds, much sunshine and an excess of rainfall. The average dally temperature excess has vsrlsd from V degrees In the eastern couuties to 4 degrees In the western. The rainfall haa beeu above normal, except In a few counties along the southern border of the state. Moat of the rain tell In the last two days of the week and the ground was very dry I tit most parts of the state during the greater part of the week. The past week has been favorable for farm work and rapid progress haa been made In most counties How ever. In a few localities the dry soil the first of the week retarded the work somewhat, dmnll grain Is now nearly all sown and the early sown la coming up rather unevenly In moai localities twenties of the dry coudltlon of the I soil. Winter wheat has Improved slightly In the extreme southeastern ' counitea. but most of tbs crop in thn j slnte Is dead Plowing for corn haa >wen general In nil rountten nnd n l irg« proportion of the corn ground la now ready to plant, but aa yet very Util* ' corn haa been planted. «’r»l«hluh h*. r«*l*<-t*4 4II of It# ! t***fc#r* Ak tMwraw*# rat# war U Ikmlrui i »t HMlItfi, Tk# AUamlc K**lly iwivbllia of Om«ka IM wrtt*t*w of Iwror^oraitow Wllk lk« **«r»lary of alal# tk# *4 k«# • . avilal »4.wfc of |.V. . **• Tk* Iw.tifporwlor# #r« i |kUai UiilUWM iUary I" l'4ln«r **| |*t„. IWMWI M IU#Mtl