i I - — .. ■ 'I ■ FOR BARGAINS IN SPRING OOODs APRIL SHOWERS BRING MAY FLOWERS,” and they also also bring the need of a reliable umbrella. You can get the right kind here, rain proof, fast color, with parigon ribs, warranted to withstand the blows of any wind except a cyclone; steel rod, tight roll, all this umbrella excel r lence at a moderate price. You can really afford to have an umbrella “at each v end of the line” if you buy here. We have them from oO cents up. A New Suit or Dress Worn over a Pair of Shabby Shoes is a combination that should be shuned by all people who desire to be well dressed. We advise all Sherman county' men and women to avoid it by corning here this week and allowing us to fit them from our complete stock of elegant spring foot wear. We promise to fit both your feet and your pocket book. You should not fail to call if you need shoes. TREAT YOUR FEET RIGHT BY BUYING A SUPPLY of new spring hoisery for them here. Ours is not only easy to buy, but easy to wear, and a comfort to your feet, because every pair is perfectly knit from excellent yarn, and free from seams, lumps or irritating wrinkles. This is the right kind of hoisery, and the only kind any one should wear, for it costs no more here than inferior hoisery does in many stores. They run as low in price as two pairfor26 cts. There’s hardly any apparel in which women take more interest than millinery, and there is nothing we are better able to please them with. Our millinery department has been thronged all the week with enthus iastic customers who have told us our millinery offerings are certainly the best in town. Wo tell this not in a spirit boastfulness but as a statement of facts which will interest all women whohav’ntyet bought their spring hat Respectfully Yours, Clearance Sale. In order to reduce my stock I will sell for Thirty Days at Prices That cannot be duplicated any where. Sale limited to stock on hand Af)D FOP CASH ONLY A $7.50 Rocker will go for $5.00 A 2.50 Mattress will go for 2.00 A 2 50 Bedstead will go for 2 00 A 15 00 Bedroom suit for 11 25 A 50 Lamp for 20 Picture frames at half price AND SO ON ALL THROUGH THE LINE. COME QUICKLY AND BUY AT PRICES YOU WILL NEVER AGAIN GET A CHANCE AT Hardware. Stoves and Tinware GARDEN SEEDS IN BULK, FIELD SEEDS ALFALFA, MILLET ETC. A complete line nil through and bought before the rise in the market. Yours for business, E. H. WATKINSON, Loup City, Neb. WHS* Itakali.* »fci« A»l. »«*• M“ ■ L ' * ' * < •iwmA&Oi U. *« « f 11..* If I U .a . I. U» urti.i*' «»• 11 ( e.*|ta» .» lb« fli'i »*•«*'■» 'Ml '' I > IaT <•» • „ t.. M *; l • 5 I u« |i. ’• *.4 i • k»r|> *• TtiU Mai1 m^Ur i|iatkAIHlHWl.«>ll« * ■ ••*»( 6 •aRi-. I. a*i r«U#rtl» **•»»■* I I Blair *m»b.. *lB»i * "*fJ «}>*> '*| f 1 alar* > • n ra * b iia allb » a MaWrl ** I • {|«|i»f fca-J. »\ »IM « H mil »*' * If Wrll* I,* V im h.Maion •• * « *v k I A>Mi< >•. A H'‘r, Viyl, IMM The ibove greatly re«lu.’e»l rale ba« in* Ic I.v II..- I M<»N IVVI IKI'1 In «'» ifnrtiia |>ulnt* Through Toonai* HUeper*. i|ulrkn lime then any other 1 nee*. I'nr ilclc.l* *n*t full liiformalum call »n IV |i l'U»M«. Agent Korinc We will Man-1 the Alalllu* 1 Hill Me " IVeett-uing *eeeo»i al ibe b»rn . f H r ney-ler. In I «•«!» flly H. I' MlMR. \ H I iiomi »o* I MtOMr IIOMS HIM.* ! •»•»«•»• I \> 4( i'i^« rll^ibe |ti ictfi* l»J Hr. I .ul »* • ,| «u.| l„t mi I.) *♦«*»•! M<«UUU V'tb |,uii|' \rl> ACTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED EVERY ■**-wherc for Tin: spfl-y of the Philippines ' by Murat Halstead, commissioned by the Gov ernment as Official Historian in the War De partment. The book was written In army camps at San Francisco on l ■ Pad in- with (Jem ral Merritt, in the ho--pii.il at Honolulu, In Hong Kong. In the Amerb-an trenches ut Manila. In the Insurr- nt camps wiih Aguinal do. on the deck of tin Olympia with Di-we.v. and in the roar of ball le in tin- tail of Manila. Bonanza for agents Brimful ul i-rig mil pic tures taken by government photographer* on the sisit Large Book. Low prices. Big prof its. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outllt fri Ad dress, F. T. Barber, Secy., Star insurance Bldg.. Chicago. Ill THERE IS ONLY ONE OVERLAND ROUTE DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS IN’ Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming Utah, Pacific Const and Puget Sound. Palace Sleeping Cars. Ordinary Sleeping Cars. UulTctt Smoking and Library Car*. Free Reclining Chair Cars fining Cars. Meals a la < arts. For tiinelnb.es, folder*, illuslrated book* pamphlets, inscriptive of the territory I traversed, call on tv, l> rt.iff»», Agent. 3 A l;REE PATTERN fi 1*2 your nan **rircUam to **%«*rT nub- 2: j unber. Uuly 5u u uU a year. J MS CALLS MAGAZINE A LADIES* M AGAZINE* I 9 4 f»«R. fee* . »U e -4 ]m • « : . . « ' * j - fi rifECALLi A. C ^ NOTICE FOB PUBLI ATION. Laud Offioe, Lincoln, Nebraska / April lotii, iwn. j , Notice is hereby given that the follow lug-named settler bus Hied notice or her intention to make llnal prool lit support of lier claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge of Mherinan County, at Loup, Nebraska, on May ao, iv.nl, viz; Mart ha' E. Eagle, wlddow and one of the heirs of Ueorge Engle, deceased Homestead Entry No. ls.ilT, for the east ball North east quarter section sz, Town ship IS, Bunge IB West. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz; Huns Beck, of Litchfield, Nebr. Biehurd Baker, of “ <« Jerry Hhetiler of •• *• John Wuhler, of Loup ** J. \V. Johnson, Register. Parsnip Complexion A majority of the ills afflicting pro pie to day < an be treated «o kidney trouble It pervades all classes of so ciety, in all climates, regardless of age sex or condition. The sallow, colorless-looking people you often meet are afflicted wub "kid ney complexion.'" Their kidneys are turning to a parsnip color, so is their complexion. They may sutler from in digestion, bloating, sleeplessness, uric acid, gravel, dropsy, rheumatism, ca tarrh of the bladder, or irregular heart. You may depend upon it, the cause is weak, utdi allby kidneys. Women as well as meu are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, ami both need the same remedy Dr. Kilmer's ^wamp-Koot. the great, kidney liver hikI bladder remedy will build up and strengthen weak and unhealthy kid ueys, puriD the diseased, kidi.ey-pi,ta nned bio- d, clear the complexion and soon help tin -uflererto better health. I he mild and the extraordinary efl . et of Swamp-Knot is soon realized. It stands i:te highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, such a weak kidneys, catarrh of ihe bladder, gravel, rheumatism and (Slight's Di sease, which is the worst form of kid ney trouh e. At druggists fifty cent and dullur size#. You may have a taut pie bottle by mail free, also pamphlet telling ad about It Address Dr. Kil mer A •‘o,, Itmgh union, N Y. When writing ple.i-e mention this paper h »n muii c an c.m finnan l'.iUo’ pi*i#4 * »r», built »|*fi-l*llj f..i Him l X|ON I*At IKK . n I rwallf |hi*Iu wc«Im tin t|i»ir i «m m»* l*»i train-to i’olurml'i. I >U. i alt ■* nla a ml * in'^mi jitunu, art- th< ill - t u*r tunxnl out, I hrm14ii.nu th" litU !•» Ini-Ir »|titi4», annul work atnl i|*i*uraUiMi< t>« In in iu'«l arilatii* »tjft*\ ami I be « niti-ui n an* mi i -Ujiarli** to anyt <114 *.*r •try bafirv, riiM.. vaia ara aiim-M lu ih* i’« on I* t ill- f. i • tin * Hi* o 1111« t4> tl< iim* l«* a I v%«*t*iu intiitt* than train* Ml anv uilit-r lint-* ('taint*, iwl «tlt»n* t’-n ha ■*»< lainatl by > ailtiig »t» <»r *ikir#**tu4 W 11 I LIf V*ra t4» ut ' A word ; i sti wise is sufficient" ami ' a word from (lie wise should be suffl <■ o id, but > u.«k. who .in the wise? I hose who know, l'lje oft repeated ex perience of trustworthy persona maybe taken-for knowledge Mr. W. M. Ter y '} Cliainberlain's Cough Remedy give* better l-f,union than any other in the mai II has been In tlie drug business at h >n, Ky , for twelve years; bo -i.Id hundre -of bottles of tills re ined' and nearly all otiier cough inedl . lane manufactured, w hich shows con clusively that. Chamberlain’s Is the most satisfactory to the people, and is the best, For sale by Odeudabl Bro’s. - -- - —s BURLINGTON ROUTE. The Burlington Route ofl'ers exceed ingly low round trip rates to Louisville, Kv, May 14-15. Return limit, May JO Portland, Ore., May 15-18. Return limit, July.15. Denser, Col, May 18-17. Return limit, June 15. Minneapolis, Minn , May 10-18. Return limit, uue 3rd. Roanoke, Va, May 17-18. Return limit, June 23rd. San Francisco, Gab, May 15-18 Return limit, July 15. Call and obtain full in formation. R. L. Arthur, Agent. B A M. K. R. R. Garden Seeds—New bulk just iu at, VVatkmsons • • • • 'Features of passenger service,” a booklet just published, gives souse facts and figures that are fai.ly as loundiug to one not familiar with the wnk ieijuiied to keep Americans on the move. Here are some excerpts *h. vi.to the immensity of me service on one western road: •*l 2.'>,00o passenger trains are run eaeii j cur bv the Buriuigtou Route.” if nles 7,500 Ii:ile* of mam liue i and branches, 1,500 miles of side track art necessary in operating the railroad " * idle equipment comprises aprox iii, a lv l,i ,0 digit v,|,l(H) I > as ten et I e trs, d'.*,500 tretglit ears. If •oupled I Jn r, these would covsr a Ci ti ii »j! read .00 Hides long.” I .it Hi. Burlington are 1,175 c»t|. » of in re than lo ,0oo people. I torn 1 . »u Depots are used, ait I scv*i .'ll great bridges have !>■ it bait el it,, Vlisslssippi and \i<» uti rivers.” ■•Jim s >>f in: i imb s, Chicago iu D vo i |0|7 n lilies me a..rld s be . disla It *td and of 600 uti • Cb 1 " to Conov.il Itluttw. in j it aonti > • a .* the rllbleuc) of the motive po««r