The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 12, 1899, Image 1
=-=- " - VOL. XVI. LOUP CITY, SHERMAN DON’T FORGET THAT T. M. REED IS PREPARED TO I -- -FINNISH YOU WITH , a, Hrlvaic, Wills, Garden Seeds, Machine Oils, Repairs for McCormick, Buckeye, and Woods Binders and Mowers. Call and see me and I will try and please you with good quality of goods. Yours very truly, T- M HEED. DON’T YOU NEED A DISC HARROW, SULKY PLOW, CULTIVATOR, WIND MILL, FANNING MILL, FEED GRINDER, W ASHING MACH 1NES, SEWING MACHINES, HARNESS. THK WORLD WOIIKI iMy Prof A P. Cullev.l The World Works will again le ailirm the prophesies and forcasts of weather conditions made by me iu my March issue. If you will remem ber we told you there would be great electric and cyclonic dirlurbancts, acccmpanii d by terrific wind storms and bail, more dlstructive than pes tilence or enrtti quakes. We have since seen the waste and wreckage of farm, fortune and family, and as fiendish flames clinch around happy homes, the mutilated and blackened remains of father, mother and babes. We told you these things would happen just as they have in Iowa,1 Missouri and other states, ecu trul Nebraska being the least affected by these disturbances, owing to a re cently discovered Planet presiding over our destiuies like a person over his flock, and which l have named “Dewey.” Saint and Sinner should pay high hom«ge to the greatest star in the firmament >f permanent peace and tranquility. Again you will notice we 0 Id you of the moving of the s;.i ing ui'initis thirty days, push ing Apnl nit" Ma\, May into June, and June in'o Jwli, and licit over coats won d be a nect-BMlv al pe ri d* hi 'lie months 'f June and Jut'. Also Him' honest patient toil would l» rewaidcd by abundant har vest, whitli would ciysializo into biigli’ shining gold dollars before the wilder < f our next adversity. K<ep your spiriis up, holding high above all oilier things, high as hopes great throbbing star, above the darkness of ibe dead, Hie love of duty, wife, | child, farmer and friend. Remem bering all the time that life runs out in sun and shade, in it, we are con stiuith the sunshine aud shaddow over billowy fields, the dews of uight, the wealth of summer and autumns rich content shall tie gilded and goldened over whh ihe farmers de light. I\ S. W—The orld Works will tell you in plant your corn not later tbun tlie 151b to 20tb of May, au«l then keep it perfectly clean, when a good , crop will be assured this season. Harvest your wheat before too ripe, thresh ami sell on first market in fa 11, for it is impossible for tin* farmer to get u trust on grain like oilier folks do on their giiods. The author of the World Works, wilt furnish its patrons with the ‘•Worlds Discovery'* lor 'he Hlues This medicine will he patented and sold under the name of • Iturmnic Hpiii's mid is to lie lakeu during periods of low spirits, caused by a 'ailing oaiometer and low blood tern I mature while the winds are blow ing It — from Texas This happy Haiti wdl enable mam a poor drooping •pint to wing ila wav between the •bores of showers. Hold at 5e per ■ plait naked or clothed in a green glass jacket This being the aver ago Hrat coal of all patent medicine*. Yon hate all noticed the umrecloodt weather we have, the leas rain la needed for cfopn. tut the wore ••|f» Inti if Spirit* M liipurrd |t>r blue pstn-hl* Sunlight Mended wtib Spiitl bght is the chief ingredient in thla renowned reset) l, though I lie fur < H ihc hat k of a Mat k ■ at when cut Mend*, •ml f mulshes the ingi* •lieui, fhaicosi, an • *a»uit*l of alt 1i to nacb remedies, law often a«h — tell, or devine the weather, to which I invariably answer, by the same means and in the same manner that others foretell the resereclion of the dead, and wreck of the universe. In conclusion I would warn all to be on their guard for a terrible conges tion of nature between the 20th of June and 10th of July. In future forecasts, will be able to tell the day and hour, I hope. Like the living, love the dead, and live for all you are worth, for we shall be dead a long time. Through Tourist Hlsspsra To Tlie Northwest. The Burlington Route has established a twlce-a-week tourist car line from Kansas City to Butte, Spokane, Tacoma and Seattle. Cars leave Kansas City, Lincoln and Grand Island every Tuesday and Thurs day, arriving at Seattle following Fri day and Sunday. They are upholstered in lattau. The bed linen and furnish ing are clean and of good quality. The healing, ventilating and toilet arrange ments are all that can be desired and each car is in charge of a uniformed Pullman porter, whose sole duty is to attend to the wants of passengers. Cars run through without change of any kind and the berth rate from Lin coln to Tac >mn or Seattle is onlv 85,00. To intermediary points, it is propor tionately low. Montana and the Poget Sound coun try are now enjoying a period of unex ampled prosperity As a consequence, travel to the Northwest l< rapidly at taining large proportions This new tourist-car line lias been established with a view of caring for toe Burling ton's sliare of it in the best possible manner. Berths, tickets and full information can be had on application to any Bur lington Route ticket agent or by ad resslng—J. Fkancis, G. P. Agt. Oma ha, Neb. Cheapest Caper In Nebraska A big 8 page daily papes six months for 91. seems an Impossibility, but the Daily News of Lincoln, Neb., ts being sent by mail at (hat price. This re markably low price is only made to add several thousaud new subscribers and it is doing it. The News prints all of the telegraph news of the world, all of the state news and the news of the state capitol. It is one of of the brightest and snappiest papers in the state and at such a low price every family can af ford it. It’s uearly as cheap as a week ly. It gives markets and other tele graphic matter hours earlier than Oma ha papers anil its price is but a tritle. Send for a sample copy and try It for six tuoiiths. Address, THE DAILY NEWS. Lincoln, Neb. House Cleaning Is Hkhe Go to Watkinsons and pick out your new carpet. New Samples now in. J A FREE PATTERN 1 l*«-«r own wIwimi us tnr) Mb- K Oll| b tMII I J«U. MSCALL’SAflk MACAZINEW - '.[ MS CALL ^IIA^AIC L Patterns OUR POLITICS have not changed but our ratio now is If llbj§. ^paii\iilalecl fm $1.©© We have also a number of other good bargains to offer you, SUCH AS A good seeded raisin at 10 cents per pound package. Cleaned and steinless currents at 10 cents per pound package. Wetinores prepared Jellies and Icings at 10 cents per package. Fruit Puddine, a splendid desert at 10 cents per package. On Time, Magic, or Yeast Foam, 3 packages for 10 cents Wheat Manna or shredded wheat Biscuit, 2 packages for 26 cents Pillsbury’s “Vitos” and Grape Nuts, 2 packages for 26 cent. “Snowflake best flour in the state per sack 90 We also have the best assortment of laces, embroideries, and summer dress goods in town which we are selling at honor able prices that at once appeal to the intelligent trade. pif MMN THAT EVERY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS CASH PURCHASE YOU MAKE OF US ENTITLES YOU TO A CHANCE ON OUR PHONOGRAPH. SOME ONE WILL WIN IT. WHY NOT YOU? Yours Respectfully CHAS. GASTEYER. NOTICE TO URADKR9. Sealed bids with specification!* will be received no later than noon of May, lMh lHOOal the office of the county clerk In Loup City, Nebraska, for the making of a grade In the Middle Lonp river, on the section line between sections II and 14 in township fifteen (IS), Range 15, Sherman oounty, Nebraska, such grade to commence at (he east end of the new Middle Loup river brldgu on said Hue, to extend to the east bank of said river, and to be at Its west end one foot higher than Uie floor ol said bridge, and to bave a fail, begin ning at said bridge, of six inches to every twenty feet of entire length of grade, the grade to be twenty feet wide on top, with slope on sides of one and one half feet to one foot of height, top of grade to consist of at least one foot of clay; Bids to be at a specified »um per lineal foot of flnlstu-d gnule: Bidders to show manner of mak ing grade The right to reject any or all bids Is reserved. Dated this 41st day of March, seal t John Minshvi.1., County Clerk AUK NTS WANTED To sell T hrashers Hobbles to prevent cattle (tom jumping fences, or from tucking themselves, alto to prevent horses from Jumping. The most auc cessful| Hubble ever mails ami just what every farmer ueetla. Those bob blea will be on sale at the atore of T. M, Reed, Imup City, or editress R i TtlHAaiikH. or hi* attorney Jiuin Wilt, Arcadia, Nab. The rich mans whiskey ie llANHKK because It is supremely delicious The poor man's whiskey is IIAHI*KH he cause such good whiskey helps him Th* f twiljr whiskey is Harper, because it's pure, pleasant and strong then lug Wold by - f II KisnsH L»up City Don't scratch your life a*at. but use Ik nunters W II* b It seel us d Ami a waive tor «tt«ei, pit*#, hive* borne 1cuts Km tele by (Mendahi Bros t rv*)i (tank'll u in I Ki»*M •4iv|» in hulk at T M Kfwl'i w J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Will Defend In Foreclosure Cases. ALSO DO A General Real Estate Business. Office In Nohtiiwkstehn Building, I.OCF CITY, - - NKIWt.VSKA. R. J. NIGHTINGALE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUP OITV, I I HD LI VERITY j TM* UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL ■ cum BiliOU! !i C 91, Const ..ion, Dyspcp ,ia, Slck-I. t I acho i»«i L . or Complaint. IUM. CMTtll. lOO PILLS duM hr all driud.i« eg pro *»«•! hf* ^1 Jl a.* ■ ra.caiHgi »<»M HA IK MV oDHNh.VIIL tlltOH., I.UUJ, l*Ujr, Ne*.f Ha* I «*• Fur Ik** iwal IMP, via the ( i.Umi l‘arl| j !»•. t*» Ana riW*lMA I "el . !•» N»i|ua*l | H.ptt.i h.mI.11., .UahftiHio.. Mat j JA l MM* Toy .Itlti fit A lit. Il lllkfl. > • Ml b* »*»>,l llwlM, «H | full IklulW.lluti i ! call W I* I 1 irpi« ,%aval j " A- S- MAIN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 1,011* CITY, • N i HKA "K A orklf'K. -One <1oor cum of ilruff store 1 Hl/'OKI.KNV ARNICA HALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuta Bruises Sores Ulcers Salt Rheum Fever Sores Tetter Chapped Hands Chilblains Corns and all Skin Eruptions and pos itively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 26 cents per box. For sale by Odendabi Bros. National Haptlat Noclellas Anniversaries Fort land Ora., June 9*6 1099 One Fare plus §2.00 for round trip via UNION PACIFIC. For dates on which tickets will be sold, limits, and full information, call on— W. D. Clif ton, Agent. OLUBB1MG KATES Pay Up Farm Journal anti get a Big Bargain. Five Years. By special airaugemeiit made with the publishers of the FARM JOURNAL we m u enabled to offer a 6-years sub script Ion to that paper, and oue years subscription to the Noutuwksticun for 91.50. The same offer is made to eyery old subscriber who will pay all arrear ages and oue year iu advance, as well aa to new sudscribers. In order to get the FARM JOL'RN AL at this low price it will be necessary to walk right up to the captain’s office, for wo have only a limited number of 5-year subscriptions to dispose of. The FARM JOURNAL is on a solid foundation and perfeotly trustworthy. Wo will also furnish the Kansas City Weekly Journal, one of the BEST weekly papers in tnc west, and the Noktiiwkstkun for 91.20. This is the same paper we clubbed with last year that gave such general satisfaction. Also the Semi-Weekly State Journal and the Nortiiwkstkkn for fl.SO I IUK IN HONEY. When you re traveling, due consid eration should be given to the amount of time spent in making your Journey. HIE LNION PACIFIC is the Best I.ikk and make* the Fastest Time by Uiany hours to Salt Lake City, Portland and California points. For time tables, folders, illustrated books, phamplets descriptive of the ter itory traversed, call on—W. D, Cut ton, Agent. A CTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED EVERY "where for The Story of the Philippines’* by Mural Halstead, commissioned by the Gov ernment us Official Historian to the War De partment. The book was written In army camps at San Francisco, on the Pacific with General Merritt. In the hospital at Honolulu, In Hong Kong, in the American trenches at Manilu, in the Insurgent camps with Aguinal do, on the deck of the Olympia with Dewey, and In the roar of battle at the rail of Manila. llonau/.u for agents, brimful of original pic tures taken by government photogrupher on the spot. Large book. Low prices, iftg prof tl». Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. free. Ad dress, F. T. barber, See'y,, Star Insurance Uldg,. Chicago. 111. I 1 _ _ _ g Nature's Danger Signals. Do your eyes blur at times? Do they hurl after reading? Are there frequent headaches? Are the muscles around the eyes drawing wrinkles and crows feet? They are N AT l H E’8 DAN G K li 8IGNA L8. Only when sight is gone is the terrible danger realized It «H*st so little to help the the eye* If done in time I can give them early help, loiter I have to refer the work to ooculiste, I evitmine the ayes in the most intelligent and careful manner and without charge If glasses are needed I can supply the correct lenses mounted in any manner desired. I 8.8M KPIWKD Jeweler and Optician,