The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 05, 1899, Image 8

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    Uoaal Daws.
Get your eye* on f> Gasteyera new
• 0
Cba*. Gasteycr made a business trip
to Omaha hiiiI Nebraska City Mondat
Charley Giow la now clerking In Mr.
Gasteycr'* store.
For millet seed eall before
it is all gone, T. M. Reed.
Mrs. Johanna Cltman has again moved
to town and will open n restaurant at
her old stand.
.Mr Thompson, of the lirm of Miller
und Thompson of Litchfield, was in the
city yesterday.
We have just finished printing the
bar dockets for the May teiin of district
court width will convene next Tuesday,
Joseph McCoy hud the misfortune to
sprain Ida knee last Tuesday night to
•uch an extent that he Imd to stop work
stock, Field and Garden seeds
at Watkinson’s.
The I- M. L. A. Lodge of this city
Initiated Mr. II. Boeckner, Mr. und Mr#.
J. M. Taylor, and Mrs. If. Dolling, Mon*
day night last.
Supervisor Becbthold has commenced
the construction of the wing dam at the
new bridge. He hopes to have It com
pleted before the contractors heglr. the
C, C. Bow man, the restaurant keeper
at the Porter Block has chipped his
goods to Colorado, and will follow in a
few days with his family.
T. II. Eisner und Alfred Chambers
were each granled a license Tuesday to
sell malt splritous and any other kind
of tanglefoot the people want. What
will you have?
“Little cold*’ neglected costs thous
ands of deaths yearly. People who have
used Dr. Sawyer's Wild Cherry and Tar,
ecomend It even for consumption,—
For sale by Odendahl Bro’s.
Don’t forget to attend the public
school meeting at the Baptist church
next Wednesday evening. The
board desires your opinion as to the
plan to be selected.
Go to the Kacket store and examine
the plana on exhibition for a new school
house and be prepared next Wednesday
evening to say which you prefer, One
Is for a six mom, and one for a four
room building.
Mr. K I,. Arthur, the B & M. station
agent who has been located at Ashton,
for several years, was installed as agent
at this place Tuesday, to supersede Mr.
A F. Wtrts. We have not yet learned
where Mr Werts will go but under
stand he is preparing to leave soon
Miss Kate Moon hag just received the
largest invoiceof spring millinery goods
ever brought to Ibis city. Her store is
a veritable tlowergarden. All the ladles
who wish a new fresh stock to select
from should call on Miss Moon before
Andy Gray came in to exchange Ideas
with ye editors last Monday. He
brought to town with him the scalps of
18 wolves which he captured lagt week,
lie caught eleven of them in one den.
Mr. Gray will receive #1.00 a piece for
the scalps from the county and $1.00
per head from the state us bounty.
Look oyer our “Announcement Caid”
column and then if jou have an an
nouncement to make in our next issue
be sure to get It in the hands of the
printer by Wednesday of each week.
Of course we will handle it, if possible,
if it Is handed in later, but to Insure
publication do not lx; later than Wed
We look for a laige concourse of peo
ple In the city May 9, the date of the
big Campbell Bro’s, elreus. The ad
vanced billing says the street patade
w ill take place at 10 o’clock in the morn
lug. The afternoon performance will
begin at %o’clc ck, but the doors will be
open at 1 o'clock to enable an inspec
tion of the menageries. Free balloon
ascension at 1 o'clock p, m.
I wa» reading an advertisement of
(.'bambcrlein'* folic, (Jhotora and |»ar
rhoee Keiuedy in the Worcester Enter
l>rlM* recently, which lead* me to write
lhl«. I cun truthfully *»y I never u*ed
any remedy equal to It for colie and
diarrhoea. I have never had to me
mure than one or t*u to cure the
worat ea.e with inyaelf or children
\\ A HTttuL'U, I'opouioke City, Md
For aale by Odendahl Hro’»,
Mia. J. K. Ileury closed a very auc
ceatful term of achiml in iltatrn-t 7 | ,.t
Friday, and an entertaiumeiit given by
Mra. Henry and her |>u|dl* «aa one i.|
the closing feature*. Mr Ileury and
Mr Kd hu*|>|' and Ml.* lluehla hm>|.i«
hrotheran>l»l*lerof l|ta. Ileury ».ot
do«U to * itur>* the riming eaer.i*. .
and enjoyed the ho.|dlailly of Mr and
Mia. tie# Vewberg oyer night return
ln| li» at looming
Thiavicinity *a> fortunate in being
out »lde the cjclone hell U.t tiunday
Heavy UaiMi are reported from all over
lire *1 ate The ap|H»*|va calm that ore
vailed here ah*>ut 8 oMocii, and the
lira** dutty a< no>.idiere waa the moti
of tornado*. y around u* aud the
mud Which Wa» |>rect|dl4te.i elm ||H,
rain came from the air hem* U!|. I be
dirt brown In to It by the heavy *ur
IMHMflHg . tor to. and gathered hy the
dlo|te of lain Nt t itag like | * iity.)
• Unwed here before and tew reaiued
•k* ••lut iiue from «* ho h II came
Vet* lew fataittic. ate rv|'<aini hot
a large amount nf live etwee a a. loaned
hi |»ral»ie Mre. being ivryt mi taiddlv
before lh« vtorm that they nai l »<>|
rw«|i* IlK llvtbv*
.lames Gray. of Clear Creek, was a
mong the pleasant callers this week.
The Becfathold Bros lost a valuable
horse Tuesday night, which is a very
heavy !o*s for the boys
A Second hand refrigerator
for sale at Watkinson’s.
E.Smith, Presiding Elder of Kearney,
held Quarterly meeting service* at the
M E. Church Sat unlay and Monday.
It was decided last Wednesday to send
Miss Inn Taylor to the detention hos
pital at Norfolk, for medical treatment.
Complete line of new and up
to-date Carpet Samples, at T
M Heed’s
Three red yearling* eligible to regia
tiy Bred and raised ami for sale by—
Hamit!i. M<'Cmcll*n, North Loup,Neb
Grandma McDonald slipped ami fell
the other day while going out the door
and ijultc severelly hurt herself. She is
getting along very well, although she
is quite old.
House Cleaning Is Here
to to Watkinsons and ‘ '
Samples now in.
If you hnvfl urinary troubles or pain
in (he hack, indicating kidney disorders
if there be « general loan of energy, we
salt yon in all fairness to use Dr. Saw
yer's Uk aline, Thousands bear evidence
to the fact that It cure*. For sale by
Odendabl Bro’s.
T. II. Eisner moved his saloon fixtures
and goods Into his new building one
floor west of the Racket Store last Tues
day evening. He now has one of the
best and most conveniently arranged
saloon buildings ever built in the city.
No constipated person can look his
or her best or feel perfectly well. For
that Inactive liver and oonstipatlon try
I)r. Sawyer's Little Wide Awake Pills,
and tiny will cure you. for sale by
Oden da hi Pro's.
A terrible black looking cloud In ‘he
west tilled our citizens with terror last
Tuesday evening but after a heavy wind
storm with the air tilled with dust It
passed off. A cold wdve and gentle
rain followed.
out your new carpet.
Tiii* new Village board organized
Tuesday by electing J. 1’hil Jaeger
Mayor,and 0 If Glbaon clerk. Marry
Jenner was retained in bid old position
as water commissioner. The appoint
meat of street commissioner wa* laid
over to next meeting, May 18th.
Campbell Bros. circus will be here
Tuesday May ft, for two performance*,
they promise a marked improvement
andu lot of new and good things. Mr.
Virg Campbell who lias heralded this
big .amusement enterprise for many
years arrived here Tuesday with their
advertising car and a score of bill pos
ters bringing announcements of won
ders more gorgeous tliau we have ever
before known Me is billing most lav
ishly for liis purpose ar.d must have be
hind him a capital show.
The people were thoroughly scared
la-t Monday Hbout 1, o’clock by the
ringing of the tire bell and the cry that
the hardware store of E. S, Maj burst
was on Urn. The lire department prompt
ly responded and in 1} minutes from the
first tap of the bell a line of hose was
laid and the nozzle in place ready for
business, and In 2 minutes the second
line was laid and the water ready to be
turned on. But fortunately it was not
needed, as the tire wa* gotten under con
trol by a few timely pails of water
w hich were at baud and well applied for
h few minutes. The lire, when Urstdi -
covered had nearly consumed a coat, be
longing to A. Brchthold, Mr. May hurst’
clerk, that was hanging against the rear
partition wail and had burnt a hole
through the celled partition and was
rappidly making its way up th 1 wall be
tween the stU'ts and outside also. It wras
discovered just in the nick of time to
prevent its getting a headway The
only theory given, as to how it started
was that, possible, there had been a
spaik dropped front Mr. Bechtholds
pipe while he was coming from dinner
and was not noticed, and alter hanging
the coat up i1 »et the tire. The lire
i hoy a are deserving of great praise for
tin-alacrity wltti which they responded
> to the alarm of lire, and had ft been
i necessary their work would have pruv
ed theireilleleaoy.
»l>rru.!« 1 lk« Miullitv
Yo iI'iMi't kwp it iMiik down.
triM'U Urn Wlii-ii linn*.
«(« III*' li#M" lll**y lu-COIt IQ "Iti«* bf*)
“••limit." Abrilmu lliri*. #
•IruggiM, u( UnllvilUi Ohio wrltf*
“Klrrtrk’ lUltrr* «rv Mu* i«-»| *flliny
bitter* I Itav* ever ImihIIoiI Iii my ju
I'm t*|»»rl»in*" You know why>
Mini illi* ant 'h'ijiu In ill«orili‘r» ol
MnittQctlQ, liter. kMlirV*, ImwrU, tiliim)
•ini u*r»f». Khiiiw litii«-i* tun « u|i
U|’ »lumnil*. leg'iUtr* ilvr, kill**i
•ml imwei», i*iirtH<** llio biou-l, •iri uniu
••ii* Mm o*r«m, Ii»hi'* linn muItii««•!«'•
i*f iitiUiiii'* It huihl* u|i Ii«<* mill**
• )*lrui l‘ul« iirw I Iff mill trig**! lulu
•ii w‘»*k. *tikljr. ruu i'uwu huh hi
*mMn Only .’hi .-via* Hu hi In o.let*
tlthl tiro** (iruggim*. gtouiiifril
• * •
M.*u*« l«« I ,»>■•!
My * lit* iii* iioi) ( u*im1mmI«iu>“ r*iu
li*im |nr It)** >> >i* 4i 14iit with tM *i relief,
j mol I I'M WlHHfHil II MW • pl*|*i||i| Hut
. iii*i>t lor themu*)i*«» *M*I other h<o*«< •
Ifll i(*f tor • hlt-h *• h *»• Itiitit I M * *1
imI.i' M 1 i l * i i k H 11 i* . k S \
Mr. I'vtlfil* toif *•( ih** l*«>liug ***•*
I I 1*4*11* it Mil* It *|» Ml>l UN* *1 II*
ou‘*i |iiioMUHitii Him In iln* it* Innt
W M |‘||II * IH » tilui Mu’ll i i**i |l«*
*14 Im» *•!*' b) O-Wni'*M Mm i
IlALL—SMTDEB—At Orand Junction,
Col.,on April 24, 1809. Mr Morgan Hall
of Snipe*, Colorado, and Mia* Mattie
Snyder of Loup City, Nebraska, were
joined in the holy bond* of wedlock,
Mias Snyder is one of our respected
young ladies arid has lived In Sherman
county most of her life. .She graduated
In the high school of Loup City some
years ago and has since been one of
Sherman county's leading Instructors
She went to Colorado about a year ago
to engage in educational work. Mr.
Hull la a ranchman of Colorado. The
Mournwkstkkn Joins the many friends
of Miss Mattie In extending congratula
We are sorry lo note that the
Burlington railroad have transferred
our old agent, Mr. K. L Arthur, to
Loup City but we are glad to see
that the company appreciates the
services of Mr. Arthur. He bid iih
farewell Tuesday and Mrs. Arthur
will follow on Wednesday. During
their atay in our little city both have
made hosts of friends, who, while
they hate to aee them go, still can
not but wish them all manner of
success in their new home.
Mr. Leon Jezewski and family ar
rived Monday evening. Mr. Jezew
ski will go into business here as a
blacksmith. We are always willing
to say WKLOOMK to an)' new
K. W. Hchaupp had another un
fortunate account befall him. Tues
day he ran a nail into bis fo< t
which it is feared will lay Fred up
for a week.
Dr. 8. Howard ‘‘railed” it to Far
well and back on Wednesday.
Thos. damn g is having bis bouse
covered with a new coat of paint.
Jacob Macicjewski boarded the
Burlington train for St. Paul on Wed
We failed to learn who is to suc
ceed Mr. Arthur as B & M agent at
this place.
The state hank examiner was here
Thursday and reports having found
eveiythiog in a battering condition.
Dunker has on elegant gard
en of which he is justly proud.
Size 8 x 10.
We hear that Andrew ParstKa has
purchased an interest in the saloon
here, which he intends to run in
partnership with Ignac Nowicki.
I. C. IT.
AT M. K i Hl'Kf fl.
A public meeting will be held on Friday
evening in the M. E. Church when addresses
will be delivered by Kev. IJ K Kodabaugh of
Ravenna. Bev. II. H. Mile,*., of Litchfield and
Itcv W. E. Matthews. Subject: 'Christian
Missions." Special pieces will be rendered by
ihe choir. Eevrybody Invited.
Sunday May 7th at 10:80 Kloral services
will be held at the M. E. Church when a epee
lul sermon will be preached by the pastor.
Evening services at 8. Subject: "What Cod
says about owning our own homes.
The rresbyterlans will hold their meetings
In Peterson’s Hall at 10:80 a. in. Sunday
School at ll:3o a. rn.
Christian Endeavor meeting held every
1’uesday evening. All are cordially invited to
attend these meetings.
Rev.C. Lepellak. of Omaha will preach for
the Presbyterians May 7th, at 10:30 a. m.
Nest Sunday there will be German Evan
gelical service at Kelso and on Sunday, May
15th at Loup City In the morning and at
Ashton in the afternoon
Auu. Jenbhich. Pastor
On April 30th at the Uaptist Church I In
tend to begin a series of sermons relating to
inspiration of the blble, prophecy and the
coining Kingdom Meetings to be held every
Sunday morning at 10:80.
J. M. Snyibs.
A Spider Web Social will lie held In Wat
klu sous ballon May 5th 10 cents will admit
you. There will be music, games, and a
general good time. Cakes and fruits will tie
There will tie a public and eItl/en* meet
ing held at the llaptlst Church next Wednes
day evening at s o'clock for the purpose
of considering aid I ns true ting the school
imard In the matter of building a new hr! k
school bouse There are two wt of plans to
select from one for a building with four clan*
rooms and a reading room from Mr. Hicks
of Omaha, and one for a building with all
cl was room* from Air. Wheeler of Chicago
These plans are now ou exhibition at the
Racket store with C F Johnson school direct,
or All Interested should attend tills meet*
Attorney bihI Notary I'ultlla
I'ublUlier l^tcrCirr Nokiumuimu)
Fisher & Benschoter,
Real Estate Agents,
Town Lota, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated
Mr. Joseph,
Kansas Oily,
Mt. Louis,
anil all points
Hast and South.
Malt Lake City.
Man Francisco,
and all (mints
No, M Passenger..7:65 a. in
No (to Freight.•*'.on p. m.
No. 51 Passenger .4:16 p.m.
No. 50 Freight...Ili.Vut. in.
Bleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets
sold and baggage chucked to any point in
the United Stales or Canada.
For Intorrnnlion, inaps, time tallies and
Qckets call on or write to A. F. Worts
Agent. Or J. FKANOIs, Uon'I. Passenger
Agent, Oinulia, Nebraska,
No. hit leaves daily except Monday (pass
enger). 7:30 a. in.
No. MM leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 2:05 p. in.
No. 00 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Malurday, (mixed) 8:30 |j. in.
No H7 arri <cm dully except Monday (mixed)
11 45 a. m
No. (6 arrives dally except Munday (pass
enger) 7.05 p. m.
First class service and close connections
east, west and south.
W, D. CLIFTON, Agent.
Du,«Iaimt’s Condition Powders, are
just whut a horse needs when In bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge They are not food but med
icine and the best In use to .put a horse
in prime condition, Price 25 cents per
package. For sale by Odendahl Bro’s,
In 1888 my wife went East and was
attacked with rheumatism. She receiv
ed no relief until she ti led Chamberlains
Fain Kalin. Since that time we have
never been Without it. We find >t gives
instant relief In ease# of burns and
scald# and is never falling for all rheu
matic and neuralgic pains.—l). 0.
Khant, Santa Ynez, Cal. For sale by
Odenduh! Bro's.
Tetter, HaU-lllieuin ami Kczeiua
The intense itching andsmarting inci
dent to these diseases, is Instantly allay
ed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and
Skin Ointment. Alany very bad c ses
have been permanently cured by it- It
is equally •llleient fur itching piles and
a favorite remedy for sore nipple#
chapped hands, chilblains, frost bite#
and chronic sore eyes. 25cts. per box.
For sale byOdendabl Bro's.
Mlll'uns Given Away.
It h certainly gratifying to tbe public
to know of one concern in the land who
are not afraid to be generou# to the
needy- and suffering. The proprietor#
of Or. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds, have given
away over ten million trial bottle# of
this great medicine; and have the satis
faction of knowing It lias absolutely
cured thousands of hopeless eases. Asth
ma, Brouchitas, Ilogrsenot.# and all di
seases of Throat, Chest and Lungs are
surely cured by it, Ca!) on Odendshl
Bro's liruggiot*, ami get a free trial bot
tle. Regular size 50c. and 8100. Every
bottle guaranteed, or price refunded.
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone NB41o| a sketch and description may
quickly aa< ertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. (onnnunlca
• strictly confidential.
Handbook on Patents
tent free. Oldest agency for aeourtntr patentt.
Patents taken through Muim St Co. receive
9prcial notice, without charge, In the
Scientific American.
A bnninnmclr Ilium rat oil wpnklr.
dilation <>( any acientlflR journal,
jear: four months, f L Sold by all newsdealer*.
1.a reoiit etr
Ternu, A3 a
MUNN & Co.36,Broad-^ New York
liraucb Office. R25 P Ht„ Washington, D. C.
Restores VITAUTi
'AND manhood
Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and
wasting diseases, all effects of self
abuse, or excess am! indis
cretion. A nerve tonic anil
liluod builder. Urines the
’pink plow to pale cheeks and
restores the fire of youth
|Hy mail ftOo per box. <1 loo <-s
I tor witli a written )fil.irail>
tMtooun* or rct'uiKt the morn •>.
Send for circular. Addreaa,
Clinton A Jackson Sts., CHICAGO,
Loup i 'tty, Nebr
“A Show of duality,
One of Merit.” Will be at
Campbell Bros.
Colossal Railroad Shows
Triple Circus, Rare Menagerie,
Strange Museum and Hippodrome.
Free Grapd F3aloor) Aseer)
Finest, Brightest up-to-date Exhibitions
Positively and Emphatically
f attire show for season of ’99
Modest in promise, lavish in its performances, always honest
in its announcements, it is the very acme of perfection,
presenting at all times twice as much as advertised
and producing preformances never before seen
and which cannot be duplicated by any oth
er show no matter how great or small.
Wonderful Outside* Free* Kxliihition Dully
on tin* show gruuinl*.
I*. \l, Don Its OTKX AN lloi'lt
Positive to Appear on Day and Dale Anonnced.
Ghnap Gxoursions oq all R R's